1 minute read
Trail Mix
Volume 10, Issue 7
Dr. Clark’s Strange Tales
In Toronto, a group of animal rights advocates started protesting outside a restaurant called Antler in early December. By March, the Trail Mix protests had grown, and Antler's co -owner, Michael Hunter, had had enough of the "murder" signs and "You've got blood on your hands" chants. So on March 23, he told the Globe and Mail, he figured, "I'm going to have my own protest. ... This is who we are and what we do. So I went and got a deer leg." Hunter brought a cutting board, knife and the hindquarter of a deer into the front window and butchered the meat while the protesters looked on. As a result, Hunter and the protesters are now trying to open a dialogue, and reservation requests at Antler have increased. [Globe and Mail, 3/28/2018]]