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Our Furry Friends
Big boy MOTUS cross boxer and ? Our big boy with big heart MOTUS is going to be out of pound 20th August, so when this advert is published we will know much more about him as he will have been microchipped, tested and new pictures So please contact us to up to date information. If you would like more information on him, please contact us on 09 77 48 71 43 or email: asso.orfee@laposte.net
Siret n° 508 517 455 000 12
The Assocation Orfée tel: 09 77 48 71 43 or by email: asso.orfee@laposte.net www.facebook.com/OrfeeInEnglish/
Mimi is an adorable and sociable three year old collie x who is great in the house and car, loves other dogs and people but who finds cats and chickens too exciting for words. (We think she’s trainable with both in time). Currently in foster in dept 16, Mimi would suit an active family for adventures and cuddles, and with an enclosed garden for zoomies. Association : W792005754
The Association En Route tel: 07 69 18 56 81 or by email: henri@assoenroute.com Visit the website: www.assoenroute.com
Hope Association Charity Shops - Helping animals in need www.hopeassoc.org
Please check the website for shop opening hours as they are subject to change and/or temporary closure due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Hope 16
Confolens Hope 79 Sauzé-Vaussais Hope 87 Eymoutiers
51 route de Confolens La Tulette, 16500 Ansac-sur-Vienne shopsixteen 4hope@gmail.com 2 Route de Vauthion 79190 Sauzé-Vaussais
shopseventynine 4hope@gmail.com 2 rue de la Vieille Tour 87120 Eymoutiers
shopeightyseven 4hope@gmail.com
N RNA W792002789 If you are involved with an animal charity, or association, and would like to advertise an animal for adoption here (usually free of charge) or write a short article on your charity, why not drop us a line at
Cuddly girl - 2 years old. OUNA arrived at the association as a baby with her brothers, she grew up in the cattery where she was not able to blossom at her best. She has recently been fostered and is showing all her potential as a sweet and cuddly kitty. She is very calm, not at all adventurous (she will stay close to her home) and VERY greedy. OUNA would prefer not to share with other cats or dogs. A small garden will be a plus for her development. Now you know everything about her, so don’t hesitate to come and meet her in her foster home, who will be delighted to introduce her to you.
www.association-galia.fr email : assogalia85@gmail.com (in English or French) Chemin des Perchées, 85200 Fontenay le Comte SIRET : 508 517 455 000 12
Whiskey & Bailey
Whiskey and Bailey are our newest arrivals, very sweet little brother and sister. They are tested negative for FIV and FelV and will be getting identified and vaccinated very soon. They are ready for reservation. Visit them and all our other rescued cats and kittens on Wednesdays 11am-4pm at The Funny Farm Cat Rescue.
Association W793001884
Le Grand Beaupuits, 79200, Saint-Germain-de-Longue-Chaume Association number W793001884. www.facebook.com/The-Funny-Farm-Cat-Rescue Email: thefunnyfarmrescue@gmail.com
LEILA is a stunning tri-coloured female, born Jan 2014. She arrived here with 7 new-born babies. Happily, all the kittens were adopted and now Leila needs a home. She is slowly starting to interact and play as she learns to trust again, but it will take time, patience, and kindness. Can you give beautiful Leila what she needs - a kind home and somewhere she can spend the rest of her life feeling loved? (Leila is sterilised, vaccinated, and id-chipped).