The Evolution Magazine January 2020

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Want a Career In The Cannabis Business? Start Here... Careers In The Cannabis Business Missouri Cannabis Career Fair & EXPO a Find B JO

Presented by Midwest Canna Expos February 1, 2020 — St. Louis, MO P Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. to lan N UMSL Conference Center A o


February 8, 2020 — Kansas City, MO Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Location TBD (see website for up dates.)

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As Missouri prepares to launch a new rewarding industry, there is a huge need to bring potential Employers together with potential employees for this new Workforce. The Missouri Cannabis Industry Career Fair will provide a forum for connections at the Career Fair EXPO as well as education in the Seminar on Cannabis Industry Employment. Sessions will cover the career possibilities in many aspects of the emerging medical cannabis market; addressing educational and skill requirements for different career paths, as well as resumé writing and interviewing tips to help prepare you, as a potential employee, to meet prospective employers.

Grow Classes, Education & Certification

January 14, Growing Seminar: How to Use Grow Lighting

Happy Rock Farms offers a FREE, unique 2-hour class on indoor grow lighting. The perfect opportunity to learn about the lighting needs of your plants and available options to achieve these goals. No matter where you’re growing, plants need appropriate light to grow, in fact lighting is often considered the most important aspect of any grow. First-timers and experienced growers will benefit by learning about the best grow lighting from our experienced professional growers. This new knowledge and information will help put you on the fast-track making you the best grower you can be. Whether you’re growing cannabis or something else, proper lighting is essential and Happy Rock Farms staff is here to help you. Happy Rock Farms — Kansas City’s Indoor Gardening and Hydroponics Center, 3816 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64111. For class times and details, call 913.486.8509 or visit

More Upcoming Classes at Happy Rock Farms ● 2/11/20: Introduction to Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening ● 2/20/20: Grow Seminar: Cannabis Harvest and Trimming For class times, details and to register, call 913.486.8509.

WORKFORCE: Meet prospective employers at events in the St. Louis and Kansas City markets at the Career Expo where dozens of operators, employment firms and staffing companies will converge to find the brightest talent in Missouri to fill jobs in cultivation, extraction facilities, and retail dispensaries. CAREER EXPO ONLY: $29 (This ticket grants entry to the Career Expo only.) EXPO+SEMINAR: $59 (This ticket grants entry to the Career Expo and entry to the Seminar.) Bonus Add On: Resumé Service: $29 (This ticket offers the Resumé Service option. Your resumé will be electronically distributed to every employer and sponsor of both the St. Louis and Kansas City Career Fairs prior to the event.) Register today at EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS: Sessions are 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Confirmed speakers include Gary Easter from Greenman Group; Tiffany Wesley from Bloom Academy. Session topics include cannabis job training, career possibilities in cannabis and how to obtain a worker ID card. FOR EMPLOYERS: Sponsorship pricing includes presence options at both St. Louis and Kansas City Canna Career Fair and EXPOs. Basic table pricing is $500 for participation at one event or $750 for a table at both career fairs. Sponsor options available contact Alycia Mundell at or 636.744.4036. Space will go quick — reserve your’s today! See more about the Missouri Cannabis Career Fair & EXPO at www.

Watch for more events in the next issue.

MO Medical Cannabis Trade Association


January 2020

Save with Early Bird Prices! Enroll by January 11th (Columbia) and 25th (KC)

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