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Annaliese OuYang

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Jack Nassau

Jack Nassau

Kate Packard

Congratulations, Annaliese! So proud of you! Love you with all our hearts! Always cheering you on through your impressive journey! Go forth fulflling your dreams! Love, Dad, Mom, Mikey, Johnny, both sets of Grandparents, entire Adaniel and OuYang extended families!


Jordan Pa

Congratulations, Kate!! Wow! We are so proud of you! You have taken on challenges with courage and grace and we are amazed by your accomplishments. Dream big — you can do anything!


Mom, Dad, Elizabeth Lincoln & Truman

Kat Paradise

We could not be more proud of you, Jordan! You have truly made the most of your time at Dartmouth, and we cannot wait to see what amazing things you do next!!!

We love you, M, D & A

Dear Kat, Congratulations on all of your accomplishments!! We’re all so proud of you!!


Mom, Dad & Anna

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