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Gifts to Horizons
Gifts to Horizons at The Ethel Walker School
Anonymous 100 Women Who Can Farmington Valley Allied World Monica Aspianto Aurora Foundation For Women and Girls Je Banach Clarissa and Alan Basch P’15 Shirley Bendza Christopher L. Brigham Caroline A. Calandro ’14 Chloe Carlson Nicola Carter Isabel Ceballos Jessica Ceballos Luisa Ceballos Elizabeth Rockwell Cesare Christopher Chagnon Chadwick Chapman Carol Clark-Flanagan and Thomas M. Flanagan P’93, ’97 Thomas Clynch Comcast Financial Agency Corporation Mary Beth Conley Maribel Corbett Natalie and David Corbett P’21 Dara Dara Harriet Blees Dewey ’60, P’86, GP’21 Karen Diaz Meaike Eastern Connecticut Physician Associates LLC Barbara and Ned W. Edwards GP’07, ’10 Ensworth Charitable Foundation Todd Esson Paula Farley Lauren Fine Mario J. Florez Cheryl Fluker Nadine Foster Ashley and Stephen R. Gaddis P’18 Laurel C. L. Gaddis ’18 Ariel Garcia Pahlevi Garcia Alexandra Grisanti Suzanne Fawbush and Chris Grisanti Ruth Harrison Grobe ’69 Laurie and Robert H. Hine P’16 Tom Holt Horizons National Student Enrichment Program, Inc. Anthony Hulme The Hyatt Family Patricia Jaeger P’16 Katelyn W. Jo ’15 Lauren Johanson Britt-Marie Cole-Johnson and Craig Johnson P’25 Evelyn Johnson Terrell Johnson Mitzi Kogas Jane Kraus Meredith Laban Jennifer and Joseph T. Lardner P’18, ’23 Genevieve and Andrew Lattimer Brigitte Leschhorn Elaine Leshem The Lisa Libraries Shayna Livingston Alexander Lunding Christopher Lunding Olivia Luppino Eliza David Massaro ’92 Cecily Chilton Matthai ’77 Linda and Lawrence Merlin Miguel Miranda Emily Mitchell Radikha and Dennis Morris P’19 The Nellie Mae Education Foundation Bobby Nims Emilee O’Brien ’13 Ann O’Reilly ’80, P’17 Gretchen Orschiedt Keisha S. Palmer P’18 Amy and Neil Paul P’16, ’18 Kim Pereira Nancy Queirolo P’18 Kathleen Quinlan ’16 Maina Rice P’28 Rachel Rivera Robinson + Cole Roger J. Roche, Jr. Katharine O’Brien Rohn ’82 Rebecca Rojano Stacy Rome Anja and Eugene Rosenberg Debra Rosenthal Carol and Martin Ross P’18, ’19 Molly and Thomas Rutledge Ella Samson ’20 Suzanne and David H. Schweitzer P’10, ’19 The Scripps Family Fund for Education and the Arts Christopher Semk Diane and Jerry Sheldon GP’20, ’23 Joan E. Skelley Stephanie D. McCall and Joseph L. Sorkin P’25 Ruth Sovronsky Mahesh Sridharan and Aishwarya Chakravarthy P’27 Jennifer Steadman The Stocker Foundation Beth and Christopher E. Strapp P’18, ’21 Christopher Taylor Debra Taylor Samantha Taylor Kimberly and David Thacker P’24, ’27 Rebecca Vachon Tyler Varsell Carmen and Pedro Vega P’20 Meera Viswanathan and Eric Widmer Nancy Mack von Euler ’79 Matthew Walks Emily R. Wick P’15 William and Alice Mortensen Foundation Dallas Williams Frank P. Williams Kelly and Steve Youngberg P’24