1 minute read
Sean Mannion
Julia Martin
Congratulations Sean! Soaring to new heights! We love you and are so proud of your graduation and accomplishments! With love from Mom, Dad, Caley, Lily, Macey and Natalie.
Jack McCooey
Congratulations Julia!

You are a treasure. You have given us boundless joy from the day you were born. We know that you will continue to accomplish all you set out to achieve.
We love you!
Mom, Dad, John and Alex
McKenzie Shaphnah
Jack, you bring us endless joy and immense pride because of who you are and how you have chosen to live with dignity and humility. Step fearlessly into the world, knowing that you are loved completely and without measure.

The Lord has brought you this far. We give all praise and honor to him in whose hands are the souls of all mankind and the life of all living. We are proud of you! a great milestone accomplished.