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Our Dream Comeback Tours

These acts may no longer be touring, but that doesn’t mean we can’t wish for it. From deceased superstars, to deep-rooted conflict between band members; our dream comeback tours would surely make for a formidable list.



At this point, Fleetwood Mac are legendary. With hits like 'Dreams', 'The Chain', 'Go Your Own Way', and my personal favourite, 'Everywhere'; there's no shortage of great songs that wouldn't be better in all their glory being performed live by the original band (in particular with Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham). While the likelihood of the pair uniting to tour their amazing discography together once again is unlikely at best, there's no doubt that hope remains for something to push the pair together to reconcile their differences for the passion of music. Plus, with real-life drama happening between the two, maybe seeing a little bit of that tension on stage and living through the vocals of their live performance would add a little extra something to what would be an already unforgettable performance. Just imagine it, Nicks standing centrefront, helming all the attention while Buckingham battled it out to hold his own. Their music was punctuated by the tension that revolved around their personal lives, and I don't think you'd ever truly be able to capture the heat, tension and emotions behind their music until you saw it battling on stage in a concert for the fans.

SUPERFOOD - Morgan McMillan

Birmingham music royalty, Superfood, broke thousands of hearts in 2019 with their shocking announcement of their farewell tour. I was one of those broken hearts and have not been the same since. Their album, Bambino, is pure genius. It's a funk-indie bop, full of chill beats and wavy vocals. It was the perfect album to see live and the way they transformed their music to a live audience was superb. They had so much energy, it was so fun and was the type of gig where you felt on top of the world. The fans were always so lovely and a Superfood gig was always a great place to meet your new best friends. Superfood concerts are where some of my best memories were created, whether that be from getting my body slaughtered in the pit or waving my arms like I just don’t care while on my mate's shoulders. Though they’ve only been apart for 2 years it feels like a lifetime ago that I was out moshing to ‘Need a Little Spider’ or ‘Unstoppable’.


Imagine: it's 2022, social distancing doesn't exist and you're at an enormous stadium watching the lights go down as David Bowie emerges on set whilst drumsticks loudly kiss each other to kick-start 'Rebel Rebel'. I can dream. There is no denying Bowie is one of the greats; effortlessly iconic, visually dynamic and armed with a catalogue of hits that range from crowd-friendly anthems like 'Let's Dance' and 'Starman' to the more subtle, elegant numbers such as 'Letters from Hermione'. With enough stage presence to send Freddie Mercury slinking into the wings, a Bowie comeback tour would be enchanting and generation-encompassing. Hologram or otherwise, to hear the Brixton-born titan of rock's music again in concert (with the added energy of tens of thousands of fans) would be euphoric, a dream come true. With a pint of Ziggy Stardust and several tablespoons of Aladdin Sane, the chance for a whole new generation to discover Bowie five years after his death would be stronger than ever.

Image courtesy of NME/Steve Schapiro26

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