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the next few issues, Connections will be spotlighting the organization's new wellness program, Everhealthy Evergreen. This month's wellness feature is on Ashley Kuss and the role that good nutrition plays in good health.
What is your role at Evergreen? My official title is Lead Community Nutrition Educator in the Nutrition Health Education Program, funded by a Ryan White grant from the AIDS Institute. On any given day, you can find me meeting with patients individually to conduct nutrition education sessions, creating a healthy grocery list and coordinating meal delivery for eligible patients, and collaborating with other departments (as well as my awesome co-workers!) at Evergreen to make sure our patients' needs are being met. Other day-to-day duties include data reporting, program planning, linking patients with additional food and nutrition resources, and helping to address other barriers our patients may experience in regards to accessing nutritious foods. You can also find me with a cup of coffee in hand!
What exactly is nutrition? Why is it important to know about it? Nutrition is the study of food, how our body processes nutrients, and its effects on human health. Nutrition is so important because it can be a powerful tool to help prevent or manage chronic disease, as well as improve our sleep, energy, and mood.
The most challenging thing may be debunking misinformation that is readily available online
What are the rewarding parts of your job? What are the challenges?
The most rewarding part of my job is helping patients achieve goals they set forth for themselves, or when a patient tells me they have a better understanding of a certain topic after meeting with me. The most challenging thing may be “debunking” nutrition misinformation that is readily available online.
What got you into nutrition education? I was always passionate about nutrition and general wellness from early on, and I truly enjoy teaching others how to live their best lives through making healthy food choices.
How could employees incorporate nutrition into their everyday life? Start with something small, whether it’s adding a piece of fruit or vegetable to your meal, trying a new healthy recipe, or even cooking your favorite meal in a different way to enhance the nutritional value.
Anything else you’d like to put out there? Balanced eating not only provides an opportunity to meet our nutritional needs, it is also a way to connect with others, honor cultural heritages, and provides both physical and emotional nourishment!
Thank you Ashley! Watch for more wellness topics in future issues.
Dr. Gale Burstein connecting before the February 16 screening of "Love in the Time of Fentanyl". Thank you to Emma Fabian forsharing the photo!
Learning Objectives
Better identify the unique health needs of patients who are sex workers and / or who engage in survival sex | Effectively ask questions and collect health information from these patients in ways that dignify the patient and are without judgement | Identify the occupational hazards that exist in the sex trades including but not limited to physical and mental health, safety and resource areas.
Erin Baker is Evergreen's Food Pantry Coordinator and the EIS (Early Intervention Services) Program Assistant. This month Erin told us about her day-to-day work, explained why having access to good nutrition is important to health and wellness, and confirmed that Libras have great taste in accessories.
Hi Erin! Can you tell us your job title and how long you’ve been at Evergreen? Hi I’m Erin Baker, and I’m the Pantry Coordinator/EIS (Early Intervention Services) Program Assistant at Evergreen. I have been a part of Evergreen since September of 2021, following my graduation from Buffalo State that May.
What does a typical day at work look like for you? Every day for me starts with a cup (or three) of coffee. I check in with emails and missed calls, re-organize the pantry, and check the schedule before 9 a.m. The calls typically start right at 9 a.m., and go until we close at 1 p.m. I take calls from patients, discuss their dietary needs and preferences, and prepare their orders. I meet up with them in the lobby to deliver their groceries. I’ve put a lot of mileage on our pantry cart! My afternoons are for data entry, special projects, food orders, and of course helping with the EIS program as well. I couldn’t do it without help from Matt, James, and the rest of the THRIVE team.
Who does the food pantry serve, and how do people start using food pantry services? Our food pantry serves anyone in need in the Western New York area. Most of our pantry patients are patients of Evergreen as well, but some are just community members. Staff members can submit a referral on Medent if they have a patient in need of food assistance, or patients can call on their own behalf. We complete a short intake, and can usually honor a same day appointment.
How many people do you serve each week? We serve around 800 community members a month in 250 or so households, so with some quick math: about 200 people a week.
How do you work with other departments to serve the whole patient? I receive referrals and questions from all over the organization. I work with the Care Coordination team often to secure food for their patients. I regularly refer patients to other departments as their first contact with Evergreen. Patients mention an unmet need of theirs, whether it be medical, housing, mental health, etc., and I am able to help them bridge that need. It feels great being able to meet so many amazing people who work here.
Why is having access to good nutrition important to health and wellness outcomes? Everything starts with nutrition! Good nutrition is fuel for the bodies we call home. Maintaining a healthy diet can help to prevent diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. A healthy diet can positively influence mental wellness as well.
What is your favorite part of your job? My favorite part of this work is getting to talk with people: patients and staff alike! I love having my regular patients I see every month. It’s so rewarding building relationships with my regulars. All the staff I’ve met and worked with have been so wonderful. Any day I get to laugh is a good day in my book.
Can you tell us a bit about your life outside of work? After work, you can find me browsing the horror movies on HBO, reading up on astrology (I’m a Libra!), or walking around Delaware park. I have a great collection of funky earrings I’ve accumulated over the years. I also collect vinyl records, from the 1940s to present day. I like having a wide taste in music, keeping an open mind. I’m an auntie to a wonderful 7-year-old named Elliott. I’m hoping to get back into my fine arts practice in the new year, as well as learning to be a better cook. If you see me out and about, please say hello!
Thanks for talking with us Erin! We’re so grateful for the work you do to provide unconditional care to our patients at Evergreen and throughout our Western New York community.
(this profile by Jean Conway also appears on the agency blog)