9 minute read
As We See It Opinion
From the Editor’s desk
We’re not as stupid as you think we are
In TV shows and movies, there’s always a stereotype that surrounds young adults. They’re seen as the less-than-professional ones that no one takes seriously or the kid that everyone laughs at.
Ryan from The Office is a prime example.
Before his rise to the top (and inevitable fall), he was known as the temp that no one took seriously or treated with respect. He didn’t have any real responsibilities and was in the show for purely comedic reasons.
Another example is how Peter Parker is portrayed in the Avenger’s movies. He’s known as “the kid” that makes nerdy references and witty one-liners that makes the older characters roll their eyes. At one point in Avengers: Infinity War, Tony tells him that “the adults are talking.” He isn’t portrayed as a character that has risked his life to save New York, he’s not treated like a hero unless it’s his own movie.
But why is it that young adults are portrayed that way in the first place? Maybe it’s because that’s just the way young adults are treated in the real world.
When ‘real adults’ view young people, they think of a tall version of a child that has no idea what they are doing. We are in no way prepared for being adults and the only way to help us get there is to patronize us as much as possible.
After all, that’s what the generations before did to their young people. That same ideology continues when we enter the workforce.
Instantly, we’re told that the lack of trust and respect we receive from our older coworkers is just part of the process and in order to succeed we have to pay our dues.
But why is that necessary?
Why must I be treated like I’m not valued because I’m a young adult? Shouldn’t you want to help me succeed and carry on the legacy you leave behind by continuing to teach me rather than lowering my self-esteem?
Isn’t that how the world keeps progressing?
So, to the ‘real adults’ that might be reading this: we’re not as stupid as you think we are. You don’t have to talk down to us when it
comes to work or the world. Trust me, we’re equipped for living. We understand that the world isn’t a very wonderful place to be right now. It’s full of war, social discourse, and debt. Those things have been made abundantly clear to us. You tell us every time you flip the switch and treat us like adults because the burden of Aubrie Lawrence fixing this ramshackle planet now lays on our shoulders. We also understand that being an adult and having a job can be hard sometimes. Life sucks, but rather than putting us down and destroying the excitement we had about joining a career and our future like the generations before you did, you can help lift us up and build our careers. Take a chance on us and watch the great things we do with just an ounce of confidence. I promise you it’ll be worth it. The world doesn’t have to be as tough as you claim it is. We’ve got enough on our plates, don’t you think respect is one thing you can give us?
As You Said It!
We asked: What was the best part of your summer?
Liz McCarty 19, sophomore, Ralston Earl Johnson Jr 23, junior, Dallas, Texas Kiersten Luce 19, sophomore, Cheyenne, Wyoming
“The best part was getting a tattoo.” “The best part of my summer was really learning and figuring out who I am and what I can offer to my community that I live in.” “Going to the Omaha Zoo and I got to pet sting rays.” Madison Briglin 17, freshman, Colorado Springs, Colorado
“Traveling, making new friends, and adventure. I went to Mexico for a wedding.” Brant Fullmer 19, freshman, Torrington, Wyoming
“Going to Cabo with my family, we went fishing and shopping and looked around the town.”
Eagle the
Giving voice to Chadron State College students since 1920
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As We See It
Opinion You might not know yet, that’s OK
By Velvet Jessen
Opinion Editor
Teachers ask tough questions in class and sometimes you’re going to get them wrong.
Sometimes the questions are things that they have covered in class but other times the questions aren’t necessarily something that’s easy to nd in a textbook or something you even learned.
So why does it feel so embarrassing when you guess the answer wrong?
I think as a society we too often expect for people to have an opinion or knowledge on things they were never taught or told about.
In classes it feels like you can’t just say ‘I don’t know’ when a teacher calls on you but (unless it was part of a reading you skipped) it should be ok.
When you allow yourself to admit you don’t know then you can start to learn without any preconcieved ideas in your head that can make learning or accepting something new hard to do.
Saying I don’t know should be a normal thing in classes, you’re there to learn. Just pay attention to how the teacher answers after you do and take good notes.
You’ll know next time.
It’s not a big deal to be wrong when you’re trying your best. As long as it’s not comically bad, none of your classmates will remember you getting it wrong. ey were probably too busy taking notes, because odds are they didn’t know either. Most of them will just be happy to remember it by the time it shows up on the test.
Learning doesn’t stop outside of the class and neither should the ability to humble yourself and listen to other people’s opinions.
It feels like too often people are afraid to be wrong or admit that their opinion could use some reshaping.
So instead of listening to different points of view they pick an opinion - that they probably formed far too early in the conversation - and choose to die on that hill.
I’m not saying that sometimes opinions can’t be easy to form.
If somebody told you about Ted Bundy and said he was a bad guy who killed a bunch of girls, the immediate and correct opinion should be: Ted Bundy is a bad person and those women didn’t deserve to die. It’s not a situation where there is any doubt about whats right or wrong.
However, most situations deserve to be given a little more thought. Life isn’t made up of black and white situations. Otherwise the opinion pages wouldn’t be half as important.
Doing your own research is always the best thing to do but the issue is a lot of people don’t bother to. Unfortunately, some people choose to form the only opinion they will have on a matter after listening to one person.
Unless that one person they heard from is an unbiased news article or a rst hand account, they’re just limiting their own knowledge on the subject. Before you form an opinion its important to nd and listen to both sides of the argument so you can be well informed when you form your opinion.
And even after you’ve done your research its okay to change your opinion if new information comes out. Opinions should change over time as you grow, otherwise our favorite past times would still be playing with barbies and hot wheels.
No matter how informed you think you are, its important to keep an open mind any time you talk to someone.
You never know what you might learn if you just say I don’t know or I’m not sure.
It might feel a little embarassing at rst but once you get used to it I think you’ll nd yourself more knowledgable and well rounded in any conversation.
Plus you might win an argument or two and who doesn’t like doing that every once in a while.
Velvet Jessen
Campus ministries promote fun rst
By Adeline Beason
As I moved into school this year, I noticed the all-too-familiar campus ministry groups recruiting new students. Chi Alpha, Newman House, Revive, and other clubs have a huge presence at Chadron State College because they provide a sense of community and friendship to freshmen.
It works! e vast majority of students, myself included, are involved in a campus ministry group.
Yet, as I continue going to meetgreets and weekly dinners, I wonder if that’s all there is.
I wonder if games and movie nights and tting in are more important than growing in faith. I wonder if the fear of missing out is the real reason why so many of us are going to church and participating in Christian clubs.
It certainly looks good on a college resume, but what do we gain spiritually?
A few nights ago, I went to dinner with some friends who had worked at summer church camps for kids. One friend mentioned that there was a lot of focus on making sure kids were having fun and playing games rather than learning about faith.
It struck me that things are no di erent at CSC- possibly beyond. I have seen so many Sunday barbecues where churchgoers looked bored in church only to jump at the chance for music and food afterward. As a person of faith, it deeply saddens me that this is the reality of modern Christians and that I am guilty of it myself.
Obviously, these clubs are intended to help students grow in their religion. ey are popular because students are interested in learning and becoming better Christians.
“e issue arises when the intent of the clubs is put in the backseat in favor of social activities and fun.
At rst it may seem like there is no solution to this problem. It is easy to fall under the in uence of the crowd, especially in a welcoming environment. However, I encourage those of you involved in a campus ministry club to consider why you joined, your personal, spiritual goals and how you can use club resources for their intended purpose. Be aware of the events you attend and whether or not they will bene t you in your faith; Ask yourself what there is to gain in a backyard party versus a serious Bible study. Take advantage of the opportunities CSC’s religious groups have to offer and don’t let the chance to learn pass you by.

Adeline Beason