This week at St. Mark’s TODAY 9:00 am Monday 8:15 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Tuesday 8:15 am 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm Wednesday 8:15 am 3:30 pm Thursday 9:00 am 7:30 pm Friday 8:15 am Saturday Sunday
8:00 am 9:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm
Holy Eucharist with the Sacrament of Healing at 8 & 10 am Reception celebrating the life of John Fenton Morning Prayer The Order of St. Luke Women of St. Mark’s & Prayer Shawl Group Morning Prayer Hand Bell Choir rehearsal School Board Alanon Morning Prayer Choristers Rehearsal St. Peter’s Guild Adult Choir Rehearsal Morning Prayer School Valentines Day parties in afternoon Men’s Breakfast at Watson residence Mutual Ministry Review at Rectory Holy Eucharist Deacon Lee Harris to preach Lee Harris Ordination Reception during Coffee Hour Choral Holy Eucharist Deacon Lee Harris to preach Lee Harris Ordination Reception during Coffee Hour Peace & Justice Commission meeting @ Rectory
Flowers at the altar are given to the Glory of God and are in loving memory of John F. Fenton by Oonah, Michael, Peggy and family
ANNOUNCEMENTS HELP FOR HAITI Donation checks should be made out to St. Mark’s Church. Please write “Haiti” on the Memo line. All funds will be donated to our sister church/school St. Andres in Trianon, Episcopal Relief and Development, and Partners in Health. A message from Saint Mark’s Student Council: For the last two years, you guys have beat the school at raising money for St. Andre’s during “Change for Change.” The school is determined to beat you guys this year. We raise money for clean water, planting trees, paying teachers, food, and keeping their school running. Bring your change (or larger donations) to the change jars in the Narthex. So… for this year’s challenge, IT’S ON!! Peace and Justice Commission will meet TODAY, 12:30 pm at the Rectory. Everyone is welcome. Come and share your interests and concerns on homelessness, peace, the environment, separation of church and state, etc. Foothill Family Shelter Free Electronic Waste Collection Event Saturday, March 20th from 8 am – 1 pm. 1501 W. Ninth St., Ste. D, Upland (909) 920-0453 X 106 See flyer on bulletin board. Foothill Family Shelter Volunteers are needed to help in the Reading Room (open Tue-Fri from 2:30-6). We are in need of snacks for the children in the Reading Room (pretzels, yogurt, cheese and crackers, etc), diapers, wipes and food. Please contact Sandie Clark, our FFS representative or bring these items on Sunday. Girl Scout Cookies for our Service Men and Women Because this is our Centennial Year we would like the parish to collect100 boxes of Girl Scout cookies to send to our patriots. Emma Bishop will be selling cookies TODAY and for several Sundays outside the south narthex doors. Please consider purchasing an extra box or two from any Girl Scout to donate to St. Mark’s. We will bring donated cookies to the altar after they arrive in late February and then send them off to the service people we featured on our bulletin board for Veterans Day. Annual Women’s Valentines Tea
Sunday, Feb. 21, Diane Keane residence, 2 pm
Book Club Bistro Roti is closing. Please meet at Coco’s at Foothill and Euclid for February and March meetings. Feb. 20, 10am, book will be Sacred Journeys by F. Buechner (the same book that will be used for our Lenten Wednesdays). Mar. 20 book will be Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage by E. Gilbert. Keepsakes If you were unable to attend Lee’s Ordination service last Thursday there are a few, extra bulletins in the narthex. Pictures taken of Lee’s Ordination Day are on the bulletin board.
SAVE THE DATE Sunday, April 25th, St. Mark’s Centennial Celebration
This was no ordinary Ordination!!!…
Much to the delight of all in attendance, the Preschool serenaded Lee with the BEST versions of “Praise Him” and “Do Lord” you have ever heard.
The school presented Lee with a beautiful stole made with the school plaid.
Serving in Today’s Service 8:00 am
10:00 am
Lay Assistant
Emily Harris
Canon Dolores Conyer
Cheryl Ward, Doran Farnum
Leslie Nixon, Joan Watson
1st Lesson
Bas Kooiman
Becky Dominador
2nd Lesson
Edwina Golightly
Lorn Foster
Lee Harris
Lee Harris
Barbara Harris
Derek May Armen Chalian
Jessica Schade, Ellen Skivington
Danielle Little, Demi Adegoke
Open – Dale Biggs
Close – Steven Oxarart
Mark Greenwood, Bernadine Greenwood
Susie Sproul, Lauren Brown Martha Estes
Flower Guild
Ann Porter, Pin Mow, Mary O’Hara, Joan Watson
Altar Guild Refreshments
Kameron Johnson Missy Spangler
Dale Biggs, Morgan Adams, Elli & Suk Park
Danielle Little, Yemi Adegoki, Elizabeth Kitch, Arlene Lundergan
Serving Next Sunday - Feb. 14, 2010 8:00 AM
10:00 am
Lay Assistant
Mandy Bennett
Joan Watson
Dean Billman Dale Biggs
Celeste Stump Mary O’Hara
1st Lesson
Craig Smyser
Craig Muir
2nd Lesson
Jana Lingo
Elizabeth Kitch
Shelby Forrest
Margaret Vinnedge
Martha Estes
Steven Oxarart Emma Bishop Owen Bishop Lorraine Liang
Bas Kooiman Skip Arjo
Sandie Clark Sam Mansour
Open – Barbara VanderNat
Close – Scott Stump
Jennifer Stone Shelby Stone
Don George Evangeline George Kay Alexander
Flower Guild Altar Guild Refreshments
Judy Shather, Kimberly Cortner, Alice Lichti, Frances Maginn, Kathryn Nasiali Jana Lingo, Phil Quaranta
Jeanette Griffith, Drew Family, Doreen & Nick Hurey, Sam Mansour