28 minute read
I, Aadit Sangwan, bequeath many League Championships and Sangwan Specials to Ryan Wang and the rest of the waterpolo team, Drakesh’s phone number Rice for Kai wIwamoto, more ugly shoes for Lauren Yee, and super sexy hair and my immaculate Spotify playlists for Joseph Zou.
I, Aditya Suresh, bequeath better badminton skills to Pranav Virupaksha, Ethan Jok, Shawn Chang, Satvik Gonur, Shovan Jagadev, Jiaheng Lyu, Cyrus Liao, Nishanth Nagesh, and Pranav Durbha.
I, Alaap Rag, bequeath unmuting abilities to Akul, activevoice emails to Aneesha, amazing CCC performances to Anika, temple runs to Athreya, dad coughs to Vipra, four hour Lindy sessions to Madiha, senioritis to Hallie, doctor applications to Avishi, prom crashing to Sneha, a lynrat future AISA but especially to my children, Aneesha, Akul, and Anika, the best AISA experience and continue making me proud like you guys do every single day.
I, Albert Tam, bequeath absolutely zero Spanish knowledge to Amy Liu, mountains of Stray Kids albums to Haley Leung, stress-free AP Chem to Evelyn Hsu and Sarah Zhang, plenty of Bobby Salazar’s to Nathan Tsang and Darian Liu, and perfect intonation to Luke Li.
I, Alexander Tai verses to Shash, another CCS title to Fu and the squad, the best kdrama osts to Sarah Sun, a successful senior year to Ella Tao, an even better Link Crew group to Aneesha and Claire, and a banger track season to Allen, Evan, and Akshat.
I, Alexander Zhang, bequeath hours of Yearbook deadline-rushing fun to Valhalla editors, my chess skills to Owen Yuan, research luck to Harry Chiu, a bear hug and my last few brain cells to Crystal Lee, MIT admissions luck to Neelesh Bokkisam, Yearbook dedication to Siri Ratnam, and my poker skills to Larry Wang.
I, Alexander Lopez, bequeath stress free production nights to Mrs. Howard, the hope and future of the drama program to Samantha, the sound system to Eshwar, the lighting booth the Ava, 3 broken lego helmets to Joseph, and an alarm clock to Siddharth.
I, Alicia Fu, bequeath croissants in both French class and the cafeteria to Lily, good luck in college applications and with making parfaits to Nox and Dhivya, and a hopefully physics free senior year to Sharon Zhu.
I, Alisha Bose, bequeath my Britney Spears impressions to Isha Shah, a surplus of red and green pirates to Tanmayi Rao, all the frosted sugar cookies in the world to Sravya Vakkalanka, countless more “om-nom-noms” to Diya Loonawat, peaceful singing valentines adventures and getting lost at Disney to choir, chaotic April Fools issues with green babies to the Vertigo underclassmen, and a hundred more Pentatonix arrangements to Viking Vocalists.
I, Alison Tjoe, bequeath more s’mores roasting under the mid-autumn moon to Carrie and Dara, TP Tea drink recipe memorization to Kristy, three-stepping and more self-assurance to Chloe, trail leg run drills and healthy hair to Riley, more Bravoland visits to Evan, speedy prs to Shyon and Bethany, 400m jitters and thrills to Patty, and exciting races, everlasting memories, and less injuries to
I, Alyssa Meng, bequeath the precious YOLO mentality to Chloe, many picturesque sunsets to Patty, an endless girlfriends to Allen and Akshat, the stain-free Arcadia room and the ability to eat spicy foods to Evan, the ability to pass a free-ball to Aarya, serves over the net to the girls volleyball team, and my love and record-breaking
I, Amy Zhou, bequeath coffee candy to Sophie A, TSM winning a major tournament and XQC channel points to Leo, a better sheet music scroller and less cringey jokes rapid tests to Aahaan, an endless supply of cheezits to Kyrsten, 9 pm talks outside to Michelle, Ainai, and Carlynda, MK Bell’s blue cola to Tanika, bio crash courses to Esha, *boy gossip* to Sophie Y and KK, Life Is Still Going Kahoots to Rebecca.
I, Andy Min, bequeath loc-tite to Ankith, dog treats and a leash to Akash, a better laptop and Wi-Fi to Celine, yellow California hoodies to Mridula, a bowl and a scissor to Wayne, Valorant RR to Anna, a shaving razor to Yuvraj, seagull-laughter-inducing jokes to Nandani, short jokes to Jimin, Taco Bell to Shovan, and blue banners to everyone else at robotics.
I, Andy Xu, bequeath my arm to Alex Lee, my SHEHs to Ben Ching, my haircuts to Kylie Chang, my stickers to Ashley Chen, my freestyling ability to Shashwater, and my bruises to Sophia Ao.
I, Angela Jiao, bequeath feldspathoids and triangles to Edwin Law, the ability to differentiate between Stegosaurus and Spinosaurus to Andrew Yuan, poignant reimbursement reminders to Antone Jung,

Carl-bot to Manank Doshi, Science Olympiad tryout results to Selena Yang, class notes to Pranjal Chatterjee, and a lifetime’s worth of SMART goals to Diego Perez, Zion Feng, Jesus Ruiz, and Owen Polivka.
I, Angela Sun, bequeath good fortune to Audrey Sun and Eunseo Oh.
I, Anirudh Bharadwaj, bequeath Science Club shenanigans to Pranjal and Sharon, a thorough history of Francoist Spain to Vaibhav and David, better organization skills than I ever had to Kiriti, Dayyan, and Zandra, precariously tossed tennis balls to Steven, and a perfect record against Harker to Antone, David, and Eric.
I, Annie Zeng, bequeath all the basketball girls and “Annie 2.0” to Sarah, Jordan Poole and getting over your germaphobia to Navya, endless boba and crumbl cookies to Arthi, and delusional nights, stupid jokes, bball mvp, and matching fam rings to Maggie.
I, Anton Ouyang, bequeath all my bad habits to Aneesha, singing in class and mic 4 to Esha, pick up lines to Joseph, asBOIS membership to Satvik, jokes and puns to Peter and Comedy Club, ten minute warmups to Lynbrook Golf, and a year of exciting memories to ASB.
I, Anya Hung, bequeath a gaming PC to Claire Lin, daisies to Angie Wu, pushups to Dominik Wilhite, no broken crowns to Lauren Li, warm gummy worms to Haley Tamtoro, shiny new equipment to the Lynbrook Guard, and a wall full of sensei pictures to Kitchen Sensei.
I, Anya Sikri, bequeath all my positive wishes and love to Samiya Anwar. To Serena Kher and Parmis I bequeath my luck in stats and the ability to nap in almost any scenario. You guys are so fun to be around and I hope Parmis continues to take all advanced courses. To Peter A., I bequeath a stress free junior year, I know you got this and just work smarter not harder to succeed. To Kate Lee, I give all of my art and ceramics luck, may you be the best artist and chemist there has ever been. To Sharon and Venus I bequeath to you coffee and smiles in science.
I, Archana Pisupati, bequeath god status to Athreya, a license to Sanaa, spirit’s candy to Nina and Anika, latte drives to Ainai, Kyrsten, Sophie, and KK, a non-satirical year to Allison, a georgia girlfriend to Mihir, warm & cozy to Esha, weekends in SLO to Avishi, nine inches to Akul, npc sounds and pekoe to Madiha, belting bruno mars to Vipra, purple leggings, vanilla graphics, and a spirited sanguine senior year to Aneesha, and une année formidable to 22-23 SHF!
I, Architha Dhananjayan, bequeath endless boba and korean corndog dates, my saber, and so much love to Elisabeth Shin, two memorable last seasons and an at Lynbrook to my guard baby Janhavi Gowaiker, and the most fun and amazing future shows and seasons to lynbrook guard. <3
I, Arnav Jain, bequeath my two handed jumpers and Tik Tok taste to Akshat Dhingra, tears from SKY Castle and plushie Graham to Sophia Khubchandani, impressive Spanish acumen and Drake’s voice to Aneesha Jobi, remaining public speaking skills to TOC bidder Akul Murthy, Thunder Shots apparel to Trevor Knotts, future of Lynbrook soccer to Nachiket Joshi and Samir Mehra, aspiring skills to make strawberry cookies to Venus Dhanda, Tang physics problems to Jamie Tan, and Silsilay tickets to MistaBale.
I, Arwen Ma, bequeath better marketing cluster exam scores to Akshat Dhingra, my Thursday shifts at Ceremony to Claire Lin, and an actual social life to Arelyn Ma, Class of 2027.
I, Aryan Dwivedi, bequeath good luck for the mediocre San Antonio Spurs to Shashin Gupta, common sense for not saying out-of-pocket things to Aneesha Jobi, a shirt that isn’t gray to Akul Murthy, and a reminder for starting
I, Austin Cruz, bequeath sleeping on time and great memories to Andrew Peng, and running awesome hills to Adarsh Iyer, Adit Kantak, Jennifer Chua, Lily Fang, Aiden Kato, Nicholas Kong, Sophia Das, and Vijay Krishnamoothy.
I, Bennett Wong, bequeath an absence of leg, ankle, foot, back, and shin pain to Lauren, lots of post-track fried chicken and boba to Bethany and Kristy, unmatched speed to Shyon, Evan, and Allen, working valves and good tone to the sousa section, strong arms to Annie and Grace, and even more good music taste to Stella.
I, Bennie Chang, bequeath election coverage memories to Allison, Chinese friends to Akul, getting to say “this needs to be more dynamic” to Sophie and Catherine, the Homecoming crown to Esha, pre-edited photos to Sophia, physics perfection to Kevin and yummy production dinners and rock-paper-scissor victories to the Epic.
I, Bhuvana Mukkamala, bequeath all my tennis skills and Telugu heritage to Athreya, storytimes at basketball games to Vipra, my Daisy by Marc Jacobs perfume and shrimp curry cravings to Harsha, evenings dedicated to roasting people in Indian movies to Akul, the best hair superlative to Anika, sleepless nights making DECA presentations to Krish, and 2 years of visiting me constantly in college to my sister Meenakshi because you are the best friend I could ever ask for.
I, Calais Waring, bequeath days and asbaes to Chloe, charity work and many more spotlights to Kimaya, one more ARK lifeline to Joelle, a Rachel S*xbucks free room and balcony time to Divya and Vaishu, freedom from nose picking and paid bird rides NOW to Krish, Subway footlong feet and another shot at leg council to Aakash, telefono to Daniel, and dodging not one but two war drafts to Hahm.
I, Carolann Dong, bequeath a year of endless spirit to my KEY-uties, fun times and in-person events to Sophie Yang and Hannah Su, and a stress-free dues season to Alex Qi.
I, Carolyn Liu, bequeath all the blue baseball caps in the world to Jibin, all my brains and my handwriting to Brandon, and better origin stories and lies to the only sophomore in the Oogie Boogie Chem Gang Siri.
I, Christopher Chan, bequeath the passion to dance to the underclassmen of breakdance, my soul staring eyes to Shawn, my drive to build a massive body to Cyrus, and most importantly, my embracing of failure to my beloved sister, Chloe.
I, Christopher Li Mehra and Nachiket Joshi.
I, Claire Wang, bequeath my ability to keep plants alive to Selena Yuan, underclassmen who can follow instructions to Patricia Chang, my Arcadia dreams to Sean Tat and Serena Kher, a permanent spot on the 4x4 to Casey Fung, endless wide angle forehead shots to Allen Wang, the world record showering time to Evan Taylor, unlimited gum to Carrie Chern, and my unhealthy addiction to webtoons to Akshat Dhingra.
I, Colin Newton, bequeath tons of good luck to next year’s wopo team, stress-free college apps to Annika, Arjun, Serenity, Elizabeth, Ryan, Kai, Steven and Daniel, a comfy cisco hoodie to Crystal, unlimited Lucky Charms to Nachiket, a Java workspace for Patrick, my Spreadsheet skills to Payton, and an awesome high school experience
I, David Wang, bequeath a warm pool to water polo and swimming, any speed I have to Ryan Wang and Joseph Zou, good posture and walking to Annika Liou, Japanese and government jobs to Kai Iwamoto, a growth spurt to Ethan Park, and an exciting 4 years of high school to my
I, Deeya Jain, bequeath easy props to push to the lhsmb clarinet juniors, four full seasons to the clarinet freshmen, “the more we help we get the better than” to Rishab and Enze, a brusque senior year to Eleanor, and no more missing tuners to Mrs. Otoshi.
I, Demir Genc, bequeath the future of the water polo team Nachi, ASB spirit’s mic #2 to Satvik, a speedy recovery from AP Bio to Ishan and Alisha, buckets of Popeyes and of-pocket jokes, great vibes, and a siuuuu-worthy senior year to Aneesha, and a fantastic next three years with the Genc legacy to my brother Deniz, Class of 2025.
I, Derrick Cai, bequeath Tubby to Hannah Chung.
I, Divya Singh to my girls, endless biryani for Esha Dasari, disturbing tea to Serena Kher, good grades to Javishi Jeddy, better music taste to Anna Milman, and a fun 3 more years for my little sister Nitya Singh, Class of 2025.
I, Elliu Huang, bequeath middle management to the Epic’s next managing editor, Anirudh, a torrent of emails to the Epic staff, the ENC position to Baby Miller, idiosyncratic designs to Aaron Yan, unlimited doughnuts to the tennis team, especially “Freshmen beater” Saurabh, Luca “No Mercy,” “Swagnik,” Atharva “Ball boy,” Akul “Faultbot” and 7am practices to Sidd the “Choker.”
I, Emma Cionca, bequeath a stellar sports section to Susanna Tang, an incredible Indesign fashion show to Kher, endless production shenanigans to the Epic staff, senior years to Luca Lungeanu and Cougar Karson, and a lifetime supply of La Croix to Mr. Williams.
I, Emma Constable, bequeath lively Tailgate carnivals to Link Crew, non-crashing hard drives to the Epic, treasured senior year memories to Asmi Jamnis, short brunch lines Sean Constable, Class of 2027.
I, Ethan Lin track memories to Delaina, endless hugs to Vincent, and grass to touch to my little sister, Allison.
I, Faith Ju, bequeath Shash Dwivedi 5 bucks, Allen Wang a girlfriend, Matthew Ju and Austin Liou an amazing next 3 years at Lynbrook, Jasmine Chen Word Hunt wins, Anirudh Nandakumar no second period tardies, Joseph Zou a license so he doesn’t have to walk to school, the amazing season.
I, Farhaan Khan well deserved friendships to Esha Dasari, amazing Silsilay emcee skits with fun nights at Lindy Lane to Vipra Bindal, Akul Murthy, Madiha Khan, good luck in all science classes to Akshat Dhingra, Hao Chai, Alan Tong, a successful Stefano Segovia, Sruti Elangovan, Amanda So, Sumedh school full of success, love, and happiness to Avishi Reddy.
I, Grace Jiang, bequeath productive sectionals to Claire, “stan loona” to Eleanor Chen, peaceloveclari to Eleanor Koo, adjacent seats in Wind to Celine and Joanne, cat ice cream to Benjamin, my crochet bee to Annie, 3rd clarinet solos to Riya, status of “short” in the section to Jonas, another “stan loona” to Jasmine, good luck to Rishab and honors-free sophomore year to the clarinet freshmen, and error-free attendance sheets to Mr. Pakaluk.
I, Helina Li, bequeath League champions to the coolest badminton team in the state, better drill-memorizing skills to Grace Wang, happier pieces to the richest club in the school, and three more spicy years to my little sister Xing Xi Li.
I, Hillary Chang, bequeath unlimited locker room trips to the team, yams to Jamie, masks to Kylie, a teaching credential to Anishka, half eaten cereal to Daniel, chem help to Chelsea, more vocab to Susanna, tea to Alex, pizza to Riya, sunscreen to Vivian, kahoot questions to webdev and hbv, and good vibes only to everyone I have met over these last four years.
I, Hsinpin Wen, bequeath my perfect pitch to Serena Kher, erhu skills to Samantha Leong, reverse hits to Reema Vanwari, oui-oui-baguettes to Sravya Vakkalanka Patricia Chang, a successful track season to Riley Chen
I, Humayd Zameer, bequeath, to my brother and sisters that will follow, my many reputations and my presence left behind in every room I have stepped foot into. I bequeath my sense of humor to all of my friends; may it be remembered and I not slain for it. I bequeath to my art friends my questionable remarks. I bequeath to my teachers my eternal gratitude for all they have taught me. And to the school, my memories.
I, Isabelle Chan, bequeath crazy swim adventures, yoga drylands, speediness, and the best lane to Vidushi Upadhyay and Irene Chung, more amazing seasons to the to Isha Shah, Claire Lin, Diya Loonawat, and the dolci girls, a million brunch passes to Elizabeth Cheng, a stress free high school experience to Aditya Mehrotra and Eleanor Chen, and all the love in the world to my sisters Bethany Chan and Lauren Chan.
I, Isabelle Lee, bequeath a good sleep schedule to my sister Bethanie, timely turn-ins for my Vertigo underclassmen, top-tier procrastination skills to Akshara, my caffeine addiction to all future AP Chemistry students, quality piñatas to Mr. Leung, excellent poetry reads to Mr. Seike, and barbie-movie-watching opportunities to Mrs. Willson and her daughter.
I, Ishan Goyal, bequeath Chem Frog to Hannah Chung, last-minute LCABR panic-prepping to Anshul Singh and Iryna Iziumska, way-too-long Bay Section meetings to Lyria Zhu, automated iMessages and the word goodnight senior years that I never got to my sister Radhika Goyal, class of 2024.
I, Jacob Liu, bequeath long sessions on the toilet before Lee, Cyrus Liao, Kimberly Yang, and Ruiqi Liu; failing and hikes to Jamie Tan; and my nonexistent chemistry skills to Matthew Huang and Eunseo Oh.
I, Jacqueline Wen, bequeath fun seasons and easy wins against Milpitas and Monta Vista to the Lynbrook Badminton team, easy classes/tests to Kimberly Yang, and stress-free club planning to Sharon Zhu and Jamie Tan.
I, Jasmine Hou, bequeath future dubs and tormenting Anson to the Lynbrook Girls Volleyball Team, securing checks to Vaishu, passing on Principles knowledge to recommendations to Omar, sincere love and appreciation to Mr. Fulk, and future years of success to all.
I, Jiatian Yuan, bequeath Darla and Marla’s bouncy personalities to Akshara, emo Rodrick to Ankita, Peet’s vibes to Vertigo, and an endless jambalaya supply to French Honor Society.
B E Q U e AT H A L S
I, Joe Lin, bequeath Science Olympiad materials to Edwin Law and Pranjal Chatterjee, a successful term to Sarah Sun, sofas and future tech accomplishments to Sophia Khubchandani, head shakes to Shyon Ganguly and Peter Aguirre, wordle streaks to Allison Hsu, buckets to Jeffrey Gao, primogems to Katie Chung, youtube subscribers to Ryan Chen, a spirited year to Satvik Shreesha, massive gains to Alex Lee, bug-free code to the Lynbrook App development team, ASB memories to Mr. Lee, and squatty potties to Mr. Bale.
I, Karthik Bhattaram, bequeath my astrophysics memery to Daniel Wang and future astro club members, politics discussions to Mr. Signore, questions about banks to Nguyen, foreign policy analysis to Pugh, love of les debats to Madame Schang, questions hardware and TCP/IP to Mr. Fulk and Kwong, lit analysis to Mr. Seike, Mrs. Albaker, Mr. Miller, and Mrs. Dunlap, GNU Emacs and anime/manga recommendations to Ronak and Kento.
I, Kaustubh Josyula, bequeath the power to not be ill to Allen, a seat in the front of my car to Sean, the ability to talk to a girl to Cyrus, the speed to beat Kathir to Shyon, the abandonment of soccer to Nathan, all the speed in the world to Chloe, more shoulder slaps to Chris, less pre-race jitters to Casey, and an unbroken collarbone to Duc.
I, Kavin Bagal, bequeath 3 more years of fun, adventure, and stress-free learning to my brother Vihan Bagal, as well as 4 years of a great high school experience to anyone going to Lynbrook.

I, Kento Nishi, bequeath high membership retention to CS, Java classes to Mr. Fulk, aqueous homework solutions to Mr. Leung, a mousepad to Mrs. Fill, Ivermectin to Mr. Iams, quote-ID quizzes to Mrs. Albaker and Mrs. Willson, ice water to Mr. Signore and Coach Bernie, petabytes of RAM to Anish Lakkapragada, copium to Marc Melikyan, and Svelte, TypeScript, and PyTorch to all programmers at Lynbrook.
I, Kevin Li, bequeath an empty History Club budget to Paige Semersky and Hongyu Guo; speaking consciences to Steven Pan, Eric Shen, and Owen Yuan of Math Honor Society; clutch buzzing skills to Justin Leong and the OSB team; the Lynbrook cafeteria to Clarence Tang; and the survival of Science Club to Pranjal Chatterjee, Sharon Zhu, and Justin Leong.
I, Kevin Zhu, bequeath William Xu my driving “skills”, Edward Ke the ability to win arm wrestles, Lillian Yu gallons of glaze and great Tato fortune, and Anushree Atmakuri a dry-erase smiley-face. I bequeath the book I shakes to Riley Chen. To Iris Yu, I bequeath our dreams— Liebesträumes by and by—of hands dexterous as your Mozart and heart melodious as my Chopin.
I, Krishna Balaji, bequeath studying fast for every exam or quiz announced in class. I love the thrill of each memory me and my class can. I am happy that my four years of high school is done. It has been an exciting year for me getting to know each other. I will certainly miss my teachers and my friends in high school.
I, Kristin Zhao, bequeath SF MOMA visits to Vivian, ztz’s soft-serve tower to Jasmine, well-behaved A Major Problem members to Janice, snatched eyeliner to Akshara, controversial t-shirts to Allen, worship sets at CCIC Sunnyvale to Bethanie, my team to Yechan, sleep and food to Elizabeth, time for rest to Samantha, and no more physics to Enze.
I, Krithi Koodli, bequeath low cutoffs on olympiads with many A’s in the name to Andrew Yuan and Daniel Wang, and many amazing chalk-on-lab-table drawings to Justin Jeng and Nithin Katere.
I, Kyle He, bequeath a 7-minute mile to Jamie Tan, a fully written song to Andrew Yuan, a heleerious time to Alex Lee, a red sweatshirt to Susanna Tang and Chelsea Lee, actual Tetris skill to Angie Wu, elementary school playtime to Russell Chen and Joseph Zou, and a box of bagels and cream cheese to Saketh Penumudy, Sophia Ao, Karthik Balaji, Cyrus Liao, Jiahe Lu, and Ethan Jok.

I, Kyle Wyatt, bequeath my pre-workout addiction to future LHS gymbros, success to the next ASB Clink commission, athleticism and stretches to Satvik Shreesha, height to Alex Lee, an amazing season to the next varsity volleyball team, and a great school year to dictator Sarah Sun.
I, Leah Homstad, bequeath descanso pics to Jimin Hwang, side of the road fruit to Jennifer Chua, christmas socks to Chloe Chan, an injury free season to Shannon Tai, the legacy of the jesus stick to Janhavi Venkatesh, pre-race naps and watch holding to Patricia Chang, hand holding Fang, christmas alarms to Sadhvi Narayanan, and all the hay imaginable to the cross country/distance track team.
I, Marcus Au, bequeath the remaining solos to eunseo, a ghost club to pranjal, 2nd chair experiences to luke, nonexistent cs skills to ashley, animal-naming shenanigans to lyria, weekly eylar struggles to ethan, our illegal busking cash to samantha, and a prosperous communist reign to the next century of nchs.
I, Mei Corricello Cheng and Amy Liu and all the love in the world to my volleyball sophomores.
I, Michelle Zhu, bequeath Sarah Sun doing calculus homework at dance competitions, Serenity Chu the entirety of Higher Ground, Sydney Chao endless Lynbrook DECA and Vertigo, and an amazing high school experience to all future classes.
I, Muhammad Ashiq, bequeath Yechistan to Yechan Lee.
I, Muyi Lin, bequeath league title and Co-MVP to my children Jonathan Fu and Shashwat Dwivedi, high school success to Pravan Goplan, a great season for the Magic and a poor season for the Blazers to Aaroh Rag, Harsha Anand, Arya Pathak, one highlight poster on BleacherReport to Harsha Kadiyala, and lifelong success and happiness to Lucy Barnes.
I, Nicholas Huang, bequeath mid-meet tacos and no tweaking to Evan Taylor, cramp free days to NT, goals and assists to Nachiket Joshi, and my continued love and support to the Lynbrook soccer team.
I, Nitish Bansal, bequeath the library and easy wordhunt boards to Jamie, airballs and yoga videos to Andrew, sponsored frisbees and the last salad to Steven, choccy cake and viola jokes to Chelsea, strawberry fanta and SRK math memes to history club.
I, Oliver Ni, bequeath a sunny senior year to a Sunny senior Lou; perfect clears and T-spin doubles to Alex Lee; buggy code and konjac jelly drinks to Claire Chen; productive library afternoons to Jamie Tan; unrelenting, exuberant simpery to Andrew Yuan; lottery tickets [hopefully winning ones!] to Kylie Chang; thousands of deleted pictures to Susanna Tang and Chelsea Lee [you two will always be together]; and a high school journey Lilly Wu.
I, Paurush Pandey, bequeath all the birch trees to Neelesh Bokkisam, the ability to hit a spikeball to Erin Hsu, my leg days to Sivaan Sharma, pre-shocked muscles to Vikram Thirumaran, emojis to Shreya Udupa, unlimited RAM to Clarence Tang, and a well-adjusted pirate to Andrew Xin.
I, Praharshitha Thumati, bequeath ikemen men to Rio Mashimo, concussion-free season to Varsity Softball establishment to Jbowl, hats to benjammin, worry-free food to everyone else, a port-a-potty to Mr. Bale, happy married life to Mr. Signore, and a lifetime of friendship to the apjp gang.
I, Pramesh Karthikeyan, bequeath a great next four years to Vrishank Chandrasekhar, to Shreya Udupa to carry FBLA to greater heights, my amazing roleplaying skills to Anshul Singh and Aahaan Bhandopadhyay, and fantastic high school experience.
I, Pranay Mamileti, bequeath an out of court statement made for the truth of the matter asserted to Esha Dasari, Tanika Anbu, and Lynbrook Mock Trial, coiling cables and editing videos to ASB Tech, signing checks on time to Sophia Khubbie, multi-angle homecoming videos to Catherine Zhou, Katie Chung, and Lynbrook Film Club, more coconut music to AISA, Garlic Fries and another undefeated season to Steven Pan and Lynbrook Golf, and the ASBois to Peter Aguirre and Satvik Shreesha.
I, Rachana Aluri, bequeath Telugu titanhood to Vaishnavi Kunapuli and Aarya Aluri, South Indian superiority to Athreya Iyer, making Melissa Tao proud to Ella Tao, acrostic poems to Daniel Wang, a sense of fashion to Rayyan Ghafoor, an asbanging year to Chloe Chin and Faith Wang, Paper Airplanes to Aneesha Jobi and Sydney Chao, game to Peter Aguirre and Satvik Shreesha, wordle dubs to Mr. Leung, and more NBA NFT trading cards to Mr. Lee.
I, Rebecca Gao, bequeath matching pink shirts and Red Velvet fangirling sessions to Jamie, no more mask tans to Anne, fun times playing doubles to Anishka, (hopefully season to Mridula, endless cans of Sprite to Himani, being able to beat Gunn twice to the rest of the tennis team, and creative and fun SPS intro activities to Sarah, Iryna, and Paulina.
I, Rishi Kodavati, bequeath my last 2 brain cells and all sets to Alan, my barber and hairline to Ben, my APCS Sohan, my kanji skills to Riya, and a great 4 years to my
I, Ronak Badhe, bequeath an atbash disguised as an aristocrat to Rishab Salkale, a TB of RAM for “research” to Anish Lakkapragada, gratis software to Patrick Huang, an applicational fourier series to Marc Melikyan, an en passant to Owen Yuan, a dangerously overpowered golf ball catapult to Jiahe Lu, html for Shubham Parab, a sveltejspill to Snehil Kakani, and a low bar to clear to
I, Selena Yao, bequeath the Cours Intro and a second soul
I, Sharlene Chen, bequeath a stress-free senior year and speedy PRs to Patricia, pretzel necklaces to Dassy, 85 drinks to Lily, persimmons to Jenn, Wharton dreams to Shannon, walking on water to Aaron, left-hand and Chelsea, pica boxes to Catherine and Sophie, cool to Anshul and Iryna, luck to Lyria, and the rest to my brother Daniel, class of 2027.
I, Shawn Wang, bequeath my barely used Campbell’s textbook to Harold Wang, my STEMlord tendencies to Pranjal Chatterjee, a lifestyle of degeneracy to Justin Jeng and Sunny Lou, my SSBM grindset to Jacob Chung, tournament luck to what’s left of the parli debate team, and a general feeling of contentment with whatever path my sister, Luthien Wang, takes at the end of the day.
I, Shreya Kakhandiki, bequeath the 2023 county championship to the whole lhs mock trial team, happy memories with the coyotes and with Jared to Esha messages to Athreya Iyer, terrible McDonalds chicken sandwiches and mud-free dogs to Selena Yuan, a caffeine addiction recovery to Sophie Yang, and every good thing in the whole world to Tanika Anbu and Mr. Pugh.
I, Siddharth Chattoraj, bequeath Studio 74, llama-tastic Samantha Leong, Alexis Giaquinta, Zayan Azom, Janhavi Venkatesh, Alicia Cho, and Joshua Chu, many glorious LD TOC bids to Soohyuk Yoon, Manank Doshi, and Pranav Popuri, happy victories and zoom-zoom speed to Lynbrook Football, wonderful years to Sarasvati Bhat and Suhaib Shafquat, my two-time improv champion pizzazz to Gio Cabaltica, never-ending, hilarious shorties conversations to Jivitesh Kalle, Ohana Miura, Annika Dhebar and Pranav Tallapaka, and abundant fun to Rohit Chattoraj.
I, Sophia Wu, bequeath girlboss calves and tumbleweed distance love to Patricia Chang, smiles and CCS-qualifying 800Ms to Lily Fang, unlimited 85° breads and a smoking hot distance boi to Jennifer Chua, rainbow tuxedos to Sadhvi Narayanan, season-long vacationing to Shannon Tai, and the hay in the barn and an amazing time and friendship in cross/track to my children: Sophia Chen, Eliane Juang, Annie Peng, and Jackie Tong.
I, Srikar Nimmagadda, bequeath my most prized to the counter everyday to Rayyan Ghafoor.
I, Srushti Patil, bequeath amogus to Sophia Das, crunchy bars to Andrew Peng, my pro driving skills to Lily Fang, constant crashes to Patricia Chang, raccoons to Allison Hsu, sigma energy to Satvik Sreesha, a SHEEEESH to Adit Kantak, mango slushies to Jennifer Chua, ideas worth spreading to Anishka Banerjee and Paulina Chin-Wong, sleep to Shannon Tai, staying hungry to the Distance Girls, my dawgs to Serena Kher, success with Sports Medicine to Ellen Kwon, sharing cultures to Peter Aguirre, a prosperous next 3 years to Kimaya Pantvaidya, wholesomeness to ASB Recognition, hay in the barn to Luca Signore, and my love for running to Lynbrook Cross Country and Track & Field <3.
I, Sumedh Shenoy, bequeath Honor Society versus Club forms to Steven Pan, a much-needed W (along with the anything-he-can-get-at-this-point to Owen Yuan, Messie and other cursed cow drawings to Ryan Chen, a healthy dose of patriotism to Eric Shen (Canadian Eric Shen should he accept it, the task of taking the CAML to Pranjal Chatterjee.
I, Swetha Rajkumar, bequeath three more exciting years at Lynbrook to my younger brother Aadharsh Rajkumar, Class of 2025.
I, Sydnie Yu, bequeath mental stability to Akshat, dubs on and off the court to Shash, puppy therapy to Daphne, manifestations to Sarah, dark humor and rec’s mother role to Allison, TI-84PlusCE calculators and sweet physics dreams more Ls to Satvik, monthly checkins to Anirudh, clean popcorn machines to Jeffgao, no more Togo moments to Yuvraj, a y-chromosomeless year to Ashley, Santa Cruz day trips to Jin, ikemen to Rio, and unconditional support to ASB. I, Talia Chen absolutely nothing to my younger sister Riley Chen.
I, Teresa Arisawa, bequeath many, many fruitful years of sports live-streaming to Catherine Zhou, Katie Chen, Marina Yu, and Zixuan Lu.
I, Theodore Lai, bequeath a higher arena to Adit Kantak, tapering to Vijay Krishnamoorthy, fun runs to Nick Kong and Adarsh Iyer, and knowledge bombs to Ethanman Feng and Andrewman Peng.
I, Tori Hwu, bequeath a low stress senior year and less awkward interactions to my fave junior Sabrina Ning, and less PTSD to my main bae Abby Fong, and lots and lots of boba adventures to side bae Lauren Yoon.
I, Ty Hosein, bequeath the Selvamoney Cadence to Mr. to Miles Lim, some grass to Amadeus Liu, some chops Drum Captain to Scott Tzng, salsa verde to Teja Jampani, y mi lapiz a Paula Alburja.
I, Tyler Liu, bequeath my utmost respect to my Lynbrook teachers, easy skills checks to future Blaschke students, my grade in AP Physics to Pranjal Chatterjee, beautiful TENOR-trombone music to Jacob Chung, amazing baritone skills to Dennis Han, Daniel Yang, Sophiya Mehra, Annie Liu, Dominik Wilhite, and Grace Wang, Kannan, spanish-carrying powers to Arjun Kumar, and a fun four years of Colorguard at Lynbrook to my younger brother Justin, Class of 2027.
I, Tyler Nguyen, bequeath track merch and Boba Guys to to Big Sean T, Pepper to Kristy, handmade mochi to Kylie, the ability to whisper to Carrie, a growth spurt to Deniz, offensive powerhouse mentality to Nachiket, a jumpshot to Claire, endless ARK supplies to Joelle, elite Cards Against Humanity gameplay to Sanaa, hops to Akshat, a record label to Sydney, a joker free senior year to Sarah, and fruit jellies, sunshine, swerve, and besti***s to Allison.
I, Vanessa Su, bequeath a lifetime supply of unwanted of pasta parties and caterpillar runs to my fockey fam, a limitless supply of lettuce and green sauce to Riley, endless c-names to Casey, middle name “Julius” to Evan, the speed demon to Chloe, retirement from track planning to Patricia, kick-up abilities to Akshat, better and countless PR’s and medals to my track team.
I, Vishwa Subramanian, bequeath Andrew Hahm some good leg days, and David Olmo my incredible Spanish skills.
I, Vivek Alumootil, bequeath pro-bounce to Andrew Peng, a faithful support to Ethan Feng, 5s on AP Chem and a pay raise to Mr. Leung, the tree spot and acorn season to the next generation of CLIP kids, and olympiad success to future Lynbrook mathletes.
I, William Huang, bequeath *the* fabled oldass gray tables to Antone, applied applied physics to Eric, even more camps to David, bamboozling pseudoscience propaganda to Pranjal and Sharon, fresh slide themes to Rebecca, Edward, and Sydney, hopefully quiz bowl lmao to Keshav and Netra, a doable JWST question to Andrew prowess and actual tacos to Justin, Vivian, Hank, and Kylie, and Advanced Organic Chemistry Part A: Structure and Mechanics to Mr. Leung.
I, Youqi Huang, bequeath editor in chief to Myles, separate showers and core dominance to Divya and Vaishu, freedom from Idaho and obsession with the traphouse and better games NOW to Krish, market value up for Aakash, life in color to Hahm and Reddit streams that don’t lag to the cave.