April24 2013 Issue

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Volume 44, Issue 11

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

& Green


Creating a more eco-friendly campus ➤ Page 6



Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Put it on Your

Calendar April Wed

The EFC Student Voice Recital will begin at 12:30 p.m. in F-117.


“Inside Accuplacer: MATH Edition” featuring Dean of College Readiness and Mathematics Ricardo Rodriguez will be held from 12:30-1:50 p.m. in L-208.



The Asian-American Film Discussion featuring the Japanese anime film “Summer Wars” will begin at 12:30 p.m. in C-135. Students who received awards this past year will be recognized in a ceremony from 1-2:30 p.m. in the performance hall.

May Wed

The EFC choir will perform starting at 12:30 p.m. in F-117.


Cinco de Mayo will be celebrated from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. outside of G building. Highlights include a DJ, the EFC Jazz Ensemble, games and refreshments.

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An accounting career symposium for accounting majors and minors will be held from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. in G-101. Attendees should dress professionally and bring a resume for workshops. The EFC piano department student performance will begin at 12:30 p.m. in F-117.


The Eastfield Jazz Ensemble will perform starting at 12:30 p.m. in the performance hall.


The Eastfield College Dance Concert will feature the work of guest artist Whitney Boomer and Big Rig Dance Collective from 7-9 p.m. in the performance hall. Admission is free.

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Graduation will be held from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland.


The Et Cetera

Guns on campus gaining momentum

Bill passes easily through House subcommittee By Anjulie Van Sickle etc4640@dcccd.edu

In Texas, the issue of campus carry has been a decade-long fight. Now, in the wake of recent incidents of school violence, legislators may finally vote to allow concealed handgun license holders to carry guns on the state’s college campuses. The House Committee on Homeland Security and Public Service approved a campus carry bill on April 11 by a 7-1 vote, sending it to the full house. That bill, authored by Rep. Allen Fletcher, R-Cypress, includes a local control option, which lets local school boards opt out of the legislation. A second bill that is being considered by the Senate would not allow institutions to opt out. If the House bill passes during this legislative session, there is a possibility that anyone with a concealed handgun license would be allowed to carry weapons onto public college campuses as soon as the fall semester. Support for the bill has gained momentum due to the recent attacks at Lone Star College, near Houston,

where one student violently stabbed 14 people on April 9 and another wounded three people during a shooting on the campus in January. Dallas County Community College District Vice Chancellor Justin Lonon has lobbied against the legislation in Austin, but he believes it has a good chance of passing this session. “Although I was wrong about it passing last legislative session, I do believe it will this session because of the amount of passion on both sides of the issue,” Lonon said. At Eastfield, like most college campuses, opinions of students, staff and faculty vary. “I would feel a lot better if I were able to defend myself,” science major Katie Rayshell said. “The people committing the crimes don’t care if it’s against the law to bring guns or knives. If other people are able to bring [weapons] for defense, you’re a lot less likely to attack someone who you think might have a gun with them.” Government professor Dr. Cindy Castaneda said the popularity of guns in Texas lends itself to more support for the campus carry legislation. However, she said there are other factors to consider. “I am not individually supportive of that kind of legislation, because of personal safety issues,” Castaneda said. “There are students who get up-

We ultimately could cause more damage by having people on campus with guns. —Dr. Jean Conway

President of Eastfield College

set, and I’m not sure I would trust everyone’s decision. I would feel more comfortable as a faculty member knowing that the people who are carrying weapons [on campus] are the police.” President Jean Conway said she opposes allowing guns on campus because she does not believe it would be safe for those involved in a dangerous situation. “You think if you are a single person in a room and someone walks in and has a gun, you could shoot this person,” Conway said. “That may not be the situation at all.” Conway said that in a dangerous, chaotic situation where a shooter is involved and a lockdown occurs, people are running to find a place to hide, and the police are trying to locate the shooter. If more than one

person has a gun, the police will not know whom to shoot, Conway explained. This scenario could lead to innocent people getting hurt. “We ultimately could cause more damage by having people on campus with guns,” Conway said. Training is also an issue. In order to obtain a concealed handgun license, a person must go through 10 hours of training. However, another bill on the Senate floor would reduce that requirement to four hours. “I’m not necessarily for students being able to carry guns because a lot of people I know who could get the training are very immature,” science major Elisabeth Hunneycutt said. “I don’t think it would be good for a bunch of 20-year-olds to be running around campus with guns.” Both bills would grant those wanting to protect themselves the ability to carry firearms legally. However, opponents worry that they legislation could lead to more violent incidents on college campuses. “I don’t have a problem with people being able to carry concealed weapons,” English professor Larissa Pierce said. “I’m just concerned about the students who react on emotion and decide to use a weapon in a threatening way because they are upset about something that their professors, or the administration, has done and take it out on everybody.”

THe Hot Topic

Should people be allowed to carry guns on campus?

Dezmon Shaw General Studies

“I feel that students [shouldn’t be] allowed to carry guns around. You never know when someone could snap.”

Emmanuel Eugenio Science

Rocio Vargas Social Work

Dalia Rodriguez Communications

Lydia Allen Business Management

“I don’t mind people walking around with guns as long as they’re responsible with them. I wouldn’t mind carrying around a gun myself.”

“I don’t think it’s OK for everyone to carry around a gun. Some people are unstable, especially younger adults.”

“I think that the people who would be best to carry guns would be officers and some teachers, but not students. Students are here to learn, not to protect anyone.”

“I don’t know how I feel about other people carrying guns. [Some people] may have a license, but I don’t feel they’re mentally stable to carry a gun.”



The Et Cetera


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Composing stories from the past

Author uses family’s unique history to pen best-selling novels By Gerenecia Taylor etc4640@dcccd.edu

Tireless mysteries, weird fantasies and strange tales about witches have been passed down through the generations. When author Kathleen Kent was a child, she learned that she had a personal connection to a real witch’s tale. A distant relative was tried, convicted and killed for being a witch during the Salem Witch Trials. The stories Kent heard fueled her passion to write her family story, resulting in the best-selling novel “The Heretic’s Daughter.” Kent kicked off the college’s Literary and Fine Arts Festival on April 15 by sharing her family’s stories, her literary works and her love of history with students. She started her talk with a question: “How many of you know about your ancestry back two, three or even four generations?” The majority of the audience didn’t raise their hands. Kent explained that most college students aren’t concerned with the past as much as the here and now. “In college, we are trying to define who we are,” she said. “So we are looking outside of our families for the first time. We are looking to connect with people that we identify with that can help us discover who we are. But as we age and begin to lose loved ones, we realize the people who came before us matter.” Kent said ancestors can help people learn more about their family experiences as well as themselves. “Who you are is what they were,” she said. “We stand on their shoulders.” Kent was very young when she traveled with her mother to visit her grandmother in Pennsylvania for the first time. She recalled sitting at her grandmother’s table listening listlessly to talk about distant relatives. “I am 8 years old; I could care less about what they have to say until my grandmother says something about an ancestor who was hanged as a witch,” she said. “Suddenly it became very important to hear what she had to say.” Kent began asking her grandmother more questions about her ancestry. Her grandmother told her

Odessa Leeper/The Et cetera

Best-selling author Kathleen Kent encourages students to explore their ancestry and learn more about the stories of their families.

stories about her relative and her connection to the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. “The Heretic’s Daughter” is the story of Martha Carrier as told by Sarah Carrier, one of Martha’s daughters. The book has been sold in over 15 countries. Kent believes the book has been so successful because people want to hear stories about generations and personal sacrifice. During her discussion with students, Kent painted a vivid picture of the Salem Witch Trials and Martha Carrier. Close to 200 people were accused of being witches. Of those, 19 were killed, including Martha. Kent was curious whether the accusations were true, so she asked her grandmother. “She said, ‘Sweetheart, there are no such things as witches, only ferocious women,’” Kent said. Kent believes Martha was indeed a “ferocious woman.” “She was perhaps the only woman of all of these 200 people that were brought in front of their judges who

stood up, put her finger in the face of her judges and said, ‘Shame on you for listening to a group of hysterical girls,”’ Kent said. Many of the people accused of these crimes were women who didn’t fit into the traditional molds of what people thought they should be. The fear of “the other,” or the unknown, was ultimately to blame. Martha was different. She continued to practice midwifery even after women were forbidden to do so and she refused to admit to practicing witchcraft. She continued to protest her innocence even after four of her five children were arrested. Her two oldest sons were tortured until they testified that their mother was a witch. She held steadfast to her truth and was hanged still holding onto it. Kent encouraged students to talk to their parents and grandparents and ask them what was life like in the “before times.” She encouraged them to call, email or even tape-record them in secret to get their stories. “Someday it will be the greatest riches you will ever have,” she said.

“Once the storyteller is gone, often the story is gone irrevocably.” The tales of Kent’s family history inspired some students. “She was able to use her family’s past to tell an amazing story in the present,” kinesiology major Ryan Vaz said. “It makes me want to check out my own family tree.” Kent also discussed her second book, “The Traitor’s Wife,” which tells the story of Thomas Carrier, Martha’s husband. According to family legends, he stood 7-feet tall, lived to be 109 and was one of the executioners of King Charles I of England. Kent was able to verify his size and age. Kent is releasing her third book “The Outcasts” in October. It is set in the 1870s in Texas. She is now working on her fourth book, which is set in the 1900s and will focus on children in the mining industry. The tentative title is “Cries in the Dark.” Kent said she knew she wanted to be a writer in the fifth grade. However, she didn’t want to be a “starv-

ing artist,” so she worked in finance for 20 years after college. Writing was still her passion. It took her five years to write her first novel. She was 50 when she finished it, and she endured more than 60 rejections before landing an agent. “The distance between no and yes is the distance that you’re going to travel through in your lifetime anyway, so you might as well keep going until somebody says yes,” she said. Kent’s ancestral journey and enthusiasm about her story touched student Rita Jones. “Her journey through finding out her ancestors’ history fascinated me because it was something she experienced,” she said. “Because she could explain that and write it for other readers to understand made me want to get the book and go through that journey with her.” Kent said everyone has their own story to tell, whether they’re a musician, a painter or a writer. It’s important to share it with others. “Your story is unique,” she said. “So tell it.”



Wednesday, April 24, 2013


The Et Cetera

Exhibiton puts studio artists on pedestals By Kevin Cushingberry Jr. etc4640@dcccd.edu

Each spring, more than 100 studio art students get the opportunity to have one of their pieces displayed in the So Fresh juried student art exhibition. Art program coordinator David Willburn developed the name So Fresh — short for sophomore-freshman — for the exhibition. Willburn said he gave it that name because the college’s art program sets students up to transfer to a four-year university. “It does stand for sophomorefreshman, but it also has that connotation of things being fresh and new, which it is,” Willburn said. This year’s exhibition opened on April 15, the first day of the Literary and Fine Arts Festival, and will run through May 3. A reception for the participating artists, other students and faculty was held on April 17 in Gallery 219. Amy He earned a juror award for her charcoal piece “Paradox.” Other juror awards were presented to Keshun Brown for her portrait “Reflections” and Pamela Flores for her piece “Honey Pot.” Ali Gilbreath, Charlton Houston and Joe Gutierrez earned honorable mention recognition. “Each year I’m really surprised by

the different techniques that students are using and learning,” Gallery Director Iris Bechtol said. “They’re more diverse in the style that they’re developing on their own rather than the specific techniques.” Several studio art students attended the reception and spoke about how they produced their pieces. “I’m in 3-D Design and I’m also in Drawing 2 with Ms. Windrow,” art major Elizabeth Cruz said. “Ms. Windrow’s class is more of an experimental class. Instead of just concentrating on drawing, we’re concentrating on finding ourselves as artists. We’re getting to explore different medias, not just drawing but painting and installation. From all of my classmates’ artwork you see here, they’re all completely different although they’re all still the same assignment.” Cruz said students are learning about their individual talents as they create their works. They are able to collaborate with their teachers and fellow studio art students. “It’s important because it helps us see ourselves possibly doing art in the future,” she said. “Having our art in this gallery encourages us to do better and also helps us see what everyone else is doing around here.” Bechtol said the more classes students take in the art program, the

Bechtol said having their work displayed in the So Fresh exhibition is a significant step in the process. “For a lot of them, it’s the first time they have had their art displayed in a professional exhibition,” she said. “For those that are wanting to pursue that goal of having an art career, it’s really important to take that first step to showing your work and having the confidence to show it.” Studio art student Sarah Yanes

said taking the art classes, having the opportunity to grow as artists and having their work displayed in an exhibition shows that there are endless possibilities for aspiring artists. “It just shows the beauty of what your mind can create,” Yanes said. “It’s like an escape to show what everyone thinks about. Anyone can be an artist. We all have unique visions.” Willburn said the exhibit is a way to celebrate what the students have accomplished. “They work really hard,” he said. “We think it’s really important to lift them up onto a pedestal and say, ‘Look at what you did.’ We want to show the larger art community, ‘Look what is possible in the Department of Visual Arts at Eastfield College.’ Juror Harmony Padgett wrote a note praising the artists in the exhibition for their strong desire to continue the discovery of art-making processes. She finished her note with this comment: “As students, you are in an excellent position to take risks with your artistic ideas and processes. Your faculty are a great resource — use them wisely! Continue looking at art in the community — know what’s out there! … Just do it — nothing can happen if you don’t attempt to make anything.”

highs and lows that only a cello can make. At that time, the cello was seen as an instrument for teenage ears only. No one really knew what to do with it.” Physics major Jorge Morales said he felt very connected to the music because he picked up on the passion Anshelevitch was feeling.

“[The music] was very strong,” Morales said. “Overwhelming, even.” Anshelevitch said his parents also play cello along with piano, strings and other instruments. When one grows up with music, it’s hard not to give in to that calling, he said. “When it comes to music,” Anshelevitch said. “It’s all about love.”

Odessa Leeper/The Et cetera

Students take in the art at the So Fresh student exhibition.

more they tend to grow on their own as artists. “Often times, a student’s work will kind of go in a different direction than you would normally see because they become more selfdirected when they take those advanced classes,” she said. “They make their own work, and they sort of are guiding themselves, along with their instructors giving them insight along the way.”

Russian cellist reveals his passion for classical music

By Sidney Murillo etc4640@dcccd.edu

The conversation between Dallas Symphony Orchestra cellist Yuri Anshelevitch and his piano accompanist, professor Pierrette Mouledous, was on par with a lovers quarrel. They communicated through their instruments. The focus Anshelevitch displayed in his breathing was as if the strings were his vocal chords and the body of the cello were his lungs. Meanwhile, Mouledous’ nimble fingers played the keys like water on a hot stove. The seats in F-117 were filled for the April 17 performance by the critically acclaimed cello player. “It really is an honor to have the associate principal of the cello department from the Dallas Symphony Orchestra come here and play for us,” Mouledous said. The Russian-born cellist started the intimate concert by playing “Elegie Op 24” by Gabriel Faure. Anshe-

Odessa Leeper/The Et cetera

Cellist Yuri Anshelevitch and professor Pierrette Mouledous perform during the Literary and Fine Arts Festival.

levitch’s heavy eyes showed his concentration as he played. “I am very fond of the cello,” Anshelevitch said. “It’s probably because the cello is the instrument that most resembles the human voice.” The audience appeared to be

moved by the music, tapping their feet to the rhythm. The next piece was “Suite No. 1 in G Major” by Johann Sebastian Bach. “‘Suite No. 1’ is a piece composed especially for a cello,” Anshelevitch said. “The range of the notes reaches



The Et Cetera


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Magic of the musical is in the makeup By Chanel Jimenez etc4640@dcccd.edu

Justin Yanger/The Et cetera

Simone Webb transforms Kenneth Fulenwider into “Edna,” his female character.



Conway named Dallas Business Journal ‘Women in Business Awards’ honoree

The “Dallas Business Journal” has revealed its 2013 honorees for the annual Women in Business Award. Among the 26 listed is Eastfield President Dr. Jean Conway. The honorees will receive their reward during a June 14 luncheon at the Irving Convention Center and will be featured in the “Dallas Business Journal” on the same day.

Summer registration begins

Summer registration is now open for returning students, and it will open on April 29 for all students. A full Summer 2013 course schedule is available on the campus website. Fall priority registration will begin on June 17 and end on Aug. 18.

Graduation fast approaching

The graduation ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 11, at 4:30 p.m. in the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland. Friends and family of the graduates are required to have a ticket in order to enter. Tickets can be picked up in the Pit through April 26. Graduates are allowed 10 tickets to start off with. Parking is free for everyone attending.

Drama professor Dusty Reasons took students back in time with a makeup workshop on April 18 in G-101. The cast of the college’s spring production of “Hairspray” hosted an exhibit to display different makeup elements from the 1960s. “For the past two years, I’ve had my makeup class in the spring and we design the makeup for the spring production,” Reasons said. “This year is ‘Hairspray,’ so the makeup is mostly ’60s makeup.” “Hairspray” is a musical that includes contrasting themes. The dress, hair and makeup is iconic for this production, but the plot focuses on social issues as well, such as segregation, physical appearance and accepting the differences in people. “During the ’60s, people really started being defined by how they dressed and how they looked, by what was cool and what wasn’t,” Reasons said. Makeup, costumes and hairstyles of the ’60s were explained during the workshop, along with the challenges of incorporating them into the spring production. The role of Edna, the mother of the main character in “Hairspray,” was one of those challenges.

“Typically, the person is played by a man,” Reasons said. “So you have to keep the funniness that the audience still knows it’s a man but that suspension of disbelief where she is really a woman.” Professional makeup artist and Eastfield student Simone Webb said this type of transformation can be difficult to achieve. “The contouring and highlight is a lot more advanced than [what] typical makeup would be,” she said. “Concealing the eyebrows is pretty challenging, too.” Kenneth Fulenwider, who played Edna, is not an Eastfield student. He was invited by Reasons as a guest artist. “I don’t have a problem with [being a woman] at all,” Fulenwider said. “[The musical] is all about everybody loving each other a little bit more, you know blacks, whites, gay, straight. The gay [concept] is not actually mentioned, but is part of the symbolism of the whole show.” During the workshop, Webb applied a base to Fulenwider’s face. Psychology major Brittany Kobel also created a popular ’60s look on cast member Kayla Anderson by applying green and blue eye shadow. “Generally [the cast does] their own makeup if it’s something basic, but we will help with maintenance and things they don’t necessarily know how to apply, [such as] the dad who has a double chin,” she said.

N A T I O N A L U N I V E R S I T Y®

Police announce scheduled lockdown

College police have announced the dates for the 2013 scheduled campus lockdowns. These are only drills and are intended to increase safety during potential times of emergency. Everyone is required to participate. Main Campus Friday, April 26: 10:50 a.m. Friday, April 26: 6:50 p.m. Saturday, April 27: 10 a.m. Pleasant Grove campus Friday, April 26: 3 p.m. Friday, April 26: 6:50 p.m. Saturday, April 27: TBA

Guzman wins national essay contest, Pinckney accepted into prestigious program

Two students recently received national recognition. Giovanny Guzman won a national student essay contest that resulted in the publication of his essay, “One Year,” which is about the idea of requiring one year of mandatory community service. Also, Darnell Pinckney has been admitted as a transfer student to Harvey Mudd College in Monteclair, Calif. The college has one of the top 10 undergraduate physics programs in the country. — Caitlin Piper and Sidney Murillo



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Wednesday, April 24, 2013


The Et Cetera

Eastfield Goes Green

College takes proactive steps to reduce waste By Ginny Morris etc4640@dcccd.edu

Going green on a college campus takes more than planting a tree or tossing a water bottle in a recycling bin. A commitment to sustainability takes true dedication. “It’s how we perform,” said Michael Brantley, the college’s assistant director of facilities. “It’s how we live.” Besides the obvious benefit to the environment, going green has other advantages, according to Eastfield President Dr. Jean Conway. Some of her green initiatives include creating a green team, issuing an official climate control protocol, installing window tinting on the Pleasant Grove campus and conserving water by keeping the pool empty for three months out of the year. “It’s important economically because when we can reuse, recycle and save money with electricity, then it’s good for our bottom line,” Conway said. “It’s good socially for us all to work together to try to conserve resources. There’s a lot of positive reasons and very few negative ones for our college going green.” Eastfield has a wide variety of green initiatives. The school’s efforts include the use of solar panels, participation in Dallas’ Cease the Grease program, the installation of water bottle refill stations and plans to become a designated tree campus.

SOLAR PANELS On Sept. 2, 2009, Eastfield became the first campus in the Dallas County Community College District to start using solar power when two solar arrays were donated to the college by Green Mountain Energy. The panels, located next to the pool prevent the production of 10,400 pounds of carbon dioxide every year. With a projected lifetime of approximately 30 years, they are expected to save the college about $100,000 in energy bills. Last month, a sign explaining the function of the panels was installed next to them. The sign transforms the panels from simply a method of saving energy into a learning opportunity for students, said Sustainability Coordinator Dr. Terrance

cardboard and paper. Recycling bins are placed next to trash baskets and in offices to make it easier for students, staff and faculty to recycle every day. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, recycling bins around the campus are emptied. “We actually use at least half our manpower just to recycle [on those days],” Brantley said. “They’ll have their [Eastfield] shirts on, and go around campus picking up recycling. We want students, faculty and staff to be encouraged on those days to make sure you put your recycling in your recycle bins and put your bins outside your offices.”


Kevin Cushingberry Jr./The Et cetera

The digital display indicates that Angel Monsivias is filling up the fountain’s 1,340th water bottle.

Wickman, who heads up the college’s Green Team. “We approach it from an educational viewpoint so that people can see what it really does,” Wickman said. “Our goal is to make it so people will try to take it to the next level themselves and be more energy efficient.”


Not all of the college’s green programs are confined to the campus. Cease the Grease is a program involving the entire city of Dallas that recycles used oil. When too much grease is flushed down drains, it collects in lumps in the sewers, blocking the pipes. The city created Cease the Grease to provide alternative drop points where grease could be safely collected. In 2011, Eastfield became a designated grease collection station for the community. Instead of dumping their used grease down the drains, residents can bring it to the collection station to avoid clogging their

pipes. The drop point is located by the parking lot on the side of the L building. Brantley said the program was a success from the start. “We had just put it in, and a couple of days later, we had 55 gallons of reusable oil,” Brantley said. “And it’s been that way ever since. It’s just phenomenal. That is one of the best things that we ever promoted.” The oil is collected and then turned into bio-fuel, which helps power county school buses, benefitting children across the Metroplex.

WATER BOTTLE REFILL STATIONS In March, a water fountain designed for refilling water bottles was installed in the upstairs hallway of the C building. This saves plastic bottles from being wasted when people throw them out, and also makes it easier for people to regularly drink from re-useable bottles. The fountain contains an educational component as well. A digital

display on the fountain displays the number of bottles saved. A measuring device weighs how much water is dispensed in each bottle. “We could easily have installed just the water fountain, but we want people to see what it does,” Wickman said. “When you look up there and see that number, you say ‘That’s a lot of bottles!’ So our goal is not only to do something serviceable. We try to think beyond the box.” As of April 22, the fountain had saved more than 1,440 plastic bottles. There are plans to install seven more water fountains around the campus.


Recycling is a huge part of the school’s green initiative. “When we do renovations, [we always use] recycled materials,” Brantley said. “When we do carpet replacement, it has to be recycled material, and the carpet you’re taking out has to be recycled.” The college also recycles light bulbs, scrap metal, ink cartridges,

A disease called oak wilt which killed many of Eastfield’s oak trees a couple of years ago prompted the college’s decision to become a designated tree campus. “I would say we have 50 percent less trees than we did have,” Conway said. “And the disease took out big, big trees — trees that have been here 40 years. We’ve got to have a real concerted effort to replant in order to get this college campus to look like it did before the disease hit our oak trees.” Becoming a designated tree campus involves a large amount of work, Wickman said. “It is a huge undertaking for us,” he said. “We have to count every tree. We have to involve students to [record the GPS coordinates of] every tree. We have to have a plan to replace them if they should die, and get students and the public involved in terms of our future with trees.” Renae Elder is a work-study student who works to record the coordinates of trees around campus. “We have a little GPS, and we walk to up a tree and press ‘map’ and it gives us the GPS coordinates of the tree,” Elder said. “We have to get two people to go out there: one to record [the coordinates] and one to get the coordinates.” See ENVIRONMENT, page 7 ➤



The Et Cetera


Puffs of preference

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Students find alternatives to traditional cigarette smoking By Sidney Murillo etc4640@dcccd.edu

When business major Nicholas Wyse turned 18, he weighed 254 pounds and smoked two packs of cigarettes a day. He decided it was time to change his lifestyle. “I wanted to start doing martial arts and get into shape,” Wyse said. “I realized that cigarettes were in the way of that.” Wyse lost 50 pounds in three months after switching to e-cigarettes, exercising regularly and eating a healthier diet. “I am feeling pretty awesome now,” Wyse said. “So much energy is in me now. But I’m not stopping now.” Wyse is among a growing number of people switching to e-cigarettes for health reasons. Not only are they tarfree, but they produce vapor rather than smoke, meaning they’re better for the environment and can also be smoked in restaurants. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has determined that e-hookah and e-cigarette smokers are still at risk for the same kinds of diseases caused by cigarette smoking: oral cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, cancer of the esophagus and reduced lung function. And there is an added risk. “If large numbers of adult smokers become users of both traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes — rather than using e-cigarettes to quit cigarettes completely — the net public health effect could be quite negative,” said Dr. Tim McAfee, director of the Office on Smoking and Health at CDC. An e-cigarette, or electronic ciga-

ary. Younger smokers come by looking for them. I guess it’s because hookahs aren’t as harmful as cigarettes, and they’re more trendy and fruity than e-cigarettes.” The electronic hookahs cost $8.62 each at Tobacco City, which is similar to one pack of American Spirit cigarettes. E-cigarettes, which are refillable, can be purchased for $25 online. A 30-milliliter refill is $13. An e-hookah allows 700 puffs and

holds up to 19 milligrams of nicotine. An e-cigarette is rechargeable and can be filled with different flavors. Wyse said he started off with sour apple as his first flavor. “It’s smoother than a cigarette, and I can’t really tell the difference between the two when it comes to satisfaction,” he said. “There’s not the back burn [in your throat] with the e-cigarette.” The e-hookah comes in a variety of flavors as well. At Tobacco City, Chagani has a display of apple cider, citrus berry and pina vino e-hookah under her counter. “I enjoy e-hookahs, but I don’t think I’ll ever get into smoking cigarettes or anything like that,” nursing major Paisley Johnson said. “I like hookah because of the flavors, I guess. Plus I know that it’s safer than cigarettes, and there’s no burn to hookah, which is nice.” Theater major Shannon Cox had smoked for 20 years when she decided she needed a change. She wanted to pursue acting and singing, and she realized that smoking cigarettes could prevent her from accomplishing her dreams. She invested $124 in an e-cigarette called Vapor Essence. This included the cost of a USB connector, a charger, liquid nicotine and non-nicotine liquid. She said this was a small price to pay compared to the thousands of dollars each year she spent purchasing cigarettes. “I wanted a better life,” Cox said. “I feel so much better and I’m living so much more than when I was smoking cigarettes.”

green initiatives isn’t always easy, Wickman said. “It is a fight, because a significant number of people will just take their trash and throw it on the ground,” he said. “[They] take their bottles and throw them in the lake. Once you have a person that is ingrained in a habit of doing something that is not positive for our environment, it’s hard to break that.” However, he said that under Conway’s leadership, the college has

made significant progress in reducing its carbon footprint and making the campus more environmentally friendly. “Dr. Conway has been the most significant impetus to making this happen,” Wickman said. “She is the lynch pin, the cornerstone for all of this. If it wasn’t for her, it would be much more difficult to do what we’re doing. [The difference between] today and where we were four or five years ago is like night and day.”

The cartridge or “tank,” which acts as the mouthpiece of the e-cigarette, can be filled with the desired flavor of liquid nicotine.

Battery The e-hookah has the same parts as an e-cigarette, but can’t be disassembled.

Newport cigarettes, such as the one at left, use ingredients like acetic acid, honey, butter starter distillate and rum ether in addition to tobacco.

The head and the base of the e-cigarette work together to heat the liquid nicotine and convert it to vapor.

Jose Lopez/The Et cetera

rette, is approximately five inches long. It is a battery-powered device that is basically a smokeless cigarette. At the opposite end of the mouthpiece there is a dial showing the number of milligrams of nicotine in every puff. This level can be adjusted manually by the smoker. The smoker places liquid nicotine into the tank, which serves as the mouthpiece, on the top of the device. The smoker inhales the nicotine and exhales vapor.

One Marlboro Red cigarette from a pack of 20 equals 1 milligram of nicotine. A typical e-cigarette contains 20 milligrams of nicotine per fill of liquid. Another popular smoking option is an e-hookah, which is similar to an e-cigarette but is disposable. “An e-hookah equals about three packs of cigarettes,” said Noor Chagani, owner of Tobacco City in Mesquite. “A lot of people have come by asking for the e-hookahs since Janu-

Campus encourages simple habits to help the environment Continued from Page 6

Wickman is hopeful that the requirements for becoming a tree campus can be met by December. After the original paperwork is submitted, the college will be placed on probation for a year to ensure that it is following the plans prescribed in its own paperwork. If a one-year report confirms the college is complying with the regulations, it will officially become a designated tree

campus of Tree Campus USA. Other ways the campus is conserving energy and water include using a wind turbine adjacent to the T building to generate clean energy, installing automatic lights in classrooms and offices and automatic faucets in the restrooms, turning off the air conditioning units at night and on Sundays, and putting up bike racks to encourage students to ride to school instead of driving. The college also collects rainfall,

which is later used by the landscaping company to water the plants. Plans for the future include installing reverse vending machines, which will give students credit for recycling cans, and planting a community garden. The college’s Green Team meets once a month to discuss these plans as well as other environmental concerns at the college and in the community. Encouraging participation in

8 The Et Cetera


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

You can’t stop the beat

The full cast comes together at the end of the show to sing the final song “You Can’t Stop The Beat.”

Ana Nunez./The Et cetera

‘Hairspray’ cast says ‘Good Morning’ to a successful show By Anjulie Van Sickle etc4640@dcccd.edu

The packed audience applauded as the curtains opened up to elaborately decorated stage. The “Hairspray” cast members welcomed the full house by singing “Good Morning, Baltimore,” the musical’s opening number. “Hairspray,” the college’s first production that included a complete collaboration between the drama, music and dance departments, opened on April 19 to cheers of appreciation. The musical is set in 1962 in Baltimore, where Tracy Turnblad, played superbly by Lindsey Yarborough, is a teenage girl ready to change and desegregate the world by dancing. Throughout the musical, she sings and dances around the city with her best friend, Penny Pingleton, played by Hannah Smith. Eventually, she earns a spot on the popular “Corny Collins Show.”

Through her determination and with help from some friends, Tracy is able to successfully integrate black and white dancers in the previously all-white television show. She even steals the title of Miss Teenage Baltimore from her arch enemy, Amber Von Tussle, played by Kelsey Kruse, despite being constantly teased for her weight. Like all teenage girls, Penny, Tracy and Amber butt heads with their mothers. The chemistry the three actresses brought to stage while singing “Mama, I’m a Big Girl Now” was dynamic. Their presence on the stage was powerful and the audience loved them. The casting by director Dusty Reasons was well executed. Yarborough was cast perfectly for the lead because of the way she was able to embrace the character and truly express Tracy’s confidence. The cast was filled with an array of talent

that displayed rich vocals, skilled acting and convincing chemistry. Rebecca Stenberg, who portrayed the primary antagonist, Velma Von Tussle, with her sassy attitude and strong voice, was great at being bad. The two starry-eyed lovers, Tracy and Link Larkin, played by Lucas Haupert, danced and sang around the stage like they were made for each other. Their performance of “I Can Hear the Bells” was very emotional. Samuel Gallindo and Kenneth Fulenwider gave strong performances as Wilbur and Edna Turnblad, Tracy’s parents. Gallindo nailed the part of the silly but sincere father. Fulenwider not only succeeded in playing drag, but also in strutting around the stage in 4-inch heels. Other standouts included 13-year-old Michaela Jones as Little Inez. Her dance moves and amazing voice took me by surprise. DeAndre Upshaw, who played Seaweed,

captivated the audience with his smooth dance moves as well as his deep and powerful voice. Keturah Jones took the stage for the first time for her role as Motormouth Maybelle. Her acting was exquisite, and her voice left the crowd wanting more. Not only did the cast deliver on the stage, their roles took them out into the audience. On many of the numbers, the ensemble would stand in the crowd and accompany those singing on stage. The set and costume designs were also impressive. It was as if the audience was transported back in time to 1960s Baltimore. The ’60sinspired dresses worn by the cast enhanced the authenticity of the performance. The bright colors and fancy skirts kept me captivated. At the closing number, the enormous cast of more than 50 actors received a well-deserved standing ovation. Overall, “Hairspray” was a definite success.



The Et Cetera


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A fresh taste of coffee, tea, lifestyle By Anjulie Van Sickle etc4640@dcccd.edu

The Life House is a 1928 Rockwall house remodeled to provide a clean, organic coffee shop where people can eat, drink and visit with friends. Too often, owner Chris Kelley said, people just grab a quick bite to eat without considering what other options are available. To encourage people to live a cleaner, healthier lifestyle, the shop is completely organic, purchasing all its produce from local farmers. Chris and his co-owners, Jeremy Standifer and his wife Katy, make and store their own coffee in the back. There’s even a disc golf course behind the coffee shop where people can stay active while having fun. If you need gear, there is a shop in the back room of the house. If not, you can head straight to the backyard and get your game on. On the side of the house, there is a small, recently dug garden meant to show how much people can do with a small area of dirt. Looking at it made me want to go home and dig a garden


Hidden Gem The Life House 506 N Goliad St Rockwall, 75087 www.thelifehousetx.com

in my own yard. On the front porch, there are benches, chairs and tables that look perfect for an evening filled with learning or simply contemplating life. Inside, there are people writing, visiting, studying, playing guitar and taking advantage of the free Wi-Fi while drinking hot or cold beverages and eating freshly made pastries. The scones are scrumptious, and there are also croissants and danishes There are often spontaneous jam sessions in the front room where a guitar is available for anyone who would like to play. When I first walked in, there was a young man playing guitar with two or three young ladies singing along with him.

Anjulie van sickle/The Et cetera

This unique coffee house provides not only coffee, but tea, baked goods and disc golf as well.

This made me want to put down my notebook and pen and join in with them. There are comfy leather armchairs, couches and bar stools throughout the house.

Each moderately sized room is perfect for sipping coffee or tea and visiting with friends. I took a moment to enjoy the warm light streaming through the long window in the center room. It

was the perfect atmosphere for writing poetry. Customers order in the next room over a large, cement bar that curves from one wall to the other. The recycled windowpane menus are filled with freshly made coffees, organic teas and baked goods made daily in the back by Jeremy. Paintings cover the walls down the long hallway connecting each of the house’s nine rooms. The pieces are available for purchase from local artists and definitely add a colorful touch of originality to the place. As I passed by each section of wall, I wanted to buy each and every painting for my own room. While most cliché cafés are full of hipster chicks, cups of coffee and ambient jazz music, the Life House provides an individuality that is rare in the coffee world. The entire house provides a feeling of warmth brought on by the inviting staff, customers who are always ready to make a new friend, fun and upbeat music and an all-around feeling of home.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013


The Et Cetera

Spice up your plate with authentic Mexican cuisine There’s a big difference between authentic Mexican food and a fast food taco place. Whether it’s the smell of fresh tortillas or the taste of salsa, queso and guacamole, these five spots dish up real Mexican.

Garland location opens at 6 a.m. for breakfast.


11277 E Northwest Hwy. Dallas 75238 (214) 341-9405

Matt’s Rancho Martinez 5085 N. Pres. George Bush Hwy. Garland 75040 (972) 675-8600

Matt’s has secret dip called Bob Armstrong Dip, named after a former Texas politician and Matt’s customer, which includes queso, ground beef, guacamole and sour cream. Bob dip with Matt’s hot sauce creates the best dip duo in Texas. This is a family-owned Tex-Mex restaurant that spans five generations. The Martinez family started from humble beginnings, selling tamales and pralines on the steps of the state capital in Austin. Matt Jr. packed up his family and moved to Dallas in 1985 to start Matt’s Rancho Martinez. Matt Jr. has created several seasonings and written books, and he was inducted into the Texas Restaurant Hall of Fame alongside his father, Matt Sr. They are the first father and son to share the honor.

Kevin Cushingberry Jr./The Et cetera

Find specials like this carne asada taco plate with beans and rice for as low as $6 at Pepper’s Taqueria y Panaderia.

Pepper’s 3556 Gus Thomasson Road Mesquite 75150 (972) 698-6666 (Drive thru only)

What’s unique about Pepper’s Taqueria y Panaderia is its drivethru option, offering authentic Mexican food for those in a hurry. Although there is a sit-down restaurant in the shopping strip, Pepper’s

also has a small hut in the middle of the parking lot, which sells most of the items on the restaurant menu, including street tacos. Panaderia, which means bakery, is in the name because the restaurant sells fresh bread and pastries inside. The restaurant is open every day except Monday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The drive-thru is open every day except Sunday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The

When I was 2 years old, I burned my hand on a fajita skillet at Mexicali. I don’t remember it, but my mom and my grandma always tell that story whenever we go. When I got older, I would order queso and mix it with my salsa. It was such a great taste. The first time I ever ate enchiladas and sopapillas was at Mexicali. I remember squeezing the honey out of the little containers shaped like bears. It’s a great dessert to top off a Mexican meal. Now, whenever I take a date to Mexicali, the manager always gives me a hard time because he’s known me for so long.

Dos Panchas

1900 N. Henderson Ave. Dallas 75149 (972) 285-9199

This restaurant in the heart of downtown Mesquite is a haven for many Skeeters. Almost every person I know who went to Mesquite High or lives in the area freaked out when

I told them I was going to Dos Panchas. They have a real Latino ambiance represented in paintings on the walls and artifacts throughout the restaurant representing Hispanic culture. I ordered a No. 1, which is two enchiladas and a taco. I poured some of the queso from my enchiladas onto my taco, and that turned out to be one of the best decisions I have made in a long time.

Señor Jalapeño

3304 N. Town East Blvd. Mesquite 75150 (972) 613-0062

If you’ve ever driven down Motley toward Town East, you’ve probably seen Señor Jalapeño. Family-owned and operated since 2006, they serve authentic Mexican food seven days a week. They serve authentic breakfasts like huevos con chorizo as well as coffee and donuts from 7-11 a.m. I skipped the breakfast and had the tasty shrimp fajitas for lunch. They have the best rice and beans I’ve had in a long time. A really nice hostess helped me with my to-go order. Its proximity to Eastfield is a major plus for college students and staff. — Kevin Cushingberry Jr.

LIFE & ARTS The Et Cetera

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

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that WORKS

12 The Et Cetera

Caitlin Piper

Award-winning member of: • Texas Intercollegiate Press Association • Associated Collegiate Press • Texas Community College Journalism Association

Eastfield College 3737 Motley Drive Mesquite, TX 75150 Phone: 972-860-7130 Fax: 972-860-7646 Email: etc4640@dcccd.edu

Not everyone can be a vegan

Editor In Chief Danyelle Roquemore Managing Editor Anjulie Van Sickle Opinion Editor Caitlin Piper Life & Arts Editor Sidney Murillo Sports Editor Kevin Cushingberry Jr. Photo Editor Odessa Leeper Online/Social Media Editor Miguel Padilla Copy Editor Enrique Morales Staff Writers Chanel Jimenez Keturah Jones Ginny Morris Taylor Wallace


Photographers Ana Nunez Raul Carrington Cartoonists Joelle Goosen Jonathan Wences

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Graphics & Layout Chadney Cantrell Alex Kennedy Braulio Tellez Contributors Claudia Guerra Gereneicia Taylor Student Publications Manager Lori Dann Faculty Adviser Caitlin Stanford Editorial Policy The views expressed on the opinion pages and other opinion pieces and cartoons in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of The Et Cetera, Eastfield College or the Dallas County Community College District. Letters to the Editor Letters must be typed, signed and include a phone number. Letters will be edited for profanity and vulgarity, Associated Press style, grammar, libel and space when needed. The content will remain that of the author. Letters must be 250 words or fewer. Letters may be delivered to Room N-240 or emailed to etc4640@dcccd.edu First Amendment Right Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Limited parking does not excuse reckless driving With parking lots as crowded as Eastfield’s, one would think drivers would be more mindful of their surroundings when entering and exiting their parking spots. However, recent events are showing this is often not the case. There have been 13 reported hit-and-run incidents on the main campus since January 2012, and surveillance cameras have captured drivers moving at speeds up to 45 mph in the parking lots. This is especially problematic because the actual speed limit is 10 mph inside the parking lots and 20 mph on the streets surrounding the campus. There have also been a number of minor traffic accidents on college property within these past few months. This lack of attention to safety is simply unacceptable. Campus police say some offenders are rushing in to snag a coveted parking spot amidst the daily rush of vehicles. Others are rushing out to return home as quickly as possible. Too many people are disobeying the speed limit and running through stop signs.

Another common problem is drivers’ failure to yield the right of way. Too many preventable accidents are being caused by this violation of one of the most basic rules of driving safety, and there is absolutely no excuse for it. Drivers should be focusing their attention on their surroundings, rather than their cell phones. This problem is not limited to the Eastfield campus, but is so common and easily preventable that it is still worth mentioning. Many accidents could be avoided by just putting your phone aside until you are stopped and off the road. We get it. Space is limited, and we all want to arrive in time for our classes. And once classes are finished, everyone wants to get back home as quickly as they can. But this does not excuse such reckless behavior. Drivers should always use common sense and stay safe when they’re behind the wheel. Don’t become the latest statistic on campus police logs. Would you really want to make such a costly mistake by becoming responsible for someone else’s repairs?

Whether it was a disapproving stare at my plate of nachos or a PETA sticker slapped inside one of my school notebooks, my vegan sister was always sure to voice her opinion on my diet in the most passive-aggressive way possible. wwI wasn’t the only one experiencing this. While she was never hostile, my sister was known for stopping people in public to preach the evils of steak and cheese to those unfortunate enough to be carrying a cheeseburger or smoothie. Despite our disagreements, I supported my sister and her decision to be vegan. I greatly respected her commitment. Maintaining a diet free of animal products is not an easy thing to do in a society that runs on dollar burgers and lattés. But I believe she did more damage to her cause than any fast food marketer could ever hope to do. She only alienated non-vegans and reinforced harmful vegan stereotypes. I could never convince my sister that being a non-vegan was not the same as being an animal-hater. Some people just like the taste of a steak or a glass of milk, and regardless of what most pro-vegan sites will tell you, maintaining a healthy diet doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing for everyone. Vegans can take supplements to make up for the nutrients the majority of their diets lack, such as iron and calcium, but the cost of these on top of the already high cost of fruits and vegetables can turn some people away from a vegan lifestyle. In the end, I do not have any issues with vegetarian or vegan diets, nor do I have any problems with eating animal products. But I do have issues with people who try to force their beliefs on others without considering why they have those beliefs in the first place.



The Et Cetera


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Cut off lights instead of cutting budget Our campus is an eco-friendly place, or at least it tries to be. Even though the administration promotes a greener campus, a large portion of the college community isn’t making any effort to help out. When I lived with my mom, we always recycled. She made my sister and me wash out things like ranch dressing bottles and milk jugs so they could be recycled. She’d even go so far as to pull recyclables out of the trash when they were accidentally thrown in. Thanks to my mom, I’m an avid recycler. I was excited when I came to Eastfield because it’s so easy to recycle. The bins are conveniently

Danyelle Roquemore

labeled and separated, making recycling almost effortless. I personally try my hardest to keep my trash and recyclables in the proper receptacles. However, others don’t even seem to notice the bins are labeled at all. The bins are set up very comprehensively: One side is for waste like food, drinks and other non-

recyclable trash, and the other is for recyclable things like paper, plastic bottles and cans. Yet I see Doritos bags and Subway wrappers fill the side designated for recyclables way too often. Maybe this will be news to some people: Those things are not recyclable. They are just litter that should go in the trash side. Separating the trash isn’t the only green issue many students, faculty and staff are ignoring. Lights and projectors are left on hours after classes end. This wouldn’t be a big deal if it were one classroom, one time, but it isn’t. Not only is electricity expensive, the components that help make

Take control of your life and learn that it’s OK to say no It’s almost 11:15 p.m. and I’m finally arriving home from a long day. My feet hurt and my back aches from rehearsing dance moves for the college’s production of “Hairspray,” in which I play the role of Motormouth Maybelle. I have math homework due at midnight on mymathlab. With only 45 minutes left, there is no way I can finish. I still have to check my children’s homework and get clothes washed and ironed for tomorrow. Then there’s that research paper. “Calgon, take me away!” I began to feel overwhelmed about a month ago. I didn’t have enough time. I had to choose between homework and housework while also trying to find a way to be a single mom of three. How did I get to this point? I had to think back and question what had changed in my life that was causing me to feel so stressed and out of control. I remember taking a Learning Frameworks course my first semester with Dr. Tuesday Hambric. In the chapter on time management there was an exercise on prioritizing tasks. So that’s what I did. I sat down, made a list of responsibilities and still found myself not having enough time. What I did find was I had taken on several little tasks that had begun to add up. I am a people-pleaser by nature. I immediately say yes to anything asked of me without thinking about how it’s going to affect my schedule. I saw that I was committing my time more to others than to myself and my kids.

Keturah Jones

Noticing that I was behind, a concerned professor pulled me aside. She sat me down and wrote out my time schedule. She calculated that I was only getting four to six hours of sleep. That was the first problem. She then asked why I was doing so much. I explained that I never experienced a college life, and now I wanted to take advantage of every opportunity I could to make up for it. That was the second problem. Then there was the big problem of me not being able to say no. Through this exercise I discovered that I could free up 20 hours a week just by saying no. My professor taught me a valuable lesson that day. It’s not a bad thing to tell others no. It’s OK to take my time and not try to do everything all at once. Know your limits and don’t stretch yourself so thin that you lose focus of your goals. Be aware there are some people who will ask you to do things because they know you will say yes, but they really don’t care what you will go through to get it done. Knowing your limits and being honest with yourself can keep you out of the whirlwind of stress and exhaustion.

learning easier are as well. Projector bulbs cost $400 on average. These bulbs should last for about 2,000 hours, but leaving the projector on for long periods of time can cut the bulb’s life in half. It can also cause the projector to melt down in a quarter of the time it would through proper use. We have to cut programs and closely watch our budget, but there seems to be no concern for cutting off the lights and projectors. I can only imagine what our electricity bill is now. My mom always taught me to turn off a light when I left a room, and it makes me cringe to see lights on in an empty classroom when I

look down a corridor. It also makes me a little angry to walk into a classroom to switch off the lights and hear the projector fan running. I understand that not everyone is as crazy about conserving the Earth as others. However, we should make the effort to conserve as much as possible and do our part to help our campus and our environment. So separate your trash and switch off the lights and projectors. It really isn’t a difficult thing to do. Think of all the ways our campus could put the money we’d save to use. Maybe we could even have new programs or better facilities.

Daddy, you’re doing it wrong One evening as I was cleaning up the aftermath of dinner with my 1-year-old, I asked my husband to get her bath ready. I was expecting him to get the bath started, go into the bedroom and turn on the TV without actually helping me bathe her. To my surprise, he picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. I heard the water running, splashing, and my baby giggling. I couldn’t believe my ears. ”Did my husband just do that?” I thought to myself. You might be wondering why it is such a big deal for a father to bathe his daughter. That’s what parents do, right? Not my husband. Don’t get me wrong, I know he loves our baby girl more than anything in the world, but it used to be a challenge to get him to help care for her. Maybe it was because he was too tired from working 11-hour shifts six days a week. I would let him come home and relax, knowing he had to be up again in a few hours. That would leave me doing all the cooking and cleaning, plus getting our munchkin to bed. It was exhausting and frustrating. One day, I snapped. I told him I couldn’t handle doing everything on my own and needed his support. He understood where I was coming from and said he would do more to help. I am very lucky to have a partner willing to do all he can for his family. He started to help more after that, but I hovered over him like a hawk, criticizing his every move. “You’re doing it wrong,” I’d say over his shoulder while he changed a diaper. He would just give up and say, “You do it, then.” And I would. After weeks of trial and error, I

began to resent him for going back to his old ways. I also felt Claudia guilty but didn’t understand Guerra why. I was a ball of confused emotions and tired of fighting with him. Finally, I realized we could not move forward in our relationship if I wasn’t willing to understand him, too. I watched his behavior when he would lend a hand and tried to figure out what I could do to help him. I noticed that he really just didn’t know what to do. He was completely lost when he had to switch to the role of parenting. I’ve been our daughter’s main caregiver since day one; I know when she’s hungry and why she’s upset. I’ve spent more time with her than he has because he has to work full-time. He doesn’t have the luxury of watching our baby grow and develop. I didn’t want to fight anymore, and I knew I was discouraging him. So instead of yelling at him for not doing it my way, I instructed him and gave him the space to mature as a father. He eventually became comfortable with the feedings and started helping when he was needed. We even developed a bedtime routine; I bathe her, and he gets her ready for bed, meaning lotion, diaper change and jammies. I no longer have to ask him to do something because he’s confident enough to know what needs to be done. I learned something from this small bump in the road: I can’t just expect him to know what to do. Daddies don’t have the same natural bond a mother and baby develop during nine months of pregnancy and labor. Our motherly instincts kick in right after birth, or at least that was the case for me. Sometimes Daddy just needs a little help from Mommy, too.

ON DECK AT EASTFIELD May 3 May 4 May 17 May 25

Baseball vs. Richland 2 p.m. Baseball vs. Richland (DH) Noon Regional tournament begins TBA Division III World Series begins TBA

The Et Cetera

14 Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Harvesters find gold in freshman Gavin Gregory By Kevin Cushingberry Jr. etc4640@dcccd.edu

Last fall, freshman center fielder Gavin Gregory was flying around the football field as a safety for the L.D. Bell Blue Raiders. Now, he’s using his speed on the base paths to help the Eastfield Harvesters baseball team contend for a title. Coach Michael Martin said Gregory’s playmaking ability on the football field has contributed to his performance on the diamond. “I can see it in his game,” Martin said. “He’s got great instincts. He’s a natural athlete.” Gregory has already stolen 28 bases, more than any player in the Metro Athletic Conference and the third-most in the nation. He also leads the MAC in hits, doubles and runs scored. Eastfield (25-18, 16-7 in the MAC) is ranked eighth in the nation and first in the MAC. Gregory was recruited by several colleges after earning second-team all-district honors in football and

Justin Yanger/The Et cetera

Gavin Gregory leads the Metro Athletic Conference in stolen bases.

first-team all-district recognition in baseball. He decided he would play the latter in college. “I’ve been playing football and baseball all my life,” he said. “I had a

couple offers to go play football, but I couldn’t see myself not playing baseball.” However, Gregory still had to decide which school he would attend.

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“I actually verbally committed to North Central Texas College, but they ended up dropping my scholarship,” he said. “That’s when I got a call from Coach Martin.” Martin said Gregory made a strong impression on him during a recruiting trip to L.D. Bell. “We actually were recruiting [freshman catcher Taylor Empkey] from his high school,” Martin said. “I happened to see Gavin. He could run, hit and he had a decent arm. I felt like he’d be a good fit for our team.” Martin said Gregory has delivered on that potential this season. “He’s met every expectation,” Martin said. “He’s our leadoff hitter, he gets on base, and he’s stolen a lot of bases for us. He’s been a leader for us, too. It’s not just statistically what he’s done for us. He comes to practice, he works hard and sets an example by how he goes about his job out there. It’s been a pleasure having him.” Sophomore pitcher Miguel Saaverda said Gregory’s faith and leadership have inspired his teammates.

“He lifts us all up,” Saaverda said. “He’s a leader as a freshman. There’s only a few sophomores, so that’s a pretty big role that he’s taken on.” Gregory hopes to build on the success the Harvesters have enjoyed in recent years. “My first goal is to win the MAC, and then our ultimate goal is to win a national championship,” he said. “I want to win a ring.” Saaverda said Gregory’s presence at the plate, on base and in the outfield has helped him this season. “Having a player like Gavin gives me more confidence as a pitcher,” Saaverda said. “Knowing that I have someone who can do what he can on the defensive and offensive side of things really helps out.” Gregory said his first year at Eastfield has been everything he could have wanted. “It’s surpassed my expectations,” he said. “I love this team, love this program. College ball is so much different than high school ball. I’m having an absolute blast.”

15 The Et Cetera


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The ‘Drakengard’ series is a beautiful trainwreck The Gamer Z ne

Fans of the cult classic “Drakengard” series, rejoice! “Drakengard 3” (known as “Drag-On Dragoon 3” in its native Japan) is slated for release in Japan at some point later this year as a PlayStation 3 exclusive. The “Drakengard” series may not seem worth exploring to most gamers. Truthfully, it is an acquired taste. If players aren’t turned off by the unrelentingly grim settings and themes, the mediocre-to-tedious gameplay will not win them over. But for those willing to look past its weaknesses, the series is definitely worth checking out. Let’s look back on this undeniably flawed, but notable series: Drakengard (2003) PlayStation 2

Remembered for its rich, multilayered plot and chaotically dissonant orchestrated soundtrack, “Drakengard” was released in a time when most Japanese role-playing games focused on a band of plucky heroes journeying to save the world. Rather than follow this tried-andtrue formula, the game decided to turn it on its head. “Drakengard” is set within a wartorn and dying fantasy world where humans are capable of forming pacts with various mythological creatures in exchange for something precious to them. These pacts have the ability

Drakengard 2 (2005) PlayStation 2

to heal both pact partners upon creation. Once a pact is in effect, if one partner dies, the other will die almost immediately afterward. You play as Caim, a bloodthirsty soldier whom you can easily picture cutting down scores of enemies throughout the game. Forced to make a pact after being mortally wounded on the battlefield, he sacrifices his ability to speak in the exchange. His pact partner, an ancient female dragon who was also mortally wounded before Caim discovered her, despises humans and is not afraid to voice her hatred for him. Other notable aspects of the game are your remaining party, which includes a cannibal and a pedophile, and the five ending paths, each more depressing and bizarre than the last. Also worth noting is its nihilistic approach to storytelling. Once the “Drakengard” gods have decided the world is going to end, there is nothing the heroes can do to stop them. As they journey closer to the main villain’s lair, more and more of the world falls to ruin. Killing the villain actually makes things considerably

“Drakengard 2” is considerably less grim than its predecessor, and has a storyline and characters you’d expect to see in the average JRPG. As a result, it is generally regarded to be far less memorable than other entries in the series. Set 18 years after the original game’s “Ending A,” the game centers on Nowe, a teenage boy working under the Knights of the Seal. The Knights were established by his late adoptive father Oror immediately after the first game ended, and they control what is left of the world. Unfortunately, their methods of preventing another war involve suppressing the world’s populace by placing poison-releasing seals in every village. It isn’t long before Nowe defects from the Knights and goes on a journey to destroy the seals. He is joined by Legna, a dragon that raised him when he lived in the wilderness as a child; Manah, a young woman with a troubled past and important ties to the first game; and Urick, a cheerful rogue warrior with secrets. “Drakengard 2” is widely regarded to be the weakest in the series, and for good reason. Part of what made

It Could Be Worse By Joelle Goosen

the original game so memorable was its relentlessly dark and disturbing themes, and while “2” has a strong soundtrack and makes slight improvements to the gameplay, very little separates it from other games in the genre. Aside from a few appearances by Caim and his dragon pact partner, there aren’t many reasons to seek it out. NIER (2010) PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360

Set more than a millenium after the events of the original game’s “Ending E” destroyed our world, “NIER” follows a middle-aged widower (officially named Nier, but the player is free to name him whatever they choose) as he struggles to find a cure for his young daughter’s fatal illness in a post-apocalyptic Earth. Despite receiving average reviews from critics, it is considered to be the best entry in the series by the majority of fans, and is quickly becoming a classic in the gaming community. With its tenuous connections to the original “Drakengard,” “NIER” is a game that can be enjoyed without any knowledge of the rest of the series. “NIER” is mainly an action adventure that plays not unlike later entries in the “Legend of Zelda” series. It frequently switches between genres, such as platformers and bullet hells. There’s even a dungeon that plays out like a text adventure game. Gameplay can feel schizophrenic as

TRIVIA 1. 2013 London Marathon runner Carl Smith set the new Guinness world record for the fastest marathon time dressed as a what? 2. Who tops Forbes’ 2012 highest paid athlete list? 3. Whose life story was the 2013 baseball biopic “42” based on? 4. How many championships have the Dallas Mavericks won? 5. What male entertainer was born Aubrey Graham? 6. What was the name of the character played by Mila Kunis in the 2011 romantic comedy “Friends with Benefits?” 7. Who was the youngest person ever to appear on a Billboard chart? 8. Who won the 11th season of the singing competition “American Idol” in 2012? 9. What company featured Academy Award winning actor Clint Eastwood in its 2013 Super Bowl commercial?

a result, but, unlike “Drakengard,” it mixes things up often enough to stay interesting. Players also have magical spells at their disposal for when things get too hectic, as well as invincible allies. These include Grimoire Weiss, a sarcastic and arrogant living book that also acts as the source of your magic; Kainé, a foul-mouthed, scantily clad young swordswoman; and Emil, a kind, reclusive young boy cursed with ability to turn people to stone upon sight. Every character is likeable and well developed, and their interactions are some of the best parts of the game. The world of “NIER” has grown bleak since society was destroyed so many years ago, and what little is left of humanity is barely surviving in tiny pockets of civilization scattered across the land. The soundtrack was so well received that it led to a number of remix albums being released in Japan, as well as a live concert devoted entirely to music from the game. Even those who panned the game consider the soundtrack to be one of the best ever made. Many gamers will overlook “NIER” because of its lackluster graphics and unpolished gameplay, but it is definitely worth a look if you enjoy games with a strong story and likeable characters. I consider it one of the greatest games to be released in the past decade. Answers 1. Lifeguard 2. Floyd Mayweather Jr. 3. Jackie Robinson 4. One 5. Drake 6. Jamie 7. Blue Ivy Carter 8. Phillip Phillips 9. Chrysler

worse for the heroes. Despite its weak, repetitive gameplay, it has its fans. There are few games like it today.

By Caitlin Piper etc4640@dcccd.edu


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