Top 5
To Watch In 2022
Merchants Fleet
BRENDAN P. KEEGAN Elevating the Fleet Industry
From Editor’s Desk
n entrepreneur is the one that visualizes the future and success, realizes his vision and takes step to working towards it. Knocking off the hardships, keeping a straight head an entrepreneur is the one that inspires his employees and his peers to achieve the great milestones in their journey.
This issue of The Enterprise World of Top 5 Successful Entrepreneurs to Watch features the stories of such select entrepreneurs who with their dedication, their zeal and excellence have surpassed all the hurdles that came their way and have emerged as the great story-tellers of their successful ventures. Inspiring others and themselves at every step, here are all the successful entrepreneurs that have been featured. For the cover story read aboutBrendan P. Keegan is the CEO of Merchants Fleet, the fastest-growing fleet management company in North America, where he previously served the company as a client, board member, compensation committee chair, and strategic advisor. He is an award-winning, 6-time president and CEO having raised nearly $3.0B in capital and returned over $6.0B to investors. Brendan has experience in business transformation, capital raises, strategy development, revenue growth, operational scale, technology enablement, and enterprise value creation with successful liquidity exits. With a background in the financial services, technology, and professional service industries, Brendan has led companies ranging from 500 to 10,000 employees. Prior to these roles, he started his career at EDS as a systems engineer and progressed through the ranks rapidly to become the Fortune 100’s youngest Chief Sales Officer for EDS. Paul Guenther of Knowledge Hub Media. Knowledge Hub Media is a b2b advertising company with demand generation and content syndication serving as our core competencies. We’ve had a lot of major accomplishments over the years, including making the Inc. 5000 list three years in a row (Inc Magazine), and, being honoured as an Entrepreneur Magazine Entrepreneur 360 company… The 360 best privately owned companies in America – also three years in a row. In this interview with Luciana Rodrigues, CEO of Grey Advertising, find out more about her journey and the company-Grey Advertising. Grey Advertising Group is part of WPP company, the world’s biggest advertising company, which has been embracing transformation since 1917. At Grey Advertising we build brands and ideas that drive business and the other way around too. Grey Advertising belong to the new era of communication, and we see the industry in a different way, in which the advertising that really matters to people, no longer looks like advertising. Grey Advertising always reinforce our process of constant change. Grey Advertising work in partnership with brands with a clear purpose and the ambition to play a significant role in society. Grey Advertising’s mission is to make an impact in people’s lives. In this interview with Nicole Martin, Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer, know more about HRBoost. “You’ll notice it instantly. Nicole Martin, CEO and Founder of HRBoost®, loves what she does, and she does it remarkably well. “I’m the accidental entrepreneur,” said Nicole, “I looked back after starting my own business and said, ‘I started a business. Whoa!’” Nicole didn’t set out to create HRBoost. She simply followed her passion to help clients understand the importance human resources can play in developing a strong business. Today Nicole is a successful entrepreneur and an HR industry innovator who is dedicated to helping small to mid-size business realize their potential through their employees.” In this interview with Marina, find out more about mYngle. mYngle offers customized language training programs through video conferencing in 45 different languages anytime, anywhere. Our lessons are one-on-one, with highly qualified native coaches and related to the learner’s job position. Our virtual classrooms enable learners to take classes 24/7. mYngle is the solution for busy professionals who need language training to be successful in their international business, and for Companies that want great learning results and a transparent and controllable learning process to make their investment a success.
Shalmali Shalmali W.
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This list is NOT a ranking. The companies on listed in magazine serve different aspects of the market, making ranking them in any order except revenue impossible and unfair. We try to bring a perfect platform for business organization to showcase their valued products/ services. Copyrights © The Enterprise World | 2019. All Rights Reserved. The images and content included in this magazine should not be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronics, mechanical, photocopying, recording, otherwise, without proper permission from The Enterprise World. The Enterprise World solely owns all the reprint rights.
Leaders in Spotlight
For the cover story read aboutBrendan P. Keegan is the CEO of Merchants Fleet, the fastest-growing fleet management company in North America, where he previously served the company as a client, board member, compensation committee chair, and strategic advisor. He is an award-winning, 6-time president and CEO having raised nearly $3.0B in capital and returned over $6.0B to investors. Brendan has experience in business transformation, capital raises, strategy development, revenue growth, operational scale, technology enablement, and enterprise value creation with successful liquidity exits. With a background in the financial services, technology, and professional service industries, Brendan has led companies ranging from 500 to 10,000 employees. Prior to these roles, he started his career at EDS as a systems engineer and progressed through the ranks rapidly to become the Fortune 100’s youngest Chief Sales Officer for EDS. Paul Guenther of Knowledge Hub Media. Knowledge Hub Media is a b2b advertising company with demand generation and content syndication serving as our core competencies. We’ve had a lot of major accomplishments over the years, including making the Inc. 5000 list three years in a row (Inc Magazine), and, being honoured as an Entrepreneur Magazine Entrepreneur 360 company… The 360 best privately owned companies in America – also three years in a row. In this interview with Luciana Rodrigues, CEO of Grey Advertising, find out more about her journey and the company-Grey Advertising. Grey Advertising Group is part of WPP company, the world’s biggest advertising company, which has been embracing transformation since 1917. At Grey Advertising we build brands and ideas that drive business and the other way around too.
Grey Advertising belong to the new era of communication, and we see the industry in a different way, in which the advertising that really matters to people, no longer looks like advertising. Grey Advertising always reinforce our process of constant change. Grey Advertising work in partnership with brands with a clear purpose and the ambition to play a significant role in society. Grey Advertising’s mission is to make an impact in people’s lives. In this interview with Nicole Martin, Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer, know more about HRBoost. “You’ll notice it instantly. Nicole Martin, CEO and Founder of HRBoost®, loves what she does, and she does it remarkably well. “I’m the accidental entrepreneur,” said Nicole, “I looked back after starting my own business and said, ‘I started a business. Whoa!’” Nicole didn’t set out to create HRBoost. She simply followed her passion to help clients understand the importance human resources can play in developing a strong business. Today Nicole is a successful entrepreneur and an HR industry innovator who is dedicated to helping small to mid-size business realize their potential through their employees.” In this interview with Marina, find out more about mYngle. mYngle offers customized language training programs through video conferencing in 45 different languages anytime, anywhere. Our lessons are one-on-one, with highly qualified native coaches and related to the learner’s job position. Our virtual classrooms enable learners to take classes 24/7. mYngle is the solution for busy professionals who need language training to be successful in their international business, and for Companies that want great learning results and a transparent and controllable learning process to make their investment a success.
12. Brendan P. Keegan
42. Paul Guenther
36. Nicole martin
30. Marina Tognetti
24. Luciana Rodrigues
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CEO, Grey Advertising,
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CEO & Founder, Myngle
30 | APRIL 2022
Marina T ognei Helping Professionals Succeed in their Careers with Languages
anguage is the key to success for your international business relations. Rightly said, without learning the language of the new countries you might be looking to expand your business in, it becomes difficult for you to conduct business there. Featuring in The Enterprise World's this issue of Top 5 Successful Entrepreneurs To Watch In 2022 is Marina Tognetti, helping professionals excel in their careers with mYngle. In this interview with Marina, let us find out more about the company. Brief us about your journey at the company, what inspired you to start the company? The initial idea came from my own personal needs. Like many people back then I was looking at China for opportunities. The first step was learning Chinese. But finding a way to learn the language was not easy for me as a busy manager. I tried everything: an evening school, CDs/ DVDs, a Dutch teacher
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well from my previous eBay experience. We thought we got it all: funding, lots of Awards and PR, a very motivated team. But something in the business model was not functioning as we expected. We listened to our customers and they gave us the new direction, from an open marketplace to a quality global online school, from B2C to B2B. The key to success was accepting that change was needed and not being afraid to question assumptions, truly listening to our customers. Change is an essential part of being entrepreneur. What are the products or services the company focuses on? How are your services different from those in the market? mYngle offers customized language training programs through video conferencing in 45 different languages anytime, anywhere. Our lessons are one-on-one, with highly qualified native coaches and related to the learner's job position. Our virtual classrooms enable learners to take classes 24/7. mYngle is the solution for busy professionals who need language training to be successful in their international business, and for Companies that want great learning results and a transparent and controllable learning process to make their investment a success.
trying to teach Chinese, a Chinese student that could not teach… I got quite frustrated. If I were living in China- I thought- I could easily find a good teacher. That was when the idea hit me: there are thousands of teachers all over the world, I just need to use the power of the internet to connect teachers with students. This is how mYngle was born.
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What are the initial challenges you faced and what are the reasons behind company's longstanding success? The biggest challenge was when we had to drastically change, 'pivoting' from the initial business model to a completely different one, which is the mYngle we are now. We had launched mYngle as a marketplace, something I knew very
I strongly believe that the key to success is not constantly comparing with competition, but aligning with what customers want. Constant focus on customers and their needs is one of our pillars and key strengths. This is particularly important when you are in an industry that, like that of online education, is in a transition or evolution phase, where the main challenge is not competition but the unawareness or inexperience of customers.
How do you decide to take the company a step further?
different from those of offline education.
I believe that the integration of information technology in education will be further accelerated and online education will eventually become an integral component of education. For mYngle, this means that we need to keep on innovating and pursuing the best possible quality and results, educating also the market on the difference between improvised solutions and years of expertise, so that we can keep on being ahead in this digital transformation.
The way the training is delivered, the teaching, content, interaction etc., all need to change in order to provide a good user experience. mYngle was one of the pioneers in live online (language) training, so now that we are at the cross-road, we can benefit from many years of experience and proven capabilities to deliver successful online training.
There are also new opportunities opening up as the education world evolves towards online. This shift in fact opened our eyes to the potential of the broader training market, which is less mature than language learning in terms of online solutions. This means that we have a window of opportunity here, similar to what we had with language learning years ago. Being a successful leader, please share your views on current business scenario across globe after Covid19 pandemic. Even before the pandemic, the training market was already in the transition from offline to online, the shift accelerating in the past years. This age of quarantines, social distancing, and remote working fast-tracked the trend, and online education become in many cases the only possible way of learning. In response to this increase in demand for online training, many traditional offline players have been rushing to find a quick-fix, moving their existing solutions online. Good remote training, however, is not just a matter of adding a tech solution for the virtual classroom and moving a teacher from a physical classroom to a computer, but it requires a whole new set of expertise and capabilities
Why it is said that the workforce plays a vital role in every business's growth? Please tell us about your team. Change is all around us. Markets keep changing as a result of fast-paced advancement in technology and COVID fast-tracked many changes in a way that was unthinkable just a few months before. This means that to, be successful, companies must be able to adapt and innovate. This can only be achieved promoting entrepreneurial thinking and action in the organization. In mYngle we stimulate a culture of experimentation and allowing mistakes. Innovation cannot exist in a culture of fear of consequences. We try to develop people that think and not only do ''jobs''. We look in our staff for entrepreneurs, people who do not keep the status quo, but push themselves beyond their comfort zone. If you try ten new things, some will fail, some will be OK, and one will make a difference. We are looking for that ''special one''. Can you please brief us about your professional experience? I am a tech entrepreneur, founder of myngle.com, but the passion for entrepreneurship came later on in my career. When I graduated from University it was an era when entrepreneurship was not very common
for academics. I therefore built first a successful career by large multinationals, Procter & Gamble, Philips, Sara Lee, The Boston Consulting Group and eBay; living and working in different Countries, and got an MBA from INSEAD. It was when working as consultant on a project on internet strategy that I first saw the potential of internet to disrupt entire industries and change forever the way we buy/sell/interact. I had to be part of that! That was the driver to start an innovative company as mYngle, as I knew I could make a real difference. What are the key achievements of your business journey? Building a business from scratch is always challenging, building a tech start-up disrupting an industry as traditional as that of education, is exponentially more challenging (especially more than 15 years ago, when we started). There are all sorts of resistances - those of a still immature market that you have to bypass, like the stereotypes consumers have in their minds about online education. Now online is setting the standards in terms of quality and flexibility. And we have been part of that. This has been for me the greatest professional achievement to date. For these reasons, mYngle has also won numerous awards as recognition for its contribution to online education, like the Accenture Innovation Award, European Ventures Summit Award, Benelux Venture Summit Award, and more. I also received numerous awards as founder and CEO of mYngle, such as 50 Most Inspiring Women Tech Leaders in Europe, 50 Most Inspiring Women in the Dutch Technology Sector, Iconic Women Creating a Better World for All and many others
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CEO & Founder, HRBoost®
36 | APRIL 2022
Nicole Martin Building a Sustainable and Effective HR for the Growth of Your Company
orkplaces often debate about the importance of a Human Resources Management. Some employees see the HR department as a policing and systemizing arm of the executive management, while for others HR is the gatekeepers. But nonetheless, it is important for any organization to build an HR department, to manage the talent, for the recruiting processes and for many organizations to form the culture. Featuring in The Enterprise World's Top 5 Successful Entrepreneurs To Watch In 2022 is Nicole Martin, the Chief Empowerment Officer, helping companies build an effective HR from scratch. In this interview with Nicole Martin, Founder and Chief Empowerment Officer, let us know more about HRBoost.
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Brief us about your journey at the company, what inspired you to start the company? You'll notice it instantly. Nicole Martin, CEO and Founder of HRBoost®, loves what she does, and she does it remarkably well. “I'm the accidental entrepreneur,” said Nicole, “I looked back after starting my own business and said, 'I started a business. Whoa!'” Nicole didn't set out to create HRBoost. She simply followed her passion to help clients understand the importance human resources can play in developing a strong business. Today Nicole is a successful entrepreneur and an HR industry innovator who is dedicated to helping small to mid-size business realize their potential through their employees. A self-professed “country girl in disguise,” Nicole Martin grew up in Montana, where, she says, “Everyone knows you and greets you on the street.” Nicole was also lucky to have a great mentor early in life: her mom. “My mother is highly spiritual, and she raised me with the philosophy of being happy,” said Nicole. “She always believed in that you are a special person—she ingrained that in me—and you are capable of anything.” What are the initial challenges you faced and what are the reasons behind company's long-standing success? I think the initial challenges of being a CEO are many. One is needing human capital and financial capital to scale and grow. Many will not grow because they are not investing in talent and often it is the CEO's job to bear debt. I made a calculated risk to invest in my talent and invest in my bench strength. In the early years, I was reacting to my business and as a mother and wife it can be a challenge to orchestrate work life integration. I look back and realize
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that when I put down a process, hired capable talent, and disappeared to let them work, the process proved through; and now, we can do it again, and again, and again. You must trust the people you hire, and you must trust the process. When it is time to take a calculated risk, you invest and do what you can to increase the odds. Success is relative. Many people would read my resume or some printed article about me but the real success comes in the joy of doing what you love every day. It is amazing however, when you turn around and see many others who work for you and source Joy and Purpose through our \shared work and creation. Work and Life should be integrated not compartmentalized. I love that there is no real dividing line between work and play for me. What are the products or services the company focuses on? How are your services different from those in the market? We offer small and midsize businesses HR services on an ala carte, project or retainer basis. We meet our clients wherever they are on their journey to be an employer of choice and we also meet them at their pace and budget. Our Shared Services approach allows us to build HR departments from scratch and align them to business strategy. While we see great value in the middle market, we do have some larger companies that augment their internal HR teams with strategic project initiatives from our team. Software is not HR. And HR is more than payroll and benefits. Building a high-performance culture that drives innovation and profitability requires leaders at all levels. HR infrastructure can uphold the Culture Invitation and once it is strategically aligned and reinforced a company can create workforce alignment empowering leaders to innovate amidst even the toughest climate in business.
How do you decide to take the company a step further? I am honored to lead a highperformance team of HR leaders who partners with our business clients to meet them wherever they are on their journey, to being a best place to work. We have experienced tremendous growth and proudly nearly every client has been sourced through word of mouth. Our appeal and success is due to our personal dedication for each and every client. I am blessed to have truly blessed people on our team. Thankfully, they live our core values and instead of me recognizing every time a core value is witnessed, they have taken peer reward recognition to be a strong reinforcement. Even today, I was thanked by my Admin Extraordinaire for her shout outs as she just cashed in on a new car seat for her beautiful child. What more can I say? It is all about how you make people feel. Being a successful leader, please share your views on current business scenario across globe after Covid19 pandemic. We have always trended with growth year after year, however amidst the pandemic we were hard hit like many. Thankfully, we have successfully returned to pre Covid-19 revenues levels and this is something we are pleased with given the level of uncertainty in the market. We have revealed some new innovative ways to reach our clients and as talent shifts occur, we are ready to help the businesses that seek to retain talent. I think the initial challenges of being a CEO are many. One is needing human capital and financial capital to scale and grow. Many will not grow because they are not investing in talent and often it is the CEO's job to bear debt. I
made a calculated risk to invest in my talent and invest in my bench strength. In the early years, I was reacting to my business and as a mother and wife it can be a challenge to orchestrate work life integration. I look back and realize that when I put down a process, hired capable talent, and disappeared to let them work, the process proved through; and now, we can do it again, and again, and again. You must trust the people you hire, and you must trust the process. When it is time to take a calculated risk, you invest and do what you can to increase the odds. What are the key achievements of your business journey? Success is relative. Many people would read my resume or some printed article about me but the real success comes in the joy of doing what you love every day. It is amazing however, when you turn around and see many others who work for you and source Joy and Purpose through our \shared work and creation. Work and Life should be integrated not compartmentalized. I love that there is no real dividing line between work and play for me. It is my number one responsibility to empower my team of Boosters, invest in ongoing education, tools and resources to optimize my team. I have faith that they will in turn delight our clients. I was truly humbled when after years of serving on Advisory Board and being part of a winning organization in my prior roles, my own company took the stage of Best & Brightest ®Companies to Work For in Chicago in 2020. My philosophy is that leadership must live at every level in a business. The hierarchy is a thing of the past.
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THE FUTURE OF ENTERPRISE SECURITY Focus on to Protect Themselves and their Customers
t's no secret that not only are the threats to your company more numerous than ever before, but they are also becoming more sophisticated. You may have invested in expensive enterprise security solutions in the past only to see them rendered useless in a matter of weeks. The industry is at a crossroads. What do you need to be doing today to protect your customers and your business? This blog post will explore what enterprises should focus on when it comes to security. It will also give you valuable tips on how to stay ahead of hackers by using advanced protection technology that can detect known and unknown vulnerabilities. We'll discuss risks, prevention methods, and show you how to protect your customers with the best practices for today's market.
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The Evolution of Threats to Enterprise Networks Company networks have faced an evolving threat landscape in recent years, alongside a rapidlyexpanding list of threats. The number of high-profile data breaches has grown significantly over the past few years. In 2016, the largest breach of data in history took place when hackers stole the records of almost 150 million Verizon customers. Earlier that same year, Equifax suffered a massive data breach affecting over 140 million people. Many other companies have suffered cyberattacks and security breaches as well. Even in the face of these breaches, there has only been a nominal increase in cybersecurity awareness. Worse, many companies don't have effective systems or processes in place, such as a small and medium business password manager. A core issue is how rapidly the cybersecurity landscape changes, and how difficult it is for businesses to keep pace. Every new trend, from the rise of the cloud to the decline of physical devices, prompts various
security upgrades for organizations. The reality is that any enterprise should both be aware of the myriad threats that exist and also understand the mindset that is necessary to address them.
detect threats like malware and illegal software. They can also detect all the software on a device to determine if they have been infected or if they have been attacked.
With that in mind, here are three major trends that have influenced the way we think about cybersecurity and the things that businesses should consider when it comes to safeguarding their customers and their businesses.
2. Data is the New Oil
1. IoT Goes Mainstream The Internet of Things essentially a catch-all term for any Internet-connected device or appliance that wouldn't ordinarily connect to a network — has seen explosive growth in recent years. IoT devices have become more commonplace than ever as we increasingly embed connectivity in everything from traffic lights to fridges and microwaves. This also means that devices in the business and consumer sectors are becoming increasingly sophisticated at collecting and sharing data. On the one hand, this means that, armed with effective analytics, organizations can learn more about both themselves and their clientele than ever before. On the other hand, this means that even a small business may have to contend with an overwhelming threat surface, one in which anything could be an access point for a hacker. And yes, that includes the kitchen sink. For example, AI-powered intelligent security systems can
Success now hinges on data; availability, governance, orchestration, and analysis, for both the public and private sectors. This is especially true for the Fortune 1000. Moreover, many organizations now rely on their ability to generate and manage data — it is the key to understanding customer behavior, predicting what to sell, and determining how to market against competitors. It is impossible for any human being to effectively organize and evaluate the vast quantity of data generated by even a small or mid-sized business. Instead, the role of human actors in this new ecosystem is to ensure the data is available and accessible for analytics tools. With that accomplished, they can unlock insights about everything from product intelligence to flaws in their security posture.
3. Machine Learning in Pentesting Artificial intelligence and machine learning have some incredibly compelling applications in the cybersecurity sector, and penetration testing is arguably at the top of that list. Pentesting typically requires an immense amount of manual labor. Through machine learning, security professionals can augment their own expertise with tools that automatically probe for weaknesses, becoming progressively better at doing so through trial and error. Unfortunately, pentesting isn't the only application of this technology—it can just as easily be weaponized in the hands of cybercriminals. Technologies that Will Shape the Future of Cybersecurity in 2022 Over the next few years, there will be several new technologies that will impact cybersecurity in ways neither seen nor predicted. From artificial intelligence to blockchain to IoT, the entire face of the security landscape is changing. And it will continue to change well into the future, evolving in ways we neither expected nor predicted.
Orchestration alone isn't enough, either. Criminals are well aware of the value contained in corporate data. As such, in addition to availability, modern businesses must ensure all data is encrypted both at rest and in motion.
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Paul Guenther Offering Innovative Media Solutions
he most important goal of B2B marketing is to make other businesses aware of your business. This helps you build your brand value and reach out to your potential customers. To acquire the right leads and then convert them needs innovative marketing strategies. These strategies can help you reach out to the right people and be seen. Featuring in The Enterprise World's this issue of Top 5 Successful Entrepreneurs To Watch In 2022 is Paul Guenther, Founder, and CEO of Knowledge Hub Media, offering promising and innovative media solutions to his clients. In this interview, let us know more about Paul and Knowledge Hub Media. Can you please brief us about your professional experience? As for my personal story, it starts out at Penn State University in the Fall of 2002. At the time, I was pretty unsure about what I wanted to do. After some time, I determined that I wanted to go to law school, and decided to major in Crime, Law & Justice. I got my B.S. in the spring of 2006, which was immediately followed by a (short) stint in Law School. I was doing a part-time night program, and at the time, I was honestly just not ready for it. I was working full time during the day, going out with my friends at night, and not at all focused on what I should have been focused on. Whether or not it was a blessing in disguise, I'll never
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Founder & CEO, Knowledge Hub Media
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know… But I ended up going back to school in 2008 to get my MBA with a concentration in Marketing Management (Wilmington University). During that timeframe, somewhere in 2009, I started working on what would become “IT Knowledge Hub” – which is now of course known as Knowledge Hub Media. Once I had my MBA completed in 2010, it was o ffto the races with the company. I worked pretty tirelessly throughout most nights to get the thing up and o ffof the ground. Everything from sales to marketing, to accounting and website development. I was truly a one-man shop back in those days… But (very) fortunately for me, over the next couple of years, I was able to bring my first few employees on – Anthony and James running Sales, and Chris, who filled my first Client Services role. I had also gone back to school by that point to get my Doctorate in Business Administration – finally finishing my dissertation and graduating in January 2020.
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What are the key achievements of your business journey? Knowledge Hub Media is a b2b advertising company with demand generation and content syndication serving as our core competencies. We've had a lot of major accomplishments over the years, including making the Inc. 5000 list three years in a row (Inc Magazine), and, being honored as an Entrepreneur Magazine Entrepreneur 360 company. The 360 best privately owned companies in America – also three years in a row. On top of this, we were named one of the most innovative advertising technology companies of 2020-2021 at the InterCon awards conference and have appeared in many big-name magazine publications over the years. We have also been featured on several radio programs and podcasts and have even been the subject of chapters within a couple of different book publications (non-fiction books, of course).
Brief us about your journey at the company, what inspired you to start the company? Knowledge Hub Media is a b2b advertising company with demand generation and content syndication serving as our core competencies. We've had a lot of major accomplishments over the years, including making the Inc. 5000 list three years in a row (Inc Magazine), and, being honored as an Entrepreneur Magazine Entrepreneur 360 company… The 360 best privately owned companies in America – also three years in a row. On top of this, we were named one of the most innovative advertising technology companies of 2020-2021 at the InterCon awards conference and have appeared in many big-name magazine publications over the years. We have also been featured on several radio programs and podcasts and have even been the subject of chapters within a couple of different book publications (non-fiction books, of course). As for how the company got started… what was originally IT Knowledge Hub – now of course known as Knowledge Hub Media – was established in 2009. Ever since its inception, the company been a prominent player in the B2B advertising space. Our core competency, however, is lead generation – or “demand generation” and “content syndication,” as it's better known across the industry. We leverage content syndication via assets like white papers, webinars, case studies, and the like, to generate highly targeted leads for our clients. Most of our clients are in the software and technology industry – and when they're not, they are usually advertising/media agencies working on behalf of the former. Most of our clients are promoting technology platforms and software solutions that they are looking to find net new customers for. What are the products or services the company focuses on? How are your services different from those in the market?
our clients. Most of our clients are in the software and technology industry – and when they're not, they are usually advertising/media agencies working on behalf of the former. Most of our clients are promoting technology platforms and software solutions that they are looking to find net new customers for. How do you decide to take the company a step further? We do have something pretty new and innovative that should be coming out by mid-Summer… But for now, it's still a secret! Until then, we'll continue to offer the same high end, highly targeted content syndication and demand generation services that we've always offered. Any client experience you would like to highlight? Let's face it… The customer is always the most important thing. That's just the reality of it, and also why I will say that offering a great customer experience is really our #1 goal. It always has been. Without customers you don't have business, and by proxy, you don't have a business. Enhancing the custo,mer experience is always at the top of our list, and at the end of the day, we always want to make sure that everyone is completely satisfied. It usually comes down to a few things: responsiveness, quality of the product, and customizability. When a customer has a question, we're there to answer it immediately – even in cases when we don't yet have a complete answer. Over the 12+ years that we've been doing this, we've evolved our practices and QA/QC measures to ensure only the finest in data quality – in terms of both data integrity and lead scoring mechanisms. Then there are the customizations… Where some of our clients are happy to stick with more traditional means and lead delivery methods, some like us to use custom API integrations, lead import systems, and form post technologies. We are always happy to customize a product – with regard to both targeting and delivery technology – to go above and beyond the customer's expectations.
Ever since our inception, we have been a prominent player in the B2B advertising space. Our core competency, however, is lead generation – or “demand generation,” as it's better known across the industry. We leverage content syndication via assets like white papers, webinars, case studies, and the like, to generate highly targeted leads for
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