Sundial Summer 2010

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Summer 2010

Wellness at Walker’s

The Magazine of The Ethel Walker School

Campus News

Reunion 2010

21st Century Learning

Commencement 2010

Grandparents’ Day

Take Note

S AV E T H E D AT E S 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1 July 22, 2010 – Fishers Island Reception

January 2011 – Newport Beach, CA Reception

July 27, 2010 – Maine Reception

February 19, 2011 – Junior Family Weekend

July 30, 2010 – Weekapaug, RI Luncheon September 2010 – California September 1, 2010 – US Open September 10, 2010 – First Day of Classes

Summer 2010

February 19, 2011 – EWSPA True Colors Auction Head’s Day – It’s a Surprise! April 8, 2011 – Grandparents’ Day Dogswood Day – It’s a Surprise! June 3, 2011 – Middle School Promotion Ceremony

October 20, 2010 – Boston Area Reception October 29-30, 2010 – Family Weekend

June 5, 2011 – Commencement

November 12, 2010 – New York City Reception November 30, 2010 – Chicago Area Reception December, 2010 – Baltimore Area Reception December 16, 2010 – Holiday Ride

Summer 2011 – Asian Tour September 30 – October 2, 2011 Reunion Weekend for Classes ending in 1 and 6, 2 and 7 will be combined during the Centennial Weekend Centennial Weekend September 30 – October 2, 2011

2010–2011 — Our Yearlong Centennial Celebration As we go on the road to celebrate our Centennial, you will learn about many more special events in your area and on campus. Stay tuned!


PUBLISHED BY The Ethel Walker School 230 Bushy Hill Road, Simsbury, CT 06070 860.658.4467 |


Vivian K. Elba,





Wendy Allerton, Sandra Baker, Kathleen Battiston, Kim Blanchard, Molly Bouffard, Kate Coleman Burns, MaryBeth Conley, Sarah Edson, Andrea Fleming, LeeAnn Harris, Michele Harris, Windy Black Jansen ’03, Joyce McIntyre, McKenzie Rollins, Dr. Sheri Schmidt, Joan Skelley, Dee Stephan, Diane Thomas, Kristen Weldon TAKE NOTE

Kate Coleman-Burns, Michele Harris, Diane Thomas , Kristen Weldon COPY EDITOR


Bethany Altschwager, Eleanor Barnes, Richard Bergen Photography, Kim Blanchard, Vivian Elba, Jill Harrington, Rich Prager, Tom Speers, Kristen Weldon

David J. Castellani P’09

Clive DuVal III P’09

Donya Nagib Sabet ’90





Kathanne Fowler P’12

Glenn A. Sieber P’09

Margot Campbell Bogert ’60




Carla Gregory P’13,

The Development Office The Ethel Walker School 230 Bushy Hill Road, Simsbury, CT 06070 Or submit via email to:




Emma Simon ’89,




Richard W. Maine P’09




Iain Howard-Sorrell P’09

Elizabeth Cromwell Speers P’16



Christopher L. Brigham, Esq.




Deborah Williams MacKenzie ’55




Elizabeth Rockwell Cesare

Letitia McClure Potter ’55, P’85




E. Kaye Cowan ACTON, MA


Brooke Gaffney Redmond ’90 CONCORD, MA


Abigail Trafford ’57


Amanda Pitman ’90 VICE PRESIDENT

Nancy Hathaway Steenburg ’68 SECRETARY

Elizabeth Borland Blodgett ’91 Leander Altifois Dolphin ’96 Mary Lotuff Feeny ’83 Nancy W. Flanagan ’93 Katherine Hypolite ’04 Molly Love ’64


John Johnson Art Direction & Design PRINTING

The Elm Press


Carol Watson, M.D. ’90 PLAINVILLE, CT

Abra Prentice Wilkin ’60 CHICAGO, IL

ALUMNAE BOARD 2010-2011 Emma Simon ’89


Celeste Royall Niarchos ’64 Marisabel Portillo ’99 Deborah N. Rush ’77 Mary Beth Rettger ’81 Catherine Terry Taylor ’79

The Ethel Walker


230 Bushy Hill Road Simsbury, Connecticut 06070 p 860 658 4467 f 860 658 6763 The Ethel Walker School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origins in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletics, and other schooladministered programs.


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bu Lead article in the Colum

Walker’s Girls Build Character… and Houses Service learning is embedded into life at Walker’s both on and off campus. Learn more about how service relates to overall wellness starting on page 26.

IN THIS ISSUE Message from the Head of School


On Campus & Beyond


Strategic Plan: A Vision for the Future



Curriculum at Walker’s — For the 21st Century Learner


Centennial Update


Faculty & Staff News


Wellness at Walker’s


Positive Psychology


A Curriculum Overview


Students Build Homes in Georgia and Texas


Reunion 2010


Commencement 2010


Alumnae News


Walker’s Out and About


Take Note Updates and news from your Walker’s classmates and friends


Supporting Walker’s



28 44 42

On the Cover: The Meaningful Life: Walker’s students traveled to Columbus, GA as volunteers for Habitat for Humanity this spring. Using one’s signature strengths to help others is a key component of wellness as taught across many disciplines at Walker’s. See page 26 for more on Wellness at Walker’s, and page 32 for more on Spring Break builds in Texas and Georgia. COVER PHOTOGRAPHY BY KIM BLANCHARD


Summer 2010 1


A few years ago, I had the good fortune of hearing Dr. Martin Seligman speak about his world-renowned work in the field of Positive Psychology. Seligman founded the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania, one of the best research centers in the world in this field. He suggests that in order to be truly happy and well, we must strive for the “meaningful life.” He contends that the “pleasant life” provides enjoyment, the “good life” provides engagement, and the “meaningful life” provides a sense of belonging to the world around us. In order for our children to create the meaningful life, we must enable them to develop what Seligman refers to as “signature strengths”: wisdom, knowledge, courage, love, justice, temperance, and transcendence. Resiliency is key to achieving our goals. With this generation of quick results, shortened attention spans, and the false promise of easy success, schools, teachers, parents, and educators need to care as much about wellness as about academic success. Academic knowledge without a keen sense of selfawareness about balance, health, and wellness will not sustain us in life. Character, integrity, humility, and confidence are all part and parcel of what we teach at Walker’s. So what exactly is “wellness” at Walker’s? How do we teach resiliency? How do we ensure that our students are developing their own signature strengths? Wellness is not just about fitness, good nutrition, and a great athletic training program, though these are well covered in our curriculum. Wellness at Walker’s is the overarching philosophy of all we do. Wellness for young women informs how we teach, how we coach, how we envision the future, and ultimately how we engage all aspects of our students’ lives within 2 THE SUNDIAL

this community. What does it mean for a young woman to be truly “well” and thrive in our society and the world? Wellness at Walker’s means knowing how to balance your checkbook. It means studying economics, science, math, and Mandarin. Wellness means knowing how to make good choices, learning how to manage stress and adversity, learning how to express oneself clearly and convincingly, verbally and in writing, and it certainly means understanding media literacy in a rapidly changing world. A student at Walker’s must not graduate without walking in Walker’s Woods, learning about trees, looking at the night sky from our observatory, and appreciating how nature is truly an important part of our wellness curriculum. Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder, says we must “put children deliberately in nature’s way.” Louv adeptly discusses “the spiritual necessity of nature for the young.” Our organic garden and Community Farm affiliation afford us the opportunity to empower girls to learn more about where their food comes from. One could argue that the food sustainability movement and environmental stewardship will be critical and complex issues for the next generation to understand, no matter whether our students choose to pursue medicine, art, law, politics, or any other field. At Walker’s we are fortunate to have teachers who adore their disciplines but are equally committed to teaching the whole girl. As we

prepare for our Centennial it is important to own our history as a School and as a society. Through different generations at Walker’s, we were not always as focused on wellness as we needed to be as a school. There were times when all schools tried to “protect” students from the real world and did not understand the importance of providing a robust wellness curriculum. The world is a different place now and requires us to provide our students with reallife learning in a way that will be relevant to the world in which we live. This means that it is completely relevant for athletes, artists, and musicians to understand what role a tomato plant in our organic garden, a fir tree in Walker’s Woods, or a tap bucket on one of Walker’s maple trees plays in the grand scheme of life’s cycles that affect us all. This also means that in order to help our students create their own meaningful lives, we must create a sustained curriculum around service learning, for it is in

MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES giving that we receive. Seligman’s research tells us that we are happier if we are contributing in meaningful ways to something beyond ourselves. I envision an expression of Walker’s commitment to wellness that will transform our interactions together in a way that no other school has accomplished to date. No school has approached wellness as comprehensively as I am convinced Walker’s is approaching it. Walker’s wellness curriculum is fast becoming one that will be recognized as cutting edge for girls across the nation. Through the pages of this magazine, I hope you enjoy a glimpse of the ways in which Walker’s takes wellness seriously. If you have ideas, connections to speakers or experts in related areas, please be in touch with us, as we would love your input. It goes without saying that part of Wellness at Walker’s is paying attention to the bottom line. The Ethel Walker School is well positioned to hit its Centennial year with increased revenues, decreased expenses, and strong fiscal controls in place to meet our budget goals. Your contribution to our Annual Fund this year is greatly appreciated, and your continued commitment of time, talent, and money ensures “wellness” for Walker’s at one of the most exciting moments in our history.

There is the expression, “You’re as good as you feel.” As I conclude my second year as Chair of the Board for your School, I can report the physical wellness of our financial condition is very good. The Walker’s team has carefully managed expenses, and despite a very tough recession we are succeeding in raising funds and in enrollment. Our “vital signs” are healthy and trending in the right direction. At Reunion Weekend there was a palpable sense of pride and perhaps some surprise over the gathering momentum. You could feel that there was something different in the air that was creating a renewal of excitement and energy. Reflecting on this moment was a source of immense gratification for me as the hard work of so many over some Dave Castellani, left, celebrates English teacher Roger Cantello’s 10th year of service difficult years has created a positive tipping point which I believe will sustain to Walker’s alongside Bessie Speers the School in the coming years. I acknowledge that there may be some “Doubting Thomases” among our family, but this is to be expected. A close examination of the timeline of the School would reveal many moments of instability, and at times, moments of desperation. These memories are difficult to shake and over long periods of time result in a hesitation to believe that there is a different trajectory the School is following. Most of us would acknowledge that our frame of mind is as important to wellness as the physical aspects of our existence. The facts are present to support the feeling that Walker’s is on the move, such as achieving a balanced budget, material increases in fundraising, an increase in numbers of new donors, record attendance at class reunions, students matriculating to colleges of high standing, athletic excellence, and acknowledgment from peer schools that Walker’s is a revitalized force in independent education. Communication is always important, so I invite you to engage Bessie, the Trustees or me in a discussion on our results, our strategies, and your ideas as to what we can do to capitalize on our momentum. I thank you for your support and care, which have created the wellness we now all enjoy.

Elizabeth C. Speers HEAD OF SCHOOL


Summer 2010 3


Walker’s New Strategic Plan: A Vision for the Future


trong independent schools create Strategic Plans that become living, breathing documents. A dedicated Walker’s team has created a new Strategic Plan for the School, which has already helped sound planning amidst a changing economy, evolving technologies, societal forces and globalization. Work on Walker’s Strategic Plan began in 2008, when a Steering Committee composed of Trustees, administrators, parents, and faculty was formed to determine key focus areas and priorities. Additional input was sought throughout the process from faculty, students, parents and alumnae. Trustees and Co-Chairs of the Planning Committee Debby Williams MacKenzie ’55 and Glenn Sieber P’09 have played key roles in the formation of Walker’s Plan. The final Plan, a result of hours of collaboration and hard work among committee members, will be shared with the entire community in the fall of 2010. Dean Wendy Allerton is overseeing the implementation of the Plan on campus, while Assistant Head Stephen Dunn and Director of Marketing & Communications Vivian Elba will create the document that will be shared with you in the fall. We asked Debby, Wendy, and Glenn, along with Head of School Bessie Speers, to share a few thoughts on the process and the insight they have gained from this meaningful endeavor. Q: Why is the opportunity to formulate a new Strategic Plan both meaningful and essential?

ECS (Bessie Speers): As a new Head begins at a school, this process enables us all a chance to create, reconfirm, and recommit to a bold vision and the School’s future. It is time for Walker’s to take pride in its distinguished history and build upon the superb programs we offer. I believe Walker’s Strategic Plan will ensure our success as a leader in girls’ education, position us as a private school with a public purpose, and empower our students to serve their communities and the world in positive ways. The power of a Strategic Plan lies in its ability to galvanize a community to believe passionately in the story of our future and to recognize the impact we can have at this moment in time. DM: Walker’s has always been a nationally and internationally recognized school. However, in comparison with other schools, our facilities (residential and athletic) are dated, no longer serve our program, and need attention. It is a remarkable moment for Walker’s as we reach our Centennial, and it is time to raise our sights in order to fortify the next one hundred years as a top girls’ school. 4 THE SUNDIAL

Q: What are some of the key issues Walker’s Strategic Plan addresses?

DM: Walker’s Strategic Plan addresses the overarching commitment to continue to prepare young women for life through innovative teaching, curriculum advancement and enhancement of the School’s resources. You will see that the Plan is quite detailed and broken out into twelve main sections ranging from Academic Scholarship for the Debby Williams 21st Century, to Technology, to MacKenzie ’55 Fiscal Operations and more. GS: Simply put, a strategic plan helps an organization determine where it is going over the next three to five years and how it is going to get there. We wanted Walker’s Plan to be school-wide and not just focused on a few select functions or departments. Accordingly, we set about the process by first defining the mission and the vision for the School as a whole. Then we: Glenn Sieber P’09 a) analyzed and tried to understand the School’s strengths and weaknesses in the current environment; b) defined what overall accomplishments (or goals) we thought should be achieved given the context of our mission, vision and current environment; and, finally, c) carefully laid out how our strategic goals will be accomplished. We set about defining our goals to be specific, measurable, and realistic. Q: What are some details of the Plan?

ECS: There is a great deal of “meat” to this Strategic Plan; by this I mean concrete specificity that has germinated from meaningful and passionate conversations within the community. For instance, under Environmental Stewardship we are committed to engaging our students in the operation of Walker’s very own water company as well as teaching them how to tap our maple trees for syrup. In Technology, we commit to progress by creating a cadre of student experts to provide support to faculty and staff. Within our Endowment section, it is very exciting to identify opportunities through creating a robust Planned Giving program and Centennial Campaign. Our Curricular goals specify a commitment to leadership, social justice, and global education, and I love knowing that not only are we doing well in these

Q: When was Walker’s last Strategic Plan adopted?

ECS: When I arrived in 2007 the Board and Head decided to refresh the School’s 2001 Strategic Plan. What resulted was really a new Strategic Plan that the Board approved in November of 2009. Q: Is there a time frame for implementing the Plan?

WA: Our tracking mechanism measures progress over the short term (action steps completed already) and the long term (through the coming two years or to be worked on indefinitely). We hope that no action item will be left unaddressed and that three years from now, we will be working from a new set of plans. DM: The plan is a dynamic one, so it can be adjusted as we assess the School’s future needs for new programming, buildings and faculty support. GS: Notice that we entitled this plan a “Strategic Plan,” and not a “Long Range Plan.” We did that for a reason. Most strategic plans (especially for not-forprofit and educational institutions) are hesitant to look beyond a three to five year horizon because too many of the assumptions made in the plan are no longer valid beyond that timeframe. We adhered to that philosophy. Accordingly, this Strategic Plan is thoughtful, comprehensive, realistic and well timed, but not too forward looking so that our goals become obsolete or we cannot measure our progress against those goals. However, even with our relatively short time horizon, we still expect to revisit the Plan at least on an annual basis to make sure all of our assumptions and aspirations remain appropriate.

we do it?” and “How do we excel at doing it?” at the forefront of each and every discussion and decision. Q: How will results be measured? What is the process?

WA: We have developed a progress tracking mechanism that breaks the Plan down into its main components and prescribes action steps associated with each one. Through conversations with members of the community who are accountable for the different parts of the Plan, progress is tracked and will be presented to the community and the Board at regular intervals starting with FY 2010-2011. Q: How will unanticipated economic and societal changes affect the execution of the Plan?

DM: The Plan should reflect the long-term vision of the Board and Head of School, which will certainly be calibrated to respond to market forces. GS: Part of the reason we will revisit the Plan on an annual basis is to make sure our goals, assumptions and previous strategic environmental analysis are still applicable in the context of such changes. We will likely need to make some modifications over the coming years. The Plan is not intended to be “set in concrete” once it has been approved by the Board. Instead, it is a living document that will evolve and grow on a regular basis.

Walker’s Strategic Plan addresses the overarching commitment to continue to prepare young women for life through innovative teaching, curriculum advancement and enhancement of the School’s resources.

Q: What is the Board of Trustees’ perspective on the Plan?

DM: The Board has unanimously endorsed the Plan. We have left it in the hands of staff and administration to collate the facts and concisely script them for our use. GS: We believe the Plan is critical to the future vitality and viability of Walker’s. It is our way of making sure each and every member the community (including the Board of Trustees) is focused on ensuring the School’s future success. It enables the School and the Board to keep the questions of “What do we do?” “For whom do

Q: How does Walker’s Plan compare to those of other organizations?

GS: I believe our Plan is both comprehensive and ambitious. I also believe we have done a good job of making it specific, realistic and measurable. So ours is not significantly different from the plans of larger enterprises. In fact, in some regards, for example the level of specificity of our goals and objectives, I believe ours is superior to other plans I have seen. Q: What has been the most challenging part of the process for you?

DM: The process included much revision and we were not always face-to-face with the entire body of participants. GS: Trying to temper my more “rigid and pedantic” business approach to the development of the strategic plan to the more “flexible and fluid” approach of my colleagues from academia. Walker’s Strategic Plan will be mailed to School constituents in the fall of 2010.

Summer 2010 5


areas now, but our faculty is committed to reaching further. We are one year through a curriculum mapping exercise that will inspire more interdisciplinary teaching and learning. These are but a few examples of the exciting vision and promises within the Plan.


Environmental Think Tank Attracts Educators Nationwide Educators from both public and independent schools as well as universities and state organizations gathered at Walker’s in April for a full day Think Tank, “Beyond Environmental Initiatives: Partnerships, Innovation & Momentum.” The event was sponsored by Walker’s and the National Coalition of Girls’ Schools (NCGS) and inspired like-minded collaboration during a day of workshops focused on riding the next wave of sustainability education beyond the initiatives already in place at most schools. Jill Harrington and Carol ClarkFlanagan, Walker’s Environmental Studies teachers, worked with speakers to design the day’s curriculum, while Walker’s Director of Marketing & Communications, Vivian Elba, used not only NCGS resources to spread the word about the event, but those of the National, Connecticut and New York State Associations of Independent Schools, the Green Schools Alliance, innumerable list servs, and contact with public school administrators region-wide. Attendees from as far as Washington state and New Orleans shared a wide range of ideas via workshop sessions (see below) and in focused conversation throughout the day, as well as at dinner the evening before at Hartford’s Firebox Restaurant, the showcase, farm-to-table restaurant of Billings Forge Community Works, a partner with Walker’s in the founding of The Community Farm of Simsbury. Walker’s alumna Brooke Redmond ’90 was the event’s keynote speaker, sharing her insights on sustainability garnered from her work as Executive Director of The Farm-Based Education Association.

Arts faculty and garden coordinator Grace Epstein leads a tour of Walker’s organic garden

Walker’s has committed to forward-thinking, student-driven change in sustainability efforts. Many of the conservation efforts instituted on campus have been driven by students through their work in Environmental Studies and via a campus-wide focus on the environment. During the upcoming Centennial Celebration, a larger-scale Environmental Symposium is planned, which will bring together leaders from throughout the nation to inspire and expand upon the critical mission to conserve our resources.

T H I N K TA N K W O R K S H O P S E S S I O N S Third Party Alliances: Schools, Non-Profits and Municipalities Cultivating Dynamic Partnerships for Education, the Economy, and a Sustainable Environment Student-Driven Change; Authentic Collaboration Green Schools Alliance — Uniting School Communities to Take Action on Climate Change Creating a Plan for an Outdoor Classroom The School Campus and “A Sense of Place” Create and Sustain an Organic Garden on Campus

Jill Harrington and Carol Clark-Flanagan kick off the Think Tank in the day’s first session


Student Environmental Task Force

Jaclyn Reis ’11 is a passionate student artist specializing in equestrian art. Her recent portrait of Bud, one of her own horses, was featured on the cover of the Hartford Courant’s iTowns section in April. Jackie plans to major in visual arts in college, and the newspaper cover, along with wins at local art competitions, has made an impressive addition to her portfolio.

Empty Bowls, Art Appreciation Day Year Four Walker’s once again hosted its fourth annual Empty Bowls dinner, with students, faculty, parents, alumnae and friends of the School pitching in on the pottery wheel and glazing palette to produce hundreds of handcrafted bowls which were offered for sale at the dinner in April. Proceeds from this annual event benefit the Manna Food Pantry and the Connecticut Humane Society.

While Walker’s sophomores, juniors and seniors enjoyed field trips to museums such as The Frick Collection and American Folk Art Museum in New York, The Yale Art Gallery and British Museum in New Haven, and The Wadsworth Atheneum and Mark Twain House in Hartford, freshmen enjoyed April’s Art Appreciation Day in a completely hands-on, on-campus manner. Visual and performing arts workshops included Cirque de Walker’s with Dic Wheeler, a fun and creative program focusing on circus arts; Outdoor Sculpture with local sculptor Brad MacDougal; Shadow Theater with Anne Cubberly, a visual artist who has been artist in residence at the Wadsworth; and Puppet Jam with Paula Billups, in which students created colorful and creative puppets in the School’s airy art studio. Whether on campus or off, Walker’s commitment to the arts is pervasive, via art displays in Abra’s Dining Room, community efforts for the Empty Bowls fundraiser, or within the portfolios of students applying as art majors at their top-choice colleges.

Summer 2010 7


Student Artwork Makes the Cover!



Rebecca Lobo, UCONN and WNBA Champion and ESPN commentator, and the Varsity Basketball team

Dr. Victor Denoble, tobacco industry “Whistle-blower”

This year, Walker’s welcomed a wide range of speakers to campus, who addressed groups of students and faculty both large and small, sharing their accomplishments, adventures and challenges. This concerted effort to “bring the world to Walker’s” enhances students’ on campus experience and allows them to learn from diverse viewpoints from many walks of life.

Urche Gurung, Director, House of Friendship, Nepal

Dr. Pamela Reid, President, St. Joseph’s College

Dr. Robert Bowman, Eisenhower Medal Recipient, Director, Department of Defense Star Wars Program for Ford and Carter administrations, and progressive populist organizer

Dr. Mariana Chilton, anti-hunger advocate


Caroline “Docey” Lewis ’67, philanthropist and renowned textile designer, second from left, with her classmates Diane “Dia” Wasley Chigas, Judith Scott Larsen and Barbara “Bobbie” Bristol Kinnell

The Middle School Service Club continues its efforts to raise funds to build a health clinic in impoverished Bawa, a region of Cameroon, Africa. So far, close to $1,000 has been raised. This winter, adult members of the community participated in a “coffee cupping” to select which free-trade coffee would be sold for Club fundraising efforts. The coffee cupping experience

Middle School Leaders 2010-2011 The recently renamed “Little 4,” left to right: President Greer Davis ’15, Secretary Haley Callahan ’15, Treasurer Talia Basch ’15, Vice President Ella Ross ’15

Students Receive Awards CONNECTICUT ORGANIZATION OF LANGUAGE TEACHERS ANNUAL POETRY CONTEST Participants and Medalists Ancient Greek — Darcy Hughes ’14 (silver medal) Chinese — Annika Geno ’14, Amanda Lee ’13, Alexandria Lee ’11, Monet Clarke ’12, Guan Wang ’11 French — Nellie Speers ’16 (bronze medal), Tenley Brainard ’14, Emily Sawicki ’11 Italian — Lian Nicholson ’16 (bronze medal), Jillian Davey ’14 (gold medal), Margi Alvarez ’10 Latin — Mary Kelley ’16, Kate Richardson ’14 (silver medal), Hannah Jones ’13 Spanish — Emily Cole ’15, Wyntergrace Williams ’13, Hillary Susca-Lopata ’11, Shanell Percy ’10 (silver medal), Charlotte Jones ’10 (silver medal), Margi Alvarez ’10, Tuli Farley ’13 (bronze medal) AMERICAN MATH COMPETITION Xinyun Zhu ’11 participated in the American Math Competition (AMC) and scored high enough to qualify to compete in the prestigious American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME)

ARTS COMPETITION Alexandria Lee ’11 placed first, Jaclyn Reis ’11 placed second in their age category at the East Granby Library Art Show. NATIONAL LATIN EXAM Participants and Medalists Introduction to Latin — Certificate of Achievement: Solana Snow, Madelaine Schuler, Emily Cole Latin 1 — Gold Summa Cum Laude: Katherine Richardson Magna Cum Laude: Virginia Bruns Cum Laude: Haley Glofka, Darcy Hughes, Parris Bell Latin 2 — Cum Laude: Sloane Churchill Latin 3 — Gold Summa Cum Laude: Monet Clarke Silver Maxima Cum Laude: Rebecca Bruehlman, Abigail Demke Cum Laude: Isabel Wai Latin 1 — Poetry Magna Cum Laude: Samantha Lepore

Summer 2010 9


BAWA Update


Curriculum at Walker’s — For the 21st Century Learner W

hile many schools, in particular public schools, are facing economic challenges that have led them to reduce curricular offerings to their students, at Walker’s we have made a concerted effort to add curriculum in response to the changing needs of our students, in light of today’s technology, today’s workplace, and today’s world. As the 2010-11 school year approaches, the following curricular additions and modifications have been incorporated with input from faculty, students and parents, as well as administrative research into the coursework today’s students will benefit from as they continue their studies in college and beyond.


MIDDLE SCHOOL We have always been proud of our Middle School curriculum, but the next academic year will see some changes which allow for both customization in terms of a student’s skill levels as well as flexibility and an improved approach to ensuring that students are prepared for Upper School. To that end, we are creating a “looping” curriculum in the Science, History and English classes that will allow for better placement for our students in Math and Foreign Language, as these are the two areas in which students joining Walker’s from other schools have shown the most heterogeneity. In grades 6 and 7, students will enjoy their history curriculum via Ancient Cultures and Modern Cultures, and each class will be composed of both 6th and 7th graders, dependent upon the grade level at which they join Walker’s. All 8th graders will continue to take US History, and our Washington D.C. field trip will remain a keystone of the Middle School program. This same forward-thinking looping approach will be implemented in Science, with alternating year courses for 6th and 7th graders in Ecology and Human Biology. All 8th graders will continue on with Earth Science. The courses in History and Science will preserve what we love most about our current program but will increase the students’ focus on skill development to better ensure success in 8th grade and in Upper School. The choice of novels in English will mirror the curriculum we offer in Ancient and Modern Cultures.

UPPER SCHOOL New course offerings for the 2010-2011 academic year will complement an already broad curriculum and provide new options for our Upper School Students.

New Curriculum Offerings 2010-2011 MATH DEPARTMENT AP Statistics Introduction to Computer Science HISTORY DEPARTMENT AP Economics Inequality in the United States ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Paradise and the Image of the Garden American Studies ART DEPARTMENT Introduction to Sculptural Techniques LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT Advanced Mandarin Chinese Ancient Greek AP Spanish Literature

More detailed information can be found in our Curriculum Guide, which is available as a download on our website. (The availability of all courses at Walker’s is dependent upon enrollment figures, as at all schools.) We are delighted to continue to expand our offerings. One of the many benefits of an independent school is its agility in terms of responding to the needs of students. In a smaller community, the research required prior to curricular adjustment can be conducted nimbly so that effective change is made within an efficient time frame. We look forward to the implementation of these approaches by our talented faculty beginning in September 2010.

Summer 2010 11


Our English curriculum will evolve in other ways, too. Two days a week, English classes will be referred to as “Literature Circle,” based on Nancy Atwell’s work In the Middle: New Understandings about Writing, Reading and Learning, where focus is placed on the “workshop classroom.” Students will build skill in reading comprehension and analysis through questions and discussion. One day a week, English curriculum will involve a writing lab. Eighth grade English will transition to mirror the curriculum in US History and adopt this same Literature Circle and Writing Lab combination. Math will still be offered at the Foundations, PreAlgebra and Algebra 1 levels — with honors and regular options if numbers allow — but no longer will a student be expected to enroll in a given class based solely on her grade level. Placement tests will be administered to all new students and recommendations for returning students will be made to ensure they are placed in the appropriate level. Wellness, Dance, Choristers and Art will remain as currently structured, and we will re-introduce Skills instead of Wellness for our 6th-grade students. This class, which meets once a week, will focus on building skills needed to succeed in an independent, projectbased environment. How to study for an open-ended assessment, how to prepare for a presentation and how to collaborate with others will all be important parts of the study skills course. We have preserved the heart of our already strong curriculum while at the same time opening up more options for appropriate placement of our students.


The Middle School Choristers

Middle School Night of



Each spring the Middle School celebrates a year of excellence in academics and the arts with a special evening showcasing student accomplishments.

The Centennial Story On October 1, 2011, the School will release a commemorative book about the people and events that over the past century have made Walker’s such a unique and meaningful educational establishment. To ensure this is a publication of the highest quality, Walker’s has commissioned author George Brown, son of alumna Marian Morton Brown ’44, and his company Timelines to create this important piece.

Do you have memorabilia related to your time at Walker’s tucked away in a box, closet, file or

Alumnae who share photographs or Since last November, Brown has keepsakes that are featured in the been conducting research and desk drawer? anniversary publication will be collecting memorabilia to make acknowledged in the book’s credits. our book a one-of-a-kind. He is If you have items to share, please also collecting oral histories from contact The Alumnae Office at 860many Walker’s alumnae in order to 658-4467, or email elicit memories and anecdotes to be included in the Additionally, please feel free to contact George Brown publication. At Reunion 2010, many attendees spent at 303-808-6511 or via email at time with the author, sharing recollections and Thank you in advance for supporting this impressions to be included in The Centennial Story. important and historic endeavor. We’re looking for any and all items, including photographs, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, trophies, Sun and Dial memorabilia, etc. Anything and ! everything Walker’s-related will be considered for A one hundred-year anniversary is a possible inclusion in the book and also as valuable once-in-a-lifetime event. additions to our Elizabeth Nash Muench Archive Room. Items that are loaned can be scanned or photographed.


An Invitation for Alumnae Authors and Artists

To celebrate Walker’s commitment to literature and the arts, beginning in fall 2010 we will be featuring a Centennial Alumnae Authors’ and Artists’ Gallery both on campus in our Gallery and online in a virtual gallery. On Friday, September 30, 2011, during Centennial Weekend, we will host a special Alumnae Artists and Authors event on campus 2D and 3D art, including paintings, prints, jewelry, pottery, textiles, performance art, film, works of non-fiction and fiction…all are most welcomed. To submit your work either virtually or in hard copy, please contact Deborah Altschwager (art) at, or Priscilla Jackson (literature) at If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Altschwager or Ms. Jackson via telephone as well, at 860-658-4467. Thank you!

Summer 2010 13





The Book!


alker’s faculty, parent and alumnae communities, both near and far, will be participating in an All-School Read during our Centennial year. Virtual book groups moderated by Walker’s English faculty will be formed via Skype, book discussions will be held on campus, and blogs will be created to enable everyone to weigh in on this remarkable book. The book selected is Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and his wife, Sheryl WuDunn, a former Times reporter, share remarkable stories to help us see that the key to economic progress lies in unleashing women’s potential. They make clear how so many people have helped to do just that, and how we can each do our part. Throughout much of the world, the greatest unexploited economic resource is the female half of the population. We look forward to sharing insights and impressions via this meaningful event. “Opens our eyes to an enormous humanitarian issue.” —Washington Post 10 Best Books of the Year “Vitally important…Heartbreaking, galvanizing, and unforgettable.” —Publishers Weekly Top 100 Books of 2009 “Half the Sky is a call to arms, a call for help, a call for contributions, but also a call for volunteers. It asks us to open our eyes to this enormous humanitarian issue. It does so with exquisitely crafted prose and sensationally interesting material…I really do think this is one of the most important books I have ever reviewed.” —Carolyn See, The Washington Post

Logo Contest Update!

“Passionate yet practical…[Half the Sky] is both stirring and sensible…This wonderful book combines a denunciation of horrible abuses with clear-eyed hope and some compelling practical strategies. The courageous women described here, and millions more like them, deserve nothing less.” —Martha Nussbaum, The New York Times

Our Centennial Logo Contest generated some beautiful and creative entries which will be featured on Centennial-related pieces that will arrive in mailboxes over the next year. Opposite, just a few of the thoughtful submissions!

“I read Half the Sky in one sitting, staying up until 3 a.m. to do so. It is brilliant and inspirational, and I want to shout about it from the rooftops and mountains. It vividly illustrates how women have turned despair into prosperity and bravely nurtured hope to cultivate a bright future. The book ends with an especially compelling ‘What you can do’ to exhort us all to action.” —Greg Mortenson, author, Three Cups of Tea “Stunning…[Half the Sky] belongs on the ‘must-read’ list because it offers perspective, insight, and clear-eyed optimism for why and how each of us can and should meet one of the great moral and humanitarian challenges of our times.” —Bill Gates, Sr., The Huffington Post source: 14 THE SUNDIAL

1] Kimberly Overtree, Math faculty 2] Jaclyn Reis ’11 3] Caroline Olesh ’15 4] Elizabeth Nash Muench ’55

Thank you to everyone who put their creativity to work!

Walker’s yearlong Centennial Celebration is deep in the planning stages, thanks to vibrant and creative teams of alumnae, faculty, staff, parents and students. Please refer often to our Centennial website, centennial, for frequent updates. Coming this fall, a visual timeline of Walker’s history throughout the decades!



LEE-ANN HARRIS, Centennial Coordinator “Our faculty, students, parents, alumnae, and friends have supported this institution for one hundred years. Celebrating our Centennial recognizes all the contributions made by the many members of the Ethel Walker community. I hope that on Centennial weekend the campus is overflowing with people who continue to care about our School.”


Centennial Update

DARRELL CARRINGTON, Chair, Beaver Brook Committee “I am honored to be Chair of the Beaver Brook Centennial Committee, where I am working with a number of terrific veteran faculty members who love the School and have given so much to it. We are very excited about our upcoming Centennial celebration and look forward to a wonderful event.”


4 Summer 2010 15

Spring Concert


Middle School Play “Robin Hood”

On the


Winter Play “All in the Timing”

Upper School Musical “Illyria” ON CAMPUS & BEYOND


Dance Concert

Summer 2010 17





Day 2010 W

alker’s hosted its first annual Grandparents’ Day this April with great success. Over 70 grandparents from near and far made the trip to visit their granddaughters on campus. They sat in on classes, attended a traditional Morning Meeting in the Chapel, shared lunch with their granddaughters in Abra’s Dining Room and spent time with faculty and other students while enjoying an afternoon tea in the Beaver Brook Living Room. Students displayed proud smiles as they toured their grandparents around campus, walking them through their daily routines. Grandparents wore proud smiles too, and were genuinely interested in the curriculum and technology available to their granddaughters. Many grandparents remarked throughout the course of the day about how impressed they are with the passion with which our faculty engage students. All the students were spirited and lively, and showed their grandparents they truly are a part of the Walker’s family. We can’t wait till next year’s Grandparents’ Day;

mark your calendars for April 8, 2011!

Summer 2010 19



Dogswood Day The Suns were the day’s victors and saw their flag raised to the top of the flagpole. Hooray Sunray!


Thank you to EWSPA volunteers for the Carnival!

Even Hoops, donated to Walker’s by Dr. Walter Frederick in honor of his daughter Dana Frederick ’89, got into the spirit of Dogswood Day!

The 2010-2011 Co-Heads of Suns and Dials – Savannah Alvarado ’11 and Jaclyn Reis ’11

Summer 2010 21


E Q U E S T R I A N U P D AT E Veronica Bagundes ’10, Victoria Zawadzki ’10 and Samantha Eley ’11 to Southern Pines, NC to work, train and ride at Lauren and David O’Brien’s farm, where alumna Britta Holum ’09 is a resident working student. There, girls had the pleasure of visiting with Betsy Rainoff ’53, Betsy van Gemeren ’78, and her daughters Emily ’07 and Ellie ’09.

Nancy Vinal ’10 and Anique at Wellington Captains Nancy Vinal ’10, Colby Eisen ’10 and Annie Lufkin ’10 along with teammates Ramsay Hanson ’10, Mollie Roth ’10, Katherine L’Heureux ’10, Julia Fowler ’12, Kelsey Bayley ’11, and Helen Clement ’13 traveled on weekends from January through March to show under the sun in Wellington, FL. All team members were successful in their respective divisions and many ribbons were won in the Hunters, Jumpers and Equitation under the guidance of trainers Linda Langmeier, Joanna Holdredge ’99, and Kristy McCormack. Trainer McKenzie Rollins traveled with Elizabeth Aboody ’10,

Elizabeth Aboody competed on the weekends in order to achieve her goal of qualifying for the CCI, which she did with her fourth clear cross-country run at MCTA Horse Trials, in Cockeysville, MD, finishing sixth out of 17. She went on to her first one star competition at the Virginia Three-Day Event in Lexington, VA where she finished fourth out of 17 starters on her horse Legend VII. Both the Middle and Upper School Interscholastic Teams qualified for regionals and had a fantastic showing at StoneleighBurnham in Greenfield, MA, ensuring a place for both teams at Zone Finals at Mt. Holyoke College. The Upper School team’s showmanship led to a third-place finish and qualified them for a spot at National Finals at the Georgia International Horse Park, Conyers, GA, where the 1996 Olympics were held. Qualifiers

Walker’s IEA National Qualifiers with trainer McKenzie Rollins and Director of Riding Kathleen Battiston


Elizabeth Greenberg ’10, Laura Chotkowski ’10, Casey Brottman ’12, Allison Harris ’13, Hannah Meehan ’13 and Kate Hamel ’12 made the trip with McKenzie Rollins to represent the Ethel Walker IEA team. All of the girls competed beautifully, with Hannah Meehan finishing third, Casey Brottman fourth, and Elizabeth Greenberg first in their respective divisions. As a result of these strong performances, the team finished fifth overall out of 19 teams from across the country. Kelsey Bayley ’11 traveled to Puerto Rico to compete in the FEI World Jumping Challenge Category A. After four challenging rounds, Kelsey placed third, qualifying her to compete in the Youth Olympics to be held in Singapore this August. Both Nancy Vinal and Julia Fowler moved up to the High Junior Jumpers at the Old Salem Show (fence height 4'6" – 4'9"). Nancy Vinal’s round qualified her for Young Riders in Kentucky this summer. Nancy and Julia also competed at Devon Horse Show in Devon, PA with Nancy placing fifth in the USEF Talent Search Section A, and Julia Fowler sixth in Section B.

Walker’s Eventing team with Betsy van Gemeren ’78, P’07, ’09, Elenor van Gemeren ’09, trainers McKenzie Rollins and Jenny Goebel, and Kathleen Battiston at Southern Pines


ATHLETICS UPDATE LACROSSE finished the season at 10-8 with wins against Miss Porter’s (Coach Stephan’s 100th career win) and Kingswood-Oxford and close competition vs. Choate and Westminster. Alexis Stephan ’10 was selected to play in US Lacrosse Senior All-Star games as one of the top 80 players from last year’s National Tournament. Ashleigh Stephan ’11 was selected to play in US Lacrosse National Tournament for third year in a row, first Walker’s player to ever achieve this goal. The team graduated four seniors in 2010 with a strong base left to carry on. SOFTBALL finished second in Western New England, hosting final game at home vs. Berkshire. Excellent season under Coach John Monagan including defeat of Founders League opponent Kingswood-Oxford. Caroline Kieltyka ’10 and Lena Springer ’13 named All New England. TENNIS, under Coach Cheryl Stone, finished the season at 5- 6. The rejuvenated team saw marked improvement over previous years and a new dedication to the sport. First win of the season against Hamden Hall, followed by four Hamden Hall tie-breakers! GOLF Strong year for the team under Coach Darrell Carrington’s watch, with a season record of 10-5-1, a third place finish in the Founders League Tournament, fifth in the Pippy O’Connor, and individual wins over competitive schools such as Westover, Miss Porter’s and Hotchkiss. Alexandria Lee ’11 proved a consistent individual medalist with Ryan Rosenstock ’11, Chelsea Regan ’13 and Amanda Lee ’13 performing well in their matches.

Softball Heads South for Pre-Season Walker’s softball players traveled to Orlando, FL during spring break to take part in early season games at the Wide World of Sports Complex at Disney World. While the program provided the girls with plenty of practice time, the team also had the opportunity to compete against schools from Texas, North Carolina and Tennessee. The trip prepared the girls for a winning season in which they dominated all the way to their division tournament final, where they fell to Berkshire, 7-1. Summer 2010 23


Faculty and Staff Service Awards On May 13, 15 members of Walker’s faculty and staff were recognized for their years of dedication to the School at a reception at the Head’s House. Our appreciation and congratulations to: Deborah Altschwager, Visual Arts

5 years

Grace Epstein, Visual Arts

5 years

Michael Galvin, Engineering

5 years

Julie Greshin, Science

5 years

Greg Jandreau, Comptroller

5 years

Kim Overtree, Math

5 years

Ken Poppe, History

5 years

Dee Stephan, Athletics

5 years

Vivienne Walker, Environmental Services

5 years

Roger Cantello, English

10 years

Kim Blanchard, Dean of Students Office

15 years

Elizabeth Sabaitis, Riding

15 years

Maureen Fiedler, Middle School

20 years

Carol Clark-Flanagan, History

20 years

Willis March, Engineering

30 years

Meg Mahoney celebrates Carol Clark-Flanagan’s 20th year at Walker’s

Maureen Fiedler is congratulated by Laura Hicks

Kim Blanchard and her daughter, Kelley ’06


Bill Dresser and Willie March, right, who has been at Walker’s for 30 years!

We Welcome "



Laura Whiteman ’81, Director of Alumnae Relations

Abby Burbank, Director of Athletics Abby Burbank joins Walker’s this summer as Director of Athletics, coming to the School with an impressive background in coaching. Most recently, she was head coach of women’s lacrosse at Skidmore College, and has also served as lacrosse coach at the University of Denver and Plymouth College, where she also was head field hockey coach. Abby’s breadth of experience includes instructor positions in adventure courses, backpacking, canoeing, tennis, swimming and weight training, and she has been Assistant Director for a summer camp in Maine, from where she hails. Abby holds a bachelor’s degree from Williams College and a master’s in Exercise and Sports Studies from Smith College. Off the field or court, Abby has experience in fund-raising, scheduling, budget management, and recruitment. She is on the Board of Governors of the US Lacrosse Women’s Division and a rated umpire in field hockey. We look forward to welcoming Abby to campus in July.

Laura joins Walker’s Development Office in July as Director of Alumnae Relations. She has corporate experience in publishing, marketing and public relations, and lived in London and Paris for 18 years before returning to Hobe Sound, FL in 2003. Laura graduated from Bucknell University with a bachelor’s degree in Art History and English and holds a master’s degree in Communications from the European University in Clamart, France. Laura is a Sun, but admits that some of her very best friends are Dials.

Margy Foulk, Director of Admission Margy joins the Walker’s community this summer as Director of Admission. She has worked in enrollment at a wide variety of schools, including Cheshire Academy, Champlain College and Chase Collegiate School, and was a “lifer” (kindergarten through graduation) at Germantown Friends School in Pennsylvania. Margy received her bachelor’s degree in History from Williams College and her juris doctorate from UCONN’s School of Law, where she was associate editor of the UCONN Law Review. Her two children grew up in West Hartford and attended independent schools in the area, providing Margy with valuable insight into the marketplace. For Margy, admissions work is all about strategic relationships and introducing each family to the many options and benefits that a Walker’s education offers. Under her direction, the Admission Office will continue to actively recruit the best and the brightest young women through a personal, inclusive, and sophisticated, data-driven process. Clarity of message (telling the stories about who we are and what we offer) and interpersonal connections (listening carefully to a family’s interests and matching them with the School’s mission) are the keys to successful enrollment management. As the gatekeepers, Margy and her team will work to attract girls who have the potential to contribute to and excel at Walker’s.

Summer 2010 25



directs much of what we do at Walker’s. From forming lasting friendships to making contributions to the greater good, the tenets of Martin Seligman’s Positive Psychology* and social and emotional learning concepts are woven throughout our curriculum and our daily interactions as a community. In the context of the Positive Psychology framework, a happy life, full of challenges that provide a sense of purpose and commitment to the greater good, is a key to a strong sense of well-being. Satisfaction with life involves a careful balance of fulfillment, challenge, a connection to others, and a commitment to service.

Curriculum based on the principles of Positive Psychology helps girls build a toolbox of cognitive and emotional skills that will help them develop the resilience and flexibility needed to succeed in the 21st century. Positive Psychology is often referred to as the “psychology of the 21st century,” and seeks to understand and encourage factors that allow individuals, communities, and societies to flourish, to build resilience to withstand inevitable adversity, and to make sense and find meaning in our experience. At Walker’s, a strong and balanced wellness curriculum is necessary to assist girls along this path, and it exists within a framework of the many Positive Psychology tenets they will experience on campus.

Positive Psychology Positive Psychology is a recent branch of psychology whose purpose was summed up in 2000 by psychology researchers Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, who stated, “We believe that a psychology of positive human functioning will arise that achieves a scientific understanding and effective interventions to build thriving in individuals, families, and communities.” When Seligman introduced the term to fellow psychologists, he urged them to continue earlier missions of psychology of nurturing talent and improving normal life, rather than focusing only on negative psychological labels and experiences. Researchers in Positive Psychology focus on three overlapping themes:

THE PLEASANT LIFE: This consists of having as many pleasures as possible along with the skills to amplify them. This kind of happiness comes from savoring life and being mindful of the simple pleasures of everyday life. THE GOOD LIFE: This consists of knowing one’s signature strengths, and designing a life that allows expression of signature strengths through loves, friendships, work, and leisure time. THE MEANINGFUL LIFE: This consists of using signature strengths in the service of something larger than oneself.


Summer 2010 27


Our commitment to wellness


Wellness at Walker’s: A Curriculum Overview MIDDLE SCHOOL CURRICULUM In the Middle School our curriculum is based on the five competencies of social and emotional learning as outlined by Daniel Golman, psychologist and author of Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence, and founder of the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, ( These competencies include selfawareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. The Wellness curriculum at Walker’s places a strong emphasis on knowing oneself, relating to others, and making healthy choices. Students are also provided with information they need, at a developmentally appropriate level, to make good, informed life decisions. 6TH GRADE: Based on G.I.R.L.S

(Girls In Real Life Situations) curriculum, includes selfesteem, making friendships, working together, and hygiene 7TH GRADE: Nutrition and fitness,

bullying and cyber-bullying, character building and values clarification 8TH GRADE: Incorporating

nutrition, healthy relationships, making healthy choices about sex, the influence of media and advertising, substance use including tobacco, dealing with stress


UPPER SCHOOL CURRICULUM In the Upper School our curriculum continues to be informed by Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Here, as we begin introducing Positive Psychology to 9th graders, we continue with Life Skills in a more mature context. 9TH GRADE: Walker’s 9th-Grade Seminar incorporates four seven-week

units: Wellness, Technology, Leadership, and Public Speaking.

Wellness: The Wellness portion of the 9th-Grade Seminar incorporates life/study skills, personality assessments, and concepts of Positive Psychology. In the first unit we focus on self-awareness and character strengths using the Myers-Briggs Personality Test, which all 9th graders are given the opportunity to take. The goal is to help students develop an understanding of their own type as a student and as a friend as well as to develop the skills necessary to collaborate and communicate well with different personality types. Other topics include: well-being in terms of the pleasant life, the good life, and the meaningful life, and increasing self-esteem through developing self-mastery and self-efficacy. During the second unit, we work on self-management and emotion regulation. Topics include hope, optimism, resiliency, optimistic and pessimistic explanatory styles, and automatic thinking. The final unit focuses on relationship skills and social awareness using the framework of the Johari Window, a cognitive psychological tool used to help people better understand their interpersonal communication and relationships.

Technology: Digital Wellness


Today’s students face unprecedented access to information and communication technologies. Platforms for making their voices heard, connecting with others, and sharing information abound. Given the landscape in which today’s plugged-in generation exists, Walker’s recognizes the critical need to educate its students on the potential opportunities and pitfalls inherent in today’s digital landscape. Pursuant to the School’s goal to empower its students to thrive as 21st century citizens, the 9th-Grade Seminar now includes a technology course that focuses on digital identity management, media literacy, and responsible online behavior. Students in the course examine issues surrounding social networking, privacy (or lack thereof), texting, digital information storage and exchange, and cyber-bullying. Students also explore the ways that college admissions staff and employers use the Internet to conduct research on applicants and prospective candidates for hire. Additionally, class members regularly follow and discuss news stories that illustrate the ways that an individual’s online activity can result in positive or negative consequences for herself and others. Finally, participants evaluate the appropriateness of various methods of communication for different life scenarios, including face-to-face conversations, emails, instant messaging, text and multimedia messages, video conferencing, and formal letter writing. As a culmination to the class, students collaborate on developing for their peers a “Digital Identity Survival Guide” that includes research and recommendations for how Walker’s students may successfully monitor and shape their “digital footprint,” ensure that their activity online is safe, positive, and productive, and find a healthy balance between time spent both “plugged in” and offline.

The Leadership component of the 9th-Grade Seminar is taught using

the model of “Inclusive Leadership.” This model is based in social justice education theory and states that effective leadership is culturally inclusive. Inclusive leaders have a strong cultural self-awareness, possess dialogue skills, understand the ways that stereotypes and prejudice impact their perceptions and interaction with others and are aware of the ways that social systems provide advantages to some social identity groups and restrict access and opportunity to others.

Public Speaking:

The Public Speaking rotation in the 9th-Grade Seminar introduces the girls to the structure of a persuasive speech, as well as to techniques of strong oral and physical delivery. Using fact, value, and policy, they learn to construct a coherent, well developed argument. To design a chain of reason, they are introduced to major and minor premises. They must learn a new vocabulary with which to judge and be judged. Learning how to give and to receive constructive criticism is critical to their progress and ultimate success. Two weeks into the curriculum, they understand and can recognize the presence or absence not only of fact, value, and policy but also of ethos, pathos, and logos in their classmates’ speeches. Because the students are in Public Speaking for only a few weeks, this skill acquisition would not be effective without reinforcement in their other classes. Here at Walker’s, presentation skills are central to the curriculum. The deliberate way that the skills and design are taught early in their high school careers gives the students a toolbox they can carry with them into their other courses and to college and beyond. Summer 2010 29


10TH GRADE: Health of Women: This course is

designed to give the students a chance to learn about adolescence and young adulthood. Discussions may include the reproductive system, common illnesses, taking care of their bodies, sexuality and decision-making, sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, nutrition, eating disorders, childbirth and emergency preparedness. The students are not trained in first aid but become familiar with being a responder in different situations. At the end of the course, they have the opportunity to be certified in American Red Cross Adult CPR and on the new Automatic External Defibrillator. In development for 10th grade: Financial Literacy


The Mind-Body Connection Personal fitness options, essential elements of any wellness program, have been available at Walker’s for many years, with enough on tap at any given time to appeal to a wide range of interests. Life sports are introduced as team sports, including skiing, squash and tennis, in many cases becoming personal fitness tools rather than competitive pursuits. Personal Fitness, Outdoor Adventure, Yoga, injury prevention classes, and more, in which a score or a grade are not involved, encourage the simple pleasure of taking care of one’s body and mind.

11TH GRADE: In conjunction with Residential Life and

Student Life, we are currently working on a more formal curriculum for our juniors and seniors. Wellness as a component of our Residential Life program is addressed on the next page. Transitions, a new course to prepare graduates for life in college, focuses on health and safety as students move into an environment where there will be fewer sources of support and much more independence. This course, taught by the Director of the Health Center and the Director of Counseling, provides students with an understanding of the transition they will be making and allows them to explore and be prepared for the many positive challenges of college living.



A Key to Wellness Learning about where food comes from is not only required learning in biology; it’s hands-on learning outside the classroom. Walker’s organic garden offers Middle Schoolers the opportunity to sow seeds, plant them, nurture their shoots and harvest the results of their labor. While they are working the garden, Garden Club Coordinator Grace Epstein, also a member of Walker’s arts faculty, teaches students the nutritional value of the foods and shows them how to use what they’ve harvested in Club cooking classes. A portion of the resulting produce is donated to various area food banks, underlining the project’s connection to The Meaningful Life. On a daily basis, meals available in The Servery abound with healthy options. With access to an extensive salad bar, freshly prepared vegetables, whole grains and vegetarian options, students are encouraged to try new things — not only by the School’s food service staff but by other students! “You have to try these edamame, I love them!” was recently overheard at the salad bar. The food service team also offers regular special tastings, such as a freshly prepared sushi bar, an olive bar, a locally harvested apple bar and much more. The connection between healthy foods and a healthy body is of course addressed within the wellness curriculum, and conversation at Advisor Lunches often turns to food as well. The Healthy Life — at Walker’s!



Adolescence is a time of exploring and defining identity. Students are actively asking and answering the questions “Who am I?,” “Who do others expect me to be?” and “Who do I want to be?” Understanding one’s identity is a crucial element of The Good Life. The process of defining one’s Black and Latina Student Union 2009-2010 identity can be challenging for any adolescent and there can be an added identities. Activities included two weekend retreats, a layer of complexity for students who don’t find visit to Mount Holyoke College to attend a performance themselves in the majority in terms of their race, by and about women of color focusing on cultural ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or identity, discrimination, body image, and self-esteem, socioeconomic status. Affinity groups are an important and watching and discussing the CNN series “Latino in way of affirming identity, and are active options for America.” Additionally, weekly BLSU meetings provide Walker’s students. An affinity group is an opportunity a forum for members to come together in a casual for students to come together with others who share a environment to plan projects as well as to discuss specific aspect of identity. current events and issues related to being a student of Walker’s Black and Latina Student Union (BLSU) is color on a predominantly white campus. Supporting an example of an active affinity group. This year, BLSU and other student affinity groups is just one way members of BLSU participated in a series of activities in in which Walker’s strives to help students make sense of which members explored their racial and ethnic and find meaning in their experience.


Home Away from Home unusual for them to invite students to their apartments to A critical component of the wellness program at Walker’s play board games or bake cookies. Proctors, a specially is the Residential Life program. We realize that our selected group of juniors and students living away from home face seniors, are often seen as “big unique challenges that their day sisters” to the younger girls, student peers do not. The offering a liaison between independence brought on housefaculty and boarding by boarding can produce students. Birthdays are many emotions, such as celebrated each month, a time homesickness and stress. As a for all boarding students to boarding school, we implement come together to celebrate, and programs that offer some of the delectable treats are a must! nurturing and learning that being We realize we have a at home provides. unique opportunity to teach The main focus of all our students life skills that Residential Life is to create an they will benefit from now, in environment that feels like home college, and beyond, especially for boarding students. While our boarding population. dorms provide structure and have Making candy apples in the dorm Introducing themed “life skills” months which incorporate rules in place to help keep yoga, meditation, relaxation techniques and more, along students safe, we also want to provide a caring with a good dose of fun, provides girls with a life skills set atmosphere where girls feel at home. Housefaculty in that they can use beyond Walker’s. each dorm act as “parents away from home.” It is not

Summer 2010 31


Affirming Identity



Students Build Homes in Georgia and Texas During Spring Break Spring break once again saw Walker’s students and faculty chaperones traveling to build and rehabilitate homes for Habitat for Humanity, and this year, for ServCorps, a Hartford-based service organization founded by alumna Ruth Grobe ’69 and her husband Richard. Columbus, GA, for Habitat, and Galveston, TX , for ServCorps, were the groups’ destinations. This was the School’s fifth year participating in Habitat’s Collegiate Challenge, and their first traveling with ServCorps, for which students volunteer in Hartford on a regular basis. Walker’s was the first high school ever to volunteer on a build in Columbus; our girls joined 135 college students from five colleges. Together, they helped build six new Habitat homes. Jenna Truglio ’12 said, “I had no idea how much a house, something I often take for granted, could mean to someone.” “When the homeowner nailed the first nail to install the front door, I couldn’t help the overwhelming feeling of pure happiness that came over me,” said Katie Pellon ’12. The students and chaperones Kim Blanchard and Rich Prager worked in Columbus for a full week, during

Nancy Vinal ’10 on a build site for ServCorps in Texas. At left is the new home, at right, the FEMA trailer the homeowner has lived in for four long years.

which they visited Global Village in Americus, GA, the founding location of Habitat. Here, they toured reproductions of Habitat homes built in 18 different nations. In Galveston, ten Walker’s girls worked with ten students from Avon Old Farms School to rebuild homes devastated by Hurricane Katrina on a trip organized by ServCorps. Along with chaperones Tom Deeds and Marta Laboy, the team cleaned and did site work and finish work, which allowed homeowners to finally move out of FEMA trailers and back into their homes after the four long years since Katrina. Kim Blanchard has been advising the Spring Break clubs for several years. “Each year, I work with these students to open their eyes beyond the ‘bubble’ of The Ethel Walker School,” she said. “I witness how they grow

Wellness in Walker’s Woods and Beyond What better resource for enjoying nature than Walker’s Woods combined with the beauty of Walker’s campus? Whether it be studying under a tree near Smith, participating in a class discussion on the sunny lawn in front of Beaver Brook, or walking or riding in Walker’s Woods, the School’s campus provides more than ample opportunity to enjoy The Pleasant Life. Students are taught an appreciation for nature and its beauty throughout their time at Walker’s: joining the entire faculty and student body for a woodsy climb to the top of Talcott Mountain, a decades old tradition; observing the night skies on a chilly autumn evening from the van Gemeren Observatory; frolicking on the front lawn on Dogswood Day; enjoying the fresh air and sunshine amidst good passes of the ball during a spirited lacrosse game — the opportunities are endless. To ensure that opportunities for The Pleasant Life continue, Walker’s commitment to the environment teaches students to work to preserve the beauty of our natural resources. Through their work in Environmental Science, community service efforts and study that focuses on the beauty of our surroundings, The Pleasant Life is a central focus for students today.



It was amazing to be the person causing their faces to light up with happiness. It was truly a life-changing experience, but not only for the soon-to-be homeowners. I now have a new perspective on what is important in life. Often we forget to appreciate the little things that we are lucky to have. Building houses for Habitat for Humanity has taught me that the smallest act of kindness can make a difference, and that there are many people less fortunate than I am. The lessons I have learned and the work ethic I developed will stay with me forever. Melody Altschuler ’12

as individuals and learn more about themselves…they learn the value of doing good for others and their hearts grow because of it. We are proud of their commitment and passion to help others through their volunteer work.” Students at the School are required to fulfill an annual community service requirement. Most of the service is performed in the Greater Hartford area. For more information on Habitat for Humanity, visit To learn more about ServCorps, visit

Students work with Katrina, bottom center, to build her new Habitat home. Katrina had already done over 500 hours of work building other Habitat homes, and worked with Walker’s students building her own home. Her granddaughter is 8 and will be living with her. The granddaughter, although too young to work at the worksite, attends the Habitat meetings with her grandmother because she has to read the materials for Katrina, who has a degenerative eye disease and cannot read.

Summer 2010 33



Alumnae in Wellness LYNN SHEPPARD MANGER ’59 NEW YORK, NY Co-Founder, VITAL Lynn and her husband William are co-founders of VITAL (Values Initiative Teaching About Lifestyle), a Pre-K through Grade 2 obesity prevention program. The purpose of VITAL is to teach healthy lifestyles in an effort to alleviate health problems associated with obesity, including hypertension, Type II diabetes, cancer and an array of other adverse side effects. Over the past seven years, Lynn has spearheaded curriculum efforts and

overseen the implementation of VITAL in over 300 schools in 11 states and in Washington, D.C, reaching over 300,000 students. VITAL is an eight-week school-based curriculum that combines nutritional education and physical activity to help students learn about the benefits of a balanced lifestyle. The impact of VITAL has been positive, as is evidenced by parental feedback, a reduction of BMI for those exposed to the curriculum, and accolades from the medical community. William Manger was awarded the Mayo Clinic Humanitarian Award and has presented the VITAL program to the American Association of Pediatrics. Lynn’s commitment to wellness extends beyond her work with VITAL. She is also the founder of NYC-Parents in Action, an organization that seeks to inform parents about the issues associated with drug abuse.

ANNE STRONG ’62 CAMBRIDGE, MA Boston Teamworks In 1999 Anne Strong retired from her private law practice in order to start CityKicks, a youth soccer league for girls in Boston’s public middle schools. The mission of the organization was to increase the exposure and reach of soccer while simultaneously enabling young girls to reap the benefits that come from being engaged in a team sport. Anne saw that there were few opportunities for young girls, especially those from inner city backgrounds, to become involved with soccer, which she saw as largely suburbanized. CityKicks, funded by private donations and grants, allowed young girls to thrive socially as well as athletically.


A Vision for an Athletic and Wellness Center Walker’s has a spectacular campus setting and the phrase “pedagogy of place” is especially apt for the School right now as we move towards our Centennial. The new Strategic Plan, approved by the Board of Trustees in November of 2009 (see page 4), includes a Centennial Capital campaign, the primary foci of which will be increasing endowment and investing in an athletic and wellness center. Walker’s athletics and wellness programs are critical to the School’s reputation and to our ability to recruit great student athletes and teacher coaches. Currently, our teams practice late into the evening due to the fact that all elements of our program share one small and dated gymnasium. While most of our program is built around the human side — that is, great teachers and coaches — the square footage of Walker’s athletics facilities is roughly 18,000 compared to 40,000 – 75,000 at our competitor schools, and is no longer workable if we want Walker’s to continue as one of the strongest girls’ schools in the country. In 2008, Bessie Speers and the Board of Trustees created an Athletic Task 34 THE SUNDIAL

Force, led by Trustee Co-Chairs Clive DuVal P’09 and Susan Ford ’63. Under their leadership the group studied different elements of our program, including athletics, dance, equestrian, wellness and recreation at both the middle and upper school levels. A smaller core group was charged with looking in more depth at future facility needs. From 2009-2010, this core facilities group met to develop criteria with which to evaluate various athletic facility architectural firms. The group solicited proposals from eleven firms and subsequently met with five, narrowing the group to three finalists.

ALICIA LITTLE HODGE ’01 HARTFORD BEHAVIORAL HEALTH West Hartford, CT Alicia graduated from Rutgers University in 2005 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She married that summer and relocated to England with her husband. While there, she pursued her MA in Counseling Psychology and completed her internships back in the United States. Alicia is currently living in New Britain, CT and working towards her licensure as a professional counselor. She is weighing the possibility of pursuing her Psy.D. at the University of Hartford. Alicia has put her master’s degree to work in the two roles in which she currently serves. At Hartford Behavioral Health, a community mental health agency, Alicia treats an urban population of patients with co-

Criteria for a final decision included: • Chemistry with School team • Creativity • Original designs • Utilization of topography • Understanding of vision • Enhancement and respect for campus • Attention to needs of girls • Design team dynamics • Fund-raising support • Collateral materials We are delighted to announce that OMR (Office of Michael Rosenfeld) of West Acton, MA, has been selected to work with Walker’s on this exciting project. To date, the School has expended zero dollars on this effort and the Board and Head are committed to our policy that no building work will begin at Walker’s on any project without having full payment in cash and/or pledges in hand. OMR is in the process of interviewing our constituents as to what elements would ensure that this Center succeeds as a leading facility for women’s wellness and athletics. If you valued your athletic experience at Walker’s, believe in the power of athletics and wellness for young women, and are interested in being involved in this process, please share your insights with Bessie Speers. We look forward to your input and to this new era of wellness at Walker’s.

occurring disorders. She also spends her time working with pregnant and parenting adolescent girls at St. Agnes House. Here, she facilitates weekly group therapy sessions, performs individual counseling sessions and supervises graduate interns. Alicia finds her work with patients to be particularly rewarding and gratifying. She continues to credit Walker’s for her ability to help others and to achieve all that she has thus far. “Having supportive teachers, friends, and advisors who challenged me to attain my goals was a great start for me. I grew to be more confident through leadership positions, which helped me to pursue those goals and be an independent thinker. Walker’s prepared me for college and I was able to excel there and in grad school.”


What we are envisioning is much more than bricks and mortar. This facility will behave in a transformational way and stand for so much more than a building. While other schools have built impressive academic and athletic centers in recent years, I don’t believe any school has successfully built a facility that embodies the way girls learn, compete, and train as athletes. I don’t believe the type of building we are envisioning has ever been built. In a society that is often out of balance, the building we are envisioning must truly inspire and teach young women about healthy and balanced lives, in a way that speaks to them uniquely. Walker’s will chart new territory and build an environmentally respectful facility that is uniquely suited to this mission and representative of Walker’s ethos and community. This project will enable the School to become a prominent leader in the area of wellness for women. As we celebrate the Centennial and the past 100 years, it is incumbent upon us to envision the next 100 years. In committing to this project, Walker’s is surely continuing to lead and envision the future in a way that is consistent with our Founder’s vision. Now is the time to lead, and Walker’s is well positioned to demonstrate leadership in this area with determination, dignity, and vision. Summer 2010 35


Over the next ten years, CityKicks doubled in size, and in 2008, merged with America SCORES New England. SCORES’ mission is to empower students in urban communities via soccer, writing, creative expression, and service-learning. With teamwork as the unifying value, America SCORES New England inspires youth to lead healthy lifestyles, be engaged students, and become agents of change in their communities. Anne says of her time at Walker’s that “Walker’s gave me the opportunity to belong to several sports teams and experience the wonderful bonding and camaraderie which this can engender, while competing provided a healthy outlet where I could know the satisfaction of going all-out for something I really cared about. Experiences like these should be every girl’s birthright. It was easy for me to feel energized and determined about enabling under-served urban girls to get a taste of them too.” America SCORES New England is helping Anne to continue her powerful work with young women,



he Long Distance award was presented to Sara Berg ’95, from Bromma, Sweden, near Stockholm, who traveled nearly 4,000 miles to join her classmates for a Reunion which took place on a glorious spring weekend. For those who traveled lesser distances, the emotional experience was the same as for Ms. Berg — hugging friends from near and far, reminiscing as they walked the halls of Beaver Brook, recalling which office belonged to whom as they explored today’s campus, each new vista evoking yet another memory.

Reunion 2010 brought over 130 alumnae and their families to Simsbury to enjoy a three-day celebration of their time at Walker’s. From walks through Walker’s Woods with naturalist Tom Brokaw, husband of Margaretta Bredin Brokaw ’66, to guided Cicerone tours of campus, to the Strawberries and Cream breakfast, the weekend was filled with traditions and allowed plenty of opportune moments during which to say, “Remember when?” In full force was the Class of 1960, celebrating its 50th reunion. These remarkable alumnae enjoyed a special dinner at the Head’s House on Friday evening,

Class of 1960. Front row: Clara Perkins Stites, Margie Field, Patty Kelsey Schultz, Patty Connors Warrender, Harriet Blees Dewey, Beverly Vander Poel Banker Middle Row: Alita Weaver Reed, Susan Shierling Harding, Mary Ann Shoenberg Margaretten, Phyllis Richard Fritts, Gen Miller Elkus, Christy Hoffman Brown, Mimi Gardner Gates Back Row: Caryl Van Ranst Dearing, Abra Prentice Wilkin, Margot Campbell Bogert, Frinde Aldrich Maher, Marilyn Hodges Wilmerding, Tania Whitman Stepanian


A commemorative yearbook was assembled for the Class of 1960 by Abra Prentice Wilkins


The Class of 1985 dedicates a tree in memory of their classmate Allison Bradley Agee

where they shared stories about their own experiences at Walker’s. Alumnae from as far back as the Class of 1941 joined this special group for a Golden Hours Reception before departing for class dinners of their own. On Saturday, the traditional Maypole Dance was performed by this year’s graduating Big 7 as a horse guard stood sentry in the front circle. The long awaited Parade to Chapel followed — each class walking the Beaver Brook Circle together as a bagpipe player led the procession. Chapel speaker Mimi Gardner Gates ’60 was an inspiration to the newest inductees into The Ethel

Class of 1945. Molly Darling Bell

Alumnae took some time for a ride in Walker’s Woods

Walker Alumnae Association, the Class of 2010. They listened in rapt attention as she talked about her career as an arts advocate, and about where her adventures have led her. Ms. Gates is Director Emerita of The Seattle Art Museum, where she had a tremendous impact on its collections during her tenure. Having just enjoyed Art Appreciation Day, Ms. Gates was a reminder to students of the influence art has on our lives and, in a greater way, a reminder to follow one’s passions. She told the group, “To be a successful leader, you need to have the ability to express yourself,” and quoted publisher Katherine Graham, “To love what you do and feel that

Class of 1955. Letitia McClure Potter, Marguerite Doubleday Buck, Elizabeth Nash Muench, Betsy Russell Broda

Summer 2010 37

REUNION 2010 Induction of the Class of 2010 into the Alumnae Association

Members of the Class of 1960 enjoy the archival display.

it matters — how can anything be more fun?” (For more of Ms. Gates’ wise words, see sidebar on page 41.) Honored as well at the Chapel by Head of School Bessie Speers were two former board heads, Margot Ross Rose ’80 and Beverly Vander Poel Banker ’60. The work Walker’s Board of Trustees commits to is crucial to the future of the School, and Ms. Rose and Ms. Banker themselves are tireless in their support of their alma mater. Reunion Chapel continued as Memorial bells were rung for alumnae, friends and family of the Walker’s community, followed by the induction of the Class of

2010 into the Alumnae Association. Each member of the class was greeted and congratulated by a member of Walker’s Alumnae Board. The entire group — including these newest alumnae of Walker’s — then joined together in the School song. It is a truly touching moment when the newest inductees sing this song for the first time with fellow alumnae. A poignant moment was shared by the Class of 1985 as they dedicated a tree in memory of their classmate, Allison Bradley Agee. Allison’s husband, son and father attended the service on the Cluett Dorm lawn. The tree

Class of 1965. Lacey Neuhaus Dorn


Class of 1970. Front row: Cynthia Emerson Keefer, Cornelia Guest Back row: Pamela Kraemer Klurfield, Whitney de Roulet Bullock, Gail Chandler Gaston


The Parade to Reunion Chapel

English teacher Roger Cantello visits with the Class of 2005

will serve as a lasting memory of Allison’s radiant smile and spirit, and will watch over future generations of girls who will read, study and play beneath its leaves. Saturday afternoon featured a tour of the Hill-Stead Museum with Mimi Gardner Gates ’60, riding at the Equestrian Center, athletic competitions and walks through academic centers and the dorms to relive memories. The evening’s Banquet featured special award presentations to valued alumnae and trustees Tisha Potter ’55 and Donya Sabet ’90, whose service and committed devotion to Walker’s are much appreciated.

When receiving the Margot Ross Rose ’80 Distinguished Alumna Award, Ms. Potter said “I have tried to follow the legacy of Ethel Walker Smith.” This award had only been presented twice prior to this evening, to Margot Ross Rose herself, and to Sarah Redlich Johnson ’78, P’10. Donya Sabet ’90 received the Vander Poel Bowl, which was given to the School by Elizabeth Nash Meunch ’55 in honor of an alumna for distinguished leadership in the Annual Fund. Earlier in the evening, Ms. Sabet, in reviewing Reunion Giving, referred to Walker’s as “The place where friendships were forged, memories were made, and a lifetime of learning began.”

Class of 1975. Kathy McCarthy Parsons, Sarah Gates Colley

Class of 1980. Susan Knapp Thomas, Margot Ross Rose

Summer 2010 39


! A N A N


Our sincerest thanks to both Ms. Potter and Ms. Sabet for their dedication to Walker’s. As always, Reunion Banquet was topped off with an enthusiastic Ba-Na-Na, where alumnae from across the decades shared the dance floor! We look forward to welcoming all Reunion 2010 attendees back to campus as Walker’s celebrates its Centennial.


Reminder! Reunion for Classes of the 1s and 6s and 2s and 7s will take place together during Centennial Weekend in 2010!


Class of 1985. Back row: Esther Pryor, Allison Ross Hofstetter, Gwendolyn “Wendy” Walker-Israel, Emilia Wood Stuhr, Surina Kahn, Celeste La Raja, Alexandra “Alex” de Casteja Mahony, Heidi Schierloh Gaillard, Maria Aixala Dawson Front Row: Laura Thornton Pelligrino, Clarissa Potter, Emiliana Vegas Abelmann, Shauna Turnbull


Class of 1990. Jenny Belknap, Karen Quiros Holder, Heather Fay, Kate Graetzer, Brooke Gaffney Redmond, Emily Levin, Donya Nagib Sabet, Elaine Morgan, Stephanie Bothwell Grillo, Claire Reese Ketchum, Amanda Pitman

Mimi Gardner Gates ’60 Excerpts from Reunion Chapel Address, May 15, 2010


Reunion Chapel Speaker Mimi Gardner Gates ’60 recalled how she arrived at Walker’s less prepared for a rigorous education than many of her classmates. Yet that same rigorous education, combined with Walker’s trademark individualized attention gave her the tools and selfconfidence to succeed. “Without the quality of education I received at The Ethel Walker School…I doubt I would have experienced success.” Speaking directly to the Class of 2010, Ms. Gates held out some guidelines for success: • Always be open to unexpected possibilities; be flexible. • Follow your passions — go for it! • Work hard and use your best judgment and don’t let anything dampen your passion. • Be a risk taker. Overcome fear. Take calculated risks. Ms. Gates captured the admiration of the entire Reunion Chapel audience. Her encouragement to find meaning in one’s actions, and to find and follow passion, rang true to Ethel Walker’s original mission for the School, one that still resounds today in its hallways.

MIMI GATES: A BRIEF BIOGRAPHY Mary ‘Mimi’ Gardner Gates is Director Emeritus of the Seattle Art Museum. She served as head of the museum starting in 1994, and during her tenure, added over 2500 works to its collections, including many Asian art treasures and works by Van Dyck, Albert Bierstadt, Richard Serra and Alexander Calder, and a nine-acre sculpture park. Prior to coming to Seattle, she was curator of Asian art and then director of the Yale University Art Gallery. Dr. Gates has co-authored Porcelain Stories: From China to Europe and Biblical Art and the Asian Imagination. In 2007, Dr. Gates was elected by Yale alumni to serve a six year term on the Yale Corporation, Yale University’s governing body.

Class of 1995. Back row: Marsha Nadia Hughes, Dwana Parkes Agosto, Leander Altifois Dolphin, Carol Marie Santiago, Jennifer Donnellan Friedlander, Nicole “Nicky” Lewensen Shargel, Jari Thompson, Taylor Kopec, Sara Berg, Jacqueline Jayson Middle Row: Shayna Whyte, Alexandra Townsend, Jessica Bartolini Buggeln, Pamela Bennett Skinner, Julie Marr Monroe Front Row, sitting: Stacey St. Peter, Sejal Patel Mitra

Class of 2005. Charlotte Weidlein, Lindsay Flynn, Naima Askew, Katherine Rodriguez, Jennifer Ho Class of 2000. We missed the opportunity to take a group photo of the Class of 2000. In attendance were Bonnie Ewald, Piper Huntington, Kara Lucht, Kimberly Patterson, Allison Quigley, Elizabeth Ross, Jamiah Tappin

Summer 2010 41

REUNION 2010 Leaving Reunion Chapel

Bessie Speers, Abra Prentice Wilkin ’60, Brooke Redmond ’90, Donya Sabet ’90

The weekend featured panel discussion with current students providing insight to life at Walker’s today.

Senior Class Advisor Kim Overtree with the Class of 2010.


Harriet Blees Dewey ’60, P’86

A recital at the Head’s House

Special Alumnae Awards Presented THE VANDER POEL BOWL The Vander Poel Bowl is awarded for Distinguished Leadership in the Annual Fund. The Bowl, given to the School by Elizabeth Nash Muench ’55, was first presented to Beverly Vander Poel Banker ’60 in 1977 in recognition of her exemplary work as the first Annual Fund Chair. Donya Sabet ’90 is the recipient of this year’s Vander Poel Bowl. The Bowl is awarded to an alumna who has served on the Alumnae Board, the EWS Foundation Board, and the Board of Trustees. Donya is a leadership solicitor and this year she was part of her reunion class committee. On the Board of Trustees, she has chaired the Development Committee and is now chairing the Committee on Trusteeship.


Dave Castellani, Liz Nash Muench ’55, Donya Sabet ’90

Established in 2005 by Terese Treman Williams ’55 and Joseph Williams, The Margot Rose ’80 Distinguished Alumnae Award is The Ethel Walker School’s highest honor. It is to be presented to graduates of the school who best exemplify Margot Rose’s attributes, ensuring that her work, dedication and influence will be remembered now and always. When awarded, it will honor alumnae who, by their devotion and talent, elevate the work of their profession, who influence their community or who give extraordinary service to their school. This award has only been given on two previous occasions: to Margot Ross Rose ’80 and to Sarah Johnson Redlich ’78. This year the Margot Rose Distinguished Alumnae Award was presented to an alumna who has served the School in every imaginable way: as a class agent and regular solicitor, on the Alumnae Board and the Board of Trustees, and on two Head of School search committees. She is known for her wise counsel and loyalty. She is respected and loved by all who know her. Margot Rose herself was at Reunion to present this award to Walker’s beloved alumna, Tisha Potter ’55.

Tisha Potter ’55 and Margot Ross Rose ’80

REUNION FOR CLASSES OF 1s AND 6s, 2s AND 7s COMBINED IN 2011! We understand that with all the exciting events surrounding Centennial, our alumnae may be unable to make the trip back for both their Reunion and Centennial Weekend in the same year. Therefore, we have combined those Reunions that would traditionally take place in May 2011 and May 2012 into one amazing Reunion during Centennial Weekend, September 30 — October 2, 2011!

Please note that although all classes will be returning, Reunion classes will have special, distinctive Reunion activities created just for them. You will learn about these very special events on our website and in alumnae communications. Remember: No Reunion in May 2011 or 2012 — we will all celebrate as a School on Centennial Weekend, September 30 — October 2, 2011.

This remarkable weekend will allow classes that don’t normally connect at Reunion a chance to celebrate the place that changed their lives — Walker’s — together. If you have any questions on this change, please feel free to contact the Alumnae Office at We always love hearing from you!

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Special awards were presented at Reunion Banquet to two valued and dedicated Walker’s alumnae who have given so much of their time and devotion to the School.







“I stand here today a changed young lady. I have found strength on a level that I did not even know lay within me. “Thank you Ethel Walker for preparing me to go out into the world; for preparing me to give of myself; for preparing me to share my experiences with others. And now I am ready. Yes, I am truly ready…to EMERGE.” Danielle Black ’10, Senior Goodbye Chapel



ifty-six young women in white dresses tossed their yellow roses high into the air as Head of School Bessie Speers officially declared them the 2010 graduates of The Ethel Walker School. Close to one thousand attendees then cheered loudly as the graduates recessed from the tent via a long red carpet, to receive hugs and high fives from regalia-clad faculty. This 98th Walker’s graduating class was honored in a ceremony where Bessie Speers recognized them as “scholars who seek knowledge and revel in learning,” also citing their “exceptional leadership abilities” and their integrity, their passion and concern for others. Student Body President Sydney Satchell encouraged her classmates, “Now it is your turn to write your page in history.” First Lady of the Keynote Speaker Diane Patrick Commonwealth of Massachusetts Diane Patrick was the event’s keynote speaker. Ms. Patrick told the graduates to “Celebrate new beginnings while today marks the end of a journey,” and reminded them several times to remember the strong self-esteem they are feeling on this day, as it will become an important tool for each of them as they face challenges in the future. “Remember how powerful you feel today,” she said. “Always be able to take care of yourself. Remember your worth. And always keep a subway token in your pocket.” In closing, Ms. Patrick reminded the class, “Whenever you are challenged or filled with doubt, remember who you are today. It will take you through a lot of tomorrows.”


The School’s highest awards were presented during Commencement; both the Prize for Scholarship, for the most outstanding student, and the Beatrice Hurlburt Memorial Prize, for character and influence, were awarded to Ariella Freund, a member of the Big 7, Walker’s student government organization. Diplomas were awarded by Dean of Upper and Middle Schools Wendy Allerton alongside Bessie Speers and President of Walker’s Board of Trustees David Castellani. Bessie Speers, in her charge to the class, reinforced her belief in this exceptional group of young women, expressing her confidence that they “will help in transforming and inspiring the world.” The recessional was highlighted, as is tradition, by faculty lining each side of the red carpet to applaud the graduates as they emerged from the tent to a cacophony of cheers and applause. Following a morning that threatened storms, the sun had come out. The sun, as well as these Walker’s graduates, had emerged. Congratulations, Walker’s Class of 2010!

The Class of 2010 Elizabeth Aboody Margarita Alvarez Veronica Bagundes Bableen Bajwa Jasmine Bajwa Danielle Black Alyssa Broatch Rebecca Bruehlman Katherine Charov Laura Chotkowski Katherine Conlon Meghan Couch-Edwards Deanna Cunningham Shelby Demke Brittany Dingler Colby Eisen Abigail Endler Ariella Freund Elizabeth Greenberg Emily Hamilton Ramsay Hanson Kristen Hardy SolAh Hwang Charlotte Jones Miisha Jones Chelsea Keyes Caroline Kieltyka Ye-Eun Kim

Katherine L’Heureux Samantha Lepore Dara Longhini Ann Lufkin Bria McCurdy Jennifer Menendez Hyun Jung Moon Elizabeth Noonan Shanell Percy Marianne Pettit Kiara Riles Mollie Roth Larisa Rudowski Sydney Satchell Stephanie Schwartz Alleah Schweitzer Mahori Shigeta Paige Skipper Ella Smith Victoria Smith Alexis Stephan Dallas-McKayla Thompson Sheffrey Thornton Edie Tinker Nancy Vinal Cheuk Yan Wai Victoria Zawadzki Yan Zhu

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Student Awards & Prizes THE AMY C. REHFUSS AWARD This award is presented each year to a versatile and sensitive young woman. Her grace and gentle manner complement her many talents. JORDANNA MONET CLARKE THE CAROLINE WALKER HONOR SOCIETY Awarded to the student who has shown warmth of character by exhibiting kindliness, loyalty, courage and humility. CHARLOTTE ANN JONES THE PRIZE FOR SCHOLARSHIP ARIELLA N. FREUND THE BEATRICE HURLBURT MEMORIAL PRIZE FOR CHARACTER AND INFLUENCE ARIELLA N. FREUND BRANDEIS BOOK AWARD The Brandeis Book Award recognizes an outstanding Junior who demonstrates a commitment to civic engagement, community service, political activism, social justice or volunteer work. SHERON TORHO THE BROWN BOOK AWARD Awarded to a junior selected by the English Department who demonstrates the best combination of academic excellence with clarity in written and spoken expression. ASHLYN DESIREE KERSTEN THE WELLESLEY BOOK AWARD Honors “a high ranking student in the Junior Class who has demonstrated intellectual curiosity and excellence in scholarship.” XINYUN ZHU


THE HARVARD BOOK AWARD Awarded to an outstanding member of the junior class who has displayed excellence in scholarship and high character, combined with her achievements in other fields. CATHERINE MARIE BAKER THE DARTMOUTH BOOK AWARD Awarded to a sophomore who has demonstrated outstanding academic and leadership qualities and whose character, imagination, and concern for others have had a positive impact on our school. JORDANNA MONET CLARKE THE SMITH BOOK AWARD Awarded to a junior who exemplifies the academic achievement, leadership and concern for others that characterize the thousands of women who have graduated from Smith College. KELSEY ANNE BALLARD THE TRINITY BOOK AWARD Awarded to a junior for high scholastic standing and service to her school. ASHLEIGH NICHOLE STEPHAN THE YALE BOOK AWARD Awarded to a member of the junior class who has outstanding personal character and intellectual promise. EMILY RAE KESSLER MUSIC PRIZE DANIELLE KRISTINA BLACK LARISSA KYRA RUDOWSKI

THE MADELINE SALA CHOIR GIRL OF THE YEAR Awarded in recognition of a student in the choir who best exemplifies the qualities of dedication and willingness to cultivate and maintain a high standard of musical excellence. SHANELL ALYSSA PERCY THE VIRGINIA CHILDS RAMSEY HINMAN PRIZE Given to a student who has made outstanding contributions to the choir and Grapes, and has given her talent freely to the Music Department. YEEUN KIM THE THEATRE PRIZE Awarded to a student who has demonstrated talent, discipline and commitment to theatrical productions during her time at Walker’s. EMILY BRUCE HAMILTON CHARLOTTE ANN JONES THE TECHNICAL THEATRE PRIZE Acknowledges the work and commitment of the “Techies,” without whose backstage efforts no theatrical production would be possible. SHELBY ELIZABETH DEMKE THE PERFORMING ARTS DEPARTMENT PRIZE Awarded to a student who excels in at least two of the three disciplines offered within this department. In addition, it is awarded to a student who has contributed extensively to the artistic life of The Ethel Walker School community. MEGHAN PENNER COUCH-EDWARDS

THE WILLIAM C. LICKLE RIDING CUP Awarded annually to a student for outstanding achievement in riding and scholastic endeavors. ELIZABETH BARTOW ABOODY COLBY HERRON EISEN NANCY ELIZABETH VINAL

THE DOROTHY SILVERHERZ DANCE PRIZE This prize is awarded to a student who is dedicated to the art of dance, studying for all three seasons. ARIELLA N. FREUND

THE MARY SCOULLER NELSON ENGLISH PRIZE Given each year in honor of Mary Scouller Nelson, who taught English at the school from 1963 to 1987. PAIGE E. SKIPPER

THE ELIZABETH OLSON MARSHALL DANCE PRIZE Awarded in honor of Elizabeth Olson Marshall, the first head of dance at The Ethel Walker School and the founder of Dance Workshop. MAHORI SHIGETA STEPHANIE RACHAEL SCHWARTZ THE VOORHEES CUP For the all-around athlete who has also shown good sportsmanship and school spirit at all times during her years at The Ethel Walker School. CAROLINE ROSE KIELTYKA THE MERITORIOUS EFFORT CUP Honors a senior who has worked conscientiously towards improving her skills in athletics. She has outstanding spirit, enthusiasm and determination. SYDNEY CHANEL SATCHELL THE VARSITY CUP This award acknowledges students who have earned 12 varsity letters in four years in the Upper School. SYDNEY CHANEL SATCHELL THE WILLIAM C. LICKLE ATHLETIC CUP Awarded yearly to a student whose skill and accomplishment in athletics has brought recognition to herself and to the school. ALEXIS APHRODITE STEPHAN

THE CHINESE PRIZE JORDANNA MONET CLARKE THE FRENCH PRIZE DIANA CIRIMPEI THE LATIN PRIZE SAMANTHA LEPORE VERONICA FARO BAGUNDES THE SPANISH PRIZE ARIELLA N. FREUND CHARLOTTE ANN JONES THE HISTORY PRIZE ARIELLA N. FREUND THE SCIENCE PRIZE KATHERINE CHAROV THE MATHEMATICS PRIZE Awarded annually to a student who has excelled in advanced courses offered in the department. It is awarded for creative, effective problem solving, intuitive insight, persistence and intellectual curiosity. XINYUN ZHU THE RPI CERTIFICATE Awarded to the junior with the most outstanding academic record in mathematics and science, who demonstrates potential for success in a science or technologicallyoriented profession. CATHERINE BAKER

THE COMMUNITY SERVICE PRIZE Awarded in recognition of the student who contributes substantially to the Community Service program at Ethel Walker over the course of her career here. KATHERINE PELLON THE DAY OF SERVICE AWARD Awarded to a student who has satisfactorily completed her annual service requirement every year and completed at least 24 hours of community service during the current year. SAVANNAH ALVARADO, VERONICA BAGUNDES, DIANA CIRIMPEI, LOALES CRUZ, NICOLE GREGORY, EMILY KESSLER, EMILY MAINOLFI, DEBORAH PLACE, CHELSEA REGAN, MICHELLE SEXTON, ASHLEIGH STEPHAN, HILLARY SUSCALOPATA THE FACULTY SERVICE AWARD Awarded to a student who has satisfactorily completed her annual service requirement each year and completed at least 40 hours of community service during the current year. MELODY ALTSCHULER, CASEY BROTTMAN, LAURA CHOTKOWSKI, MONICA CORTAZAR, ABIGAIL ENDLER, ELIZABETH GREENBERG, SARAH HOCHRATH, SARA KAMILLATOS, DARA LONGHINI, LAUREN MAMUSZKA, BRIA MCCURDY, JENNIFER MENENDEZ, CODY PATRINA, OLIVIA QUICK, EMILY SAWICKI, ALLEAH SCHWEITZER, ALEXIS STEPHAN, SHERON TORHO, JENNA TRUGLIO, NANCY VINAL THE HEAD’S SERVICE AWARD Awarded to a student who has satisfactorily completed her annual service requirement each year and completed at least 75 hours of community service during the current year. SAMANTHA LEPORE THE PRESIDENTIAL VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD, BRONZE LEVEL Awarded to a young adult who has completed 100 or more hours in a twelvemonth period. KATHERINE PELLON

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THE VISUAL ARTS PRIZE The 2009 Visual Arts prize recognizes three principal characteristics of a promising artist: genuine inquisitiveness, the passion for invention, and a consistency of purpose. EMILY BRUCE HAMILTON CHARLOTTE ANN JONES


THE CICERONE SOCIETY PRIZE This young women demonstrated the passion and dedication that is necessary to be a superb Cicerone. STEPHANIE RACHAEL SCHWARTZ THE MARGARET MALLORY CUP For the “New Girl” whose spirit in work, conduct and athletics has been most distinguished. JACINTA JACQUELINE LOMBA THE BRUNHILDE GRASSI CUP For the student who has shown the most sustained good spirit in academic work, athletics and community living. CHELSEA B. REGAN THE CLARISSA GREEN CUP For the “Old Girl” who has done the most toward creating good school spirit. JACLYN ROSE MARIE REIS THE HELEN BLAIR MEMORIAL PRIZE Given to a senior who has shown gentleness, serenity, and sensitivity during her time at Walker’s. ALLEAH ELIZABETH SCHWEITZER THE BARBARA AND ELIZABETH BYRNES MEMORIAL PRIZE FOR EFFORT AND ACHIEVEMENT Awarded to that senior who has always tried to do her best, who has shown unusual determination and resourcefulness, and has left her mark in many areas of school life. REBECCA ELLEN BRUEHLMAN

THE EMILY CLUETT PRIZE FOR COURAGE AND FORTITUDE Awarded to a senior who has the courage to stand up for truth and the fortitude to meet the challenges of everyday life. ALEXIS APHRODITE STEPHAN THE CUMMINGS PRIZE Awarded to a senior who has made a contribution to the school, especially among the underclasswomen, by encouraging, through example, an atmosphere of willing helpfulness, courtesy, and friendliness. SYDNEY CHANEL SATCHELL THE ISABEL JACKSON MEMORIAL PRIZE FOR FAITHFULNESS AND DEPENDABILITY Awarded to a young woman who has shown a strong sense of responsibility and who has lived up to her obligations in all phases of school life. NANCY ELIZABETH VINAL THE CATHERINE HENDERSON MURTAUGH PRIZE Awarded to a student who has acted on her potential by demonstrating transformation, by discovering the ability to transcend earlier patterns or limitations. She has achieved intellectual and scholastic transformation, emerged and contributed in leadership and service to the community and enhanced her own life from a passion that gives her pleasure. KIARA JOLAN BRIANNA RILES

THE CARY PAGE MEMORIAL PRIZE FOR VERSATILITY Awarded to a student who uses her aptitudes generously for the good or pleasure of others. CHARLOTTE ANN JONES THE HENRY B. SARGENT MEMORIAL PRIZE FOR KINDLINESS AND GOOD FELLOWSHIP Awarded to a senior who is happy, generous, outgoing, and constructive and who uses her gifts positively for others. MEGHAN PENNER COUCH-EDWARDS THE ALISON STONE MEMORIAL PRIZE Awarded to a student who has recognized the resources of the school and who has challenged herself fully within our community. SHELBY ELIZABETH DEMKE THE TRUSTEES’ PRIZE 2010 This year the Trustees’ Prize is awarded to a student who has represented the School with assured confidence, grace, and maturity both here on campus and all over the world. She is one of those people who quietly gets things done, and she does so without the expectation of thanks or reward. She has selflessly found ways to make our campus and the world better places. Whether with elephants in the jungles of Thailand, with giant pandas in China, or even as Head of Riding here in Simsbury, she has been a wonderful student, an exceptional equestrienne, and a steadfast ambassador for our School. COLBY HERRON EISEN

Middle School Promotion Ceremony When we applaud you tomorrow — you, the Class of 2010 — it will be for our own reasons: we’ll remember the way you rose to the challenges we set each one of you; we’ll remember your resilience when you wouldn’t settle for anything less than your best efforts; we’ll remember when you needed to believe in yourselves as much

as we believed in you; we’ll recall the magical teaching moments when after struggling with some idea or concept, you got it!

–Roger Cantello addressing the Class of 2010 at Baccalaureate Chapel


Walker’s 8th graders were promoted to Upper School at a special promotion ceremony on June 4. As the students processed into the Chapel, they were greeted with cheers from a full house of family, friends, faculty and fellow students from the Middle School. Middle School faculty members John Monagan and Alyssa Jahn awarded the Citizenship and Academic Achievement Awards; Laura Nicholson ’14 and Darcy Hughes ’14 received Citizenship Awards, and Kate Richardson ’14 received the Highest Academic Achievement Award. Each student’s advisor commented on their special attributes and accomplishments prior to the presentation of their diplomas. As the students departed the Chapel, 6th and 7th graders along with faculty bestowed upon them thousands of bubbles!


The Class of 2010 – Off to College! BOTTOM ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Rebecca Bruehlman, Wake Forest University: Elizabeth Greenberg, Elon University; Stephanie Schwartz, High Point University; Veronica Bagundes, Goucher College; Ariella Freund, University of Pennsylvania; Kiara Riles, Rutgers University; Alyssa Broatch, University of Connecticut; Chelsea Keyes, Simmons College; Ramsay Hanson, Southern Methodist University; SolAh Hwang, Emory University; Hyun Jung Moon, Cornell University 2ND ROW FROM BOTTOM: Colby Eisen, Johns Hopkins University; Victoria Smith, Roanoke College; Meghan Couch-Edwards, Whittier College; Mahori Shigeta, Mount Holyoke College; Emily Hamilton, Hallmark School of Photography; Victoria Zawadski, Sarah Lawrence College; Abigail Endler, Rice University; Alexis Stephan, Gettysburg College; Brittany Dingler, Pomfret School (post-graduate); Samantha Lepore, Northeastern University; Alleah Schweitzer, University of Redlands; Jennifer Menendez, Dickinson College; Charlotte Jones, Dickinson College; Marianne Pettit, Catholic University; Danielle Black, Suffolk University; Dara Longhini, St. Joseph University; YeEun Kim, University of Wisconsin

Cum Laude Society Inductees Congratulations to the following students: Rebecca Bruehlman ’10, Hyun Jung Moon ’10, Katia Charov ’10, Catherine Baker ’11, Colby Eisen ’10, Xin Yun Zhu ’11, Ariella Freund ’10

3RD ROW FROM BOTTOM: Kristen Hardy, Elon University; Shelby Demke, Muhlenberg College; Dallas Thompson, Boston University; Miisha Jones, Parsons School of Design; Liz Noonan, St. Michael’s College; Katia Charov, Johns Hopkins University; Bria McCurdy, Colorado State University; Bableen Bajwa, Gettysburg College; Caroline Kieltyka, St. Lawrence University; Katie L’Heureux, St. Lawrence University; Ella Smith, St. Lawrence University; Sydney Satchell, Howard University; Katherine Conlon, Northeastern University; Mollie Roth, Auburn University; Anne Lufkin, Southern Methodist University TOP ROW: Shannell Percy, Gordon College; Paige Skipper, Colorado State University; Deanna Cunningham, Plymouth State College; Isabel Wai, Mount Holyoke College; Yan Zhu, Fordham University; Larisa Rudowski, Fairfield University; Sheffrey Thornton, St. John’s University; Jasmine Bajwa, University of Miami; Margarita Alvarez, Johnson and Wales University; Nancy Vinal, College of Charleston; Laura Chotkowski, Stonehill College; Liz Aboody, University of South Carolina, Aiken; Edie Tinker, Clark University

The 2010-2011 Big 7 Front row: Sheron Torho, Head of Activities Back row, left to right: Katherine Pellon, Head of Service, Cody Ann Patrina, President of the Student Body, Jenna Truglio, Head of Day Students, Alexandra Grossman, Vice President of the Student Body, Riayn Rosenstock, Senior Class President, Ashleigh Stephan, Head of Judiciary

Summer 2010 49


Walker’s Out and About

Montchanin, DE

Washington, DC

Hosted by Missy Kitchell Lickle ’53 and Maude Urmston Chilton ’53

Hosted by Abigail Trafford ’57

English teacher Thomas Deeds visits with Catherine Seif ’05 and Audrey Furber Donohue ’51

Abigail Trafford ’57, Janet Johnson ’57, Angie Pell ’57

Missy Kitchell Lickle ’53, Tom Speers, Bessie Speers, Maude Urmston Chilton ’53 and Thomas Deeds

Adele Harman Waggaman ’37, Bessie Speers, Liz DeLong Kuhl ’44

Tom Speers, Thomas Deeds and Tom Brokaw, husband of Margaretta Bredin Brokaw ’62

Tom Speers and Liz DeLong Kuhl ’44


Lake Forest, IL Hosted by Jennifer Alter Abt ’89, Betsy Sivage Clark ’67, P’04, Deborah Williams MacKenzie ’55, Lorna Sargeant Pfaelzer ’56, Abra Prentice Wilkin ’60


Betsy Sivage Clark ’67, Jennie Alter Abt ’89, Abra Prentice Wilkin ’60, and Deborah Williams MacKenzie ’55

Betsy McNally Ravenel ’56, Lorna Sargeant Pfaelzer ’56, Butch Pfaelzer, Susan Barker DePree ’63, Nora Cooney Marra ’78

Barbados Gathering Hosted by Elizabeth and Bruce Bayley P’11

Bruce & Elizabeth Bayley P’11 with daughter Kelsey ’11 (far right) and Walker’s students Lily Solms ’11 and Alexandra Boelke ’11

Bessie Speers, Celeste Pontifex ’92 and husband Douglas McGoughan

Attitash Bessie Speers and daughter Nellie ’16 enjoy a moment with Walker’s students as they gather in the Attitash Mountain ski lodge for a hot chocolate break. (From left to right) Jenna Truglio ’11, Vanessa Truglio ’08, Bessie and Nellie Speers, and Lindsay Truglio ’09

Summer 2010 51

New York – The Links Club ALUMNAE NEWS

Hosted by Margot Campbell Bogert ’60

Kathy McCarthy Parsons ’75, Chips and Liz Yinkey Moore ’64

John Harrison, husband of Mimi Morrison Harrison ’93, Margot Campbell Bogert ’60

Linda Payson de Roulet ’47, Tom Speers, and Dr. William M. Manger, husband of Lynn Sheppard Manger ’59

Dr. William M. Manger and Bessie Speers

Lexington, MA

Bessie Speers and Elizabeth Wade Sedgwick ’32


San Francisco, CA Hosted by Michele du Pont Goss ’59, Ann Fay Barry P’13, Brittany Coons ’02 and Cynthia Higgins Roby ’64


Tom and Bessie Speers, Emma Smith Johnston ’39, Jim Chapin and Margaret “Peggy” Clarkson Chapin ’48, Patricia “Pat” Kennedy Scott ’44 and husband David Tirrell

Bessie and Tom Speers, Glady Thacher GP’04, ’12

Sidney MacDonald Russell P’02, Holly Hulburd ’67, Ann Fay Barry P’13, Tania Whitman Stepanian ’60

Brendan Foley, Courtney Hornberger ’01, Sarah Johnson Redlich ’78, P’10

Walker’s loves going “Out and About” at the many gatherings our alumnae and friends hold around the country. If you would like to host a reception in your area, please contact our Alumnae Relations Office at 860-408-4252. Patricia “Pat” Kennedy Scott ’44 with Assistant Head of School Stephen Dunn

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Hosted by Robert & Anita Legler P’91 and Holly Cortes Legler ’91

Hoyt Goodrich, Sally Kellogg Goodrich, former Walker’s coach and Development Office liaison, Stevee Greef De Vargas ’63

Sarah Sloneker Marcum ’42 with husband Joseph

Back: Jack Reydel, Marie Gillette Reydel ’51, Anne Austin Mazlish ’51, Bessie Speers; Front: Stevee Greef De Vargas ’63

Cynthia Booth Jennings ’51, Robert Legler P’91 and Bessie Speers

Bessie Speers, Robert & Anita Legler P’91 and Holly Legler Cortes ’91


Summer 2010 54

The Ethel Walker

TAKE NOTE Please stay in touch! We need your email address as well as any changes to your home address. Please send this information to

Thank You!

Class Correspondents are listed by class year. These notes include news received between October 2009 and April 2010. All Class Notes must be submitted by October 15 for the Winter ’11 Sundial. Send submissions to Walker’s reserves the right to edit submissions where appropriate.

Join our Facebook Community! Walker’s official Facebook Alumnae page, “Ethel Walker Alums,” is growing by the day. Keep up with photos and news about your friends, and reconnect with old classmates!

Walker’s is LinkedIn! Keep business connections flowing through Walker’s LinkedIn network! Join “Walker’s Suns and Dials” today at


Alumnae Updates 56















Births & Adoptions




Marriages & Unions


In Memoriam


In Sympathy

Weddings at Walker’s Walker’s offers special arrangements and discounted fees for alumnae and their families interested in wedding ceremonies in our beautiful Chapel. Many ancillary services and local referrals are provided. When it comes time to celebrate that very special day, please contact Alice Chrystal at, or at 860.408.4273 for details.

Photos of events

on and off campus are available for viewing and purchase at Email for password login

Summer 2010 55


Alumnae Updates

1941 Elizabeth Vernlund Goodwin 70 Whitewood Road Torrington, CT 06790-4018 (860) 482-2704 Elizabeth Carpenter Davis 745 Hollow Road Staatsburg, NY 12580-6327 (845) 266-5149

1943 Caroline Berry Laporte Gipsy Trail Club Carmel, NY 10512 845-225-4241 845-225-7630

1945 Martha “Molly” Darling Bell 363 East 76th Street Apartment 19C New York, NY 10021-2436 212-744-8264 212-472-5947 Janice Tomkins Spurr writes, “Am doing well finally after a miserable case of lyme disease last summer. I still volunteer here in New Hope, PA, and spend most of the summer in Georgetown, ME. Margie Auger Kennerly and I hope to make our 65th Reunion for a last hurrah!!” Julia Jackson Young tells us, “I have a grandson in the Marine Reserves serving in Afghanistan. Hopefully he will only have to be there for seven months.” Jane Cole Graves sends in, “No new news. Quiet here as we hop along. Saw Loise Baldwin Chapin recently; wonderful visit in Dallas. Always welcome family whenever they are free.” Dottie Hirsch Loebl says Amey Amory DeFriez visited her in Ojai for “comic relief” having attended an intellectual seminar in Pasadena. The weather was glorious, so along with Heloise Bacon Power they visited Hanna Griffith Bradley at her lovely house. Hannah is a master gardener with a beautiful place and in spite of her limitations her spirit is astounding.


Heloise Bacon was also delighted to have a good Reunion and to see Hannah. She adds that earlier in February Gracie McGraw Parr stopped by Dottie’s on her way to visit a niece in Palm Desert. The rains came. The roads were treacherous so she was not able to visit Hannah on her way to a trip in South America. The Chilean earthquake required a major change in her plans, but she persevered and went to Patagonia and Buenos Aires where she was awed by spectacular glaciers in Patagonia and the art in Buenos Aires. She said she wished she had done the trip 15 years ago at a younger age when she was more agile, but does not complain and says she is doing pretty well for “an old lady.” Gracie also sees Sally Whiteley fairly frequently either in Taos or Santa Fe. Diana Dempsey Treco enjoys seeing Margie Auger Kennerly, her former Walker’s roommate, when bridge and dinners arise in Florida. Seeing EWS alums has been a great addition to living in Naples. Margie writes she was sorry to miss the 65th; she was unable to come to Connecticut in time. She also adds that she is well following all that hip surgery. Hope Griggs Turner hopes to make it to Maine and Texas this year. Balance issues keep her from driving a car, but not riding in one. She gets around with a cane. Rosalind Shaw Kornegay and her husband continue to work at Bridgeworks, a duplicate bridge club in Cranston, Rhode Island. Both continue to score very high in the American Contract Bridge League in RI. They are also planning an eight-day cruise on a boat going down the Intracoastal Waterway from Charleston, NC to Jacksonville, FL. Penny Hall Porter’s next book will be out in September with reminiscences of EWS that should be fun. Loise Baldwin Chapin says she hopes to see Dottie Hirsch Loebel this spring. She stays in close touch with Jane Cole Graves and also Sophie Chandler Consagra and Payne Payson Middleton when in New York. Jane Cole Graves writes that life is peaceful in the country as they wait for the seasons to change. They enjoy visits from their children, grandchildren and spouses. She also says there have been lots and lots of birds in Texas this year. Payne Payson Middleton says her grandchildren are growing fast. One girl is at Pomfret, a boy has a passion for art; the oldest graduates from Hobart and another is a very happy young man as a freshman at college. Payne travels between NYC, South Carolina, Italy and Arizona from time to time.

Pat Edwards Dennis is working at surviving widowhood by staying busy with volunteer work in several areas. She was sorry to miss the 65th, but was in St. Louis for her daughter’s 60th birthday plus two grandsons’ for a weeklong celebration. She sends her love to all.

1953 Susan “Susie” Kleinhans Gilbertson 18 Buttonwood Lane Rumson, NJ 07760-1008 732-842-2057 732-741-0435 I find it hard to believe that my oldest grandson, Matthew, is beginning to look at colleges and actually had Mary Schwerin Ritter’s granddaughter, Morgan, escorting him around Brown! He is a very enthusiastic skier and attends the Green Mountain Valley Ski School in Vermont. I am not sure about the academics but he has skied in Chile, Mount Hood and Austria where he recently came down the mountain after Lindsey Vonn who graciously autographed his goggles. Needless to say, he was thrilled. Mary Ritter and I had a warm but brief reunion with Lisa Miller McElhinney and her husband, Wilson, in January. They were in Miami for about a month before heading back to snow country. I have also seen quite a bit of Jeannie Ballentine Riegel which has been fun and she had Jane McCurrach Talcott and her husband Hooker over recently. Jeannie’s lovely daughters were here recently to celebrate her birthday and lo and behold at lunch in ran a “birthday gram!” He was dressed up with a top hat, singing out her name and “Happy Birthday” in Frank Sinatra style. He brought down the house and continued to sing a few more Sinatra favorites while Jeannie regained her composure! Everyone loved it! I have to say I feel lucky to be in West Palm Beach and Palm Beach because there is so much offered in the way of music, theater, and excellent lectures. And we have opera simulcast from the Met. But the best is running into so many old friends from EWS! Nancie Magee Bourne and her husband, Jim, were in Boca Grande in February and March and had dinner with Patsy Blum Deetjen ’54 and her husband Rudy. They also enjoyed Nantucket last summer. Suzy Patterson writes that politics are still very heated in France but it is fascinating to watch. She will report to us from Paris after the regional elections. She adds that she was very happy to see Bobbie Gerstell

Bennett with her daughter, Laura, at the annual spring international art dealers’ show (Salon du Dessin) in Paris. Laura really impressed Suzy with her fluent French and art expertise, notwithstanding her incredible chic and poise! Laura is a Betsy Rauch Rainoff ’53 and Bessie manager of New Speers, Head of School York’s William Brady & Co. (their exhibition included excellent Renaissance and 18th and 19th century drawings). Aren’t they lucky to have such an attractive representative!? Suzy also wants you to know she has interesting news about our only living star of Gone with the Wind. She is Olivia de Havilland and is now 94! Suzy has been friends with her for many years (Olivia moved to Paris 50 years ago) and she is still receiving awards! She is working on her autobiography and has a beautiful contralto singing voice. She has sung in the National Cathedral in Washington. Suzy says she has a great sense of humor and looks great. There’s a role model! Olivia also volunteers as a narrator for a film made as therapy for Alzheimer’s disease patients called I Remember Better When I Paint. Look for it soon — perhaps on PBS. France puts our problems into perspective according to Suzy. President Sarkozy can’t catch a break between the rumors and the problems that beset the country. The railroad strikes continue, there is flooding, local hospital closings, and farmers who can’t survive on the low price of milk. Hopefully there will be brighter days in France and everywhere. Q. Bloch Cook reports from New Mexico that they too have had lots of snow but they needed the water desperately. She is happy to see daffodils “poking up” because that means music and golf season are around the corner. Q’s big birthday in April was celebrated by taking the family to the Masters Tournament. Mary Schwerin Ritter is celebrating three quarters of a century in September, with a daughter a half a century old and a twenty-one year old granddaughter. She writes, “Makes me feel most historical! What interesting times we have been fortunate enough to live through! As a family we are lucky enough to have good health and a certain amount of resilience to ups and downs which have been mainly and merely situational and so, sustainable. Nina lives in Los Angeles, on the Palos Verdes Peninsula, helps manage

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Alumnae Updates

been so fortunate to have Susie Kleinhans Gilbertson as a neighbor here. She has a winter getaway apartment in the same building and sometimes we feel like we are back at EWS. Susie has joined the “mile-aday club” for saltwater pool swimming! Beloved Miss Waite used to quote a minor English poet who wrote: “What is this Life, If, full of care, We have no time to Stand and Stare?"

Group from Class of 1953 at dinner in March at Southern Pines

a small foundation which makes grants to microprojects in the Third World, and keeps up with her farflung children: Britta graduated from Hotchkiss this spring, and Morgan graduates from Brown in 2011. Nina engages in all kinds of projects involving blocks of stone, piles of old barn siding and general earthworks, supervised by Tristan, 12, and the dog, Pirate. Maria, 47, is finally divorced and having regretfully sold her long-time Tribeca apartment is living in Bay Head on the Jersey Shore, running her design business from her computer while spending time in Harbour Island with her father, skiing in Aspen and planning a long scuba excursion off New Guinea and the Philippines with old diving companions. I am living quietly in Florida, and it has been very cold this winter. Swim about a half a mile in an unheated saltwater pool as often as I can, take a wonderful course on French history, manners and mores, go to the Metropolitan Opera simulcasts and other low-level and harmless pursuits. Still involved in the English-Speaking Union’s program which chooses and pays for Palm Beach County high school teachers to spend three weeks at Oxford, the Globe Theatre in London, or University of Edinburgh as Summer Scholars. I also help judge high school essays for cash prizes from the ESU. We also support a Shakespeare Recital Contest for local high school students. The winner is sent by us to compete at Lincoln Center with other students from ESU branches from all over the USA. I am active as well in grass-roots level support groups for recovering alcoholics in the local community and will be going in June to San Antonio, TX, to attend the International Convention which is held every five years and where some 75,000 or more will be expected. Later in June I will travel to Guatemala to visit my granddaughter, Morgan, who will be in Antigua supplying computer and artistic support to a Brown archeological dig at Mayan sites. Have pretty much given up the reckless travel of the past, but I would like to go to Ethiopia and am looking for company. I have


This is my ’stand and stare’ time as I participate in the lucky and lovely Florida life! Run into Walker’s alumnae everywhere throughout the winter and am always grateful for my EWS education and the lifelong curiosity and camaraderie derived from it.” Missy Kitchell Lickle’s eighth grandchild, Naia, arrived March 31st. “It was 5:30 in the morning here so we call her our April Fool’s child. We now have six girls and two boys. The Hawaiians are flourishing. Here, we are so happy to leave winter behind! Our youngest daughter, Renee, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Fingers crossed! Love to all!” On your next visit to NYC something to be considered is Molly Goodyear Gurney’s husband’s new play. Molly’s husband is, of course, Pete Gurney (A.R.) our well-known playwright, and the new production is The Grand Manner. It opens in June at Lincoln Center with previews in May. Bobbie Gerstell Bennett is in the midst of a massive clean up after damage from New Jersey’s 75 mph winds during the mid-March storm. Clarissa Yantis Downey wrote, “All three of my daughters now live in Chicago. Kennie, her husband, and four children moved from St. Paul to Winnetka last summer. My six grandchildren all live less than five minutes from me! Still working and busier than ever!”

1955 Letitia McClure Potter 44 Rockwood Lane Greenwich, CT 06830 203-869-6069 203-253-5653 My Dear Classmates: first, I know you received notice of the deaths of Yvonne Schueg Arellano and Jane Brown Leidal. I am saddened by the loss of our two wonderful classmates. They were spirited individuals

who were thoughtful and beautiful with big hearts. They are terribly missed, and we send much love and sympathy to their families. I remember Yvonne trying to teach us how to do the cha cha or some other Latin dance in the halls of Cluett. She was so good and no one else could quite move that way with that wonderful rhythm. I spoke to Jane when she lived in Denver and I was visiting my son. She was always cheerful and happy to talk. Her life was enhanced by her second husband, Andy Leidal, and she took to living in Hawaii with enthusiasm, enjoying deep sea fishing and being on the water. They will not be forgotten, as we carry on. Philip and I discovered the joys of cruising along the waterways of Belgium and The Netherlands in April, sponsored by the New York Metropolitan Museum. Yes, we had great lectures from art historians and a tulip aficionado. It was tulip time and our lecturer was passionate about tulips. The ash cloud from Iceland’s volcano prevented our planned return, so we hopped on another boat and toured the Rhine and Mosel rivers, returning a week later with no trouble. How lucky was that! I recommend reading The Glass Room by Simon Mawer. It is a page-turner. Let’s keep in touch. I know you all are busy. Please let me know how you are. Once again, it is I who thank you for your telephone calls and emails as I have been getting ready to write some notes for our class for The Sundial. You make my life easy and most enjoyable! Notice the photo of Tina O’Neil Lyons and her wonderful family of sons and their families. This summer she will travel to the Baltic countries with two of her grandsons. Tina’s book The Zeckendorfs and Steinfelds, Merchant Princes of the American Southwest has been well-received. She has finished with book events and I suspect may write another book. She writes, “Have a wonderful Reunion. I will be thinking of you all. Tina.”

Bettina “Tina” O’Neil Lyons ’55 and her family, husband Don; three grown sons, Dan, David, Steve, and their wives, Pauline and Suzi; and their children David, Greg, Nick, Henry & Lauren.

Out of the blue Glenna Holleran Ottley called me and I had a good catch up with her. Glenna divides her time between Florida and Idaho, enjoying golf and her family. After a double fusion of her ankle, she plays tennis with cleverness and not so much gusto in the running department. Lalyn Kenyon, her older daughter, works in finance in Greenwich and Lalyn’s children Maxwell and Ellery attend Greenwich Country Day where Glenna and her children went to school. Her other daughter, Heidi Ottley, has chosen to live in Idaho where she is furthering her interest in sustainable food and the environment. After careers in finance and advertising (she ran the anti-smoking campaign for one agency), she relishes the wonderful outdoors of Idaho. Glenna attended Penny Paull Thorson’s and Peter’s 50th wedding anniversary. Congratulations Peter and Penny. It was good to hear from Lucy Parsons Alonzo, whom we knew as Mary Lou. She was sorry not to attend our Reunion. She was needed by a family member who was having surgery just before the weekend.

1956 Adrianne Massie Hill 2771 Peachtree Road N.E., #10 Atlanta, GA 30305 404-846-0407 404-790-6209 Mal and I have had a very productive and interesting winter. We continue to sing at the Episcopal Cathedral of St. Philip, directly across the street, both of us in the Cathedral Choir and I also in Schola, a smaller group responsible for singing Choral Evensong every Sunday afternoon from September until May. My years with Miss Sala really come to mind. There are twelve professionals and eight ‘mortals’ like me so that we are able to travel a bit, making sure that we are in town for Christmas and Easter especially. I took a very interesting course this winter, sponsored by the Atlanta Sweet Briar Alumnae Club, given each year called “Living Room Learning.” The course was eight weeks long entitled “Victorian Britain,” led by a British professor of history on the faculty of Emory University here in Atlanta. The syllabus consisted of fiction and non, and I have to say that my understanding of Charlotte Bronte and Anthony Trollope, for example, was much greater than when I was a stumbling student of Miss Hunt’s, too young at that time to understand satire and the hierarchy of social classes in history. The course covered the political and economic events of the period as well so

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Alumnae Updates

that I came away with a much greater understanding of that era than I had had previously. The course led us to another project: Mal and I both record weekly for the Georgia Radio Reading Service, part of PBS, articles and books for the blind and printimpaired, but no program contained the classics. So, we went to the director of volunteers to suggest the idea of Classic Books which now airs on the internet on Saturday and Sunday afternoons! So far we have read Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, The Warden by Anthony Trollope, A Lost Lady by Willa Cather, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, and I am in the middle of The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. What beautiful language and expressions we are finding. Miss Hunt would now smile, I think! Thanks again for sharing your news and thoughts. I wish each of you a good summer. Phoebe Haffner Andrew wrote from Seattle to say that she and Lucius have done a lot of traveling since our last class notes were written as have Diana Forman Colgate and her husband, John. The Colgates, who live on Long Island, traveled to South Africa for three weeks in addition to their annual stay in Idaho. The Colgates have 13 grandchildren, one at Middlebury College, four in boarding school, but “sadly none at Walker’s.” Nancy Lanphier Chapin wrote from Chatham, IL, to say that her husband, Chick, retired just this past week from his law practice. Nancy continues as president of the Sangamon Country Historical Society “and that keeps me out of trouble because I’m continually thinking of more things to do! I just finished writing three scripts for actors to portray people on a cemetery tour and am preparing for the 50th anniversary of the Society next year.” The website of the Association certainly speaks to the vitality of its efforts. Nancy also serves on the Abraham Lincoln Association Board of Directors. Mary Jo Laflin Field continues to share her life with John Simonds whom she met in San Miguel de Allende four years ago; their miniature American Eskimo, Bianca, travels with them everywhere. Mary Jo and John spend spring and fall in Chicago, six weeks each winter in San Miguel, and four summer months in Rockport, ME. One of their best friends in San Miguel is Joan Meeske Feick ’44, also a Walker’s alumna; Mary Jo found Serena Stewart there as well a few years ago. Mary Jo’s children, April (now almost 50), and Dave plus their significant others and two children apiece have ended up, through ties with Brown and other assorted reasons, in Providence, RI. Unlike many of us who are not planning to attend our 50th college reunions this spring, Mary Jo will be going to Harvard


as Radcliffe no longer exists. Mary Jo, please let us know how Radcliffe has been folded into Harvard; does it maintain some of its identity? A long email from Clarina Schwarzenbach Firmenich in Geneva came just a few weeks ago. Clarina has two sons. Antoine and his wife, Christina, and their two girls live in Singapore and came to visit in February when the family gathered to ski in Verbier. Clarina’s other son, Patrick, his wife, Valentine and their two children, Adrien and Laetitia, live in Geneva. As the Greek financial situation has worsened in recent weeks, Clarina and her companion, Dusan Sidjanski, watch it with great concern as the effect on Europe is tremendous. Missy Turnbull Geddes has just returned from a trip to Southeast Asia and is still getting back on eastern daylight time! “It was a fantastic experience traveling to Hong Kong, Thailand, Cambodia, Viet Nam and Singapore. Truly a memorable journey.” Thanks, Missy, for taking the time write so quickly. Kiki Judd in Larkspur, CA, has coined a great phrase to describe her age: she remains “plenty-nine.” Kiki has been in the residential real estate business for many years. From Asheville, NC, Rosanne Blair Kelly writes that she will be going to Wild Dunes on the Isle of Palms, SC, with her tennis friends at the end of April, their 27th year of traveling together! Rosanne has taken up duplicate bridge, plays twice weekly, and has even entered some regional tournaments. What makes her efforts special is the fact that she doesn’t always play with the same partner. Duplicate is hard enough so that Rosanne’s flexibility is admirable. Barbara Bidwell Manuel writes from Orleans, MA, where she remains very active in the organization of her community’s excellent choir, Gloriae Dei Cantores, which tours worldwide. Barbara is working on a time line which traces their work back for forty years “when we couldn’t even sing the doxology — remember I was a sour grape!” Last fall a close mutual friend in Santa Fe sent me a fabulous article about Dorothy Doubleday Massey that appeared in the November 26th issue of The New Mexican. The title of the article was “The 10 Who Made a Difference” and featured those outstanding citizens who have contributed greatly to life in Santa Fe nominated by others for an award. Dorothy and her daughter, Mary, bought The Collected Works in 1996 and have successfully managed it as an

independent bookstore since then, which, I am sure, is not always easy in our current economic climate. If space permitted, I would quote more from the article, but these few remarks stand out from Barbara Harrelson who nominated Dorothy for the award, “…I just started thinking that she’s given a lot to the community. I see her around town, not just at the bookstore. She always has a smile on her face. She’s always so warm and appreciative of everybody’s doing. She’s what it’s all about.” Janey Potts writes “Massey is tireless, generous with time and knowledge. She is one of the absolute treasures in this community.” And author James McGrath Morris wrote, “Dorothy never says no. It’s just not part of her vocabulary. Whenever you need support, she’ll be there.” Since buying the bookstore, Dorothy and Mary have offered the space to numerous nonprofit organizations at no cost for receptions and parties. “Mary and I are determined to keep it that way,” Massey said. “This is a community space.” When next we meet, I’ll be sure to have copies on hand. So proud of you, Dorothy. However, lest you think that all this acclaim about Dorothy and Mary’s store is their most important news, Dorothy writes, “My main news — the birth of my first grandchild, Jackson Bramley Wolf, born to Mary and Sam Wolf on December 2, 2009, overshadows everything else. At four months, he is a smiling, engaging bundle of true joy.” So happy for you all, Dorothy. Two very thoughtful emails came from Edie Radley who divides her time between Edgartown and Greenwich where she spends time with her sister, Liz Radley Anderson ’53, who suffered a stroke two years ago. Edie is very close to Liz’s daughter, Katy, and her family. Edie spent a month in Florida this past winter and plans to take Liz to the Vineyard for the month of August this summer. Evie Lisle Rooney wrote from Washington that she had recently gone to a Walker’s gathering at Abigail Trafford’s ’57, had great fun, and learned that Bessie Speers’ mother, uncle, and grandparents were longtime friends of Evie’s in Bethlehem. The Rooneys visited good friends here in Atlanta a couple of years ago, and Evie hints that they might return…so that the Hills could see them again, too. We really had fun. Evie reminded me of the fabulous Bach Festival which is held every May in Bethlehem. We would love to go sometime. Carol Stanwood wrote from her home in Aurora, CO, just outside Denver. We both greatly enjoyed our gathering in New York last year at Serena’s apartment making music! Carol continues to sing and is preparing the second movement of Mozart’s Exultate Jubilate for

an upcoming recital, and in addition, has been working on some duets with another soprano with the goal of preparing a program which they can present in assisted living and senior citizen centers. Bravo, Carol! Carol and her family traveled to England to celebrate their English cousin’s 70th birthday at an historic manor house outside of Oxford. The family then traveled to Paris for three nights, and “thanks to EWS French classes (Mlle. Arnaudet) and earlier short periods living in Paris, my French came back enough to make myself understood and impress my niece who works in French-speaking Africa!” I agree with Carol about Mlle. Arnaudet’s teaching as I found that my own preparation for my junior year in Paris was strong on account of her. Sara Cavanagh Schwartz wrote as follows, “Sandy and I continue to publish The Horse of Delaware Valley, and despite the economy, we have been able to keep on all of the girls that work for us. We went to Scotland for two weeks last summer, and it was wonderful. We go every year, but last year was the best — it only rained for about a half an hour the first day we were there, and then was lovely, and even warm enough for shorts a few days. We played golf every day, traveling to about five courses we have found and love. We are members of Gleneagles and stay in a flat there. Hopefully, we are going back again in June. We see a lot of Cookie Schutt Brown; we were roommates at Walker’s and are best friends still.” Mary Laird Silvia and her husband, Pete, have had yet another exotic trip on the water! Mary writes, “We, too, had a great winter, with many adventures, cruising around South America and to the Antarctic. We got marooned by the floods in Machu Picchu and had to be airlifted out by helicopter. We missed both earthquakes and other floods by only a week or so, and crossed the Drake Passage to Antarctica in weather that made us realize why Cape Horn got its bad name! Machu Picchu was worth every minute of the other spots we missed due to being stuck there, the Antarctic was gorgeous despite the winds and our being fog-bound much of the time, and we particularly loved the Amazon.” Mary and Pete are preparing to move from their home in Falls Church, VA, to Cartmel, part of Kendal-Crosslands, in Pennsylvania later this summer. Mary, I still wish that you were returning to Atlanta to repeat our good visit of last summer! Serena Stewart and I have been in close touch since our April in New York meeting last year. Serena continues her faithful work at Hope Lodge in New York, and even though she travels here and there, she is diligent about her obligations there. Would I love to see her running a Bingo game! In addition to the lovely needlepoint that she has done over the years, Serena

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has taken up knitting, and so we have been kibitzing back and forth about “how to.” We’re both planning to attend the Centennial celebration at Walker’s in October of next year. Lee Mullowney Story and I will pay the AT&T dividend for the next quarter! We had two great conversations which made the span of more than 50 years disappear. Lee has three adult children: Brien Metcalf, 47, Rick Metcalf, 44, and Beth (Elizabeth) Metcalf, 40, and one grandson, Brien’s son, age 4. All of John and Lee’s children live near them in San Diego, and if the sound of a happy voice is reliable, I think that California agrees with our Yankee friend!

1957 Sandra Lipson Ryon P.O. Box 378 6684 Phillips Mill Road Solebury, PA 18963 215-862-9307

1959 Lynn Sheppard Manger 8 East 81st Street New York, NY 10028-0201 212-772-3068 I had been planning on using this edition of our class notes to regale everyone with stories of our big 50th Reunion in May 2009. Now as I sit at the computer the memories seem a bit fuzzy, and I realize I should have written all my notes right after the big Reunion. I can tell you that our class had the most attendants including: Kitty McNally Cote, Penny Reynolds Roosevelt, Janie Sullivan Reese, Nancy Gerdau Graves, Lucy Rosenberry Jones, Sally Chapin Levin, Lea Osborne Angell, Meg Lindsay, Corky Stout Lawrence, Mary Brown Jackson, Elena Miller Shoch, Judithe Lange Bizot all the way from Paris, and myself. We also raised a lot of money. Elena, as class treasurer, received an award on behalf of our class at the Saturday night dinner. So, when we checked in at the school we were given wonderful bags with the Sundial seal, purple or gold ribbons with 50th Reunion printed on them to be worn diagonally across the shoulder, and big straw hats with ribbons and our picture from the yearbook. The dinner on Friday night was a beautifully seated event at the Head of School’s house on campus, which included our class, earlier classes and members of the Board. Our class was a bit


scattered at tables during dinner, but we managed to all sit at one table for dessert so we could catch up with each other. Then after everyone else had left and gone to bed, our class moved on to the Simsbury Inn where we continued to chat. Saturday morning most of us arrived for a meeting with Bessie Speers, Head of School, and members of the Big 7. Following that we all went to the Chapel for the Alumnae service. Our classmate Lucy Rosenberry Jones gave the keynote address which was really wonderful and spoke of Ms. Ethel Walker and the founding of the school. It was a very moving tribute and we were all very proud of Lucy. At the end of the service all choir members got up and sang the school Amen. Almost all our class had been members of choir so we had a great representation and sang in full voice. Then on to class pictures and a buffet lunch, which was delicious, in Abra’s dining room. Following the luncheon our class went outside to the tree we had planted and marked for our classmates that had died before our 40th Reunion. For our 50th Reunion we added a new marker with the classmates we lost during the last 10 years. It was a lovely short ceremony with several of us speaking and a short prayer. As it started to drizzle I was glad to have my new class hat to wear. Then I had to leave that afternoon, but the others that stayed enjoyed the Saturday night dinner at the school, and the consensus was that it was a great Reunion indeed. Elena Miller Schoch came to New York with her two sisters, Martha and Bobby. Kitty McNally Cote, Barbara “Barbie” Welles Bartlett ’58 and I joined them for a fun lunch where we talked a lot about Walker’s and all our friends there. We all had a great time catching up. Just wish we could all get together more often. Now onto the remarks from our classmates who so kindly answered my continuing requests for news. Have a wonderful summer and please have lots of news for next time. Elizabeth “Poage” Baxter answered first with her news. She says she is a happy non-retiree — clients and business consulting continue, but more time gets spent managing her “estate”— all that is lacking are the keys at her waist. Poage is advising Ph.D. students and running a friend’s campaign for state legislature. She likes this kind of “retirement.” Priscilla Tilt Pochna writes that she is moving to a new apartment in November. She will be uptown again but will miss the 46th floor of the Museum Tower. She continues to love her life with family and good friends — her four grandchildren are the best!

Also from Italy, Ann Wynkoop Wood writes that she has started a non-profit organization to save the Castello Di Pissignano. All the money she raises at this point goes to keeping the public rooms in order and to putting on summer events like concerts and theatrical productions to attract people to the place. The municipality does not help her financially, but does supply a small bus to take visitors up the hill to the Castle when they have the two evening events in August. Otherwise, Ann says it is just “me and me.” Other information about the Castle can be found on the internet by clicking Castello di Pissignano. Ann’s contact information is From Florida, Nancy Rathborne says that her life in St. Petersburg is so much happier than her life in southern California. Nancy had spent a lot of time traveling in 2007, which was fascinating and pure delight. She is now happy to be settled in Florida. Lynn Drury Womsley of North Carolina writes that son Rob, Stacey, and their girls have moved back to Chicago from London. Rob left his job in London and is thrilled to be back home with a new job in a new field — health care. Lynn insanely volunteered to haul a huge, loaded U-Haul trailer from the mountains in North Carolina to Kenilworth, IL, by herself. The mountain roads and pouring rain were nothing compared to driving through Chicago during rush hour. Lynn’s pay was a second trip to Jersey Boys and four delightful days with the girls in Chicago followed by four wonderful weeks with them in the mountains. Lynn has also been on the road back and forth to Dayton. She bought a small condo/house, gutted it and then decided she had best put it back together and sell it. Lynn was very sorry not to get back for the Reunion. Bob’s health has been a roller coaster, and Lynn was being nurse. He is now stable and feeling ever so much better. As for Lynn, she feels great and has way too much energy for her 68 years. She is looking forward to the time when she will feel like sitting down and reading a good book. Pichy Alfaro wrote to me how sorry she was not to get up from Florida to join everyone for the Reunion. I read her sweet note to those who came and everyone expressed regret that she was not with us. Hopefully next time you will make it, Pichy. A recent traveler, Roberta Downs Sandeman, returned from visiting a childhood friend in Mexico. She went to several cities and glorious beaches with their own natural fish aquariums, then to a wedding in Southampton and on to a surprise birthday in London. Her daughter, Flo, is married and living in Zurich. Flo has three children and therefore Roberta spends August and winters in Gstaad, Switzerland. Roberta and I are hoping to lunch this fall.

Michele DuPont Goss has had a very, very, busy summer. All the grandchildren visited with them over the summer on Fishers Island and now one is going off to Deerfield. Michele had a nice visit from Bessie Speers who seems to be re-inspiring the School as well as the alumnae. All of us who heard her speak at Walker’s would agree with that. We (the Mangers) were supposed to visit with Michele. Unfortunately, we had a big storm that weekend and could not cross the Sound. Very disappointing for all of us. Lucy Hufstader Sharp’s recent news is that her son, Andy, has been dealing with non-Hodgkins lymphoma for the last 18 months. Now he is having various treatments that will take five to six months, during which time he will be living with his cousin in Seattle. Lucy is extremely grateful that they moved west four years ago. They are certainly where they need to be, and she is thankful for an incredibly strong, supportive family and group of friends. Lucy also mentioned that she had a very nice visit with Sally Chapin Levin just before Reunion. Lucy’s brother is living in Avon and she was able to catch up with Sally at that time. Lucy was not able to stay on for the Reunion as they had to get back to their son. Lucy’s final note is, “Be well everyone, and don’t forget to tell your loved ones how much they are cherished.” Lucy, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Nancy Gerdau Graves is always great fun to have along anywhere. Her update is that her daughter, Amanda, and Nic closed on their first house in Oregon in July. That prompted a U-Haul trip by Nancy (solo) from Colorado with various wedding presents, furniture and some of her husband’s toys for their son Kai (sound familiar, Lynn Drury?). Nancy’s adventures included two nights sleeping in the truck at rest stops. Nancy also just returned from a nine day babysitting visit with Kai helped by her other daughter, Jennifer, and her husband Jeff. Nancy says they had their hands full even with the three of them. Nancy is now planning a trip to the northeast and hopes to visit Lynn Weaver Tidman and Margot Adams Goodwin. Keep me posted Nancy, please. Lucy Rosenberry Jones says that she has such good memories of our Reunion weekend; it was fun and meaningful. All is well with Lucy and it is always wonderful catching up with her. As I have mentioned before Kitty McNally Cote and I compare mystery writers and mystery shows rather frequently. Between us we have quite a mystery library going and we are continually shopping and adding. If anyone has any suggestions of mysteries they enjoy

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please let me know. Kitty says of the Reunion that she is so glad she attended our 50th. She loved meeting Bessie Speers and many new faces and seeing old schoolmates. The weekend was beautifully organized and a wonderful experience. It was gratifying to see that EWS is thriving. Also she writes that she greatly appreciates all that Lynn Sheppard Manger and Elena Miller Shoch do for our class. Kitty added from a boastful grandmother note that her grandson Jack, age 6, recently completed his second mini-marathon which he ran in New Hampshire. It was wonderful to see Sally Chapin Levin. Sadly, her cousin Connie Irwin Bray ’56 died shortly after our Reunion. She was a lovely lady and a close friend of my sister, Gail Sheppard Moloney ’56 since their EWS days. Sally, we extend our deepest sympathy to you and all Connie’s family. Another mover is Elise “Sis” Becket Smith. As of September 2009 she and her husband, Martin, moved from London to Oxford. They still have their house in Tetbury, Gloustershire. She writes, “I hope the Reunion was well attended and enjoyed by all. After 21 years in Kensington, we moved from London to Oxford — although of course we retain our country house in Gloucestershire. We are loving Oxford, and I haven’t given London a backward glance. If you see someone teetering along on a green bicycle with pink mudguards, that’s me. I am still running the Tetbury Music Festival, am on the Board of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, and we are about to publish a book about The Becket Collection of period instruments, which I started 12 years ago. Five grandchildren keep us entertained, and I suppose it was with their world and their future in mind that we established the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at the University. We will be on Cape Cod for much of the summer, as usual. I have several times tried to contact Wendy Willard, but she hasn’t responded. I have seen Mary Brown Jackson who lives only a few miles away from our Chatham house. Day before yesterday I spent a lovely time with Carol Stanwood ’56 (she was a senior when we were freshmen), whom I knew well at school, the Yale Music School and at Smith. I hadn’t seen her since 1960! She and her sister Tessa were over here for a family reunion which happened to take place near Oxford. We were on Cape Cod for New Year’s, and it snowed at the end of our visit, much to our delight because ‘we don’t get snow in England’. We landed in London the morning of the 5th and it started snowing then and has been snowing on and off ever since. Oxford has had about a foot, and intensely cold weather (minus 20


degrees celsius, whatever that is!); I confess to rather enjoying it, but the country cannot cope — it has neither the equipment nor the training. I suppose if I buy a snow shovel, it will never snow again. Love, Elise” Class notes from Class Correspondent Lynn Manger ’59 were inadvertently omitted from the last edition of “Take Note.” The Development Office extends its sincerest apologies to Lynn and the Class of 1959.

1960 Phyllis Richard Fritts 910 Ladybug Lane Vero Beach, FL 32963 772-234-7096 772-492-0272 Ginny Sandstrom Emley still is living happily and productively in Kansas City. Having worked in a needlepoint store and as a preschool teacher she is now retired but busier than ever. She volunteers working with abused and neglected preschoolers. For fun, she and her husband Roger are schooling their Arabian horses for versatility competitions. Son David is a banker in Kansas City and he and his wife have two daughters ages five and seven so Ginny is a hands-on grandmother. Her other son, Andrew, and his wife, Elizabeth, work in Washington for the real NCIS (not the TV show)! Elizabeth is a forensic scientist and has worked for the TV show proofing the scripts. Andrew travels the world for the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, especially in the Middle East. She wishes she was free to come to Reunion and sends her love to all. Clara Perkins Stites says, “People can order my novel — Sand & Gravel — direct from” Pam Mixter Cunningham sends news from Aspen of her retirement in 2008 from Aspen Alps where she was general manager for 20 years. Her two daughters are both living in Aspen, which is the best of all. Daughter Caitlyn works for Aspen Ski Co. and Abigail works for a hospitality company while planning her September wedding. Pam still loves all that Aspen offers and spends her time skiing, fly fishing, hiking and attending summer concerts frequently with Marilyn Hodges Wilmerding. In December she is off to Zimbabwe with her brother and his family. Carroll Townsend Tickner and her husband John were expecting their fifth granddaughter in mid-May so she missed Reunion. This will make five grands under five and a very lively summer when they come to stay with

them in Rhode Island. Hopefully by the summer their flood-created spring lakes will have disappeared from their fields. Quite a long and soggy time! She sends her, “Best to all.”

1963 Robin Frost Bessin 184 South Gate Lane Southport, CT 06490-1464 203-259-1406 561-351-0567

Sylvia (now Sylvie) Brooks has lived happily in Amsterdam for 38 years. Her son, Carel Van Boetzelaer, who is a management consultant, also lives there. In addition to studying history at the University of Amsterdam, Sylvie reports, “I worked for 30 years in community social work. Also five years with refugees. I now lead a pastoral ministry at a 1,500-person church. It’s wonderful to be growing in one’s sixties!” “I got out of the investment business just in time and went back to teaching,” says Vinnie Chase. “I teach English to tenth through twelfth graders at Andover High School. I don’t know why but I really like teenagers! Certainly we were no prizes!” Tina Gardner Locke has had a challenging few years. Her husband, Peter, has been battling cancer. She reports that he is home and getting stronger and stronger. She adds, “I think about those days at Walker’s a lot and yearn for the carefree hours and close buddies.” She and Peter have two great daughters, Christie and Bailey.

L to R: Brooke Gaffney Redmond ’90, Cici Spencer Ives ’63, Olivia Spencer Tuttle ’66, Abigail Aldrich Record ’62 at a recent cocktail party at Cici's house in Boca Grande, FL immediately after performing a rousing rendition of the School Song.

1964 Cynthia Higgins Roby 40 Cable Roadway Sausalito, CA 94965-2302 415-332-6556 Charlotte “Carla” Meyer shares, “The last year was a digital one. I worked on Avatar and Alice In Wonderland. Both were amazing: exhausting, instructive, and inspiring! On the days off, I rode my horse — and every time I think of Margot, Katie, and all of you riders. I was such a non-rider then; now it is my great joy and relaxation. Of course, I ride Western, so no fancy outfits. Well, no tasteful ones. If we dress up for competition, there’s usually some rhinestone involved. I try not to conform. The best of this year was a visit to our Cindy up in Sausalito. Great fun on a road trip to Sonoma, a comedy night in Mill Valley, and long, long conversations everywhere. All of your ears should have been burning. In a good way. I miss and remember Margot Graham Moncure.”

“My family has gravitated back to the Midwest,” Dane Nichols reports from Washington, D.C. “Son Tim and his family live in Wisconsin where he is in green energy technology, installing windmills. My daughter, Dane, just moved to Chicago. She is LEED certified in interior design. I am utterly immersed in the environment. I was Vice Chair of the Board of Island Press for years and just joined the board of the Ocean Conservancy. I am also a director of the DC Environmental Film Festival. Best of all I am in regular contact with Cindy and Carla. I am long overdue for a ‘yack’ with Wendy Frey Textor. In the summer, Liz Yinkey Moore lives about two inches from me in Watch Hill, RI.” Lea Austen Hooker left her hometown of San Francisco several years ago. She is currently living in northern Nevada after six wonderful years on Orcas Island in Washington. Her daughter, Annie, is a brilliant artist and recently had a one-person show of her paintings in San Francisco. Annie also paints decorative murals and portraits of children and dogs. She notes, “I was lucky enough to be at its opening attended by a large and enthusiastic crowd.” I saw Liz Yinkey Moore and her husband, Chips, this year when they came to San Francisco for the memorial service of a mutual friend. In spite of the sad occasion, Yinks seems well. Debbie Hall Coburn and her husband, Lester, live in San Rafael, CA. She has an interior design firm named Naturally Inspired. The firm is committed to “weaving the natural world into built environment.” She recently enjoyed a vacation with Lynnie Allegaert in Carmel, CA.

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Molly Love continues to enjoy life in both Vail and Locust Valley, LI. She is still very sporty, involved with skiing in the winter and golf in the summer. “I am enjoying my time on the Alumnae Board,” says Celeste “Candy” Royall Niarchos. “It is great being back at Walker’s and seeing how the school has changed and is flourishing. I am still busy practicing law and have a new partnership. Please see our exciting website: In my spare time, I enjoy golf and travel. I hope you will all plan on returning for the 100th year celebration of Walker’s.” Linda Marvin Benjamin married Park Benjamin of Long Island recently. “It is amazing to end up in Oyster Bay where I spent many school vacations. I am living practically next to my sister, Alice Marvin Von Briesen ’66. Park and I spend our winters skiing and our summers sailing. Together we count ten grandchildren and so we are busy visiting them. Life is good.” I had a great catch-up with Patsy Ladd Carega when she visited San Francisco last year. She has an art gallery in Center Sandwich, NH. The website is Her family is thriving. She reports, “I have two daughters and a grandbaby in London. I hear the new Head of School, Bessie Speers, is great. Her in-laws live in Sandwich not very far from me. Her father-in-law, Guthrie Speers, has one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen. Just to look at him makes you feel wonderful.” Suzy Sivage Borland shares, “We come out to Pebble Beach where Jack plays golf at Cypress. I am terrible and am embarrassed to play at such a nice course. I will let you know when we are out there again. It is usually in October. Time has gone incredibly fast. We have six grandchildren ranging from four months to eight years. They are great amusement to us and we are taking them all (with their parents) to Arizona. They love playing cowboys and cowgirls for a week. I love being with them but am less enthusiastic about getting on a horse. We spend time in Palm Beach in the winter and have just come back from India. I am really a homebody and am just as happy staying at home with my animals but Jack (since his retirement) has kept us moving and I do enjoy every place we go but glad to get back to home base. I think of you and my old friends often and would love to catch up with you.” I, Cindy Higgins Roby, am still living in beautiful Sausalito, CA. I have two wonderful sons who, although they both went to school back East, have both gravitated back to California to live and work. Their mother is thrilled! I retired from my job in county


government several years ago but am busy in the community and with a cadre of wonderful friends. Best friend of all is my mother Elise Farley Higgins ’40 who lives in a retirement community nearby. I also have a granddaughter, Madison.”

1965 Shelley Rea Gilbert 216 East 61st Street New York, NY 10065-8506 212-759-0211 Sara Smith Dixon writes, “I have retired from architecture (first part of my working life) and teaching ESL (English as a Second Language — second part). I have two sons — Andrew works in Miami with a strong connection to Latin America and Peter, working on his Ph.D. at UC Berkeley in Sociology.”

1966 Stephanie Burns 72 Campground Road Lee, NH 03824-9801 603-659-7030 603-969-9929

1967 Caroline Adams Muller 14 East 75th Street Apartment 6E New York, NY 10021 301-580-5459 Some of Jesseca Ferguson’s pinhole photographs appeared at museums around the country through a grant from the Trust for Mutual Understanding, enabling her to attend the opening at Galeria Pusta and other events connected with OFFO, the third biennial Jesseca Ferguson’s ’67 “Two birds” 2009 pinhole cyanotype, festival of pinhole photography held in Poland. 8x10 inches

1969 Katherine Murphy Ingle 918 Windsor Road Glenview, IL 60025 847-724-8560 Cate Lord 30363 Hilltop Drive Evergreen, CO 80439-8753 303-674-7419 303-674-0696

1970 Gail Chandler Gaston 202 East 75th Street New York, NY 10021 212-744-0070

1971 Jean Hamilton 661 Bering Drive, #201 Houston, TX 77057-2137 713-785-6817

1972 Joanna Betts Virkler 15826 Lake Ridge Road Charlotte, NC 28278-7930 704-588-1959 Susie Churchill Bowman writes: “Hope you enjoyed the pix of Karen, my son and me playing together in last fall’s Sundial. We had a great time and wish you could have been relaxing on that deck listening to us. I enjoyed reading everyone’s notes last time around so thought I’d join in this time: I was afflicted with autoimmune arthritis last summer, which really disabled me by Christmastime. It is like having moderate to severe tendonitis in all my joints, especially the big ones. I was so stiff that between the pain and stiffness, I could hardly walk. This winter I have been focusing on my health pretty much full time: physical therapy, acupuncture, therapeutic yoga, stress-reduction, increased sleep and a draconian diet. I did a lot of research and compiled a list of foods that can trigger immune system reactions and, since Jan. 1, have been

eating a vegan, gluten-free, soy and corn-free, nightshade-free (no tomatoes, white potatoes, peppers or eggplant, citrus-free, sugar-free and caffeine-free!) diet. Within a month, my labs had noticeably improved and continue to; I was no longer stiff, and I successfully avoided adding prednisone to my non-steroid inflammation medication. All this improvement keeps me on the diet, although I will begin to reintroduce foods slowly over the coming months. I still can’t garden which is one of my passions, but I am moving reasonably well and have adjusted to being in chronic pain much better than I ever imagined I could. Our son, David, continues to live in Boston and live the life of a struggling young musician. He works in a restaurant by day and plays Irish music at night. But after a four-year gap, he’s ready to return to studies and just received the happy news that he was accepted at the only college he applied to. At 23, he will be enrolling at Gallatin College, part of NYU, where he can design his own major. He wants to combine literature, writing, history, philosophy and music. Life has been a challenge for him on many fronts and we are grateful that he finally sought help this year. Woody and I will be celebrating 35 wonderful years together on our wedding anniversary in late May. Best to everyone and give a call if you come to the Vineyard.” Karen Brooks responds, “Thanks, Susie, for sharing your pain but also your ‘cure’ — I have a friend who says that as we get older, we tend to want to give an ‘organ recital’ — but sharing for the sake of helping others is another matter. I’m going to pass on the part about David to Loren (my son) — think he would like knowing what his old buddy is up to. They seem to run parallel lives a bit.” Jill Englund Jensen spent Friday and Saturday nights at my house last weekend, up in this area for a cheesemaking workshop. I really enjoyed seeing her, and we were both commenting on how, after not seeing each other for so many years, we could just be together and hang out. She helped me “candle” my chicken eggs, and even did the daunting task of breaking open the questionable ones! I’m finally done with Greenwich and my mom’s house (she passed away a bit more than a year ago), and I hear there’s a teardown notice on it, very sad state of affairs in a town that prides itself on its history. My youngest has joined the Navy and leaves in May (yikes!), and I’m busy figuring out the next piece of this interesting puzzle called “life”: growing more vegetables, farming more, making beer and music, still going to New York to do gigs, and glad for good friends — come visit!

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Karin Wyman Morgan shares, “I haven’t seen anyone other than Terry Duke Marsh and Anne Nussbaum in a very long time! Terry lives in Maine now with her husband and son, who attends Deerfield. Annie lives in Westhampton, Long Island, and is a great golfer. They both look the same — beautiful, active, slim and unwrinkled! I still live in Boulder, CO, and am semiretired from the practice of law. Our daughter, Kristen, is engaged to be married this summer. She teaches eighth-grade writing and social science at Minturn Middle School in Minturn, CO, outside of Vail. My oldest son, age 26, is graduating this summer from the Monterey Institute of International Studies with a master’s in trade policy and an international MBA. Our youngest son, age 19, is a junior at Occidental College in LA. My husband, Jeff, and I have been married for 30 years. We are still actively involved in our community, serving on a variety of boards. In our spare time, we love to play golf and ski. I have a new email address: It is fun to read this stuff on occasion to see what you are all up to!”

We are still in Ohio and pretty much up to the same things. My younger daughter just graduated from the University of Melbourne, Australia, and was more than ready to come home. Her future plans are in limbo and like so many of her generation, she is living at home with a ‘fill-in’ job until she decides her next step. I must say I wasn’t quite prepared for having a child back in the house and it has taken some adjustment!

And from Cappy Clark Shopneck, “Karin’s email got me to respond. Karin lives in Boulder and I in Denver. You would think that we would talk all the time, but we don’t. I see a few of our classmates from time to time but must confess that I haven’t done a good job of staying in touch with anyone. I’ve been in the same house in Denver since January of 1981. I guess that I’m not very fond of change. My husband Bob and I have been married 30 years and we have two sons: Andy, 27, and Chris, 25. Andy went to Connecticut College and then DU Law and is now a deputy district attorney in Denver. His brother, Chris, went to Colorado College and is now running a real estate company that he owns with his brother here in Denver. Bob is still working very hard and loves what he does. I have worked on various non-profit boards for years and am as busy as ever with those commitments, especially the University of Denver board. Our family is close, and we get to see our boys a lot. We love outdoor activities as much as ever: biking, skiing, golf, and tennis, but I must confess we aren’t quite as quick as we used to be. Warmest regards to all.”

From Gilda Rogers, “Hi everyone. It’s always great to hear from you. All’s well here in my adopted state of Texas. It will be two years May 1. My daughter-in-law is cooking up grandchild number three. The other two grandkids call me ‘Texas grandma.’ They are having trouble with distinguishing all of the grandmothers in their lives: my mother, Maurice’s mother, her mother and grandmother; then they have some step grandmothers and me! If anyone is in Ft. Worth, TX, look me up!”

Jane Hadden Geisse sends in news that her daughter, Ali, went to DU and is now in Denver teaching at Aspen Academy. “We go out every once and a while to visit — I’ll have to look Cappy up next time. I almost saw Beryn Frank Harty while I was visiting my dad in Sugarloaf Key this spring. She lives only about 10 minutes away from Dad but was gone most of the time I was there. We did get a chance to talk on the phone and will get together the next time I go down.


Husband Tim still lawyers when the spirit moves him. He is trying to take up golf — it is definitely a love-hate thing. I’m still bike racing and won a gold and bronze at the Senior (Senior? How can that be?) Olympics in San Francisco. It was an amazing experience but for reasons other than getting a prize. So many people had such interesting life stories about why they were there. Honestly, I didn’t think I deserved a medal after hearing all that! And for eight years I’ve been having hot flashes! What’s with that? Getting old is not for the weak. I hope a bunch of us are able to get back for reunions — they really are a hoot. Take care everyone!”

Regina “Reggie” Scruggs adds, “Hey all, just a quick hello, and especially to newly minted Texan Gilda! (Glad you’re liking the Lone Star’s a great place to live!) I’m continuing with my career as announcer and producer at KUHF Radio in Houston. I’m kept quite

Regina Scruggs ’72, Senior Film Critic at KUHF Radio in Houston, meets Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon at the Critics Choice Movie Awards in Los Angeles, January 2010

busy with my soundtrack show, Music From The Movies, and writing film reviews for the radio station web site ( In addition, this past year I gave the occasional arts-related lecture around town. In September of 2009 I gave the pre-concert talk before each performance of the Houston Symphony’s musicand-silent-film presentation of the opera, Der Rosenkavalier. In January 2010 I attended the Critics Choice Movie Awards in Los Angeles, given by the Broadcast Film Critics Association, of which I am a member. Among the many stars there, I met Susan Sarandon. In March 2010 I gave a preview of the joint Houston concert with Oscar-winning performers Marvin Hamlisch and Joel Grey who were both great! I just came back from a weekend in NYC where I caught La Traviata at the Met (no, not the one Slatkin conducted!). I also saw and enjoyed Twyla Tharp’s new Sinatrathemed Broadway show, Come Fly Away. Otherwise I’ve been very slow in decorating the apartment I moved into last summer. But, it’s only 10 minutes from work! Best to you all.“

we only see each other occasionally?) Gilda, my job is taking me to Dallas-Ft. Worth this summer. Would love to catch up with you! And, Reggie, could I sign on as your sidekick? What exciting, glamorous work you have! Surely you could use an administrative assistant…or perhaps a valet? While you ponder my resume, guess I’ll continue to hang out here in Mitchellville (a half-hour or so from D.C.). If anyone is ever in the neighborhood, please stop by. You’ll get some good eats (Ernie is a great cook!), and, who knows, you could pick up a nine-year old administrative assistant in the bargain! Blessings.”

Sarah House Denby wrote, “Two weddings in 2010! Son Ted is marrying long-time girlfriend (since 2001) Katie O’Neill on Cape Cod in May. Stepdaughter Mari is marrying long time (since 2000) squeeze Colm Leahy in September on Lake Superior in Michigan. Let those wedding bells ring!” Dee Dee Roach-Quarles notes, “Great to hear what everyone is up to! We’re still percolatin’ here in Mitchellville, MD. My life can be summed up in one name, Adira…my nine-year-old. When I hear so many of you talking about your grandchildren and married children, I feel…well…strange. Now I know why my sister looked at me like I had lost my mind when I announced at the age of 47 that I was going to adopt a child. Of course then I had no idea which child God had in mind for me to adopt. Nine years in, I can honestly say, ‘H-h-e-e-e-l-l-p-p-p’ I’m tired, y’all…and in need of respite care. Adira is 12 children in one. Imagine… nine, alternately going on 16 and two…times 12! I thought I could tire her out by signing her up for 40 activities (dance, gymnastics, karate, swimming, etc.), but all that has put not one dent in her energy level and in the meantime is killing me. Anybody really bored and want to borrow an adorable, super high-energy, drama queen…for a week? (I’ll pay you handsomely!) You may die of exhaustion…but you won’t die bored. I can promise you that! When I’m not being done in by Adira, I’m still working as a project officer at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Between Adira and my job, I see my husband, Ernie, occasionally, and we’re still good friends after all these years. (Could it be because

Beryn Frank Harty ’72 and her husband Rick during a trip to Green Turtle Cay Resort, November 2009

Beryn Frank Harty sent her annual holiday letter and reports that her life, with her husband, Rick, is full of opera, book club, volunteering for as well as touring botanical gardens all over south Florida; volunteering also for major sailing races in Miami; and many trips around and about Florida. Her life is a happy and energizing one! And as for me, Joanna Betts Virkler, I have a son, Arthur, who got married last summer and lives with his wife and two step-children in Alexandria, VA. He works as a chef for Dean and Deluca in Georgetown; his wife teaches school and is an officer in the Navy Reserves. My younger daughter, Marie, moved to DC last summer, is back in college and works for The Container Store. My older daughter, Justine, got her master’s last spring and immediately after joined the foreign service. She currently is manning the East Africa desk at the State Department. She’s getting married this summer to the chair of the Literacy Department at George Mason University! My son with mental illness, Philip, lives nearby, has a part-time job he enjoys and now also has a dog, which is a great blessing. My stepdaughter, Kathryn, and her husband live in Winter Park, CO, with

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their nine-year old twin boys; my stepson, Drayton, and his wife live in Hillsborough, NC, with their three children, ages 7, 5 and 2. I love being Grandma! My husband, Biff, is 70 and still working full time at his chemical manufacturing facility. He bought a boat and keeps it in Georgetown, SC. I go occasionally, but it’s really his passion and not mine. Love Georgetown, though! I changed the name of my healthy fresh food delivery service to Healthy Meals From Home and this spring forged a partnership with a local, certified organic CSA farm — a great adventure! Best to all of you and thanks for the great updates.

1974 Vanessa Guerrini-Maraldi Wilcox 580 West End Avenue New York, NY 10024-1723 212-877-3413

1975 Doris “Veda” Pendleton McClain P.O. Box 1722 Louisville, KY 40203 502-384-7041 Carol Hoffman Jason wrote, “All is well in Virginia Beach. We will soon be down to ‘one’ of ‘my three sons.’ Adam is a third year student at UVA and Aaron is a senior awaiting college responses. Just happy to have Josh for another two years before he heads off to school. I hear from Cyndi Donn Tessler from time to time. Her boys are great! Her oldest is a high school senior getting ready to leave next. And to the class of ’75 ‘hi y’all’!”

1976 C. Elizabeth Connery Mitchell 9 Pearl Street Marblehead, MA 01945-3417 781-631-2860

1977 Michelle Turner 94 Saint Anns Court Somerset, NJ 08873-4407 732-214-9816


1978 Kimberly Brown Morrow 106 Summers Run Annapolis, MD 21401 410-757-1060 Tina Gibbons Roberts writes, “I am currently working for Sotheby’s International Realty in Palm Beach, FL. Please call me if you are interested in any rentals or are relocating to Palm Beach County!”

1980 Deana Washburn 12 Craig Place Cranford, NJ 07016-2307 908-272-4229 908-931-9766 Shannon Young Ray wrote, “We have a senior in college, a senior in high school, and the triplets are freshmen, and driving! A very busy year. I will miss the Reunion as both boys will graduate that weekend. Hi to everyone!”

1981 Ann Marenakos P.O. Box 1771 Darien, CT 06820 203-662-0116 203-722-9628

1982 Eve Agush 77 Addington Road Brookline, MA 02445 617-879-6062 617-216-1643 Claudia Ingham Schleicher continues to enjoy her students in the Department of Animal Sciences at Oregon State University where she teaches Ethics in Animal Agriculture. She will add a dressage horseback riding class in the spring term. Eve Agush writes “I wanted you to know that my mom, Amelia, passed away March 1, 2010 after a long fight with Parkinson’s. And while she’s left us, a lifetime

of artwork remains to remind us of her talent and the joy she brought to everyone. You may not know that in the early 1960s she designed paper sculpture kits of Christmas decorations for Everywoman’s Family Circle magazine (which became Family Circle in the mid-60s). These innovative punchout and assemble kits sold by the thousands — a million in all by 1966 — across the US and Canada. Teachers would routinely disassemble them and store them for year after year of classroom decoration at holiday time. I remember bringing the Valentine’s mailbox kit to my classroom to put our cards in. On the commercial side, she created thousands of party decorations and produced the whimsical paper airplanes based on Ronald Searle’s drawings for the movie, Those Magnificent Men and Their Flying Machines. More than a few of my AV creations have featured her full-sized people, paper sailing ships and a nine-foot-high contemporary Tower of Babel. Following her success in paper sculpture she tried other media, ultimately settling on watercolor. She was the first person ever allowed to paint inside the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and one of her paintings was transformed into an advent calendar that was sold there for many years. She painted from Nova Scotia to Rockport to the Fenway. But her most interesting work was a collaboration with the famed photographer Al Fisher where she took his portraits and cut and folded them into masks. Her maiden name was Gloss — a family that made its mark on Boston. George Gloss founded the Brattle Book Shop and is credited with outlasting the Boston Redevelopment Authority and saving Sear’s Crescent, the lovely curved block to the right of the Boston City Hall. Unfortunately, Parkinson’s made it progressively harder for her to paint and her condition worsened significantly towards the end. We were fortunate to have placed her in hospice care at a Golden Living center in Newton, where she passed away asleep and in peace, as she wished. We held a memorial service on Sunday, May 16th. In lieu of flowers, we would prefer donations made in my mother’s name, Amelia Robin Gloss, go to Boston Baroque was one of my mother’s favorite organizations and surely, even the smallest donation, will help them. Also, we plan on creating a website with her artwork so that others can enjoy it as much as we do.”

1984 Caroline O’Brien Thomas 30 Joy Place Cohasset, MA 02025 781-383-2385 781-248-0863

1985 Elizabeth “Betsy” Potter Giddings 6 Wellington Heights Road Avon, CT 06001 860-679-9593 860-841-5625 Sundial buzz for the class of 1985 will explode with Reunion highlights in the next edition! For now, we must all rest assured that little news is good news! I am proud to announce that I am quietly celebrating the daily management of my home, job, two teenage children, one dog and a schedule that feels like a whirlpool from time to time. However, like most of you, I am riding the waves and enjoying every contact I make along the way. Contacts including the warm greetings of Walker’s classmates as we make plans to reconnect. Take care and stay tuned for the buzz! Anne Roe notes, “Just returned back to the Bronx, no more private practice! I am now the Director of Reproductive Genetics in the OB/GYN Department at Jacobi Hospital in the Bronx. The academic life suits me better.” Allison Ross Hofstetter sends in, “It’s been a busy springtime here for me in sunny Florida. My husband and I have been training for race events and loving it! We have competed and finished in three half marathon races and a few short ones too. Wanting to expand our horizons, (and to save our knees!) we started doing more cross training. This motivated us to compete in our first Triathlon (sprint) in mid April. Wish us luck! We are physically ready and psyched. Now it’s about taming the butterflies on top of the training, running our business and having the in-laws visit for a month from Switzerland. Time is flying by. Looking forward to seeing old friends again in May at the Reunion. Wish me luck!”

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beloved former Latin teacher and houseparent; John Groff, (although I was never fortunate enough to have him for any classes, I know that he was) a teacher and houseparent dear to many of you; and lastly, Mr. Darrell Carrington, special to many of us as our former math teacher, coach, houseparent, and confidante. It was heartwarming to see these three men who played roles in shaping our lives over 20+ years ago, still on hand at Walker’s lending themselves to the molding and developing of other phenomenal young women. Truly awesome! Since attending the Open House, I have returned to Walker’s for a splendid night of fundraising at the True Colors Auction where I shared a few rounds of conversation with Emma Simon ’89, who mentioned that Jen Rodts ’86 was also in attendance.

Allison Ross Hofstetter ’85 with her new race bike, posing on her front lawn.

1986 Micaela Porta 204 Park Street #16 New Canaan, CT 06840 203-594-7288

1987 Lori Stewart PO Box 330774 West Hartford, CT 06133-0774 860-205-9920 860-296-1905 Dear Classmates, I recently experienced the exhilaration of seeing Walker’s in a fresher, even more resplendent light than I had remembered as I accompanied my precious goddaughter, Cheyenne Watts, and her mother, my cousin Phyllis Watts, (who is more like a sister to me), during their visit to Walker’s for Prospective Students Open House Day in Fall 2009. Seeing the School through the eyes of a young, eager student is an experience like no other. You fall in love with Walker’s all over again! Participating in the Cicerone-guided tour and other aspects of the Open House, I found myself intermittently nostalgic recalling the days when Beaver Brook was our freshwoman dorm, and undeniably impressed by the many things Beaver Brook has since become. I also had the occasion to enjoy the company of and quality conversation, albeit briefly, with Mr. Richard Prager, my


Lori Stewart ’87 accompanied her goddaughter Cheyenne Watts, and her mother, cousin Phyllis Watts, during their visit to Walker’s for Prospective Students Open House Day in Fall 2009. (L to R) Cheyenne, Phyllis, Lori, Darrell Carrington.

I am pleased and proud to announce to all of you that my goddaughter, Cheyenne Watts, will be joining our Walker’s community, entering middle school in Grade 6 this fall (September 2010) — officially she is Class of 2017! Go, Cheyenne! Now the only question looming for me, as a loyal Sun: will she become a Sun or a Dial? To be continued… Cindy Sebrell shares, “After spending more than a year traveling and working in Egypt, I am now the owner of a creative advertising, public relations, and design firm with clients between Boston and New York. ( I underestimated how much work is involved in running a business, but I love it. And we’re growing! My husband, Jeffrey, and I divide our time between Connecticut and New York, where he works as an engineering consultant. Somehow I still find time to do volunteer work for Opera New England of Northeast Connecticut and the YMCA. If any classmates are in NYC, I’d love to meet for a sip!”

Josey Ballenger and Mary Jo Dornan Pollard recently swapped contact information hoping to resume their friendship, hopefully meeting during the summer. I have seen Wendy Martin with her adorable little son at church on a few occasions. She noted that she had an opportunity to reunite in New York in March with a few Walker’s BSU alumnae from the classes of 1984-1990. Kelly Schmidt celebrated her birthday in April with an intimate gathering which I was fortunate to attend.

1988 Melissa Jackson Loree 3055 East Pine Valley Road NW Atlanta, GA 30305 404-816-9463 678-429-9884 Marsha Tharakan is living with her husband and three wonderful kids (six year old twins and a busy toddler) plus two dogs in beautiful Denver, CO. “After completing both dental school and medical school, it became clear that clinical practice was not my thing so I work as a consultant. I work from home, which has made balancing my job and family life a lot easier. My six year old daughter loves riding and has already put in her two cents about attending Walker’s!”

1990 Tatyana Bradford Ouhrabka 160 Rumstick Road Barrington, RI 02806 401-247-9838

1991 Gabriela Porta Beecher 363 Main Street New Canaan, CT 06840 203-972-2121 646-702-6666

1992 Marie Mahmouzian Compton 580 Animas View Drive #3 Durango, CO 81301 970-759-3501

1993 Toan Huynh 7 Cavalier Drive Hamilton, NJ 08619 609-588-6807

1994 Alexandra Flood Alcoff 115 4th Avenue Apt. 8G New York, NY 10003 212-358-0687 646-413-8622

Marsha Tharakan ’88 and family.

My husband, Sam, and I had a baby girl on June 25, 2009. Her name is Emma Frances May Alcoff. I am now our new Class Correspondent. Hope all is well.



Fiona Cox 7757 35th Avenue, NE Seattle, WA 98115-4812 206-568-2390 206-605-5355

Nicole Lewenson Shargel 103 Willow Avenue Unit 2 Somerville, MA 02144 617-960-6136

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Alexandra Townson 666 West Ferry Street Apartment #4 Buffalo, NY 14222-1625 716-308-6697

1996 Drusilla Carter 308 South Cedar Street Pageland, SC 29728 843-672-3339 Kristi Hackbarth Melvin writes, “I got married in August of 2009 to my wonderful husband Josh, and I am graduating from Simmons in August with my master’s in library and information science.” Michelle Gonzalez is living in Miami with her husband Jaime.

1997 Karen Crowe 39 Melrose Street Apartment 2 Boston, MA 02116 617-695-6781 Alicia Kelly Benedetto 6 Little Bear Drive Isabelle “Izzy” Coyne, daughter Yorktown Heights, NY of Kate Flanagan Shoss ’97, 10598 was born December 11. 917-622-9946

1998 Brooke Berescik-Johns 118 W 75th Street #3A New York, NY 10023 646-483-9383 212-868-7052 Jackie Harris married Scott Mercurio. Rachel Rosselli attended the couple’s New Year’s Eve wedding.


1999 Vivienne Felix 434 McCartney Street Apartment 1F Easton, PA 18042 484-597-0633 Elizabeth “Lizzy” Heurtematte says with regard to her new daughter, “I am in love!” This May, she also plans to visit Cynara Lloyd in Orlando, FL. Cynara Lloyd’s son turned one on March 2nd. She sends her best wishes to everyone.

Elizabeth (Lizzy) Heurtematte ’99 shares a photo of her daughter, Alessa Victoria Alfaro, who is now 10 months old.

Shannon Lenz shares, “Things are going well for me. This winter I got down to NYC to see Erin Grimshaw ’00 for brunch and had a blast. I am still working at Taft and continue to work on my master’s in chemical and life science with a concentration in biology through the University of Maryland. I plan to graduate this August, which is perfect timing since I am getting married at the beginning of October.” Marisabel Portillo is still “traveling around the Middle East and loving life.” She will remain in Abu Dhabi until this summer and then plans to “move to Dubai, UAE to work with children with autism.” I’m so happy to hear from all of you. Earlier this year, I traveled to Arutam, Ecuador for a service experience with ten amazing students. We lived with a host family to learn more about indigenous cultures and their struggle to preserve their way of life in the jungle. It was truly an experience that I will never forget. Wherever you are, and whatever you do, I hope that life continues to bring all that you desire. Fondly, Vivienne.

2000 Emily B. Cole-Chu 12 West Street, #21 Keene, NH 03431 860-941-7443

traveling this summer. I haven’t been able to visit with any Walker’s alumnae lately but did get to spend time with Kristen Fensick about six months ago! My parents are doing very well and enjoy living on Columbia Lake in Connecticut. My dad is enjoying his job working in property management and my mom is still teaching!” Lesley Hecht Landa got married last July and lives in New York City. She received a master’s degree from NYU in early childhood special education and is a special education teacher at a school for underprivileged children in Brooklyn. Jennifer DesRochers ’01 swinging away.

Chelsea Hacking Lein tells us that, “After getting married on September 2, 2007, we bought a home here in Las Vegas. I went back into medicine in October 2008 with a respiratory company. I love my job as I get to work with hospitals, doctors and patients. A few months ago I bought a new horse, Luciano, a 10 year old Holstiener — we are looking forward to a great dressage season.”

2001 Alicia Little Hodge 142 Hampton Avenue West Hartford, CT 06110 860-573-5136 Hi everyone! I am so excited to be our new Class Correspondent. It has been really great catching up with some of you since I’ve been back from England. As most of you know I finished my MA Counseling Psychology program and am working as a adult clinician at Hartford Behavioral Health. I have been spending many of my weekends in New Jersey with Sasha Osbourne, Jarrea Youmans ’02 and April Bolton and her new baby! My husband and I have a new addition too, a silky terrier-poodle named London. I have had the chance to catch up with Kristen Allegue and Selina Rano at an engagement party; and everyone else on Facebook. I look forward to our Reunion next fall! Ashley Coster Harrison notes that, “All is going well for DJ and me in Northern Virginia — we love living here! I am still working as a special education teacher for FCPS and I am working privately as an applied behavior analysis therapist part-time. I’ve considered becoming a board-certified assistant behavior analyst, in addition to teaching. DJ and I went on a cruise to the Bahamas in December and we’re looking forward to

Iva Son writes, “Hey guys! Great to see you again here. I’m so happy to know that all of you are having awesome lives! I told some of you already but I changed my name to Iva from Stephanie when I totally changed my career to animation producer. I guess I wanted a unique name. I live in New York now and am about to finish a master’s program at Parsons. I’m working on my thesis right now which drives me insane — but I will be done in two months. I visited EWS three weeks ago with my boyfriend to show him how my high school life was. I thought about you and ordered Main Moon Chinese food from Beaver Brook — a lot to update...Hope I can see you all one day :) Let me know whoever visits NYC.” Ariana Rockefeller shares news of her engagement and September marriage to one of her “best friends from growing up in Maine during the summers!” She adds that she became ambassador of a new organization that supports women in third world countries ( Courtney Blair Hornberger is working for Glocap Search in San Francisco, running the San Francisco Temporary Division as well as working as a full time recruiter to place high-level executive assistants in the art and finance world. She also chairs the Auction Board on the Junior Committee for the California Pacific Medical Center. She adds, “I’ve also been lucky enough to meet up with dear friends recently from EWS including Ariana Rockefeller, Selina Rano Collier, Kristen Allegue, and Melanie Schwab.” Mary Cobey is doing very well living in Hood River, a small town in Oregon about an hour from Portland. For the past couple of years she has been working for an equestrian apparel company in sales and marketing, which she says is a nice fit for her. She adds, “I travel a lot, about two to three weeks a I really am all over the place. I do enjoy the traveling and I have been fortunate to meet up with friends along the way...take care xxx.”

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Nicole Paquet graduated from Lafayette in 2005 and has been living and working in northern New Jersey. She started at her company’s trainee program shortly after graduation and as of July she will have been at Crum & Forster in Morristown for five years working as a commercial insurance underwriter. Sasha Osbourne, MD says, “Hi Walker’s family, all is well at my end of the world. I recently graduated from New Jersey Medical School and will be starting my pathology residency at NJMS in July 2010. I plan to pursue a career in forensics pathology and eventually work as a medical examiner. Other than that, I have been enjoying my time with friends and family. I cannot wait to go on vacation with Alicia Little-Hodge and Jarrea Youmans ’02 this June.” Jennifer DesRochers shares that after graduating summa cum laude with a B.A. in psychology and an art minor, she went to India to do selfless service with Amma, the Hugging Saint. She adds, “Traveling, I studied Vipassana meditation in Thailand, lived with a family in the remote hills of Nepal and did a raw food yoga teacher training in the rainforest in Bali before deciding to fully commit my life to the ashram. Most of my time is spent doing intense sadhana and karma yoga. I am finishing a book about healing various ailments such as fibromyalgia using devoted spiritual practice. Having studied different energy healing modalities for ten years, I was able to start my own business providing distance energy healing and intuitive spiritual counseling via my website as well as to teach workshops in the U.S.. My fiancé spent the last eight years solely doing service work, including mainly living in India but also world touring with Amma. He is a certified Thai massage therapist, does professional juggling performances and is going for his MBA. We both currently live in India and are hoping to have a positive impact on the world.”

Courtney Blair Hornberger is living in San Francisco and is working as top recruiter for area executives. Kristen Allegue is living in New York City and is working for Bayer as one of their top sales executives. She is recently engaged to Brad Feld who is a 2000 Westminster School graduate. Selina Rano Collier also lives in New York City and is working at J. Crew’s corporate headquarters in their human resources department.

2002 Stephanie Caviglia 41 Turtle Rock Court New Paltz, NY 12561 914-456-5199

2003 Thara K. Mathews 7305 Quarry Chase Trails Plano, TX 75025 972-618-0741 Kelly Turpin writes, “I am currently in my third year of a sociology Ph.D. program at Ohio State University. I specialize in early childhood and family issues, with my most recent research examining how structured children’s lives are and how this affects their academic, social, emotional and psychological well-being. More importantly, in July, my boyfriend, Al, proposed to me on a gondola ride and our wedding is set for September 2, 2010 at Disney World. Al is an ear, nose and throat surgeon and we recently bought our first home in Dublin, OH. So for me, life feels pretty good: I love my work, I’m happily in love and I’m really enjoying my time in Columbus and decorating my new home.” Jessica Bruen sends us news of her May 2008 degree in equine science from Post University. She has been working as a tech at New Milford Hospital. “I’ve decided to continue my education and obtain my LPN license and then go on for my RN.”

Courtney Hornberger, ‘01 Kristen Allegue ‘01 and Selina Rano Collier ‘01 (l to r), were reunited at a gathering in New York City in February.


Cassie Dauber shares, “I am currently a kindergarten teacher in the Manchester public schools. I truly love teaching. It’s such a rewarding job! It’s hard to believe that it’s been six years since I’ve graduated from Walker’s. I hope all of my former classmates are enjoying post-college life!”

Annie Kim notes, “I’m in my last semester of law school at Rutgers. I will be graduating in May. Can’t wait to go into the real world but am also sad to leave school soon. I’m trying to enjoy every moment of it now. Hope everyone at EWS is doing well. I miss all the teachers who’ve taught me well. Mr. Groff, Ms. C-F, Ms. Perillo, Mr. Dreyfuss. Hope they are doing well.” As for me, Thara Mathews, I am currently in my second year of law school in Dallas, TX. I’m not really sure what area of law I want to focus on, but am keeping all options open. I had the chance to catch up with Nishita Mehta while visiting New York for Christmas.

2004 Sarah Prager announces, “I’m engaged! I will be marrying Liz Oliver (who some of you met at the 2009 reunion) in June 2011. My sister, Alex Prager ’07, is my maid of honor. My mother will be growing some of the flowers for the reception at the house on the EWS campus where I grew up so there will be a little bit of Walker’s when we get married on Cape Cod. In true Mr. Prager fashion, my dad, who is in his 26th year of teaching at Walker’s, wrote a funny engagement limerick for my fiancée.

2005 Meredythe Goethe 155 Ayrshire Lane Avon, CT 06001 860-803-9320 Nicole E. Rougeot 2787 Torrington Street Torrington, CT 06790 860-489-7153 860-309-6443 Alexandra B. Tapley 58 Garden Street Cambridge, MA 02138 617-441-0625 Christina Ball sends along news of teaching math and English to second grade boys at Montfort College in Chiang Mai, in northern Thailand. “Have traveled to Bali, Indonesia and also to Luang Prabang, Laos — and maybe Burma in 2010!”

2006 Ebony Moses 303 Chadwick Avenue 2nd Floor Newark, NJ 07018 973-273-0456 Alle S. Cohen 9609 Mockingbird Trail Jupiter, FL 33478 561-744-7747 Diane LaPosta interned last summer with CNN at their headquarters in Atlanta and “had such an incredible experience that I was asked back again this summer. I also cut off ten inches of my hair to donate to Locks of Love. I have been travelling as much as possible, particularly to make sure I keep in touch with my Walker’s ladies. I spent New Year’s in NYC with Emily Sappington, Reema Dedania, Caitlin Lashnits, and Andrea Coggins and in January I flew down to Orlando to spend time with Alle Colen. In addition to various parts of the UK, this year I spent some time in Prague and the Czech Republic, as well as Switzerland and I plan on making it over to Santorini in the early summer before returning to the states and CNN.” Emily Sappington spent January 2010 in Siem Reap, Cambodia studying the history, learning Khmer, working at an orphanage and teaching English to middle school students. While abroad Emily reported that she was attacked and bitten by a wild monkey, and on her way to the hospital she crashed a motorbike on a Cambodian highway. Luckily she returned home safely and is now back at college at the New School and working in advertising New York City. Emily adds that despite her adventures the study abroad experience was wonderful and she’s hoping to go back to Cambodia again — but not for a while. Julia Howles writes, “This year has been a really busy year for me! For the past year I’ve been working on my senior thesis in psychology on the cognitive development of preschoolers. It has been a lot of work, but completely worth it because of the precious kids I get to work with every day! As for post graduation plans, I was recently offered my first choice position at Greenwich Country Day School where I will be teaching a pre-K class for the next one to two years. I’m incredibly excited! After teaching, I plan to continue my education in developmental psychology with the ultimate goal of a position in the clinical psychology

Summer 2010 77


Alumnae Updates

field. Over Christmas break I was able to get together with Marielle Vigneau-Britt, Caitlin Lashnits, and Hailey Schofield at good ol’ Cosi’s for lunch. It was great to see all of them! I wish I could see more of everyone though, because I miss you all so much!” Andrea Coggins was crowned Homecoming Queen at Alumni Weekend at Stetson University for the 2010 year. She notes that this was particularly special because the university was celebrating the inauguration of the school’s ninth president, who happens to be its first female president. In addition, she was awarded with a Business School Foundation Award for International Business, which is presented to one of the top performing International Business majors. Emma Bogdonoff bought an Irish draft jumper named John Diamond and keeps him at a barn near Brown. She studied abroad in Budapest and at Brown is doing a five year combined BA/BS program in math-physics and philosophy. Marielle Vigneau-Britt performed this past fall in the Bates main stage production of All the World’s a Grave, a play that stitches together the lines of Shakespeare’s plays in order to form one plot, in partial fulfillment of her honors thesis in performance. The play did very well and was selected along with four other plays out of ninety entered from colleges across New England and New York to perform at the Kennedy Center All College Theater Festival in Durham, NH. This semester Marielle partook in an independent study in acting in addition to her other classes and is now finalizing her honors thesis in performance. During the month of May she appeared in a Bates student-produced musical adaptation of Willy Wonka that will be performed for children in schools throughout Maine. She graduated on May 30 and her plans are to move to Los Angeles this summer or fall to pursue her acting career.

Births & Adoptions 1997 Katherine “Kate” Flanagan Shoss Isabelle “Izzy” Coyne December 11, 2009 1998 Johanna McLoughlin Cahoon Grace McLoughlin Cahoon January 8, 2010 1996 Rachel Sternstein Miles Thomas Moore March 11, 2010


2007 Carter E. Margison 24 Cider Brook Avon, CT 06001 860-677-4282 860-839-0770 Emily Casey 446 Cedar Lane New Hartford, CT 06057 860-489-4700 860-573-6646

2008 Lauren E. Milka 10 Woods Lane Simsbury, CT 06070 860-651-4217 860-882-7071 Kathleen A. Kirby 425 Coppermill Road Wethersfield, CT 06109 860-257-9725 860-882-2195

If your class does not have a Class Correspondent listed, please consider joining a great group of correspondents who help compile Take Note. If interested, please contact We'd love to have you join the team!

1996 Ashley Kaye Bernon Skylar Bernon December 18, 2009

Engagements 2001 Ariana Newell Rockefeller to Matthew Horace Bucklin 2004 Sarah Prager to Liz Oliver

Marriages & Unions

In Sympathy

1964 Linda Marvin To Park Benjamin

JOANNA HANCOCK AEBISCHER P’60, ’61, mother of two Walker’s graduates: Jane Shierling Walsh ’61 and Susan Shierling Harding ’60

1996 Kristi Hackbarth To Josh Melvi 1998 Jackie Harris To Scott Mercurio 2001 Lesley Hecht Evan Marc Landa

In Memoriam 1927 JANICE VAUGHN SNOW 1928 KATHARINE DOUGLAS FENTON, mother of Edith Fenton Tuckerman ’61 and Prudence Fenton ’71. 1930 ELIZABETH PILLSBURY PRINGLE 1932 EMALEA WARNER TRENTMAN 1933 DORA SINCLAIR LOUTREL 1933 JANE BLATTER OWEN, GP ’82 1937 ANNE MCCONNELL 1937 CAROLINE HAVILAND MECHEM 1937 NADIA FORTINGTON MOULTON-BARRETT 1937 ELIZABETH RICKETTS STERLING, sister of Esther Ricketts Stiles ’37. 1940 NANCY DODGE HEENAN 1942 KYLE ADAMS CARNEY 1949 ALYCE WILEY SIMMONDS 1949 CLARINDA SAGE LEWIS-JONES 1955 YVONNE SCHUEG ARELLANO, mother of Marta Arellano ’75, Jocelyn Arellano ’75 and Annette Arellano Ampudia ’85, grandmother of Alejandra Bustamante ’01, aunt of Vivien Carrera-Justiz Brown ’84 and cousin of Maria Aixala Dawson ’85. 1984 SABRINA PLACE

JUSTINE ALBANESE, nephew of Alice Chrystal, a member of the EWS Staff GAYLE LaROCQUE BARKER P’05, mother of Kellie Barker ’05, sister of Ken LaRocque P’01, headmaster of Avon Old Farms and aunt of Alexandrea Lent ’01 RICHARD BARRUETO, husband of Meredith Petit Barrueto ’45 ROSEMARY PERRY BUDLONG P’87, mother of Stephanie Budlong Paul ’87 EDWARD P. CARROLL, grandfather of Marguerite Kelly ’93 and Alicia Kelly Benedetto ’97 STEPHANIE CRISPINELLI, daughter of Linda Murphey Crispinelli ’79 JEREMY GORDON, husband of Sara Jane Auchincloss Gordon ’50 JANET HOLMGREN HARRINGTON P’72, mother of Lisa Harrington Foote ’72 MURIEL HOWARD-SORRELL, mother of Iain HowardSorrell, Trustee and grandmother of Lisa HowardSorrell ’09 GARY JASKULSKI, former faculty JANE BROWN LEIDAL, cousin of Elizabeth Nash Muench ’55 BEVERLY S. MAY, stepmother of Drusilla Carter ’06 JACQUELINE MILLER P’11, mother of Jessica MillerKhalil ’11 PHILIP RISING PETERS, JR., brother of Mary Peters Bolton ’33 DOUGLAS REMINGTON NICHOLS, JR. P’69, father of Susan Nichols Ferriere ’69 ROBERT SPILMAN P’76, father of Virginia Spilman Perrin ’76 ANSLEY M. STARR, mother of Drusilla Carter ’96 MICHAEL THOMAS, grandfather of Rebecca Castellani ’09 and father-in-law of David Castellani, Trustee ROBERT WATSON P’90, father of Carol Watson ’90, Trustee PHOEBE COOK WELSH P’74, mother of Phoebe Welsh Muzzy ’74

Summer 2010 79


EWSPA True Colors Auction Recap Parents, faculty, alumnae, trustees and friends of The Ethel Walker School gathered on a wintry but snow-free evening in February for a night of good cheer, delicious cuisine and a wide array of items up for bid at Walker’s 4th Annual True Colors auction, organized by The Ethel Walker School Parents Association. An online auction preceded the live event and brought the bidding into the homes of faraway members of the community. Highlights of the evening included a creative array of food and spirits — from a risotto bar to a martini bar, live music, and the clever auctioneering talents of Sotheby’s Hugh Hildesley, former Board of Trustees president and good friend of the School. Hildesley regaled the crowd with good humor, raising the bidding on such items as a round of golf on Fishers Island to an evening of lobster and celebration at the home of the Laura and Joe Patrina P’11, ’13 and ’15, featuring Joe Patrina’s band. This warm-weather event will be a gathering of many happy bidders! Silent auction items were a big hit, including a special section of items donated by current faculty. One lucky student was joined by her friends for a taco night at the home of Darrell Carrington, while others will be wearing handmade purple and yellow scarves, leading the School as “Head for a Day,” or having their sports season chronicled by a faculty photographer. Not only did the event benefit the School financially, it was a time to bring together the many constituencies that share a love for Walker’s and a passion to propel its mission forward. A special thank you to auction chairs

Laura Patrina and Elise Rosenstock P’11, ’13, whose leadership was instrumental to the evening’s success, as well as to the countless current parents and others who so generously gave their creativity and time. Over $50,000 was raised and will enable the School to support faculty by bolstering the professional development budget as well as providing some funds towards much needed capital expenses, such as a school van to transport students.

Maureen and Michael Margolis P’11 and David Truglio P’08, ’09, ’11

Hugh Hildesley P’85 kept the bidding at a vigorous pace


Highlights of the evening included a creative array of food and spirits — from a risotto bar to a martini bar, live music, and the clever auctioneering talents of Sotheby’s Hugh Hildesley, former Board of Trustees president and good friend of the School.


Faculty member John Monagan competed in passionate bidding for the Fishers Island golf outing as Darrell Carrington cheered him on.

Auction Co-Chair Laura Patrina P’11, ’13, ’15 is thanked by Bessie Speers

“Hooray Sunray” — A big THANK YOU TO ALL!

Gail Shelton P’12 and Walker's Alumna Deborah Rush ’77

Patricia McCurdy-Crescimanno and Terry Crescimanno P’08, ’13

Alumna and Trustee Debby Williams MacKenzie ’55, her husband David, and Bessie Speers

Sophia and Mark Clarke, parents of Monet ’12.

Summer 2010 81



As we look back on the 2009-2010 academic

year, we can reflect on the accomplishments of The Ethel Walker School Parents Association (EWSPA). The transition from separate middle school and upper school committees to one unified organization was a successful and positive evolution. I thank all the parents who stepped up to help in the planning and implementation of our many successful events. These events included regularly scheduled Parent Coffee informational get-togethers and Parent Conference Call, the Middle School Fall Family Fun Fest, Barnes & Noble Book Fair in December with participation by the Grapes and EWS String Ensemble, Middle and Upper School Holiday socials, and the Middle School Ice Skating night. We held parent/daughter pottery workshops in preparation for the Empty Bowls Project. EWSPA was also able to arrange for an institutional membership for the School at the Wadsworth Atheneum. This year’s True Colors Auction in February transformed Abra’s into a Winter Wonderland. What started as a Middle School social event has grown into an important all-school fundraiser. Co-chairs Laura Patrina P’11, ’13, ’15 and Elise Rosenstock P’11, ’13 led the energetic and enthusiastic members of the Auction Committee. All in attendance agreed that it was a grand time! The Ethel Walker School is quickly approaching the kick-off to the Centennial Celebration, and the EWSPA will be an active participant in this year-long event. Maureen Margolis P ’11 will be our representative on the planning committee. There will be many opportunities for parents to assist in the celebration of this milestone. Once again, I thank all the parents who actively participated this year as members of the EWSPA Board, as class representatives, and on all our committees. The Ethel Walker School Parents Association will be led in the 2010-2011 school year by President Carla Gregory P’13, and Vice-President Gail Shelton P’12. You may contact Carla at and Gail at They will be glad to hear from you! Terry Alan Crescimanno P’08, ’13


Maureen and Michael Margolis P’11 with daughter, Allison, at Family Weekend



Gail Shelton P’12 VICE PRESIDENT

Maureen Margolis P’11, ’12 TREASURER


Rene Daguerre-Bradford P’13 CHAIR, US ACTIVITY COMMITTEE

Christina Febbroriello P’14 Elise Rosenstock P’11, ’13 Cindy Vaccaro P’12 AUCTION CHAIRS

Loida Nicholson P’14 MS MEMBER-AT-LARGE

Renee Alexander P’13 US MEMBER-AT-LARGE



Terry Crescimanno P’08, ’13 PRESIDENT EMERITUS


letters, at least within my family, was written by my great-great-great grandfather, Augustus C. Hand, to Marcia Northrup who later would become my great-great-great grandmother. “Truly education makes the woman. The graceful step, the sprightly countenance and vivid glance may cause our hearts to flutter, but the brightness of the polished mind visits the whole soul,” wrote Augustus to Marcia. This is a truth we celebrate at Walker’s as we continue the strong tradition of educating young women to make a difference in the world. One of the joys of being part of this community is being able to hear the stories of Walker’s women throughout the country and even around the world. I’ve heard about a student who hid in a pot of soup, and another who arrived as a new student from Hawaii in September 1941 and could not return home until after graduation, and there were the Yale boys who drove up one early morning in 1950 and danced around the flagpole. Among the characteristics of Walker’s women I’ve discovered are resilience, integrity, intelligence, hard work, and with these a great deal of fun. I’ve found graceful steps and sprightly countenances along with brightly polished minds! Last November, I began working in the Development Office and discovered a strong team of committed people who care deeply about this School. As I write this, we are on our way towards meeting our Annual Fund goal of $1.26 million, thanks to the generosity of people like you. Every gift and every dollar truly do make a difference. We also hope to raise an additional $1 million towards our Setting the Stage initiative. In addition we have received a special gift in support of math and science as well as a $100,000 challenge gift in support of Setting the Stage and the Annual Fund. Thank you for your continuing support of the School. If you have not contributed to the Annual Fund, it is never too late. Thanks as well to two Reunion classes who raised more than $100,000 and were recognized with the Gates Family Bowl, which was last presented in 2006: the Class of 1955 raised $114,802 and the Class of 1960, who shared great stories over dinner at the Head’s House, raised $165,741. I am grateful also to members of the Class of 1985, who remembered their classmate Allison Bradley Agee by planting a tree outside of Cluett during Reunion Weekend. Bessie and I love being a part of this community; we appreciate your support and friendship and we look forward to celebrating Centennial with you on October 1, 2011.


New Endowed Fund Established We have received a gift from Jane Du Pont Kidd ’57 to establish The Ethel Walker School Fund for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching. The income from this Fund is to be used to augment the salary of a teacher in Science or Mathematics. In establishing this Fund the strong hope is expressed that others will want to join in the recognition of the teacher chosen to be honored, with the ultimate objective being the establishment of a fully funded chair in Math or Science.

Walker’s Community Challenge In May, a donor stepped forward with a pledge of $100,000 to be fulfilled if the School raised $200,000 by June 30. At press time, this goal had been reached. Sincere thanks to all who participated in this generous challenge.



Summer 2010 83


My great-grandmother collected family letters. The best known of those


The Development Office The Development Office is always interested in knowing how we can best serve the alumnae, parents and friends of The Ethel Walker School. To help us keep our records up-to-date, please contact the Office with address or email changes, so that you continue to receive news about the School. We will continue to send our electronic alumnae newsletter to keep everyone informed of the most current news and events. If you are not currently subscribed to receive this communication, please email and we will add you to the list. If you have questions about making a donation to the School, please contact any of the staff listed below. Pamela Churchill, INTERIM DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT 860.408.4256 | email: Eleanor Barnes, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT 860.408.4254 | email: Sandra Kaye Baker, DIRECTOR OF ADVANCEMENT SERVICES 860.408.4257 | email: Diane Thomas, DIRECTOR OF ANNUAL GIVING & PARENT RELATIONS 860.408.4255 | email: Laura Whiteman ’81, DIRECTOR OF ALUMNAE RELATIONS 860.408.4259 | Kitty Friedman, MAJOR GIFTS OFFICER 860.408.4253 | Kate Coleman-Burns, CAPITAL CAMPAIGN ASSOCIATE 860.408.4258 | Susan M. Riggles, ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT 860.408.4252 | email: Tom Speers, DIRECTOR OF PLANNED GIVING 860.408.4252 | email:

Online Giving available at

Visit Your Alumnae Portal Today! Visit often for the latest updates from campus and the Walker’s alumnae community!


Ways to Support Walker’s Cash, Check or Credit Card Many gifts are cash contributions that are made by check or credit card. These gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law and provide immediate funding for the School. Securities and Property Gifts of stock, other securities, or property benefit the institution and provide the donor with a tax deduction for the fair market value of the gift when it is made. Additionally, the donor does not have to pay capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the stock or property. Matching Gifts Many companies provide their employees with the benefit of increasing their gifts to certain organizations by matching those gifts. Please check with your employer about their matching gifts program. Planned Giving Gifts made through estate planning provide for the future growth of the School as these gifts, unless otherwise specified, are directed to the School’s endowment. The Ethel Walker Heritage Society honors those who have made provisions for Walker’s in their estate plans. Gifts-in-Kind Walker’s welcomes gifts in kind, including donations of goods and services that meet the educational and programmatic needs of the School. Special and Restricted Gifts Walker’s has a number of funds that have been established by donors for special purposes such as the support of educational programs, scholarships or endowment. For further information about making a gift, please contact Pamela Churchill, Interim Director of Development, at 860.408.4256

The Ethel Walker Heritage Society F

ounded in 1911, The Ethel Walker School is an independent, college preparatory school for young women in grades 6 through 12. We believe that women’s education equals opportunity. This opportunity takes many forms and the result is a particular quality of education that is not found in coeducational institutions. The arts, athletics, leadership opportunities, close bonds with teachers and advisors, and friendships that often last a lifetime are all indispensable elements of a Walker’s education. In this caring setting, Walker’s girls make the journey of discovery through which they develop their natural talents, find their unique voices and emerge as strong, confident young women. Today, nearly a hundred years later, we have created a philanthropic society to honor the vision and spirit of Ethel Walker, the School’s founder. We call this select group The Ethel Walker Heritage Society. Ethel Walker herself set the example for such philanthropy by naming the School as beneficiary in three separate trusts. Her gifts are truly gifts that continue to support the institution long after her lifetime. The Ethel Walker Heritage Society is a critical element in the continued endowment growth of the School as it prepares to enter its second century, since most planned gifts are designated for the School’s endowment. Endowment provides critical income for the financial stability and growth of the institution. Donors to The Ethel Walker School who make all or a portion of their gifts through their financial or estate plans (bequest, trust, gift of life insurance, real estate, retirement account, or life income agreement) often receive significant tax benefits and are recognized as members of The Ethel Walker Heritage Society. The School encourages all members of the Walker’s extended family to remember the School in their wills or through other planned gifts which can produce both current and deferred income. All those who have made such plans need only to notify the School in writing to become a member of the Society. We welcome your inquiries into this meaningful program.

The Ethel Walker Heritage Society Frances Beatty Adler ’66 Joan Garver Anderson ’57 † Mrs. Marie D. Ballenger P’71, GP’87 Beverly Vander Poel Banker ’60, P’82 † Constance Irwin Bray ’56 Ann Watson Bresnahan ’69 † Hope Nesbit Brown ’43 † Helen Watson Buckner ’36 † Frances Hazen Bulkeley ’44, P’68 Claudia Ramsland Burch ’68 † Mr. Paul M. Butterworth Elizabeth Rockwell Cesare Ann Blair Clark P’78, ’97 † Ruth Cleveland Mr. & Mrs. John B. Davies P’96, ’00 Leslie Davies ’96 Elizabeth Carpenter Davis ’41, GP’80 Clarissa Yantis Downey ’53 Natalie Fesenmyer Emery ’55 Mr. & Mrs. Gary N. Flood P’94 Dr. Walter W. Frederick P’89 † Alice G. Gay, Former Faculty † Sally Young Gevalt ’38 Stephanie Bothwell-Grillo ’90 Ruth Harrison Grobe ’69 Kate Crichton Gubelmann ’67 † Harriet Henderson ’18 C. Hugh Hildesley P’85 † Katharine Lee Howard ’36 Frieda Jacobs ’71 † Louisa Livingston Kennedy ’52 † Elizabeth Grant Lasell ’32, P’62

Catherine McIntire Leslie ’37, P’62, ’66 † Doris Merrill Magowan ’32 Alison McCall ’72 † Vernon Lynch Merrill ’44 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Mountcastle, Jr. P’72, ’74 Elizabeth Nash Muench ’55 Leslie Hailand Newman ’66 † Frances McKee O’Brien ’26, P’57 † Harriet Parker ’23 Judith N. Phelps, Former Faculty Letitia McClure Potter ’55, P’85 Elizabeth Rauch Rainoff ’53 Nancy Rathborne ’59 Shannon Young Ray ’80 Sarah Johnson Redlich ’78, P’10 † Barclay Robinson Margot Ross Rose ’80 † Hester Jones Sargent ’37, P’63, ’65, ’68 Mary Bebel Schinke ’81 Deborah Flagg Scott ’48, P’74 Tracey Smith ’74 Mrs. Robert H. Spilman, Sr. P’76 Elizabeth Austell Straight ’68 † Molly Mixsell Waldron ’32 Nancy Cooper Young-Williams ’48, P’70 Abra Prentice Wilkin ’60 Terese Treman Williams ’55, P’80

† deceased

For further information about planned giving, please contact Tom Speers, Director of Planned Giving at The Ethel Walker School: 860.408.4252 or

The Ethel Walker



230 Bushy Hill Road Simsbury, Connecticut 06070

Friendship at Walker’s: The Good Life


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