Donor Profile Kailey & J.R. Hand
The vision of the Excellence Begins with E Campaign requires collective motivation from a variety of stakeholders to bring it to fruition. We sat down with a family in our community to ask about the inspiration behind their decision to step up as leaders in supporting the capital campaign. Kailey and JR Hand are parents of Harper '31, Jackson (age 5), Beckett (age 3), & Hayes (10 months). What do you think makes Ensworth unique?
Ensworth places an emphasis on developing the whole person. With academics as a key focus, the opportunities for developing interests in sports, the arts, and service are vast and encouraged. We believe this attention to wellroundedness helps instill confidence in students that will last a lifetime. It develops excellence in academics, extracurriculars, and philanthropy, thus making Ensworth a unique institution.
What inspired you to give to the Excellence Begins with E Capital Campaign?
Our family views Ensworth as a community we intend to be part of for many, many years. We are “all-in.” While at Ensworth, we hope our four children will reach their full potential, meet various goals, and fulfill dreams. Contributing to the growth of an institution that will put these hopes into motion is essential to us as parents. Ensworth encourages a love of learning, a spirit of philanthropy, and a focus on kindness—all of which are critical components of being a well-rounded human being. We choose to give to this campaign so our children, along with all of the students at Ensworth, continue to have a facility that supports this.
How does a strong culture of philanthropy enrich the Ensworth experience?
We value kindness as a family. It is important that our children grow up knowing there is a world outside of our home- a world that has needs, a world that has issues, and a world we can all help with in many ways. An academic environment that encourages a culture of philanthropy allows our children to experience opportunities for service as a natural part of their
everyday lives. They are socialized to give back. It becomes innate, and for us, this might be the most critical component of life-long learning.
What would you say to others to inspire them to embrace the vision and support the school?
We would remind fellow parents that supporting the school in whatever way possible benefits t hei r ch i ld /ch i ld ren , b ot h emotiona lly and physica lly. Emotiona lly, it prov ides a n oppor t u n it y for pa rent s to demonstrate a commitment t o on e's c om mu n it y a n d p a r t i c ip a t ion i n r e a c h i n g common goals. Nothing feels better than “giving back,” and we have a first-hand opportunity to show our children how to do this. Physically, it provides all students and staff with a state-of-the-art educational facility. Teachers will be able to implement cutting-edge practices and support lessons/curriculum with world-class technology and resources. Investing in Ensworth allows the school to grow and evolve, constantly becoming the best it can be, and in turn, providing our children with a learning environment that will help them reach their maximum potential. Finally, we challenge you to be “All-In.” This goes so far beyond a monetary contribution. Give your time: volunteer! Give your support: encourage your student and his/or her peers! Give your thanks: let a teacher or staff member know how much you appreciate them! Full participation, in whatever means possible, makes Ensworth a limitless institution!
2020 WINTER | 43