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C O N T E N T S Dr. ben hadj hassine 12

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Dr. Ben Hadj Hassine, as a trailblazing entrepreneur, is known for his exponential thinking and bold leadership that challenges conventions. He paves the way for new opportunities The EnterpriseWorldisproudtointroduce him as The Most Successful Business LeadertoWatchOutfor2023.

Effective leadership entails more than just holding a position of authority; it involvesempowering,motivating,and elevatingothers.Authenticleadersnot only lead, but also contribute to the overall growth and development of their teams and organizations. They cultivate a work environment infused with passion, enthusiasm, empathy, and commitment to making a positive impactonsociety.

One individual who embodies this compassionate, value-driven approach is Dr Ben Hadj Hassine, the CEO and Managing Director ofThe Doris DuanYoung Autism Center (DDY). Dr Ben strongly believes in capacity building andempoweringallindividuals.

He is also motivated by the quote from his royal highness, Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum – Treat your team the way you want them to treat your customers,andupholdsthisphilosophy forhisownteam.

Dr Ben epitomizes genuine leadership by prioritizing the well-being of his employeesandempoweringhisteamto reachtheirfullpotential.

Drawing on over three decades of extensive experience in business development and entrepreneurial management across Europe, Dr. Ben embodies the qualities of a visionary leader. He is an innovative entrepreneur andresults-drivenexecutive,committedto achieving exceptional outcomes in highly competitive environments that demand constantimprovement.

Asahighlyskilledstrategistwithaproven track record of aligning organizations to achieve excellence and provide exceptionalclientservice,Dr Benexudes positivityandalwaysleadsbyexample.

He strongly believes in capacity building andempoweringindividualstoreachtheir full potential, recognizing that true leadership is not merely about being in charge, but also about inspiring and encouraging others to dream big, learn more,domore,andbecomemore.

Under Dr Ben's outstanding leadership, drivenbyhisstrongvaluesandcustomeroriented philosophy, The Doris DuanYoung Autism Center (DDY) has been recognized and awarded by several prestigiousmagazines.

In 2019, the DDY Center won the Healthcare Innovation Award and ranked 2nd in the Outpatient Clinics category at the DHCA Excellence Awards. In 2020, it won the Outpatient Clinics Award and ranked 1st in the Rehabilitation Center category at the DHCAExcellenceAwards.

Dr Ben was featured as one of the leading CEOs and leaders in the Gulf region in the Gulf Leaders 2020 list by AlKhaleejTimes.In2022,Dr Benwas recognized as one of the Top 10 Most Dynamic Healthcare Entrepreneurs fromGulfbyGulfEntrepreneur.

Expressing his pride in winning the ExcellenceAwards for two consecutive years, Dr. Ben Hadj stated, "This is a proudmomentforusasittookusalmost five years to reach this platform. Five years of hard work and many success stories. We feel so blessed to have the opportunity to make a difference in the livesofsomanygiftedchildren."

Drivenbystrategicgrowthplans,valueadded service, and a commitment to helpingpeoplesharetheiruniquetalents with the world, Dr. Ben and his exceptional team are poised to demonstrate that DDY is indeed an expertisethattrulycares.

The Doris Duan-Young Autism Center(DDY)

The Doris Duan-Young Autism Center (DDY)isapioneeringinstitutionthatis dedicated to offering world-class counselling and behavioral support servicesforchildrenandadultswhoare ontheAutismspectrum.

DDY is privileged to be led by a professionalteamofworld-classBoardCertified BehaviorAnalysts (BCBA), a ClinicalPsychologist,BehaviorAnalyst Technicians, Speech and Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, and Physical Therapists who are all licensed by the Dubai HealthAuthority (DHA).

Moreover, its team members are accredited in Crisis Intervention TrainingbyCanadianSafeManagement Group,whichensuresthattheyare equipped with the right skills to handle difficultsituations.

DDY believes in providing multidisciplinary care under one roof. Its team of passionate professionals works collaboratively to provide more than 18 services across assessments, therapeutic, inclusion and vocational programs, as well as community and caregivertrainingprograms.

Since its establishment in 2014, DDY has been empowering almost 300 families by providing them with comprehensive, personalized, and innovative care The dedication and commitment to providing excellent serviceshaveearnedthecenterthewelldeserved recognition as one of the leadingautismcentersinDubai.

DDY continues to work towards building an inclusive society for individuals with Autism and People of Determination and their families in collaboration with government, private, andacademicinstitutions.Italsosupports Dubai's medical tourism initiatives by providing world-class services to individuals from all over the world who cometoDubaiseekinghigh-qualitycare.

DDY is committed to empowering individuals on the Autism spectrum and helpingthemleadfulfillingandfunctional lives.


Healthcare is a complex and constantly evolving industry, driven by advances in technology, research, and changes in patient needs and expectations. As the world becomes more technologically advanced, the healthcare industry has to keepupwiththesechangestoprovidethe bestcarepossible.

One area where technological advances are having a significant impact is in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder The traditional approaches to autism treatment are often limited in scope and effectiveness However, as technology continues to evolve, so does the potential for more innovativeandeffectivetreatments.

DDY recognizes the importance of staying at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field, and is committed to being an innovative leaderinthetreatmentofautism.By incorporating technology into its servicesandteachingprograms,itis able to provide the most effective and individualized treatment for eachchild.

DDY delivers individualized treatmentwitharangeofservicesto meet the needs of each child. Its highly skilledprofessionalsarelicensedbythe Dubai Healthcare Authority (DHA), including BCBA, Board-Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts, Clinical Psychologists, Speech-Language therapists, Occupational therapists, Physical therapists, and Registered Behaviortherapists.

Furthermore, the institute also involves parentsactivelyinthetreatmentprocess. With this in mind, DDY team works closely with each parent on a regular basis to ensure that the treatment plan includes goals that are important to them.Thisincludessupportingchildren with desensitization to dentist offices, haircuts, community outings, and even helping introduce certain foods into theirchild'sdiet.

By staying at the forefront of technological advances and working closely with parents and other healthcareprofessionals,DDYisableto provide the most effective and comprehensivecareforindividualswith autismspectrumdisorder


As an entrepreneur, Dr Ben faced the typical challenges and obstacles that come with building a business. And through his vision, perseverance, and consultation with employees, he was able to identify key areas that required attention and strategize solutions to elevate The Doris Duan-YoungAutism Center(DDY)tonewheights.

Under his insightful leadership, DDY expanded to include two new therapeuticcentersandanAdminoffice, and gained recognition not just in the GCC, but globally Today, the center serves nearly 300 families who come from around the world seeking treatment for their children. Thanks to the dedicated team of professionals at DDY, many of these children have successfully enrolled in mainstream schoolsaftercompletingtheirtreatment.

Despite these achievements, Dr. Ben remains humble and attributes the success of DDY to the overwhelming support and trust of the families they serve.Thecenter'sservicesaredesigned to build on skills that are essential for leading a functional life, and the team works collaboratively with families to achieve each child's maximum potential.


Every great leader has a unique perspectiveonwhatdefinessuccess.Dr Ben, the visionary entrepreneur behind TheDorisDuan-YoungAutismCenter, firmly believes that success means creating a bright and sustainable future forhisfamily,employees,andclients.

He is driven by the desire to build something he truly believes in, with a teamofindividualswhoinspirehim,and who share his passion for making a positive impact in the world His unwavering commitment to this vision has been the driving force behind the successofDDY,aswellasthecountless families that the center has helped over theyears.

“If you are truly happy and grateful for whatyouhaveandwakeupwithasmile, then you have achieved success. True success can be defined in terms of bettering yourself in the pursuit of ultimately benefiting others. Success is havingthesunshineontheinsideofyour heart because you arise each day knowingthatyouare,youhaveandyou will make a difference in the world you live in. Success is the ability to provide happiness to people you love,” affirms Dr.Ben.


Asanexemplaryleader,Dr.Benbelieves in supporting and empowering his employees, family, and community members. For him, leadership is about inspiring others to dream, learn, do, and becomemore.

A client shares, "People admire his positivity, tenacity, constancy, and emotional intelligence.When he comes into your life, he turns you into a better person, you can't help it " Such testimonials undoubtedly give a clear pictureofDr Ben'sleadershipstyleand howhispeopledescribehimasaleader.

Asanentrepreneurwhoownsabusiness employing 100 individuals, Dr Ben recognizes his responsibility to 100 families and over 200 client families, andtherefore,everydecisionhemakes, he considers the consequences and weighsvariousfactors.

For Dr Ben, what sets his team apart is the values they follow and put into practice - commitment, unconditional love, and passion. The DDY team is committedtogiving100%dedicationto theirclientsandtheirfamilies.

Theyseethemselvesasaccountablefor delivering the best of their abilities, communicateopenly,andgoaboveand beyond their roles to help each other They connect with their patients and their families with compassion, empathy, acceptance, and utmost sensitivity, representing unconditional love.

The team wakes up motivated to help People of Determination and strives to build an environment where they can reach their full potential, representing passion.


ThededicatedstaffatDDYcollaborates tooffermorethan18services,including diagnostic, therapeutic, inclusionary, and vocational programs, as well as communityandcaregivertrainings.


Ÿ Intake Assessment and Report Writing

Ÿ BehavioralAssessment

Ÿ PsychologicalAssessment

Ÿ OccupationalTherapyAssessment

Ÿ SpeechLanguageAssessment

Ÿ PhysiotherapyAssessment


Ÿ AppliedBehavioralAnalysis(ABA) Therapy

Ÿ OccupationalTherapy

Ÿ Physiotherapy

Ÿ SpeechandLanguageTherapy

Ÿ Supervision by Board Certified BehaviorAnalyst(BCBA)

Ÿ VocationalTraining


Ÿ LearningSupport



Ÿ SocialSkillsTraining



In the 9-year journey, DDY has witnessed the challenges and obstacles that families and children with disabilities face. The center has collaboratedwiththemtoimprovetheir quality of life It allows parents to becomeinvolvedintheirchild'stherapy by attending parent education seminars atthefacility

It arranges community social trips to provide children the opportunity to developsocialskillsandaccessavariety ofactivitiesandexperiences.

“At DDY, we believe in providing a holistic treatment approach by incorporating all aspects of a child's life intheirtreatmentplan.”


DDY takes pride in its state-of-the-art facilities,whicharedesignedtoprovide comprehensive care to individuals with autism.

Sensory Development Center (SensoryCornerandSensoryPods)

Features fiberoptic illuminations, LED ballpit,bubblecolumns,vibratingbean bag chair, soothing aurora lights, and sensorytoys,amongothers.


Adopts 'play' intoteachingindependent living in the home, supermarket, and othersimulationsetups.


Fosters social skills through activities like games, movies, dancing, karaoke, orrockclimbing.


Parents and caretakers can observe a session in progress using a one-way mirror, minimizing distraction and the child's reactivity. In addition, the live recording feature helps parents replay sections.

3D Immersive Technology (Magic Carpet)

An interactive environment that can be customized for education, calming sensory application, rehabilitation, mainstream learning, social skills, group responding, speed and dexterity, visual performance,andconcentration.

DDY'S commitment to comprehensive carewhichhasbeenfurtherdemonstrated through the Excellence Awards received fromDubaiHealthcareCityAuthorityfor twoconsecutiveyears,2019and2020.


Sinceitsinceptionin2014,DDYhasbeen relentlessly working towards realizing Dr Ben'svisionofcreatingafuturewhere autism is understood, and People of Determination are fully integrated into society.

With a steadfast commitment to innovation and excellence, DDY continually endeavors to enhance its services by hiring top-tier talent that bringsdiverseknowledgeandskillsetsto theteam.

The center takes great pride in nurturing its therapists and staff, providing them with ongoing training and education to stay ahead of the curve in the everevolving field of autism therapy DDY ensures that each therapist is equipped with the latest tools and technology, and the center is equipped with state-of-theart facilities that enable the team to provide unparalleled services to their clients.

Byprioritizingeducation,innovation,and empowerment,DDYiswellonitswayto becoming the go-to center for autism therapyintheUAEandbeyond.


Wordofthewise ManagingDirector

In order for a young entrepreneur to start off strong, he should:

Ÿ Be aware of his target market before launching his business because failing to understand the market is oneofthetopreasonsnewbusinessesfail.

Ÿ Be passionate about what you do because when you baseyourideasonsomethingyoutrulylove,youwill bemorefocusedandmotivated.

Ÿ Theonlywaytodogreatworkistolovewhatyoudo!

Ÿ Implement a budget planning in order to keep the company'sfinancesstraight.

Ÿ Hiringgoodandcompetentpeoplewiththeskillsand experience the company needs and they should also demonstrateawillingnesstolearn.

Ÿ Trytolistentopeoplemorethanhetalks.Listeningto someone with full attention is a fine way to deliver a sense of respect and it enables you to see and understandhisissuefromeveryanglebecausemostof the people do not listen with the intent to understand, theylistenwiththeintenttoreply Ifollowthequote: thequitteryoubecome,themoreyoucanhear!

Ÿ Being able to solve and offer solutions to many problemshispeoplearefacing.

Ÿ Being confident and humble, people will respect him andtakehimmoreseriously.

Ÿ Surroundshimselfwithpositivepeoplewhosharehis characterandvaluesandappreciatestheirfeedback.

Ÿ Runningabusinessrequiresawiderangeofskillsand expertise that a young entrepreneur haven't mastered yet.Becauseofthis,findingamentorisoneofthemost crucialthingshecando.

Ÿ Bepreparedtomakesacrifices.

Ithinkwhenyoustartanewbusiness,youdon'thavetobe greattostartbutyouhavetoworkveryhardtostarttobe great!

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