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Clubs and Associations


Dido revived: The final chapter
by Ianthe Roper
Last autumn saw two performances of Purcell’s ‘Dido and Aeneas’ in Niort and Parthenay. This was the culmination of two years’ work by the Deux Sèvres Chamber Choir, in partnership with the Festin d’Alexandre baroque orchestra, professional soloists, and dancers, to put on a fully staged, costumed production of this most English of operas. At that time COVID rules were changing daily, or even hourly, so we didn’t know until the very last minute whether the performances could go ahead or not and, if so, whether we would have to sing in masks. In the event, we were able to sing unmasked to sell-out audiences in both venues. Buoyed by this success, three more performances are planned for this year. The first, on September 10th, is in the Salles d’Armes at the Chateau d’Oiron. Anyone who has visited the chateau will know what an extraordinary setting this is: very little extra stage décor will be needed. Further performances are scheduled for 1st October at Cérizay, and 2nd October at Celles sur Belle. These performances will be the last for this production. It has been an incredible experience, of which the choir and our many collaborators can be proud. But co-ordinating a cast of nearly 50 singers, musicians and dancers, both amateur and professional, is a mammoth task that has only been achieved thanks to hours of voluntary effort – and perhaps a few sleepless nights! So don’t miss the opportunity to see the show. It has something for everyone: contemporary references and humorous touches (watch out for the cuddly toy), and French traditional music and dance that blend seamlessly with Purcell’s wonderful music. Our aim is to make ‘Dido and Aeneas’ as accessible as possible to audiences who are not necessarily opera-goers. Chateau d’Oiron: Performance 10th September at 8pm in the Salle d’Armes. For reservations telephone 07 86 88 52 57 Cérizay: Performance 1st October at 8.30pm at La Griotte (reservation details will be published in the DSM October diary). Celles sur Belle: Performance 2nd October at 5pm in the Salle des Fêtes. For reservations telephone 05 49 32 92 28
Tai Chi – myths & truths!
Many people are often intrigued when they see people performing the (mostly) slow, gentle exercises known as Tai Chi …aka Taiji. Unfortunately, there exist some myths which deserve to be unveiled !
Taiji is thousands of years old.
Although based on Chinese martial arts founded in antiquity, historical research places the birth of Taiji firmly in the 1600's. In fact it was created in Chen village, in Northern China by a Ming dynasty General : Chen Wang Ting.
Taiji is always practised very slowly and very softly.
However, there always exists the possibility for some faster and more vigorous movements. Chen style Taiji is based on the philosophy of the natural exchange of yin & yang … the complimentary opposites which continuously transform into each other in a harmonious manner.
Taiji is too difficult to do.
Taiji practice is suitable for all from age 8 to 80 plus! By simply modifying the depth of the postures and the degree of vigour in the movements, it is suitable for most people.
Taiji can relieve stress and promote good health and aid relaxation
Happily, this isn't a myth !

Terry with his long term teacher, the famous Grand Master Wang Haijun.
Why not try some Taiji ? Just 'drop-in' to a class… it is relaxing, low impact and, other than comfortable clothing, needs no special equipment.
Weekly classes will restart in September :

Mon evening in Bressuire 19th Sep at 7:30 pm Wed afternoon at Le Breuil Barret 21st Sep at 3 pm