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Notes on People

o you have news about yourself, a colleague, or a student?

Please help The Epidemiology Monitor keep the community informed by sending relevant news to us at this address for inclusion in our next issue. people@epimonitor.net

Appointed: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital has named Greg Armstrong, M.D., MSCE, the new chair of the Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Control, the department that has established the institution as a world leader in the study of childhood cancer survivorship. A physician-scientist, Armstrong is the principal investigator of the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS), and is a co-program leader for the Cancer Control and Survivorship Program, one of the five major programs within the St. Jude Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Appointed: Dr. Megan Todd has been appointed by the Philadelphia Department of Public Health as their new Chief Epidemiologist. Dr. Todd is a demographer and social epidemiologist who most recently served as the Director of the Data Lab for the Health Department’s Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention. Dr. Todd’s work focuses on population health, health policy, and translating scientific findings for policy and general audiences. She holds a PhD in Demography and Public Affairs from Princeton University and an AB in economics from Harvard University.

Honored: Patricia A. Ganz, M.D. has been awarded the 2023 AACR-American Cancer Society Award for Research Excellence in Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention. The award recognizes outstanding research accomplishments in cancer epidemiology, biomarkers, and prevention. Dr. Ganz is a Distinguished Professor of Medicine at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, a Distinguished Professor of Health Policy & Management at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, and associate director for population science at the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Awarded: Third-year epidemiology PhD student Ahmed Soliman has been awarded an American Heart Association (AHA) Pre-Doctoral Fellowship. The prestigious award is designed to advance the research and clinical training of pre-doctoral or clinical health professional students who plan to conduct research or work in careers aimed at improving cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and brain health. Soliman’s research examines the impact of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) on the cardiovascular health of postmenopausal women.

Do you have news about yourself, a colleague, or a student?

Please help The Epidemiology Monitor keep the community informed by sending relevant news to us at this address for inclusion in our next issue. people@epimonitor.net

Honored: Joseph Cavanaugh, PhD, professor and head of the Department of Biostatistics in the College of Public Health, was honored with a 2023 Regents Award by the University of Iowa. Cavanaugh is a methodological and collaborative researcher who leverages his expertise in statistics and biostatistics to investigate a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary topics. He has published more than 170 peer-reviewed manuscripts and has made particularly important contributions in the areas of statistical model selection, time series analysis, infectious diseases epidemiology, and injury prevention. He played a significant role in the state of Iowa’s COVID-19 response, leading a team that partnered with the Iowa Department of Public Health to analyze data and develop predictive models to help the state respond to the pandemic.

Passed: John Newton MacCormack passed on March 14, 2023. Newton received a B.A. in Chemistry from Duke University. Upon completion of his undergraduate degree, he pursued his medical degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After serving two years in the U.S. Navy as a Lieutenant, he obtained his Masters in Public Health from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Newton served the citizens of North Carolina with the State Board of Public Health. He served as the head of Communicable Disease as well as the State Epidemiologist. He retired in 2001 but returned after 9/11 to work for several more years. https://bit.ly/40MOGJP

Passed: John Walker Poundstone, MD passed away on April 1, 2023 in Lexington, KY. John received his BA in Liberal Arts in 1962 from St. John's College in Annapolis, MD, and his medical degree in 1966 from the newly established University of Kentucky School of Medicine, followed by Board Certification in General Preventive Medicine and an MPH from the Harvard School of Public Health. John joined the US Navy in 1980 and served as Head of the Venereal Disease and Tuberculosis Control Division, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Washington DC; Chief of the Division of Epidemiology and Biometrics at the Navy Medical Research Unit, Great Lakes, IL; and Officer in Charge of the Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit in Naples, Italy. https://bit.ly/40I0uwY

Near Term Epidemiology Event Calendar

Every December The Epidemiology Monitor dedicates that issue to a calendar of events for the upcoming year. However that often means we don't have full information for events later in the upcoming year. Thus an online copy exists on our website that is updated regularly.

To view the full year please go to: http://www.epimonitor.net/Events The events that we are aware of for the next month follow below.

May 2023

May 2-6 https://bit.ly/3V8D7dd

Conference: 17th World Congress on Public Health / World Federation of Public Health Associations / Rome, Italy

May 4-5 https://mpemeeting.org

Conference: 6th International Molecular Pathological Epidemiology (MPE) Meeting / Multiple / Buffalo, NY

May 8-11 https://bit.ly/3i12eBq

Conference: 2023 USPHS Scientific & Training Symposium / PHS Commissioned Officers Foundation / Tulsa, OK

May 8-26 http://bit.ly/41tEDLt

Short Course: Modeling Food Safety and Animal Health Risks Using R / Epix Analytics / Online

May 9-12 http://bit.ly/2DXzS3d

Conference: INTEREST 2023 / IeDE (Intl Epi Databases to Evaluate AIDS / Maputo, Mozambique

May 10-12 https://bit.ly/3s6nOXC

Short Course: Epigenetic Epidemiology / University of Bristol / Virtual

May 15-17 http://bit.ly/33YKQQx

Short Course: Cardiovascular Epidemiology / Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands

May 15 – June 1 http://bit.ly/2P1VUrR

Summer Program: Summer Public Health Institute / University of Minnesota / Minneapolis, MN

May 16-18 https://bit.ly/3Fz1F9t

Conference: 2023 ACHI National Conference / Association for Community Health Improvement / Minneapolis, MN

May 16-18 https://bit.ly/3YKIyCr

Conference: National Violent Death Reporting System Conference / CDC & American Public Health Association / Milwaukee, WI

May 18-19 https://bit.ly/3s2pyBi

Short Course: Advanced Epigenetic Epidemiology / University of Bristol / Virtual

May 18-19 https://bit.ly/3jfwGrL

Conference: World Conference on Public Health and Epidemiology / Eurasia Conferences / Barcelona, Spain

May 21-24 https://bit.ly/3FBbwf3

Conference: 44th Annual Meeting / Society for Clinical Trials / Baltimore, MD

May 21-30 https://bit.ly/321Yo2B

Conference: 76th World Health Assembly / WHO / Geneva, Switzerland

May 22-26 https://bit.ly/3YwW6kG

Short Course: Missing Values in Clinical Research / Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands

May 30- June 1 https://bit.ly/3IO7yAC

Short Course: Child Psychiatric Epidemiology / Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands

May 30 – June 10 https://bit.ly/3J09R3I

Short Course: Principles in Causal Inference / Erasmus MC / Rotterdam, The Netherlands

May 31 – June 1 https://bit.ly/3Gs79Vv

Conference: 2022 Annual Conference / Society for Prevention Research / Seattle, WA

May TBA https://bit.ly/3hx0Rdx

Conference: Brain Tumor Epidemiology Consortium Conference / BTEC / Lexington, KY

June 2023

June 1-30 https://bit.ly/3WMdHDm

Summer Program / Episummer@Columbia / Columbia University / New York, NY

June 4-7 https://bit.ly/3oJt41s

Conference: 2022 Annual Research Meeting / Academy Health / Washington, DC

June 4-9 https://bit.ly/3PFdY9a

Conference: WATERMICRO 2023 / International Water Association / Water Research Australia / Northern Territory, Australia

June 4-17 http://bit.ly/2PtVfhM

Summer Program: Summer Program on Modern Methods in Biostatistics & Epi / BioStatEpi / Treviso, Italy

June 5-9 https://bit.ly/3jfEIRq

Conference: Kettil Bruun Society 48th Annual Meeting / KBS / Johannesburg, South Africa

June 5-16 https://bit.ly/3uWC3Pb

Summer Program: Epidemiology & Healthcare Management / School for International Training / Various locations in Argentina

June 7-9 https://bit.ly/3G204dK

Conference: Genomic Epidemiology of Malaria (GEM Virtual Conference) / Genomic Epidemiology Network / Virtual

June 12-13 http://bit.ly/2RyvIGU

Conference: 36th Annual SPER Meeting / Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research / Portland, OR

June 12-13 https://bit.ly/3ypUsEX

Workshop: Student Dissertation Workshop / Society for Epidemiologic Research / Portland, OR

June 12-17 https://bit.ly/3G1cK4U

Short Course: Biology of Vector-Borne Diseases / Infectious Disease Society of America / Moscow, ID

June 12-30 https://bit.ly/3xxZn8o

Summer Program: 41st Summer Institute of Biostat & Epidemiology / Johns Hopkins University SPH / Virtual

June 13-16 https://bit.ly/3FYqFsc

Conference: Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Conference / Society for Epidemiologic Research / Portland, OR

June 13 – July 1 http://eepe.org

Summer Program: 34th Residential Summer Course in Epi / EEPE / Florence, Italy

June 15-16 https://bit.ly/3BLd4lC

Conference: Advancing Policy to Improve Health / American Public Health Association / Washington, DC & Virtual

June 15-17 https://bit.ly/33kI65m

Short Course: Causal Inference in Epidemiology, Concepts and Methods / University of Bristol / Virtual

June 19-21 https://bit.ly/3hDWmOk

Conference: ISEE North American Chapter 2023 Annual Meeting / International Society for Environmental Epidemiology / Corvallis, OR

June 19-21 https://bit.ly/3PvQFyt

Conference: Global Summit on Public Health and Preventive Medicine (GSPHPM2022) / The Scientistt / Paris, France

June 19-23 https://bit.ly/2ru6Kud

Summer Program: Pharmacoepidemiology Summer School / AARHUS University / Grenaa, Denmark

June 20-22 https://bit.ly/3WuSZrQ

Conference: Public Health 2023 / Canadian Public Health Association / Virtual

June 24-27 https://bit.ly/3HHYEq4

Conference: 2023 Annual Research Meeting / Academy Health / Seattle, WA

June 25-29 https://bit.ly/2Pkd8Q4

Conference: Council of State & Territorial Epidemiologists 2023 Annual Conference / CSTE / Salt Lake City, UT

June 26-28 https://bit.ly/3DNvDDG

Conference: Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) 2023 Annual Conference / APIC / Seattle, WA

June 26-30 https://bit.ly/3nQ5zkg

Summer Program: Summer Program in Population Health / Ohio State University - School of Public Health / Columbus, OH

June TBA https://bit.ly/3GH8Mv

Conference: Topics in Infection 2023 / London School of Hygiene & Tropical Health / London, England

June TBA https://bit.ly/2INiyE6

Conference: NAACCR Summer Forum / North American Association of Central Cancer Registries / TBD

June TBA http://bit.ly/368xRgK

Summer Program: Summer Program in Epidemiology / Harvard University SPH / Boston, MA

June TBA http://bit.ly/38BugL5

Summer Program: UCL Health and Society Summer School / University College London / London, England

June TBA http://bit.ly/37u0852

Conference: Annual Symposium on Advances in Genomics, Epidemiology and Statistics (SAGES) / University of Pennsylvania - CCEB / Philadelphia, PA

Answers to March 2023

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Advertising opportunities exist in this digital publication, on our website and Facebook page, and in our Epi-Gram emails.

For more information please contact:

Michele Gibson / michele@epimonitor.net

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