The Evolution Magazine February 2020

Page 1



02 ● 2020


How CBD and THC

Helped My COPD

Cooking with Cannabis

How to Make Green Butter

HOME Grows

Cannabis Use in the Workplace

Choosing The Best Hydroponic Medium How To Know If You Are Buying High-Quality, Safe CBD

Navigating the Cannabis Conversation with Family Countdown to Cultivation and Dispensaries 2020 Opening February 2020 1


February 2020



February 2020



Be My Valentine!




Canna Regulations — Cannabis Use in the Workplace


Kansas News — Kansas Crosses State Lines to Persecute Seizure Patient

14 Kansans, Please Call a Friend, The Importance of Best Policy 16

Ask Leah — What Do Cannabis Test Results Mean? What to Look For on Labels?


Patient Advocate— Gone in 25 Days


Canna Regulations — Patients Tips to Avoid Prosecution


Patient Advocates — 20 years for Murder, 23 years for Cannabis


Patient Advocate — How CBD and THC Helped My COPD


Education & Industry News — Navigating the Cannabis Conversation with Family


Home Grown — Choosing a Hydroponic Medium


Seed to Sale — Germination 101 Setting Up For Success


Industry News — Cannabis versus Cancer (part 2)


What’s New — CBD Brings Releaf to Paralympians


Product Safety — How To Know If You Are Buying High-Quality, Safe CBD Products


Healthy Grows — Ancient Carbon Technology is Back


Canna Biz Entrepreneurs — Is Cannabis Transportation in Really That Hard?


46 48 50 54

Calendar of Cannabis Business, Jobs, Education Events Benefits Wheel for CBD, THC and More CBD Store Guide ― Missouri Stores / Kansas page 52 Doctors Guide to Missouri Med-ID Certification

Navigating the Cannabis Conversation with Family


How To Know If You Are Buying High-Quality, Safe CBD Products


34 CBD & THC Recipes How to Make Green Butter

Choosing a Hydroponic Medium

► Cute Leaf Guy Cartoon (top of page) by artist Oleksii Demianiuk ► Cover art by Bill Cromwell Visit and get the latest news and see more locations to get your copy of The EVOLUTION MagazineTM. 4

February 2020

Plus More Good Stuff Within These Pages — Enjoy!

February 2020


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Missouri’s First Educational Medical Cannabis Magazine Published Monthly by Native Kansas City, MO, Advocates, Publishers and Writers. A True Missouri Born Grassroots Effort to Educate and Inform Patients, and to Provide Businesses within The Missouri Cannabis Industry an Economical Forum to Tell Their Story. We hope you join and enjoy “The Evolution.” PUBLISHER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Bill Cromwell News, Article Requests, Advertisements Corporate Office: 816.878.4509 Kansas City, MO

Expand awareness and the positive aspects of CBD and Cannabis. Only then will we remove the stigma attached to this plant/medicine, which has helped so many within these pages.


MANAGING EDITOR, VP OF OPERATIONS: Victoria Cromwell VP SALES/MARKETING and EDITORIAL DEVELOPMENT: Clayton Stallings CREATIVE DESIGNERS, GRAPHIC ARTS, PHOTOGRAPHY: Bill Cromwell FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHY : Chris Smith Our Expert Team of Writers and Cannabis Industry Leaders ● Brother Mendel — Seed / Growing Education ● Dana Cunningham — Cooking with CBD ● Jason Davis — Home Growers Education Columnist ● Kaitlin Domangue — Patient Education Columnist ● Leigh Zarda Carr, CBD Pet Wellness and Cooking with CBD ● Dolores Halbin — Patient Advocate and Awareness ● Dale Sky Jones — Education & Industry News ● Peter Kershaw — Health and Safety Columnist ● Leah Maurer — Health, Awareness, Ask Leah Columnist ● Commander Tom Mundell ― Veteran’s Health & Wellness ● Dr. Michael J. Poppa, D.O., M.B.A. ― Medical Health News ● Tanya Roth — Rural Missouri News & Patient Advocates ● Monthly Guest Writers — Cannabis News & Patient Advocates The EVOLUTIONTM Magazine offers a monthly print magazine that is distributed throughout western Missouri, eastern Kansas and the Lake of the Ozarks region. Printed copies are found at nearly 300 locations including CBD dispensaries, therapy centers, doctors offices, restaurants, sports bars, golf courses, resorts, hotels and many other select locations. In addition, the magazine is offered online as an inter-active E-magazine at NOTICE: The publisher/editor reserves the right to reject whatever material does not fit with the vision or intent of this publication. Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the publisher and does not imply endorsement. The contributing writers, staff or owners of THE EVOLUTION Magazine cannot be held liable for hardship or losses incurred due to any content associated within this publication or websites. Written views and information expressed in this publication belong to the writers and do not reflect the sentiments or editorial opinion of the publisher or staff. We cannot be held responsible for changes to scheduling, prices, rates or the occasional typographical errors.

Aug. 2019

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February 2020

FDA Disclaimer: Any statements made within this magazine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No products or Ads featured within these pages are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent any disease, ailment or disorder. Always consult your physician before beginning any supplements, botanical extracts or products withing these pages. Products mentioned within for use by adults age 18 and older. Keep such products out of reach of children. The information within is a sharing of knowledge and information based on the writers research and experience. © 2019 – 2020 The EVOLUTIONTM Magazine. All Rights Proprietary and Conceptual Designs Reserved. Reproduction of any part of this publication’s contents is strictly prohibited without written permission of the Publisher or Managing Editor.


February 2020


Canna Regulations ►

CANNABIS USE IN THE WORKPLACE It’s about the 20-year old who has epilepsy only controlled by cannabis.


magine you have a man with a debilitating condition that affects his everyday life. He is plagued with symptoms that affect how he performs at work if he does not take his medicine. Now, imagine that man is prohibited from taking the medication his doctor prescribed to him because his workplace does not want him to use it. Even if it wasn’t taken on the job, he still could not use the medicine. It does not affect the way he works, but he can’t use it. Period. If he failed a drug screening for that medicine, he is fired on the spot. There would be a societal uproar, right? I mean, we would see it everywhere. There would be pure outrage and a well-supplied fight for that man and his rights, not to mention his health. This is exactly the kind of discrimination happening when workplaces prohibit responsible medical cannabis use among their employees. Those who have viewed cannabis as a recreational substance before a medicinal one usually respond with something along the lines of, “Using weed is a liability. It messes with your brain and impairs your work. Who would want their employee on something that does that?” First of all, let’s get the “lazy stoners” out of the way. You know the ones. They show up to work, running late, smelling like weed — like they’ve clearly just smoked six blunts in a row. They act goofy, and they are a distraction to others. They are possibly even doing their job wrong. It should be considered that these individuals be let go, as they clearly don’t take their job seriously, but that isn’t cannabis’ fault. It is theirs. It is how someone chooses to use this plant that determines how they behave. That person likely would not have been a reliable employee anyway, even if they thought cannabis was reefer madness, and they wouldn’t touch it with a six-foot pole. The fact that cannabis use and its effects vary based upon how a person chooses to use it becomes glaringly obvious when you look at the professionals who admit to using cannabis before work. These individuals have had no issues at their place of work and can maintain efficiency in their roles. Give that same batch 8

February 2020

of cannabis to someone else, and they might slow your workday down. Give that person alcohol, and they’ll likely abuse it just the same. Allow that person to dictate when they work and see how much they show up. They have qualities about themselves that make them a poor employee, and they use cannabis wrong because they are irresponsible. With that being said, the ones who recklessly use cannabis with no consideration for how it affects their daily performance are not the ones we need to fight to protect. It is a 20-year old who has epilepsy only controlled by cannabis. It is the mom with Chron’s disease who can’t keep on weight or eat a decent meal without using cannabis to ease her symptoms. It is the daughter with ovarian cancer who uses cannabis to get her through the brutal side-effects that come with chemotherapy. These people are the ones who respect the plant and what it does for them. They know it can alter the mind, and they aren’t looking for that necessarily. They want to function, they want to live their lives without these conditions controlling if they can make it to work or not, or without dictating if they simply can participate in life. True medical cannabis patients who do not use cannabis as a “way to get high” know their dose. They know how much is too much THC for them to perform their day well. In fact, a lot of people who use cannabis medicinally don’t use THC products at all. What they use has no chance of getting them “high,” but even CBD has its restrictions in a lot of workplaces. Now, not everyone who responsibly uses cannabis has an obvious medical condition. A lot of people use it for general relaxation and stress relief, similar to a glass of wine at the end of the night. I believe these people should be protected, too. Their employer should not dictate a person’s responsible use of a substance that is legal in their state. Employees should be judged based upon the job they perform at work, cannabis user or not. There are zero overdose risks associated with cannabis use. This is not even true for Ibuprofen or Tylenol, something nobody bats an eye at if you pull out a bottle and pop a

by Kaitlin Domangue, Contributing Writers

few pills during a shift. All deaths that have had cannabis sloppily and falsely portrayed as the cause of death have been shown to have various contributing factors associated with it. Like other drugs showing up in the toxicology report, people injecting “supposed” THC oil into themselves, and alcohol. Even a recent claim from this year of “THC overdose” has been said to be highly unlikely by professionals because the present THC levels in her body were not very high. Honestly, how many other substances can you think of that have never been proven to cause death in a person? Even water has caused death among humans. Though most U.S. States allow workplaces to make their own decisions regarding their employee’s use of the plant — most choose not to allow it. Maine was the first state to ban workplaces from disciplinary action towards their employees for cannabis use. The state removed cannabis from the list of substances an employer can test for in a drug screening, and employees cannot be fired for using it, provided use happened away from the workplace. Nevada and New York City have even taken steps to stop discrimination, banning pre-employment drug screenings for cannabis. Many responsible cannabis users hope that the rest of the country and the world take notes from these states so that they can be allowed to use cannabis safely and legally at home without fearing for their jobs.

Kaitlin Domangue is a 23-year-old wife and mom to three children who live near St. Louis, MO. Writing has always been a passion of hers, but she never dreamed she would be able to turn it into a career. She is passionate about her Christian faith, living a healthy lifestyle, and sharing the benefits of medicinal cannabis. Notice: The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The content is for general information purposes only.





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February 2020


Patient Rights Advocate ►

Kansas Crosses State Lines to Persecute Seizure Patient Justice for Larry Burgess — HURRY, Court Date, February 13, 9 a.m. by Lisa Ash Sublett, Bleeding Kansas Advocates


ection 1 of the Kansas Constitution Bill of Rights affords “protection of the right of personal autonomy, which includes the ability to control one’s body, to assert bodily integrity, and to exercise self-determination.” — The Supreme Court of the State of Kansas — April 26, 2019.

True, unless you are a medical cannabis patient. Not only does Kansas continue to refuse to acknowledge the rights of its citizens, it seems that the state will go to any lengths to persecute and punish patients. The case of Larry Burgess (photo above) is the perfect example. Larry was a lifelong resident of Fredonia, KS. He suffers from Non-Epilepsy Grand Mal seizures, diagnosed by The Mayo Clinic, and had exhausted all traditional treatments. The side-effects had been devastating, and he still had no seizure reduction. In fact, his condition grew progressively worse. At one point, he was taking 23 pills a day. Finally, in desperation, Larry decided to try a natural medicine that his research had shown was helping many other seizure patients. He was candid about his journey and shared his newfound hope with many of his small-town residents, whom witnessed his suffering firsthand. However, one resident, who had known Larry his entire life, turned Larry in to the sheriff — Larry has been living through hell ever since. 12

February 2020

Larry was growing one plant and making oil that he put into capsules. He also used inhalation delivery systems for fast-acting relief. All was for his personal use only, but Larry was charged as if he were a cartel drug lord. 1. Unlawful cultivation or distribution of a controlled substance, 92-144 months (7.6 years - 12 years) $500,000 2. Manufacture of a controlled substance, 92-144 months (7.6 years - 12 years) $500,000 3. Unlawfully use of a telecommunication device, 7-23 months, $100,000 4. Possession of drug paraphernalia Today, Larry is facing over 20 years in prison. His treating doctor submitted a letter of support to the court, and the humane and just, Judge Daryl D. Ahlquist, of the 31rst District, showed mercy allowing Larry to move to Colorado on a modified bond. Larry has now lived in Colorado Springs for the past 2 ½ years. However, Sheriff Pete Figgins and the Wilson County, KS, Attorney, Kenley J Thompson, refuse to drop the charges. Instead, they set a court date, February 13, 2020 at 9 a.m. The fallout of these charges follows Larry to his Colorado life. Larry cannot visit family in Kansas. His father has been diagnosed with advanced Alzheimer’s, and Larry cannot come home to be a support to his parents during this difficult time. Although, his grandfather has been ill, he has a big birthday celebration planned this Spring. Larry cannot attend. There have been two recent deaths in the family, and he was not allowed to attend the funerals. The impact of his charges cause issues for his everyday life in Colorado. Burgess says, “I am a changed person. I don’t want to be jaded. When I was the sickest, I was at the lowest of lows and contemplating suicide — those thoughts come at your lowest point, where you can be your own worse own enemy. I don’t want to be known as a disabled person. Before my illness, was very happy

and outgoing — someone who just wanted to live a good life and provide for my family. Cannabis literally changed my health-life. Once that happens, you can’t go back. No one in their right mind would go back to harsh medicines that can ruin you and could even kill you. “Once I weaned off those harsh medications, it was life-changing,” said Burgess. “I was able to start getting back into my community, attend my kids’ events, and work my catering business. Then the Kansas arrest happened, and like a death charge, it blew my life to smithereens. I am back on disability, which no one ever wants, struggling to pay our increased costs of living in Colorado. I cannot work in the industry, or in general, because of these felony charges hanging over my head, and it also impacts our family getting housing, and more. We are not living the life we would want because of this hanging over my head. It is stressful for me, my wife, and our entire family. We just want to start a new life and not have to worry about this [arrest] ruining our lives anymore. I hope my story helps other people. Anyone could have a member of their family who will need this medicine at some point, but they are not allowed to heal and instead are vilified and criminalized. I will forever speak out on this, and I have been punished for it. It’s not right to ruin people’s lives over this medicine, but that is exactly what has happened to me and many others.” You Can Help Fight For #JusticeForLarry Please send your letters of Larry Burgess support to: Kenley J Thompson, Wilson County, KS, Attorney, 615 Madison, Room 201, Fredonia KS, 66736. Call 620.378.4115. And/or Governor Laura Kelly, Capitol, 300 SW 10th Ave., Ste. 264W, Topeka, KS, 66612-1590. Call 785.368.8500. Lisa Ash Sublett of Bleeding Kansas Advocates can be reached at 913.396.9675, or email to:

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Patient Access Advocate ►

Kansans, Please Call a Friend,

The Importance of Best Policy


by Lisa Ash Sublett, Bleeding Kansas Advocates

onday, January 13, at 2 p.m. officially begins the Kansas legislative session. Work on bill language for a state medical cannabis program began long before the opening gavel. Kansas went from dragging their heels, as seemingly part of an agenda to be the very last state in the union to acknowledge the rights of their citizens to medical liberty, to a full-throttle sprint toward restrictive and bad policy. Seemingly determined to listen to everyone but actual experts in the cannabis regulatory and industry fields, Kansas is currently set on a path to do more harm than good.

on the data sets provided by that research. The CDC recently pinned Vitamin E Acetate as a major culprit in the recent crisis, and they are continuing to research to identify any other culprits. Kansas could follow the lead of Colorado and ban Vitamin E Acetate. That would be policy based on research. They could then empower any Kansas cannabis oversight agency the power to form future regulations based on developing research and technology. Locking in the power of agility will be crucial to any oversight agency. They need to be able to quickly react to any future issues that may arise and pose a threat to public health without the lag of fighting through the legislature.

Best policy is driven by data and facts. These are the pillars that should underlie all policy decisions in government. As an example, let us discuss the wish by some lawmakers to ban all vaping in any Kansas medical cannabis program. We know this is a knee-jerk reaction to the recent deaths and illnesses caused by certain illegal products. They do not have all the facts, so what they perceive as best often does not always include all the needed information, and in fact, could result in greater public harm.

Many patients need the fast-acting relief of an inhalation method. They need it for breakthrough pain, spasticity, seizures, and more. Kansas cannot, in absolute ignorance of the facts, throw the baby out with the bathwater on the issue of vaping. In fact, Kansas lawmakers will continue to do unnecessary harm and create unneeded hardship to patients if they continue to form policy without the guidance of experts who have helped form best policy in many other states. Beyond that, they will deny Kansas the full public benefit of a state medical cannabis program. It is just bad acting all the way around to make policy in an area that is not in your wheelhouse and not consult actual experts.

The umbrella term of “vaping” in the cannabis world covers a much broader segment of delivery systems than in the nicotine vaping world. As one example, this umbrella term also includes dry herb vaporizers. Dry herb vaporizing is the process of heating dried cannabis to a temperature just below its combustion point of 392° Fahrenheit. Proper cannabis use has noticeable health benefits. In fact, nearly all of the health issues and problems associated with potentially harmful smoke (carcinogens, tar, etc.) can be avoided if the herb is only heated to the point where the desired cannabinoids (typically found in the resin of the flower) are released without igniting/destroying the material. This is precisely what a vaporizer does. Israel uses stationary, dry herb vaporizers in the cancer wards of their hospitals. It is evident that this delivery method is different from the unregulated and illegally produced oil cartridges, or “carts,” often cited in the recent illnesses and deaths. These products were not made in the same regulated manufacturing environment as legal cartridges. The real issue is, and will always be, one of regulation and enforcement. We must remember that in any new industry, issues arise and will need to be addressed by research, and then policy can be formed based 14

February 2020

If Kansas wishes to compete for the dollars of the illicit market and instead wants to see those dollars go into the state coffers, they must reach out, use a lifeline, and call in an experienced friend in the cannabis regulatory field. Data clearly tells us the issues that drive an illicit market. Kansas must meet those needs defined by the data, or patients will continue to choose the illicit market over the legal market, increasing the public health risk. This will be the exact opposite result that any of us, lawmakers and citizens alike, wish to see in Kansas. For these reasons and many more, this session, we will continue fighting for best policy and to facilitate the relationships between lawmakers and experts. It is crucial that the people of Kansas join in the call for facts over fear by consistently communicating with their representatives and senators on the need for consulting experts and yielding to proven policy already established in the majority of the nation. Lisa Ash Sublett of Bleeding Kansas Advocates can be reached at 913.396.9675,, or

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test labs

Just ask Leah...

What Do Cannabis Test Results Mean? What to Look For on Labels? by Leah Maurer, Contributing Writer

Ask Leah

Perhaps one of the most exciting things about cannabis legalization is that patients can now purchase and use cannabis as educated consumers, much like we do with ibuprofen or cough syrup. One of the keys to validating this plant as a medicine is having it tested by standardized cannabis testing labs that ensure the product is clean and ready for safe consumption. This is a huge difference from the underground market, where you aren’t sure of what you are putting in your body when cannabis is purchased off the street, and, in my opinion, a huge piece of what helps legitimize both cannabis as medicine and the industry that is emerging behind it. Appropriate testing is critical to demonstrate that these products do not contain harmful levels of contaminants or adulterants and are safe for public consumption.

A native Missourian, Leah Maurer is a cannajournalist, creative marketing consultant, and activist who now lives in Portland, OR. She is also the Editorial Lead at, a cannabis news and information publication where she serves as the Editorial Lead. Leah was very involved in Oregon’s cannabis legalization, helping found New Approach Oregon, an organization responsible for drafting and campaigning for Measure 91. Additionally, in 2014 Leah founded “Moms for YES on Measure 91;” its grassroots efforts proved pivotal in the passage of legalizing recreational/adult-use of cannabis in the State. Leah is a social justice and cannabis activist at the core and hopes to see the prohibition of cannabis end on a federal level and normalize it across America — and someday, worldwide. 16

February 2020

Each state that allows the use of recreational and/or medicinal marijuana has its own set of rules and regulations. These consist of requirements for growers, processors, retailers, and laboratories. If cannabis were to be categorized as a regulated pharmaceutical drug, it would be rigorously tested to comply with stringent rules and regulations regarding the quality and safety of the product, as are all other drugs. However, as there is currently no centralized regulatory body that oversees this, the responsibility of quality assurance falls to the grower, manufacturer, and sometimes the consumer.

Specific cannabis testing may include, but is not limited to, the following:

● Cannabinoid potency testing and content (CBC, CBD, CBDa, CBG, CBN, THC, THCa, THCv, etc.) ● Terpene profile ● Pesticides/fungicides/plant growth regulators ● Residual solvents ● Heavy metals ● Microbiological contaminants (mold, insects, bacteria, etc.)

While these numbers are generally required to be given to the businesses in the seed-to-sale chain supply, typically, they are not all on a label of a product in a dispensary. It is ok to ask your budtender for more detailed information about the test results. It is also good to stay current on the information that the State Health Department is putting out about their mandates for cannabis testing to ensure you are getting a safe product through the system.

When you purchase your medicine at a dispensary, there will be a label that comes along with it. The label will usually have some branding and the weight of the product on it. The label will also have the cannabis test results printed on it. Probably the first part of the label you will notice is the numbers that pertain to the potency of the cannabis. This typically comes in three different ways: cannabinoid per weight (e.g., 20% THC), total cannabinoids present (e.g., 150 mg THC), or a ratio of THC:CBD (e.g., 2:1 CBD, THC). Generally, the more cannabinoids that a product contains, the more therapeutic the effect. Unfortunately, with cannabis still being a federally illegal substance, there is a patchwork of policies and regulations across the U.S. in states where cannabis is legalized. This is particularly troublesome when it comes to cannabis testing labs, because the labs in one state may not test for certain things that the state right next door to them does. This is just one more hurdle that cannabis advocates must overcome in the big picture of the cannabis movement, but perhaps that’s a topic for another column.

Editors Note: Below are the 10 Testing Labs approved for licenses by the DHSS. Of the 60 Cultivation licenses awarded to just 35 companies, there will only be 10 testing labs to test products (crops) prior to sale at dispensaries. It should be interesting to see if 10 labs (most in remote locations outside metro areas) are enough to keep pace with demand. The Kansas City region only has one lab (Platte City, 40 minutes north) within reasonable driving distance. We’ll know soon enough! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Botannis Labs Mo. Corp GCA, Inc. EKG Life Science Solutions, LLC Farma Laboratories LLC Inovatia AgriTesting Services, LLC Green Orchard Labs, LLC ClearWater Science LLC ContiCorp LLC Green Hills Labs, LLC Cloud TEN, LLC

Springfield Herculaneum (near St. Louis) St. Louis Platte City (45-min. north KC) Fayette (45-min. north Columbia) Chillicothe (1.5 hr. north KC) Kingdom City (25-min. E Columbia) Galena (40-min. north Branson) Moscow Mills (50-min. NW St. Louis) St. Louis

Have a cannabis education related question for Leah? I am Leah, the Editorial Lead at The Weed Blog, a St. Louis native, and have been a cannabis activist since 2010! I am excited to help answer all your medical marijuana patient questions as the Missouri industry and market emerges. Please send your questions to, and you may be featured in a future issue of The EVOLUTION Magazine. Thank you for letting me help you navigate this space as we push the cannabis movement forward together! February 2020


Patient Access Advocate ►

Gone in 25 Days

What if I’d Known About Cannabis Treatment Sooner? by Melda Walker, Contributing Writer

Toyota Tacoma, to requiring a walker that she adamantly refused to use when we first got it for her. She went from cooking huge family meals to being unable to lift herself from her beloved recliner. She went from sitting on the porch with her morning coffee to reluctantly needing a hospital bed in her living room. We were no competition for this opponent that attacked my mother with a force we could not comprehend. It seemed that we were scrambling every day to catch up to what she needed next. We never did. Like a wildfire, it engulfed her, and she no longer had the strength to fight the fire. September 3 –23 was a blur of conversations with mom, my siblings, medical staff, and community resources. She could no longer eat. Awake — in pain and suffering. Take pain medication — sleep away the day and night. Repeat. Repeat. No quality of life allowed. September 23, I called my job supervisor and gave a long-distance resignation. “I’m sorry. I can’t leave. Mother requires 24-hour care.” We thought we had time. We saw the writing on the wall, but still, we prayed. Friends and family, they prayed. Surely, we had at least until the end of the year, but the Grim Reaper came swiftly.


Melda Walker

and Mama

did not enter 2019 with any knowledge of or interest in legalized medical marijuana, but as 2019 came to a close, it was assuredly on my radar. How did I get here?

time bomb to be more exact. On September 3, my siblings and I sat in a Jackson, TN, cancer treatment center with our mother, as we were informed of her diagnosed stage 4 liver cancer. BOOM!

I’ll forever remember these 2019 dates: September 3, 23, 28, October 1, and 5 — they ping me like chimes of a clock. A ticking

Liver cancer? Tumors? Metastasized? Within 25 days, our mother went from an independent senior who loved driving her green


February 2020

September 28, I still hear her last words. “Jesus!! Lord!!” Mama was in so much pain. When I looked in her eyes around 5:30 a.m. as she was calling out, I could tell that she no longer saw me. She saw something or someone else in the distance. It was as if she were telling God to hurry up and come get her. I crushed up the tiny pill and dissolved it in a little water. She couldn’t swallow it as well as last time. I didn’t recognize at the time — that meant she was close to the end. I just wanted to help her with the pain. I didn’t know to go get the white Hospice box out of the refrigerator with “the-time-has-come” liquids to place under her tongue. I didn’t know! But, she became quiet and started to fall into a medicated sleep as she did often since the diagnosis. I lay down around 6 a.m. and fell asleep. Sometime between 6 – 8:29 a.m., she breathed her last and left us behind.



At 8:30 a.m. I awoke in a panic — I knew. The unearthly silence in the house told me what my mind refused to acknowledge. Mama was gone. October 1 would be her 72nd birthday. Instead of our family celebrating, our mother was being transported from Tennessee back home to Mississippi. On October 10, we laid her to rest in Vicksburg, MS. After her passing, I found myself depressed, unemployed, and lost. What do I do now? Where do I go? On November 13, I found myself at the St. Louis MoCann Trade Job Fair. I had one resume that wasn’t even updated or reflecting my move to St. Louis. I left it with the first table I stopped at during the two-minute meet and talks. My heart wasn’t into looking for a job. It was looking for an answer to “Why? Why cancer? Why my mama?” The second exhibitor table I visited was Wendy and Tommy Turner’s. In under five minutes, I walked out of the event with Wendy’s words ringing in my soul, “You need to come to Kansas City.” A week later, I was at a Kansas City event. I met men, women, and young people who shared how cannabis had changed their lives, how they had become cancer-free. How cannabis, along with other therapies, helped heal their illnesses and improved their overall health. The one session that spoke most clearly to my pain was “Mature Approaches to Cannabis” by Luba Andrus. She taught us about senior patients, while clearly clarifying that “Cannabis is a medicine.” Next, I attended the Professional Interpener course led by Max and Brandon of Trichome Institute.


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I wondered if we had more time, and I knew then what I know now, would mom still be with us today? If Tennessee had legalized medical marijuana, would the medical team have prescribed it for her? Would I have been able to convince mom to “at least try cannabis?” Would it have improved the quality of her last days with us even if our prayers of healing were not answered? Regrettably, we will never know the answers. Now the question is, “How can I serve someone else with this knowledge?” Moving forward into 2020, it is imperative that I first become “qualified” to serve. As an educator and former respiratory therapist, I was required to enroll in educational institutions, attend numerous classes, participate in hands-on labs, practice onsite as an intern, and successfully pass core content exams to earn my degrees. The Trichome Institute gave me a glimpse that this industry requires the same diligence. There seems to be no shortage of online and in-person classes being offered at this time. In January, I went to the Missouri Medical Marijuana Dispensary training. Michelle Sanchez, of MOGreens Wellness, graciously advised me on resume updates, and I took the “Healer” certified program offered by Dr. Dustin Sulak as good next steps. Also, following key groups on social media keeps me up to date with local classes. Equipped with such tools, I will be more confident, educated, and qualified to eventually work with the medicine and patients as an advocate for their care. So, I’m encouraged; what I could not do for my mom, I am learning to do for someone else’s. Be well. – Melda February 2020


Canna Regulations ►

Patients Tips to Avoid Prosecution The Wilson Case


hen I was asked to co-counsel with Joani Harshman on the Jamie Wilson case in Daviess County, MO, my first thought was, “but I’m not a criminal defense attorney.” It took Joani telling me about Jamie’s case before I understood that while this is a criminal case, it’s ultimately a patient’s rights case. So, of course, I couldn’t say no. Jamie Wilson was charged with two cannabis-related felonies (possession and child endangerment), and a misdemeanor paraphernalia charge for being in possession of a grinder and some spent roaches. From the documents on file with the court, the possession charge doesn’t discount the weight in grams by subtracting the packaging. Even if it did, Wilson was within his legal possession limit as he is an authorized Missouri Medical Patient cultivator permitted to possess up to a 90-day supply, or 12 ounces of dried, unprocessed flower. If you consider the total weight, packaging included, Wilson was in possession of around eight ounces, so he is well within his lawful limit. The child endangerment charge stems primarily from the fact that the dried, unprocessed flower was in the cab of the truck within reach of a four-year-old minor who was sound asleep and strapped into a car seat. So, what’s really going on here? The State is attempting to exploit the vague gray area surrounding “lawful possession” by arguing that since there are no licensed dispensaries in the State of Missouri yet, that the cannabis was unlawfully obtained, and


February 2020

by attorney Aubrey Gann-Redmon, Contributing Writer therefore, possession was illegal. This argument completely ignores the home cultivation authorization, and it also ignores the express constitutional mandate that protects patients from prosecution when they have a valid State-issued doctor’s certification, a Missouri patient card/authorization, or an out of state patient card. While someone with just a certi-

A large contingency of community cannabis activists protests the arrest of Wilson. Missouri patients with a valid medical marijuana card can possess up to 8 ounces of marijuana. Law enforcement are not permitted to ask where the marijuana was obtained or request to see a receipt for the purchase of the property. fication or an out of state patient card cannot purchase cannabis from a Missouri dispensary, they are still immune from prosecution for possession. Taking possession out of the equation, this patient could only be charged with three things: child endangerment, DUI, and unlawful distribution/trafficking. Patients in Missouri can protect themselves from those kinds of allegations by undertaking the following steps and precautions:

Photos by Chris Smith

First, if you are a patient, be sure to carry your doctor’s certification, Missouri patient and cultivator authorization, or your out of state patient card on you at all times! Be sure to print and keep these authorizations in your purse, wallet, vehicle, and with your medicine at home. I do not recommend accessing your card on your phone because you might lack signal, battery, or inadvertently subject your phone to an unlawful search. Second, law enforcement is not supposed to ask, and the patient is not supposed to tell where they got their medicine. Politely decline to answer any questions. Instead, ask, “Am I being detained?” “Am I free to go?” These should be the only things you say to police officers. Be polite and politely decline any request to search your person, phone, tablet, vehicle, or home. Show officers only your state-issued ID card (driver license) and proof of insurance; produce your Medial ID patient authorization only upon request. Make police demonstrate probable cause and obtain a warrant. If you are arrested, invoke your right to remain silent and demand to speak to your lawyer. Third, keep your medicine and all paraphernalia locked up at all times. Remember, only a patient is permitted access to their medication. While in your vehicle, keep your medicine locked in your trunk, glove compartment, or lock box in your vehicle. While at home, keep your medicine in a lockedbox, cabinet, drawer, or closet. These safety measures will ensure that you will not likely be held negligent in your transporting or storage of cannabis, especially if you are a parent, and there are children in the vehicle or the home with you. Also, do not exceed your possession quantity limits, and ensure that you do not have any more on your person than is needed to medicate if you are away from home.

know the law Fourth, avoid consuming cannabis before operating a vehicle or machinery, and avoid any appearance of being medicated while doing so. If you have passengers, especially children, avoid taking all medications while transporting others, to the extent you are able. Please, do not cross any state lines with your cannabis. Finally, do not purchase, transfer, or take your medicine in front of children. Yes, I know, we take all kinds of medicine in front of kids, we drink in front of kids, and we are often under the influence of medicine around children. Thousands of Americans are on antidepressants and anti-anxiety medicine around children, and no one seems concerned about those medications sitting around on bathroom counters. However, to remove any possible argument of child endangerment, be sure to keep cannabis medicines out of reach of kids, especially edibles and vapes. When you are not using your medication and paraphernalia, keep it locked in a location that is not readily accessible to children. Until the regulations and the law — along with public opinion — evolve to the point of accepting cannabis as a safer, non-toxic, and nonlethal alternative to many prescription medications, cannabis patients will be forced to exceed the normal standards of medicine safety. Practice these gold star standards to fend off possible prosecutions, and if you are prosecuted, following these tips will ensure a tighter defense. See Medical Marijuana Card-Holder’s Arrest Sparks Outrage. His attorneys, Joani Harshman and Aubrey Gann-Redmon, along with cannabis activist Tanya Roth and community argue that his arrest was unlawful because he is a medical marijuana card-holder. Scan QR to see video.

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See more about attorney Joani Harshman on page 55. Aubrey Gann-Redmon is a partner at Spark! Legal Solutions, LLLP, the first 100% women-owned cannabis law firm in Kansas City, MO. Aubrey has been practicing in the area of probate and trust litigation for the last decade. With her partners, she assisted clients in preparing and filing over 20 cannabis business licensing applications in 2019.

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Patient Advocates ►

20 years for Murder

23 years for Cannabis Where’s the Justice?

by Dolores Montgomery Halbin, Contributing Writer


ast fall, Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney Theresa Kenney took a plea deal on a murder. Diamond Bradley was 33 years old. Phillip Kosaksy got high on meth, stole a gun, drove to a hotel where Diamond was and shot her point-blank several times in front of a witness. Diamond crawled to the hotel lobby, where she died on the floor. To “avoid a costly murder trial,” Kosaksy was given a plea of 20 years (November 4, 2019). Kosaksy is eligible for parole in 17 years. He would have been facing life. He will be in his early 40s when he gets out. Seth Wiggington is a single dad to not only his son but his late wife’s other children. He worked as a welder. He never hurt anyone, but he received a 23-year sentence for having cannabis. The murderer will get out of prison sooner than Seth. All the while, we have Missouri lawmakers scratching their heads trying to figure out what to do with over 6,000 untested rape kits dating back decades. The answer seems pretty obvious to most of us. Send them to the Missouri Highway Patrol Testing lab — where they should have gone in the first place, or, what the heck, send them to for $59 each. At least they would get tested. As it turns out, the Lab, owned and operated by the Missouri Highway Patrol, is too busy testing marijuana to test rape kits. Marijuana seized by the Missouri Drug Task Force. The Drug Task Force is a division of the Highway Patrol. They have a super cool website boasting 2,500 employees and a command staff. They also have super cool names like the Mustang Task Force. They have a Patrol Division, a Criminal Investigation Unit, Special Operations, and, most impressive on their website, the Private Security Section, which provides training and re-certification to more than 10,000 security personnel through a joint Metropolitan license. They have helicopters, drones, armed ATV, lots of guns, and 10,000 trained special ops. Sounds a lot like an army. I am scratching my head wondering — is Missouri the organized crime capital of the world? The need for such resources for drugs seems a lot, especially considering our State overwhelmingly voted for marijuana as medicine and will likely vote for full legalization soon. That will leave all these law enforcement resources just to fight illegal methamphetamine-type drugs. I find it difficult to believe that local sheriff and police departments are not well-equipped to manage the occasional meth house. I was curious what my local Sheriff’s Department thought about all this, so I called and asked. I was eventually transferred to Captain Allen. My question was simple. Why haven’t the rape kits been


February 2020

opened? The answer was telling. “Well, the general understanding is that these were from cases the prosecutor had decided weren’t valid, or the detective decided were made up or had uncooperative witnesses,” said Captain Allen. To confirm, I read that statement back to him. I asked him again if he believed the unopened rape kits were of uncooperative victims, and the backlog is not a problem. “Yes,” he said. The single crime lab in Missouri that is responsible for testing marijuana plants to make sure they are indeed marijuana plants is the same lab responsible for opening rape kits. Marijuana is tested within 3-6 months of seizure, while rape kits are ignored for decades, or tossed out. In 2018, CNN reported on several cities or agencies who had done just that, tossed rape kits in the trash. One of those violators was the Springfield Police. This actually supports Captain Allen’s claim that such kits tossed were considered by the investigating detectives to be from women who falsely accused their perpetrator. Amy Boxx, Barry County Prosecuting Attorney, denies having any say on rape kits getting opened and tested. “The submission of rape kits to the Missouri Lab is strictly up to the investigating detective.” Every rape kit gathered should be promptly sent to the lab by the investigating detective. It’s not up to the prosecutor. “Problems occur because the labs are so backed up,” stated Ms. Boxx. I suggested perhaps we should put a moratorium on testing marijuana plants until the rape kits are opened. She suggested we pay attention and vote; Missouri’s Finance Committee makes these decisions. The ACLU published a report on the Missouri Drug Task Force and the Highway Patrol (May 21, 2018), which explains the source of the problem. Money! Big Big Money! ACLU paralegal Chelsea Varonoff wrote in-part in a 2018 report titled; “Uncle Sam Is Helping Missouri Cops Steal from the State’s Public Education Fund.” In 2001, legislators passed The Missouri Civil Asset Forfeiture Act (CAFA) in an effort to eliminate incentives to seize property and pocket the cash. With the help of the Federal Government, the State laws were subjugated by using the Federal Equitable Sharing act. In 2016, law enforcement only sent $100,000 to public schools when it collected $6.3 million worth of property, and of that total, 44% went to the Feds. Varonoff said, “Without this level of reform, police are being given the permission to continue the perverse practice of policing for profit. This is not crime-stopping law enforcement. It’s corruption, plain and simple.”

Missouri law enforcement has conspired with the Department of Justice, in defiance of State Law, to ensure that the cash goes into their coffers rather than Missouri school children. The Equitable Sharing Loophole Law makes this legal. Without this loophole, neither the Highway Patrol or the Federal Government would get a dime, and the Missouri Dept of Education would get a windfall, which our kids could sure use. These inequities are deeply personal to me. In 1975, six weeks before my wedding, my 21-year-old brother was murdered in front of six witnesses. Eleven hours later, his killer walked out of jail. I listened in on the big yellow phone receiver as the Prosecuting Attorney told my mother, “We had to deem all those witnesses as unreliable because they all were friends of your son’s — you have to understand Mrs. Montgomery, murder trials are expensive.” Blaming the lack of concern over rape and the unwillingness to bring murderers to trial over money is obviously not correct. As Ms. Boxx pointed out, a Prosecuting Attorney’s office, like most businesses, has a budget, and the employees are salaried. For me, the idea that a murder or rape trial is any more expensive than a marijuana trial simply doesn’t hold water. In 1998, a beautiful 17-year-old young lady in our family called me at 7 a.m. to meet her at the ER. She was drugged at a pizza place and woke up in a parking lot in her car with her clothes disheveled. The gathering of a rape kit is not for the faint of heart. She surrendered all her clothes, including her favorite pair of jeans. I wonder what they did with them. There was never an investigation.

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Our family’s pain went unnoticed for rape and murder, yet in 2014 every police car in Bates County converged on our home to arrest us for my husband’s small Cannabis garden in the corner of the basement — he grew it to treat his Glaucoma. He did not survive incarceration or the ordeal — over a harmless Plant! I am left a bit dejected by it all with our government and law enforcement. Greed, corruption, and money seem to be at the heart of the problem. Greed kills people. Greed has victims. My oldest brother was at our house the day the prosecuting attorney called us back in 1975. “There is no justice in this life,” he said to me. “Don’t look for it. If there is justice in the next life, murderers will get their recompense.” I wish I could have heeded his advice in 1975 and gone on with my life and forgot about Lady Justice. I could not. I still think she is a Lady worth finding. Dolores Montgomery Halbin, RN, BSN, and Ordained Nurse Minister resides in SW Missouri. After her husband passed in 2015 (as a result of incarceration for his cannabis garden used to treat his Glaucoma), she retired from nursing. She worked with the 20142018 Missouri campaigns for legalized medical marijuana. She continues as a cannabis reform activist working toward Federal decriminalization through educational speaking and freelance journalism. Dolores Halbin,

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Patient Advocates ►

by Justin Flocker, Contributing Writer

How CBD and THC Helped My COPD


Oh No! COPD and He Vapes!

am a certified Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) advocate for vaping Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). I believe it has helped improve and extend the life of my respiratory system. I have removed all medications from my life and added vitamins and supplements. I have regained conscious focus, and I can function again on a level playing field. As someone who was -1 COPD, going to 0 is a huge deal. Overall, I feel better about life and progressing, now that “I” control my health.

My Story for a New Generation By the age of five, I was diagnosed with COPD and Pleurisy, as well as pneumonia twice. Doctors said I had “cross” like figures on my lungs, which could have been a contributor to my diagnosis. Due to this diagnosis, I was put into oxygen tents and thrust into ice baths. I didn’t inquire about it enough from my mother, whom I lost in 2010 from her opioid addiction at the young age of 56 when I was just 33 years old. That unfortunate tragedy didn’t allow me to gain the knowledge needed to understand why these ailments and burdens were placed upon me. In my youth, I was a very active child despite my mother and stepfather being chainsmokers, “True” cigarette abusers; I really didn’t have any lung problems — that I knew about growing up. I often had headaches due to the nicotine in the environment from the ages of six months to age 17, but I don’t really remember having other health issues in my youth.

for them. When I vape, I don’t get “high,” which contributes to “paranoia and the munchies;” rather, I feel energetic, creative, and full of life. At present, I’m prescribed a very low dose of anxiety medication and am actively attempting to cut that use off. Once I’m able to execute that task, I will be totally free from big pharma and only taking vitamins and working out to maintain my health. Since I was able to cut out the vices that hindered my health, I have actually increased and regained some of my lung capacity.

My Conquest into CBD CBD is something I have studied for my health. I have spoken with many doctors and specialists who all say that smoking is 100’s worse than vaping due to combustion and more toxic chemicals being released. That’s for smoking of any kind; however, I am not here to debate smokables but to educate people that atomizers existed way before e-Cigarettes for asthma, bronchitis, and other lung issues. Vaping! Oh No! COPD and He Vapes! The perceived vaping “crisis” is not really a crisis at all; it’s a matter of education — or a lack thereof. First, we need to understand how vitamin E and mineral oil are a “big” contributing factor regarding “black market” vaping cartridge versus medical-grade vaping cartridges.

Later in life, I realized I had a chemical issue just like my other family members, taking prescription after prescription of anti-anxiety and antidepressants. Finding my mother deceased in the manner I did, is something no son should have to see or witness.

The vaping industry is at the edge of an abyss due to numerous facets about how vaping cartridges can be altered and “home mixes” made. This is causing a decline in medical-grade product sales, not to mention the hindrance of wanting to vape at all.

Today I do not need antidepressants, because of vaping THC. Sure, life has ups and downs, something we all must learn to live with — some of us try to mask that. I’ve found that medical marijuana lets people manage their health in a way that’s both productive and efficient, as well as effective and comfortable

Let me put this in technical terms. There are too many “vulnerabilities” and “end-points” regarding the points of entry to “hack” these “devices.” Security needs to be at the “Forefront” of the vaping industry and precautions, regulations, and security measures must be implemented. That will be the only saving


February 2020

grace to offer peace of mind in the minds of consumers. To date, the only additive that should be inclusive is Limonene (terpene). Limonene is a chemical found in the peels of citrus fruits and other plants. It is used to make medicine, which is used to promote weight loss, prevent cancer, treat cancer, and treat bronchitis. Limonene is an abundant cannabis terpene with an unmistakable citrus aroma, most commonly resembling tangerine, grapefruit, and lemon. Also found in high concentrations in the rinds of citrus fruits, limonene is often used in cosmetics, household cleaners, and as flavoring agents in food, beverages, and chewing gum. Limonene’s potential effects and benefits ● Elevated mood. ● Stress relief. ● Antifungal properties. ● Antibacterial properties. ● May help relieve heartburn and gastric reflux. ● Improves absorption of other terpenes and chemicals by way of the skin, mucous membranes, and digestive tract. As we move forward in this evolution of knowledge, I will control my own health care. I also must question, just how United are these States? Justin Fockler is an Advocate for the COPD Foundation, Medical Cannabis Advocate, IT Direction/Network Administrator, operates a Drone Pilot businesses and Producer Audio/ Video-Mixer. Contact at If you would like to know more about THC therapeutic dosing, see this YouTube video by Mara Gordon the co-founder of Aunt Zelda’s. Scan QR ► Notice: The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The content is for general information purposes only.

February 2020





Dale Sky Jones is the Executive Chancellor of Oaksterdam University. Since 2007, Oaksterdam University (OU) has been the forerunner in providing the highest quality training offered in the cannabis industry from patients to regulators. OU is the first and only cannabis college with a comprehensive curriculum in cannabis business and horticulture. OU educates regulators, local officials, state agencies, and legislative staff. Its faculty is comprised of expert practitioners and academics. OU Alumni consist of over 40,000 from over 40 countries — are the most active in the world. Online classes are available at Follow Dale Sky Jones @Oaksterdam and @DaleSkyJones.


February 2020


by Dale Sky Jones, Contributing Writer

his one is for all the parents, guardians, and grandparents out there. It’s time to go back to school. Even if you are only occasionally graced by the presence of children, there’s a seat with your name on it, so get ready to take notes. As a mother of three, this is a conversation near and dear to me. When it comes to my kids’ safety, I continuously wonder what potential dangers lurk in a friend’s home. From liquor cabinets to prescription pills to porn, loaded guns, and lead paint — the list of things to worry about is endless. I imagine that others may have similar concerns about cannabis.

the more likely they will make poor decisions. The best place for kids to learn is from us, their parents, but we must educate ourselves first. Most of us grew up as DARE kids, pres-

For that reason, I’ll take any chance to inform people of how cannabis works, its possible contraindications, the various ingestion methods, and what happens to the brain when consuming. I do all this to put this perceived risk in its proper place. While cannabis consumption is a genuine concern, those concerned should know the risk of developing dependency is somewhere near though less than caffeine, and that it is safer than water for overdose capacity. However, the manner in which it is taken does change the relative risks; how and when marijuana is consumed does matter.

sured to “just say no” with impressive fear tactics that placed pot next to meth. I suspect equating cannabis with deadly substances lost the trust in the conversation around more dangerous choices. “Just saying no” made it impossible to have an honest discussion about the relative safety of cannabis versus the real dangers of opiates, meth, and alcohol. Only after we have weeded out the misinformation will we be prepared to see past the propaganda we grew up believing. It’s remarkable that we once mislabeled marijuana as a “gateway drug,” only now we discover its success as an “exit drug.”

The reality is, your kids already have access to marijuana. If we are honest with ourselves about the world we live in, our kids are exposed to cannabis in a variety of forms. It could happen when they are with their peers, or it could happen at home around their parents. I want to address some of the safety concerns I come across in my conversations on the little league sidelines and hear whispered at PTA meetings. Even if I am not at your kid’s school events to be asked personally, consider me your “cannabis confessor” mom-friend. Over the next few issues, we will explore what matters most and myth-bust critical misconceptions, so that you can make better-informed decisions for your family regarding cannabis. Then you can spend your “parental stress quota” wisely. Just like with alcohol and hazardous drugs, the less educated our youth are about marijuana,

The first thing to know is that not all consumable cannabis is the same. Different products your kids may encounter have varying potency as well as a range of psychoactive and physiological results. For example, the ratio of CBD, if higher than THC, mitigates the psychoactivity. And smoking or vaping cannabis results in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) metabolizing in your bloodstream,

which is a very different high than you would get from swallowing edibles. When eaten instead, your liver’s metabolism converts THC to 11-OH-THC, which can cause a more psychedelic experience. In fact, the psychoactivity of edibles is more akin to tripping on acid if you overeat. This same effect cannot be achieved by smoking cannabis. To make things even more complicated, the delivery system you choose, such as using a vaporizer as opposed to smoking a joint or pipe, also exhibits a different safety profile. Vaping has become as popular as it has become a crisis in the news, so it is essential to clarify that vaporizing the cannabis plant itself does not cause health-threatening issues. To enhance the aesthetically-appealing “puff cloud” upon exhalation, manufacturers were adding α-Tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E acetate) to pre-filled cartridges. In theory, the additive improved the perception of potency. It also made it lethal. This synthetic form of vitamin E is vaporous when heated, but once inhaled, it cools and returns to oil that coats your lungs. It is hard to breathe when your alveoli, the tiny sacs within your lungs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move between the lungs and bloodstream, are coated in oil. You suffocate slowly. The problem, and danger, lies in unregulated illicit products coupled with a complete failure in safety testing delivery systems for the cannabis itself. What happens when a food-grade additive, something you are supposed to swallow, is heated and inhaled? What happens when a manufacturer cuts corners with the battery, and the vape pen explodes? We should not forget that vaporizing also cooks the metal that houses the extract, which, if not medical grade, can off-gas toxic fumes when warmed. These dangers require research to determine safe paraphernalia, and we need further testing on the safety of additives in new, unintended applications. Smoking the flower (“bud”) is the most common form of consuming cannabis. One would think inhaling marijuana smoke would be bad for your lungs, as with cigarettes. Smoking any plant matter, and inhaling ash and tar, can trigger bronchitis, an inflammation of the lining of your bronchial tubes. However, a landmark study in 2006 (Tashkin et al.) found that smoking cannabis reduced the risk of lung cancer and does not cause emphysema or COPD. A survey by NORML and MAPS indicated the safest way to smoke your medicine is a joint, rather than a bong or pipe. The joint filters the ash and tar while reducing the heat and lighter fluid required (both of which are not good for you), and they are more sanitary than a bong. They are also disposable! Considering all the additives that can be found in pre-filled vape cartridges, it is perhaps worth giving smoking a second look. Also, smoking a joint is the most cost-effective way to consume cannabis. Inhalation of medicine is not only prevalent today, but it is also the way our ancestors consumed the whole plant medicine for millennia. More to come in this multi-part parental series, including more about edibles, effects of THC on a developing brain, and protecting your parental custody rights. Till next time, stay informed, and stay vigilant. Notice: The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The content is for general information purposes only.

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February 2020



Home Grown by Jason Davis, Contributing Writer


Choosing a Hydroponic Medium When Growing Cannabis at Home


or home-growers, there seem to be a few topics that stir up controversy, including lighting, nutrients, and most frequently, which hydroponic medium is best. While there probably isn’t a “best,” there are certainly pros and cons to each. Some mediums are better in conjunction with certain hydroponic systems. Below is a review of each of the more commonly used media, as well as some of the lesser-known ones.

Rockwool By far the most common hydroponic medium, Rockwool is used by both home and commercial growers. The greatest aspect of Rockwool is that it is a sterile, porous, non-degradable medium that is fairly affordable for most growers. It’s mainly composed of granite and limestone, heated to a very high temperature and then melted, spun into threads, and formed into blocks, cubes, sheets, slabs, or flocking. The main issue with Rockwool is that it can be easy to overwater plants if the grower is not experienced at using it. The best system to use with Rockwool is likely a drip system, as the grower can very acutely determine the amount of water distributed to the Rockwool.

Expanded Clay Pellets Also known as Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate (LECA), this clay is super-fired to a high temperature, creating a porous rock that can hold the right amount of water desired, especially when used with an Ebb and Flow system. These rocks are non-degradable, sterile, have a neutral pH, and are completely reusable. The main downside most growers talk about is that cleaning and sterilizing them after a grow cycle can be very time and resource consuming. Regardless, LECA can be a great hydroponic medium for most growers, in a variety of systems.


February 2020

Coco Coir Fiber Derived from the outer husk of coconuts, the use of Coco Coir (coconut fiber) has increased in popularity in the past decade. Previously, it was thought this was an environmentally sustainable alternative to peat moss; however, we now know that while there are environmentally conscious producers of coco coir, not all producers are using best practices. Despite this, coco coir can be one of the best hydroponic mediums, especially when combined with other hydroponic mediums or soil. Coco coir has natural water-wicking benefits and can lighten heavy soil without adding additional nutrients, as coco coir is a completely neutral medium. While coco coir is mostly inert and has a neutral pH, before washing, it can be high in potassium, and most users need to add additional calcium and magnesium more than with other mediums. Many nutrient companies, including Advanced Nutrients, have made specialized products for use with coco coir. Growers using coco coir may want to consider using these products instead of nutrients made for other hydroponic systems or soil.

Perlite Most growers have some experience with perlite, either when used with high-quality potting soil or with coco coir mixes. Perlite is composed of a variety of minerals and then heated to a high temperature to expand it like popcorn. The final material is a very lightweight, porous material that has an extremely high ability to absorb water. As mentioned above, perlite is most commonly used in combination with other mediums; however, some growers use it exclusively with excellent results. Perlite dust can be extremely harmful to the eyes and lungs. When using it, growers should take careful precautions, including eye, mouth, and nose protection, to mitigate harm.

Vermiculite Vermiculite is a silicate mineral that, like perlite, expands when exposed to very high heat. As a growing media, vermiculite is quite

Time To Grow similar to perlite except that it has a relatively high cation-exchange capacity, meaning it can hold nutrients for later use. Also, like the perlite, vermiculite is very light and tends to float. There are different uses and types of vermiculite, so you’ll want to be sure what you get is intended for horticulture use. The easiest way to be sure is to get it from a nursery.

Oasis Cubes Rice Hulls While similar to Rockwool cubes, Oasis cubes are more rigid and somewhat similar to the green or white floral foam used by florists to hold the stems in displays. This medium is an open cell material that can absorb water very effectively while allowing an appropriate amount of oxygen in the root zone. This is an extremely popular medium with home growers and smaller commercial growers for a variety of reasons, but mostly because it’s relatively low maintenance. Unlike Rockwool, it does not overfill with water becoming waterlogged, making Oasis cubes a much more user-friendly product.

In the Kansas City area, rice hulls are readily available. Happy Rock Farms does have several suppliers for interested growers. Even though rice hulls are organic plant material, they break down very slowly in a similar way to coco, making it suitable as a growing medium. They are often referred to as either fresh, aged, composted and parboiled, or carbonized. Fresh rice hulls are typically avoided as a hydroponic medium. Parboiled rice hulls are created by steaming and drying the rice hulls after the rice has been milled from them, which kills any spores, bacteria, and microorganisms, leaving a sterile and clean product. Rice hulls are also often used as part of a mix of growing media such as 30-40% rice hulls and pine bark mix.

Growstone (Hydroponic Substrate) Made from recycled glass, Growstones (found by both the name brand of “Growstone” and others) are lightweight, porous, and completely reusable man-made rocks that provide adequate aeration and beneficial levels of water to the root zone. Its water wicking ability is better than Coco Coir and Expanded Clay Pellets, with the ability to wick water more than four inches above the waterline. Growstones can be used in a wide variety of systems but do require great drainage such as in an Ebb and Flow or Drip system.

River Rock Found easily at most home improvement stores or in your backyard, this type of rock must be sanitized before initial use. River rock is not porous and therefore doesn’t hold or retain any moisture in the root zone; however, the uneven nature of the rock does allow for a lot of oxygenation in the root zone. Since rock typically is smooth and non-porous, it has no wicking abilities, so the best systems to use with this type of medium is either Ebb and Flow or Drip systems. There are some obvious benefits to using river rock. Some growers have found it beneficial to use in combination with other mediums, such as with Expanded Clay Pellets.

Rice Hulls There are many other less commonly used mediums we didn’t discuss in this article. Most of the products above have been specifically designed to both wick or hold water at a beneficial rate and provide an adequate level of oxygen to the root zone. When choosing a medium to use, there are many factors to consider, including cost, availability, environmental concerns, and more. Often the most important thing to consider just comes down to personal preference. If a grower has any general or specific questions about hydroponic mediums, the experienced growers at hydroponic supply stores are always happy to help you navigate this crucial aspect of the growing process.

Jason Davis is a lifelong Kansas City resident who co-owns and operates Happy Rock Farms: Fine Gardening and Hydroponics, providing highquality indoor gardening advice, classes, workshops, supplies, equipment, and tools to hobbyist and commercial growers, located in Midtown KC at 3816 Main Street. February 2020


Knowing Seeds ►

ermination 101 Setting Up For Success

by Brother Mendel, Contributing Writer



f you’re like us, you know the excitement of holding a new pack of seeds in your hand. Each seed is a tiny package holding the blueprint for a verdant, fragrant cannabis plant. But how best to unlock the potential for life contained in those seeds? In our 15,000-member medical grower’s group on Facebook, the most common inquiry from new medical patient-cultivators around starting their medicinal garden has to do with germination: “How do I germinate my seeds properly?” Let’s discuss the requirements for germination, germination techniques, and frequent issues growers report concerning germination.

Brother Mendel and Mrs. Mendel own and operate Brother Mendel’s Selections, a breeder-direct purveyor of only the most premium, heirloom, boutique cannabis, and high-CBD hemp genetics. Visit them at w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / groups/homegrower or for more information, he can be contacted at 30

February 2020

Seeds are sensitive. Once dried, seeds enter a state of dehydration called dormancy. For a seed to emerge from dormancy and germinate successfully, three key environmental conditions need to be optimized: moisture, temperature, and oxygen. Strike the right balance, and you’ll see to your great satisfaction the emergence of a tiny taproot, and uncurling in the opposite direction a stem, which will gradually unfurl two embryonic leaves called cotyledons. The presence of water allows the process of imbibition to begin; moisture softens the seed coat filling the seed with water, activating the enzymes inside, and initiating seed growth. Temperature also plays a key role. While temperature requirements for germination vary among plant species, cannabis seeds in germination prefer ambient temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees. (Anecdotally, we’ve found the best germination rates occur between 75 and 80 degrees with a relative humidity greater than 65%.) Finally, germinating seeds require oxygen to produce suffi-

cient energy for growth. Given the presence of all these external factors, your plant should soon be thriving. When growers report experiencing germination issues, it is usually because the requirements for germination are not in harmony. The main reason most new cultivators experience germination failure is excess water: the oxygen-deprived seeds drown. The second reason, more prevalent among intermediate level growers, is heat. For example, a typical heating pad can spike hotspots over 100 degrees. If one of the seeds sits on top of the hotspot, the seed can quite literally be cooked, which kills the embryo inside the seed coat and renders the seed non-viable. On the other hand, if the room in which you’re germinating is too cool, you’ll have a significantly reduced and/ or slower germination rate even if the seed’s oxygen and moisture requirements are met. Other germination issues are intrinsic to the seeds themselves. Some seeds have extremely hard seed coats, requiring a process called scarification to achieve germination. (Scarification damages the seed coat in a controlled manner to make the it more permeable while keeping the embryo viable.) By way of example, a man (we’ll call him Joe) recently contacted me for help in germinating his seeds. Joe was working with seeds from a specific cultivar for which it is notoriously difficult to break dormancy. Due to seed coat thickness, these particular seeds never take fewer than five days to germinate, even in optimal conditions, and Joe had only been able to achieve a 1 in 5 germination rate. He told me he had been physically scarring the seeds

before chemical scarification. Joe then sent me a picture of his scarification equipment, which revealed the problem. He had constructed an eight-inch tube, 1 inch in diameter, out of 120 grit sandpaper and was shaking the seeds around inside the tube. The narrowness of the tube prevented the seeds from reaching the necessary velocity when shaken to scar the coat upon impact with the sandpaper. Joe told me that he was worried about using a wider cylinder (a recommended approach) for fear of damaging his seeds. What he did not realize at the time is that scarification is designed to damage the seed coat precisely to make it more permeable.

go ing to take awhile...Yikes! This is

Sometimes the improper use of an acceptable method causes germination failure. To the considerable frustration of many new growers, the most commonly-used techniques sometimes fail altogether, or yield a lower germination rate than expected. For example, the “paper towel method,� so-called because cultivators layer seeds in damp paper towels to germinate them, at times fails to germinate at an acceptable rate. Overly wet paper towels, insufficient airflow, and an excess of direct heat can all cause germination failure. To optimize this or any typical germination method, you need to be aware of both the seeds themselves and their requirements. Seed hardness, density, and dehydration vary from varietal to varietal. Very hard, dense, or dry seeds will need more time to absorb enough moisture to soften the seed coat. Thus while many seeds will germinate in just one to two days, others may require a week or even two. Rather than throwing the seeds inside a wet paper towel, sticking them in a plastic bag, placing them on top of the fridge, and hoping for the best, cue into your seeds. Ask your breeder how long the seeds ought to take to germinate. For those growing our genetics, we always recommend scarifying both physically with 120 grit sandpaper and chemically by soaking seeds in a 1:1 solution of H202 (hydrogen Peroxide) to H20 (purified water @ PH 6) for 24 hours. A little research and the right methods employed should have you well on your way to success in the garden. Happy growing! February 2020




by Peter Kershaw, Contributing Writer



“Thankfully there is something better. It’s something the Creator provided as medicine — cannabis.”

Part 2 (see part 1 in the January issue)


n Cancer Cures, More Deadly Than Disease medical researcher Dr. Hardin Jones casts considerable doubt on the efficacy of allopathic cancer treatments. His research shows that cancer surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy usually produce far worse results than doing nothing: “My studies have proved conclusively that untreated cancer victims actually live up to four times longer than treated individuals.” Surely there has to be better ways of fighting cancer — something that doesn’t destroy the patient in the name of saving them. Thankfully there is something better. It’s something the Creator provided as medicine — cannabis. In Part 1, we discussed the fact that cannabis has been scientifically proven to shrink tumors and kill cancer cells. Several cannabinoids likely work in concert to kill cancer, but the molecule known to be the most active is THC. CBD, too, may be beneficial, but on its own will not kill cancer cells. The most tried and tested cannabis cancer treatment protocol calls for the consumption of a total of 60 ml of concentrated cannabis oil over 90 days. One need not divide that dosing equally, i.e., 0.67 ml/day from day one. Such a high dose, especially with someone who hadn’t built up any THC tolerance, would make the patient uncomfortably stoned. So, even before dosing with the oil, the patient is encouraged to start building some THC tolerance by vaping the oil or smoking flower. Building tolerance will make the higher dosing of oil to follow more comfortable.

The oil is typically consumed orally but can also be dosed by suppository (skin cancers can receive topical treatments). If the patient needs to remain functional for a day job, they should start with a very low dose (typically a single rice-size drop) after work and gradually increase the dose as THC tolerance increases. There are also 1:1 THC to CBD strains available. The CBD molecule helps to tamp down the psychoactive effects of the THC. These can be a good place to start for the first week or two, especially if one prefers to consume during the daytime but still be functional for 32

February 2020

work. Sativa strains are uplifting and best suited for daytime use. Indica strains are calming and better suited for evening and sleep. There are also hybrid strains that many will find equally usable both day and night. As THC tolerance increases, the patient can continue increasing their daily dosing. THC tolerance will vary, sometimes considerably, patient to patient. Some patients will very quickly be able to significantly increase their dose, whereas others will find they have to go much slower. The idea is to ramp up the daily dosage to where, over 90 days, the patient has consumed a total of 60 ml. The reality is some patients may find consuming that much oil will render them pretty much sub-functional. This possibility should be taken into consideration as it may become necessary to set aside 90 days to focus entirely on the treatment. Many cannabinoids have been identified in the cannabis plant, but we’re still uncertain what some of them do. Then there are also the terpenes, many of which have their own medicinal benefit. It’s important to consume cannabis oil that contains as much of the properties as possible as the original plant. The final oil should be decarboxylated (requires heating at a controlled temperature over a specific time). However, the methods that have been most commonly used to produce “RSO” (Rick Simpson oil) inevitably result in excessive heat and time, which damages cannabinoids and terpenes. Cannabis oil should originate from healthfully grown plants (preferably organic). Anything that went into growing the plant (of particular concern are chemical pesticides and fungicides) becomes systemic to the plant. Any harmful chemicals in the plant then become highly concentrated in any final oil produced from that plant. The last thing a cancer patient (or anyone for that matter) needs is to be ingesting health-compromising chemical toxins. Of equal, if not greater, concern is the solvents used in extracting the plant’s components

for oil. The majority of cannabis oil (and this includes those sold in state-regulated dispensaries) is being extracted with toxic solvents and petrochemicals. Some of the most commonly used are isopropyl alcohol, acetone, benzene, and naphtha. Contrary to popular opinion, such solvents cannot be cooked out and/or air-evaporated to levels that would render the final oil safe for human consumption. Even vacuum oven dried oil may still contain risky levels of these harmful solvents. Colorado, for example, permits acetone levels of 5000 ppm (before November 2018, it was 50 ppm). Such levels are potentially high enough to induce seizures, especially in children. In this author’s opinion, if the solvent isn’t safe to drink, it’s not safe to use to extract cannabis oil. There are a few safe solvents, among them ethyl alcohol and C0². They also tend to be more expensive to procure. Cheap but dangerous solvents can be used one time, whereas expensive solvents need to be recovered. The cost of the safe solvents, not to mention the added expense of the recovery equipment, necessarily adds cost to the final product. So be prepared to pay more for high-quality cannabis oil. However, even the highest quality cannabis oil is still a tiny fraction of the cost of hospital cancer treatment, not to mention the far more favorable outcomes in which cannabis oil is likely to result. Cannabis oil is being successfully used to treat or ameliorate other diseases besides cancer, including Lyme’s Disease, MS, Alzheimer’s, Crohn’s, IBS, Epilepsy, Glaucoma, chronic pain, inflammation, and dozens more. Oh, and let’s not forget our pets and farm animals. They, too, often greatly benefit from cannabis. A drop of oil in their food can do wonders! Peter Kershaw is a health consultant, cannabis cultivation consultant for OuiCann, and systems engineer for Luminate Systems (manufacturer’s rep). He can be emailed at or text at 417-230-4445. Notice: The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The content is for general information purposes only.



, Evol-Mag-02/20 February 2020


CBD & THC Recipes ►



by Dana Cunningham, contributing writer


he night before I was sitting down to write this article, a friend came to visit me at the restaurant. She sat at the bar with her husband like normal, and we had a great conversation. I shared a macaron with them, like usual, and while we were talking, she said, “Dana, I have something for you.” She slipped me a folded piece of paper and smiled. I opened the paper and read the top line, “Green Butter.” I immediately told her, that’s the topic of my next article, and then asked her where in my head she had been hiding! What I noticed was that she was almost nervous and scared to hand me that notepaper, and she said she wrote it down because she was scared to email it to me. I giggled, but I quickly changed my tune because I remembered how afraid I was when I began infusing foods with my catering. What we must not forget is that infusing food and making edibles for medicinal purposes is not a new thing at all. The book “A Brief History of Cooking with Marijuana” by Robert Sietsema suggests that folks were infusing cannabis into their beverages as early as the 10th century in India! Throughout history, this plant has been used for medicinal purposes. Although the practice of infusing for edible consumption is not new, the U.S. prohibition of cannabis and the War on Drugs has created a stigma and instilled fear in some folks, making cannabis a taboo subject. Thank goodness most states are realizing that Medical Marijuana is a blessing and should not be kept from the people.


February 2020

Today, dispensaries are providing safe, American grown bud, and patients are allowed to grow at home to ensure they get the strains and the quality they prefer. Okay, I know, I am supposed to be talking about food. I just had to take this opportunity to say it is legally okay to talk about cannabis. The more we talk about it, the more we share our success stories and give canna recipes to our friends, the more normal it will become to everyone. As a French-trained chef, I use butter in Everything! I use butter like Julia Childs; that’s a lot of butter! Honestly, if you Google cannabutter on your phone, you will find pages and pages of recipes, but we will use my friend’s recipe here for nostalgic purposes. She said it came from her vault, meaning that she “really” had it locked away, possibly since the ‘70s. I laughed because, to my knowledge, she doesn’t use cannabis! Maybe she was a hippie in a past life. A recipe like this one is something that has been passed on through generations. I feel so lucky that she passed it along to me and now to you. So, what is the power of cannabutter? As I mentioned, I use butter in everything. I even put it on my steaks sometimes when I am finishing them in the oven. Having cannabutter on hand is super great because you can infuse almost any food with it. All you do is substitute a tablespoon of your normal butter with cannabutter, and, bam, you have an infused dish! Yes, it is that easy. Use it in a muffin mix, use it in your gravy, use it in anything! I would always start your dose with a tablespoon, or for those who do not use cannabis as often or are just starting, use a half of a tablespoon. Try it and wait a couple of hours to see how you feel. Remember to wait a couple of hours to make sure your body has had time to metabolize the THC. It can take that long to feel the effects. When I make cannabutter, I use my Active Gear Guy infusion machine. It does all the work for me, even decarbing (email me and I can get you one), but if you don’t have an infuser on hand, this recipe is sure to get the job done.


Ingredients: • ½ cup of salted butter • ¼ cup of ground cannabis buds (decarbed) for decarbing cannabis see my January recipe in The EVOLUTION Magazine Process: 1. Melt butter on low heat in a saucepan 2. Add decarbed cannabis 3. Simmer on low for 45 minutes, stirring often 4. Strain the butter with cheesecloth into a glass jar, then transfer to a butter mold if desired 5. Use immediately or store in the refrigerator or freezer for future use Yes, it is that easy. The whole process is extremely gratifying, and you will be glad you did it because just a tablespoon will give you all the wonderful benefits of your medical cannabis without smoking. Enjoy your cannabutter! Feel free to email me pictures of your new canna creations, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

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Active Gear Guy infusion machine.

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Have an awesome February and Bon CBD Appétit! Chef Dana Cunningham is a Kansas City native and 15-year catering professional. Woman owner and operator of Infused KC, a new catering concept that infuses world-class menus with CBD. Email for a custom menu when planning your event. Dana loves to cater anything and everything, including weddings! If you can dream it, we are infusing it! To purchase CBD isolate or an Active Gear Guy Infusion Machine email her or visit Notice: The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The content is for general information purposes only.

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r y 1 a u r b

ss i M t ’ Don lass! This C


February 11

Cannabis Cultivation Class for Medical Missouri Patients tending t A e n o Every s $10 Off Get ouri at Miss Clinic! is Cannab

Grow Class and Doctor Seminar for Valentine’s Couples (singles welcome)

Learn about starting your own home cultivation and get firsthand knowledge about what you need to know before going for your Medical Evaluation.

Doctor Seminar ►

Dr. Poppa will offer his knowledge about everything you need to know about getting your Missouri patient Medical Marijuana ID Card. What paperwork to bring to your evaluation office visit and what to expect during your visit, plus much more. Dr. Poppa writes columns for this magazine about the different cannabis strains educating readers about the benefits of each.

Grow Class for Beginners ►

Plants need appropriate light to grow! Home growers will learn about the lighting necessary for plants — the most important aspect of any grow. Learn more tips from expert growers whose knowledge will help get you on the fast-track to the best grow.

All Attendees will Get 15% Off Home-Grow Supplies.

Cannabis Cultivation Class for Medical Missouri Patients Details: ● ● ● ●

Class Date — February 11 at 6 p.m. (plan for about three hours of class time.) Reservation fee — $100 per couple or $65 for individuals. Class fee includes drinks, food and other goodies. Must RSVP by 2/7/20 at, (or RSVP, pay, and reserve your spot at our second location, 12 E. Missouri Ave, Kansas City, MO 64106). ● Space is limited — RSVP to reserve your spots today! ● Class Location — River Market Hydro, Independence location at 17501 E US Hwy 40 Suite 218, Independence, MO 64055. 816.908.9853 36

February 2020

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oltyn Turner was diagnosed with severe and debilitating Crohn’s disease at the age of 11. After three years of failed pharmaceuticals, as a last resort his family turned to Cannabis — it worked! Coltyn achieved complete clinical remission. Coltyn was the first registered pediatric Crohn’s patient to use cannabis in the U.S. But even after his last six years great success, many GI doctors were skeptical that cannabis treatments alone keeps him in remission. Coltyn, exhausted by skeptical doctors’ accusations discrediting his cannabis use, decided to form The Coltyn Turner Foundation. The Coltyn Turner Foundation’s sole mission is to create ethical, comprehensive, patientdriven research surveys as a base for tripleblind research studies. You can help! Learn more about Coltyn’s journey and story at or Coltyn’s Crue on all social media. To help, Please Donate! Visit

February 2020


CBD & ATHLETES by Marc Romero, Contributing Writer



hrough evolution and improved “marketing,” let’s say the word “Paralympian” has become the new descriptive adjective for the elite athlete with a physical challenge who competes locally, regionally, and nationally at the highest level in a sport. This “Paralympic” description has evolved from the unflattering sports words: “crippled” (40s -60s), handicapped (60s-70s), and disabled (80s-90s). After the much improved “Adaptive” word, which many people don’t get or want to reserve in their brains for sports or athletes, the terms “Paralympic” and “Paralympian” do the trick for today’s sports following world. Each word means “athlete with a physical challenge” who competes at the highest level in a sport against other like athletes for home, region, and country.

Marc Romero with Dan Cnossen, 2018 (Korea) Gold Medalist in Nordic XC race.

I became a part of the adaptive community when I lost my right leg in a motorcycle accident. Then I became part of the Paralympian community in the early ‘90s when I competed for and made the U.S. Disabled Ski Team (USDST). Like the Olympian, the Paralympian is a unique athlete that takes performance and 38

February 2020

competition to the highest level. I will always be partially responsible and proud that it was our own one-track/one-leg amputee category of ski racing that basically started the modern Paralympic movement and games. Games that are similar to, but in reality, much more compelling than today’s Olympic games — cloned action figures/athletes. (Did I say cloned Olympians?)

ing into balance” reasons that anyone without a permanent physical disability would take CBD — to bring the body parts, body system, and mind into balance, and also instill confidence and focus, improve blood flow, reduce muscle fatigue, and alleviate discomfort from inflamed muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

The body, mind, confiIt was the 1988 Winter Olymdence, and balance that pics in Calgary and exhibition CBD delivers to all adaptive time at “The Olympics” for sports-loving people can the (LW-2 only category) only be felt, experienced, one-track ski racers, both and then described by men and women. World Ski those who take it. Those racing industry marketers and incredible positives will NBC-TV network leaders affect and speak loudly figured (correctly) that one-legfor themselves. If you are gers were the only competitive a Paralympian, adaptive group fun enough for the general sports freak, or struck by public to watch. That Paralym- Lt. Cmdr. Dan Cnossen father time like I am, expect pian Olympics exhibition of of Topeka, KS, 2018 gold CBD full-spectrum prodthe world’s best one-trackers medalist Paralympian in ucts to keep you healthy, got the same 10,000+ crowds Nordic Skiing Biathlon and motivated, and in-balance as the Olympic ski-jumpers. Cross-Country Skiing. within your chosen sports. (Gotta love Canada, eh?) ViewSome users also experience ers watched the U.S. Paralympian men as the the added feelings of youth, confidence, Silver and Bronze went to world’s best Alex and athletic adrenaline (even swell writing Spitz, while the women swept the podium led skills) that a happy cannabinoid system (and by the one-track legend Diana Golden. At the 12 other systems in-balance) delivers to the time, I was back in Winter Park, CO, trying body-brain combo. to make the powerful USDST men’s one-leg team. Marc Romero operates the Para Sports Today’s Paralympian needs what every top Network, athlete has always needed to be their best Romero, an amputee, was on the U.S. under pressure and competition — focus, Disabled Ski Team. He is a freelance writer, motivation, health, strength, balance, and educator, and CBD marketer for the new healing/rehabbing at the beginning and then Colorado Prairie CBD brand and hemp throughout a Paralympic career (usually farm, Romero believes filled with many bumps and bruises). Today’s there are great benefits of taking CBD for cannabis and CBD specific extraction indus- all amputees, amputee athletes, and adaptive try allows us CBD full-spectrum, THC-trace Paralympians of all makes, models, and sizes. only, completely legal, and WADA approved products, available to all athletes of every Notice: The information contained herein is not model, shape, size, and “adaptation.” Thus, intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing I highly recommend CBD for athletic mind of knowledge and information based on research and body enhancement and improvement, and experience. The information is not intended or especially for those who are either adaptive or implied to be a substitute for professional medical Paralympian (in their sports or undertakings). advice, diagnosis or treatment. The content is for Why? For the same “adaptive” and “bring- general information purposes only.

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February 2020


Product Safety ►

How To Know If You Are Buying

High-Quality, Safe CBD Products The U.S. Hemp Authority “Certified” Seal of Quality Editorial by Clayton Stallings Photography by Chris Smith


n October 29, 2019, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released draft rules for hemp manufacturing and the state regulatory programs that oversee the industry with a press release, which was followed by a 60-day public comment period. The USDA’s 161-page draft rules cover testing protocols, where hemp can be grown, disposal of the product, licensing procedures, and many other requirements such as providing GPS coordinates. The USDA released sampling and testing procedures concurrently with the draft rules. Finally, as consumers, we are on the way to being more confident in the CBD products we purchase; however, with the USDA most likely not implementing audit systems for facilities until 2021, how can we be sure now that we are purchasing tested, approved, high-quality, and safe CBD products? To get some answers, I went to the Shaman Botanicals (CBD American Shaman) factory. I visited with its lead chemist Jade Mitchell (photo on left) — the smartest, most loving, nitpicky, mother goose within the company. Growing up on a farm near a small town called Delia in Kansas, Jade went on to graduate from Missouri Western State University receiving a Biochemistry degree with an emphasis in Molecular Biology. “Missouri Western has a fantastic Chemistry and Biology Department and has the latest instruments and methodologies,” said Jade. Before accepting her position at CBD American Shaman, she was employed for over four years as a chemist with one of the leading companies in the crop protectant industry. “I’ve been working with American Shaman for the past year, and I look forward to developing a long history with my American Shaman family.” While at the factory, I noticed a new certification on their product labels called The U.S. Hemp AuthorityTM Certification. So, what does it mean to have this certification? Shaman Botanicals achieved its U.S. Hemp Authority Certification on September 25, 2019. It was not an easy achievement — the process took nearly a year to transform the facility. Certification is not something that you pay for, it’s an earned achievement. To earn a certification from the Hemp Authority means that the manufacturers of hemp products are doing their due diligence to offer a clean environment and safe products to consumers. 40

February 2020

Currently, hemp is not regulated by the U.S. government under any specific guidelines. Still companies like CBD American Shaman are going above and beyond to ensure the highest guidelines are being met in its manufacturing facilities. CBD American Shaman, as well as The U.S. Hemp Authority’s “Guidance Procedures 2.0,” base procedures off ofthe USDA 21 CFR part 111, which regulates the material/products and the manufactured goods as dietary supplements. Since most of our readers probably don’t know much about the current USDA regulations of dietary supplements, I asked Jade if she could break down what that means in laymen’s terms.

American Shaman’s lead chemist Jade Mitchell reviews U.S. Hemp Authority’s high-quality manufacturing guidelines inside it’s stateof-the-art lab with Clayton Stallings of The EVOLUTION Magazine. We provided personnel guidance to all employees, which includes; training on wearing hairnets, gloves, beard covers, PPE, hygiene and food-handling safety, emergency procedures, product quality, specific job training, record keeping, etc. Maintained quality management systems: maintaining supplier qualifications and specifications, having approved suppliers, testing all technical active grade ingredients (TGAI) to meet standards, each supplier must provide a certificate of compliance (COC) and certificate of analysis if applicable. A record is kept of each inert and product made on the campus to enact a recall method if and where needed, a rejection process for manufactured goods entering the facility (if the barrel has a dent, it’s sent back to the manufacturer), etc.

Production and Process Control: Master Manufacturing records are maintained in each area producing goods. Daily sanitation logs are kept, and changeovers and cross-contamination records are maintained via HPLC. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are kept for every duty/job on the campus. Quality control parameters are set and documented by the hour and updated as frequencies of orders are raised. Storage and distribution records are maintained and audited daily, etc. So, with the USDA rolling out regulations for the hemp industry, how does that affect The U.S. Hemp Authority certification? “Having a certification from The U.S. Hemp Authority will enable a business to be prepared for a USDA visit,” Jade said. “All the hard work is already done and will require minimal effort to be approved. This will secure jobs with employees, and all American Shaman founder Vince Sanders the CBD American describes manufacturing processes and Shaman stores will equipment it employs to achieve The U.S. continue to stay open Hemp Authority’s Certified” Seal of Quality for business. Because we received the with Clayton Stallings and Jade Mitchell. certification, it has prepared us for the future. We want to continuously raise the bar in order to service our customers and secure jobs.”

American Shaman’s state-of-the-art packaging department employs the same quality standards. The USDA pushes closer to protecting consumers from bogus CBD products. In the meantime, it’s wise to remember that it’s a good idea to buy products with The U.S. Hemp Authority certification label. The U.S. Hemp Authority “Certified” Seal of quality will serve as the gold standard for the hemp industry, assuring customers of farm’s or company’s integrity and commitment to best practices. For consumers, it’s safe to say, you should feel comfortable buying products from certified companies like CBD American Shaman (Shaman Botanicals). For more information about The U.S. Hemp Authority’s Certification Program, “Guidance Procedures 2.0” and for a list of companies who have its certification (on labels), visit or Hemp Industries Association at For more information about CBD American Shaman and all it offers, visit

February 2020




ncient Carbon Technology is Back!

Unleash the full biological potential of your seeds.


by Bill Cromwell, Publisher


id you know that 6,000 years ago, the soil was built with Biochar by the indigenous Indians in the Amazon, called “Terra Preta?” Now available and produced and marketed by Bioenergy Innovations Global Inc, (BIG Inc). It’s called “Terra Char,” which is a registered brand of Biochar, known for its high-fixed carbon content. Why was Terra Preta Important?

According to the Permaculture Research Institute, the discovery of Terra Preta shows that it is completely and entirely possible to live in a bioregion without destroying the ecological health of that area. In contrast, our Western culture has been characterized by ruining the environmental health and depleting the natural resources of one area before moving on to the next area. The Amazonians lived for close to 2,500 years in one of the most diverse yet vulnerable ecosystems on our earth without ruining that environment. In fact, through improving the soil with Terra Preta (Biochar) practices, the ancient Amazonians were able to grow a greater number of crops, thus augmenting the diversity of the ecosystem even more. Today, Terra Preta (or Terra Char) is known as Biochar. By incorporating woody waste that has been burned into the soil, the ancient Amazonian cultures were creating habitat for billions of fungi, bacteria, and other important soil organisms. Whereas the Amazonian soil itself was too acidic to foster healthy soil life, by adding Biochar, the people of the Amazon were able to fundamentally change (for the better) the quality of the soil. 42

February 2020

“Terra Char is made from virgin wood waste from the forest or via sawmills in the form of chips or sawdust,” said Phil Blom, CEO BIG Inc. Blom developed a market for the cannabis industry and said, the industry is getting a true foothold with advanced growers. “We are now carbonizing hemp and cannabis waste on trial runs and are very pleased with the results,” said Blom. “Not only can we make Biochar from several waste streams, but also energy to heat facilities. BioEnergy/Biocarbon makes excellent economic sense since many grow houses need a backup energy system. This technology also allows adding on cooling/cogeneration using a low-pressure boiler, which is not too far off.”

Benefits Terra Char ● ● ● ● ●

Increase yield/quality of yield of plant growth Increase CEC/ANC Improves organic matter, housing for bacteria/fungi Decrease mineral/nutrients leaching Retains water and releases

“Terra Char is an inert, long-term stable carbon that will last many lifetimes; however, it needs to be loaded with organic carbon (compost, humates, animal manures, etc.) to build life into the carbon matrix, since the transition of making Terra Char went through a very heated process to remove the water, oil, and gases,” said Blom. “From this process, it [Terra Char] became a super sponge that will absorb anything in its pathway, including voluble gases. Voluble gas



is organic nitrogen from urine in CAFO’s (animal confinements). For every pound of Terra Char, we can absorb 1/2 pound of ammonia gas! Terra Char is not the silver bullet, it’s the casing of the silver bullet that holds it all together.” BIG Inc offers a unique product called “TerraStart” Seed Starter Blend. Like any infant, a seed grows best if fed a steady diet of nutrients. Careful infant nutrition sets the stage for strong growth all season in all circumstances. TerraStart unleashes the full biological potential in seeds with this special blend that delivers the full range of seed nutrients, carbon, plus beneficial bacteria and fungi. With TerraStart, Blom says, “Seeds germinate and grow faster when nursed blending physical contact with TerraStart’s nutrients, microbes, and biostimulants.”

Indoor Gardening and Hydroponic Supplies Best Selection and Prices in Town! ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

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KC Grow Depot

Where Your Growing Season Never Ends!

10% Off In-Store Purchases With Ad Mention! 816.400.GROW ● 7302 N. Oak Trafficway, Suite D, Gladstone, MO 64118

▲Photo above of a low input energy cost greenhouse using BIG Inc’s 2M BTU system. Photo below of a 2-cylinder diesel motor used for air compressor/hydraulics, using no electricity.

BIG Inc launched its business in 2008 and today has scaled its Bioenergy/Biocarbon equipment from 500,000 BTU to 22M BTU systems. Blom says, “ROI [Return on Investment] depends on Biomass costs; however, most systems will pay off less than three years. The Carbon industry was the goal, but now we are also in the energy business. It’s a ‘win, win’ system for everyone.” For more information about Bioenergy Innovations Global, Inc and Terra Char, visit Phil Blom is the Owner, CEO of Bioenergy Innovations Global, Inc and Energy Americas Solutions, LLC. Columbia, MO 65233 573.489.8929, or February 2020


Canna Biz Entrepreneurs ►

Is Cannabis Transportation in Missouri Really

That Hard?

Here’s the Reality!

Security Expert Kevin Ellison Shares His Knowledge


s I write this, transportation, testing, and cultivation licenses have been granted. By the time you are reading this, the remaining licenses will be out as well. CST congratulates all of the successful applicants, and by now, you must be thoroughly overwhelmed with everything that has to be completed before you can open your doors. For many facility applicants, the topic of transportation is still pretty low on the priority list simply because until you pass the DHSS inspection, who transports product is a bit like putting the cart before the horse. I want to ask all of you to humor me for a few minutes. Let’s pretend you have passed your inspection. You now have a functional Missouri Medical Cannabis facility, and you need product transported from point A to point B. As a reminder, the transportation rules must be followed wherever you are in the process — product being taken to testing facilities, to extraction facilities, to dispensaries, and of course, patient delivery. Some of you will decide to handle transportation facilities yourself, which is allowed by licensed facilities as specified in the regulations, and I can see why companies might initially plan to do their own transportation. How hard can it be, right? You have a vehicle with no markings, you have a lockbox in it, and you saw some cameras on Amazon on Black Friday that looked great.

Kevin Ellison Co-Founder and CEO of Cannabis Security and Technology Solutions and Owner, Granddad’s Trucks, Building a Secure Transportation Vehicle. Contact Ellison at 417.877.0512 or Visit online or 44

February 2020

Then along comes reality. And it isn’t all ducks and puppies, nor is it unicorns and kitties. Transporting any product that has a high monetary value is challenging. When that product is also federally illegal, then transportation becomes a serious PITA (Pain in the “Backside”). Whether you plan to use CST Transportation, use another licensed transportation company, or haul your own products, it is helpful to understand the

specific challenges. I have spent hundreds of hours getting CST’s Transportation division ready to go, and I want to share with everyone what I have learned, and what everyone needs to watch out for. Let’s start with Insurance. Insurance for doing about anything involving cannabis is expensive, even with an agent as great as ours. Transportation is a whole other level of expensive, though, because you are taking a valuable product out of the protected safety of vaults with concrete walls and putting it in a less secure container and on wheels. Getting large amounts of cannabis out of a facility and into a vehicle is the same things criminals will be trying to accomplish. It’s like doing half of the job for the criminal. That may be overly dramatic, but when an insurance company is assessing risk, that is how they have to look at the situation. Unless you have a Class M rated vault in your vehicle, any cannabis in the vehicle is already less secure than it is sitting in a dispensary. It is likely that insurance will be the highest single cost. (Note that this is also part of why transportation company prices may seem a bit high.) You decide the insurance is bearable, and you still want to move forward with doing your own transportation, then it is time to talk about vehicles. The immediate assumption is that you buy a cargo van and throw some shelving in, drop in a couple of cameras, and that’s it. Well that depends, will you always be driving on clear roads in urban areas with paved roads? If you have ever driven I-70 during an ice storm or gotten caught in Mark Twain National Forest in snow, you have probably seen the multiple big top-heavy vans stuck in the median or off in the ditch. We live in Missouri, roads get slick, and some cultivations are on gravel or dirt roads. You better have a vehicle that can handle whatever Mother Nature and MODOT

Hauling Cannabis and Cash with New Transportation Fleets Serve Exploding Industry.

Secured Transportation can throw at it. Don’t forget that if you are carrying 500 to 1,000 pounds of cannabis. Your suspension and drivetrain will be taking a lot more abuse than your typical passenger car. One last terrifying thought — if the upfitter that is working on your vehicle doesn’t know what they are doing, they can mess up the geometry of the vehicle and negatively impact the drive-ability and, more critically, the crashworthiness of it. That is a lawsuit no one wants. Quality upfitters know the allowed tolerance levels set forth by the manufacturers and how to maintain the integrity of the vehicle. If you still are pushing forward with doing your own transportation, you now have to consider permits. The permits required for the vehicles can vary from city to city or county to county. Additionally, the drivers will need a Class E license, and they will have to follow NHTSA guidelines for all kinds of details, such as how many hours they can spend driving per day. Oh, and NHTSA wants random drug screenings, so you need to add that to your expense list as well. Still with me? A better question would be, are you still interested in transportation? If so,

then you made it to the last section. If you are reading strictly for entertainment purposes, then you will get a kick out of the last area. You have to meet the regulations and transportation laws within the state. As a reminder, it is a class C felony to carry firearms and cannabis in the same vehicle, so the driver cannot protect themselves using firearms. You still have to watch out for theft because criminals will try to steal from transportation. They have in every other state, and it won’t be any different in Missouri. If you have seen CST’s Truck #1 (photo above), then you know we plan to bulldoze our way out of pretty much any bad situations using a massive push bumper on a 9,000-pound truck. Also, you have to maintain constant communications and tracking with the driver, even if it is a dead zone where you have no signal. After hundreds of hours of research, I can comfortably say that transportation is not easy, and it is not something that can be thrown together in a day or two. There is a ton of planning involved, and there will have to be a whole lot of trips per month to justify all of the expenses. The good news is that there are a lot of us transporters out here to help you. Be smart, be safe!

Oakland-based distributor Nabis with a fleet of 15 vans makes 350+ deliveries a month using a hub-and-spoke model from its warehouses in Northern and Southern California to retail dispensaries. Nabis and other cannabis fleets spec vans below the 10,001-lbs. gross vehicle weight rating to avoid federal DOT scrutiny.

In Missouri, it is a class C Felony to carry firearms and cannabis in the same vehicle. 571.030. 1. A person commits the offense of unlawful use of weapons, except as otherwise provided by sections 571.101 to 571.121, if he or she knowingly: (11) Possesses a firearm while also knowingly in possession of a controlled substance that is sufficient for a felony violation of section 579.015. title-xxxviii/chapter-571section-571.030/



sp d Tran e r u c Unse

February 2020


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Events Calendar ►

To have your event listed, please email us your event info as seen here, and include your business name, address, phone, website and verifiable email address with contact info to

Want a Career In The Cannabis Business? Start Here... Careers In The Cannabis Business Missouri Cannabis Career Fair & EXPO Presented by Midwest Canna Expos a d February 1, 2020 — St. Louis, MO n i F P Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. B O J to lan

Att Now en ded February 8, 2020 — Kansas City, MO UMSL Conference Center

Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Location TBD (see website for up dates.)

As Missouri prepares to launch a new rewarding industry, there is a huge need to bring potential Employers together with potential employees for this new Workforce. The Missouri Cannabis Industry Career Fair will provide a forum for connections at the Career Fair EXPO as well as education in the Seminar on Cannabis Industry Employment. Sessions will cover the career possibilities in many aspects of the emerging medical cannabis market; addressing educational and skill requirements for different career paths, as well as resumé writing and interviewing tips to help prepare you, as a potential employee, to meet prospective employers. WORKFORCE: Meet prospective employers at events in the St. Louis and Kansas City markets at the Career Expo where dozens of operators, employment firms and staffing companies will converge to find the brightest talent in Missouri to fill jobs in cultivation, extraction facilities, and retail dispensaries. CAREER EXPO ONLY: $29 (This ticket grants entry to the Career Expo only.) EXPO+SEMINAR: $59 (This ticket grants entry to the Career Expo and entry to the Seminar.) Bonus Add On: Resumé Service: $29 (This ticket offers the Resumé Service option. Your resumé will be electronically distributed to every employer and sponsor of both the St. Louis and Kansas City Career Fairs prior to the event.) Register today at EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS: Sessions are 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Confirmed speakers include Gary Easter from Greenman Group; Tiffany Wesley from Bloom Academy. Session topics include cannabis job training, career possibilities in cannabis and how to obtain a worker ID card. FOR EMPLOYERS: Sponsorship pricing includes presence options at both St. Louis and Kansas City Canna Career Fair and EXPOs. Basic table pricing is $500 for participation at one event or $750 for a table at both career fairs. Sponsor options available contact Alycia Mundell at or 636.744.4036. Space will go quick — reserve your’s today! See more about the Missouri Cannabis Career Fair & EXPO at www.

Watch for more events in the next issue. MO Medical Cannabis Trade Association


February 2020

Grow Classes, Education & Certification Happy Rock Farms offers FREE, Unique 2-hour classes for growers.

The perfect opportunity to learn about the needs of your plants. Beginners to experienced growers will benefit by learning from our experienced professional growers. These classes will help get you on the fast-track and make you the best grower you can be. Whether you’re growing cannabis or something else, the Happy Rock Farms staff can help you.

Upcoming Grow Classes at Happy Rock Farms (FREE unique 2-hour classes 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.)

● 2/20/20: How to Select the Best Nutrients for Your Grow ● 3/25/20: Introduction to Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening ● 4/21/20: Essentials of an Effective Integrated Pest Management Plan For more details and to register, call 913.486.8509. Happy Rock Farms — Kansas City’s Indoor Gardening and Hydroponics Center, 3816 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64111. For more details, call 913.486.8509 or visit

Missouri DHSS

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February 2020


Benefits Wheel for CBD THC and More.


February 2020


Now With TWO Locations


Do You



CALL 816.353.0420

● Raytown, MO. ● Kansas City, MO (Westport)

www.MissouriCannabis.Clinic See Current and Past Issues, Print Coupons, Read Articles Online at Scan QR Codes to see websites

February 2020


Medical CBD Stores Western Missouri Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at the locations on this page and many more.

Missouri CBD Stores

Missouri CBD Stores

Stores Listed Alphabetically American Shaman .................816.491.2452 19321 E US Hwy 40, Independence, MO American Shaman .................816.434.5059 1638 SE Blue Parkway, Lee’s Summit, MO American Shaman .................816.858.6039 1303 Platte Falls Rd, Ste CC, Platte City, MO Blue Sky Farms CBD.............. 816.228.4080 Inside Blue Springs Fitness 1300 NW 7 Hwy Blue Springs, MO Blue Springs Botanicals .........816.295.1921 1412 MO-7 STE G, Blue Springs, MO Brookside Holistic Solutions 816.524.4367 819 NE Woods Chapel Rd, Lee’s Summit, Brookside Holistic Solutions 816.361.4367 118 West 63rd St, Kansas City, MO Buddha Leaf .......................... 816.385.5480 3613 Beck Rd. St. Joseph, MO Buddha Leaf ........................... 816.873.5677 408 B West 6th St, Kearney, MO CBD American Shaman......... 885.526.6223 5501 #104 S US Hwy 71, Grandview, MO CBD American Shaman......... 816.680.8805 2008 N MO 291 Hwy, Harrisonville, MO CBD American Shaman.........885.526.6223 1036 W 103rd St, Kansas City, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.599.6010 3518 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.745.7977 100 E 6th St, Suite 6, Kearney, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.381.6333 8038 North Oak Trafficway, KC, MO CBD American Shaman.........855.526.6223 307 A NE Englewood Rd, KC, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.437.8261 13125 State Line Rd, Kansas City, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.472.1900 2024 Swift Ave, North Kansas City, MO 50

February 2020

Missouri CBD Stores

CBD American Shaman.........816.702.1042 6302 N Chatham Ave, Kansas City, MO

Hemp Haven .......................... 816.222.4173 214 MO Hwy 291, Liberty, MO

CBD American Shaman.........913.249.7794 1005 Middlebrooke Dr, Liberty, MO

Hemp Haven .......................... 816.944.8601 419B SW Ward Rd, Lee's Summit

CBD American Shaman......... 855.526.6223 9438 E 350 Hwy, Raytown, MO

Hemp Haven .......................... 913.961.9742 5536 NE Antioch Gladstone, MO

CBD KC ................................. 816.569.4838 4279 Sterling Ave, Kansas City, MO

It’s a Dream Smoke Shop ..... 816.753.5733 3942 Broadway Ave, Kansas City, MO

CBD KC ................................. 816.550.0063 2419 Burlington St, N Kansas City, MO

KC SmokZ .............................. 816.656.5090 3957 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO

CBD Mind & Body ................ 816.600.6271 705 SE Melody Ln, Lee’s Summit, MO

KC Smoke & Vape ................. 816.931.4434 1605 Westport Rd, Kansas City, MO

CBD Plus ................................ 816.701.6358 7422 Wornall Rd Kansas City, MO

Let’s Vape & Smoke Shop .... 816.753.8100 3745 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO

Complete Care CBD ............... 816.520.3304 18801 East 39th St S, Independence, MO 64057 (inside Independence Center Mall)

Martin City Kratom & CBD... 816.209.1073 13608 B Washington St, Kansas City, MO

Ed’s CBD Oils ........................ 816.569.3142 9025 E US 40 Hwy, Independence, MO Englewood Station Healing and Arts ................................................ 816.812.3273 10910 E. Winner Rd, Indepen., MO 64052 Emerald Garden Dispensary 816.724.7806 9500 E 55th St, Raytown. MO Emerald Garden Dispensary 816.977.8848 110 E. MO Avenue, Kansas City, MO Emerald Garden Dispensary 220 W. 39th St, Kansas City, MO Good Life CBD ...................... 816.429.6668 8110 US-69, Pleasant Valley, MO Green Grove CBD .................. 833.425.5223 340 W. 47th St. Kansas City, MO Happy Rock Smoke Shop and Vape .................................................. 816.436.0226 334 NE 72nd St, Gladstone, MO Happy Rock Smoke Shop and Vape ............ ...................................................... 816.415.3814 603 MO 291 B Liberty, MO Hemp Haven .......................... 816.384.1153 2002 Main St, Kansas City, MO

Midtown Kava ....................... 816.541.3144 1415 D W 39th St, Kansas City, MO More Than Hemp .................. 816.216.1977 6000 N Chatham Ave, Kansas City, MO Mother Nature’s CBD & Natural Wellness .816.455.0480 520 NW Englewood Rd, Kansas City, MO Natural Remedies ................. 816.229.9520 2001 NW Jefferson St, Blue Springs, MO 64015 Natural Wellness CBD .......... 816.447.8927 7672 N Oak Tfwy, Gladstone, MO Nettie’s Living Naturally ....... 816.617.7290 545 NW 1501St. Rd., Holden, MO 64040 OG Smoke Shop .................... 816-214-5110 904 W 39th St, Kansas City, MO Organic Hemp Botanicals ..... 816.997.9006 1215 W 103rd St., Kansas City, MO Organic Hemp Botanicals..... 816.425.6026 144 Cedar Tree Square, Belton, MO Phoenix Natural Wellness..... 913.329.5981 817 E North Ave, Belton, MO R&R CBD .............................. 816.521.1159 647 E. 59th St, Kansas City, MO

© 2020 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

Medical CBD Stores Western Missouri Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at the locations on this page and many more.

Missouri CBD Stores

Columbia Missouri CBD Stores

Ron Ron’s CBD Shop ............ 816.916.2516 9318 S MO 7 Hwy, Lee’s Summit, MO

Buddha Leaf ...........................573.303.9150 1414 Range Line St. Ste F, Columbia, MO

Roots Cannaporium ……..... 816.858.6005 124 Main St. Platte City, MO 64079

Columbia Urgent Care …...... 573.234.1070 621 N. Providence Rd. Columbia, MO 65023

Rustic Oils CBD .................... 816.434.5284 618 SW 3rd St Ste J, Lee’s Summit, MO

Dr. Alt Holistic Care ............. 573.875.4877 1715 W Worley St. Columbia, MO 65203

7th Heaven …......................... 816.361.9555 7621 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO.

Good Nature ............................ 573.442.4242 23 N. 10th St. Columbia, MO

The CBD Store ....................... 816.474.7400 1729 Oak St. ,Kansas City, MO 64108 The Hub Smoke Shop ........... 816.701.6267 500 Delaware St, Kansas City, MO The Hub Smoke Shop ............ 816.420.0404 6410 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO

Grass Roots Smoke Shop ......573.449.4769 203 N 10 St, Columbia MO Grass Roots Smoke Shop ......573.443.7668 202 E Green Meadows, Columbia MO

Lake of the Ozarks and Jefferson City Area CBD Stores American Shaman of Mid MO …............... ................................................ 573.616.2524 3702 W Truman Blvd. Ste. 200, Jefferson City, MO 65109 Buddha Leaf ........................... 573.658.9675 1418 Missouri Blvd Ste E, Jefferson City MO CBD American Shaman Lake of the Ozarks 573.317.9131 10 Camden Ct Suite 1C, Camdenton, MO Hemp Hemp Hooray - CBD ... 573.355.813 3797 Osage Beach Pkwy Suite F-1, Osage Beach, MO 65065

Hemp Hemp Hooray …........ 573-355-1285 Broadway, Columbia, MO 65201

SQeZ Juice & Health ............. 573.552.8790 3869 Osage Beach Pkwy, Osage Beach, MO

The Hub Smoke Shop ............ 816.492.5466 2631 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City, MO

Your CBD Store – Columbia ..573.442.6706 1408 Interstate 70 Dr. SW. #106, Columbia, MO 65203

The Lime in The Coconut ..... 573.964.6786 Specialty Compound Pharmacy & CBD. 111 Crossing West Ste. 6, Lake Ozark, MO

True Balance Wellness …...... 816.326.8303 5510 Antioch Rd, Kansas City, MO 64119

Hydroponics Equipment Supplier

Unique-A-Toke (Kratom & CBD).................. .......................................................573.434.2788 42 Camden Ct, Camdenton, MO 65020

The Hub Smoke Shop ............ 816.321.2398 4027 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO

20 After 4 ………................... 816.259.5180 1303s N 22nd St, St Joseph, MO 64507 Vapor Loft KC ....................... 816.408.0400 310 Armour Rd, North Kansas City, MO

Happy Rock Farms

816.379.3700 3816 Main St, Kansas City, MO 64111

Vapur of KC …………........… 816.214.5835 8103 North Oak Trafficway, KC, MO 64118

Springfield Missouri Area CBD Stores

World Hemp …..................... 816.569.6428 3630 Main St., Kansas City, MO 64111

Canna Bliss Natural Wellness 417.258.5770 210 W. Republic Road, Springfield, MO CBD of Springfield…............. 417.319.5522 3202 S. Campbell Ave Springfield, MO 65807 Hemporium ...........................417.324.7724 4139 S National, Springfield, MO 65807

How To Get Your CBD Store Listed Here?

Kaleidoscope …….................. 417.883.9636 1430 E Sunshine St., Springfield, MO 65804

To list your CBD Store or Medical Cannabis Dispensary, please email your: business name, address, phone, website and verifiable email address with full mane and contact info to

CannaBelew’s Dispensary ...... 417.693.3061 105 W Sherman Way St107, Nixa, MO 65714

See Medical CBD Stores Eastern Kansas on page 44

Healing Partners of Ozarks... 417-278-3499 State Hwy 14 East, Sparta, MO 65753

St. Louis MO CBD Stores Pro Brady LLC Hemp CBD Superstore 866.943.6722 ● 1000 Warrenton Shoppes Ste 19, Warrenton, MO Sweet Leaf Emporium ........... 573.218.9552 100 Holly Tree Lane, Farmington MO 63640 Sweet Leaf Emporium ........... 636.683.1090 1100 Shapiro, Festus, MO 63028 Not to Worry! We will be adding more St. Louis area CBD stores. Stay tuned...

CBD Republic ….................... 417-818-1812 US Hwy 60 E, Republic, MO 65738

see page 37 February 2020


Medical CBD Stores Eastern Kansas Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at the locations on this page and many more.

Kansas CBD Stores

Any Occasion The Best Tasting Donuts

© 2019 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

American Shaman Clinic + CBD 913-286-4799

Hemp Haven .......................... 913.296.6998 2223 Louisiana St, Lawrence, KS

Buddha Leaf ........................... 844.837.7363 10960 W 74th Terr, Shawnee, KS

Hemp Haven............................913.608.5413 12070 Blue Valley Pkwy, OP, KS

7201 W 110th Street Suite 120, Overland Park KS

CBD American Shaman Bonner Springs... 913.745.6667 608 Tulip Dr, Ste G Bonner Springs, KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.270.3120 1819 E Santa Fe, Gardner, KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.228.6000 8043 State Ave, Kansas City, KS CBD American Shaman......... 885.526.6223 151 S 18th St, Kansas City, KS CBD American Shaman......... 785.424.7500 1530 W 6th S. Ste C, Lawrence, KS CBD American Shaman......... 923.250.5277 728 Shawnee St, Leavenworth, KS

Hemp Haven............................913.257.5553 12012 W 87th St, Lenexa, KS

K.C. Hemp Company ............. 913.242.7380 8124 Floyd St., Overland Park, KS 66204 Organic Hemp Botanicals ..... 816.381.6073 4872 W 119th St, Leawood, KS

CBD American Shaman......... 913.217.7476 6933 W 75th St, Overland Park, KS

Phoenix Natural Wellness ........913.549.3032 13342 College Blvd, Lenexa, KS

CBD American Shaman......... 913.217.7123 10069 W 87th St, Overland Park, KS

Phoenix Natural Wellness ........785.229.0658 1519 S Main St, Ottawa, KS

CBD American Shaman. ....... 885.526.6223 11050 Quivira Rd, Overland Park, KS

Sacred Leaf Olathe ..................913.313.0258 1011 E 151st St, Olathe, KS

CBD American Shaman ........ 913.231.3032 13436 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS

How To Get Listed Here?




Ridgewood Donuts and Bakery

EVERYONE LOVES DONUTS! Call Greg Today For Special Event Pricing and Place Your Order Today.

Ridgewood Donuts and Bakery has been baking since 1956. We bake fresh daily for local schools, churches and more. No order too big or small! We Deliver Special Orders.

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To be listed here as an CBD Store or Medical Cannabis dispensary, please email us your: business name, address, phone, website and verifiable email address with contact info to

CBD American Shaman ......... 913.745.503 22354 W 66th St, Shawnee, KS

Special not valid with any other offers. Subject to change at any time. Not valid for parties or events. With Coupon Valid thru 03/31/20.

CBD American Shaman ........ 913.766.0430 13213 Shawnee Mission Pkwy, Shawnee,


Crabtree & Brown CBD ......... 785.242.2409 415 S. Main St. Ste. B, Ottawa, KS 66067

February 2020

For Meetings


Phoenix Natural Wellness ........913.257.5717 7932 W 151 St, Overland Park, KS


since 1956

Organic Hemp Botanicals ...... 913.839.2392 2003 E Santa Fe, Olathe, KS

CBD American Shaman......... 913.324.1520 1364 S Blackbob Rd, Olathe KS

Gifts & Decor KC .................... 913.782.4244 123 S Mur-Len Rd, Olathe, KS 66062

FREE Delivery

Into the Mistic......................... 913.766.9906 5727 Johnson Dr, Mission, KS

Phoenix Natural Wellness ....... 913.730.8520 9627 W 87 St, Overland Park, KS

CBD American Shaman ........ 913.271.3120 118 W Peoria, Paola, KS


Mistic Wellness........................913.766.9906 5810 Johnson Dr, Mission KS

CBD American Shaman......... 885.526.6223 15165 W 119th St, Olathe, KS

CBD American Shaman ........ 913.647.3999 7703 W 151st St, Overland Park KS

Delivered to Your Event

EVOL-Mag 02/20

Kansas CBD Stores

Donuts for

Ridgewood Donuts and Bakery 4309 Blue Ridge Blvd. ● Kansas City, MO 64133

© 2020 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual

Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

Spotlight on Business Locations to Find The EVOLUTION Magazine Clayton Stallings, VP of Sales & Marketing for The EVOLUTION Magazine, out-and-about town, visiting with businesses where you can grab a copy of the magazine.

▲ Stop by and see Candice Watchford at Natural Wellness CBD in North KC. Grab the newest copy of The Evolution Magazine while there. They go fast here! ▲ Go see Cody at KC Grow Depot, North Kansas City’s premier grow shop. KC Grow Depot has all your at home grow needs. Grab the newest copy of The Evolution Magazine while there. Get Growing! ◄ Dr. Trey Collins of The Releaf Clinics visits Midtown Tattoo and +GroRoom. Lots of Med Card certifications, tattoos, piercings, Home Grow Supplies and The EVOLUTION Magazine. Fun Times!

▲ Get Ready Missouri! My wife waited 7 hours to get the first recreational marijuana in Illinois. She stood outside for around two hours in freezing cold, then five hours inside one building, then at Sunnyside Dispensary, Rockford, IL. It opened at 6 a.m. She thought by being early it would not bad, but the wait was terrible. Once inside, they said she could only buy one item as they are running out. The cops outside said, try a drug dealer, it would be faster. It should be legal everywhere. Damien Marie Athope Based on the number of prepared growers, there’s a very good chance that the same thing will happened in Missouri. We’ll see!

Visit and get the latest news and see more locations to get your copy of


email Clay.s today to request availability at your location.

Ready to Increase Your Business? Reach 20,000 to 30,000 people each month who want to learn about your business and services. The Evolution Magazine, the new leading authority about the Missouri Medical Cannabis industry, and is read in print and online by nearly 20,000 − 30,000 monthly. Print copies distributed throughout Western Missouri, Central Missouri and Eastern Kansas. Coming Soon to St. Louis.

Ready To Advertise?

Missouri owned and operated company celebrating 8 years.

EXPERT DATA CABLERS SERVICING LARGE and SMALL COMPANIES • Structured Cabling • Network Infrastructure • Wireless Infrastructure • Audio Visual Systems • Design & Consultation • Security

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Have a Cannabis Business? Call us Today and Get 10% Off on All Products and Services Offered. For More Information contact: Doug Roth, Executive Vice President 816.412.5856 Tanya Roth, Operations Manager 816.412.8459 8357 Melrose Drive, Lenexa, KS 66214

Contact Clayton Stallings

February 2020


Missouri Medical Cannabis Certification Doctors NOTICE: Any Missouri state licensed medical Physician (M.D. / D.O. only) that wants to participate can write a certification for a Missouri Medical Marijuana Card. The following list of Missouri doctors are now serving patients near you.

Kansas City MO, Area Blue Bird Wellness Center …....... 816.944.3654 676 SE Bayberry Ln. Ste 105, Lee’s Summit, MO. Brookside Holistic Solutions ........ 816.524.4367 Dr. Herbert E. Dempsey DO 819 NE Woods Chapel Rd. Lee’s Summit, MO Green Health Docs ....................... 314.282.8017 435 Nichols Rd, Suite 200, KC, MO 64112 Green Cross MO ........................... 816.424.2420 800 E 101st Terr. Suite 350, Kansas City, MO.

East & Southern, MO Area Columbia, MO Dr. Alt Holistic Care .............................. 573.875.4877 1715 B West Worley, Columbia, MO 65203 Green Health Docs Columbia ........ 877.242.0362 Regus Building, 303 N Stadium Blvd 2nd Floor, Columbia, MO 65203 Marijuana Card Clinic ................. 573.326.4496 303 N Stadium, Ste 218, Columbia, MO 65203

Springfield, MO Dr. Gil’s Immediate Care Center ........ 417.869.8000 Dr. Gil Mobley 3000 East Division St., Springfield, MO 65802

Green Sage Doctors ...................... 816.820.3004 4731 S. Cochise Dr Suite 110, Indep, MO 64055

Elite Pain Management and Recovery Centers ......................................................... 417.888.0167 222 E Primrose St. Suite E, Springfield, MO

Midwest Health & Wellness Center ..................... 816.836.2200 Dr. Marc K. Taormina MD 3601 NE Ralph Powell Rd, Suite A, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 Missouri Cannabis Clinic ............. 844.420.0362 10001 E. 67th St. Raytown, MO 64133 ► 2nd Location in Wesport, KCMO. www.MissouriCannabis.Clinic My KC Green Wellness…..............816.301.5598 8120 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151

Purpose Medical …....................... 816.226.7512 1201 NW Briarcliff Pkwy, Suite 200, KC, MO.

The Releaf Clinic 816.897.4494 19201 E. Valley View Pkwy, Suite C, Indep, MO. Dr. Woods Wellness ..................... 816.888.5200 4963 NE Goodview Cir., Lee’s Summit, MO 64064


February 2020

St. Louis MO, Area Bell Chiropractic & Pain Mgmt. ..... 314.838.1983 493 Rue Francois Suite 1A, Florissant, MO

Green Flower Clinics .................... 816.615.8690 Dr. Name: Dimitri Golfinopoulos, D.O. 401 S. Platte Clay Way, Kearney, MO 64060

Kind Remedy Cannabis Clinic .... 816.379.6557 2400 Rt. 291, Unit B, Independence, MO 64057

Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at many of the locations on this page and many more.

Green Health Docs STL. ............. 877.242.0362 2 Cityplace Dr Suite 200, St. Louis, MO 63141 Health City .................................... 314.200.1555 1760 S. Brentwood Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63144 Kathmandu Clinic ….................... 918.814.3996 111 Prospect Ave Suite 20 2D, Kirkwood, MO. Midwest GreenCert ..................... 314. 596.9955 2325 Dougherty Ferry Rd., Ste. 206 St. Louis, MO 63122 (See page 11) Medical Cannabis Outreach ........ 636.489.4293 Dr. Jerry Leech, Chesterfield, MO Medical Cannabis Outreach .........636.466.3871 Dr. Nassar: 7721 Clayton Rd. Clayton, MO 63117

Nature’s Green Health & Wellness Clinic .......... 417.771.5737 330 W Farm Rd 182 Suite F, Springfield MO 65180

Missouri Cannabis Outreach ...... 636.466.3871 2730 S. St. Peters Parkway, St. Charles, MO 63304

Ozark Valley Medical .................... 417.317.5035 3259 E Sunshine St Suite AA, Springfield, MO.

Vo Medical Clinic - Dr. Thanh Vo ... 314.776.1467 3334 South Grand Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118

Shealy-Sorin Wellness Institute .... 417.351-5221 Dr. Sergey Sorin ● 2840 E Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO, 65802 The Higher Care Clinic (THC 2….417.413.3899 2424 South Campbell Avenue, Springfield, MO.

St. Louis, MO

Medical Marijuana Certifications MIDWEST GreenCert

Southern MO Ozark Valley Medical ..................... 417.317.533 5571 N 21st St, Ozark, MO 65721 Ozark Valley Medical .................... 417.317.5318 1140 MO-76, Branson, MO 65616 Roark Family Health & Medical Spa . 417.847.1111 Dr. Lisa Roark ● 1101 N. Main St., Cassville, MO.

Call 314.596.9953 2325 Dougherty Ferry Rd., Ste. 206 St. Louis, MO 63122

How to Get Listed Here as a Missouri Marijuana Med-ID Doctor. To be listed here as an active Medical Marijuana certification Doctor (Licensed Missouri Doctors Only. Assistant Physicians, PA and NP, Chiropractic Doctors cannot certify.) Please submit your full business name, doctor name, phone, address, website and verifiable contact info to

© 2020 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.


email today to request availability at your location

- OR -

Ready to Increase Your Business? Found in: Western Missouri

Reach 20,000 to 30,000 people each month who want to learn about your business and services.

Eastern Kansas

The Evolution Magazine, the new leading authority about the Missouri Medical Cannabis industry, and is read in print and online by nearly 20,000 − 30,000 monthly. Print copies distributed throughout Western Missouri, Central Missouri and Eastern Kansas. Coming Soon to St. Louis.

Columbia Lake of the Ozarks Springfield and more.

Ready To Advertise? Contact Clayton Stallings

Visit and get the latest news and see more locations to get your copy of The EVOLUTION Magazine.

Harshman Law Firm Cannabis & Hemp Law

Providing Legal Services in Compliance with MO Medical Cannabis Law & Regulations We’re ready to join your team providing needed legal help. Let’s talk...Call Today!

The Harshman Law Firm, LLC CALL Joani Harshman 816.673.7570

1201 NW Briarcliff, Suite 200, Kansas City, MO 64116 │

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February 2020



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