3 minute read
Theweekof04/10-04/14 has been one for Rutgers’ history books. Roughly 9,000 faculty members organized and participated inastrikeagainstextremely low wages and close to no job security. The majority ofclassesandresearchatthe University were shut down as many of the students joined their professors, in solidarity,atthefrontofthe picketlines.Rutgersshould befirstandforemostforthe education of its students. Andweoweoureducation toourdedicatedprofessors. SothethemeofthisIssue’s Trail Mix is: “Solidarity Forever”. Here are 10 (11 withthebonussong)songs tolistentothatreflectthese currentevents.
"GonnaRollThe UnionOn"
byWoody Guthrie 1.
I thought this was an appropriate first song as it showcases the union’s role withinthestrike.Throughout strike week, the Rutgers unions emphasized the importance of power in numbers This idea is highlighted with Guthrie’s lyrics:
Theunionisfedupwiththe Universityadministrationand PresidentJonathanHolloway in particular. Which segways into the theme of the next song…
by Radiohead 2.
"Lifeina Glasshouse"
This jazzy Radiohead song reflects the disconnect between the University and the union. The first part of the song is from the perspective of President Hollowayandtherestofthe administration It starts with “Once again I'm in trouble with my only friend/ She is papering the window panes/ She is putting on a smile/ Livinginaglasshouse”.This “only friend” is all the lecturers/researchers/professo rs/students that provide Rutgerswiththeirprestigein education.Aseducationisat the root of any university, they should be treated like a “friend”.
by BobDylan 3.
"Diseaseof Conceit"
On a sadder tune, we have Bob Dylan’s “Disease of Conceit” discussing how the many people suffer at the handsofconceitandgreed.It gives a more pessimistic view on the control of an unjust system
"Finest Wokrsong" byR.E.M. 4.
This song can be used to reflecttheoppositeofDylan’s “Disease of Conceit”. Giving a more optimistic, call-toactionmessagethatshowsthe side of the strike that strives for/encourageschangewithin how the Rutgers education system treats their faculty members. The opening line: “The time to rise has been engaged/You'rebetterbestto rearrange ”emphasizesthatthe timeto“rearrange”thesystem is now. Now, that they have the attention of students, news outlets, and head administratorstheycancreate amorejustsituation.
by Dead Kennedys 5.
"Soupis GoodFood"
IamabigDeadKennedysfan andwhenIfirstheardabout the strike and why it was happening, I immediately thoughtofthissong.Thisisa spooky sounding punk song is chock-full of dark/morbid humor about the realities of working under a corrupt system.Itisdefinitelywortha listenandalookatthelyrics to follow along to; but just giventhetitle,thesongpokes fun at how many jobs don’t pay well enough for their workers to live. So poorly in fact,thattheiremployeesstill have to eat at soup kitchens while management says, “Hey!Cheerup,soupisgood food!”
by Rihanna 6.
"B*tchBetter HaveMy Money"
Thisisjustafunsong(more onthelighterside)addedinto this playlist as many of the picketers are advocating for increased, equal, and appropriate pay. I attended some of the pickets on Cook/Doug and union memberschantedaparodyof thissongshouting,
"KnowYour Rights"
"Education" by PearlJam 8.
"BeTrueto YourSchool" by The BeachBoys 9.
It’shardnottohaveapolitical playlist and not include The Clash,apunkbandthatstood at the forefront of many liberation groups and movements. This is a very straightforward, slightly sardonic/cynical song reminding people that they haverightseventhoughmost times there seems to be no repercussions if they are violated by people with power
Thissongwaschosentogive a torn student’s perspective on the strike and how it affectstheireducationaltrack, graduating students in particular.Thestudentisata crossroads between caring about finishing school and earning a degree, and what meets them in the careerworld Will they have job security? Are angry unions andgreedyadministrationan inevitablepartoftheirfuture? And are they selfish for wanting to return back to classes in order to graduate, when their lecturers and professors are being mistreated and fighting for theirrights?
I’m a firm-believer in separating the administration from the actual university. Thissongisforallthepeople [like myself] who genuinely loveRutgersbutareunhappy with their treatment towards faculty It is not the administration who makes the school. It’s the lecturers and professors who inspire youinsidetheclassroom.It’s the students who teach you outsidetheclassroom It’sall thepeopleonVoorheesMall during strike week that came together in song and solidarity. That is Rutgers University. That is our school.So,asTheBeachBoys say, “[RU] Rah, rah, rah, be truetoyourschool”.
"We'reNotGonna TakeIt"
byTwisted Sister
It was a given that I added some Twisted Sister within this playlist. [It’s worth mentioning that these guys haveaparodyoftheprevious Beach Boys song called “Be Chrool to Your Scuel”]
“We’re Not Gonna Take It” hasbeenananthemformany protests across the nation, especially in situations concerningeducationandfair pay.JustasDeeSnider[fully dressedinhisglam-hairmetal regalia] spoke eloquently against Tipper Gore and the PMRC (Parent Music Resource Center), many speakers came to Voorhees Mall to eloquently speak against President Holloway andtheinjusticesplacedupon theRutgersfaculty.
by Frankie Cosmos 11.
"Outsidewith theCuties"
Outside with the cuties I don't think the
My highschool-self was internally screaming! On Friday 04/14, Frankie CosmoscametoRutgersto haveafreesolidaryconcert, outside with all the strike solidarity cuties. After the show I got to meet the amazing Greta Kline and she even signed my skateboard.