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Courtesy Photo Kurt Kinbacher, a CSC proffesor bikes across a wooden bridge during the across country roadtrip.


Courtesy Photo FROM LEFT: Jace Demeranville, 21, senior of Scottsbluff, Mary Clai Jones, associate proffessor and Kurt Kinbacher, proffessor, during a stop along their 3,000 mile long trip across the U.S. at the Cowboy Trail Recreation Area in Nebraska.

CSC student and faculty complete cycling trip

u By Kamryn Kozisek

Staff Editor

After completing an over 3,000-mile cross-country bike trip, CSC student Jace Demeranville, 21, senior of Scottsbluff and faculty, Mary Clai Jones, associate professor, Kurt Kinbacher, professor and Marcus Jones, assistant professor returned back to Chadron to start the Fall semester.

The group traveled from Chadron to Washington D.C., took a train from D.C. to Seattle, then biked from Seattle back to Chadron.

The “Speed Goats,” as they referred to themselves, spent the Spring 2022 semester planning the trek.

“I tried my best to prepare, but nothing I did was enough,” Demeranville said. “I tried a ride and workout schedule, that fell through. The first week is what really prepared me for the rest of the trip.”

The journey began not long after the end of the Spring 2022 semester and ended in late July.

“If I was to change anything, it’d probably be adding more stops,” Demeranville said. “Not to rest, but to just see stuff. I could have stayed in Seattle forever; Iowa City probably deserved a day.

Demeranville is planning on doing similar trips in the coming years.

“I probably won’t find myself doing a coast-tocoast trip for a while,” Demeranville said. “That’s because I would like to ride from Canada to Mexico. There are different trips in store for me.”

He advises anyone attempting a similar trip to “just do it”.

“Tiding and embracing what happens is part of the adventure, and I love a good adventure,” Demeranville said.

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