The Ethel Walker School Curriculum Guide
ARTS OFFERINGS MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCE Required for Grades 6-8 The Middle School Dance program concentrates on the development of technical skills, and the appreciation of the art form. An annual dance performance is included in the yearly activities.
PERFORMANCE FUNDAMENTALS Required for Grades 6-8 The Middle School theatre classes focuses on the fundamentals of dramatic performance. The classes build the necessary skills for character development, scene work, and theatre history.
MIDDLE SCHOOL MUSIC CLASSES & CHORISTERS Required for Grades 6-8 Middle School Music classes meet once per week within grade levels, and once per week as a full Middle School. The grade level class includes singing and choral activities, folk dancing, rhythm training, music theory, musical theatre/theatre exercises, sight singing, and audition preparation. There is continued emphasis on listening and skill development, as well as music appreciation. The full Middle School music meeting is called Choristers. All Middle School students participate in this choral group, which performs in the Holiday and Spring Concerts, as well as all-School Chapels.
PHOTOGRAPHY - DIGITAL IMAGE Open to Grade 7 This course is designed for 7th graders as an introduction to manipulating digital images in creative projects. The course includes collage making, photomosaics, stop motion animation, macro photography, and photo sculptures.