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data processing easier?
SAP has a very strong scalable cloud platform and provides readily usable intelligent services through SAP Hana, SAP Leonardo, and SAP Data Intelligence. So for clients who are already in the SAP platforms we bring in our expertise to make the job looks easier for them.
This is a costly affair and hence smaller companies are shy of the investments that they need to make, say in software like SAP or SAS. Further, undertaking data intelligence and data analytics project is very risky due to the costs involved as well as the kind of resources that needs to be deployed and developed. Most of the analytics project in the market are exploratory or research-oriented that only big companies can afford.
At JDSOFT, since we have enormous capabilities acquired over a decade of doing what we do, we have patented templates and methodologies that help us in delivering the projects with clinical precession. We are mathematicians who understand business and our passion for solving problems drives our business model. So, in many cases where the development is exploratory we undertake the project on ROI sharing, conventionally profit sharing basis. In this model we do not bill the client for the full project but a very little percentage of the estimated manpower cost as upfront and will share the benefits of the project with the client. This benefits may accrue with a reduction in cost, an increase in revenue or optimization of time taken off the processes, etc. This model has worked well for our smaller clients.
Joel Pandian
Director - Data Analytics and Value Management
• What are the advantages of SAP over its competitors?
An ERP acts as the brain of the organization’s technology infrastructure which combines every feature of a business, including finance, manpower, product development, production, marketing, and sales. So it is important to have the right one that fits the organization. SAP has a clear advantage in this for the following reasons.
1. SAP is suitable for any size of business i.e. from small to large size companies. SAP provides a lot of flexibility for growth, and due to this, small businesses achieve significant benefits from it. It also offers functions and competencies required by the world’s largest companies. Nearly 80% of fortune 500 companies are using SAP. 2. SAP does not provide any redundant functionality. 3. SAP is perfect for any business. Its industry solutions accommodate the complex dimensions of that particular industry to its intricate details. So the requirements for customizations are very minimum and a faster GTM is possible. 4. SAP provides a shorter implementation time and the fastest financial payback. As compared to other ERPs SAP requires fewer customizations. 5. SAP has a clear roadmap and it has been evolving continuously. They continuously provide new versions and upgrades based on the latest trends in the market. 6. SAP uses industry best practices and case studies this confirms that organizations stay equivalent to the
opposing organizations in the industry. The utilization of industry best practices for reference affirms that there is a decrease in cost, risk as well as in time. 7. A scalability feature is a prerequisite in software solutions to achieve success. SAP ERP solutions are primarily designed to enhance with the business, which means that as the size of the organization rises their capacity also increases.
• Why would you prefer SAP over others?
SAP has been continuously evolving and has been very quick in adopting the latest technologies with business scalability and reusability as the primary goal. It is one of the ERP technology companies to adopt big data and data intelligence in their ERP service offerings with off-the-shelf use cases that can be deployed quickly. The SAP HANA technology is a game-changer and along with SAPVORA and its Intelligent Enterprise solutions provides complete big data analytics solutions to the companies that can be adopted without much redundancy of the legacy system. Further, SAP is the leader in this field with more than 80% of the fortune 500 companies runing on the SAP platform.
• With technology taking strides, what do you think are the new challenges?
Advances in technology can be empowering, progressive, and enriching. History has shown this across civilizations and societies. But it has also shown, and the present and future will continue to show, that it is foolish, risky, flawed and folly without us raising our individual and collective consciousness and mindfulness to accompany it - to ensure we use it shrewdly, kindly and wisely.
Data security and data privacy are prima facie the biggest challenges the industry is facing right now. The new technological innovations and rapid redundancy of the technology increase the cost to the organizations to adopt newer technology on scale. The revolutions in Big Data, cloud computing, edge computing, and the internet of things, etc while enabling us towards better life also pose the biggest challenge in a way that any small compromise on the data governance may prove very costly. This is where companies like us help our clients to stay current at the same time to tackle these challenges with the years of experience that we have in managing them.
• How do you propose to build a strong team? What makes it unique?
In JDSOFT we are a very small but very powerful team that works as a family. Our team shares the vision on which the company was built and for us the job that we do is our main hobby and we are getting paid for what we want to do always. Every member of our team knows what exactly they are expected to do and what their goals are. We do not have something like a manager/ subordinate role of a traditional organization. We celebrate the success of and share the failure of everyone.
The unique thing that is happening in JDSOFT is we have a laisse fair work culture i.e. people can work from anywhere, either from the office or from home or even from a bar. We have only workbenches and meeting rooms in the office where people have to book a place if they do decide to work from the office. Our preoperatory HR systems, which we call as HATS manages almost everything from employee performance management to compensation. So no one will have any ambiguity of what they are expected to do as everything i.e. KPIs, salary forecast, performance forecast, etc are in HATS and is something like earn as you go. The unique thing about this is that no one even fixes your compensation, you fix yours and if you are efficient enough you earn that.
• Can you please brief us about your professional experience?
After finishing my mechanical engineering I joined GAIL as an Engineering Trainee and was responsible for operations. Out of my interest in mathematics I continued pursuing my higher studies in maths and have applied a lot of mathematical laws within my area of operation in GAIL. This had led to the changing nomenclature of LPG that resulted in revenue of more than 2400 cr. With these successes I was moved to IT where we used to undertake data analytics in the fields of Exploration and other functions of Oil and Gas. From then on I moved on to head the IT divisions of major companies like Marg, Tecpro Systems, etc. Finally deciding to launch on my own in 2009.
During these two-decades-long quests to quench my thirst I have worked in major IT projects in ERP implementation, Management reporting, and analytics.