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Ag & Range
Photo by Kamryn Kozisek
A wild turkey stands with teh rest of its flock next to the road near the Cliffs hiking area, Sept. 2.

Chadron State Park BioBlitz
SEPT. 9 & 10 Nebraska Game and Parks surveys upland habitat
u By Kamryn Kozisek
Ag and Range Editor
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission recently surveyed for upland game bird hunting habitat.
The commission noted a 36% increase in pheastan population this July.
While pheasant habiatat is spread out, the habitat in Eastern Nebraska is harder to find and more isolated.
Prairie chickens and sharptailed grouse are opening this fall as well.
Northern bobwhite popualtions also saw an incrase this winter. Hunters should look into bobwhite management areas for best hunting.
Drought and dry conditions have effected the amount of cover that is avaliable for grassland bird in the area.
This will effect easy of hunting for species like prairire chickens and grouse that rely on cover.
Areas with more cover will be better suited for hunting.
“Surveys conducted earlier this summer looked more promising this year, but variable habitat conditions may pose challenges to hunters this fall due to the increasingly dry conditions that have prevailed throughout much of the state,” stated John Laux, upland game program manager for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission in a press release.
Nebraska also warns hunters that they should adhere to all rules and regulations.
Hunters need to remain on marked and opened roads, not driving veichles off-raod.
To avoid fires all veichles should be parked only over short vegetation, not tall vegetation.
Campfires are currently restriced to help prevent wildfires. Hunters should adhere to those regulations and avoid any having fires in windy weather.
Hunters can find more information on the Nebraska Game and Parks website.