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IN DEFENCE - THEO SMITH For film lovers, the cinema is unlike anything else due to the immersion of the big screen, and the communal experience that can sometimes transform a midnight screening into a memorable event of passionate fans whooping and cheering (without breaking any codes of conduct). For myself, it’s the perfect way to watch any movie and I wouldn’t have it any other way. But times have changed and the likelihood of recreating these memories are a long way off with social distancing in place. All of this brings us to the simultaneous release which, for the time being, is a sensible idea for distributors and exhibitors.
A key aspect surrounding the simultaneous release is cost. In an era where a family trip could potentially amount to an eye-watering £74.50 (not accounting
IN CRITICISM - JACOB HANDO For some, the emergence of streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Video have spelled certain death for the cinema. For many, the recently announced simultaneous release of new film in both cinemas and on Video on Demand (VOD) has confirmed the fear that the big screen experience is on its way to becoming an artistic relic. Here is why the move is a terrible one.
One of the most damaging threats to the film industry is pirating. Having a home release whilst the film is still playing in cinemas simply shortens the length of time for a full HD version to appear online for free. There won’t be people with camcorders sitting at the back of the cinema - food or drink if you’re that kind of viewer) then that £15.99 for Trolls: World Tour looks fairly reasonable if you’re looking for an afternoon film for the kids.
Lastly, and most importantly, this has been a long awaited move for the film industry ever since the invasion of streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime. Actually, let’s rewind seven years back - ever since Ben Wheatley’s Field of England was released simultaneously in cinemas, VOD, and on TV the same day. It’s about time that Hollywood started experimenting further with releases considering that cinemas aren’t going to be a constant viable business option during the current climate. It won’t be a drastic change overnight, but it could finally see an end to the traditional system that executives have been clinging onto for a century.
there will be people relaxing on the sofa whilst the television screen records a brand-new blockbuster for everyone’s enjoyment. Do studios really want to shoot themselves in the foot?
Lastly, going to the cinema to see an anticipated film can replicate the same effect as a cup final at the pub or watching the Olympics in a stadium full of 80,000 spectators. In a post-Covid world, collective experiences will return with a vengeance. Concerts, festivals and cinemas are among the finest examples of art being elevated by a responsive crowd. Simultaneous releases will only undermine this shared sense of wonder and take away the social aspects of cinema.