11 minute read
Ag & Range
Photo courtesy USDA A flock of chickens stand in a barn. Laying hen populations in Nebraksa have decreased.
HPAI found in twelve flocks in Nebraska
u By Kamryn Kozisek
Ag & Range Editor
Nebraska has lowered its egg production by 25% this year alone, ending with 113 million eggs produced. This shortage has been blamed on an highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak that occurred earlier this year.
The disease ended in a loss of 1.3 million laying hens in the state with a total of 6 million chickens dead from Avian Influenza.
Dropping the population of laying hens from 6.48 million down to 8.19 million.
Unlike previous years, in the holiday season, egg demand has dropped this year, most likely to blame are the high egg prices.
According to the United States Agriculture Service (USDA), egg prices are double what they were going into the holiday season last year.
As of Oct. 20, there are cases of HPAI in commercial flocks in Butler, Knox, Dixon and York counties.
There have been twelve cases of HPAI in the state of Nebraska since the early outbreak last year.
Avian influenza cases have been continuing since last March with the first commercial flock case occurring March 22 in a flock of 570,000 broilers.
The most recent case, in York county is a flock of 33,500 gamebirds. Following the diagnosis of the disease the flock was depopulated and disposed of. A 6.2 mile quarantine zone was also established.
Only one backyard flock within Dawes county was effected, protocols were followed to depopulate the flock.
According to the CDC, in order to stop the spread of HPAI, flocks should have limited access to wildlife, access to the flock should be restricted and extra cleaning measures may need to be implemented.

CSC Wildlife Club hosts special speaker
u By Whitley Reder
The Wildlife Club reached out to Emily Munter, U.S. Fish and WildlifeBiologist, in the Rangeland Complex on Nov. 15, to educate the club about career opportunities in wildlife conservation over Zoom.
The mission of the US Fish and Wildlife Service is to work with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.
Munter’s presentation was delayed by 20 minutes due to technical audio issues. Munter, on the other hand, delivered an informative message to the club.
Munter, a CSC alumni, is a Habitat Restoration Biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Kenai, Alaska. The North Platte River, which ran through her childhood home, inspired her passion for Fish and Wildlife.
“When an opportunity comes knocking, don’t be afraid to take risks, you might be surprised,” Munter said.
Munter explained how hard work and perseverance will help you land your dream job. Munter, for instance “hugging brown bears.”
LEFT: Jaxton, played by Brayden Schuelke, freshman of Rapid City, South Dakota practices yoga during The Thanksgiving Play rehearsal, Tuesday in the Black Box Theatre. RIGHT: Jaxton, played by Brayden Schuelke, freshman of Rapid City, South Dakota, acts out a scene while Caden, played by Levi O’Dell a senior of Piedmont, South Dakota covers his dummies’ eyes and looks at him apalled during The Thanksgiving Play theatre in the Black Box theatre.

TOP: Alicia, played by Izzy Ashley a sophomore of Rapid City, South Dakota holds her bags after arriving on ‘the set’ of The Thanksgiving Play, during rehearsal, Tuesday in the Black Box Theatre.
LEFT: Caden, played by Levi O’Dell, senior of Piedmont, South Dakota holds up a fake turkey while rehearsing a fake Thanksgiving dinner during rehersal of The Thanksgiving Play, Tuesday in the Black Box theatre.
Photos and review by Kamryn Kozisek, Staff Editor
“The Thanksgiving Play” is nothing short of the perfect comedy, offending every one possible and making sure the audience leaves with a laugh.
While the set in the Black Box Theatre is nothing short of amazing, bringing the warmth, you can’t help but remember from your elementary school classroom, the energy is anything but.
As you walk in and sit down you will be greeted with upbeat background music and bright colored walls and floors, give it ten minutes you will be squirming in your seat.
This play is tackling some big issues, everything from racism to veganism, sexual ity and gender and everything in between.
It is one of those plays that makes you laugh, while looking around to see if every one else is too.
We open with yoga and one stressed teacher, from the language you can already tell that the idea of being woke is the punchline of every joke.
Logan, played by Olivia Freeze, junior of Bridgeport seems to be the star of the show. Logan is a teacher that is about to be fired, hired to put on a play about Thanks giving for elementary schoolers.
Logan hires Jaxton, played by Brayden Schuelke, freshman of Rapid City, South Dakota, a street performer as a cheap actor.
The pair attempt to write a play, that offends no one and is focused on Native American Heritage Month, but as non-natives.
They are joined by a history professor, Caden, played by Levi O’Dell, senior of Piedmont, South Dakota and aspiring actress Alicia, played by Izzy Ashley, sopho more of Rapid City, South Dakota.
The play is very different from past CSC performances, while there are only four actors each one is so different, I have no doubt you could make a play about each of them.
In a way there is no box required for the characters in this show, everyone is doing their own thing. The best part of the entire show is that well there really isn’t much for character growth.
Sure we see Logan become more accepting of Alicia as she is and Jaxton is criti cized a bit but overall, all characters leave just as they entered.
We see music stylings that are so unlike other plays, the actors are singing as chil dren would during scene changes. The cast does a great job, doing exactly the oppo site of what they would usually do during musical numbers, sing functionally.
The facial expressions of every actor are beautifully done, they fit the characters well and are not overacted.
There is something so striking about a play meant to teach you something and that something is nothing.
Now I do believe that there is a warning at hand, if you can’t handle being uncom fortable then you better be prepared.
Nothing is safe and no ones is safe. Be prepared to confront things you never thought you would.
Photos and review by Kamryn Kozisek, Staff Editor
“The Thanksgiving Play” is nothing short of the perfect comedy, offending everyone possible and making sure the audience leaves with a laugh.
While the set in the Black Box Theatre is nothing short of amazing, bringing the warmth, you can’t help but remember from your elementary school classroom, the
As you walk in and sit down you will be greeted with upbeat background music and bright colored walls and floors, give it ten minutes you will be squirming in
This play is tackling some big issues, everything from racism to veganism, sexuality and gender and everything in between.
It is one of those plays that makes you laugh, while looking around to see if every-
We open with yoga and one stressed teacher, from the language you can already tell that the idea of being woke is the punchline of every joke.
Logan, played by Olivia Freeze, junior of Bridgeport seems to be the star of the show. Logan is a teacher that is about to be fired, hired to put on a play about Thanksgiving for elementary schoolers.
Logan hires Jaxton, played by Brayden Schuelke, freshman of Rapid City, South Dakota, a street performer as a cheap actor.
The pair attempt to write a play, that offends no one and is focused on Native American Heritage Month, but as non-natives.
They are joined by a history professor, Caden, played by Levi O’Dell, senior of Piedmont, South Dakota and aspiring actress Alicia, played by Izzy Ashley, sophomore of Rapid City, South Dakota.
The play is very different from past CSC performances, while there are only four actors each one is so different, I have no doubt you could make a play about each of
In a way there is no box required for the characters in this show, everyone is doing their own thing. The best part of the entire show is that well there really isn’t much
Sure we see Logan become more accepting of Alicia as she is and Jaxton is criticized a bit but overall, all characters leave just as they entered.
We see music stylings that are so unlike other plays, the actors are singing as children would during scene changes. The cast does a great job, doing exactly the opposite of what they would usually do during musical numbers, sing functionally.
The facial expressions of every actor are beautifully done, they fit the characters well and are not overacted.
There is something so striking about a play meant to teach you something and that
Now I do believe that there is a warning at hand, if you can’t handle being uncomfortable then you better be prepared.
Nothing is safe and no ones is safe. Be prepared to confront things you never Jaxton, played by Brayden Schuelke, freshman of Rapid City, South Dakota gets ready to argue after a comment from Logan, played by Olivia Freeze, junior of Bridgeport during The Thanksgiving Play rehersal in the Black Box theatre.

10 Nov. 17, 2022 | The Eagle | csceagle.com Comics
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Dummy Roping fun

Photo by Kayden Singpiel A CSC student ropes the practice dummy at the RLA and Pre-Vet Dummy Roping event Tuesday.

“Morbius:” an action movie almost t for the history books
By Chase Vialpando
What do Orsen Welles’ “Citizen Kane”, Francis Ford Coppola’s “ e Godfather”, and Michael Curtiz’s “Casablanca” have in common? One: they stand as immortal gems of American lm. Two: they all mimic a fraction of the cinematographic masterpiece that is “Morbius”.
Directed by Daniel Espinosa, Morbius follows the titular vampiric character of Doctor Michael Morbius, portrayed expertly by the objectively-best actor in recent or distant history- Jared Leto.
‘Leto truly taps into his monstrous side by gazing melancholically o into the distance mid-sentence and maintaining a beard so clean you’d swear it was drawn on via sharpie marker. Not to mention his trademark superhero physique, which suggests a rigorous workout routine of pleiades and a strict diet of kale and acorns.
Morbius su ers from a rare blood disorder that leaves him frail and weak. But because this is a movie based on a Spider-Man villain, it’s only a matter of time before he becomes endowed with amazing powers. Fortunately for us viewers, we get to wait nearly half an hour into the movie for this to happen, building tasteful suspense.
At the start of the lm, we’re introduced to Morbius and his surrogate brother, Milo (Matt Smith). Well, Morbius nicknames him Milo upon their meeting and it seems to become legally-binding for the rest of his life. ey share the same terminal blood disorder and as Morbius grows up, he becomes a brilliant geneticist striving to cure himself and Milo.
Years later, Morbius invents a cure splicing bat DNA with humans’ and sets out to test it on himself aboard a boat in international waters, for some important yet vague reason.
And, because there must be at least one violent feeding scene in every vampire movie, a swarm of nameless mercenaries join Morbius and his assistant on the trip.
Once injected with the serum, Morbius loses his physical weaknesses as well as his control. He murders all the mercenaries and sucks them dry like juice boxes, all without spilling a drop of blood.
You see, the movie is rated PG-13 so it can’t show gore, which is perfect. Blood scares me. Obviously, the ideal vampire, or even monster movie wouldn’t show stu like that. Who would expect or want that? Morbius gains a handle on his sanity and realizes he needs to drink blood every few hours or his disease returns. Luckily, he’d previously invented synthetic blood he can consume. is way, us viewers don’t think Morbius is a bad guy for drinking people. Personally, I hate it when monsters and villains are bad guys. But Morbius knows the blood substitute won’t satisfy him for long.
I don’t want to spoil anything, but another character with a rare blood disorder that’s close to Morbius decides he doesn’t want to die and injects himself with the vampire cure, leading to obvious strife with the titular anti-hero. e drama throughout this lm is so strong it could be lit on re.
Because movies based on comic books must have mostly CGI climax ghts, Morbius engages in an epic showdown poets will cite for centuries to come. Of course, it was probably epic, you can’t see much through a confusing blurry of digital bats and shadows.