The Huron Emery Volume 6 Issue 2 November 2020

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Student council teams up with admin VISH GONDESI ONLINE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Feature PAGE 7


Lily Stewart's journey to finding her identity as a Native American in Ann Arbor




PAGE 15 Senior Angie Zhou makes history as the first woman on Huron Men's Varsity Tennis Team

Ann Arbor teens impact this election MAYA KOGULAN EDITOR-IN-CHIEF


Reviews PAGE 16

The Emery ranks all of the best milk tea in Ann Arbor




Huron librarian Jennifer Colby wins media award LYDIA HARGETT NEWS EDITOR Eliason has been a part of the Huron community for almost four decades. COURTESY OF ELIASON



Huron Players put on virtual play VERENA WU STAFF WRITER

Mr. Eliason departs teaching CLARA BOWMAN EDITOR-IN-CHIEF


Award winning librarian Jennifer Colby continues to supports students while virtual. COURTESY OF COLBY

The show will go on: Huron Players Zoom calls despite xpractice x through x x x x x not x being together. VERENA WU



VERENA WU STAFF WRITER Senior Samantha Chan has been working in Huron to make the community more eco-friendly. Along with being co-president of Huron Green Team, she researched compostable utensils for her IB Personal Project and wrote a proposal for these to be implemented in Huron and AAPS. She also noted how Huron tried to implement a new recycling program last year, but it had never started. “AAPS as a whole to become more sustainable if there was just a greater push for it from people like Jeanine Swift and the rest of administration,” Chan said. Despite being exempt from more dramatic natural disasters, Ann Arbor has felt the impact of climate change. “It already precipitation falling on our community compared to previous years,” Mayor Christopher Taylor told MLive. “We feel it in increasing temperatures and greater weather volatility.” There have been some responsive actions on behalf of the city to counteract this. “ [ A n n Arbor city council]


passed a resolution in November of 2019 declaring a Climate Emergency and setting a communitywide goal of being carbon neutral by 2030,” Ann Arbor Sustainability and Innovations manager Missy Stults said. Stults is helping lead the A2Zero initiative, which lays out the plan that will be followed to power the city with no fossil fuels and 100 percent renewable energy to reach carbon neutrality within the next 10 years. The plan is estimated to cost more than $1 billion, but the city will likely not have to pay the entire cost themselves. Funding from state and federal governments and private philanthropy will be sought from city leaders, and they will enlist University of Michigan, AAATA, and local businesses to reduce their emissions.

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“The science is clear,” Stults said. “We must immediately and aggressively reduce greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the most catastrophic impacts associated with a changing climate.” In order to reduce emissions, Stults believes that are going to be institutional changes that would alter the landscape for everyone. Stults meets with AAPS, one of the major institutions in Ann Arbor, once a month to discuss various projects and opportunities for collaboration between the school district and city government. AAPS appears in A2Zero’s timeline to launch emergency preparedness sessions that will be tailored to students and caregivers. The sessions will include education on what to do during an emergency and what resources are available for them. These emergencies would happen because of climate change. AAPS’s carbon footprint varies yearly depending on a number of factors like weather patterns, building and vehicle use and equipment/facility upgrades, according to Construction Projects Auditor Jason Bing who is moving AAPS toward carbon neutrality. In an average year, AAPS buildings contribute around 25,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions, not including transportation fuel. For the past few years, A A P S h a s looked f o r ways t o

reduce operating costs through energy conservation, better building controls and automation, replacing outdated equipment with alternatives such as LED lighting conversions, a n d enhancing the recycling program. In July 2020, solar panels were installed onto the roof of Pattengill Elementary school by Homeland Solar. This year, the

Bing also agrees that how urgent climate change action is needed. “Our recent focus on public health and the safety hopefully help to illuminate the urgency to switch to a clear, safer, healthier, and more equitable clean energy economy locally and nationally,” B i n g said. Stults Stults claimed that

I see no path ahead other than carbon neutrality. The stakes are simply too high to not go at this goal with every ounce of our being.” Missy Ann Arbor Sustainability + Innovations manager

the installation of four new rooftop solar installations on Haisley Elementary School, A2STEAM, Forsythe Middle School and Huron High School. These solar projects are anticipated to generate energy for approximately 100 typical Ann Arbor homes on an annual basis. “The pandemic has laid bare the disproportionate vulnerabilities low income and minority populations face in regards to disruptions,” Stults said. “These are the exact same communities who already are being disproportionately burdened by climate change. We won’t have a vaccine for climate change.”

generation to fully understand the impacts of climate change and the last generation to be able to take action to stop this calamity, it’s imperative that we do everything in our power now to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, prepare for the impacts of climate change that are already here as well as those coming and ground all of our work in equity and justice. “I see no path ahead other than carbon neutrality,” Stults said. “The stakes are simply too high to not go at this goal with every ounce of our being.”


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Freshman advisors adapt: club fair goes virtual AMY XIU STAFF WRITER In a school of over 1,500 students Huron usually runs over 50 clubs. They facilitate friendship, passion and service. From Origami Club to Exec Board, clubs build the Huron community, which has been deemed essential for students during the pandemic. In previous years, most incoming freshmen were exposed to clubs at registration in August. They walked through a crowded of club booths all trying to advertise themselves. Interest forms were readily available, and by the end, most students had their eye on at least one club they could join. This year, freshmen were not able to have this experience due to Covid-19. However, the ninth grade dean,

Salvador Barrientes, and the class of 2024 advisor, Sara Badalamente, wanted to give them the next best thing: an all virtual “Club Symposium”. “Mr. Barrientes and I know how important it is for kids to feel connected at Huron,” Badalamente said. The Club Symposium will be a completely virtual event set for late November. During an advisory session, freshmen will be shared a spreadsheet with short introduction videos from every club. Students will be able to tour all the clubs and express interests in the ones they like, much like the in-person event.” While the event is geared towards freshmen, everyone at Huron can participate. Every student will have access to the videos. However, planning an event this large is not without obstacles. “Gathering the videos was the toughest

PLAY | FROM PAGE ONE about students in a high school theater group who are cast in roles they are not suited for. “It’s about friendship and fun, and all the ins and outs of a theater production,” Huron Players advisor Claire Federhofer said. For rehearsal, camera if they’re not “onstage,” change their names to their character names and have props


part,” Badalamente said. “Sometimes clubs aren’t meeting, advisors get busy or maybe the advisor is someone that’s outside of Huron that leads the group. Working virtually is so students in the halls before and after classes.” B a r r i e n t e s and Badalamente are both very excited for

this event to go live. “We want students to be actively engaged in school,” Barrientes said. “We want all our students, especially our freshman, to know that there is more to school besides all the academic rigor; we have clubs, sports, events and more. We want our students to know that we hear them, we love them, and we are here to support them.”

from the camera. Actors have to be mindful of their background and objects that are in the background, lighting, their camera when they are going “onstage” or Federhofer recorded each scene with Zoom’s record feature, which she then put together for


Salome Mouliere

Arya Kamat

President of BPA

President of Biology Club

“We have an Instagram, a mailing list and asked French teachers to spread the news”

“We’ve increased our use of social media, emailed students in business classes at Huron and relied on word-of-mouth”

“Social Media, emailing, ninth grade club symposium video and reaching out to people we know”

In less than a few months, student council has doubled its members and attendence. All clubs have been approved to meet virtually. COURTESY OF DEMOSS


Avani Guduri

President of French Club

“Student-teacher relationships are two way streets,” Huron principal Janet Schwamb said during the meeting. “Every teacher at Huron cares about kids, and wants to be supportive.” While students can be a bit tentative in terms of taking the initiative to reach out, it’s something Linzmeier thinks they should try and get comfortable with. “The administration is on the student’s side about talking to the teachers and letting them know [things] like ‘I’ve spent four hours on

this assignment, and I can’t get it done,’” Linzmeier said. “Teachers should be receptive to that conversation and should be receptive to those kids and their needs. Currently, I hope that we prioritize working on a better format and address issues individually with teachers.” Another issue raised by senior student council member Shania Ahmed was that she couldn’t see her grades in Powerschool, and check how she was doing in classes. Because of this, she emailed her teachers. “I feel like, at least in my experience, not every single teacher is nice,” Ahmed

said. “I get that they might have good intentions, but not every single teacher seems to be nice to some students, or it could just be the student. Just like students [being] scared of reaching out, that’s [on] them, not really the teacher. But I think the student shouldn’t be scared to reach out because [it’s] the teacher’s job to help.” Recently, student council’s work delivered on a couple nohomework weekends and advisory changes. “Student council voices,” Schwamb said. “I think student voice is really powerful and I know our teachers care about the students deeply.” As the aftermath meeting, student council is now kickstarting a sock fundraiser, and will plan other safe events to give kids stress relievers. “Ultimately our goal is to get to the edge of an open dialogue and hopefully see some change,” Linzmeier said. “We just want to genuinely listen to people, and then bring those concerns up.”

the performance. “I’m very happy with how the show turned out,” performer Marisa Redding said. “Of course, it’s not like anything we’ve done before, but it was still a really fun experience. It was nice to be able to be able to still have theater, even as everything else

THE EMERY STAFF EDITORS-IN-CHIEF: Clara Bowman Maya Kogulan ADVISER: Sara-Beth Badalamente Mishal Charania Managing Editor Vish Gondesi Online Editor-In-Chief Lydia Hargett News Editor Ridhima Kodali Opinion Editor Kaitlyn Sabb Feature Editor Quinn Newhouse Sports Editor Julie Park Design Editor Kiana Hemati Social Media Editor Allison Mi Copy Editor

Shania Ahmed Uthman Al Andulusi Ruqayyiah Al-Saady Jaden Boster Zach Brewer Neeko Cho Gabriela Dimova Anita Gaenko Eric Heng

Blake Mundy Rio Ohtake Visruth Rajendiran Adam Schork Jamil Wilson Verena Wu Amy Xiu Harry Youngman





matter what. And I don’t think it’s right to take that away.” Robert Yang, a junior at Pioneer, goes to school 13 minutes drive away from Baidel. Yang, similar to Baidel, was raised in a conversative family but lives in a hyperliberal town. While Yang has argued and understood both parties, his views sedimented at an unexpected place—a homecoming afterparty. “It was the key issue was wealth inequality that helped me connect with liberal ideals,” Yang said. “I went to homecoming all the way in Grosse Ile; it’s a small island in the Detroit River. And we had an afterparty at this massive mansion—there were garage, all on the riverside. But just a couple blocks down, you could see neighborhoods were in a completely He was always aware of the statistic - that the top 20 percent of earners make 20 times more than the bottom 20 percent of earners in Wayne County. But for

numbers were matched with real people—real faces. “It was a massive shift,” Yang said. “You can keep hearing these numbers about the amount of wealth that the top 1 percent own but you don’t get to see it in person that often. After that party, everything started to click.” Yang knew the biggest opportunity for fundamental change was the 2020 election. Yang along with Community High School junior, Noah Bernstein, founded Ann Arbor High School Democrats in early September. “We would be a hub, activism,” Yang said. “You can come to us, and we will help you get started and you’re interested in making

we would get you trained and ready to phone bank.” A2 Highschool Dems recruited over 140 volunteers— in less than a month. With each volunteer phone banking for 30 minutes a week, in total, the organization banked 280 hours a month.

This time was crucial— especially in Michigan. “Clinton lost Michigan to Trump by a famous number of two votes per precinct,” Yang said. “And, you know, every call that we make could be that one vote we need.” Besides being a pivotal factor for swing states, phone banking connects high schoolers with real people. “I was calling a single mother that had three kids,” he says. “And she was explaining how she’s afraid. her kids - she isn’t able to put food on the table to feed her kids. She was already voting blue but I stayed on the line and listened. Making these calls to voters, passionate voters—is absolutely heartwarming. A lot of people in high school are slacktivists. We are privileged enough to post something on social media and call it day.” Yang frequently uses the word slacktivists—a slang word dubbed for people who only support social causes through social media. They are a key part of his overall

“A lot of people in high school are slacktivists. We are privileged enough to post something on social media and call it a day.” Robert Yang, 11.

“You can call me whatever you want but I know who I am. And I know that I have no problem with any person—no matter their race or background.” Brendan Baidel, 11.

vision. He hopes to channel the energy these slacktivists into bigger causes. “Posting on social media can’t be our standard of activism, because there are people that are counting on us to get people to vote,” Yang said. “It’s absolutely bigger than us. It’s absolutely bigger than yourself, your ego, your college applications. People are counting on us more than ever.” Young people, including Yang, are demanding change. And they are putting in the work to secure their future. “This is the most consequential election that we’ve ever had in this country,” Yang said. “The problems in this country have been lit Floyd and the Black Lives Matter protests and millions

the establishment for too long has been ignoring them. They’ve been taking money from special interests and not listening to the people. So, I think a lot of democrats are that young people have taken to make our voice heard. I think extremely proud about. And change history.”

31% of The

Emery’s Instagram followers reported working at the polls or voting on election day.* *Based on answers from 106 followers

Coronavirus. That’s because

Kamala Harris: a role model for South Asians everywhere that’s really inspiring. It is no lie that politics is a corrupt world, and there really does The truth is something need to be a change. we’re all afraid to accept. The While watching Harris truth is something which not run for president, I related many of us speak about. But to her more than I related whether it is to anyone as a federal else. This prosecutor “Harris shows us is because, or in Senate Harris, it is okay for us to like hearings, the I also have a have a voice and deep passion truth is what has always fight for our rights, for politics. driven Kamala because we also Harris. generation deserve to be I t American, here.” takes a lot of and I am also courage and a South Asian passion to do like her. When what Harris does, especially Harris had to drop out of the where she has reached in her presidential race, I was so political career, from serving upset. All of the issues she was as the junior United States advocating for really would Senator from California and eventually becoming really paved the path for future the Vice President elect of South Asian politicians. 2020. With Harris, it’s not Coming from a very only her journey, but also conservative Indian family, her motto about the truth, I can speak to the fact that


many Indian women feel like they do not want to go into politics, just because of so much fear around what society might think of them. Most of all, becoming a politician is not considered the “ideal job” for not Indians, but also South Asians in general. We are not taught to speak up in an Indian society. When something racist occurs to South Asians particularly, we accept it as the hardship of coming to America. Harris shows us it is okay for us to have a voice and we also deserve to be here. When Joe Biden chose her for the vice-president position, I knew he did the right thing, because there is no one like Kamala Harris. She was San Asian American female district attorney, and then California’s female attorney general. In addition to that, she is a

woman of color. Women, much less, are underrepresented in the world of politics. But think about how much more underrepresented women of color are. Out of all the 45 presidents and vice-presidents of the United States, not even one is a woman, let alone, a woman of color. Kamala Harris really achieved, what some might say, “the impossible.” I have always felt there was not that much representation for women, especially South Asian women, in the world of politics. Harris really “‘represents me’” as I was really moved when she talked about how Dosa, a South Indian dish, is her favorite food. This is my favorite too! And not many South Asian Gen-Z’s or even some millennials, really “like” their culture here. It was breathtaking to see Harris


embracing both her cultures. Not hiding it. The world needs Kamala Harris. To you, she might seem like just another vice-presidential candidate, but to me, she will always be my inspiration and a part of my story.



POLITICAL Navigating a fine line: how teachers engage in politics MISHAL CHARANIA MANAGING EDITOR

public employees can be censored when in part

into their classroom, the teacher starts the class by making a joke about the presidential debate that happened the previous day. The teacher, along with a few other students, remark about the ridiculousness of a candidate. Another student doesn’t engage in that conversation, or any other conversation for the rest of class as they support that “ridiculous candidate.” For this reason, it’s illegal for teachers to engage in a conversation during class about their political opinions. As employees of the state, teachers are bound to following rules when it comes to their First Amendment rights. Teachers are able to freely exercise their right to free speech and protest outlined in the First Amendment when it is done as a private citizen or in a private manner towards their employer. However, due to the Supreme Court ruling of Garcetti v. Ceballos(2006),

As a public employee, English teacher Chris Erickson makes sure to have a separation between his social activism as a private citizen and a teacher. However, as many issues have become politicized, the line of being politically correct can be hard to identify. “At some point, ideas become less politicized, and it often then is deemed okay to be in a school setting,” Erickson said. “As a teacher, and I think many of my colleagues, we’re always trying to provide students with stories and access to a lot of make their own decisions in terms of what they believe in. It can be really challenging because we want to provide ideas and to be able to help each student no matter what they’re interested in, what their political background is, or their belief system. We want all students to be successful.” The Ann Arbor Education Association,

All laid out: teacher’s rights to expression, assembly, and petition 1968 Pickering v. Board of Education

Ruled that teachers have the right to comment on matters of public concern as long as there are no recklessly false statements


Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District

Ruled that teachers and students have the right to protest on school grounds as long as it doesn’t interfere with learning


Givhan v. Western Line Consolidated School District

Ruled that teachers are protected when taking matters of public importance to their employer privately


Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier

Ruled that school-sponsored speech can be censored by school officials. This ruling has been used in lower courts to censor teachers (Miles v. Denver Public Schools (10th Cir. 1991), Lacks v. Ferguson Reorganized School District R-2 (8th Cir. 1998))


Garcetti v. Ceballos Ruled that speech by a public official is only protected when done privately. For teachers this means that there are certain topics that can’t be discussed while in a classroom because they are employed by the state.

Information from and the Free Speech Center at Middle Tennessee State University.

Ann Arbor Public Schools’

“We’re always trying to provide students with stories and access to a lot of different stories in order to make their own decisions in terms of what they believe in.” English teacher Christopher Erickson.

for union members who are exercising their right to free speech and protest as private citizens. Before coming to Huron, science teacher Daniel Bai worked at a charter school without a union and could therefore lose his job for exercising his freedom of speech. “That was a really stressful and challenging time because we didn’t have a way to advocate,” Bai said. racism and issues that happen in education. I feel as teachers we have to understand that we can advocate and that our union gives us protection to advocate. If we as teachers don’t speak about these issues, then who is going to talk about it?” For Bai, it was important to get involved in the University of Michigan’s Graduate Employees’ Organization strike as he had previously experienced a restriction on his right to free speech. The strike began as a call from the GEO for a variety of changes on campus including COVID-19 testing options for students, providing subsidies for parents and caregivers, and having the University cut ties between the Ann Arbor Police Department. Bai and his family picketed for multiple days in support of the GEO strike and also attended GEO hearings. “The teachers’ union gave me the protection to speak about what the GEO

“As teachers we have to understand that we can advocate and that our union gives us protection to advocate.” Science teacher Daniel Bai. “Things that are inherent to my values are going to be evident in my classroom because I speak out about things.” Art teacher Kristin Kubacki.

out to the other teachers and let them know that the strike was going on,” Bai said. “I also felt more open to talk about it in school with students. I wanted to remind students that they have power.” As an IB world school, Huron’s administration and

discourse in the context of an art classroom. “I never want a student to feel ostracized because of their beliefs, and I really do want a diverse range of opinions to be discussed in my classroom,” Kubacki said. “There are some challenging times where I’ve been facilitating critiques where students feel very passionately on opposite sides of an issue. When it was time for the public discourse, I set it up as saying ‘we have

providing students with a diverse range of stories to match the diversity of the student population. Within this diversity, teachers are including stories in the curriculum that are focused around a teenager’s point of view. Before being able to discuss opinions, art teacher Kristin Kubacki clearly sets up how to have meaningful conversations and

going to ask questions to try to learn from each other using supportive language.’” Not only does Kubacki expect respect to come from every student, but she tries to promote a culture of respect mitigated by her own actions. Kubacki is the faculty adviser of the Rainbow Rats, Huron’s LGBTQ+ group. In recent years, she has made sure to ask students what their pronouns

are or what their preferred name is to establish a standard “Small actions set a tone for what the class is going to be,” Kubacki said. “Things that are inherent to my values are going to be evident in my classroom because I speak out about things. To me that’s just the issue of respect, I don’t think that should be a political issue.” As a student of Kubacki, Jessie Schwalb takes part in classroom discussions and critiques. Schwalb is in the Higher Level Diploma Program art class which places an emphasis on self articulation. “It’s a lot of personal experience which is the case with most art forms,” Schwalb said. “Mrs. Kubacki is the one who set the example of being willing to talk about your art and why things are important to you.”

THE HURON EMERY | ISSUE 2: NOVEMBER ELIASON| FROM PAGE ONE “I thought that working with computers would be good, because you just sit there and do your own thing,” Eliason said. “As I progressed in my studies, I just started to crave being around people, and just started to get a passion for being around people, and having a passion for education and wanting to teach instead of just producing things on a computer.” Eliason switched his major to math, with a minor in computer science, and graducate a semester later. Eliason completed his student teaching position as a full-time sub for acting at Huron. Teachers are typically not allowed to teach where they attended as a student because those young teachers may not be respected.


However, this was not the case for Eliason. “I think it worked to my advantage because of the comfort of knowing what I was getting into and not coming in completely blind,” Eliason said. “The response on the I had a pretty good reputation coming in as a student. They trusted me, and they accepted me as a colleague.” Over the following few years, Eliason transitioned in and out of various computer science and math positions until he eventually became, and remained, a full-time math teacher. “He’s just been a really steady presence in the math department,” Collins said. “He took on a lot of duties, like he’d bring big jugs of water, and he tle things like that. He would step up and do jobs like that.” Eliason has taught almost every math course available at 1990’s Huron, but he has a clear favorite.


HS SENIOR: 1982 culus AC,” Eliason said in response to the question. “I enjoy it because it’s where the math really starts to become start to put it into real life applications.” As a teacher, Eliason aimed to make the classroom as laid back as possible. “That’s why I started doing the joke of the day and tried to make learning more fun to try and build relationships with kids, as much as they could,” Eliason said. “It’s 30 plus kids in each room and have a curriculum to get through.” To connect with students outside of the classroom, Eliason was the club sponsor for Mu Alpha Theta and the announcer for football and basketball games. “I tried to do extra things so I could see kids in a Eliason said.



Despite the many roles he took on at Huron, his impact on society does not end there. “It really started about six years ago when my wife and I started feeling that we needed to be foster parents,” Eliason said. “We started looking into that because we felt like there was a tremendous need, and that we were being to do that as a family, to take in young kids who needed a loving home and we would take care of them.” Eliason’s experience fostering eight children, and adopting one of them after made him think more about his life after Huron. “God was saying, ‘Okay. I want to see if I can trust you with these kids and fostering to see if you are willing to take these kids in,” Eliason said. “And then after that, now we’re gonna move on to the next level of you pursuing becoming a pastor.’”

Over the past two years, Eliason took classes and the summer, he was selected to become a pastor at his church, and submitted his retirement shortly after. “A lot of people thought my retirement had to do with COVID and the new way of teaching was, but it had nothing to do with any of that,” Eliason said. “It was purely that I personally felt that it was time to change directions and pursue becoming a pastor.” While Eliason misses Huron, he looks forward to starting a new chapter in his life and being the best pastor that he can be. “Huron is an amazing school,” Eliason said. “And while there were certainly absolute pleasure. I love my job and leaving it was a hard decision to make. I had to retire. I’m moving on to something bigger and better.”

Bridging the gap: it is time to usher a new frontier for women in STEM ANITA GAENKO STAFF WRITER Of the 60 undergraduates in her class at the Indian Institute of Technology, there were only four women. And that was on the high side. Professor Surya Mallapragada trained to be a chemical engineer and is now doing work related to materials for biomedical applications. She also teaches courses in chemical and biological engineering and is the Associate Vice President for Research at Iowa State University. But she, like so many others, is subject to the STEM gap. The STEM gap is amount of men and women in Science, Technology, EnWomen make up only 28 percent of the STEM workforce. According to Mallapragada, part of the reason for the disparity is simply con“Admission to t h e India n In-

stitute of Technology was based on an entrance exam,” Mallapragada said. “It was a very selective process, and I think that a lot of women were n o t feeling c o n fident enough a b o u t it. I knew s e v e r a l c l a s s ma t e s in high school who were female who could have taken the exam, but they just thought, ‘Oh, I’m not gonna make it. I’m not even going to try.’” Her advice to girls in

you think ‘Oh, maybe I’m not meant to be here.’ That’s pretty commonly seen in young women. Con-

we all need to send a message to not stereotype people.” During her undergraduate work at IIT, Mallapragada formed a tight bond with the other three women in her chemical engineering class. “Just in terms of study groups and other simication. lar things, it was “When I was sur- easier for the male rounded by only s t u women, I didn’t dents than it doubt my conwas for us, but in 2016, we’d formed much,” Mala tight knit lapragada group, and we’re still of STEM graduates friends to this day,” Mallwere female apragada said. T h i n g s changed for the said. “When I better once she went to gradwent to a co-ed uate school. environment, I “It wasn’t as much of suddenly started an issue,” Mallapragada said. doubting myself. “There were more women

On average, a woman in STEM earns

89 cents for every dollar a man earns

“Don’t doubt your abilities,” Mallapragada said. “Because there’s this whole imposter syndrome, even if you do well,

Luckily, I had the ten years of being in an all-girls environment that I think helped build

Women are more likely to leave STEM jobs

are something that we need to really consciously guard against.” Mallapragada went to an all-girls school for most of her primary edu-


than we had during my undergrad years. It was a good experience.” She doesn’t attribute the still persistent STEM gap “There



Mallapragada said. “The National Science Foundation has put so m u c h funding into programs to come up with STEM activities focused on women. Unfortunately, the needle hasn’t moved too much in the last ten years, so I think it’s down at a more local level.” The best way to bridge the STEM gap? Provide a positive environment. “It has to do with the place they work and study,” she said. “It has to be inviting

Women make up only

28% of the STEM workforce

Statistics from builtbyme. com - 8 Statistics and facts about women in STEM



A modern American portrait: Lily Stewart’s complex identity ALLISON MI STAFF WRITER Most people would not peg Lily Stewart as Native American. Even with her high cheekbones, prominent eyebrows, dark brown eyes and hickory hair, the Early College Alliance sophomore’s pale skin raises many eyebrows of disbelief and skepticism when it comes to her heritage. In Lily’s seventh grade yearbook, her washed-out photo even prompted one boy to nickname her “Casper the Ghost” and publicly doubt her claim that she lived on a reservation. Routinely,interrogation about Lily’s “alleged” Native American blood is followed by questions about what tribe she’s part of. “They’re expecting me to say ‘Chippewa,’ ‘Ojibwe,’ or something that’s more common,” she said. But Lily is Potawatomi—Neshnabé as they call themselves—a tribe from the Algonquian family. Her father, who came from that tribe, and her mother, whose great-grandparents immigrated from France, met in the military and have been married for 18 years. Their story contains a startling irony. When Lily’s mom’s ancestors were coming over from France onto the new land, they were actually ambushed by a group of Native Americans. They scalped all of the people in the wagon and left them for dead. Fortunately, another wagon came by and Lily’s only living ancestor survived, which brings us back to Lily. years of her life, Lily lived on the Potawatomi reservation, which is slightly North of Battle Creek. Her house was on a

10-acre plot of green forests, ponds, hills and a grove of pine trees with a cache of morel mushrooms underneath, that Lily’s family often cleaned and fried with butter. A carnival of animals also roamed her house: two horses, three goats and a myriad of chickens, geese and ducks.

es of rosebud patterns was replaced with pants with brand names like Adidas and Nike— brand names like the ones everyone wore.

Lily’s Native American culture also heavily shaped the lens through which she saw the world. “ I think my When Lily time on the wasn’t outreservaside playtion really ing with the opened my animals, eyes to the she was bestruggles of reservation more peoing homes- Potawatomi is slighly north of Battle ple,” she chooled. Creek, Michigan. GRAPHIC said. “I feel “Unfortulike even BY AMY XIU nately, Nain Ann Artive Amerbor we’re ican schools are known to be all kind of in a bubble—like a really bad,” she said. “People bubble of happiness in a way. don’t have the education to There’s less of every problem. teach properly. I didn’t end It’s not perfect, but there’s less up going to the schools, so my of things.” mom homeschooled me.” The matching of the When Lily arrived in color of her sweater Ann Arbor, Michigan for her to that of her lacmom’s job opportunities, she es was a negligiwas homeschooled until the ble worry when sixth grade. When she entered she knew that middle school, it was a whole people were new ball game. losing their “I remember it was the j o b s , r e s e r culture of just walking into vations were the cafeteria and they would losing land be talking about what clothes and losing their they were wearing or what people. they did at the mall last week“It’s not end,” Lily said. “It didn’t make history,” Lily exsense to me because there just plained. “It’s not just wasn’t the same sort of thing what happened when in either homeschool or Native Columbus came. American culture. I just didn’t These events are Soon enough, Lily’s usual wardrobe choice of Amish and Mennonite dress-

portray them. They say, ‘It’s just history. Just forget it.’ You can’t forget it.” A term Lily’s mom likes to use is “kid gloves.” Handling a situation with kid gloves means to be overly fomiss the bigger picture. “A lot of people who Native American rights go after names like ‘Redskins,’” Lily said. “That doesn’t bother me as much. Let’s solve the actual problems. Let’s be advocates for Native American prob-

house.” No longer on the reservation, the kindness kindled by such a community is the spark Lily hopes will reignite in the rest of us. “On Native American reservations we’re one, we’re one tribe, we’re one group,” Lily said. “When you meet another Potawatomi person, it’s like you have a new brother; you’re instantly connected to them. I think that’s something we all need to learn to have. I’m glad that I have it at least.”

lives.” While any amount of contacting local representatives who have a strong say step forward. It has been seven years since Lily lived on the reservation and she still misses one thing in particular: the fact that it was a community. “It’s sort of like a huge family,” she said. “Everyone’s your grandma or your grandpa, so you have like 20 of them. You have all the grandmas in your

A young Lily kisses her horse Edge. She is an avid horseback rider. COURTESY OF STEWART

Native Americans today. People don’t

A bright light: remembering Rachel Salamone JACK AND BEN DEN HOUTER GUEST WRITERS While she may have been small in stature, Rachel Salamone was big in all the ways that matter and for those who knew her well, her presence left an indelible mark on their hearts. Rachel passed away on Oct. 12. Born in China, Rachel arrived at her new home in the U.S. just one day shy of her first birthday. Her love for nature began from a young age, as she enjoyed accompanying her father on hikes and outdoor adventures. Her family moved to Ann Arbor when she was a toddler, and

she became an integral part of the Thurston, Clague and Huron community. Rachel was a fierce competitor and an amazing athlete. From her early years at Thurston’s playground to her games with MPSA Crush and Huron Women’s Varsity Soccer, her drive, dedication and work ethic earned her the respect of coaches, teammates and opponents alike. Rachel excelled in baseball and cross country, but soccer was her true passion. As a Crush youth soccer coach, her teammates recall her talent for connecting with players and her strength as a teacher. Rachel was multifaceted. She enjoyed music, videography and gaming, and utilized her

photographic talents as a Huron sports photographer. Noted for her blunt honesty, intelligence and sarcastic humor, Rachel could light up a room. With compassion and a unique ability to make others feel valued, Rachel had a gift for creating meaningful connections with people from all walks of life. While her friends fondly recall her propensity to call them out when needed, her unconditional friendship, support and genuine kindness positively impacted those around her. Rachel’s influence upon the lives she touched is immeasurable, as she inspired others to be kinder, better versions of themselves.

Senior Rachel Salamone dives to catch the ball at a Crush soccer game last year. Salamone passed away on Oct. 12, 2020. She was a varsity soccer player and yearbook editor. COURTESY OF DAN SALAMONE



The Young Scientist

Climate Change is on our Door-Step --- We must face it ERIC HENG COLUMNIST By now, I’m sure you’ve seen the pictures. Just a few weeks ago, whether it be Portland or San Francisco, western US cities have been turning into landscapes reminiscent of post-apocalyptic worlds only seen in movies or video games. At the opposite side of the country, hurricanes are battering the coast with increased intensity and frequency, cutting power to thousands, while slowly racking up a considerable death toll. Not to mention, we are in a pandemic. Since the dawn of human evolution, fear has stemmed from a lack of control. Natural disasters have always been the cause of unease, often spawning myths and legends of angry gods or spirits. So why now have people seem to come to terms with such terrible events, especially

or culture. Now, we can have air conditioning in Arizona and make islands appear from the sea. However, in the grand scheme of things, our achievements have been limited. Though we now are more understanding of the causes of these phenomena, we can do little to stop them. When Mother Nature comes brings out real natural disasters: humans are almost still just as vulnerable as they were thousands of years ago. Fortunately, there are still some things we can do. There is one thread of change that is accelerating all these phenomena: global warming. The impact of humans on the increasing temperature of the planet is irrefutable, and has already been linked to ricanes and epidemics. As the waters near the equator (which generate hurricanes) get warmer, hot fuel kickstarts future natural disasters. Temperatures rise, and already dry forests become breeding grounds for dry tinder, which only need one lighting strike or cigarette to turn an ember into an inferno. Furthermore, the

We have to respect nature. This means protecting it.”

The human race has always forged forward to improve life quality and conquer fear through technology

sequestered in the forest, turning huge carbon sinks into soot, accelerating the

YORBA LINDA, CA - OCTOBER 27: Blue Ridge fire burns close to oil derricks along Aspen Avenue on Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2020 in Yorba Linda, CA. (Irfan Khan/Los Angeles Times/TNS) The data only reinforces this point. Already, since 1900, the sea level has already risen seven to eight inches, due to melting sea ice. By 2050, 300 million people are expected to be displaced by rising waters. Models have predicted a doubling in category four to the capacity to cause billions of dollars in damage. The occurrence of large wilddoubled in the past 50 years. Experts, including Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warn of a “pandemic era,” where new diseases threaten to become the new norm.

Climate change clearly cannot be ignored. The UN has already stated that if no fundamental changes are made to the current level of carbon emissions, by 2030, the damage to the environment will be consensus is this: the later we act, the harder is it to stop the runaway train—and the train is already halfway out the station. Every generation had their struggles. Before us, was the Cold War and WW2. For us, this struggle is climate change. This may be the biggest challenge to ever face humans since we became the dominant species. We must attack this

human crisis from all angles, from our daily lives to the highest pillars of society. This means changing your own lifestyle, including simple tips such as wearing a sweater instead of turning on the heat, but also lobbying lawmakers to change the way large corporations like Exxon Mobil, who actually release the same amount of CO2 as roughly 15 millions households. We have to respect nature. This means protecting it. We don’t have time to hope for a miracle, and keep kicking the can down the road. We are already on the cusp of disaster—it’s time to act.

Our political system is broken: a two party system cannot be the way forward HARRY YOUNGMAN STAFF WRITER xxxxxxxThe two party system is an archaic way of governance and needs to be changed for the betterment of the people and country. Dating back to the founding of this nation, George Washington stated that the party system would divide and polarise the people of this nation. Centuries later, he is more accurate than ever. The two party system has been a plague on the American democratic process, producing only the intentions of the people for their own prestige. Ever since the inception of a two party system, politicians have worked for only themselves and the self preservation

of theme and their party standing. An individual is no longer an American, but a Democrat or Republican. There are individuals that cross party lines, like when Senator John McCain voted to keep Obamacare or Kasich, who is a Republican who endorses Biden. There are those who stand up for morality and believe in the greater good. However, it is the minority of extremists who speak the loudest and tear the country apart bit by bit. With a larger third and fourth parties, the parties would have to work together for a common goal and inevitably promote bipartisan ship within the country and political systems. The two party system has time and time again failed this nation of ours on the basis that bureaucrats and politicians put their own and the party’s interest over people and the country as a whole. The people’s

choice with the popular vote has little to no say on who gets elected into power. For example, in the 2016 election, the candidate who won the popular vote amongst the people lost due to electoral votes. Both of these candidates were and are in no way good for the country and they were both but the larger problem in this situation is that the will of the people was ignored by bureaucrats. The leader of our nation is inevitably chosen by scheming bureaucrats, who wish only to further their own agenda rather than serve the people who put them there in to be major reform in this country regarding the party system. A great equalizer is an The introduction of a new party, (a third party of equal size to the Democratic and Republican parties) would be a legitimate

solution to this issue. This hypothetical party could be a center party for the majority of moderates in the country, many individuals could agree on. This would also force coalitions between parties so that policy would actually be able to be passed in this country. There would be policies on both ends of the stick that would

solution is to give the Libretarian and Green parties a larger platform. This would allow for a wider view to be presented, especially during the presidential campaigns’ election trails. Both Jo Jorgensen (Libretarian) and Howie Hawkins (Green) have valid ideas that

An individual is no well being of the country. However longer an American, the constant battle giants draws the but a Democrat or of focus to them rather than to the smaller Republican.”

States. However, there is very little common ground due to recent mass polarization on the political spectrum. Many European countries and our neighbor Canada tend to have more than two major political parties and they enjoy relative political stability. Another potential

parties campaigning as hard or if not harder than the two giants brawling. The two party system has taken “civil” out of civil service. There needs to be change and fast. The two party system is an outdated system that states it serves the people, but does the opposite.





It’s a question that I’ve toiled with many times in this volatile year: in wondering if we’d truly return to school on April 6, in hearing that Bernie Sanders had dropped out of the presidential race and in the quiet anxiety of clicking “submit” with each college application. Rhetorically, it is a simple question. It is almost too broad to invite a measured response, but it bears importance in our current circumstance. By current circumstance, I mean the election. Given the increasingly disturbing pieces of

information we’ve received—threats, one might say—from President Donald Trump, this question takes a potent charge. We witnessed his September rally in Minnesota wherein he pushed “racehorse theory,” congratulating the crowd for their “good genes.” We’ve heard on national television his directive to the Proud Boys to “stand back, and stand by.” We have yet to receive his verbal commitment to a peaceful transfer of power; not only that, but we’ve seen him plant the

psychological seeds for a “rigged” election. But the issue is that when we structure the entirety of our convictions and grievances around a transient president, we lose sight of the fact that they theoretically embody the collective voicwe of varying-sized swaths of the population. Furthermore, we forfeit our ability to engage with long-term issues. It leads to a perpetual game of tug-of-war in an generally unchanging four-year loop. Although this election cycle is extraordinary for various reasons, and thus warrants centralized antipathy towards Trump, are we not caught up in the same tired game? in this anti-Trump unity tactic is that it necessitates a diagnosis: that Donald Trump is the problem with America, rather than a symptom of a much more complicated assertion permeates every sector of our political climate. It is what underlies the media claim that the Black Lives Matter

protests were escalating because of Trump’s leadership, rather than the systemic police brutality and carceral state that both predates and stands independent of him: as if these murders didn’t occur under past presidents, as if this oppression isn’t embedded in the very fabric of our nation. This assumption, of Trump as the problem, must be broken down.

But now more than ever, we must acknowledge that the vote needs to extend beyond the ballot box. ”

First, the notion that there even exists a sole, metaphysical problem in America that should be addressed above all else is doubtful. We are

problems that cannot be compartmentalized into neat boxes for ranking. But if there is a “the problem” with America, it is certainly not Trump himself. Rather, it is the tendency to view Trump as an anomalous stain on an otherwise unblemished American record. That is to engage in revisionism towards the sordid legacy of chattel slavery, the Trail of Tears, internment camps, neo-imperialism and other antagonisms that past on—the list goes on. It is the compulsion to critique Trump primarily for his violations of decorum and the highbrow rhetoric to which past presidents have typically adhered. For example, when he went

By NASA/Bill Ingalls - nasahqphoto/49955370163/in/photostream/, Public Domain,

Where do we go from here? Staff Editorial: Presidential election left our count As Joe Biden was announced the 46th president-elect of the United States, Michigan reacted in contrasting ways. Biden supporters in Ann Arbor drove around their neighborhoods honking in celebration, while Trump supporters rallied at the Michigan State Capital questioning the validity of the election results. Many people are

heaving a sigh of relief. Donald Trump’s otherism, normalizing of racist rhetoric and denial of science was not rewarded. But it is important to acknowledge the other side. 70,337,285 people cast their vote for Donald Trump. We can’t ignore them. We can’t ignore their economic pain. We can’t ignore their fear. That will only drive our country into deeper

divisiveness. Don’t get me wrong -- we should still celebrate. This is an historic presidency with unprecedented turnout to the polls. Kamala Harris signals a new era for SouthAsians, African Americans, and women. However, moving forward, the United States needs to heal. This starts

on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show in early October and said of Iran, “If you f--around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before.” The ensuing buzz centered on his use of the F-word and, though it was certainly jarring, this engendered a failure to confront the larger statement that holds more pernicious ideological implications. Don’t get me wrong—I believe that Trump must be unambiguously rejected by popular vote and the electoral college. I have sent postcards and made calls and sent texts to voters in the hope that this will happen. But now more than ever, we must acknowledge that the vote needs to extend beyond the ballot box. We must not be complacent in the wake of this election. Instead, we must channel our energy towards the pursuit of longterm goals: racial equity, radical transformation of our justice system, a Green New Deal, LGBTQ+ rights, economic parity and so on. Above all, we must ask the question that implores us to look beyond whomever is president at any given moment, urges us to liberate ourselves from the constraints of discourse insisting that Trump is the problem, and empowers us

with the Donald Trump administration peacefully transferring power and his supporters acknowledging his defeat. But it also falls on us. We can’t dismiss the other side. We must be open to bipartition conversations. Donald Trump may be leaving the White House, but the divided country that formed still remains. It’s our responsibility to help put back the pieces.

What happens next?

We want to hear YOU! Write for The Emery! Submit your pitch to The Emery for a chance to be featured in the next issue’s “Student Voices.” Scan the QR code to learn more about this great opportunity!



Stay smart: how to avoid misinformation on the internet formation doesn’t spread, as it can have an impact on


SHANIA AHMED STAFF WRITER Consuming carrots improves night vision. Eggs are harmful to your heart. These are just a few examples of false allegations that have been publicized through the media. Because many news sources now have a reputation of giving out false or biased information, it is often source. The rising prominence of social media as an informational source makes it more

This is due to how some of the social media posts can often appear professional despite the post containing misleading news. So, what impact does the spread of misinformation even have in society ways audiences can identify false information on news sources? One of the most common approaches to researching and gaining information on global issues today are news channels such as CNN, CBS and NBC. Even though these news sources air on live TV, there have been many instances where they have spread misinformation to their audience. For instance, the article “Americans are writing to the FCC about

fake news on TV, Google and Facebook” discusses the complaints sent to the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC). The majority of the responses came from average Americans, which gives an overall insight to the perspective of citizens of the US. One of the complaints stated “all news stations must they continuously lie, obfuscate and misdirect intentionally.” Though this can help decrease the amount of intentional misinformation, the FCC suggests that broadcasted news does not fall under its “jurisdiction,” implying that the government has no say in the matter. The government should set certain policies in order to ensure that misin-

racist ideas, and violence against innocent individuals and groups of people. Furthermore, when recognizing other common tools or outlets used within today’s society, the topic of social media is apparent. In recent generations, social media has been an important factor in the everyday routine for many teens and young adults. Social media isn’t the most reliable outlet when receiving information. According to an article in the Harvard Gazette, the virus has unleashed what U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres last week called a “pandemic of misinformation.” Kasisomayajula “Vish” Viswanath and Lee Kum Kee Professor of Health Communication at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health stated that the popularity of social media platforms has

When considering the instances of the spread of misleading information throughout society, the question of how to avoid and recognize reliable sources of information becomes crucial. A step you can take between opinion and facts. Secondly, you should seek to formation in the news source with multiple other sources. In addition, identify the basis and check the sources of the information. Taking these essential steps when observing sources can help ensure that the information you are receiving is credible factual.

individuals are getting correct information about the virus as well as their health. Though the spreading of misinformation could at times be unintentional, it still is very harmful. For example, “advising others to eat garlic or gargle with salt water as protection against COVID-19” the suggestion public health communicators provide.

The complexities and beauty of jazz: my case for the musical genre

GARRETT JIN GUEST WRITER Jazz is hard to describe. I’m sure that wouldn’t come as a surprise to very many, but to interpret it through the guise of a journey experiences I’ve ever had in my life. I’m not saying that I have quite decoded it yet, but I am saying that it’s an art form that is—though not wholly underrated—has been waning

“the worst jazz solo of all time.” I bring this up not to shame the player for such a mishap, but rather to explore the base of this idea. The solo is based on the concept of the boundary breaking idea of playing the same note over and over again. On paper that sounds like one of the most bland ideas music has ever spawned, yet people love it. The fact that jazz can turn the same repeated notes or phrases into something that’s fathomable and understandable is frankly amazing. I want to emphasize that it is one of the most accurate mediums to express the maximum human capacity for cohesiveness and concepts all existing under one genre of music. Repeating the same notes is a good expression of wild concepts, though generally it’s frowned upon for its supposed lack of sophistication. When I refer to cohesiveness, I mean the ability to

I can only describe it as soul, and I think it’s something everyone could benefit from.”

years, becoming much more niche than it once was. To me, that’s a shame, and through this I hope to convince some to listen. For instance, take

Scan the Spotify code above to listen to Garrett’s jazz favorites! connect with others. To play with conceptual thought and with others in traditional con- breaking conventions, you cert format is one thing, but it’s another to play in a jazz in touch with the deep hugroup without music, without man condition. Subtleties lie prepared ideas, and without everywhere or nowhere but knowledge of what others will one thing’s for sure, judgment do. To play the balancing act is relatively absent. of watching over the rhythm Then again, some section or any lead instrufrown upon it for apparently ment, while focusing on creat- lacking any subtlety regardless of context (my interprewhile coming up with ideas tation of avant-garde and free jazz is limited due to not then combine those with the listening in on the community challenge of merging yourself or music all that much). This with the music is even more is where “cool jazz” comes so, because if you can never feel it, you only disconnect of subtlety. By its title, one yourself and appear as though would expect it appeals to the you’re desperately trying not chilled emotions of sadness, to mess up. heartbreak, and all things With both avant-garblue. de and cool jazz a mastery of That’s not necessarily merging creating ideas with true but it is known for its your own self is demonstratmellow drive, focus on soft ed. Avant-garde is usually tonal quality and a surprising pointed to as an example of amount of variance. Excusing genre evolution and the inevthe details, every note that’s itability of setting rules. Yet nailed in cool jazz seems to act

with everlasting importance. If avant-garde were on the one end, pushing everything the player has to say and yell, then cool jazz is on the exact opposite side of the spectrum. honest yet restrained deapplies, almost like writing a poem. Fundamentally, the sound that’s put out is also player’s conscience. All of this is subjective, if you prefer one genre over the other then that’s this art form isn’t just an art form, but also a spiritual one. Through my hundreds of hours of listening to old records, I seemed to kindle a new emotion that didn’t necessarily align with conventional feelings of calm or rush that I’m used to. I can only describe it as soul, and I think it’s something everyone could



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Student Voice

Rowan McClung-Compton, 12 “I prefer Playstation over XBox because the games are better. We have most of the Final Fantasy’s on PS2 and the classic Pac-Man and Sonic on PS1. From my experiences with the Xbox and PS4, the XBox is really slow and you can’t really play online. My Xbox in particular gets a bit laggy, which is really frustrating. My PS4 may be a bit slow to load things at times, but never lags. I can also play online with my friends. I’m also very used to playstation language and I find the controllers easier to hold.”



Key Exclusives Halo Infinite Motorsport 8 Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 Forza State of Decay 3

1 TB NVME SSD storage. Seagate Storage Expansion Card can be purchased to adds 1 TB of storage.

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Student Voice Tyson Edmonson, 12

“I’m getting the Xbox Series X because I have played Xbox my whole life and I really enjoy playing video games. I have played with Playstation and it’s not bad. I’m just not used to the controls and the Xbox has more storage. I’m really excited for the Xbox X because it has more storage and the graphics of the games will look very nice. I’m also excited about all the new games that come with the console!”



A quick escape from Ann Arbor: Toledo donuts in a day trip KAITLYN SABB FEATURE EDITOR The fact that we can’t go on luxurious vacations shouldn’t change the unique experiences that we can have. After going on a day trip to Toledo, I realized I could adventure to a local donut shop and biking trails while staying safe. I wanted to share my adventure and suggestions for traveling on a low-risk day trip. After getting up at around 8 a.m., I quickly left my house to pick up the speciality donuts I ordered from a family-owned donut shop, Papa Moose’s Donuts. When I arrived at 9 a.m., they already sold out of most of their specialty donuts, so I recommend placing an order the night before. After talking with the owner, Chuck McGee, I discovered that family was a big part of the business. “My wife and daughter play a huge part in cooking the donuts,” McGee said. “They both work with me on

Saturday because we are so busy.” These donuts are so eccentric and the whole place smells like a cider mill. Additionally, on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays these donuts become even crazier. Two of the donuts I ordered were a combination of a deep fried cake donut and a such as their French Toast Supreme, described on their website as a donut “dipped in maple icing with two pieces of homemade French toast with Bacon sprinkled over the top of it and a drizzle of maple syrup.” McGee says that he comes up with the ideas for these creative donuts all by himself. “I have about 30 years of restaurant experience, so the ideas just come to me,” McGee said. This specialty donut shop can be found in Rossford, Ohio however its expanding to three new locations in the Toledo area on doing this whole day trip, I recommend visiting this local donut shop to try at

Papa Moose owner Chuck McGee with his wife and daughter create specialty donuts at their family owned bakery. ALLISON SABB least one highly innovative masterpiece. “We are a company that simply makes the best cake donuts around and we are so blessed to have amazing customers who keep coming back,” McGee said. “As I like to say: ‘welcome to your new addiction.’” Next on the schedule was the Wabash-Cannonball bike trail, which was approximately 20 minutes away from the donut shop. There was lots of parking available, one bike path as well as multiple walking trails for a short stroll. Since I enjoy a nice smooth biking path, this bike trail was a great choice, plus for a Saturday morning, the bike trail wasn’t crowded at all. The trail weaves through forests, farmland and a number of small towns.

Lemon cake, cherry cheesecake and choco- beautiful, biking is hard work, late peanut butter speso it was nice when we came cialty donuts. COURTESY across a small ice cream shop PHOTOS after 15 miles.

Generals Ice Cream is a quaint sundae shop in Whitehouse, Ohio which is about 30 miles from Papa Moose. This small shop is right next to the bike path and invites you to stop in with an endless selection Their menu featured warm brownie mash with “hot fudge, peanut butter and brownie pieces,” and caramel canon including, “ layered caramel and cheesecake pieces.” To say the least, it was a cool and refreshing treat on the the bike trail goes on for 45 more miles after reaching Whitehouse, I recommend turning around here. The entire trip was a six hour excursion. The bike ride I took was slow, luxurious, and I spent quite a while at Generals Ice Cream.

NOTE: These books contain imagery and language that may be triggering to some audiences.

You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me by Sherman Alexie

is connected to the impact his mother had on his personality. His relationship with her is the foundation of the novel and is built upon as the reader understands her story in relation to Alexie’s.

An American Sunrise is a collection of poems exploring colonization, the inner workings of the American Indian community and the reformation of the traditional Indian narrative. Harjo, the

An American Sunrise by Joy Harjo


cream may seem unnecessary, the change in scenery was refreshing. Taking this small trip with my family relieved so much stress from my facepaced school schedule and showed me that I can still have a vacation while keeping social distanced.

for donuts, biking and ice

THE EMERY READS: NATIVE AMERICAN EXPERIENCES You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me is the literal version of his novel The Absolutely True Diary of a PartTime Indian. The book is a collection of Alexie’s inner thoughts written in both poetry and prose.

Another safe vacation activity in Toledo is the Wabash-Cannonball bike trail. COURTESY

United States Poet Laureate, weaves the history of her ancestors and her current Native American culture to build stories that move between the past and present states of colonization in America.


No homework weekend

No school Thanksgiving break

Thanksgiving Holiday Nov 26

25-29 Nov



Q1 grades released

Club expo, day 1

NHS induction ceremony




Club expo, day 2

End of progress 2

First day of winter break

13 16 17

23 04 21



Winter sports to be delayed at least until Nov. 30 VISH GONDESI ONLINE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

would delay winter sports at

Junior Drew Lindstrom was in the pool, about to swim at states when COVID-19 ended his season. “Last year was the

it to states and it got the day of,” Lindstrom said. “That was really tough to go through a n d now the possibility that I won’t get another

If I can have that piece of closure, it would be amazing. But I don’t want to risk countless lives to do it.”



as a surprise, but he still has more to prove

opportunity this year and Even

“Reports show a substantial

then with

my the

hospitalizations due t o COVID-19 in the previous 14 days.” F o r Lindstrom, this

swimming for Club Wolverine, although he usually is on the

Fall sports, like women’s swimming, have been allowed to compete and practice. However, the future of winter sports looks uncertain with rising COVID-19 cases. CLARA BOWMAN with the team, no matter what that is, whether it’s football or Mouliere is unsure about the next steps following the

moment, what they’re doing

this time of year.

you remember and not having said. “To say the least, I feel

high demand, the team has

up better times so that way

was in February. “For the moment right now, we’re going on just one



Mouliere is hoping to get more information soon. “Everyone always


amazing. But I don’t want to

State runner Mike Hill-Carruthers

How did you do at states? What was the overall experience like? What emotions did you feel while running, if any?


CROSS COUNTRY 4 girls made to regionals,

WOMEN’S SWIM & DIVE 4 guys made it to regionals, 1 state


How important was it to you to have that one last chance to run cross country and make states, even with COVID-19?

three years, and I was determined to go to states. I was nervous all spring and summer about having a season, so when we got the news we would at least have dual meets, I

In 10 years what will you remember about cross country?


MEN’S TENNIS Championship and regionals

“I will probably remember how many life lessons it has given



Celebrating seniors: fall sport athletes reflect on season mentality going into the season because we were unsure if we were going to be able to compete. When our season was given the go ahead it felt like a typical season. I am very grateful for the season we had.” Kate Meader, Varsity Field Hockey

“Thought it was not your traditional season, I was really glad to swim with my friends one last time.” Kiana Hemati (left), Varsity Swim and Dive. “I’m really proud of how our team handled this season. I think we made the best out of it.” Emily Tran (right), Varsity Swim and Dive.

“Even though I was injured I was still able to experience the great team atmosphere Especially since our classes were switched to online it was fun to see friends in person.” Neeko Cho, Varsity Soccer

“It was great to see my friends and teammates and really get to interact with them after not seeing them physically since March.” Michael Shi, Varsity Tennis

“I think my last season was the best that it could be. This team made the best out of a bad situation and we all had a lot of fun. My favorite part of the season was playing outdoors in enviroment and it was hard but it was the most fun I had this season.” Amelia Conatser, Varsity Volleyball.


All in the game: senior Angie Zhou joins men’s tennis team for her last season JULIE PARK DEISGN EDITOR

play with more spin, hit heavier balls and overall, men’s tennis is a faster-paced game. “Switching to men’s After the women’s has been a challenge but in tennis season was canceled a good way because I really earlier this year due to improved from it,” Zhou said. COVID-19, senior Angie Zhou As well as adjusting decided to the new to join the playing style, men’s team. Zhou found Not only that the social was she the environment only female was also on the different team, she on the also ended men’s team. up placing “I’m No. 1 for still friends singles. with all the “There were guys and they d o u b t s are really a b o u t supportive,” whether Zhou said. or not we “But it’s not ANGIE ZHOU would have the same as a girls’ the bond I SENIOR season, had with the and I’m girls’ team.” thinking about graduating On Oct. 15, the team early,” Zhou said. “I love wrapped up their season at the playing high school tennis, state championship in Novi. so I didn’t want to miss out.” Zhou won her match against Zhou’s transition from Canton high school but lost her women’s tennis to men’s tennis matches against Brother Rice was not an easy task as the two High School and Pioneer High School. The team lost their styles. Male players typically

1. Senior Angie Zhou playing against Okemos during the team’s senior night. JULIE PARK 2. Practicing against her fellow teamate, Zhou serves. While Zhou had to make adjustments to how she played on the men’s team, she feels it made her better overall. RACHEL SALAMONE

No one wins every match, what matters is that you take that loss as motivation to work harder for the next match.”

1 “It was really disappointing to lose to Pioneer because we beat them twice over the season,” Zhou said. “But no one wins every match, what matters is that you take that loss as motivation to work harder for the next match.” Despite their hard loss at the State Championship, the team had a very successful season winning both the SEC championship and Regional Championship. The players were very grateful to have Zhou on the team this season. “Angie was handsdown our best player,” senior captain Nick Grosh said. “[She’s] The reason we contended for a state

championship and one of my closest friends.” Zhou’s high school tennis career has come to an end, but she’s not done just yet. She plans to continue playing tennis next year at Pomona College in Claremont, California. “Even though I was nervous about playing with having so much fun and I’ve grown a lot as a player,” Zhou said. “If you have something you want to do, even if it might be scary, you should go for it.”


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Over the past year alone, there has been an explosion of bubble tea shops across Ann Arbor. The popular drink from Taiwan has become a staple treat. Everyone wants to try it. So, a team at

performing a blind taste test. For consistency, we ordered a milk tea with tapioca with 50 percent sugar and no ice at each cafe. To preface this list, we are in no way professionals. This is just our own highly opinionated ranking based best milk tea in Ann Arbor by on our own personal experience.


Coco’s Bubble Tea is so good— that people have waited hours in line to try it. However, in our blind taste test, we thought their tea fared average in comparison to Chatime. The boba was undeniably my favorite. It is firm with a hit of flavor. The tea wasn’t as exciting—if anything, it was slightly above average. Initially, you are overloaded with flavor. It feels rich, sweet and light. Yet, the aftertaste was quite bland. I typically prefer Coco over Chatime. But, on this particular day, their drink was outshined.

Chatime was the clear winner. Everyone in the room agreed. The creamy milk tea felt smooth. The undertones. The tapioca was good. Chatime’s milk tea is everything you need and want in a summer drink. It’s refreshing, balanced and it has the perfect amount of sweetness.

Ding Tea was underwhelming. The tea was average but it had a unique earthy undertone. It wasn’t overly sweet—which is not necessarily bad. However, Ding’s Tea major downfall comes down to its lack of flavor. The tea was watery and lacked the usual creaminess of milk tea. While this drink is not bad, be prepared for something different.

I am going to be frank—I did not like Tea Ninja’s bubble tea. However, it’s not that bad. The tapioca pearls were extremely chewy. As a result, it took over 30 seconds to break down the boba from a single sip. The experience felt like chewing on small rubber bouncy balls. The tea wasn’t great either. It was watered down with a grassy aftertaste. With a bit more sugar, the drink might have been enjoyable.

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