1 minute read
Steve Léon Brown
from The Earth Issue 001
Photography has always been the most natural way to express myself, allowing me to communicate visually, and share, the things I find interesting. For ten years I have been making imagery, cataloguing my development as an artist, piecing together a visual archive of my consciousness. It takes time to narrow down what it is you want to discover and document.
For me at the age of twenty-eight, my interests lie in learning how we as human-beings adapt to our fast-paced society. How we construct and alter our increasingly precious landscape. We now live in a predominantly constructed environment; overpopulation, climate change, technology - these are all driving forces of our present situation. How we live, what we create, things we alter - these subsequently change the fragile system of creation itself. The growing conflict between nature and humans is my starting point when beginning a project; I hold great compassion for our fragile environment but at the same time I’m captivated by human alteration and progress. I combine this interest with the physical act of travel in order to realise the project, whether by foot or by bicycle.
For me, the journey is the key - it is only through exploration that you can truly connect to your environment; it molds my concept from the start. It’s during this process of exploring, stopping, looking, sitting that my series of images develops and begins to fall into a coherent idea, adding a deeply personal sense of achievement. My future projects will be realised along the idea of environment and journey, in the hope of bringing to light thoughtprovoking places, images & stories.