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K12 Career Development Opportunity
The UCSF-Kaiser Permanente Urological Epidemiology Research Career Development Program (UCSFKPNC UroEpi) is seeking a highly qualified, motivated MD, PhD, or comparable doctoral degree in early faculty or final year post-doctoral positions. The UroEpi Program seeks to :
► Recruit individuals committed to becoming an independent clinical researcher in the epidemiology of benign urological conditions at Kaiser.
► Develop Scholars’ proficiency in epidemiology, research field methods, research ethics, leadership, manuscript preparation, and grantsmanship
► Individualize each scholar’s career development plan according to his or her background and future career goals.
The awardee will devote at least 50-75% effort to conducting research on non-cancerous urologic conditions and research career development. Other research and clinical activities will be identified to support a 100% position.
For more information, please contact:
Stephen K. Van Den Eeden, PhD at Stephen.Vandeneeden@kp.org
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For more information please contact: Michele Gibson / michele@epimonitor.net