Emily Peek EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Jala Davis MANAGING EDITOR Breanna Sapp COPY EDITOR Olivia Magistro C R E AT I V E D I R E C T O R Audrey Milks PRODUCTION MANAGER Nia Cruz A S S I S TA N T P R O D U C T I O N M A N A G E R Halie Miller VISUAL ARTS EDITOR Jaylin Roberts A S S I S TA N T V I S UA L A R T S E D I T O R Sheridan Lycett GRAPHIC DESIGNER Cherie Speller DIRECTOR OF STUDENT MEDIA Annah Howell M U LT I M E D I A & P R O D U C T I O N A D V I S E R Tim Davis ADVERTISING & MARKETING A D M I N I S T R AT O R Candy Griffin A D M I N I S T R AT I V E S U P P O R T A S S O C I AT E Anchors Away is copyrighted 2023 by Anchors Away Magazine of East Carolina University, Greenville, N.C. It is printed by Morgan Printers. Anchors Away is operated by ECU students who are members of Pirate Media 1, an East Carolina University student-led organization operating under the auspices of the Student Media Board and through the Division of Student Affairs. The magazine is produced once a year by ECU students for the East Carolina University community. Opinions expressed herein are those of the student writers and editors and DO NOT reflect those of the faculty, staff, administration of ECU, Student Media Board nor the University of North Carolina System. Partial funding for this publication is provided through Student Fee Funds. Advertisements fund the remaining cost. Advertising inquiries may be sent to Office of Student Media, Mendenhall, G51, Mail Stop 406 or by calling the Business Office at 252-328-9245. Inquiries concerning content should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief of the Print Division at editor@theeastcarolinian.com. All students are allowed to have one free copy of this publication. Additional copies cost $1 each and are available at the Office of Student Media. Unauthorized removal of additional copies from a distribution site will constitute theft under state law, a misdemeanor offense punishable by a fine and/or jail time.
Graduating Pirates, You did it! Your hard work these past four years has finally paid off. All of those late nights spent in Joyner Library, and those early mornings spent rushing to class have all led up to this moment you’re graduating! After a year and a summer of being your Editorin-Chief, it is with a bittersweet heart that I write my final letter from the editor for Pirate Media 1. While I prepare to join the rest of the 2023 graduating class in Dowdy Ficklen Stadium soon, I have been reflecting on my time spent here. I hope you flip through these pages and are able to reminisce on a past memory, as this publication is meant to serve as a time capsule of the past four years. That way, in 20 years time, you will feel nothing but nostalgia when you rediscover this edition of Anchors Away. So, Pirates, give yourself a pat on the back. Zip up your purple gown and get ready to throw your hook in the air one last time. Congrats, grads! Emily Peek
Table of
Cover Photos by: Halie Miller Models: Alonzo Phillips and Allure Smith
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Congratulatory Letters
Graduate Names
Congratulatory Ads
Major World Events
An Online Rewind
So, What Next?
A Look Back
Class of 2023 Wrapped
A Letter to Freshman Me
Letter from Dr. Philip Rogers East Carolina University is a special place. That’s why I returned two years ago to serve as chancellor. It’s a place where friendships are made and ideas become reality. Each year we send thousands of new ECU alumni into the world to carry out ECU’s motto, to serve. You have been a part of a vast network of students, faculty, staff, alumni and community partners who work tirelessly to improve the lives of those in eastern North Carolina and across our state. I’ve seen you support veterans through a unique dental program, pilot programs to help patients of Parkinson’s disease, persevere through a pandemic, discover pieces of history in sunken shipwrecks, build businesses through entrepreneurship, embrace the world through study abroad programs and use technology to discover new ways to construct buildings or help the environment. The work and research taking place at this university change lives for the better and you have been a part of it every step of the way. From volunteer hours, clinical experiences, class projects and research experiences, you have learned while you’ve served. Now it’s time for you to take those experiences and carry on ECU’s spirit wherever you land. I believe your time here has prepared you well for the next part of your journey. I am grateful for the talented faculty and staff who put student success first. Remember those who have helped you along the way and do your best to pay it forward by making the world a little bit better wherever you go. Your time, talents and treasure have been a benefit to ECU while you’ve been here, and we hope you will consider continuing to support the university, its programs and ECU Athletics as you’re able. Congratulations, graduates! This is an exciting time in your lives, and it’s been an honor to witness your contributions to East Carolina University. I can’t wait to see what you do in the world. As you move on, my hope is that ECU and Greenville will continue to be a special place in your heart. Know that you are always welcome home. Once a Pirate, always a Pirate! Dr. Philip Rogers Chancellor East Carolina University 4
Spring 2023
Letter from Dr. Lynn Roeder Dear Seniors of East Carolina University: Graduation marks the end of one journey and the beginning of another. Your future is in your hands and unlimited opportunities await you. You may find leaving East Carolina University to be difficult, as the university has been a place of comfort and security that has helped to shape you into the person you are today. Much of your time spent at ECU has helped to prepare you for the real world and now it is time to move forward to face new challenges in your life. Moving on to something new is never easy; it requires facing risks and enduring obstacles. I strongly encourage you to take that next step, because your best days lay before you! As you embark on your career, I wish to offer some words of advice. Follow your passion and work hard at whatever it is you decide to do. Be patient, as finding your dream job may take some time. Never be afraid to try and fail, because meaningful learning often comes through our own mistakes. Success is not measured by a title or how much money you make; success is measured by the willing contributions you make to society and the positive impact you have on other people. Be fearless and make every day count! Congratulations on your accomplishments and enjoy your new phase in your life! Wishing you the best of success, Lynn M. Roeder, PhD Associate Vice Chancellor Dean of Students East Carolina University
Anchors Away
Letter from Dr. Brandon Frye Dear ECU Graduates,
We now live in a world where everything we knew to be “normal” has I am just starting my journey here at changed and “normal” just doesn’t East Carolina University, joining Pirate seem to have the same meaning anyNation in February, and you are now more. The road you have in front of ready to set sail and leave campus pre- you is wide open and ECU helped pared to accomplish great things. give you the opportunities you need to go down that road, change direcDuring your years at ECU, you have tions, adapt to new environments likely had to overcome many chal- and then be successful. lenges, twists and turns – well beyond normal barriers facing college students The pandemic occurred while you such as homework, sleep deprivation, were in college, but don’t let that be a internships and going to every class negative defining mark on your coland lab needed for you to graduate. legiate experience when you think back to your time at East Carolina Many of you graduating this year University. You chose to join Pirate started at ECU in 2019, but you saw Nation and we are thrilled you are firsthand how a global pandem- part of our family and so proud of ic can impact a college experience. all that you have and will accomCOVID-19 did a lot of horrible plish. things in our world but enduring it has also equipped you with many Think about friends you made from tools you will need to be successful your days in the residence halls and in post-graduation. the classroom who will now become lifelong friends. During the last two and a half years here are some of the new tools you And most of all think about your deprobably have in your toolbox as you gree – the one you worked so hard to enter the workforce: earn from this great institution. We want you to go out and change the You quickly learned how to adapt to a world and inspire positive change and completely new learning environment, serve in your community. transitioning to and from a virtual world. You learned the importance of We want you to come back and visit us friendships, personal connections and for homecoming, a football or baseball relationships with family, faculty/staff, game, or just come back and visit your roommates, and your fellow Pirates. professors, alumni and mentors. You faced adversity across the board. All students struggled but you en- Best wishes, dured, persisted and succeeded. Dr. Brandon Frye 6
Spring 2023
Letter from Ryan Bonnett Graduates, Congratulations on your graduation from East Carolina University! Graduating college is a momentous achievement and it marks the end of an era and the start of a new chapter in your life. College life is never easy, but the past few years have been particularly trying. It has taken countless late nights, early mornings, a lot of coffee, some late-night cry sessions in between, and some choice words they probably wouldn’t appreciate me including. But looking back, it obviously wasn’t for nothing. Take a moment for yourself and all the sacrifices you made because you did it. We have all been through some unprecedented times that will surely be remembered for generations to come, and I think it’s safe to say that we have taken it in stride. Despite these challenges, we have persevered and come out stronger on the other side. The resilience and determination that has been required of us have helped us overcome these obstacles and reach new heights. This is what college is all about - growth and development on so many levels. It is a place where we learn not only in the classroom but also about ourselves and all that we are capable of. I have no doubt that each and every one of you has a unique story to tell about the challenges you have faced and the growth that has come from those experiences. It is this growth that has prepared us for the next phase of our lives and will help us to continue to grow and develop in the future. The lessons learned and relationships made here will carry us as far as we let them. We have formed strong connections and relationships with our classmates, professors, and the larger East Carolina community. These connections are a testament to the power of community and the importance of relationships. All the times we spent cheering on our Pirates at so many sporting events, singing our hearts out at concerts, exploring Greenville, and just enjoying the company of our friends. We have made memories here that will last a lifetime and created a community that will always hold a special place in our hearts. As you go off to whatever path lies next, I only ask one thing of you: always seek adventure, as any good Pirate would. Don’t settle for the average. Be on the lookout for the thing that excites you most and chase after it. It has been my honor to serve as your Student Body President and I hope that your college experience was full of growth, passion, and adventure. Loyal and Bold, Ryan C. Bonnett Student Body President
Anchors Away
Spring 2023 Graduates
*Provided by ECU’s Office of Registrar. Reflects graduate applications as of Feb. 4, 2023.
Abbate, Brianna N. Abbels, Alayna G. Abdelfatah, Youssef Abdel-hadi, Adam M. Abernathy, Mary K. Abioro, Elizabeth M. Abrams, Kaitlin N. Abu Khalaf, Noorhan B. Abu Samhan, Leen Lynn H. Abulabda, Malak I. Acero Molina, Andres Leonardo L. Ackerman, Holly L. Adame Gachuz, Gabriela Adamkowski, Alyssa M. Adams, Calvin A. Adams, Carrie l. Adams, Jarvis C. Adams, J’niya K. Adams, Joshua L. Adams, Payton L. Adams, Stacey l. Adelman, James E. Adeniji, Kayode N. Adenola, Victoria M. Adkins, Logan C. Agan, Emilie A. Agron, Gabriella S. Aguayo, Kaylyn R. Akers, Darrin L. Akers, Quynh N. Akyaz, Amber M. Alala, Maitland R. Alamari, Shaima S. Alamari, Shehab Alashmely, Ahmed N. Alawar, Adonis A. Albert, Joshua C. Alexander, Casey J. Alexander, De’Vonte D.
Alexander, Elizabeth C. Alexander, Kimberly Alexander, Lanazja D. Alexander, Madison S. Alford, Alyssa L. Alford, Stephanie P. Algaradi, Mazen N. Allatif, Neveen Allen, Amber J. Allen, Joshua H. Allen, Ryley A. Allen, Tara Y. Allen, Victoria G. Alligood, Linda Allison, Brandilyn E. Almomani, Sma H. Alonso, Jocelyn Alonso-Castro, Michelle Alsayegh, Hind Alston, Briana V. Altizer, Jennifer R. Alva Torres, Naihelhly N. Alvarado, Gabriel A. Alvarez, Karina M. Alvarez, Lucero Alves, Johnathon Alzahrani, Ayman A. Amadi, Alexis C. Amato, Annalisa Amato, Chelsea R. Amend, Emily A. Amigo, Alexander T. Amu, Elisabeth Anderson, Alexandria Anderson, Alexis B. Anderson, Anthony M. Anderson, Bradley P. Anderson, Bridget A. Anderson, Chase A. Anderson, Christian L. Anderson, Katherine L.
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Anderson, Lea Anderson, Micah L. Andrade-Urioso, Miguel A. Andrews, Ieshia T. Andrews, Lestina Z. Andrews, Zachary V. Andriuolo, Ashley Angel, Kylie D. Anglin, Shane O. Antar, Marwa Anthony, Ashley A. Anthony, Jeffrey J. Antoun, Virgina M. Ao, Bo Apgar, Regina M. Apperson, Anna E. Archer, Hannah Arden, Katherine M. Arefyeva, Ilza Arensdorf, Ashley N. Armstrong, Anna M. Armstrong, Brandon E. Armstrong, Jalisha Q. Armstrong, Lauren K. Armstrong, Raven Armstrong, Zachary S. Arneja, Hannah J. Arteaga, Josue I. Asbell, Ava G. Ash, Brooke M. Ashley, Amanda E. Ashworth, Shannon M. Asonye, Amechi A. Ataya, Zena S. Athey, Johanna E. Atkins, Wesley B. Atkinson, Hannah M. Atkinson, Jack D. Atkinson, Jordan A. Attalla, Abanoub S. Atwell, Samuel H.
Spring 2023
Augherton, Kamri R. Augustinovic, Antonija Austin, Katie E. Austin, Madison C. Austin, Zoe M. Autry, McKenzie G. Avant, Ashlee R. Avella, Brandon J. Averette, Spencer B. Axelson, Analiese S. Backes, Madeline J. Bacon, Charli M. Baez, Naomi Y. Bahulekar, Dhanashree R. Baile, Jamison G. Bailey, Andrea L. Bailey, Elizabeth R. Bailey, Morgan T. Bailey, Steven A. Bain, Aaron M. Baines, Randi Bair, Deanna E. Baires, Jonathan C. Baity, Mason P. Baker, Ajala D. Baker, Amy Baker, Caroline C. Baker, Charles A. Baker, Jordyn L. Baker, Ruth A. Baldauff, Alexander R. Balderson, Caroline P. Bales, Amber H. Balestrieri, Kassondra W. Ball, David G. Ball, Helen Grace M. Ballard, Haven E. Ballard, Peter J. Banaszynski, Matthew Banville, Morgan C.
Barakat, Saleh Barbour, Crystal L. Barefoot, Fallon M. Barfield, Kathryn T. Barker, Christopher S. Barker, Samantha B. Barnard, Caroline E. Barnes, Alyssa N. Barnes, Arianna I. Barnes, Brooke A. Barnes, Hailey N. Barnes, Jada N. Barnes, John A. Barnes, Michael D. Barnes, Rebecca L. Barnes, Taylor C. Barnett, Trenton J. Barnette, Jordan B. Barnhart, Joanne M. Barnhart, Matthew S. Barnhill, Dekeerah M. Barnhill, Robert K. Barnhill, Terrance L. Barr, Payton R. Barrett, Lillian R. Barringer, Robert L. Barrow, Phillip M. Barth, Maya S. Bartholomew, Jamie R. Bartholomew, Victoria C. Bartlett, Melissa S. Bartlett, Stephanie Barton, Michael V. Bartram, Jessica A. Barwick, Emily D. Basden, Tyler G. Baskerville, Sarah E. Bass, Kendall L. Batchelor, Jenna C. Batton, Paula M. Batts, Mackena N.
Batts, Nathaniel R. Baucom, Jordan T. Baukema, Abby R. Bavis, Nathan S. Baxa, Katherine A. Baxter, Connolly D. Baxter, Seth T. Bayyari, Bahia M. Beaman, Abigail M. Beamon, Jake L. Beasley, Olivia J. Beaston, Carty A. Beaty, Michael C. Beavans, Anna L. Beaver, Kirstan Beck, Michael E. Beck, Wendi D. Becker, Laura A. Beckwith, Sydney L. Beddard, Thomas K. Beebe, Katja J. Beebe, Tyler R. Beeby, Savannah D. Belay, Alayit Belcher, Heather A. Belcher, Wesley A. Belfield, Tiffani L. Bell, Aaron G. Bell, Audrey Bell, Cassandra L. Bell, Donnie C. Bell, Dustin B. Bell, Elizabeth B. Bell, Jacob N. Bell, Jacqueline E. Bell, Kaleigh J. Bell, Linwood S. Bell, Lorie C. Bell, Micayla T. Bell, Stephanie B. Belttari, Bryn E. Bembridge, Cierra D. Benfield, Matthew E. Bennion, Ronald Benson, Jessica A. Benson, Noah M. Beringer, Kaitlyn P. Bernard, Donovan E. Berry, Lauren G. Berry, Myles V. Berry, Peyton M. Berthold, Catherine L.
Bess, Ashley B. Bessette, Kevin J. Best, Mia M. Bethea, Kennedi M. Beverly, Justice B. Bewick, Jacquelyn M. Bhagat, Nikhil S. Bhatt, Hardev N. Bhatt, Pusp R. Bhatti, Hamza O. Biagini, Maya Biddy, Christopher J. Bidwell, Jessica S. Bier, Rebecca L. Biggers, Haley M. Bikomba, Gefryde B. Bille, Madison P. Bischoff, Madison L. Biser, Natalia G. Bissette, Jeffrey S. Bittiker, Ronald L. Bjerk, Christopher Bjornson, Logan F. Black, Grace R. Black, Mickala T. Black, William R. Blackburn, Megan R. Blackburn, Reagan M. Blackley, Eleni R. Blackwell, Alyssa D. Blackwell, Jamison L. Blair, Anthony J. Blair, Austen M. Blair, Levi Q. Blake, Ester M. Blake, Taylor A. Blalock, Areaonia A. Blalock, Savannah G. Blanchard, Charles A. Blanco, Caridad Bland, Laurel A. Blankenship, Jacob Blankenship, Jessica Blanks, Jalen D. Blanton, Dylan M. Blanton, Tanner R. Blasko, Katherine M. Bloodworth, Kymel Blount, Matthew G. Bluford, Jada Blumhardt, Jackson W. Blunt, Hannah K.
Boatman, Marina N. Boatwright, Logan M. Bobbitt, Lari L. Bode, Madison G. Bogenschutz, Tiffany Boggiano, Jenna M. Boles, Olivia J. Bolick, Andrew M. Boling, Melanie D. Bolster, Koren J. Bonfiglio, Jamie S. Bonilla, Ever J. Bonilla, Megan A. Bonnett, Ryan C. Boone, Emma W. Boone, Joyce T. Boonsasivimol, Visarut Booth, Charles E. Booth, George B. Boswell, Nathaniel S. Botello, Victoria Bottoms, Olivia G. Boudreaux, Samuel G. Bouk, Jesse A. Boulia, Carter M. Bourbeau, Jocelyn G. Bourgeois, Melissa P. Bowden, Cecilia M. Bowden, Rose E. Bowen, Austin C. Bowen, Emmalee D. Bowen, Haley M. Bowen, Shayden D. Bowman, Brandon D. Bowman, Joshua B. Bowman, Parker A. Bowser, Derwin J. Boyd, Abbey L. Boyd, Alexis M. Boyd, Mallorie P. Boyd, Sarah A. Boyd, Siearia M. Boyer, Sofia A. Boyette, Elizabeth K. Boynton, Daniel Bozik, Jake J. Brackett, Samantha W. Bradbury, Thomas Bradford, Christa C. Bradley, Emma R. Bradley, Sara C. Bradshaw, Isaiah C.
Anchors Away
Bradshaw, Nichole R. Bradsher, Isabel G. Bragg, Anna Brame, Caleb C. Branch, John C. Brandt, Samantha K. Brannon, Matthew C. Brantley, Mackenzie C. Branton, Jessica L. Braswell, Quinton D. Bratton, Chelsea B. Breeden, Chase A. Breinholt, Raven C. Brent, Kendra R. Brew, Liam E. Bridges, Ronnie K. Bridgland, Stephanie A. Bridgwater, Madeleine R. Briggs, Jada S. Briles, Haley C. Briles, Shannon N. Brinkley, Jenna M. Brinkley, Rachel W. Brinson, Anthony B. Brinson, Hailey M. Brinson, Victoria R. Britt, Emily J. Britt, Lyndsay B. Broadus, Preston I. Broadway, Clayton P. Broadway, Evan T. Brocato, Courtney Brockington, Destiny M. Broder, Jason T. Broder, Natalie S. Brogden, Justin Bromberg, Sedona R. Bromley, Ellie S. Brooks, Cheree D. Brooks, Christopher Brooks, Ethan J. Brooks, Gillian L. Brooks, Mallory E. Brotherton, Michaela D. Broughton, Julia H. Brown, Abigail F. Brown, Anry T. Brown, Ashley O. Brown, Ashton G. Brown, Benjamin A. Brown, Brianna F.
Brown, Courtney L. Brown, Emily A. Brown, Evan G. Brown, Freedom B. Brown, Holly A. Brown, Jaiduh S. Brown, Jayden S. Brown, Jenny A. Brown, Kelsey N. Brown, Landon W. Brown, Madylon S. Brown, Nicolas S. Brown, Paulisha V. Brown, Seyla A. Brown, Taye W. Brown, Taylor D. Brown, Taylor M. Brown, Wesley C. Brownell, Clarence E. Browning, Elizabeth A. Bruner, Kelly E. Brunetti, Kaily M. Bruno, Robert J. Brutus, Annmarie J. Bryan, Matthew W. Bryant, Carol A. Bryant, Konswela M. Bryant, Lauren A. Bryant, Lindsey D. Bryant, Shamaya T. Bryce, Amber C. Bryie, Natalie L. Brzezinski, Sophia R. Buchanan, Olivia A. Buchino, Michael X. Budasoff, Adam J. Budney, Jazmin C. Buffkin, Carrie W. Buie, Asia S. Bullard, Connor D. Bullard, Meredith C. Bullard, Neil R. Bullock, Anessa Bullock, Hannah N. Bullock, Jayla M. Bullock, Kade A. Bullock, Tonya L. Bulluck, Travis L. Bumgardner, Brian C. Bumgarner, Justin E. Buna, Sara Bunnell, Anne E.
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c Buonopane, Clarissa J. Burcak, Anja Burda, Nicholas J. Burgess, Ronda J. Burgess, Tyson V. Burgess, William C. Burgfechtel, Brooke L. Burke, Lauren N. Burleson, Bradley J. Burlingame, Vincent M. Burnham, Megan T. Burns, Josie G. Burrell, Brooke M. Burrell, Jasmin Burris, Brandon M. Burroughs, Casey L. Burrow, Lauren E. Burrus, Brianna N. Burton, Bailey M. Burton, Ethan T. Burton, Tamira D. Bush, Samuel M. Butler, Amina A. Butler, Brittany A. Butler, Grace L. Butler, Molly A. Butler, Peyton E. Butler-Johnston, Leeya M. Butner, Mya G. Button, Alexander J. Butzine, Connor C. Byars, Chesney S. Byrd, Christopher R. Byrd, Kiara Cabacar, Allie N. Cable, Lilly L. Cabrera, Justin J. Cabreza, Pamela Chloe A. Cahill, Elaine Calderon-Campos, Randy Calhoun, Noah W. Calixto-Benitez, Adamari Callahan, Cameron B. Callahan, Edward M. Callahan, Maeve Callicutt, Rikki Calvo, Johnatan D. Camacho Davis, Liliana
I. Camelio, Kristen S. Cameron, Kenzie L. Cameron, Talia M. Cammuso, Amanda R. Camp, Erica B. Campbell, Beth Campbell, Christyn M. Campbell, Connor W. Campbell, Cooper L. Campbell, Eboni J. Campbell, Grace E. Campbell, Morgan B. Campbell, Natalie T. Campbell, Tasia M. Canada, Madeline F. Canady, Curtisia C. Canary, Andrea N. Canora, Matthew J. Cappelletti, Kristie L. Caputo, Samantha J. Carawan, Morgan D. Cardosi, Marissa A. Carey, Mariah L. Carias-Romero, Carmen C. Carmichael, Jennifer B. Carmon, Briana J. Carmon, Shyheem L. Carnes, Erica M. Carney, Matthew R. Carolino, Connor J. Carpenter, Eliana I. Carper, Ashley W. Carr, Gracie A. Carr, Jaclyn H. Carraway, Marinda P. Carrell, Timothy J. Carriere, Joseph J. Carrillo Corujo, Nina M. Carrington, Veronica A. Carroll, Alexis Carroll, Samuel L. Carruba, Carly M. Carson, Kathryn A. Carswell, Heather L. Carter, Bradford J. Carter, Cassie W. Carter, Christopher K. Carter, Janiy’ah L. Carter, Kayla D.
Carter, Kristin R. Carter, Lucas A. Carter, Nonde S. Cartrette, Jordan V. Cartrette, Katelin R. Caruz, Virgilio V. Carver, Blake D. Carver, Georgia J. Carver, Sarah C. Carver, Zackery D. Cary, Jessica P. Casady, Megann J. Casalaspro, Kelsey M. Casali, Hayley V. Casas, Jannet L. Case, Colby J. Casella, Mark A. Cash, Logan D. Cash, Sarah E. Caskey, Justine N. Casper, Allison P. Castelloe, Stephanie L. Castillo, Gary D. Castillo, Kimberly N. Castillo, O’kannawa Cataldo, Nicole R. Cato, Colton C. Caudill, Jeremiah J. Causey, Nicholas I. Cavallero, Michael L. Cavanaugh, Daniel S. Cavazos, Brendan G. Cavuoto, Thomas Cecala, Kyle R. Cerna Carias, Joselin Chadwick, Richard H. Challenor, Kayla Chambers, Abigail I. Chambers, Braxton R. Chambers, Mikayla Y. Champion, Elizabeth C. Champion, Kenna L. Chan, Elizabeth W. Chance, Mattie E. Chandler, Crawford W. Chapepa, Patrick Chapman, Andrew K. Chappell, Benjamin J. Chartier, Corita Chavez Hernandez, Diana Chavez, Gisselle
Spring 2023
Cheek, Andrea B. Cheek, Andrew B. Cheek, Jackson A. Cheek, Joshua Cheever, Jack H. Cheney, Lorisa A. Cherry, Ashley S. Cherry, Janel S. Cherup, Michael A. Chesnutt, Lauren A. Chesson, Ty’ron M. Chester, Christian L. Chilcott, Gabriel Chini, David J. Chism, Cathy Chisolm, Timarah C. Chludzinski, Rachel B. Christenbury, Grace M. Christensen, Timothy W. Christie, Victoria G. Chubata, Nataliia Chukala, Christopher G. Church, Madisynn V. Church, Taylor E. Cicchella, Josephine V. Cisneros, Gibely E. Ciuca, Angela M. Clapton, Peyton R. Clark, Alexander S. Clark, Brooke A. Clark, Hunter J. Clark, Justin M. Clark, Kyle L. Clark, Nikalia M. Clark, Samaria N. Clark, William A. Clarke, Morais E. Clary, Kara A. Clavijo, Abigail N. Clawges, Catherine B. Clayton, Abbey D. Clayton, Brynne A. Cleggett, Brianna N. Clements, Destiny J. Clemons, Hayven R. Clifford, Carolyne E. Clinton, Jameson C. Clinton, Margaret D. Clonts, Kayla N. Close, Austin T. Clough, Shannon B. Cobb, Lindsay W.
Cobb, Megan Coddington, Bradley R. Cody, Mackenzie A. Coffey, AnneMarie D. Coffman, Edward J. Coggins, Seth D. Cohen, Taylor M. Coil, Benjamin C. Colant, Eliza M. Colborn, Catherine N. Colborn, Sarah A. Colby, Mairead O. Cole, Ashley M. Cole, Emma J. Cole, Trevor R. Coley, Myaaja L. Colican, Stephen C. Collier, Brinkley N. Collier, Liam C. Collins, Catherine M. Collins, Hannah N. Collins, Katherine L. Collins, Megin C. Collins, Zachary Colon, Denise Coltrane, Kashayia D. Columbus, Latonjia M. Coman, Jacob D. Combs, Douglas G. Comer, Nicholas W. Cone, Bridget A. Conrad, Kathryn G. Constant, Kyleen M. Convery, Miranda M. Cook, Ashleigh D. Cook, Kyle M. Cook, Morgan E. Cooper, Gillian R. Cooper, Jordan L. Cooper, Katelyn M. Cooper, Robbin T. Cooper, Taylor M. Cope, Alyssa J. Copeland, Jessica D. Copper, Terrance T. Corbin, Ian R. Cordero-Cisnero, Nellyana Corea, Kate M. Corman, Kara M. Cornelius, Robin Cornell, Allison G.
Cortazar, Wallace R. Cortes Rosas, Maryjoe Cortes, Brendan W. Costa, Chase Costa, Hannah G. Costantino, Michaela M. Coston, Jeshon Cote, Mia T. Cotto, Daniella M. Cottrell, Nicholas T. Coudriet, Montgomery L. Couillard, Samuel E. Couse, Alison M. Couse, Kelly A. Cowan, Briannah S. Cowan, Charles W. Cowand, Sydney B. Coward, Sarah W. Cowden, Ian R. Cowell, Adriana R. Cox, Ashley T. Cox, Brett F. Cox, Courtney A. Cox, Isabel B. Cox, Kamryn E. Cox, Krystal Cox, Meredith A. Cox, Stephanie H. Cracchiolo, Matthew R. Craft, Madison G. Crandall, Lindsey F. Cranford, Jennifer F. Cranford, Madison P. Crawley, Nakaya C. Creef, Garrett F. Crespo, Alejandro D. Crews, Caitlyn S. Crist, Cassidy J. Crittenden, Grayson P. Croom, Tyler M. Crooms, Reyna A. Cropper, Dasani Cross, Hunter G. Crosson, Dana L. Crouse, Amber N. Crow, Rachel M. Crowe, Reagan B. Crowley, Liam T. Crumpler, Charles W. Crumpler, Madison R. Crumpton, Christian
Cruz Cruz, Lionel Cruz, Julian A. Cruz, Kathy Cruz-Bautista, Alejandro Cruze, Mackenzie J. Culbreth, Tess R. Cummings, Kianie K. Cummings, Leigha C. Cundieff, Connor L. Cuneo, Chelsea N. Cunningham, Carter A. Cunningham, Tracy D. Cureton, Dalaney L. Curlee, Rochelle E. Currin, Brandon G. Currin, Lorah E. Curry, Maya Curtin, Breanna E. Cutler, Dylan J. Cutler, Lauren J. Cypher, Richard K. Cyr, Kody C. Cyrus, Lori L. Da Silva, Sandro D’Abreu, Richard L. Daggs, Alexuis O. Dail, Haley E. Dail, Morgan J. Dalton, Aidan E. Daniel, Anna P. Daniel, Brittany M. Daniel, Connor J. Daniel, Kristen C. Daniels, Brandie R. Daniels, Miranda K. Daniels, Ruthie A. Daniels, Sydney E. Danns, Tasia A. Darden, Rachel E. DaSilva, Christine O. Dator, Dorothy M. Dattilo, Lauren A. Daub, Caroline E. Daughety, Anthony D. Daughety, Mallory E. Daughtry, Jesse R. Davenport, Brandon P. Davenport, Kristen T. Davenport, Tashawna S. David, Jeremiah David, Peyton L.
Davis, Ashley D. Davis, Bailey N. Davis, Collin S. Davis, Gregory Davis, Jala A. Davis, Jared M. Davis, Julie A. Davis, Katelyn E. Davis, Kyana M. Davis, Madisyn R. Davis, Matthew J. Davis, Matthew L. Davis, Melissa E. Davis, Michael D. Davis, Rachel C. Davis, Shanise B. Davis, Tyler W. Davison, Emily H. Dawson, Logan L. Dawson, Robert D. De La Riva, Kendall P. Deal, Mason J. Deal, Oceanna Dean, Crystal Deans, Morgan B. Deaver, Jacob R. Debaut, Ludgy D. Deeb, Shady Deena, David M. Dees, Joshua A. DeFazio, Anthony J. DeFazio, Riya N. DeGirolamo, Haley R. DeJulio, Cameron P. Delay, Jeremy T. Deleon, Casey L. Delpha, Hannah E. DelPrete, Meredith A. DeMent, Devan W. Dempsey, Jillian F. Dempster, Sarah G. DeMutis, Paige E. Denhardt, Ryan T. Denis, Tyler J. Denning, Tyra L. Dennis, Micah Dennison, Connor T. Denny, Brooks C. DePolo, Luke E. DeRosa, Jacqueline DeRose, Luciano V. Derritt, Jackquelyn A.
Anchors Away
Derwoyed, Kaitlyn P. Desai, Maanav N. Diamonti, Katherine K. Diaz, Omar M. Dickens, Beniaih D. Dickens, Lindsey J. Dickens, Nathanael P. Dickens, Parker S. Dickerson, Abigail D. Dickerson, Ansley N. Dickerson, Ashley R. Dickerson, Carami R. Dickerson, Joseph C. Dickey, Ally M. Dicktel, Lauren N. Dietrick, Brian M. Digby, Taylor A. Dillahunt, Reginald L. Dinges, Cole M. Dippert, Riley M. Dirig, Lauren M. Dirks, Brianna E. Dixon, Destiny S. Dixon, Jocelyn B. Dixon, Kassidy B. Dixon, Michaela E. Dixon, Miranda C. Do, Trami M. Dobson, Luke A. Dodds, Jacqueline A. Dolan, Jessica R. Dolecheck, Mackenzie P. Domitrovits, Lydia R. Donald, Maceo A. Donalds, Joseph A. Donnelly, Mary F. Donovan, Emily J. Doran, Ella M. Dorgham, Mohammed G. Dorman, Kelly Dortch, Kyle L. Doster, Kristine L. Douangdara, Julie Dow, Madison A. Dowd, David P. Downie, Stephanie W. Downs, Nadya F. Drane, Casen D. Draper, Ryen Draper, Samuel G. Driggs, Matthew J.
Driscoll, Kellen E. Driscoll, Kellianne C. Drummond, Dale E. Drumwright, Khemberlee C. Dudley, Miracle N. Dudley, Trace J. Duff, Victoria R. Duffy, Andrew M. Duggins, Rachel R. Dukes, Cashay Dukic, Sydney J. Dumaine, Olivia L. Dunbar, Ashley Duncan, Simmons D. Duncan-Packett, Infiniti L. Dunker, Peyton K. Dunlap, Trinity M. Dunn, Amy L. Dunn, Katherine J. Dunn, Leann T. Dunn, Mallory J. Dunn, Rebecca Dunn, Reilly D. Dunn, Thomas M. Dunstan, Chloe L. Dupre, Mikayla N. Dupree, Joseph D. DuPree, Leon R. Durant, Kathryn G. Durham, Cyrus S. DuShaw, Elizabeth H. Dutton, Jonathan C. Dyal, Patricia B. Dycha, Zoe G. Eads, Courtney N. Eakins, Philip G. Eaton, Lindsey G. Ebel, Hannah D. Eccleston, Hannah R. Echerd, Jonathan O. Eckel, Victoria A. Eckes, Daniel M. Eddins, Cameron R. Eder, Jacob M. Edmondson, Amy J. Edmondson, Daisy K. Edmondson, Graceanne M. Edmonston, Elaine J. Edmundson, Austin K.
Edwards, Andrew B. Edwards, Anna F. Edwards, Christian B. Edwards, Coley M. Edwards, Crystal Edwards, Dylan P. Edwards, Emma G. Edwards, Felicia K. Edwards, Haley A. Edwards, John R. Edwards, Kailey L. Edwards, Karrie T. Edwards, Melody E. Edwards, Sydney E. Egan, Patrick M. Ehlers, Kyle W. Eischen, Zoe N. Ejere, Chukwudi M. Eke-Spiff, Naomi A. Ekwonye, Chimudima C. Elicker, Brittany N. Elinsky, Emily T. Ellington, Anna Elliot, William H. Elliott, Rheanna M. Ellis, Kendra P. Ellis, Shayla A. Elliston, Michael R. Elmore, Justin H. Elmore, Michaela J. Elvira, Francisco Emerson, Hailey M. Emerson, Vanessa Emery, Jessica L. Emig, Benjamin L. Emmert, Ivey N. Emory, Grayson E. English, Hunter W. Ennis, Jamie L. Ennis, Tyler E. Epley, Emily G. Epps, Taylor-Anne E. Erickson, Eleanor R. Escobar, Hannah R. Esemann, Amanda-Joy P. Espinal, Clarissa A. Espinal, Marc A. Espino Sosa, Brittany A. Espinoza, Oscar J. Esposito, Michael I. Etheridge, Jenna A. 12
Eure, Gates J. Eury, Nathan Y. Evangelisto, Hanna B. Evans, Amanda M. Evans, Damon T. Evans, John C. Evans, Kendall G. Evans, Miranda A. Evans, Morgan V. Evans, Patricia L. Evans, Shaun A. Evans, Violet H. Eve, Sara G. Eveleth, Lilly C. Everhart, Caroline G. Everingham, Hope L. Exsatel, Jobert Exum, Kendall A. Ezzell, Logan A. Fahey, Brendan A. Fahey, James R. Fahmey, Dina T. Fain, Kristen N. Faircloth, Mary S. Faison, Isabella R. Faison, James M. Faison, Lavivian D. Falcione, Madalyn Faldzinski, Andrew J. Falk, Hannah G. Falk, Taylor M. Fann, Allison C. Farino, Nicole C. Farkas, Allisyn K. Farley, Allison J. Farrar, Iyanna N. Farrell, Luke P. Farrington, Ariana A. Farrington, Marella L. Farrington, Taison I. Farrior, Ericka Fass, Tiffany E. Faulk, Aiden A. Fawzy, Nagi M. Fede, Vanessa A. Feder, Shelby Fee, Sarina R. Feldhouse, Lauren N. Felts, Richard M. Ferebee, Ja’Kasia Ferguson, Anna S. Ferguson, Kasey L.
Ferguson, William F. Fernandez Molina, Rosa I. Fernandez, Joel Ferraro, Olivia A. Ferrell, Coleman A. Fields, Grace H. Fields, Jeffrey B. Fields, Michele Files Fuqua, Amy E. Fillingame, Ashley B. Filmore, William T. Finch, Mary B. Fink, Jordan E. Finlay, Colin G. Finley, Emma K. Fischer, Steven A. Fish, Baylor A. Fisher, Alex C. Fisher, Evin W. Fisher, Jaela A. Fisk, Natasha L. Fissel, Orval M. Fitts, Barbara A. Flack, Sydney G. Flaherty, Malcolm P. Fleishman, Lindsey L. Fleming, Malik C. Fleming, Thomas E. Flemming, Cassandra M. Fleury, Ariana R. Flores, Alondra G. Flores, Rosemary Flores-Diaz, Perla C. Flores-Sanchez, Myrka Flower, Ethan Floyd, Landon B. Fly, SammyJo F. Flynn, Justin D. Flynt, Wilson P. Fodrie, Taylor W. Foley, Jack F. Fontenot, Gabrielle M. Foote, Dustin Foote, Peter C. Forbes, Faith E. Ford, Aaron M. Ford, Cameron E. Fornes, Bradley M. Forouzad, Ariana N. Forrest, Bethany M. Forrester, Bryant A.
Spring 2023
Forsell, Adam Fortin, April Foster, Ally C. Foster, Allyson H. Foster, Caroline J. Fowler, Bryce R. Fox, Allison K. Fox, Jonathon P. France, Kenneth G. France, Meredith L. Francis, Katelyn J. Francisco, Jason Franczak, Tyler R. Frankel, Emma K. Franklin, Brittany M. Franklin, Lindsay P. Frantz, Jessica Frazee, Brett H. Frazier, Alyssa S. Freeman, Andre L. Freeman, Jaylen P. Freeman, Malcolm J. Friday, William B. Frie, Anthony R. Friedlander, Eric J. Friedman, Annie A. Friend, Christeanna M. Fringley, Braydon K. Fringley, Cassidy A. Frinsko, Emma B. Frisk, Courtney P. Frizzelle, William N. Frontanez, Sydni N. Fuchs, Alexis N. Fuentes-Rivera, Noemi E. Fullard, Kimberly Y. Fuller, Daiquan Fulton, Nigel Furlough, Joshua S. Furmage, Alexis L. Futrell, Cheyenne R. Futrell, Steven Futsum, Filmon Gachuz Sandoval, Erika Gaddis, Tristan K. Gahima, Gilles S. Gaier, Carl W. Gaines, Odyessey H. Galloway, Jonathan P. Galvan-Rodriguez, Caroline
Gamble, Andrew D. Gammon, Brandon R. Gamwell, Cameron M. Gant, Michael S. Gantt, Jacob A. Garay, Daniel Garcia Calvo, Maria S. Garcia Hawley, Maria M. Garcia Juarez, Sandra Garcia, Christopher N. Garcia, Maria G. Garcia-Mejia, Marvin A. Garcia-Pineda, Daniel A. Gardill, Elizabeth C. Gardner, Amber G. Gardner, Daeja N. Gardner, Grace A. Gardner, Kimberly J. Gardner, Will Garison, Cameron G. Garner, Chandley T. Garner, Zoe A. Garrett, Ashlynn N. Garrett, Cameron C. Garrett, Jacob G. Garrett, Mason R. Garrett, Riley M. Garrison, Ethan C. Garrison, Madelyn E. Garvey, Bryson A. Gascoigne, Katherine S. Gates, Seth R. Gatwood, Hope C. Gaudet, Caitlin H. Gaven, Sean C. Gavin, Miranda F. Gay, Elizabeth A. Gay, Sheila D. Gay, Taylor C. Gayeski, Emily P. Gazca, Kimberly A. Gee, Adam F. Geiger, Nathaniel R. Geist, Emma N. Gelband, Abby R. Geller, Shannen M. Gemeille, Elnora Gensemer, Jake T. George, Jennifer A. George, Nigel C. Georges, Francois M. Gerber, Henry L.
Gerges, Youssef V. Gerringer, Johnathan R. Gerstenmier, Kelley E. Gessner, Hannah M. Gibson, Anna G. Gibson, Holly E. Gibson, Kaylea M. Gibson, Mackenzie F. Giglio, Olivia L. Gildersleeve, Monica L. Giles, Kathryn A. Giles, Stuart W. Gill, Surinder K. Gillam, Bryson C. Gillen, Benjamin W. Gillespie, Brooke J. Gilligan, Caroline J. Gillikin, Ally Gillikin, Laura A. Giramata, Suavis Gitlin, Carter G. Gizdic, John C. Gizdic, Shaun H. Glazer, Olivia M. Gleason, Julia M. Glosson, Gabriel R. Glover, Taylor Goad, Marie M. Gobert, Hannah M. Goble, Ashley W. Godley, Alyssa L. Godwin, Christopher R. Godwin, Danielle Godwin, Jarrett D. Godwin, Kristen M. Godwin, Margaret G. Goff, Camryn K. Goff, Cassidy B. Goff, Hayley A. Gogineni, Anish Goins, Austin P. Goldberg, Elizabeth Goldberg, Jared B. Goldwire, Cheyenne A. Golomb, Emma M. Gomez Robles, Diana Gomez, Ambar C. Gomez, Jasmine Gomez, Joshua B. Gomez-Sanchez, Erika Gonzales, Christine R. Gonzales, Edward F.
Gonzales, Gabriela M. Gonzales, Isaac Gonzales, Jordan A. Gonzalez, Angel A. Gonzalez, Jessica M. Gonzalez, Melody G. Gonzalez-Contreras, Gabriel Good, Chase J. Goode, Kayla M. Goodwin, Brenna C. Goodwin, Kelli R. Googe, Macy G. Gordon, Cara J. Gore, James L. Gorham, Lara E. Gorman, Abigael S. Gorman, Devin S. Gormley, Rachel A. Gorritz, Samantha R. Gotthelf, Victoria M. Gould, Madeline M. Govan, Christian D. Govan, Darius A. Gowen, Ellen A. Grady, Jordan B. Grady, Justin D. Graham, Kala T. Graham, Maliyah C. Graham, Savannah Graham, Veronica Graham, Zyana Grant, Brittany N. Grant, Ijeoma C. Grant, KenNa R. Grant, Lauren M. Grantham, Katherine L. Grater, Breena L. Gravatt, Logan L. Graves, Karena B. Graves-Mobley, Jillian B. Gray, Francisca B. Gray, Jacobi B. Gray, Kirsten E. Gray, Tyler C. Graybeal, Sandra K. Green, Alexandria E. Green, Justin B. Green, Sara S. Green, Seth E. Greenham, Lauren L. Gregory, Dennis A.
Gregory, Grace L. Gregory, Jaycie G. Gregory, Jillian E. Gregory, Kimery Gregus, Thomas C. Griffin, Andrew C. Griffin, Candace W. Griffin, IZayah O. Griffin, Patrick W. Griffin, Ryan L. Griffin, Turner P. Grigg, Malina I. Griggs, Chandler E. Grimes, Darrian A. Grimes, Thomas H. Grimsley, Alison L. Grissettebell, Amy P. Grodi, Lauren N. Grooms, Jessica B. Group, Alvin P. Groves, Nathan L. Grubb, Ruthena G. Gruber, Claudia V. Grund, Elizabeth F. Grund, Taylor A. Gruninger, Micah N. Guard, Kaitlin G. Guerra, Katherine L. Guevara, Luis A. Guill, Taylor R. Guinan, Matthew J. Gums, David A. Gurganus, Eric B. Gurowski, Jonathan A. Gutierrez, Esau Gutierrez, Sarah C. Guyton, Alexis G. Guyton-Stukes, Donte A. Guzman, Aaren M. Guzman, Thalia M. Gwyn, Isabella H. Gyles, Samuel J. Habiyaremye, Marie Aimee Habshy, George W. Hackett, Alexandra B. Hackett, Jazmine R. Haden, Alexius M. Haga, Ireland D. Hagemeyer, Adison G. Hagen, James T.
Anchors Away
Hagerman, Katelyn E. Hague, Lindsay J. Haidt, Lisa P. Haigler, Chrystal M. Hairston, Jordan N. Hairston, Keshawn M. Hajaj, Firas H. Hakel, Ryan J. Hakeman, Hadley A. Halatek, David J. Halik, Samantha Halko, Justin S. Hall, Amir C. Hall, Bailee R. Hall, Cassie Hall, Elizabeth C. Hall, Joshuah D. Hall, Kaylee A. Hall, Natalya E. Hall, Rebecca A. Hall, Savannah A. Hall, Sherrell S. Hall, Sydni N. Hall, Tae’Sia R. Hall, Taylor C. Hall, Zachary A. Hallman, Rebecca L. Halsey, Jacob Halverson, Noelle R. Ham, Deeann L. Hamblin, Amelia G. Hamby, Sarah E. Hamilton, Leah G. Hamilton, Robyn D. Hammiel, Kiana S. Hammill, Olivia K. Hammonds, Chase W. Hampton, Ansley G. Hampton, Joseph R. Hampton, Taylor R. Han, Jiaojiao Hancock, Amber R. Hancock, Richard B. Hankins, Jordan R. Hansen, Jacob T. Hansen, Sara E. Hansen, Taylor N. Hanson, Ashauni K. Harb, Zelfa M. Hardaway, Sharese Harden, Karrigan A. Harden, Lauren M.
Harder, Jennifer T. Hardesty, Hannah L. Hardin, Cody E. Hardison, Casey K. Hardison, Troy Hardy, Cody A. Hardy, David B. Hardy, Lakeshia C. Hardy, Tanner J. Hare, Camden P. Hargett, Gabriel D. Harkins, Jolena N. Harless, Morgan M. Harley, Christopher B. Harmon, Connor A. Harmon, Madison L. Harper, Caitlin E. Harper, Grace M. Harper, India K. Harper, Jada M. Harper, Jordan R. Harper, Leigh R. Harrell, Lauren W. Harrell, Mackenzie J. Harrell, William M. Harrelson, Peyton S. Harris, Abigail M. Harris, Chalayah D. Harris, Debra Harris, Emily G. Harris, Gena M. Harris, Hunter R. Harris, Jassa L. Harris, Jenny B. Harris, John O. Harris, Kathleen E. Harris, Kathleen T. Harris, Myra J. Harris, Quansha Harris, Sarah L. Harris, Savannah R. Harris, Traquavis D. Harrison, Catalina F. Harrison, Emily W. Harrison, Lakisha S. Harrison, Lyndsay C. Harrison, Natalie S. Harrison, Seth A. Hart, Ah’Yanna P. Hart, Holly F. Hartford, Andrew J. Hartley, Jane E.
i Hartman, Jacob A. Harvey, Conner D. Harvey, Faith A. Harvey, Garland P. Harvey, Jillian I. Harward, Hannah B. Haskell, Matthew D. Haswell, Jaidyn R. Haswell, Mackenzie L. Hatcher, David J. Hatfield, Jsi N. Hathaway, Taylor M. Hatter, Brian J. Haught, Leah J. Hauser, Lauren M. Haviland, Molly N. Hawkins, Deana T. Hawley, Lindsay R. Hayes, Vanessa D. Haynes, Abbie K. Haynes, Carolyn B. Haynesworth, Justyn N. Haywood, Jennifer Hazboun, Elias B. Head, Ricardo Heagy, Faith K. Hearty, Evan M. Heath, Alexia T. Heath, Austin R. Heath, Elisabeth S. Heath, Franklyn N. Heath, Madison E. Heath, Nakira K. Heatwole, Camryn G. Hebert, Carly M. Hedgepeth, Ciara H. Hedrick, Molly R. Heiser, Christie B. Heister, Camryn O. Hellar, Kristen M. Helms, Elisabeth A. Helms, Rylee C. Helms, William L. Helner, Riley J. Helt, Karrie L. Hembree, Elias W. Henderson, Jessica G. Henderson, Marnea J. Henderson, Noah J. Hendren, Jared A. Hendricks, Lori J. Hendrix, Aliza G.
Hendrix, John W. Henley, Michael Henry, Abbigail R. Henry, Gunnar G. Henry, Ja’Keia Henry, Malcolm N. Henshaw, Troy D. Hensley, Kimberly A. Henzler, Allison R. Heredia, Ambar Herget, Richard S. Herlong, Jewel L. Herlong, Renee C. Herman, Jennifer A. Hermes, Caroline Emily Marie Hernandez Dominguez, Jose A. Hernandez Lopez, Raul Hernandez, Chelsy R. Hernandez, Jose P. Hernandez, Matthew J. Herndon, Taylor M. Herod, Alana M. Herold-Rhoe, Kennedy L. Herrera Navarro, Andrea Herring, Anthony E. Herring, Caroline L. Herring, Hannah G. Herron, Alexis M. Hess, Caroline V. Hess, Taylor N. Hesson, Nicholas Hewitt, Tyler F. Heyward, Indya A. Hickerson, Elexis P. Hickey, Madeline K. Hickman, Immanuel J. Hicks, Keeyon X. Hicks, Sarah E. Hicks, Ty C. Higgins, David B. Higgins, Leeann R. Higginson, Katharine Higgs, Morgan N. High, Michelle D. Highsmith, Zachary T. Higson, Brandon L. Hilderhoff, Corey S. Hill, Cameron T.
Hill, Concetta G. Hill, Jan M. Hill, Kathryn B. Hill, Khyre M. Hilliard, Jemeila A. Hilliard, Shana Hinnant, Eleanor L. Hinson, Joanna C. Hinton, Makenna A. Hipolito Canario, Jorge A. Hipp, Kirsten M. Hippert, Samantha M. Hirte, Samantha B. Ho, Justin B. Hobbs, Peggy D. Hobgood, Zackary P. Hobson, Brent D. Hochstein, Malea G. Hock, Jordan M. Hockaday, Jackson B. Hodge, Margaret M. Hodges, Callee A. Hodges, James H. Hoesman, Bailey C. Hofe, Patrick A. Hoffmann, George F. Hoffmann, Lauren E. Hoffner, Hannah D. Hogan, Jennifer C. Hogan, Megan A. Hogg, Ashlyn C. Hoggard, Shelby M. Hohnstein, Ashton E. Holbrook, Catherine M. Holbrook, Christopher Holbrook, Molly Holbrook, William D. Holder, Elizabeth D. Holding, Gracie N. Holding, John L. Holland, Cooper I. Holland, Hunter M. Holland, Nikolas B. Holland, Sarah E. Hollar, Michelyn A. Holley, McKenna B. Holliday, Alexis S. Holliday, Noah A. Holliday, Shakeia R. Holloman, Billy Z. Holloman, Jessie A.
Spring 2023
Hollon, Connor J. Holloway, Abigail M. Holloway, Anna L. Holloway, Emily C. Hollowell, Sydney M. Holmes, Bradie A. Holmes, Brittany S. Holmes, Kyler B. Holt, Kelly M. Holtz, Jessica D. Honeycutt, Ally E. Hood, Martin S. Hood, Tanika L. Hoover, Taylor M. Hoover, Wiley Hope, Garrett B. Hopkins, Erika W. Hopkins, Jacob L. Hoppmann, Brian A. Horan, Kevin M. Horne, Gregory W. Horne, Kyonte A. Horne, Leondre O. Horner, Cameron S. Horner, Chad E. Horsey, Andrew M. Horton, Nathaniel Horton, Teara N. Horvick, Brian B. Host, Talia R. Houf, Walid H. Houser, Lauren O. Houston, Kayla C. Houston, Richard C. Howard, Aaron S. Howard, David E. Howard, Delta G. Howard, Dera C. Howard, Hunter D. Howard, Jared R. Howard, Nazjon A. Howard, Susan H. Howell, Hannah N. Howell, Hunter H. Howell, Jada N. Howell, Megan L. Htoo, Hay B. Huang, Jason T. Hubbard, Lela S. Hubeli, Heather C. Hudnell, Brooklyn E. Hudson, John G.
Hudson, Kamari M. Hudson, Leila G. Hudson, Paige C. Hue, Tra Henri Pierre C. Hueschen, Rachel F. Huetter, Tyler M. Huey, Ashleigh J. Huff, Joseph L. Huffman, Gerald D. Hug, Tyler S. Hughes, Agnes S. Hughes, Andrew J. Hughes, Grant A. Hughes, Robert A. Hughes, Simmons L. Hula, Cary L. Hulett, Leah M. Hull, Kendall P. Hulliger, Rebecca L. Hummel, Karissa L. Hunt, Brett A. Hunt, Kristen L. Hunter, Destini C. Hunter, Jeffery E. Hupp, Teresa A. Hurst, Jonathan S. Hurst, Richard F. Hutchens, Emma K. Huynh, Jenny T. Hyang, Austin K. Hyatt, Alan T. Hymiller, Kayla N. Igwe, Joshua Ijiogbe, Ruth Ikuzwe, Dielle Ilgenfritz, Rachel A. Imoh, Nancy C. Imperiale, Nicole A. Inacio, Tomas A. Ingram, Elaina Irankunda, Chantelle Isaak, Alexandria Isaak, Emanuel R. Isler, Keeda S. Ives, Madison L. Ivey, Anna S. Jackson, Allyson V. Jackson, Anna M. Jackson, Ashlee A. Jackson, Jah’Nae N. Jackson, Joseph E.
Jackson, Kara Jackson, Kellyann Jackson, Mackenzie K. Jackson, McKenzie L. Jackson, Nicole A. Jackson, Pedro Jackson, Shelly Jacob, Rachel T. Jaeger, Christina D. Jakobowski, Andrew C. James, Jack R. James, Jennifer L. James, Nancy James, Russell J. James, Trace L. James, Tracy Janda, Lindsay Jandron, Memphis C. Jane, Nitika Janocha, Austin J. Janzef, Isabella C. Jaquez, Julia N. Jara, Madelyn C. Jaravaza, Tinashe M. Jarvis, Olivia P. Javed, Nimra Jayaram, Rahul Jeanty, Vanessa M. Jebsen, Justin W. Jedlicka, Danyelle L. Jenkins, Aubre R. Jenkins, Avery C. Jenkins, Donald L. Jenkins, Kaleiha I. Jenkins, Kathryn G. Jenkins, Kyle N. Jenkins, Matthew T. Jenkins, Page L. Jenkins, Rebecca C. Jennette, Heather G. Jennings, Logan C. Jensen, Bailey M. Jensen, Meghan J. Jesmer, Lindsay B. Jessee, Allie G. Jeter, Terry T. Jethro, Ian C. Jha, Shivangi Jilcott, Haven M. Jimenez Yanez, Josue E. Jimenez-Carranza, Dulce E.
Jimenez-Velasquez, Jacelyn M. Joglekar, Ketan P. Johansen, Lauren G. Johnson, Adam M. Johnson, Ava G. Johnson, Benjamin A. Johnson, Carly M. Johnson, Carson D. Johnson, Christina Johnson, David R. Johnson, Elizabeth G. Johnson, Emily B. Johnson, Jaelyn C. Johnson, Jamie C. Johnson, Jason O. Johnson, Jaylyn C. Johnson, Jessica E. Johnson, Joshua R. Johnson, Justin J. Johnson, Karen M. Johnson, Kayla Johnson, LeAnn R. Johnson, Marisa N. Johnson, Nicolette A. Johnson, Rachael A. Johnson, Robert L. Johnson, Stephanie G. Johnson, Tess Johnson, Zachary H. Johnston, Ashley E. Johnston, Leah J. Joiner, Tyler B. Jolly, Austin L. Jones Dixon, Tesha F. Jones, Abigail N. Jones, Alana M. Jones, Alyssa P. Jones, Cari L. Jones, Chenise T. Jones, Christian S. Jones, Danielle M. Jones, Elizabeth P. Jones, Ellenster M. Jones, Endyia K. Jones, Florencestine Jones, Jacob C. Jones, Jerryd E. Jones, Jonathan M. Jones, Joshua R. Jones, Kalli G. Jones, Kiersten A.
Jones, Kimberlin M. Jones, Kirstyn C. Jones, Meghan E. Jones, Morris M. Jones, Paige T. Jones, Rachel E. Jones, Rachel M. Jones, Raymond Jones, Sarah R. Jones, Shakira S. Jones, Shawn Jones, Spencer T. Jones, Taylor B. Jordan, Naomi L. Joseph, Anna C. Joseph, Nidir L. Josephs, Xianna Renee Josiah Tetteh, Love Joyce, Cassidy N. Joyce, Cecelia N. Joyner, Michael G. Joyner, Olivia J. Joyner, Robert L. Joyner, Tonia L. Juarez, Valerie Judge, Rebecca M. Judy, Rebecca L. Kabala, Caileigh E. Kagwe, Enganasa W. Kaheel, Abanoub M. Kahn, Max W. Kaledas, Angelica Kamath, Pravin Kamm, Anna Kanber, Mohammad Karasinski, Mikayla G. Kasanda, Serge N. Kasawne, Slayman Kasbo, Emma C. Kasinova, Sakari B. Kaylor, Jared S. Keane, Simon P. Keating, Carolyn K. Keefe, Brooke E. Keesecker, Michael J. Kegel, Cori L. Keilholz, Nathan A. Keller, Westin M. Kelley, Brianna C. Kelley, Martha H. Kelley, Montana-Sierra Kelley, Patrick T.
Anchors Away
Kellman, Benjamin P. Kelly, Andrea L. Kelly, Ashley N. Kelly, Jake B. Keltz, Maxwell E. Kendle, Wesley L. Kendrick, Vanyssa E. Kennedy, Austin L. Kennedy, Jodi L. Kennedy, Julia M. Kennedy, Ryane K. Kercher, Madison A. Kerry, Andrew T. Kesler, Anna G. Kesler, Samuel T. Kettell, Grace V. Kettle, Mollie Kevitz, Synthia S. Keyes, Amre L. Keziah, Austin Khalil, George A. Khan, Muhammad S. Kibble, Taylor C. Kiefer, Jason S. Kiefer-Gutierrez, Cesar D. Killeen, Garrett G. Killian, Candice D. Kimball, Abigail C. Kimbril, Christina J. Kimel, Frances C. Kincaid, Kaitlyn F. King, Ashley M. King, Brandon T. King, Cameron B. King, Jessica A. King, Molly L. King, Nicholas M. King, Reagan N. King, Taylor King, Taylor R. King-Fairley, Jennifer L. Kingman, Olivia L. Kinlaw, James R. Kirby, Nicholas C. Kirk, Helena M. Kirkman, George G. Kirkpatrick, Erin Kittrell, David T. Klages, Josie M. Kleinert, Katheryn E. Klemm, Dawn M.
Knight, Hannah A. Knoll, Jennifer B. Knott, Emory C. Knowles, Caroline A. Knowles, Savannah C. Knox, Raegan C. Kober, Cheyenne B. Kocmich, Lindsay S. Kofler, Samantha J. Koh, Paul J. Kohake, Julia M. Koirala, Ananya Kokinda, Emma E. Koonce, Matthew L. Kopecko, Christopher R. Koppelmann, Caleigh M. Koren, Shiri Y. Kornegay, Cameron O. Kornegay, Mary L. Kornegay, Zaria N. Kostelnik, Lauren E. Krach, Kevin T. Kraft, Claire C. Kraft, Hailey S. Krajewski, Cory J. Krajisnik, Aleksandar Kreitlow, Kylie S. Kress, Jordan L. Kriminger, Tyler R. Kropp, Brittany A. Krueger, Taylor L. Krzykowski, Alexandra G. Kuhner, Daniel W. Kunkel, Nathan A. Kussman, Alexis Kustka, Emily LaBounty, Morgan C. Labus, Michael Lackey, Phoebe E. Lagnese, Emily R. LaGoe, Kaitlin A. Lahr, Autumn R. Laing, Joseph M. Lamb, Brenna C. Lamb, Kaitlin E. Lamb, Kaitlin N. Lambert, Clark S. Lambert, Scott E. Lambeth, Jasmine H. LaMonica, Landon E.
m Lancaster, Hailey J. Landis, Kristen A. Landreth, Sydney M. Lane, Gabrielle L. Lane, Greyson B. Lane, Joseph D. Lane, Stephen T. Lane, Sydney A. Lane-Stancil, Patrice C. Lange, Griffin M. Langevin, Tina M. Langley, Celina R. Langley, William S. Lappe, Gina Larkins-Roach, Christina S. Larrabee, Reagan D. Larrichio, Harrison L. Larrison, Michaela E. Larsen, Abigail R. LaRue, Marissa P. Lasseter, Vincent Lassiter, Christian D. Lassiter, John R. Lasson, Elizabeth S. Latham, Davis A. Latham, Drew R. Latham, JoAnna L. Latino, Kylie E. LaTour, Justin M. Latzgo, Gabrielle B. Lauer, Megan M. Lauture, Danielle G. Lauzon, Scott A. Lavalle, Ashlyn H. Lawing, Sabrina R. Lawler, Quaid K. Lawrence, Alyson S. Lawrence, Gina R. Lawrence, Kolby R. Layell, Saedi D. Lea, Benjamin N. Leary, Jania D. Leary, Sarah N. Leatherman, Jayden B. Leathers, Camille N. Leazer, Lauren N. Leblanc, Dylan LeBlanc, Jeanne M. Ledezma, Andres S. Ledford, Bryson C. Ledo-Lane, Ann
Lee, Alexander T. Lee, Austin K. Lee, Dalton M. Lee, Hillary C. Lee, Karla E. Lee, Kaylah M. Lee, Kristen R. Lee, Lailia Lee, Maci F. Leekins, Jasmine M. Leggemann, Sarah K. Leggett, Abygayle L. Leggett, Catherine S. Lemons, Jessica M. Leon Altamirano, Carlos D. Leon, Kayla Leshowitz, Michael I. Leslie, Kadeliah J. Lester, Lauren E. Lester, Michael A. Lestz, Scott W. Letchworth, Elizabeth G. Levesque, Allison E. Leviner, Chandra J. Lewis, Abigail G. Lewis, Amy G. Lewis, Crystal L. Lewis, Destiny L. Lewis, Emma R. Lewis, Gloria C. Lewis, Jetter C. Lewis, Jordan Lewis, Marcus Lewis, Phillip J. Lewis-Honeycutt, Anna Leyva, Eliza B. Libby, Nichole Licardo, Taylor M. Liggins, Samari D. Light, Natalie M. Lii, Chunhan D. Liles, Elizabeth K. Lilley, Anna E. Lilley, Karli M. Lilley, Ralph W. Lilliston, Samantha A. Lim, Jiwon Linder, Kayleigh A. Lindley, Ann Marie Lindley, Anne G.
Lindo, Danielle M. Lindstrom, Alden H. Lipscomb, Madison R. Lipski, Savannah J. Little, Christopher M. Little, Justin T. Little, Mark D. Liu, Kuang M. Lizama, Karen J. Llamas, Jessica N. Lloyd, Alan J. Lloyd, Madelyn K. Lockaby, Christopher K. Lockhart, Elizabeth A. Locklear, Courtney M. Locklear, Nolan C. Lofland, Mary K. Loflin, Elizabeth A. Loftin, Paula T. Lombard, Larry London, Allison M. Long, Christopher D. Long, Jacob M. Long, Jessica E. Long, Megan L. Long, William C. Long, Wyatt J. Lopez Bonilla, Rogelio Lopez, Christian A. Lopp, Kendyl J. Loutzenheiser, Maggie A. Love, Brittanie N. Love, Shanice P. Love-Taylor, Ivena Lowe-Davis, Kayla Lower, Angela M. Lowery, Stephen K. Lown, Max Lowry, Nicole O. Lucas, Taylor S. Luck, Ryan P. Luckett, Donald T. Ludwick, Alina Ludwick, Julianne E. Lujan, Erik A. Lukhard, Robert L. Lumsden, Treve B. Lux, Ashley L. Ly-Almonte, Yuri M. Lyerly-Cruz, Alana L. Lyles, Nicole E.
Spring 2023
Lyn, Nicholas C. Lynch, Jackson H. Lynch, Maureen Lyons, Leah D. Mabery, Tamarah M. Macedo, Arturo MacIntyre, Samantha L. Mack, Justin M. Mack, Lashonda E. Mackey, Dylan L. Mackey, Nicholas P. MacLaren, Kaitlin N. Macon, Emily N. Magistro, Olivia R. Magner, Jenna M. Mahmoud, Enass Mahone, Kamaria I. Main, Macy O. Mairena-Escobar, David I. Makarewicz, Alec G. Malcolm, Ryan A. Maliszewski, Nina M. Mallberg, Jenna N. Malnar, Nathaniel P. Mandrano, Gabrielle R. Maness, Anna E. Maness, Madison C. Mangino, Olivia A. Mangum, Harley G. Mangum, Nicholas G. Manjarrez-Molina, Maria R. Mann, Brooke J. Mann, Emily V. Mann, Jacob H. Mann, Nicholas J. Manning, Madeline A. Manning, McKaleigh R. Manning, Robert M. Mansfield, Gracyn C. Manton, Bryce A. Marchese, Samantha Mariani, Hannah E. Mariani, Sarah Marinier, Renee C. Markey, Kaylie S. Marks, Alexandra L. Marler, Rebekah M. Marlow, Courtney B. Marriner, Jennifer R. Marsh, Lawson Y.
Marshall, Caitlyn A. Marshbanks, Samantha E. Marshburn, Kolton A. Marslender, Kristy C. Martens, Alyssa M. Martin, Halle N. Martin, Jeanne E. Martin, John R. Martin, Lexie M. Martin, Sheena R. Martinez Sanchez, Brian Martinez Sanchez, Luis E. Martinez, Abigail Martinez, Alyson E. Martinez, Christian Martinez, Eric D. Martinez, Francesca L. Martinez, Melody A. Martinez, Victoriana M. Martschenko, Amanda A. Martynuik, Kendal J. Marz, Shannon A. Mascianica, Lauren M. Masie, Tyler B. Mason, Anna E. Mason, Briana C. Mason, Lauren P. Massengill, Calli J. Massey, David A. Massey, Zaye A. Mateo, Cassandra A. Mathai, Marissa Mathews, Austin B. Mathewson, Emily P. Matthews, Luke A. Matthews, Luke D. Mattocks, Lilliana L. Mattox, Mason C. Matula, Megan E. Mauney, Demetrius M. Mauney, Mark J. Mavroidis, Emmanuel R. Maxwell, Courtney C. May, Ashely D. May, Matthew C. May, Stacy R. Mayhew, Emily K. Maynor, Quinn A. Mayo, Christopher S.
Mazariegos, Angel M. Mazzei, Jessica M. Mazzei, Michelle L. Mazzeo, Gabriella M. McAdorey, Kelly F. McAllister, Austin S. McAllister, Zachary K. McArthur, Jessica C. Mcbride, Vanessa McCain, Joshua C. McCallum, Doryan McCallum, Lindsey R. McCarthy, Avery L. McCarthy, Carlin D. McCarthy, Kyle S. McCartney, Brendan McClelland, Holly M. McCloskey, Alexis N. McCollough, Cora A. McColskey, Meredith M. McConnell, Sloane J. McCormick, Elizabeth A. McCoy, Branson R. McCoy, Lexi McCoy, Lindsay J. McCoy, Tashera N. McCreary, Angela E. Mccullagh, Andrew G. McCumber, Taylor M. McDade, Kendall A. McDaniel, Sophie C. McDonald, Allie G. McDonald, Megan M. McGaughey, Rebecca M. McGill, Brian C. Mcginnis, Belinda McGowan, Taylor D. McGuffin, Emory A. McGuire, Ashton R. McGuire, Juanee A. McGuire, Mary M. McGuire, Meagan G. McGuire, Ryan A. Mcintire, Samantha McIver, Jayce T. McKeel, William E. McKeown, Charles L. McKinney, Macy R. Mckinnish, Madison N. McKinstry, Kingston McKnight, Takera D.
McLamb, Connor R. McLane, Sean B. McLaurin, Joshua A. Mclendon, Hannah L. McLendon, Tyler K. McLennan, Ann R. McLeod, Emma M. McLeod, India S. McLeod, Mitchelle S. McLin, Ian T. McMahon, Mason W. Mcmahon, Shannon T. McMillan, Anna E. McMillan, Sydni C. McMorris, Jason T. McMullen, Alexa M. McNair, Jasmine N. McNamara, Michael G. Mcnamara, Michael J. Mcnamara, William McNaught, David M. McNeil, Jada McNeill, Kesean D. McPherson, Ann Marie B. McPherson, Trenton McQuaigue, Rebecca A. McQuigg, William D. McQuilkin, Isaiah L. McRorie, Madison B. McVickers, Brittany E. Meador, Emma M. Meadows, Marleigh C. Meads, Terri L. Meares, Sarah K. Medina, Christopher M. Medina, Emily L. Medrano, Lucerito S. Meeks, Mckinley G. Meinken, Julia L. Mejia, Angie R. Melendez, Sheleise C. Melkishev, Konstantin Mello, Rachael T. Melton, Tilisha N. Melville, Auston L. Melvin, Alyssa L. Melvin, Sa’Mone Mendez, Brian J. Mends, Eduafo E. Meneses Gomez, Antonia I.
Meng, James T. Mennemeier, Bailey H. Menzel, Caid Meo, Hannah D. Mercado, Nathan A. Mercer, Sarah M. Mercereau, Nathan B. Mercier, Christian C. Merlos-Pulley, Genevieve T. Mertz, Elliot A. Meshesha, Genet H. Mesmer, Charlotte G. Mesquita Allen, Gabriella C. Messaris, Mark A. Messer, Samantha M. Messner, Daniel Metrey, Gwendolyn L. Metzler, J Carter M. Meyer, Frederica L. Meyer, Reile K. Meyer, Victoria D. Meyers, Daniel G. Meyers, Isaac H. Meza-Romero, Selena M. Michaels, Caitlin M. Michaels, Ellie E. Middough, Honoria Midgett, Rachel A. Mihaly, Dylan C. Miles, Carson D. Miles, Davis M. Miles, Jennifer Miles, Lamaya A. Milillo, Joseph J. Millard, Hannah C. Miller, Alyssa M. Miller, Ayanna M. Miller, Cassie B. Miller, Colby M. Miller, Delaney A. Miller, Erin S. Miller, Evan W. Miller, Grenon J. Miller, Halie E. Miller, Jackson W. Miller, Jada Miller, Justin K. Miller, Maxwell A. Miller, Morgan D.
Anchors Away
Miller, Taylor L. Miller, Taylor R. Miller, William J. Millican, Heather A. Mills, Jessi L. Mills, Olivia B. Mills, Zachary D. Mills, Zachary T. Mincher, Jenna M. Minchew, Ashley B. Miranda, Brandon I. Miranda, Bryan A. Miranda, Jonathan A. Mirra, Roman A. Mishue, Jamie B. Mitchell, Amy L. Mitchell, Bryson C. Mitchell, Christopher S. Mitchell, Colby B. Mitchell, Justin G. Mitchell, Lindsay A. Mizelle, Kristin B. Mobley, Ebony N. Mobley, Tommi L. Moccia, Isabelle O. Modi, Vedika V. Modica, Jennifer A. Modlin, Montague R. Moffitt, Nicholas P. Mohan, Amanda L. Mohr, Maggie Molee, Matthew L. Moller, Evan D. Molloy, Kacey L. Monazah, Rojeen S. Moncrief, Erica J. Mondovich, Rachelle H. Mondragon, Marithza Monroe, Amanda T. Monroe, Desiree’ B. Monroe, Emily A. Monroe-Stover, Anna G. Monsen, Elise Montalvo, Hayley B. Montano, Joel Monterosso, Alexander Montes Palacios, Kevin Montgomery, Bannon R. Montgomery, Kaleigh Montgomery, Matthew P. Moody, Andrew D.
Moody, Hannah M. Moody, Marcus A. Moon, CaiLee A. Moon, Michael W. Moore, Alexandria M. Moore, Alison Moore, Ayesha R. Moore, Caroline G. Moore, David E. Moore, DeAnna M. Moore, Jeremiah S. Moore, John A. Moore, Ki-Jana X. Moore, Lauren L. Moore, Leatrice C. Moore, Opal E. Moore, Rory A. Moore, Ryleigh V. Moore, Stephanie B. Mooring, Miranda J. Mooring, Ronald E. Moose, Walter S. Morales-Juarez, Jose I. Moreno, Janet M. Morgan, Claudia L. Morgan, Lauren H. Morgan, Meredith T. Morgan, Patrick K. Morgan, Samantha J. Morris, Abigail G. Morris, Carrie L. Morris, Elizabeth R. Morris, Erin Morris, Jada L. Morris, Latatious D. Morris, Madison C. Morris, Mayah G. Morris, Sydney P. Morrison, Marius Morrison, Mikenna C. Morrison, Sean A. Morrison, Tameia E. Morrow, Sarah J. Morton, Allison P. Morton, Byron A. Morton, Macey S. Mosakowski, Madeline M. Moseley, Emily M. Moss, Selena D. Moten, Nya L. Moua, Isabel
n 17
o Mourino, Aiyana C. Mouzzon, Melicia J. Mowat, Michaela F. Mudd, Kelly A. Mudd, Timothy W. Mugabo, Chiquita Mull, Christopher J. Muller, Courtney L. Mullett, Spencer R. Mullins, Miguel A. Mullis, Samuel L. Mumford, Anastasia B. Mumford, William R. Mumpower, Lindsey G. Munroe, Kayla R. Murnane, Morgan D. Murphy, Hayden J. Murphy, Lindsey R. Murphy, Miranda K. Murphy, Sarah K. Murray, John W. Murray, Lori Murray, Marquis D. Murray, Matthew A. Murray, Noah E. Murray, Rachael F. Murtagh, Sherri B. Muse, Matthew T. Mustard, Abigail N. Mutascio, Alex K. Mutyala, Apoorva Mwangi, Hannah N. Myers, Brianna D. Myers, Caroline B. Myers, Catherine R. Myers, Ethan R. Myers, Joe C. Myers, Kendall E. Myles, Natalie K. Mynster, Megan L. Myrick, James A. Myslewiec, Griffin X. Naimo, Anthony Nance, Kelly A. Nardi, Marco N. Nasser, Uosra M. Natale, Anthony T. Nava Santiago, Jaira G. Neal, Kathryn K. Neier, Bryce E. Nelson, Chase H. Nelson, Tina M.
Nestor, Sydney J. New, Emmie J. Newhouse, Justin B. Newman, Elisabeth A. Newsome, Emily G. Newsome, Kevin J. Newsome, Nicole S. Newton, Ki’Ron A. Nguyen, Anathasia A. Nguyen, Andrew J. Nguyen, Hau T. Nguyen, Vu T. Nicholas, Liubov A. Nicholson, Cameron Nicholson, Ceara Nicholson, Zachary L. Nickels, Lacey M. Niehoff, Melissa M. Nieves, Wendy L. Nikakhtar, Mehran Nix, Jazmin M. Nixon-Vines, Latonya R. Nobles, Angel S. Nobles, Catherine T. Nobles, Leigh T. Nobles, Matthew B. Nolan, Melissa M. Nolasco, James C. Noonan, Sarah H. Norfleet, Ashley R. Norfleet, Shakera N. Norman, Kenadie B. Norman, Mina L. Norman, Rebecca A. Norment, Jessica M. Norrell, Victoria S. Norris, Ashton N. Norris, Austin P. Norris, Kelly Norris, Kennedy H. North, Mackenzie R. Northcutt, Rachel A. Null, Brittany W. Nunn, Ashley H. Nurse, Divine A. Nusser, Catherine E. Oates, Carrie A. Oates, Leo P. Obando, Nicole S. O’Brien, Alex V. O’Brien, Katherine T. O’Brien, Kayla A.
O’Brien, Kyle D. Ocegueda, Jacqueline M. Ochoa, Carlos A. O’Connell, Alexander R. O’Connell, Ashley N. O’Connor, Jillian L. Odell, Samantha N. Odette, Tyson Z. Odom, Kendall Odom, Mary E. Odom, Yolanda L. O’Hare, Tianna C. Okam, Chelsea Okoth, Edmund G. Okwara, Juliet A. Olajide, Esther M. Olasunkanmi, Oluwatomi A. Oliveira, Luis F. Oliveira, Natalia C. Oliver, Clarke M. Olliver, Rayona K. Olvey, Courtney L. O’Malley, Sean F. O’Neal, Michael K. O’Neil, Holly C. Ordonez, Matthew D. Orefice, James M. Orefice, Katrina S. Oregon, Kasey K. Ormsby, DeVaughn J. Ortega, Laura S. Ortiz Bautista, Carlos Ortiz, Maria A. Osborne, Hannah Osman, William D. Osorio Pascual, Leslie M. Ostdahl, Sterling T. Osterbauer, Monica C. Osterberg, Matthew Osuagwu, Ogemdi A. Ott, Millicent L. Otto, Anna J. Ouzts, Hunter B. Overbey, Cooper S. Overby, Ashli C. Overby, Auldyn G. Overby, Connor B. Overby, Luke A. Overcash, Dara A.
Spring 2023
Overcash, Katelyn N. Overcash, Kayla N. Overstreet, Laura B. Overton, Alyssa R. Owen, Katherine L. Owens, Beverley J. Owens, David A. Oxendine, Hannah Paddy, Jordan S. Padovano, Destiny M. Padu, Lukis O. Page, Andrew C. Page, Cory M. Page, Delaney A. Page, Shaelyn R. Painter, Jennifer L. Painter, Tonya M. Pajala, Heaven A. Palacios-Angulo, Emely A. Pallo, Samantha R. Palmer, Alia N. Palmer, Ayshia M. Palmer, Peri K. Palochak, Tyler A. Palochak, Zachary R. Paluch, Quest A. Papay, Matthew Papes, Dylan T. Parker, Andrew R. Parker, Ashton L. Parker, Jennifer D. Parker, Johanna J. Parker, Kaylee S. Parks, Imani J. Parks, Kalle A. Parks, Skylar Q. Parnell, Lindsey N. Parrish, Cody E. Parrish, Shannon L. Parrish, Taylor E. Parsnip, William J. Parsons, Ethan G. Paschke, Skylar M. Pasion, Zoe Eve R. Pass, Jackson Passalacqua, Alessio Pate, Bradley D. Pate, Vania U. Patel, Bhavin V. Patel, Chandnee B. Patel, Ekta N.
Patel, Kunj C. Patel, Shloak H. Patel, Shreena S. Patrick, Duncan A. Patrick, Kelly E. Patterson, Jane H. Patterson, Joshua M. Patterson, Joshua T. Patterson, Kayla C. Patton, Bridget A. Patton, Cameron R. Paudel Chalise, Srijana Paul, Tyler M. Paules, Kyley A. Paulin-Santiago, Leonel Paw, Say Pawelski, Matthew C. Payne, Barnaby O. Payne, Cameron K. Payne, Destiny A. Payne, Elexa Payton, Danae’ A. Peace, Christian I. Peacock, Bradley H. Peacock, Elizabeth C. Peacock, Hayley Pearce, Joshua D. Pearce, Nicole S. Pearce-Perry, Jacob A. Pearson, Lyric J. Pearson, Reagan P. Peed, Spencer M. Peek, Emily B. Peele, Michael D. Pelgrave, Kori S. Pellerin, Cory M. Pelser, Edward Pena, Angela J. Penaloza, Rosa G. Pendley, Justice M. Penny, Treshawn M. Penrose, Alyssa M. Pentakota, Ananya V. Penwell, Anna C. Penwell, Timothy A. Peoples, Benjamin R. Percy, Jonathon D. Perea, Jennifer E. Perez-Lugo, Guadalupe Y. Perez-Palma, Brian Perkins, Amanda
Perkins, Ashley J. Perkins, Makayla K. Perkins, Matthew R. Perkins, Ta’Niya L. Perrin, Alanna J. Perry, Cori J. Perry, Emily E. Perry, Maxton W. Perry, McKenzie R. Person, Jada L. Perzel, Madison L. Peters, Cody M. Peterson, Dylan C. Peterson, Kaitlyn B. Petrea, Karlie O. Petrea, Kendra L. Petroski, Jake R. Pettinelli, Grace C. Pettyjohn, Kendra M. Petway, Tanaesia T. Pfeil, Kelley H. Pham, Khoa Pham, Mackenzie E. Phan, ThaoNiki T. Pharo, Christopher J. Phifer, Alyssa M. Philbeck, Conner D. Philips, James P. Phillips, Amanda G. Phillips, Donja A. Phillips, James C. Phillips, Paul S. Phillips, Tatum I. Phillips, Toney-Paite Phouamkha, Athena C. Piacentini-Rivera, Idia M. Pickett, Mia N. Pickett, Tynisha J. Pickler, Pearson J. Pierce, Nicole A. Pierce, Ryan M. Pierce, Savannah R. Pierre, Gabriel A. Pifer, Ronn A. Pigford, Kiona K. Pigg, Hunter R. Pike, Anna B. Pike, James C. Piland, William J. Pinaire, Alexander M. Pineda, Brianna E. Pink, Mcclean
Pinto Flores, Reyna M. Pinyan, Kellie L. Pitchford, Parker J. Pitt, Alexis L. Pittman, Charlene Pittman, Jayquan R. Pittman, Joshua B. Pittman, Kimiko J. Pitts, Charlotte J. Pleasants, Melanie E. Pleitez, Lisseth I. Plemmons, Brooke Plieth, Amy E. Plott, Patrick M. Plumb, Brianna H. Podolski, Christopher G. Poe, James H. Pohl, Madison P. Poillucci, Devin A. Polanco, Carlos J. Polson, Kierstyn N. Ponko, Chiara Poole, Tori A. Pope, Daniel G. Pope, Laney B. Pope, Raley S. Poppe, Kristen A. Porter, Jonathan H. Porter, Kyra M. Porter, Lainie G. Porter, Natalie G. Porter, Sarah G. Post, Codi J. Potter, Grayson G. Potts, Shawayla N. Poulsen, Kathryn A. Powell, Brittany A. Powell, Juan D. Powell, Taneja Poythress, Allison R. Prakash, Ankita Preddy, Miranda R. Prescott, Phillip G. Preston, William D. Prevette, Thaddeus R. Price, Alyssa G. Price, Chante R. Price, Emily R. Price, James R. Price, Keri E. Price, Rachel A.
Price, Sydney B. Price, Thomas B. Price-Black, Kailah J. Prichard, Amanda C. Priddy, Jordan R. Prim, Cathryn A. Prince, Abigail L. Prince, Cameron S. Pritchett, Alicia M. Privette, Samuel C. Privette, William B. Probasco, Morgan K. Proctor, Misty S. Proctor, Sydney M. Prys, Stephen R. Przelomski, Joseph S. Pulley, Kaylin D. Pun, Insha Putrino, Madison A. Qualls, Daniel B. Quaning, Yaa N. Quick, Bladen D. Quickley, Marshall Quiel, Casey M. Quigley, Alex W. Quinn, Gina A. Quinn, Megan R. Quinn, Morgan R. Rafaniello, Melissa A. Raghavan, Prathiksha Ragland, Joshua B. Ragsdale, Hannah B. Rahlan, Benjamin Y. Raineri, Joseph C. Raker, Garrett J. Rakestraw, Rita R. Ramby, Nathan R. Ramirez Jaco, Sofia Ramirez, Sebastian M. Ramos, Erick Ramos-Lopez, Mia A. Ramsey, Nathaniel W. Ramsey, Sarah G. Rana, Shahroon R. Randall, Shannah F. Randolph, Nathan T. Rangar, Amrina K. Rangel Corona, Oswaldo J. Rankin, Julian A. Rankin, Steven P. Ransom, Ryan S.
Anchors Away
Raper, Christopher N. Raphael, Irene Rappleyea, Rebecca M. Rascoe, Ajaysia F. Rascoe, Erica S. Ratliff, Drew C. Rattie, Michael O. Ratzlaff, Frank D. Rauen, Michael C. Rautmann, Kylie M. Ray, Amanda P. Raya-viera, Frank Rayo-Ramirez, Stacey Reams, Grace A. Reason, Caroline G. Reason, Davis L. Reaves, Tiandra Reber, Gavin G. Rebmann, Hannah L. Rebollar, Johnny E. Redding, Anna P. Reece, Jesse T. Reed, Daniel J. Reed, Elisabeth C. Reed, Flynn E. Reel, Morgan L. Reel, William G. Reeve, Colby B. Regan, Grace C. Reinhard, Abby A. Reinhard, Garrett A. Reisch, Neal C. Remsburg, Elizabeth T. Renda, Michael J. Rennix, Malachi S. Rentas, Trinity J. Renwick, Luke W. Renze, Teresa Reyes, Colleen R. Reyes, Manuel A. Reynaud, Cailyn G. Reynera, Caitlin A. Reynolds Hughes, Jamon A. Reynolds, Joanna L. Reynolds, John C. Reynolds, Karen K. Reynolds, Travis S. Rhame, Bennett T. Rhem, Laurice F. Rhoden, Mary-Kate K. Rhodes, Kanesha M.
Rhodes, Leah E. Rhodes, Madison K. Rhodes, Megan M. Rhodes, William B. Rhodes-Pruitt, John C. Rice, Iain C. Rice, Jayde D. Richard, Zy’kiah K. Richardson, Graham G. Richardson, Howard L. Richardson, Lauren Richardson, MaileGrace E. Richardson, Zaria N. Richey, Stephen O. Richmond, Faith A. Riddick, Tameka Riddick-Cherry, Imani D. Ridenour, Grace C. Ridge, Mary P. Rieger, Devin M. Riehl, Paige C. Riffle, Claire O. Riggs, Amanda L. Rightmyer, Alyssa G. Riley, Brandon S. Riley, Christopher J. Rincon Pulido, Cesar D. Rinehart, Madison A. Ringgold, Alicia T. Rios, Daniel G. Riscica, Jake J. Rivera Murillo, Angel W. Rivera, Joshua Rivera, Kayla D. Rivera-Mangual, Victoria L. Rizzo, Kaycie N. Roach, Collin G. Roach, Jamya A. Roa-Rodriguez, Alex C. Roberson, Damian J. Roberson, McKenzie G. Roberson, Noah G. Roberts, Brianna M. Roberts, Grace M. Roberts, Kyle J. Roberts, Melinda L. Roberts, Stephanie C. Robertson, Alycia D. Robertson, Brooke M. Robertson, Lauren M.
Robertson, Rhanita L. Robertson, Shakira R. Robinson, Chantal A. Robinson, Demi Robinson, Halee G. Robinson, JaKayla J. Robinson, Kasey L. Robinson, Matthew C. Robinson, Nylah R. Robinson, Sarah R. Robinson, Shannon R. Robinson, Sky L. Robinson, Sydney G. Robinson, Sydnii A. Robinson, Terrell L. Roccisano, Guiliana R. Rochelle, Elijah M. Rock, Hannah L. Rodas, Britney G. Rodger, Hannah N. Rodgers, Georgia L. Rodriguez, Adriana D. Rodriguez, Angela N. Rodriguez, Camryn A. Rodriguez, Ericka Rodriguez, Jordy Rodriguez, Juan A. Rodriguez, Kathryn D. Rodriguez-Godinez, Angel E. Rogers, Anna Rogers, Charles T. Rogers, Megan V. Rogers, Skylar N. Roh, Donghyeon Romagnoli, Jennifer Romanczyk, Victoria A. Romig, Treva E. Rosado-Batista, Mayelis A. Rosales, Mari C. Rose, Amy D. Rose, Blake V. Rose, Madison A. Rose, Makenna L. Rose, Megan A. Rose, Olivia G. Rosero, Stalin A. Rosier, Lindsay M. Ross, Andrew J. Ross, Casey L. Rossi, Vincent J. 20
Rotenberry, Anna E. Roth, Stella B. Rouse, Alec W. Rouse, Jeremy S. Rowe, Alexander Z. Rowe, Ryan J. Rowsey, Veronica K. Royal, Natalie G. Royal, Selena F. Roye, Catarina J. Ruan Ma, Mengci Ruffin, Tanner B. Ruiz, Jessica C. Rukosuev, Polina Rupard, William Z. Rush, Katherine Rushatz, Callie L. Rushton, Nellie J. Russell, Alexis Russell, Brannon C. Russell, Jacqueline Russell, Payne D. Russell, Ronald Russell, Trey A. Rutledge, James I. Ryan, Alyssa T. Ryan, Emily M. Sabatino, Devin W. Sabdo, Zachary T. Sabiston, Cameron G. Sachania, Rutvi M. Sadler, Mallory G. Safranek, Ashley E. Sagrero, Kaylee M. Saito, Chloe A. Salahaldin, Samaher H. Salas, Hayden L. Saldivar, Alyssa Saljooghi, Sepehr Sampson, Dylan N. Samuel, Savannah J. Sanchez Rodriguez, Jenniffer Sanchez, Adrian C. Sanchez, Janel Sanchez, Salvador Sanchez, Sarah Sanchez, Wesley A. Sanchez-Sagrero, Krystal S. Sancrant, Alexander M. Sandahl, Winston
Sandepogu, Vishaal Sanders, April H. Sanders, Hannah Sanders, Jacob T. Sanderson, Saiberh N. Sandlin, Emily L. Sandoval, Karen J. Sanford, Whitney L. Sanker, Ashley N. Santora, Karly M. Santos, Arlenis A. Santos, Dalmira Lizette Sapkota, Aayush Saraf, Kritika Sarkorh, Emmanuel K. Satonick, Heather N. Satur, Shella P. Saunders, Terrell B. Saunders, Zion Q. Savage, Christina D. Savino, Fallon M. Savitski, Taylor A. Sawyer, Abigayle K. Sawyer, Brianna L. Scattergood, Chloe S. Schachle, Evan G. Schaefer, Allison N. Schaeffer, Katelyn M. Schafer, Reed M. Schafers, Michael S. Schaffer, Elizabeth N. Schafran, Bailey J. Schaper, Wilson E. Scherf, Emma J. Schiefelbein, Cole M. Schlade, Carly A. Schmidt, Anton C. Schmidt, William Schmitt, Adam T. Schmitt, Jillian A. Schneider, Kristin D. Schnell, Zachary E. Schobert, Courtney A. Schoeneberger, Trinity K. Schoner, Morgan E. Schuler, Jillian M. Schultz, Ashley Schulz, Anna M. Scott, Alexie M. Scott, Benjamin D. Scott, Brittany E. Scott, Erika T.
Spring 2023
Scott, Hugh D. Scott, Jenna M. Scott, Julia P. Scott, Kamryn S. Scott, Savannah K. Scott, Spencer W. Scott, Stephen P. Seagle, Karigan J. Seagraves, Bianca N. Sears, Jessica L. Sebree, James D. Selby, Benjamin J. Sellers, Ryan B. Selwanes, Sara J. Senecal, Michael F. Senowitz, Owen R. Serlick, Fayth C. Serpico, Kevin P. Setley, Christopher M. Settle, Melissa J. Seyal, Sombel Seymour, Sarah E. Shaffer, Ryan L. Shah, Param G. Shake, Haes A. Shannon, Loralei N. Shapiro, Kylee M. Sharon, Sone Sharpe, Brea I. Sharpe, Elizabeth W. Shaw, Baylee R. Shaw, Brittany K. Shaw, Kathryn Shaw, Presley M. Shaw, Randi L. Shaw, Wintre C. Shearin, Jaida M. Sheehan, Courtney R. Sheets, Tyler J. Shelfo, Jordan P. Shelton, Abigail E. Shelton, Grace E. Shelton, Jacob B. Shenigo, John C. Shepherd, Wesley J. Sheppard, Tonya B. Sherard, Rennice D. Sherman, Spencer R. Sherrod, Isaiah L. Shields, Sean P. Shirley, Catonia M. Shirley, Leah O.
Shore, Annette P. Shostak, Maggie O. Shropshire, Maria N. Shteyh, Faris I. Shubert, Aaron A. Shusterman, Joshua Shy, Earl F. Sielatycki, Theodore C. Sigman, Joseph A. Signorelli, Rachel L. Sigsworth, Noah T. Silva Arismendi, Isabella Silva, Esmeralda N. Silva, Sierra M. Silver, James A. Silversmith, Marla Simmons, Asa J. Simmons, Jaresa P. Simmons, Logan B. Simmons, Nicole L. Simmons, Seth T. Simmons, Trevor B. Simpkins, Haylee E. Simpkins, Owen J. Simpson, Aden A. Simpson, Tradesia A. Sinclair, Destinee M. Singlar, Leah S. Sinhal, Riddhi V. Sink, Grayson B. Sirmans, Madison P. Sisk, Hannah J. Skaluba, Elizabeth M. Skillern, Kelly C. Skinner, Brett R. Skinner, Christina A. Skinner, Preston L. Skipper, Sean D. Slade, Raven V. Slaughter, Jason T. Sledge, Taylor M. Sloan, Kelsey S. Small, Qu’Ran D. Smith, Aaliyah L. Smith, Alexander M. Smith, Alexia J. Smith, Alicia L. Smith, Alyssa A. Smith, Alyssa S. Smith, Amy M. Smith, Barry L. Smith, Brian J.
Smith, Cameron E. Smith, Carmen A. Smith, Caroline A. Smith, Caroline B. Smith, Caroline E. Smith, Chloe E. Smith, Elizabeth G. Smith, Emily C. Smith, Emma K. Smith, Grant H. Smith, Haylee E. Smith, Hunter C. Smith, Imari N. Smith, Jacob P. Smith, Jasmine L. Smith, Jennifer P. Smith, Jessica T. Smith, Jonah R. Smith, Jonathon W. Smith, Justin S. Smith, Leah L. Smith, Lindsay M. Smith, Macy K. Smith, Maximilian R. Smith, Megan K. Smith, Meredith L. Smith, Nicole M. Smith, Parker H. Smith, Patrick M. Smith, Samantha E. Smith, Samantha L. Smith, Taylor G. Smith, Thomas O. Smith, Victoria J. Smoot, Elizabeth S. Smoot, John W. Smoot, Nicole Sneed, Aniyah J. Sneed, Sutton M. Snelbaker, Emily K. Snipes, DaRon O. Snipes, Shannon D. Snow, Florence S. Snow, Jordan T. Snydstrup, Edward F. Sobczak, Trenton L. Soderblom, Zachary Sofield, Brandy J. Sokanni Berry, Nary Sollee, Josephine R. Soloway, Chandler D. Soltz, Isabella V.
Somma, Kristen E. Song, Stanley Sorensen, Jacob R. Sortini, Addison R. Sorto, Nancy L. Sorto-Rivas, Nataly S. Sosa Rodriguez, Elizardo H. Sospenzo, Alexandra A. Southerland, Alexander C. Spain, Ryan M. Spalding, Shelby J. Sparks, Katie G. Spell, Stevi M. Spencer, Joseph K. Spencer, Rachel E. Sperrazza, Christopher A. Spicer, Chase G. Spiers, Layton T. Spivey, Carter R. Spivey, Paris Sprankle, Kyona Sprinkle, Caroline W. Spurlin, William J. Squires, Jason W. St Julien, Samaura D. St. Louis, Christine Stainback, Mable P. Stallings, Elizabeth L. Stallings, Michael T. Stallings, William S. Stancell, Cassie E. Stancil Davis, Simone R. Stanford, Jazmah T. Stang, Maya K. Stanley, Carson B. Stanley, Christopher K. Stanley, Kayla N. Stanley, Nicholas G. Staples, Junae A. Staps, Jalen M. Staton, Angel J. Staup, Noah G. Stefanicki, Courtney N. Steffensen, Tiffany R. Steidl, Makenzie R. Stein, Gabrielle S. Stello, Meghan M. Stengrim, Matthew D. Stentz, Katlyn M.
Stephens, Ethan J. Stephens, Zyion J. Stepp, Jeremy M. Stevens, Amanda M. Stevens, Erin L. Stevens, Jessica L. Stevenson, Alexandra P. Stevenson, Amya J. Stevenson, Grace A. Stewart, Lindsey C. Stewart, Sarah K. Stewart, Vernon K. Stich, Samuel A. Stiles, Haven A. Stiles, Logan I. Stinchcomb, Tyler W. Stith, Arianna R. Stith, Kira M. Stockdale, Katelyn M. Stockdale, Ryan W. Stocks, Hannah F. Stocks, Joel B. Stocks, Tyler L. Stockwell, Madigan G. Stohl, Camden M. Stoker, Eric C. Stokes, Leighanne D. Stokes, Ransom G. Stolins, Samantha D. Stolz, Lauren Stone, Sarah R. Stonesifer, Brandon Storlie, Wesley L. Stotesbury, Warren A. Strahl, Kaitlyn L. Strange, Jenna A. Street, Brooke B. Strickland, Charity G. Strickland, Harriet A. Strong, Andrew J. Strong, Jacob E. Strother, Nishad M. Strother, Noah J. Stroud, Brandon J. Stroup, Ramsay P. Stroup, Scotty T. Stuart, Brian J. Stubbs, Stryker J. Stukey, Nicholas W. Stultz, Kaitlyn E. Sturdivant, Chanel Styron, Kelly W.
Anchors Away
Suarez, Stephanie Sudekum, Sarah Joy B. Sugg, Holly C. Suggs, Cailyn H. Suggs, Kerry J. Suggs, Sarah E. Sulkosky, Casey M. Sullivan, Adriane C. Sullivan, Cierra M. Sullivan, Colby D. Sullivan, Malcolm J. Sullivan, Olivia A. Sulpar, Rebecca M. Summerlin, Betty C. Summerlin, Holly C. Summers, David M. Sumner, Isabelle R. Surles, JaNaea E. Sutton, Brittanie Sutton, Joshua M. Sutton, Justin M. Swan, Lindsay D. Swanson, Holden T. Swanson, Savannah N. Swantner, Ronald J. Swart, Riley J. Swiatocha, Madison M. Swinton, Nia R. Sykes, Brittany R. Sykes, Haley R. Sykes, Rhianna G. Sykes, Sarah A. Szwejbka, Lily K. Szymanski, Julianne M. Szymczyk, Nicole Tabbs, Wynston D. Tabeling, Mackenzie M. Tabligan, David A. Tadi, Jagannadha R. Tadlock, Sydney N. Taft, Taylor R. Takyi Annan, Ama Talbert, Gracie M. Talley, Morgan C. Talton, Kenneth K. Tanas, Eve L. Tang, Wesley Tanhauser, Justin T. Tankelewicz, Brendan Taraboulos, Samantha R. Tavera, Giovanna L.
Taxin, Avery R. Taylor, Allison C. Taylor, Cassyn M. Taylor, Catherine L. Taylor, Darby E. Taylor, Hunter C. Taylor, Jason G. Taylor, Je’Nya O. Taylor, Kayde J. Taylor, Lowell D. Taylor, Mason A. Taylor, Naijah D. Taylor, Stephanie L. Taylor, Trista L. Tayman, Sydney M. Teboul, Jonathan Tedder, Elizabeth M. Teed, Emma M. Tegler, Serena C. Temblador, Cailey J. Temple, Gracie C. Terrell, Anna R. Terrill, Jeffrey W. Terry, Austin F. Terry, Stacie N. Tetreault, Alexis K. Tevepaugh, Kirsten E. Thacker, Langston T. Thao, Vienna G. Theobald, Drew Thibaudeau, Leah R. Thill, Cassandra R. Thomas, Ashley Thomas, Emily R. Thomas, Erin B. Thomas, Gage T. Thomas, James J. Thomas, Joy C. Thomas, Peyton E. Thomas, Sarah A. Thomason, Cassandra J. Thomason, Paige M. Thompson, Hakeem Thompson, Mahari R. Thompson, Markiesha Thompson, Nina K. Thompson, Tammie A. Thorne, George B. Thorne, Jenna C. Thorne, Kyle N. Thornton, Mary C. Thornton, Wyatt A.
Thorpe, Sarah E. Thorpe, Tar’Naja L. Thraen, Lucy W. Throndson, Erik G. Thumm, Logan A. Tibbs, Devin L. Tielves, Nicole M. Tillery, Seth R. Tilley-Martin, Anya J. Tillman, Lindsey F. Tingen, Kendall L. Tinker, Joseph S. Tippett, Logan B. Tipps, Melia I. Tirado, Geneva M. Tirupattur, Myna P. Tisdale, Trescott W. Tobin, Katrina M. Todd, Clinton R. Todd, James E. Todd, Katherine C. Todd-Williams, Taylor M. Tokazowski, Sarah E. Toland, Adam L. Toler, KaLynn M. Toler-Sinnott, Justin Tollefsen, Hannah B. Tolley, Caitlin A. Tomasic, Patrick F. Tompkins, Stephen M. Toomey, Cortland V. Toronka, Asiatu Torrance, Robert L. Torres, Angel I. Touray, Binta Townsend, Billy J. Townsend, Seth A. Trackenberg, Stacy N. Tracy, Lauren A. Traflet, Lauren K. Trapani, Michael J. Trbovich, Ashley T. Trevino, Nicholas O. Triplett, Bailey I. Tripp, Lucas C. Tripson, Mark Trofimov, Mihail Trotman, Lauren G. Troyer, Mia N. Trueheart, Nicole L. Truitt, Michael B. 22
Tsegai, Manoah E. Tseng, Alisia L. Tuck, Jordan M. Tuck, Madysen D. Tucker, Kayla A. Tucker, Kimberly M. Tucker, Logan J. Tucker, Sarah E. Tucker, Skylar R. Tuika, Miracle-Giselle M. Tulloss, Kathryn P. Tunau-Spencer, Abdul-Karim Tunstall, Justin P. Turlington, Hailey B. Turnage, Emma D. Turnage, Jacob K. Turner, Emma-Grace J. Turner, Sarah G. Turnure, David Twarozynski-Brown, Bethany M. Tyler, Laura D. Tyner, Nicholas A. Tyson, Sarah M. Tyson, Silvia T. Uche, Amarachi C. Ulffers, Abigail E. Ullom, Laura E. Ulrich, Ashlyn A. Ultis, Addison L. Umeofia, Ugochukwu O. Umphlett, Hannah B. Usher, Katelyn K. Utley, Jordan S. Uzarski, Sarah E. Valdez Martinez, Ashley Valdez, Admin Valdez-Gonzalez, Govany C. Valentin, Michelle E. Valentine, Meredith L. Van Der Woude, Nicholas J. Van Ness, Jackson C. Van Niekerk, Tara R. Van Wagenen, Jessica R. Van Wagenen, Keelin M. Van Wagoner, Philip P. Vance, Justin B.
Vandergrift, Holly A. Vandevender, Aubrey S. Vanhoose, Shalea L. Vann, Kasey L. VanNote, Gabrielle A. Vanwhy, Charlotte D. Vasquez, Alma Z. Vasquez-Obregon, Jose J. Vaughan, Harrison C. Vaughn, Joseph I. Vaughn, Rachel B. Vavrousek, Madelyn Vazquez Burgos, Annette Vazquez, Alexandria P. Vehslage, Caitlyn E. Vellan, Regan T. Venable, Allison S. Venisee, Kiarah C. Venters, Ashton B. Venturella, Tina M. Vest, Margaret W. Vick, Ashley W. Vick, Connor G. Vick, Evelyn L. Villa, Sabrina B. Villacis, Sebastian A. Villanueva Ramirez, Kimberly Villeda Villeda, Irvin A. Vincent, Madison N. Vinson, Lucas R. Vinson, Victoria M. Vitte, Emily G. Voelkel, Elizabeth H. Vogler, Rachel E. Volz, William G. Vore, Shea M. Voyles, Michelle A. Voytecki, Luke A. Vu, Tyler B. Waddell, Jillian N. Wade, Joshua A. Wade, Sydney T. Wagner, Cheyenne V. Wagoner, Allyson D. Waide, Justin R. Waite, James E. Walden, Matthew T. Waldman, Stephen R. Waldo, Bridgette L.
Spring 2023
Walker, Abigail R. Walker, Andrew T. Walker, Bryant E. Walker, Erica X. Walker, Faith Walker, Jalen T. Walker, Jameesa M. Walker, Jessica G. Walker, Jessica J. Walker, Justin L. Walker, Rachel D. Walker, Raijene D. Walker, Steven Walker, Timothy D. Walker, Tyler Wall, Jesse A. Wall, Jessica L. Wallace, Frances P. Wallace, Kayla Wallace, Olivia Allyn R. Wallace, Peyton N. Waller, Kelsey P. Waller, Sierra K. Waller, Terry Y. Walls, Diana L. Walls, Evelyn M. Walsh, Tyler D. Walston, Ryan K. Walters, Patrick L. Walters, Shelby L. Walton, Breanna L. Walton, Kaitlyn N. Waltower, Kimberly Wangila, Brian J. Wann, Sophia C. Ward, Emma G. Ward, Jessica M. Ward, Kaylin R. Ward, Nina R. Ward, Tyler T. Wardle, Stacy L. Warfel, Olivia R. Warfel, Zachary R. Warlick, Karen R. Warmuth, Madison N. Warren, Alexandra L. Warren, Alisha L. Warren, Bailey C. Warren, Hannah G. Warren, Jordan S. Warren, Kaylee B. Warren, Madison C.
Warren, Olivia J. Warren, Rebecca L. Washington, Diamond C. Washington, Marc L. Wasterval, John W. Waterman, Julie M. Waterman, Shaye S. Watkins, Durley J. Watkins, Mary G. Watson, Erika G. Watson, Jordan S. Watson, Whitley R. Waugh, Brandon L. Waugh, Patrick T. Weagel, Kelsey E. Weaks, Hannah O. Weatherford, Paige Weatherman, Molly Weathers, Jantzen G. Weathers, Lamont A. Weaver, Liliyana N. Webb, Dorothy K. Webb, Rebecca D. Webb, Teneshia L. Webber, Ashley Webster, Brandon D. Webster, Jillian R. Weddle, Kenneth R. Weeks, Madison D. Weidner, Casey B. Weigle, Olivia J. Weiner, Marti C. Weir, Thomas A. Weis, Alexander B. Weis, Emma E. Weitzel, Rebecca L. Welch, Kathryn W. Welch, Rielee K. Wells, Cecilia B. Wells, Isaiah J. Wells, Laura J. Wells, Mary C. Wells, Richard Welsh, Jennifer E. Weng, Kendall L. Wentzel, Lindsay M. Wesley, Venchelle V. West Edwards, Robin K. West, Anna E. West, Catherine R.
Westfall, Allison R. Westlake, Taylor A. Whalen, Emma K. Whalen, Meghan G. Whalen, Sean W. Whaley, Anna S. Whaley, Brittney M. Whaley, Cody V. Wheaton, Olivia H. Wheeler, Bradley D. Wheeler, Wendy E. Whelan, Michael J. Whisenant, Skyler K. Whisnant, Conner L. Whitaker, Makaila A. White, Amber White, Bianca F. White, Brianna N. White, Davizha White, Dylan J. White, Hannah R. White, Jessica R. White, Jordan B. White, Leaton T. White, Mafaaz F. White, Molly C. White, Naria J. White, Sandra L. White, Sarah L. White, Tierra N. Whitehead, Sydney R. Whitehurst, Ashley P. Whitehurst, Dylan M. Whitehurst, Katherine M. Whitesell, Taylor G. White-Singleton, John Whitfield, Davis M. Whitfield, Katlyn B. Whitfield, Mary A. Whitfield, Taylor M. Whitfield, Wrenn M. Whitley, Wyatt R. Whitney, Atyana S. Whitney, Otha M. Whitworth, Colby R. Wiedman-Goldberg, Patrick J. Wiesner, Emily K. Wiggins, Anna F. Wiggins, Jennifer M. Wike, Kerri C.
Wikkerink, Cheyenne S. Wilbraham, Luke R. Wilbur, Emma K. Wiley, Courtney T. Wilhelmsen, Broden D. Wilk, Teagan J. Wilkerson, Kaitlyn B. Wilkins, Jaron A. Wilkins, Selena Wilkins, Teandrea M. Willard, Quinn G. Willett, Jonathan P. Williams, Aaliyah D. Williams, Aaron J. Williams, Amari O. Williams, Anna M. Williams, Brionna S. Williams, Christian B. Williams, Constance Williams, Darlene E. Williams, Dominique L. Williams, Jasmine S. Williams, Jeremiah M. Williams, Jimmy B. Williams, Jordan W. Williams, Joshua N. Williams, Karis M. Williams, Katelyn M. Williams, Kayley A. Williams, Khaliq N. Williams, Laila A. Williams, Maggie E. Williams, Mary E. Williams, Natalie Williams, Sheri J. Williams, Tina L. Williams, Tomeka D. Williamson, Cameron R. Williamson, Jon A. Williamson, Robin M. Willigan, Katie A. Willis, Erin E. Willoughby, Joshua C. Wilson, Allie Wilson, Autumn N. Wilson, Bailee L. Wilson, Claire A. Wilson, Graham P. Wilson, Jasmine R. Wilson, Julianna L. Wilson, Logan A.
Wilson, Mary Hannah B. Wilson, Nyquan L. Wilson, Parker J. Wilson, Sydney M. Wimbush, Kathleen E. Windham, Mark B. Windley, DaQuaesia D. Windley, Debra A. Winfrey, Seth C. Wingert, Madison B. Wingfield, India M. Winstead, Stroud J. Winstead, Tiara N. Winter, Carson S. Winters, Savannah M. Winters, Seth C. Wirthlin, Christine B. Wirthlin, Winter R. Wiser, Abigail G. Witmeyer, Seth J. Wohl, Anthony M. Wohlers, Amanda Wolanzyk, Kayla M. Wolf, Lillian M. Wolff, Kirsten J. Wolstenholme, Brian D. Wood, Brianna R. Wood, Lindsay N. Wood, Nathaniel C. Wood, Noah M. Woodard, Kayla L. Woodhouse, James W. Woods, Danielle A. Woods, Derek M. Woods, Malachi O. Woods, Matthew J. Woodward, Alexia L. Woodward, Sofia G. Woolard, Brianna F. Woolard, Kama F. Wooley, Kayla M. Wools, Sophie L. Wooten, Allison L. Wooten, Eleanor T. Wooten, Gabriel R. Workman, Rodney K. Worley, Maddison M. Worley, Patrick H. Worsley, Joseph L. Wortham, Angell S. Wrenn, Kayla E.
Anchors Away
Wright, Anna M. Wright, Brichelle K. Wright, Christopher A. Wright, Daja R. Wright, Julienne S. Wright, Lauren T. Wright, Raegynn E. Wright, Tucker V. Wurster, Kaitlyn L. Wyatt, Brian A. Wyatt, Caswell M. Wyatt, Courtney L. Wynn, Nicole B. X, Zaqir Xiong, Myna Xu, Zhengli Yanello, Briana Yanez, Danielle E. Yarborough, Kathryn R. Yarbray, Austin N. Yarbrough, Brittany D. Yates, Elizabeth L. Yates, Emily G. Yates, Riley M. Yeakle, Zachary T. Yencho, Anya E. Yoder, Sydney M. Yodice, Michael A. Yoon, Jonghee York, Devon P. Young, Catherine D. Young, Christopher M. Young, Collin M. Young, Morgan T. Young, Robert S. Young, Taylor S. Younts, Carrie Zack, Rachel C. Zajac, Sydney Zalavadia, Raj S. Zapata, Jovanna B. Zarate, Agustin M. Zeidan, Martin A. Zentz, Sydney J. Zichettella, Morgan W. Zickerman, Annika N. Ziegler, William J. Zierenberg, Leighton S. Ziglar, Jordan L. Ziglar, Maria C. Zimmerman, Joshua Z. Zinkievich, Allison S.
Zirofsky, Tristan D. Zougarhi, Yasmine Zullo, Natalie B.
Fall 2022 Graduates Abhulimen, Onolunosen J. Abouelhassan, Faisal Abuzarqa, Haneen Adams, Laura E. Adams, Nicolas G. Adams, Pamela P. Adeoti, Oluwatosin T. Adkins, Mary K. Agner, Cameron C. Akhnoukh, Mina K. Alabdali, Abdullah M. Alamo-Worley, Maria I. Alanizi, Saad H. Alcorn, Derek N. Aldridge, Hailey A. Alexander, Matthew E. Alexander, Samantha R. Algutaini, Safana A. Al-Hammori, Deanna W. Alicea, Caitlyn Allen, Alexis N. Allen, Gabrielle Y. Allen, Kayla A. Allen, Margaret B. Allen, Victoria M. Allette, Daniel C. Alligood, Nicholas J. Alligood, Rhys F. Alsharif, Khalid N. Alston, Ahmad A. Alvarez, Jessica P. Alvarez, Zaira P. Ambriz-Huerta, Jacqueline Amin, Paree C. Anachuna, Nancy C. Anderson, Ashly D. Anderson, Cody W. Anderson, Hailey M. Anderson, Joshua M.
Anderson, Kelly E. Anderson, Laurin M. Anderson, Sade Andrews, Julia C. Andrews, Melissa L. Andrews, Shannon T. Andrews, Toby W. Angeloff, Clarissa C. Angermeier, Tori M. Antonio, Nestor Apostolico, Abigayle G. Apperson, Addison F. Ardon Lobos, Marcos E. Arellano, Jhasmine A. Armstrong, Dawson Arnold-Minkley, Nichole L. Aschenbrenner, John J. Atkins, Chelsea Atkinson, Gardner M. Atri, Kian J. Attucks, Jahmad A. Attum, Wael S. Auwn, Michael A. Avery, James J. Ayala, Sarah A. Aycock, Nicholas Bagley, Courtney L. Bailey, Kendall R. Baker, Dylan S. Baker, Erin A. Baker, Jackson D. Baker, Lauren E. Baker, McKinley K. Balch, Melissa A. Ball, Jalen K. Ballance, Adam Ballance, Layla J. Baluch, Tirzah M. Banks, Gabrielle N. Banner, Dean K. Barbour, Leslie N.
*Provided by ECU’s Office of Registrar. Reflects graduate applications as of Feb. 4, 2023.
Barbour, Michael R. Barefoot, Graham E. Barefoot, Sarah E. Barkley, Madison L. Barnes, Chandler M. Barnes, Derese M. Barnes, Na’tiana L. Barnes, Tifanie L. Barnhill, Steven M. Barr, Ashley J. Barr, Joshua E. Barrera, Edwin J. Bass, Brittany L. Bastian, Alexander G. Batchelor, Jaya N. Bateman, Heather L. Bates, Allyna E. Battoglia, Joseph A. Baxter, Connolly D. Beaman, Kathryn Q. Bean, Patrick H. Beasley, Houston A. Beebe, Katelyn E. Bell, McDonald B. Bender, Dana M. Benedetto, Tawnee’ Benfield, Justin D. Benford, Isabella G. Bennett, Andrew D. Bennett, Carisa A. Bennett, Daniel B. Bennett, Rebecca A. Benzit, Mohamed Berger, Lauren A. Berman, Daniel R. Bernard, Gillian C. Bernard, Tamika L. Berry, Ensley C. Best, Chaylene N. Best, Emma G. Betancourt Rojas, Anya Beveridge, Genia L.
Spring 2023
Bill, Charlotte M. Black, Mykala F. Blaisdell, Brandon M. Blalock, Kristen E. Blanchard, Kyle Z. Blango, Andrea R. Blanton, Evan A. Blocker, Heaven H. Boahn, Amber L. Bolden, Tyanna A. Bolich, Noah H. Bonner, Jaquez Boone, Autumn B. Bornhorst, Julia M. Bouren, Charity A. Bower, Danna Bowman, Maggie C. Boyce, Lilly A. Boyle, Kevin Bracey, Kaitlyn E. Brackett, Jacob K. Braddom, Bridget A. Brady, Jessica R. Brake, Isaac C. Brandon, Ashlee Brandt, Margaret Brannin, Kaitlyn M. Braxton, Emily M. Brennan, Mariah L. Brew, William G. Bridges, Matthew K. Briggs, Hannah K. Bright, Hannah F. Briley, Christopher K. Brink, Shannon Bristle, Anna M. Britt, Emily J. Britt, John P. Brockers, Tora M. Brohan, Evan T. Brooks, Alexis T. Brooks, Nicala N.
Brooks, Sara M. Brower, Avery L. Brown, Blake M. Brown, Darin A. Brown, Hunter T. Brown, Marion D. Brown, Megan G. Brown, Myles A. Brown, Rachel E. Brown, Treveon A. Brown, Zoe G. Browne, George H. Bruening, Thomas R. Brumsey, Courtney D. Bryan, Kelsey Bryant, Alysia I. Bryant, Makayla M. Buck, Rebecca M. Bulgarino, Brianna Bunch, Devin A. Burch, Lauren W. Burke, Brandon T. Burleson, Grant C. Burlingame, Anthony R. Burns, Bryce D. Burton, Taylor N. Burwell, Hunter S. Busby, Emma E. Bush, Carson T. Bushi, Madison E. Butler, Quinton D. Button, Amy Butts, Kristen B. Byrd, Sarah Cabanas Hernandez, Fabiola C. Caison, Meghan E. Calderon, Arturo Calhoun, John C. Calhoun, Timothy J. Callaway, Kasey Cameron, Ashley
Campbell, Dawson J. Cannon, Bridget N. Cannon, Macy A. Capps, Brooke A. Carbajal, Diana L. Cargile, Alayna S. Caroon, Mason C. Carpenter, Andrew L. Carpenter, Elizabeth R. Carr, Nicole Carre, Chelsea Carrillo Lopez, Jorge L. Carroll, Gabrielle M. Carson, Hunter S. Cartagena, Mary L. Carter, Jarious R. Carter, Kimberly L. Carter, Nicholas A. Carter, William N. Casey, Alisa D. Casey, Josephine J. Casteen, Ellen D. Catoir, Robert Caughron, Miriam A. Cekada, Lauren A. Chambliss, Emily T. Chapic, Sidney M. Chapman, Alissa J. Chapman, Sydney E. Charvat, Henry A. Chase, Nicholas G. Chavis, Katelyn L. Cheney, Emily J. Cherry, Jacob M. Cherry, Joshua E. Cherry, Shantaga M. Chesis, Brett E. Chesnutt, James W. Childs, Nancy M. Cho, Hyunjae L. Chrisp, Caitlyn L. Christie, Shawna R. Churchill, Rebecca Citrano, Brandon R. Clark, Autumn R. Clark, De’Siree M. Clark, Joshua L. Clark, Micah A. Clark, Robert E. Clark, Tia M. Claybrook, Garett C. Clayton, Wade E.
Clifton, Hunter E. Cline, Jackson D. Cloninger, Adam R. Close, Alexander K. Cmarik, Dominic R. Cobb, Kayleigh J. Cochran, Zachary R. Coderre, Abby M. Coe, Jessica M. Coker, William G. Cole, Cheyenne J. Cole, Rebecca D. Cole-Ayers, Taylor L. Coleman, Jonathan E. Coleman, Justin C. Collins, Joshua A. Collins, Matthew S. Collins, Roxanne S. Collins, Sarah E. Collins, Seth W. Combs, Elisha R. Comley, Amanda R. Comstock, Rylea S. Condit, Cameron J. Conklin, Stephen T. Connell, Hunter G. Connell, Sydney P. Conner, Blake J. Connors, Chas A. Conte, Alyssia C. Conte, Michael L. Coogan, Camryn R. Cook, Kristen S. Cook, Samantha C. Cook, Seth B. Cooke, Christopher Cooley, Brittany E. Coover, Joshua Coover, Krisanna M. Copeland, Anna G. Copeland, Brittany L. Copeland, Kristy Copeland, Mara G. Corbett, Oriana M. Cornelius, Ashleigh L. Cortes, Dylan D. Cortes, Juan C. Cotellese, Taylor Cotterell, Kaden D. Cottle, Michelle R. Cotton, Brianna M. Councilman, Austin M.
Covington, Devonte F. Cowan, Jasmine E. Cowsert, Jackson H. Cox, Christopher N. Cox, Danae A. Cox, Jordyn M. Cox, Samuel L. Cox, Sheris D. Crabtree, Elke N. Craig, Elizabeth R. Craig, John M. Cranford, Caleb E. Crawford, Brian Crawford, Brittany Crawford, Cooper J. Crespo, Savannah B. Cromer, Cooper A. Crossgrove, Amanda K. Crotty, Sean C. Crouch, Tyler B. Crow, Zoe K. Cruz, Amy L. Cueto, Luis C. Culaj, Ardita Cunningham, Desiree’ M. Curl, Gregory M. Curry, Cameron T. Cutler, Juliet C. D’Agostino, Anthony Daigneault, Trevor J. Dail, Austin H. Dang, Ryan H. D’Angelo, Maggie C. Daniels, Kendall B. Daniels, Rachel B. Dardis, Olivia C. Darnell, Stephanie K. Dasher, Amaya S. Davenport, Bryce A. Davis, Amanda J. Davis, Brooklyn S. Davis, Dy’Quece J. Davis, K’Lee M. Davis, Madison L. Davis, Reginald A. Davis, Sean C. Davis, Sieate B. Dawson, Josiah Dean, Kimberly A. Dean, Susan E. Dean, Walter J.
Anchors Away
Deanes, Madison C. Deaver, Cole H. DeCarlo, Joseph B. Deese, Kali M. Deffenbaugh, Cameron B. Deitz, Bree E. Dejulio, Michael P. Delese, Alexis J. Delgado, Kimberly F. DeMarco, Richard J. Demont, Jacoby P. Denton, Matthew R. Desai, Raj DeTullio, Nicholas J. Devine, Maxwell K. Devlin, Zana Dickerson, Sarah E. Dickey, Sarah Dickson, William B. Diewald, Keli M. Dillane, Danielle N. Dilldine, Brianna P. Dillon, Makayla E. DiMicheli, Jessica T. Discepolo, A Alfred J. Dittmer-Bennett, Melissa R. Dixon, Carmen D. Dixon, Katherine D. Dixon, Mikayla M. Dominguez-Porcayo, Nelitza Domke, Cecilia N. Doran, Grace L. Dos Santos, Lauren R. Doss, Christopher N. Doughtie, Noah T. Doughtie, Sarah E. Dourseau, Shawn Downing, Patrick G. Downs, Derrik D. Downs, Lydia K. Draper, Brittany L. Driscoll, Taylor A. Driver, Robert Druga, John D. Duck, Griffin T. Duckworth, Holden P. Duckworth, Jackson G. Duell, Casper R. Duhig, Katherine M.
Duke, Kelsey G. Duncan, Mara L. Dunn, Taylor J. Durbin, Erica M. Dursi, Andrew M. Dyer, Kathryn H. Eackles, Jaydon Earley, Gabriel M. Earp, Kimberly S. Edgerton, Emily G. Edmundson, Steven D. Edwards, Alexander J. Edwards, Mark L. Edwards, Rebekah A. Efird, Jackson T. Egan, Joshua G. Elgin, Olivia D. Elliott, Alexander J. Elliott, Garren Elliott, Samuel E. Ellis, Alis L. Ellis, Sara-Marie Ellis, Shaniece L. Embree, Christopher C. Ennis, Harrison P. Ericson, Cameron B. Estes, Morgan P. Evans, Kathryn A. Everett, Margaret A. Faircloth, Taylor M. Faircloth, William A. Faller, Grace C. Faraci, Darby E. Farah, Mohammad W. Farris, Ben D. Fawcett, Kimberly S. Feinstein, Dean J. Fellows, Julia M. Fennimore, Sophia M. Fenton, Emily A. Ferguson, Andrew L. Ferrell, Mark J. Fiebelkorn, Taylor S. Finch, James A. Finegan, Matthew P. Finn, Kristina E. Finnegan, Matthew J. Fisher, Hannah E. Fisher, Mary L. Fisher, Shane M. FitzGerald, Kendall G. Fitzhenry, Catherine B.
g Flannigan, Amber N. Fleming, Kylie J. Flinn, Alex D. Flock, Isabelle Flores, Janessa M. Flowers, Aleah T. Floyd, Haley A. Floyd, Tyler J. Flynn, Carleigh T. Foege, Teagan M. Foerman, Kenneth D. Ford, Stanley L. Foreman, Veronica L. Forney, Justin Forrest, Christal Forrest, Taylor S. Foster, Deysha S. Foster, Ewan M. Foster, Melanie G. Foster, Morgan J. Foulke, Madison F. Fox, Jacob C. Foy, Elizabeth M. Franks, Evan W. Fraser, Seth D. Freeman, D’Nia N. Freeman, Walker J. French, Crystal S. Fresquez, Sarah E. Frey, Kaitlin E. Friedly, Tanner J. Fuelleman, Samuel N. Fulghum, Randall L. Fuller, Jake A. Fulton, Andrew P. Funda, Jon T. Funderburk, Gabrielle A. Futsum, Thomas Fux, John K. Fyle, William T. Gaddy, Garret J. Gadson, Kendrik A. Galloway, Lacy C. Galloway, Zaynah A. Gamayot, Kiara Glydell M. Gantt, Allyson L. Ganzert, Jonathan B. Garcia, Aied Garcia, Angelica A. Garcia, Brenda 26
Garcia, Daniel Gardner, Jackson A. Garner, Sarah E. Garrett, Tina A. Gaul, Phillip H. Gavett, June Gawlik, Kendall C. Gearhart, Savannah S. Geistman, Kayla N. Gerald, Sarah Geyer, Kristen Giacobbi, Samuel H. Gibbons, Maddison G. Gibney, Joel Gibson, Camryn B. Gibson, John L. Gilbert, Brandon C. Gilbert, Emily P. Giles, Jonathan L. Giles, Seth C. Gillam, Jennifer D. Gilliard, Amari F. Glockzin, Virginia E. Glover, Ashleigh W. Glover, Jamon E. Glovier, Jacob N. Glushko, Olga M. Godbey, Patrick K. Goddard, Sadie R. Godoy, Isabella G. Godwin, Alexander L. Godwin, Daniel S. Godwin, Skyler B. Goetz, Stephanie A. Golden, Crystal A. Gomez, Daisy R. Gongura, Sajatha Gonzalez, Erik Gonzalez, Julia M. Gonzalez, Sarai A. Goodson, Gregory P. Goodwin, Brenda J. Goodwin, Lexington Gore, Sallie Gorham, Haley N. Gorham, Joshua C. Gould, Ashley A. Goyani, Jaydeep H. Grace, Devontae N. Grady, Ariyana Grady, Sinjin B. Graham, Mason R.
Granados, Marc P. Grange, Dominic M. Grant, Jillian M. Grantham, Andrew J. Graves, Hannah B. Gravitt, Thomas A. Gray, Bobbi M. Gray, Sarah P. Gray, Tamica Green, Adrienne R. Green, Cassidy C. Green, LaTia N. Greene, Randall D. Greer, Meredith A. Greeson, Abby E. Gregory, Brian Gregory, Danmon Gregory, Mason E. Gribble, Courtney R. Grieb, Emily A. Griffin, Leah S. Griffin, Matthew K. Griffin, Morgan B. Griffiths, Christy R. Grimes, Justin W. Grisette, Athena M. Groulx, Sonora R. Groves, Margaret J. Grubbs, Peyton A. Guerrero Rodriguez, Diego D. Guerriero, Carolyn G. Guessennd, Astrid A. Gugneja, Seymone Ha, Joseph N. Haase, Lydia A. Hagans, Brittaney A. Hager, Branden P. Hajaj, Omar Haley, Meaghan R. Hall, Jacob D. Hall, Jajuan L. Hall, John C. Hall, Makayla J. Hall, Robert D. Halsey, Brynn Hamer, Dylan Hamilton, Devyn L. Hamilton, John H. Hamilton, Lauryn T. Hampton, D’Montaa L. Hanes, Haden T.
Spring 2023
Hardison, Connor R. Hardison, Karlee S. Hardison, Rachel L. Hardy, Joshua A. Hardy, Leah Hare, Ronald C. Hargrove, Sarah E. Harkins, Shane P. Harmon, Stephen D. Harpine, Caitlynn A. Harrell, Nathaniel S. Harris, Calista L. Harris, Jasmine D. Harris, Jordan T. Harris, Joshua D. Harris, Joshua M. Harris, Kilem D. Harris, Rachel I. Hartis, Jessica E. Hassan, Muhammad Hasspacher, Tyler Haswell, McKenzi S. Hatch, Victoria A. Havens, Riley C. Hawes, Tammy L. Hayes, Jordan Hayes, Matthew Hayworth, Hannah H. Heavner, Madison A. Hedenskog, Coulton R. Hedgepeth, Mackenzie J. Hegerich, Patricia A. Hemer, Laura C. Hemingway, Nathalie P. Henderson, Amiyah N. Henderson, Sarah R. Hendges, Madison D. Henley, Adam J. Henry, Kevin J. Herrera Meza, Julio A. Herring, Ericka D. Herring, Skyler R. Heurtelou, Rachel Hewett, Miriam A. Heym, Molly A. Hickman, Alexander R. Hicks, Caitlin M. Hicks, Joseph B. Hicks, Spinner B. Hicks, Taylor Z. Hicks, Tylik D.
Higgins, Chanel T. Higgs, Isaiah High, Camille N. High, Robert M. Hill, Alphonzia Hill, Kyndall L. Hill, Samuel G. Hines, Katelyn Z. Hinger, Alexander Hinshaw, Wesley G. Hinson, Margaret F. Hoadley, Sara M. Hobbs, Michael E. Hodge, Brenna E. Hodges, Charles W. Hodges, Tylon G. Hodgins, Jacob A. Holland, Rion P. Holley, Rhiannon M. Hollingsworth, J W. Hollingsworth, Steven P. Hollis, Amanda L. Holloman, Jalen J. Holloman, Madison G. Holmes, Caroline M. Holmes, Jacob D. Holmes, Lane P. Holovach, Michael T. Homo, Tatenda Hood, Dylan K. Hood, Lauren N. Hooks, Nadauya Hooper, Jorden M. Hope, Jordan Hopkins, Ronni L. Hornshuh, Nicholas D. Horton, Lucas R. Hoskins, Angela O. Hough, Robert B. Houston, Megan D. Hovey, Kinley S. Howard, Levi C. Hudson, Laura Huffman, Brett S. Huffman, Landon G. Hukill, Neely R. Humpal, Michael A. Hunt, Francine Hunt, Jordan A. Hunt, Paige Hunt, Ryan Hurysz, Carson J.
Huston, Megan E. Huth, Kailey A. Huynh, Phuong Hyde, Delaney N. Hylan, Bristol A. Ibraimov, Hyriea Ingram, Jennifer B. Irvin, Taylor T. Isastia, Nina M. Isles, Lucas A. Iuso, Nicholas A. Ivey, Caitlin C. Jackmore, Kevin J. Jackson, Ashlee B. Jacobson, Grace H. Jaen-Juarez, Ruby Jahan, Iffath James, Katherine K. Jarman, Aaliyah V. Jarman, Aaron G. Jarman, John W. Jarman, Nicholas S. Jarman, Tracy L. Jascewsky, Kate E. Jenkins, Angie R. Jenkins, Ashley B. Jenkins, Dylan R. Jenkins, Jeffrey G. Jenkins, Rosalyn L. Jernigan, Heather D. Jimenez, Roberto M. Jimison, Devonne C. Jobe, Jordyn R. Johal, Niren S. Johnsen, Christine E. Johnson, Alaina M. Johnson, Colin G. Johnson, Harrison Johnson, Harrison D. Johnson, Jackson M. Johnson, Mandy Johnson, Taylor A. Johnson, Taylor M. Johnson, Willicia A. Johnston, Louismary F. Johnston, Mikayla H. Jones, Avery Jones, Christy G. Jones, David M. Jones, Demi E. Jones, Hannah G. Jones, Leah R.
Jones, Lindsey B. Jones, Mackenzie E. Jones, Megan A. Jones, Patrick T. Jones, Payton T. Jones, Reahna M. Jones, Saraica D. Jones, Seth I. Jones, Tatiana P. Jones, Tierra Y. Jooybanpour, Shirin Jordan, Tavian J. Joyner, Kiersten A. Joyner, Megan O. Julian, Austin S. Justice, Emily A. Justison, Sarah E. Kalgren, Sean R. Kaniho, Hi’ilei Kapp, Christopher Kappert, Davis J. Karp, Kamerin M. Karpenko, Kenneth A. Karunakaran, Susanna M. Kately, Faith D. Katsoudas, Brooke E. Kawas, Brooke E. Keane, Kathleen B. Keith, Laurel W. Kelley, Sean C. Kellis, Elana N. Kelly, Stephen B. Kendall, Jemelia M. Kenney, James C. Kerlin, Alexandra R. Kessler, Katherine L. Ketner, Cameron Kidd, Aaron F. Kidd, Madison E. Kight, Amanda J. Kincaid, Rebecca A. King, Alisha M. King, Anthony G. King, Anthony J. King, Dakota P. King, Hunter A. King, Kyle D. Kinkead, Jude Kirby, Mary E. Kirkland, Christopher W.
Klinedinst, Andrea Kloosterman, Jonathan D. Knecht, Heidi Y. Knight, Daniel W. Knight, Emory P. Ko, Aaron W. Kohnen, Morgan N. Koltusky, Ksenia A. Komanitsky, Taylor R. Kong, Sabrina G. Kongdok, Yom C. Korankyi, Esther Kornegay, Shawanda M. Kotch, Taylor E. Kraft, Jordan A. Krakow, Elias J. Krec, Sarah S. Kuczo, Caitlin M. Kuhl, Michelle M. Kwiatkowski, Emily G. LaCarrubba, Calvin H. Lachapelle, Robert J. Lackey, Joseph B. Laird, David A. Lajcin, Antonio M. Landaverde, Kimberly L. Lane, Ervin W. Langley II, Christopher L. Lanier, Brenton D. Lapres, Nina L. LaRosa, Anthony S. Lasater, Rebekah H. Lattig, April L. Laufer, Danielle Laureano, LeAna A. Laviano, Adam V. Lawson, Gracen A. Leary, Jeffrey C. Leary, Lora S. Ledbetter, Christian S. Lee, Annabel C. Lee, Bethany J. Lee, Charisma M. Lee, Grace T. Lee, Kayla E. Lee, Newshow Lee, Shelby M. Lee, Star D. Legg, Joseph B. Legg, Kristen
Leggett, Gregory B. Leggett, Hunter W. Leister, Jared T. Lenear, Devin M. Leonardo, Adrianna E. Lesmeister, Abbey N. Lewis, Ashley B. Lewis, Brett S. Lewis, Briana F. Lewis, Gray W. Lewis, Kelly N. Lewis, Kelvin J. Lewis, Kristyn R. Lewis, Valerie E. Leyva Jimenez, Marlen A. Liles, Kevin A. Lilley, Taylor S. Lincoln, Charlsie D. Lindsay, Alexandrea R. Line, Christina Lineberry, Madison R. Linehan, Michael N. Linge, John T. Lingelbach, Connor J. Little, Diamond N. Little, Madison R. Locklear, Lachyna Locklear, Sierra N. Loendorf, Brittany Loflin, Maya L. London, Tyra N. Long, Blake L. Long, Christopher C. Long, D’Asia N. Long, Sophad R. Longayo, Falone O. LoPresto, Joseph M. Lounsbery, Thor Lowell, Mackenzie E. Lozano, Christian Luckett, Brittny Lylyk, Andriy Lynch, Tyler J. Lyons, Haydn Lytton, Chloe Macdonald, Kelly Macfarland, Zachary S. Mack, Brie A. Maggio, Anthony J. Mahdi, Fatimata S. Mahmoud, Taha M.
Majette, Elizabeth M. Malagisi, Isabella R. Malpass, Collin A. Malpass, Robert E. Manley, Brittany N. Mann, Abbie L. Mann, Randall W. Manning, Evan B. Manning, Sara G. Manning, Sierra A. Marie, Mona A. Marion, Emily G. Marshall, Kelly A. Marshall, Taylor B. Martens, Christian T. Martin, Bethany L. Martin, Elizabeth A. Martin, Jesse R. Martineau, Grace E. Martinette, Carley M. Martinez, Alexia L. Martinez, Melissa Martinez-Santoyo, Ivan U. Maselli, Kristen L. Mason, Jaclyn R. Massey, Jon L. Massey, Katherine E. Massey, Malinda B. Masterson, Fay H. Matheson, Christa H. Mathews, Inara L. Matthews, Michael L. Maurelli, Sean M. Maurice, Danielle E. Maye, Mackenzie G. Mayfield, Logan S. Maynard, Daniel J. McAden, Matilda R. McAllister, Caitlin A. Mccartney, Christina N. McClain, Emily M. McComas, Roger A. McConnaughey, Joseph K. McConnell, Kaitlyn A. Mcconnell, Valerie Y. Mccool, Daniel P. McCormack, Todd D. McCoy, Shainaya T. McCray, Ethan P. McCrimmon, Eric C.
Anchors Away
n McDaniel, Nicholas A. McDonald, Bradley A. McDougal, Maycie A. McGann, Hannah L. McGeary, Owen P. McGee, Kacie N. McGlamery, Kody B. Mcgurn, Caryce McKeithan, John M. McKillop, Nicole M. Mckinnish, Madison N. McKoy, Shardae N. McLamb, Jackson S. Mclaren, Katherine T. McLaurin, Emma K. McLeod, Emmanuel J. McLester, Grayson S. McMillan, Jalen H. McNeil, Cierra D. McNeill, Ainsley J. McRae, Lee L. McVay, Lewis R. Meador, Mekenzie M. Meeks, Joshua L. Mehlhop, Cassandra Z. Mehta, Ashwinee Melendez, Diego J. Meling, Ryan J. Mellion, Jamez J. Melton, Hannah E. Melton, Thomyah E. Mercurius, Yasmine S. Merino, Stephanie L. Merritt, Casen G. Merritt, Emily E. Merritt, Hailey B. Messick, Grayson W. Messier, Andre J. Meyers, Griffin B. Michaelsen, Christopher T. Midgett, Ciara C. Mikeal, Brittany Miles, Carrie A. Millard, Haley E. Miller, Grant C. Miller, Jakira T. Miller, Jaquaious Miller, Justin R. Miller, Levi M. Miller, Madison G. Miller, Matthew W. 28
Miller, Stephanie P. Miller, Taylor L. Mills, Anthony E. Mills, Ashley B. Mills, Destiney E. Mills, Ethan E. Milton, Angelica D. Mintz, Michael B. Mireles Zuniga, Gisele Misner, McKenzie D. Mitchell Surratt, April E. Mitchell, Krystal E. Mitchum, Emily R. Moffett, Anna E. Moffitt, Matthew B. Montana-Rhodes, Donna W. Monter, Nataly Montgomery, Jerrolyn L. Moon, Dominick V. Moon, Sarah C. Mooney, Mary C. Mooneyham, Matthew P. Moore, Brittany L. Moore, Keyonta R. Moore, Ryan Moore, Shelby C. Moore, William C. Moore-Berry, Karen M. Mooring, Catherine G. Mooring, Kelsey N. Mooring, William C. Moradiani, Golnaz Morgan, Bradley S. Morgan, Gabrielle E. Morrow, Angela G. Morton, Rebecca O. Moss, James D. Mosso, Jose F. Moya, Claudia Moye, KeShawn Moyer, Briana M. Mrzyglod, Alexis N. Munns, Corey D. Murphy, Amiyah N. Murphy, Anna R. Murphy, Declan K. Murray, Violet E. Mussler, Lauren O. Myatt, Johnnie B. Myrick, Rayven S.
Nadeem Qaiser, Alina Nance, Carson B. Nara, Asritha Narayankhedkar, Narasimha S. Naser, Amna N. Natal, Silda-Ly Navarrete, Karina Nealy, Philip J. Needell, Katelyn R. Neely, Devora R. Neely, Landon E. Neil, Matthew B. Nelson, Olivia L. Nelson, Tierra L. Newell, Connor S. Newman, Brian E. Newsome, Christy R. Nezamabadi, Patricia R. Nguyen, Melinda M. Niblack, Stephanie W. Nichols, Samantha D. Nieves, Krystal Nikolova, Any N. Ninesling, Charlotte E. Nnaji, Uchechi N. Norman, Kayla L. Novotny, Jocelyn G. Novotny, Lauren Nunez, Samantha Nwamu, Isioma A. Nwogbo, Emeka E. O’Brien, Caleb J. O’Brien, Celeste C. O’Brien, Robert R. Odom, Alexa C. O’Hoppe, Melanie M. Okyere, Nethania A. Olivares, Brenda G. Olmsted, Joshua O’Neal, Eric A. O’Neal, Jarrett D. Onyeabo, Ihedinma P. O’Reilly, John H. Orlando, Michael J. Orotea, Jaxine Flor M. Orskey, Margaret E. Osborne, Jordan Outlaw, Takia E. Overby, Samuel H. Overlin, Noah J. Owens, Christian M.
Spring 2023
Owens, Nicholas D. Owolabi, Elizabeth J. Owsley, Cara M. Oxendine, Joshua L. Padget, Erin E. Painter, Shelby S. Palma, Zachary M. Panella, Brittney Pang, Shannon G. Parker, Anthony Parker, Cayman E. Parker, Colman R. Parker, Ivey C. Parker, Katie N. Parks, Camden B. Patchel, Olivia J. Pate, Anna C. Patel, Dhruv Patel, Ethan B. Patel, Janki J. Patel, Krishna K. Patel, Pritesh J. Patel, Priyank R. Patel, Puja A. Patrick, Nathaniel G. Patterson, Malorie L. Patton, Helen A. Pawlowski, Dana K. Paynter, Bianca E. Payseur, Mikayla A. Peacher, Cameron A. Pearce, Langley G. Pelaez, Adriana B. Pena, Jonathan Pendry, Emily D. Pennington, Cassidi B. Pennington, Jared B. Pepper, Nicholas R. Perez Chavez, Karen Perez, Arnold A. Perez, Josue D. Perez, Leslie I. Perkins, Anya D. Perkins, Nickolas I. Perry, Ashton D. Perry, Chase M. Pesant, Michael E. Peterson, Amy C. Peterson, Thomas M. Pettaway, Jaqavius J. Phillips, James W. Philon, Curtis L.
Pickens, Alexander W. Pierce, Cameron B. Pierce, Jacob W. Piper, Carly A. Piro, Lauren Pittman, Nicholas B. Plotzke, Valarie R. Podkonicky, Adam Pohlman, Adam J. Poimboeuf, Abigail R. Poitras, Mark Pollard, Jacob M. Poole Lodder, Michelle L. Poole, Bryce C. Poole, Emma E. Pope, Laura S. Potter, Brandon E. Potter, Gillian C. Potts, Kasandra R. Poulin, Kendra A. Powell, Brooke A. Powell, Hannah G. Powell, Madison V. Powell, Maxwell F. Powell, Rachael S. Powell-Lombard, Shannakay P. Poythress, Haley C. Prescott, Jordan L. Pressley, Marc J. Preston, Victoria G. Price, Hannah E. Price, Marlena F. Pridgen, Chloe J. Pritchett, Camden P. Pritt, Sara M. Proctor, Jordan T. Prunczik, Alexis M. Pulley, Connor G. Pyrtle, Candice G. Quarles-Howard, Ndazjah Y. Queen, Jessica Quesenberry, Scott L. Quick, Savannah R. Quiggle, Claire H. Rabey, Luke N. Radford, Mitchell K. Radford, Tanya Ragland, James L. Ramadan, Nadiyah N.
Ramirez Fuentes, Jamie E. Ramlal, Neil Ramsey, Kacey A. Ramsey, Thurman R. Randolph, Emily A. Rankin, Christopher Rapp, Matthew Rasberry, Laquon J. Rascento, Chloe M. Ratcliff, Charmaine H. Ray, Trenton W. Raye, Tre’Von T. Rayfield, Mackenzie E. Raynor, Raven G. Reardon, Jessica J. Reddy, Viswa C. Reeves, Darian B. Register, Kayleigh N. Register, Madison K. Rehman, Amber Reid, Ariel A. Reinhardt, Reese J. Reissfelder, Michael J. Renderos, Mirna L. Reyes, Jasmine Reynolds, Matthew Rhodes, Lance V. Rhynders, Elissa Rice, Jackson T. Rice, Matthew E. Richard, Raymond R. Richards, Ashlyn B. Richardson, Jennifer A. Richardson, Mary E. Richardson, Samiette Riddell, Katelyn E. Rieber, Ashley M. Riley, Megan E. Riley, Nichylas Ritchie, Zack K. Rizzuti, Mekedes R. Rmah, Hli Roach, Alex J. Roberson, Kaylin M. Roberts, Kenneth Roberts, Lindsay D. Roberts, Trey M. Robertson, Holly K. Robey, Jennifer Robins, Kiara J. Robinson, Ian J.
Robinson, Walter M. Robles, Matthew T. Rochelle, Caroline C. Rodriguez, Estevan Rodriguez, Michael J. Rodriguez, Monserrath Rogers, Cameron L. Rogers, Dakota L. Rogers, Jonathan P. Rohrbaugh, Joanna L. Rojas, Jessica L. Rollans, Macon D. Rollar, Naomi S. Romeo, Jaimie L. Rosebaugh-Nordan, James Ross, Chase C. Ross, Symbra C. Roth, Kelsey N. Roth, Walter L. Rouse, Kristin L. Rouse, Mattalyn E. Rowe, Ashley Rowe, Shayne L. Rowland, Tyler W. Royal, Donald W. Royster, Yushawnda R. Rubio, Jordyn L. Rudzinski, Martina M. Ruhe, Megan Ruiz, Nancy Rupke, Tamara L. Rush, Jacob D. Russ, Hayden Sabadina, Halyna Sadler, Merry S. Sadowski, Staci M. Saffo, Emily D. Sage, Austin T. Saghir, Nyla Saieed, Anthony C. Sakowski, Carson D. Salgado-Merida, Lorenzo A. Salinas, Gladys I. Salisbury, Rachel D. Salkeld, Matthew F. Salter, Shannon L. Samson, Joseph N. Sanches, Hannah M. Sanchez, Juan D. Sanchez, Maureen P.
Sanchez-Sonanez, Saul G. Sanders, Nora H. Sands, Erin L. Sandy, Pierce T. Santiago, Jennifier C. Sarra, Danielle C. Saunders, Jacob B. Saunders, Ryan W. Saylor, Garrett M. Scanlan, Lauren N. Schehr, Jordan D. Schelb, Megan E. Schindler, Justin H. Schleif, Eshan Schneider, Taylor Schreier, Cameron D. Schreiner, Jonathan C. Schultz, Bianca C. Schunk, Elizabeth-Margaret M. Scipioni, Samantha Scott, Ronald Sees, Isabella S. Sefer, Ines Sellitti, Sarah M. Sells, Sydnie J. Serbio, Carmelo A. Serpan, Mallory N. Serrano Hurtado, Karen T. Seskevich, Andrew P. Seymour-Alsina, Jessica Shafer, Hannah C. Shanahan, Aubrie Shaver, Joshua A. Shea, Christopher S. Sheek, Derrick N. Sheldon, Kristal L. Shepheard, Sheryl L. Shepherd, Emily G. Shepherd, Jackson S. Sheppard, Ashley N. Sheprow, Josephine I. Sherman, Jonathan L. Sherrill, Zoey F. Sherrod, Elijah N. Sherrod, Russell E. Shoffner, Logan S. Shouse, William R. Si, Justin Sidoti, Anna K.
Anchors Away
Siebor, Scott W. Silvers, Eden L. Simmons, John E. Simmons, Noah T. Simonson, Christopher R. Simpson, Ian R. Simpson, Kelsey C. Singh, Prabjot Singleton, Timothy R. Sirohi, Rahul Sittig, Justin L. Skinner, Dylan J. Skinner, John T. Slade, Wyleed E. Slaton, Carly R. Small, Trey A. Smedley, Jonathan D. Smiraglia, Karli M. Smith, Allure B. Smith, Amaris Z. Smith, Areion A. Smith, Ashley S. Smith, Ashton T. Smith, Briana Smith, Candice D. Smith, Darvile M. Smith, James A. Smith, Jenna B. Smith, Keyshorn M. Smith, Kimberly B. Smith, Leanna S. Smith, Patrick D. Smith, Raechel A. Smith, Raegan C. Smith, Robert D. Smith, Savannah L. Smith, Shyanne K. Smith, Skylar L. Smith, Suanna C. Smith, Sydney A. Smith, Taylor E. Smith, William K. Smith, Zoe C. Sneed-Shoulars, Michaela A. Snow, Michael W. Snyder, Evelyn H. Snyder, Lucas M. Soderstrum, Kelly B. Sorensen, Rachel M. Sotillo, Antonio
Sousa, Michael Sowell, Austin Sowers, Lydia G. Sowers, Mattie J. Speaks, Jayla N. Spenard, Scott C. Spencer, Sara E. Spivey, Blair W. Spruill, Briana M. Spruill, Clarence L. Stainback, Lillian H. Stalcup, Ryan J. Stallings, Randy W. Stamm, Cherri H. Stample, Kwanzaa N. Stanford, Stacy L. Staniszewski, Amanda M. Stanley, Robert C. Starks, Evan M. Starr, Owen R. Starr, Samuel D. Starrett, Cameron M. Staton, Adreanna L. Steele, Jason B. Steffensen, Brody D. Stein, Ryan T. Stephens, Daniya S. Stephenson, Jack R. Stevens, Jennifer B. Stevens, Joshua B. Stevenson, Landon M. Stewart, Jalynn E. Stewart, Kibreeauna M. Stocks, WesLeigh B. Stoll, Ethan G. Stone, Austin B. Stone, Hannah C. Strano, Kent H. Strickland, Jaryd S. Strickland, Meghan B. Strickland, Noah W. Strickland, Robert A. Strickland, Ryan S. Stringer, Gerard A. Styers, Rylee E. Styons, Priscilla W. Styons, Zachary R. Suggs, James B. Sullivan, Sylvia Summers, David L. Summey, Sterling
Surratt, Hope C. Sutton, Austin E. Sutton, Javoures R. Sutton, Raegine C. Swanhart, Kelly V. Swartz, Erik S. Swenson, Kristen L. Swinson, Victoria Sykes, Egypt Tabb, Tyrell Talbert, Cole A. Talbert, Will J. Talic, Emily S. Taneyhill, Alexandra M. Tanner, Grayson A. Tart, Jerrica T. Tawney, Ashley B. Taylor, Chase D. Taylor, Ellison W. Taylor, Garyn L. Taylor, Jonathan R. Taylor, Letila Taylor, Praise E. Tayseer Abou, Husain T. Teague, Steven R. Templeton, Jennifer Tenson, Jasnia Terrell, Clinton A. Terry, Kailyn L. Tewolde, Elias Y. Tharp, Bryson B. Thaxton, Donald J. Theysohn, Elizabeth B. Thigpen, Haley M. Thigpen, Kalen J. Thigpen, Luke A. Thigpen, Patrick C. Thomas, Dylan C. Thomas, Robert B. Thome, Anna K. Thompson, Dallas A. Thompson, Jamario M. Thompson, William L. Thoong, Cau G. Thorne, Beija E. Thresher, Mary K. Tilley, Triston L. Tilley, Zoe M. Tingen, Morgan L. Tingen, Olivia C. Tipirneni, Dhana Srimanthini 30
Tobin, Kailey D. Todd, Allison J. Tolley, Chandler B. Tomich, Bradley J. Tomicki, Nicole B. Torres, Leah M. Townsend, Lily H. Tramontana, Benjamin S. Tran, Brian Q. Travis, Ryan T. Treece, Lylian F. Trembly, Jessica B. Trent, Tiffany Tringali, Gabrielle R. Tripp, Caitlyn N. Trockel, Angeline R. Trueblood, Megan Tsyplakov, Vladimir S. Tucker, Adam M. Tucker, Elizabeth A. Turek, Danielle L. Turner, Caira R. Turner, Christopher M. Turner, Kelly P. Tyler, Jayvon T. Tyndall, Christopher R. Tyson, Anna E. Tyson, William D. Uddin, Nashim M. Underwood, Kendall G. Underwood, Lesley A. Unsinn, Rebecca M. Upchurch, James W. Uppal, Dishita Urias-Rivera, Omar Uwakwe, Ogechukwu G. Uzun, Elena Uzzell, Katelin A. Valente, Karlye A. Valentine, Alexander P. Valle Baltazar, Celia Valle, Giovanie M. Vamasiri, Burachat Van Brunt, Daniel L. Vandaveer, Caroline E. Vandrick, Robert J. Vang, Amy L. Vargo, Dawson C. Varnell, Drew T. Vass, Garrett A.
Vaughan, Christiana M. Vaughan, Jonathan R. Vaughan, Makiya E. Vaughan, Sydney M. Vaughan, Zachary J. Vaughan, Zachary K. Vaughn, Katherine M. Venters, Autumn B. Vereen, Yaminah W. Verma, Mahesh Verouden, Anna B. Vick, Shalanda E. Vincent, Kylee J. Vitagliano, Michela M. Vital, Dianie A. von Bucholz, Jacob K. Vosburgh, Austin L. Vose, Avery P. Voss, Jacob B. Vue, Selena N. Wade, Myranda A. Waheed, Warda Wainaina, Baraka M. Walker, Stewart E. Wallace, Lucille K. Wallace, Tabari A. Wallwork, Caleb J. Walrath, Jason L. Walsh, Kellie Walter, Elizabeth A. Wang, Jinying Ward, Athena C. Ward, Brandon J. Ward, Brena M. Ward, Joseph C. Ward, Mary E. Ware, Cheyanne A. Warf, Brian Waring, Melissa A. Warner, Summer M. Warren, Amani Warren, Bryant Warren, Grace L. Warren, Rylie L. Waters, Kara E. Watkins, Ashlyn N. Watkins, Kaitlyn N. Watkins, Kendall F. Watkins, Lateshia N. Watson, Jacquelyne J. Weaver, John Webb, Brianna A.
Spring 2023
Webb, Caroline J. Webb, Clayton Webb, Kelly L. Webb, Rachel L. Webb, Samuel J. Webber, Chelsea Webster, Sydney Webster, Terry A. Weidner, Kelly E. Welch, Caroline E. Wells, Lauren Wesley, Abraham West, Paige N. West, Summer L. Wetherington, Kimberly P. Wetherington, Mark E. Whaley, Jonathan W. Wheeler, Alyssa B. Wheeler, Timothy Whisenhunt, Brent D. Whisnant, Kaitlyn R. White, Alton B. White, Avian V. White, Darby N. White, Jamie S. White, Kailauna C. White, Madison A. White, Taylor B. Whitehurst, Leah J. Whitman, Michael Whitt, Dylan K. Whitt, Haleigh N. Whitting, Tayler R. Whittington, Paul Wiggins, Blisse Wiggins, Jordan N. Wilcox, Lisa M. Wilcoxen, Justin C. Wilkinson, Amy K. Williams, Alexis D. Williams, Allyse G. Williams, Belle L. Williams, Braxton H. Williams, Cassandra M. Williams, Chloe B. Williams, Haley A. Williams, Kaleya D. Williams, Kayley A. Williams, Lindsey Williams, Moreland B. Williams, Suzanne M.
Williams, Wade Q. Williams, Zachary O. Williamson, Rory E. Williams-Sutton, Dwanya M. Willis, Jana C. Willis, Jasmine N. Willis, Patricia M. Wilson, Phyllis A. Wilson, Sandy L. Wiltbank, Kelli E. Winnie, Kalyn E. Winslow, Alayna P. Winslow, Emily P. Winstead, Logan G. Wishert, Haley P. Wolynec, Ashley M. Wood, Anthony T. Wood, Antony A. Wood, Bryant A. Wood, Hannah J. Woodruff, Mary M. Woods-Hudson, Gania Woody, Austin R. Woolard, Ashlynn M. Woolard, Dylan M. Woolard, Landon C. Workman, Trista J. Worley, Kyle S. Worley, Teresa M. Wrenn, Joshua Wright, Alexis A. Wright, Ashley K. Wright-Johnson, Ryan A. Wu, Ping Seung Alice Wymard, Shelbi L. Wynn, Alice M. Wynn, Jacob A. Yaft, Gabriel Yahya, Sophie R. Yang, Ashley Yeager, Phillip M. Yelverton, Brittany A. Yentz, Lindsay M. Young, Haley C. Young, Jason B. Zary, Kelsey Zhang, Wang Zidan, Adham R. Zocchi, Alyssa L. Zuniga, Luis E.
Grad -ulations
Graduates!! Graduates Abbie Clavijo
Olivia Magistro
Watching you take your childhood love of writing and turn it into a pursuit of your dream of being a journalist has been amazing to watch. We are proud of the hard work you have put into accomplishing your academic and career goals, but even more proud of the strong and independent woman you have become.
We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Can’t believe you’re graduating and on your way to do great things. We wish you courage as you step ahead toward new challenges in life. May all of your dreams come true! With all our love, Mom, Kris, Kyle, & Brittany
We love you!
Chris Long
Kathryn Poulsen
There are no words to express the amount of pride I have in being your mom and watching you grow into a true “Pirate”. The amount of passion you have for writing and your love for The East Carolinian has been so enjoyable to watch, read, and share. Keep living your dream, and know I’ll always be your biggest fan.
I am so proud of all your hard work these past four years. You are such a beautiful person with a heart full of adventure, creativity, kindness, and love. I can’t wait to see how you change the world! Love you to the sun and back, Mom
Lizette Ramirez
Amarachi Uche
We are SO proud of you and all you’ve accomplished! A bachelor’s degree....in the United States! Wow! You’ve been an overcomer since birth. We can’t wait to see all that God continues to have in store for you! We love you.
Perseverance, compassion, and determination are just a few words that comes to mind when we think of you. Amarachi, you are a hard worker who doesn’t back down from any challenge.To paraphrase Hamilton, you are a diamond in the rough, at only nineteen, you have accomplished so much. We will continue to watch your ascendency in awe.
Dad & Mom Congratulations from your loving family!
Spring 2023
Celebrate your future graduate on the completion of their degree and their continuing success by contacting smaa@ecu.edu to reserve a congratulatory ad in the next edition of Anchors Away.
Department of Sociology Congratulations to our wonderful Sociology Graduates! You have reached a milestone. We’re so proud of you. We wish you much success on your future endeavors!
Jala Davis
Halie Miller
There are not enough words to describe how much we love and admire you. We want you to keep shining, creating and thriving. You are so special the world not only deserves but it needs you! We are so proud of you. Congrats our graduate, it’s your time to shine!!
You did it! Our daughter is receiving her Master’s Degree! Your determination and hard work have paid off and your future holds so many possibilities. May you always know how very proud we are, and how excited we are for all that is to come.
Love Always, Dad, Mom and your brothers!!!
We love you so very much! Congratulations! Mom, Dad, and Gracie
Tiffani Belfield
Murphy Shingler
You have really blown us away we always knew you were divinely sent to do Great things , but to watch you grow and blossom these past 4 years of college has been AMAZING! We have our sunglasses ready because Your future is sooo BRIGHT and we are ready to see you shine!! We love you Congratulations -Fam
We are so proud of you for completing this major milestone- Important things are worth working for! We are excited about this next phase in your lifePraying always for your next big thing (and small). Now go out there & be a Blessing! We believe in you! We Love you!
Brendan Cavazos
Emily Peek
Thank you so much for your hard-work and dedication to the sports section at Pirate Media 1.
Printer’s ink is in your blood. Your great-grandparents published the Pike County Journal and your dad is a writer, so it’s no surprise that you rose from reporter to Editor-in-Chief of The East Carolinian. We are proud of your hard work and success, and we love you so much.
Your newsroom family is so proud of you, and we will miss you! Congratulations, Your Pirate Media 1 family
Mom & Dad
Mom, Dad, and Maddy.
Anchors Away
May 25, 2020 George Floyd Protests United States Affairs One of the most horrific acts of police brutality in America occurred to a Black man named George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer in the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Floyd was killed on the street after being accused of using a counterfeit bill to pay at a corner store. A white male police officer, Derek Chauvin, pinned Floyd to the ground with his knee. Floyd repeatedly choked out, “I can’t breathe,” but Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd for nine-anda-half minutes. The other police officers who came to the scene with Chauvin prevented bystanders from intervening. According to The Guardian, a bystander took out their camera and filmed the event. The video quickly went viral and sparked massive outrage in the United States. Protests everywhere in the country erupted for weeks. From small towns to big cities, there were protests. This was one of the most unconstitutional and violent acts against a Black person in the 21st century
June 24, 2022 Roe V. Wade Overturned In the U.S. United States Politics For decades, the infamous U.S. Supreme Court case of Roe V. Wade stood as a symbol of female reproductive freedom in America. It was the 2021-22 Supreme Court case of Dobbs v. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization that overturned Roe V. Wade in a decision of 6-3. According to a question and answer article with experts on abortion, published by American University, Roe v. Wade established abortion as a constitutional right - now, women’s reproductive rights are legally decided through each state government. 34
Spring 2023
Major World Events Since COVID-19 By Ashley Wolfe | Illustrations by Sheridan Lycett
SPRING 2023 GRADUATES WILL go headfirst
January 6, 2021 Storming of The U.S. Capitol United States Affairs One of the most horrific acts of police brutality in America occurred to a Black man named George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer in the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Floyd was killed on the street after being arrested for possibly using a counterfeit bill to pay at a corner store. A white male police officer, Derek Chauvin, pinned Floyd to the ground with his knee. Floyd repeatedly choked out, “I can’t breathe,” but Chauvin kept his knee on Floyd for nine-and-ahalf minutes. The other police officers who came to the scene with Chauvin prevented bystanders from intervening. According to The Guardian, a bystander took out their camera and filmed the event. The video quickly went viral and sparked massive outrage in the United States. Protests everywhere in the country erupted for weeks. From small towns to big cities, there were protests. This was one of the most unconstitutional and violent acts against a Black person in the 21st century
into a world that has been shaped by nearly a dozen major world events, all within the timeframe since the spread of COVID-19 in early 2020.
Despite all the protests, social injustices, wars and invasions, there is still a bright future ahead for graduates who believe they can make the world a better place. Having a well-earned college degree certainly doesn’t hurt. From the overturning of the infamous Roe V. Wade case, to Queen Elizabeth II passing away, to Xi JinPing winning a third term as China’s presidents, here are some world events that have taken place since the COVID-19 pandemic took over in 2020.
Trigger Warning: mentions violence, human rights violations, and crimes.
September 8, 2022 Queen Elizabeth II of England Dies Global Politics After a whopping 70 years on the English throne, Queen Elizabeth II died leaving the crown to her eldest son. According to the official website for the British royal family, the Queen’s eldest son, Charles III, is now King of England. For so many individuals in England and abroad, Queen Elizabeth has been a constant in their lives. No matter what was happening in the world, everyone knew who held the throne in England. Since the Queen’s death, there are some who question and even challenge the antiquated role the royal monarchy plays in England. Being the year 2022, some English citizens do not think they should pay their tax dollars to support the monarchy, especially after the bad press it has gotten over the years for the mistreatment by the queen of her own royal family.
February 24, 2022 Russia Invades Ukraine Global Affairs In the early hours of morning, Russia invaded Ukraine. President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, led the invasion to prevent Ukraine from joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). NATO is a national security alliance between the United States, Canada and various European countries that are allied with each other against Russia. According to an extensive report by BBC News, Russia threatened Ukraine, and ultimately the rest of the world, of their invasion for weeks before they actually did. Some of the world highly doubted Putin would invade because of the brutal economic sanctions Russia would face from the United States and other countries.
September 17, 2021 Korean Pop Culture Spreads to Multiple Audiences Worldwide Global Entertainment For decades, the infamous U.S. Supreme Court case of Roe V. Wade stood as a symbol of female reproductive freedom in America. It was the 2021-22 Supreme Court case of Dobbs v. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization that overturned Roe V. Wade in a decision of 6-3. According to a question and answer article with experts on abortion, published by American University, Roe v. Wade established abortion as a constitutional right - now, women’s reproductive rights are legally decided through each state government.
Ukraine has been a sovereign nation since 1991, the year when it gained independence from the Soviet Union. That is why Russia’s ruthless invasion of Ukraine sparked outrage amongst the international community, and more than anybody else, the people of Ukraine.
Spring 2023
February 24, 2022 Protests In Iran Over Mahsa Amini’s Death Global Affairs A young Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini, died in Iran at the hands of Iran’s Guidance Patrol. The Guidance Patrol, also known as the “Morality Police,” is a surveillance group in Iran that constantly surveils women in public in Iran. Their objective is to make sure all women wear the Muslim head-covering, the “hijab,” correctly. If they do not wear it correctly, they are subject to being taken off the streets and put in detention centers to be “re-educated” on how to correctly wear the hijab and be dressed in public in Iran. She was beaten by the Morality Police and soon after died in the hospital. According to a Polish-based geopolitical think tank, the Warsaw Institute, pictures of an injured Amini in the hospital quickly surfaced on the internet and sparked global outrage. Similar to the murder of George Floyd in America, Amini’s unjust and brutal death led to protests and global outrage. Women and men all over Iran took to the streets to protest the Iranian dictator, the existence of the Morality Police and any laws Iran has in place that oppress women.
October 2022 Xi JinPing Wins A Third Term As China’s President Global Politics Xi JinPing won a historic third term as the President of China. The first time he became President of China was in 2013. Presidents in China serve five-year terms, unlike the 4-year Presidential terms in America. In 2018, at the end of Xi’s first term as President, he was able to end the prior rule of two-term limits for Chinese Presidents. Amongst Russia and the United States, China is one of the global superpowers on Earth, so whoever spearheads these countries has major influence and power. Xi JinPing has ruled China with an authoritarian grip, making questionable choices regarding human rights, according to human rights organizations, mentioned in The Guardian . Now that he has won an unprecedented third term in office, he is set to be one of the most powerful leaders in the world. Understanding what’s happening around us in the world is important, especially for college graduates setting out into the real world. Knowing the status of global society can impact the choices graduates make, maybe in their career paths or overall interests and plans for life.
Anchors Away
An Online Re ind
By Kiarra Crayton | Illustrations by Sheridan Lycett
OVER THE LAST FOUR YEARS, East Carolina University
seniors spent half of their freshman year on campus before leaving until 2021. Many things took place over the years of COVID-19, like a new age of social media, and new-age fashion trends - let’s dive into some of the trends upcoming graduates may have forgotten.
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According to Insider, the biggest trend freshman year was being a “VSCO girl,” and Emma Chamberlain was the face of the movement. Hydro flask wtaerbottles, scrunchies, Birkenstocks and oversized T-shirts were the everyday wear for some students on campus. While this trend has died, some of the aspects like Hydro flasks and oversized t-shirts still live on.
Facebook users united to raid Area 51 in September, but no one was able to make it inside the fence, according to Vox. In October, Kylie Jenner woke social media up with her famous “rise and shine” song. An app called FaceApp shows people what they could look like when they’re older resurfaced as celebrities like Dwyane Wade went viral, according to CNN. The app quickly took a turn after users were informed the app was potentially selling their personal information. We ended 2019 with the movie Cats and the deranged memes that came with it.
2020 COVID-19 was the talk of sophomore year with the first U.S. confirmed case on Jan. 18 in Washington state, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Tiktok was created in 2018 based on the app Musically, according to TeenVogue. The platform became mainstream in 2020, and that was the only app people talked about. While staying indoors, creators came up with dances and trends for their followers to recreate. Charli D’amelio, Addison Rae and many others were the main influencers on the app. #UntilTomorrow was a brief trend that Instagram users put as a caption for an embarrassing picture of themselves and left it on their profile until the next day. Jada Smith confirmed on an episode of Red Table Talk that she had an affair during her marriage with Will Smith according to NBC News and the “entanglement” quickly became a meme shortly after the episode in July. 38
Spring 2023
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Streetwear and other different styles started to become mainstream in 2021, while minimal makeup, curtain bangs and retro nails took over the beauty world in 2021.
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The Bernie Sanders meme started the year as he bundled up for the presidential inauguration.
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“Squid Game” had a mainstream moment when YouTuber Mr. Beast recreated the show in a YouTube video.
Additionally, according to the NY Post, Olivia Rodrigo’s album “Sour” was blasted through the streets while Lil Nas X broke the internet with his music video for “Montero.”
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A woman’s hair tutorial turned to surgery for a solution when she used Gorilla Glue to lay her hair instead of a hair glue.
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Kim Kardashian became single, and Pete Davidson vs. Kanye West became the new meme.
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The year 2022 had its serious and laughable moments. From Monkeypox to Will Smith’s slap heard around the world. Amber Heard and Johnny Depp battled in a trial that ended in favor of Depp in June. Later, Kanye was knocked out of the billionaire club after anti-semitic remarks. Here’s to many more years of trends!
Anchors Away
So, what next? Six things you should do after walking across the stage! By: Jala Davis
Spring 2023
ult life d right into real ad an e ag st e th ss n ro your post graduatio ? You’ve walked ac f at of h s w os cr w o to n gs r, in ve r, here’s six th So college is o do. Look no furthe to t ha w ea id no and you have sibucket list! a vacation! The tran to lf se ur yo t ea tr a new job four year s, so n: It’s been a long ving head fir st into di io d at an ac e v lif n al io re g n at 1. Gradu e in pure relaxatio ss the stage, star tin lg ro du ac in ng d ki an al w ys n da ee n. Take a few tional period betw a post-grad vacatio on x la re to e ot! tim is the perfect favorite vacation sp ur yo or , en be r ve ne re somewhere you’ve ve been done befo ha d ul co at th ng hi obably somet n’t teach asses in school do age: Yes, this is pr cl gu ge n ua la ng w la e t, n ht in Bu a . 2. Learn obably required) ings they were taug pr th as e w th nd to (a on e ld ag st ho uage on ople don’t walking across the to learn a new lang know, and most pe e to tim ed od ne u go a yo g be in life, ld ever y single th ing said, now wou t skill for ever yday be ea gr at a th al ith gu W lin s. bi se g as only is bein college language cl sroom setting! Not as cl a ell. in t no d an your resume as w e nc ha your own time en lly ta to ge grad this will een but as a new colle ng non-stop. Betw ki or w en be ve u’ you’ve four year s yo and ever ything else unds, over the last s so ip is sh th rn as te e in , pl bs sim jo s d part-time immediately 3. Rest: A cially if you’re not , spor ts, full-time an le pe du Es . he er sc th s ea as br cl u jump a e ke a full-tim your self before yo of time for you to ta s re it’ , ca le ke du ta he d sc an ur x destress, rela packed into yo it’s a good idea to , ce or kf or w e th going into new life! ts as you star t your en itm m m co y ely wasn’t an into ge student most lik lle co e ag er av e th e week. four year s, to be had during th ass: Over the last ls cl ea g m in k nt o re ffe co di a e e may not th 4. Tak e cooking lessons inking about all of m th so or ls up g ea in m ck se pi ” , ur “real wor ld u begin to cooking full co es, especially as yo graduation and the lv n se ee em tw th be r e fo ls tim too ea is During th t and figure out m g skills wouldn’t be in ea ok to s co d ed an ne s ne pe ci yo up a few re be too bad. Ever n space, so picking ow ur yo in be d move out an life full bad of an idea. ressful time in your st a r te en to t ou re about to it! You are ab the stress that you’ : No seriously, do of n e io m ct so e ll ve lie co re a need lp 5. Start collection may he ey when you’re in a on g m tin of ar s st nt d ou an , am gs l spend smal of new beginnin the opportunity to u yo s ve gi so al is endure. Th apy. building of some retail ther od time to star t re go a is w no y, ap er focused on of retail th u probably weren’t rdrobe: Speaking a yo , U W r EC u o at y le hi rk incoro W 6. Rew rfect time to star t l wardrobe that is! pe na e sio th es is of w pr no t ur bu Yo more than your 8 a.m., your wardrobe. d cutest slacks for the fact that you’re g an in er er az sid bl t on es C ! w et esne os buying the t building your prof nal items in your cl ar st sio es to of ea pr id s es od sin go onths, it’s a porating some bu for the next few m g in nt hu b jo be likely going to sional wardrobe.
Anchors Away
A Look Back at the Past Year in Pirate Nation By Kiarra Clayton
THE 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR was one to re-
member in Pirate Nation. There were many ups and downs throughout, but nothing outweighed the good times here on campus at East Carolina University. This was the last full year as a Pirate for many upcoming graduates - let’s look back and remember what took place.
share their stories and the hardships they faced while in the program. An article from The East Carolinian quoted a student that cited experiences of body shaming, sexism and racism within the SoTD. “Meetings upon meetings have led to seemingly no action as these issues continuously occur and students are left to wonder how to get through to our faculty,” the moderator for @dearsotd said. The College of Fine Arts and Communication Dean Linda Kean said in a
We started off the year freezing, jumping into the Eakin Student Recreation Center outdoor pool on Jan. 20, 2022 for the 26th Annual Polar Bear Plunge. Hundreds of students, faculty and staff members attended the popular tradition. ECU Chancellor Phillip Rogers leaped into the frigid waters in the first round of participants.
In February, @dearsotd was created on Instagram for students and alumni from the School of Theatre and Dance (SoTD) to
Pirates brave the cold and take the polar plunge at the Eakin Student Recreation center.
Students gathered to protest allegations of sexual assault at Theta Chi.
statement that there was a meeting for students to share their experiences and further steps will be taken.
ECU’s men’s basketball team hired Head Coach Michael Schwartz in March. Schwartz was a former associate head coach at the University of Tennessee where he spent the last seven seasons, according to ECUPirates.
Next up was April which was full of excitement as Doggie Jams returned after three years and Barefoot on the Mall took place. Doggie Jams was postponed in 2020 due to COVID-19 and the date was changed twice before the April 1, 2022 date. Shaquille O’Neal, otherwise known as DJ Diesel, headlined and Bryen O’Boyle, also known as Just the Tip, opened for the well-known DJ. Along with Barefoot on the Mall, with a performance by K Camp, also in April. This was also the first time ECU held the event since 2020. Food trucks and other activities kept students busy until the 9 p.m. performance.
the Super Regional against the University of Texas. During the three-game series, the Pirates lost in the final game. ECU had a record streak during the season and a program best record of 46-21, 20-4 American Athletic Conference according to ECUPirates.
As students poured back onto campus for the fall semester in August, so did the emergence of FDOC events and altercations. There was a shooting at Copper Beech within the first week of classes. Steak ‘n Shake was made available to students in the Main Campus Student Center. Let’s not forget about the motorized bicycles brought to Greenville, North Carolina that only lasted 10 days because of misusage.
In September, Pirates came out about their racist experiences at Rafters, a popular bar for ECU students located in Uptown Greenville. The bar received heavy backlash on social media and multiple students spoke out to share their stories. Later that month, there was another allegation of drink tampering and sexual assault at ECU fraternity Theta Chi. To date there has been no action taken against the fraternity.
The 113th Spring 2022 Commencement Ceremony took place in May to celebrate the graduating class. Chancellor Rogers was the opening speaker of the ceremony and congratulated students on their achievements over the years.
June was for the ECU baseball team as they made their way throughout the season to host
A Fall 2021 under graduate student celebrates his commencement day, taken place in Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum.
Former basketball player and current DJ Shaquile O’Neal takes the stage in Five Points Plaza at Doggie Jams in 2022.
October was all about homECUming and Halloweekend, and the events did not disappoint. From Skit Night to the overtime Homecoming Game win against Memphis University, there were plenty of events to attend that week. The National Pan Hellenic Council Step Show, Cannonball Kickoff and the naming of the Captain of the Ship were each held during the festivity-filled week. ECU also hosted the annual Halloween Havoc as a safe alternative for students to attend for the popular holiday.
In November the university held a Transgender Day of Remembrance in an effort to honor and celebrate the lives lost to anti-transgender violence. The ceremony was held on Nov. 17, 2022, although the holiday was celebrated nationally three days later. The start of basketball season came that month with wins from both the women and men teams. The women’s team dominated with a 36 point edge over South Carolina State University (3-16, 0-3 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference) and the men’s team squeezed by with two points against Mercer University (8-11, 1-5 Southern Conference).
To conclude the year in December, the Pirate football team won 53-29 at the Ticketsmarter Bowl in Birmingham, Alabama against Coastal Carolina University (9-4, 6-2 Sun Belt Conference). This was ECU’s first bowl game appearance since 2014, according to ECUPirates. To end the semester, the Fall 2022 Commencement Ceremony was held. “Each of you graduated a moment in time when you are desperately needed. When your skills, your talents, your knowledge and your leadership is required in order for this world to thrive,” Chancellor Philip Rogers said during the commencement. There were 1,985 graduates with a majority of them receiving undergraduate degrees, according to an article published by The East Carolinian. Maybe it’s time to pull out the photos from the year and continue down memory lane.
For the first time since 2014, the Pirate football team won a bowl game, when they were invited to the Birmingham Bowl in Alabama, where they beat Coastal Carolina 53-29. 44
The Pirates were invited to play in the Military Bowl in Washington, D.C., in 2021 following a successfull football season, but, due to COVID-19 complication, the bowl was cancelled. A year later the Pirates finally got their bowl championship in 2022, for the first time in eight years.
American Rapper K Camp made an appearance on the campus mall during Barefoot on the Mall, where there were many activites to explore, like bungee jumping.
CLASS OF 2023 WRAPPED 2019 jams
feels like 2020
Freshman year was four years ago?!
The year the world shut down
Panini Lil Naz X
The Box Roddy Rich
Truth Hurts Lizzo
Adore You Harry Styles
No Guidance Chris Brown Ft. Drake
Say So Doja Cat
Talk ! Khalid
WAP Megan Thee Stallion
Blueberry Faygo Lil Mosey
Watermelon Sugar Harry Styles
my ex’s best friend Machine Gun Kelly ft. blackbear
Juicy Doja Cat, Tyga
Bad Guy
Party Girl
Billie Eilish
Spring 2023
By Emily Peek & Jala Davis When you’re looking for a bit of nostalgia, music can act as a time machine. Each year, new and old songs climb the top charts, however, they’re usually forgotten a year later. So, grab your headphones and plug in to take a trip through the past four years.
2021 of a kind
it’s giving... 2022
Getting rowdy in Dowdy
Senior year wrapped
Levitating Dua Lipa
As It Was Harry Styles
good 4 u Olivia Rodrigo
All Too Well Taylor Swift
Peaches Justin Bieber , Daniel Caesar , Giveon
Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God) Kate Bush
Positions Ariana Grande
Bad Habit Steve Lacey
Cardi B
Broadway Girls
Good Days SZA
Lil Durk ft. Morgan Wallen Shirt SZA
Blinding Lights The Weeknd
Anchors Away
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Spring 2023
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A Letter to Freshman Me By Halie Miller | Photos contributed by Halie Miller
DEAR FRESHMAN ME, Congratulations on starting this new, exciting chapter! You’ve entered this new phase of life, and there are lots of things coming your way. Although you knew after your campus tour that East Carolina University was where you were meant to be, you’re about to go on an incredible journey of finding your place in Pirate Nation. When mom, dad and your sister first drop you off, you’re going to quickly realize that you’re going to miss them even more than you thought you would. They’ve been your biggest cheerleaders for 18 years, but trust me when I say that they’ll continue cheering you on throughout your college career (while also cheering on the Pirates in Dowdy Ficklen on Saturdays). You’ll still go home often to watch your little sister grow from an elementary schooler to a high schooler right before your eyes, and of course to get some home-cooked meals. Don’t get me wrong, having Chick-fil-a multiple times a week may sound great, but you’re going to miss food from home eventually. Plus, beware of the freshman 15!
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At first, you’re going to hear a lot about “getting involved” on campus, but you’re going to be a little nervous at first. Don’t worry you’re going to find so many amazing opportunities and meet some of your best friends after joining some of those organizations that you’re interested in, and even become friends with some people in your residence hall. I know you were always social in high school and college feels extremely different, but you’re going to have so many laughs and memories with these new friends. Getting involved is going to be one of the best decisions you make at college. I’m not going to say that all of college is going to be easy. There will
be some nights that you’re home sick. There will be rough nights cramming for an exam. You’ll find that some of the friends that you made were only meant to be in your life for a short period of time. You’ll stress over a class filling up right after 7 a.m. registration opens. You’ll be overwhelmed, you’ll be stressed, and you’ll be tired at times. You may even cry (you definitely will). Please remember that in the grand scheme of things, these things won’t matter. Just remember to keep pushing through, ask your family and friends for help when you need it, and take college one day at a time. I promise you’ll make it! One piece of advice is to not procrastinate, even though I know you will. Graduation is going to sneak up on you quicker than you think. And although you think you’re ready for it to hurry up and arrive, you’re going to realize that you’re not ready to leave yet. You and all of your friends are going to go your separate ways. You’re going to miss participating in stuff as a student, like game days, the Polar Bear Plunge, and going to The Galley late at night with your friends to grab some Ben & Jerry’s. Hold these memories close. You’re going to miss ECU more than you realize, but know that becoming an adult is going to bring a new season of memories and adventures. Plus, Pirate Nation will always be waiting for you to visit as an alum. Or, just stay a little while longer and earn your Master’s degree - I know, it sounds crazy, but you’ll be surprised that that’s the path you chose, and you won’t regret it! So, freshman me, get ready for the best four years of your life yet. Through the ups and downs, you’re going to fall in love with being a Pirate. You’ll sway to the alma mater, you’ll scream “GOLD” in response to someone’s “PURPLE” anywhere and everywhere, you’ll throw up your Pirate hook in nearly every picture, and one day, you’ll proudly walk under the cupola after avoiding it at all costs for four years. You’re going to turn into someone who is truly proud to call Pirate Nation home. Good luck! You’re going to do great things. LOVE,
Anchors Away
Photo by Halie Miller
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