The Evolution Magazine November 2019

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11 ● 2019

How To

Grow Cannabis at Home CBD Recipes

CBD Infused Pumpkin Muffins

Product Safety Is Your Weed Safe?

The Kansas Road

to Medical Cannabis

“No Easy Yellow Brick Stroll”

Turn Over a New Leaf ― Enter the Cannabis Industry One Family Thankful for Missouri’s Medical Cannabis Law November 2019



November 2019





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November 2019




6 Canna Biz — Zoning Limitations on Marijuana Businesses 10 Product Safety — Is Your Weed Safe? 12 Canna Convict Project — Works to Free Missouri’s nonviolent inmates 14 The Kansas Road to Medical Cannabis − “No Easy Yellow Brick Stroll” 18 Cultivating a Purpose — Pharmaceuticals Had Taken Her Life Away 20 Medical Cannabis as an Alternative Treatment for PTSD 22 One Missouri Family Thankful for Missouri’s Medical Cannabis Law 30 Seed to Sale — What’s in a Name? Strain Selection 101 34 CBD Recipes — CBD Infused Pumpkin Muffins

Cultivators Corner: Trimmin’ Time


26 16

Dogs, Arthritis and CBD Veterans Take: Reefer Madness — Indeed!

Turn Over a New Leaf ― Enter the Cannabis Industry...


40 38 42 46

24 How To — Grow Cannabis at Home

Cannabis Business Seminars and Job Education Calendar of Cannabis Business Education Events CBD Store Guide ― Missouri Stores / Kansas page 44 Doctors Guide to Missouri Med-ID Certification Visit and get the latest news and see more locations to get your copy of The EVOLUTION Magazine.


November 2019

Plus More Good Stuff Within These Pages — Enjoy!

November 2019



Canna Moms KC Support Group for Cannabis Friendly Mothers


anna Moms KC was formed in August 2018 as a support group for cannabis-friendly mothers. Canna Moms KC founder Tanya Roth says, “A little over two years ago, I was a mom in turmoil. My husband and I had our second son, who was born at 34 weeks after an excruciating and dangerous pregnancy. He fought for 58 days in the NICU and less than eight months after he came home, my husband was diagnosed with stage III Colorectal cancer. It was a long hard battle for our family and there was one thing I did not have much of — a support system of friends. We used Cannabis as medicine for my husband’s cancer, and I was always in fear of losing my children and our jobs if we were caught. I also feared becoming a pariah and had no one to talk to about any of it, because I was afraid. Out of that experience, I created Canna Moms KC so no other mom would feel fear or despair the way I did.” Today, Canna Moms KC has grown into a 500-plus member strong group of amazing women — cannabis moms, grandmas, and fur-baby moms. “We expanded outside of KC rapidly, and now have members from Missouri and outside of our state borders,” said Roth. “Canna Moms are an inclusive, loving, kind, and fun group of women who have created a safe place to discuss our children, our medicine, our troubles and our successes. We have family and mom only events, organize events within our community and are advocates for all moms and their families.”

Canna Moms KC to Host Winter Donation Drive Roth says Canna Moms KC will host a state-wide winter donation drive November 23 from 11 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. (4 hours and 20 minutes) to help the homeless communities throughout Missouri. Coats, blankets, winter apparel, new socks/underwear, and small personal care items accepted. “I have locations set for Kansas City, St. Louis, Maryville, and possibly St Joe,” said Roth. “We are looking for locations in Springfield, Joplin, Jefferson City, Columbia, Lake of the Ozarks area, and Poplar Bluff, so please let us know if your location is available ASAP. Canna Moms KC has partnered with several other amazing social media groups; MO Medical Cannabis network, MO Cannabis Business Network, DABSTARS, and The EVOLUTION Magazine for the November donation drive! For updated donation locations, visit If you would like to become a member of Canna Moms KC, please join on Facebook at 6

November 2019

Missouri’s First Educational Medical Cannabis Magazine Published Monthly by Native Kansas City, MO, Advocates, Publishers and Writers. A True Missouri Born Grassroots Effort to Educate and Inform Patients, and to Provide Businesses within The Missouri Cannabis Industry an Economical Forum to Tell Their Story. We hope you join and enjoy “The Evolution.” PUBLISHER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Bill Cromwell News, Article Requests, Advertisements Corporate Office: 816.878.4509 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2196, Independence, MO 64055 MANAGING EDITOR, VP OF OPERATIONS: Victoria Cromwell VP SALES/MARKETING AND EDITORIAL DEVELOPMENT: Clayton Stallings, CREATIVE DESIGNERS, GRAPHIC ARTS, PHOTOGRAPHY: Bill Cromwell FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHY : Chris Smith Our Expert Team of Writers and Cannabis Industry Leaders ● Brother Mendel — Seed / Growing Education ● Joe Bender — Cultivators Corner ● Dana Cunningham — Cooking with CBD ● Jason Davis — Home Growers Education Columnist ● Leigh Zarda Carr, CBD Pet Wellness and Cooking with CBD ● Amanda DiMartini, MA, LPC — Mental Wellness Zone ● Carrie Hudson, Certified Health Coach — Health & Wellness ● Aspen Jewel— Health Science & Wellness Columnist ● Peter Kershaw — Health and Safety Columnist ● Commander Tom Mundell ― Veteran’s Health & Wellness ● Dr. Michael J. Poppa, D.O., M.B.A. ― Medical Health News ● Tanya Roth — Rural Missouri News & Patient Advocates The EVOLUTIONTM Magazine offers a monthly print magazine that is distributed throughout western Missouri, eastern Kansas and the Lake of the Ozarks region. Printed copies are found at nearly 300 locations including CBD dispensaries, therapy centers, doctors offices, restaurants, sports bars, golf courses, resorts, hotels and many other select locations. In addition, the magazine is offered online as an inter-active E-magazine at NOTICE: The publisher/editor reserves the right to reject whatever material does not fit with the vision or intent of this publication. Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the publisher and does not imply endorsement. The contributing writers, staff or owners of THE EVOLUTION Magazine cannot be held liable for hardship or losses incurred due to any content associated within this publication or websites. Written views and information expressed in this publication belong to the writers and do not reflect the sentiments or editorial opinion of the publisher or staff. We cannot be held responsible for changes to scheduling, prices, rates or the occasional typographical errors. ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE: Advertisers have the right to terminate promotions or special offers/coupons, change rates or fees without notice. All listed guides, rates, fees and information herein are non-binding reference material only. Always check with listed businesses or advertisers for its latest updates, prices and special offers. FDA Disclaimer: Any statements made within this magazine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No products or Ads featured within these pages are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent any disease, ailment or disorder. Always consult your physician before beginning any supplements, botanical extracts or products withing these pages. Products mentioned within for use by adults age 18 and older. Keep such products out of reach of children. © 2019 The EVOLUTIONTM Magazine. All Rights Proprietary and Conceptual Designs Reserved. Reproduction of any part of this publication’s contents is strictly prohibited without written permission of the Publisher or Managing Editor.

Evol-Mag11/19 2019 November



Cannabiz Entrepreneurs ►

ZONE DEFENSE ― by Christopher M. McHugh Contributing Writers



ationwide, local governments have a well-earned reputation for using facially neutral zoning laws as a convenient tool to nudge (or shove) out of the community the businesses that those in charge consider unnecessary and unwelcome, including marijuana businesses. However, with a few notable exceptions (I’m looking at you Lee’s Summit and Independence), most local governments in Missouri have so far been surprisingly accommodating. One reason for that might be a realization that Missouri’s Constitution simply does not leave local governments much room to maneuver within the law.

A Preemptive Strike. The authors of Article 14 of the Constitution (on medical marijuana) were smart and understood the historical use of zoning laws noted above. So, they decided to head off that particular problem by limiting the zoning options for local government when it comes to marijuana businesses, using the following language: No local government shall prohibit Medical Marijuana Cultivation Facilities, Medical Marijuana Testing Facilities, Medical Marijuana-Infused Products Manufacturing Facilities, or Medical Marijuana Dispensary Facilities, or entities with a transportation certification either expressly or through the enactment of ordinances or regulations that make their operation unduly burdensome in the jurisdiction. However, local governments may enact ordinances or regulations not in conflict with this section, or with regulations enacted pursuant to this section, governing the time, place, and manner of operation of such facilities in the locality. How you interpret this language depends on which words are emphasized. For example, one city planner staffer told me the bar against local governments being “unduly burdensome” meant they could be burdensome, just not unduly so. Clearly, we had a difference of opinion on the characteristics of an undue burden. However, the cleanest way to read the section consistent with the clear intent of the drafters is as a prohibition on, well — prohibition. In other words, no local government can use facially neutral 8

November 2019

time, place, and manner ordinances to unduly (there’s that word again) restrict the sale, and thereby the purchase of medical marijuana in that locality. This reading is consistent with the “Right to Access Medical Marijuana” now enshrined in the Missouri Constitution, the logic being if a business can’t sell marijuana in a locale, no one in that locale is going to be able to exercise their right to purchase it.

A Constitutional Right to Access. It is important to remember that we are dealing with an individual right clearly articulated in the state constitution. Local governments are somewhat accustomed to shouldering state statutes that, in their view, impede the God-given and inalienable right to unfettered zoning. But statutes are commonly amended and reinterpreted. Article 14 and its individual right to access medical marijuana is here to stay, and it trumps all other state and local law. What’s Left. What can local governments do? The answer comes straight out of the Constitution. Local governments “may enact ordinances or regulations not in conflict with this section, or with regulations enacted pursuant to this section, governing the time, place, and manner of operation of such facilities in the locality” as long as those laws do not unduly restrict the sale (and therefore purchase) of medical marijuana. This can be broken down into three requirements for an ordinance to survive a constitutional challenge. 1. It must concern time, place, or manner (which covers a lot). 2. It cannot directly conflict with the constitutional provision or any regulation promulgated under that provision. 3. It cannot unduly impair the individual right to access (purchase) medical marijuana. An example of an ordinance that meets Nos. 1 and 2, but possibly not 3, would be an ordinance on hours of operation. “Time” is specifically mentioned in the Constitution as a permissible subject for local government rule, so the ordinance would meet No. 1. And there is no state regulation on hours of operation or anything in the Constitution, so the ordinance would also meet No. 2. Number 3 would just depend on the severity

of the restriction imposed. For instance, an ordinance restricting any medical marijuana dispensary to sales between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. would most likely be constitutional even though it does restrict an individual’s access to medical marijuana (all laws technically restrict something) because that restriction is not really burdensome to anyone. Conversely, an ordinance restricting sales to between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m. on Sundays only would be unconstitutional even though it deals with “time” and does not conflict directly with a constitutional provision or regulation because the ordinance puts an unreasonable time restriction on the individual right to access medical marijuana (plus the line for that dispensary would be really long). An example of an ordinance that would not even hurdle No. 2 would be an ordinance on the measurement of the “buffers” between marijuana businesses and churches, schools, and daycares. The Constitution states that those buffers are to be no more than 1,000 feet. Several localities in Missouri tried to artificially extend that buffer by liberally defining a church, school and daycare, or defining the way that buffer would be measured, locally. But the Department of Health and Senior Services has enacted detailed emergency regulations strictly defining church, school and daycare, and the way the buffer must be measured (by the shortest lawful pedestrian path), making any ordinance on those matters automatically unconstitutional because the ordinance conflicts with regulations promulgated under the Constitution. The Upshot. By way of some forethought and smart drafting, the Constitution has preemptively shut down local government attempts to zone out marijuana businesses. Local governments still have some authority, but nearly all of the ability to regulate marijuana businesses has been retained at the state level.

Chris McHugh and Drew Goodwin are lawyers with Joseph, Hollander & Craft LLC law firm. They are dedicated to helping Missouri businesses meet all the legal challenges in the cannabis and hemp industries. For more information, call 816.297.0800 Chris McHugh: Drew Goodwin:





When You Want The Best, Visit a CBD American Shaman Location November 2019


Lab Testing 101

Product Safety ►

Is Your Weed Safe? Part 1


by Peter Kershaw, Contributing Writer

he health benefits of cannabis, physiological and emotional/ psychological, are numerous. Cannabis is inherently safe and poses few risks, particularly in comparison to the dangerous side effects that often accompany pharmaceutical drugs, such as opioids. Most of the readers of this publication are reasonably well informed of these issues. However, many lack knowledge of the risks in consuming what I’ll term “bad weed.” The reality is, there is far more bad weed than many people appreciate. They’re assuming their weed is safe when it may not be. Some medical and recreational states have gained bad reputations for their commercially produced and distributed cannabis products. Much of that bad weed has been making its way here for years. Some Missourians order things like vape cartridges online, or they’ve taken “weed tours” to our close neighbor, Colorado. They visit state-licensed dispensaries and, in too many cases, what they buy makes them sick. Common symptoms include headaches, nausea, anxiety, and chronic respiratory problems. How is this happening with ostensibly state-regulated lab-tested weed? It’s called “lab shopping” and it’s not uncommon. Some state standards also permit levels of toxic substances that, in this author’s opinion, are much too high. Cannabis doesn’t cause headaches — it takes them away. Cannabis doesn’t cause respiratory problems. In fact, before cannabis prohibition, smoking cannabis was commonly prescribed by doctors for asthma and bronchitis. What turns cannabis harmful occurs in the growing, processing, and extraction, and with unsafe consumption devices. There are dozens of ways things can go wrong. Many growers have no horticultural background, and of those that do, many have little appreciation for safe growing practices. What may be okay to spray on your outdoor tomatoes (something that can easily wash off in the rain) often isn’t the case for cannabis. For one thing, food crops are orally consumed, and the stomach’s digestive juices composed of hydrochloric acid (HCl) offer the body’s firstline defense. The liver provides a secondary protection. The same bodily defenses don’t 10

November 2019

apply to what’s combusted or vaporized and inhaled. A powdery mildew outbreak can quickly spread and destroy an entire grow, costing the grow-op thousands of dollars. The same can be said of mold outbreaks and pest infestations. As a grow consultant, this author has witnessed it first-hand. The fault usually lies with the lead grower having little to nothing in the way of a grow Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and diligently enforcing it. By the time he discovers a problem, he may overreact in a last-ditch effort to save his crop, and, in the process, employ toxic substances that become systemic to the plants and harmful to human health.

There is far more bad weed than many people appreciate. They’re assuming their weed is safe when it may not be. Just one of many substances used in commercial horticulture are chemical anti-fungicides. Some are known to be carcinogens. They’re questionable even for use on food crops. Several of them pose an especially grave risk when sprayed on plants intended to be combusted and inhaled. Some will convert to hydrogen cyanide (the same molecule used in execution gas chambers). Consuming even small amounts of this dangerous chemical can cause long-term lung damage. It’s not uncommon to find horror stories on cannabis forums like this one: Hal was 72, suffering from the chronic pain from an auto accident injury the year prior. His doctor prescribed pain meds. They initially worked, but the pain gradually returned and

progressively worsened as the meds began losing effectiveness. His wife, Ruth, agonized watching Hal being given stronger doses of powerful opioids that were damaging his liver and causing chronic constipation. They both had to face the added reality that Hal had joined the ranks of a national epidemic — he was an opioid addict. She quested for safer alternatives and found that cannabis provided hope. It was proven to outstrip opioids in chronic pain management without any of the side misery. It also offered hope that he might return to driving again; something they knew was unsafe for him while doped out on opioids. Ruth convinced Hal to take a chance on medical cannabis. In their view, they had no option but to travel to Colorado to get it. (Colorado remains a cannabis destination for Missourians, as many, especially the elderly, have no connections to get it in-state.) To their delight, Hal felt immediate and almost total pain relief after consuming some bud they’d purchased at a state-licensed dispensary. That night’s sleep was the best he’d had in ages. Driving homebound, and halfway across Kansas, Hal’s respiratory system began shutting down. As Hal struggled to breathe, Ruth sped to the nearest Emergency Room. The doctors along I-70 are all too familiar with cases like Hal’s. They knew what to look for when they drew Hal’s blood. It came back positive for hydrogen cyanide. There was little they could do to treat Hal other than give him an oxygen bottle and urge him to throw his weed out. The best advice I can offer in this brief article is — be cautious. Know your grower and ask questions about their grow practices. I issue the same warning about extracted products like edibles and vape cartridges. In the next issue, we’ll expand on additional problems in the grow and also touch on harmful extraction methods. Peter Kershaw is a best selling author of Economic Solutions (over 1 million sold).He is a cannabis grow consultant for OuiCann and manufacturer’s rep for Luminate Systems. Peter can be reached at 417.230.4445 or






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November 2019


Patient Access Advocate ►

Canna Convict Project Works to Free Missouri’s nonviolent cannabis inmates from prison and reintegrate back into society. by Christina Frommer, Contributing Writer


ince last November, Missourians have prepared themselves for the emerging legal, medical marijuana market. With this program, countless families and patients’ quality of life will be greatly improved, which is beautiful and long overdue! Somehow though, along the way, we have unknowingly and unintentionally put another important conversation on the back burner — our prisoners from the war on drugs. Their lives have also been impacted by cannabis, but in a much less desirable way, imprisonment.

Michelle Wiggins (left) and Christina Frommer (featured on the October cover of this magazine) work the Canna Convict Project booth at a recent expo. The Canna Convict Project’s humble beginnings started with simply bringing the conversation back up. Earlier this year, while attending an MMJ conference, my husband and I sat in on session discussing social equity. Two of the main speakers were Jeff and Chris Mizanskey. We intently listened as they spoke about their personal experiences. Although I was already aware of their story, hearing it retold in their own words profoundly impacted me. They sat on the stage, reminding everyone that the fight is not over. That we still have men and women incarcerated, and we need to bring them home. I thought, oh my gosh, you’re right! Why is no one talking about this anymore? 12

November 2019

We have been so focused on the medical aspect. And why do I feel relieved hearing this? I felt relieved because my passion is for criminal justice, and I have dedicated most of my adult life to the pro bono criminal defense world. From that moment on, I began conversing again with advocates old and new, attorneys, State Representatives, and pretty much anyone with an ear and interest. To my delight, the response was an outcry of support. People were ready to get busy again. Reconnecting, organizing, and making noise was how we began this project. We are now a dedicated collective of pro bono attorneys, paralegals, activists, and cannabis-friendly entrepreneurs whose mission is to assist our Missouri nonviolent cannabis P.O.W.s with their release from incarceration. So, what is our approach? 1. Locate the names of our Missouri P.O.W.s 2. Contact the P.O.W.s and their families 3. Case Review 4. Clemency petition to the Governor. (Not forfeiting the possibility of parole or revisiting the judge that still has jurisdiction over their case.) 5. After Care services: Expungement, housing, job training, mental health services. The journey does not end upon release! 6. Repeat While we’re aware of the difficulties of clemency here in Missouri, we feel this is the best approach at present. Feeling dissatisfied with our judicial and legislative processes, eliminating them from the equation as much as possible seems like the best course of action. Many cannabis reform bills have been entered in the Missouri House in recent years but have gone there to sit and eventually die. Yes, we should keep urging our elected officials to vote on these measures. We should also create our own measure that is more suited to our particular goal. Currently, our group is actively seeking out those whom we’re trying to help. Sounds easy, right? Wrong! While many data reports have

been compiled by the Department of Corrections (DOC) and other independent sources, none of them give us the specific information we need. They report on how many are incarcerated or what percentage of the prison population consists of cannabis offenders. So, we’ve been reaching out through social media, reading articles, scouring the internet, and waiting on Sunshine requests to create a list of those currently affected. So far, we have compiled a small group of P.O.W.s, and we are in contact with them. Receiving their consent to assist them anyway we can. We will highlight these individuals in future articles and introduce them to you on a more human level, not just a DOC picture and inmate number. We want to raise awareness of their situations, the impact it has had on them and their families, and the injustice of current cannabis laws. We are always looking for people to help, so if you are aware of someone currently incarcerated for a nonviolent cannabis charge here in Missouri, please contact us at We’re combining our efforts statewide to create a canna army to bring our people home. We must also pay homage to those who have come before us — our cannabis forefathers and mothers who have fought this fight for a very long time with very little public support and no available legal market. However, that has thankfully changed! We now have much of the needed public support as well as a legal market. That is what we’re hoping gives us the upper hand, which has never before existed here. Many of these “ol timers” have graciously offered their experience and expertise to our project, and we’re grateful for their involvement. Their knowledge is invaluable. Christina Frommer is the co-founder of the Canna Convict Project. The mission of this collective is to assist Missouri nonviolent cannabis inmates with their release from prison; as well as create an exit plan that will assist them as they reintegrate back into society. Christina can be contacted by email at

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Patient Access Advocate ►


“NO EASY YELLOW BRICK STROLL” by Lisa Ash Sublett, Bleeding Kansas Advocates


want to help gather signatures!” I often hear these words from an enthusiastic citizen earnestly wanting to help bring medical cannabis to Kansas. It is always followed by a puppy dog eyes look of confusion when I respond, “Thank you! I wish you could, but we do not have that right in Kansas.” So, for all others who may be confused about how we need to ease on down the road to medical cannabis in Oz, I hope to pull back the curtain a bit on the process and reveal the many ways folks can really help the cause. To start, a quick explanation of all the terms. I promise to keep it short, so you do not fall asleep in the field of metaphoric poppies. “Direct democracy” means the people can put forth something they want to see on the ballot (an initiative), then gather signatures. If they reach the number required by their state’s law, and signatures are accepted after review (usually by the state Attorney General or Secretary of State), then their initiative bill will be placed on the ballot for voters. Our neighbors, Missouri and Oklahoma, reached victory by this path, and Nebraska, South Dakota, and Idaho all have active signature drives. Now to be clear, “Ballot Initiative” does exist in Kansas. However, “Direct Democracy” does not. A “Ballot Initiative” in Kansas requires a two-thirds majority vote of the legislature and is reserved for constitutional amendments. Lawmakers have been hesitant to take this step due to doubts on their part as to whether this issue qualifies as a constitutional amendment. On the other hand, proponents argue ballot measures in recent years were about such heavy-hitting (tongue firmly placed in cheek) topics as hunting rights. Kansas patients are often left feeling that the Scarecrow, Tinman, and Lion should probably lend their legislators some logic, heart, and bravery. Bambi matters, but patients for whom cannabis might be the only thing to help with debilitating symptoms — they matter more. “But, but, but how can I help?” I wish the answer were as simple as dropping a house on a witch or clicking our fabulous ruby red slippers while repeating, “There is no place like freedom.” But, alas, the remaining avenue to reform is the passing of a medical cannabis bill. It must pass in both the Kansas Senate and House chambers after being heard and passed by committees (and getting into committee is a hurdle of its own) in each, and then be signed into law by the governor. It sounds easy enough. 14

November 2019

However, and it’s a big however, keep in mind that medical cannabis bills have been introduced in every session for over a decade without any real action. The process is still ridden with some Flying Monkey Wrenches at this point. “Ok, I’m starting to get it! Can I be Glinda in this metaphor that you’ve got going on here?” First step: Sign up at to volunteer, donate, receive our newsletter, and/or follow our social media. You can also join one of our chapters in your area, take over one that needs a leader or start one. We aren’t a great and powerful wizard, but we’re also not a creepy man behind a curtain. We are simply a group of volunteer advocates (maybe, we could put together a CBD Lollipop Guild?) who are working for medical cannabis legalization, many of whom have been fighting the good fight for years. Second step: Find out who represents you by going to and entering your address. Here is the kicker, “All power is inherent in the people,” per the Kansas constitution. Or, in Oz-ian, “You had the power all along, my dear.” It’s true. YOU, as the constituents and voters, have the power! Email your representatives and your senators weekly, and tell them you support medical cannabis in Kansas, and you want them to do the same. Ask for an appointment by phone or in person to discuss it. Follow up with a phone call referring to the email and stating the same. Send snail mail that requires a signature stating your support. Write Letters-to-Editors for your local paper. Contact local media about this issue. Email quality research or articles to lawmakers and help educate them. Ask lawmakers about their concerns or hesitations that keep them from support. We can help answer those concerns. Share your personal story, if you are comfortable. Most importantly, commit. Commit to a slot of time every day or every week dedicated to this cause. Bring your ideas, your enthusiasm, your stories, your skill sets, and your experience and join it with those of others. Let’s make a tornado for change! If all else fails, remember your bucket of water is your vote at the ballot box. Use it! Lisa Ash Sublett of Bleeding Kansas Advocates can be reached at 913.396.9675 or

November 2019




INDEED! by Commander Tom Mundell


want you to know that I am not against pharmaceuticals. Used for the correct reasons, they must be considered as an option for your health care. Physicians are “Practicing Medicine.” They are not God. In the recent past, they had very few options to choose from to treat their patients. At one time, all they had to choose from was man-made drugs, synthetics of the earthly plants.

Commander Thomas W. Mundell is a former member of the United States Army. He served two combat tours in Vietnam and received the Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star for Valor, Air Medal for Valor, Army Commendation for Valor and Four Purple Hearts. He was shot down 11 times and rendered over 164 enemy combatants harmless during his military and civilian career. He served as State Commander for the Department of Missouri Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and the Chairman of MAVO (Missouri Association of Veteran Organizations). He has been a sustained member of the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA), Missouri Cannabis Industry Association (MCIA) and New Approach Missouri since 2013. He completed over 120 hours of Cannabis related courses and has experience at the cultivation, manufacturing and dispensary levels. As a well-respected member of the veterans’ community, Mundell was instrumental in passing medical cannabis in 2018 by influencing and educating Missouri senators, representatives and residents throughout Missouri. With his strong relationships with politicians and administrators at the city, county, state and federal levels, he has become a respected educator and voice for cannabis issues.


November 2019

Plants such as the opium poppy and coca plant, in their natural form, with all the synergy of their internal ingredients, have tremendous pain relieving, energy-enhancing, and overall wellness capabilities. Of course, man steps in, thinking they can make something better than nature and starts breaking the plants’ synergy apart — isolating key terpenes, cannabinoids, alkaloids, and other components that we are just now beginning to identify. You are about to embark on my journey to “Validate the Validity” of medical cannabis. Learn where, how, and who became instrumental in providing my pathways to gaining the knowledge that I would need to revive the latest facts, science, research, and proven results concerning the cannabis plant? I will explain how and what I discovered that caused me to reach out to our legislative leaders in Washington, DC, 28 different states, numerous foreign countries, and the tremendous organizations created by the inspiration and motivation of individuals who had the vision, mindset, and desire to enhance the quality of life for man. These organizations provide the necessary education and introduction to the industrial and commercial sides of the “Legal Cannabis Industry” that evolved to enjoy today. My previous articles talked about my Steamboat Springs, CO, trip with my daughter, Madasen, the loss of my son, and how it made

me feel, which brought me to research the cannabis plant. Those articles also focused on catastrophically wounded veterans and my experiences as I rose through the ranks of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), becoming the Missouri State Commander. During that time, I found courageous and strong-willed warriors who are stronger now than they ever were. Their motivation to inspire others to be all they can be, regardless of whatever life-challenges they face, has reached across the globe and inspired many in very positive ways. Please review my past articles online at to give you some context of the following. Okay, it’s about seven years ago in Steamboat Springs, and Madasen seemed to think it wise to find and talk with some veterans about why they consume marijuana. Maybe we could find a veteran around a dispensary — we found many. Never once, then nor during the 70 plus months of my future cannabis investigations and studies of veterans or their families, did I ever hear the answer “to get high” from my question, “Why do you consume marijuana?” I have asked that question over a thousand times, and the responses always contained the word “relief.” Relief of pain, anxiety, depression, all sorts of symptoms from a myriad of medical complications, and other drug-induced side effects. As it happened, my first night in Steamboat, I met one of the most prolific individuals who was instrumental in writing the legislation in the beginning of Colorado’s challenge to legalize medical cannabis. He provided countless pages of trials and errors that Colorado encountered. He introduced me to other leaders in Colorado’s cannabis industry, and he also had a small logo pin on his hat that instantly captured my attention. I asked him what it was for. He took it off, handed the pin

Today, Vets Find Help with Medical Cannabis to me and said, “If you want to learn about the science of the cannabis plant or the cannabis industry faster, then join this organization and attend every expo they have. Plus, there is another one starting up called MJ Biz Expos. Attend their cannabis industry crash-courses and go talk with every vendor there.” I took his advice, but in the meantime, I had to get some advice about what “I” was doing. This whole subject was very sensitive to me and for everyone I knew who I needed to talk with about the cannabis industry. I started with the one man whom I knew was not supportive of any type of marijuana legislation, but I knew he was a real Leader. A leader whom I respected and whose family I had known most of my life — that was U.S. Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri. It was personally difficult for me to bring up this subject to the Senator, but my investigations had already uncovered multitudes of information that totally debunked the government’s findings about marijuana. Every document that was produced in the 1930s and especially the so-called medical and scientific proof from not only the government as a whole but numerous individuals in President Nixon’s Administration, by direction of the President himself, who developed their own false findings. They created and published false findings and lied about the research that had been accomplished. I discovered that there was not a single document in existence that was backed up with “any” scientific or medical research or proof demonizing the cannabis plant. The doctors involved in creating the “False Documentation” demonizing the marijuana in the 1930s and even the 1960s had never even seen a marijuana plant, never researched it, never studied it, nor had they ever completed any type of investigation concerning the plant. The limited studies during that time by the American Medical Association (AMA) concerning marijuana discovered quite the contrary; finding no negative side effects, it felt there might very well be some medical advantages to the plant. The AMA sighted 3,000 years of medical use of cannabis. Cannabis had numerous names during that period, but one thing that I discovered was every single reference through nearly 3,000 years of cannabis use referred to the plant as providing “relief” for countless

Actual 1930s Poster During the 1930s, the so-called “Reefer Madness” was developed. This insanity encompassed the whole United States. Government officials assumed cannabis was the “Evil Reefer Marijuana Weed.” They produced 25 government-financed “Reefer Madness” videos that painted the evil “weed” as a vice for sex, sin, and corruption of women and youth. Today, we see how totally ridiculous and ludicrous this propaganda really is! debilitating physical and psychological challenges individuals experienced throughout time. Never once was it referred to any type of a “high,” or other debilitating type references. The reasons for consuming the plant was always to offer relief of some physical or mental challenge in one way or the other. I challenge anyone reading this to provide true historic proof to the contrary. Visiting with Senator Blunt was a tremendously helpful and educational experience. I gained a lot of insight into politics. I realized why individuals in Washington and Missouri highly respected the Senator with the obvious reasons being his integrity, honor, and most of all, his leadership abilities. He effectively demonstrated his ability to study a situation, and if he doesn’t feel 100% knowledgeable or maybe doesn’t have quite enough information, he sets his personal feelings aside and finds more information. He reviewed 21st Century scientific medical facts and solid research that may debunk the preconceived thoughts he had previously about this subject. I went from Senator Blunt to the late Senator John McCain and found the same strong leader — a well-respected warrior and politician. In the beginning, Senator McCain was not a proponent of medical cannabis. Most of the politicians with whom I came face-to-face during that time felt similar to Senator Blunt and McCain. As time passed and information, facts, science, and research were unveiled, opinions and support of medical cannabis became apparent and moved to legal, medical discussions for all people and animals.

President Obama was totally supportive from the beginning, offering some of the finest support. We all know that he admitted to inhaling, and said he liked it. Wow, it was cool to hear a President of the United States say that about such a sensitive subject. Then President Trump and his administration, including the Department of Justice (DOJ) Attorney General (AG) Jeff Sessions along with the leadership of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), were approached and provided with the necessary facts and science — the true past history and the overwhelming information that totally tore to shreds the bullshit lies and deceptions that were created by a very small group of individuals within the U.S. Government during the 1930s and 60s. During the 1930s, these individuals were responsible for the development of the so-called “Reefer Madness” insanity that encompassed the whole United States. In their own words, they wanted to maintain control over the “Brown and Black Skin folk,” which they claimed were taking their white women away and causing their children to backtalk, dance dirty and say dirty words. They assumed they all smoked that “evil reefer marijuana weed.” Let’s make it illegal; then, we got “em” by the honkers. They communicated these words and feelings across the country and made 25 government-financed “Reefer Madness” videos (see video QR code at end of article). Look at those videos today, and you see how totally ridiculous and ludicrous they are. Most everyone in the USA and eventually the entire world from the Continued on page 31  November 2019


Cultivating a Purpose

Patient Access Advocate ►

WOMEN & Cannabis Business

Cultivating a Purpose Pharmaceuticals had taken her life away. by Tanya Roth, Contributing Writer


hroughout my recent travels in the state of Missouri and navigations through social media pages, I have met many amazing people and heard many amazing stories. The following story not only touched my heart, but the woman whom it belongs to stole my friendship heart as well. Michelle Wiggins is a lifelong resident of southeast Missouri or, as we are all familiar with now, District 8. She owned and operated a funeral home business for many years in the city of Poplar Bluff and is very well known and respected throughout Southeast Missouri. She has never had any run-ins with the law and is “squeaky clean,” as she puts it.

Tanya Roth is a mother and the wife of a cancer survivor. As a caregiver to a cancer patient, her journey into cannabis started with caregiving and has since evolved into patient education, advocacy, and journalism. Together with her husband, they operate Block Technology Solutions and raise their two boys in the greater KC area.


November 2019

had become a victim of the western medicine healthcare system. She desperately wanted to get her life back, and soon after her lightbulb moment, she met a man in California who helped her find her path. After that meeting, Michelle traveled to several west coast states and learned how to cultivate from seasoned cannabis cultivators. She learned all the tips and tricks to growing a medicinal quality plant, and soon, she returned home to begin a secret she would hold onto for over 20 years. Michelle set up her cannabis cultivation in

Michelle also cultivates cannabis and has for decades. Her cultivation journey began after a horrible accident left her bed-ridden for a year and a half over 20 years ago. She became dependent on opioids, muscle relaxers, and anti-anxiety medications, and her world as a 40-60-hour per week businesswomen was stopped in its tracks. One day in 1998, she realized she had no food in her house, but she could not bring herself to get up, nor was she capable of driving to the store to feed herself. She made the realization that day — the pharmaceuticals, not the accident, had taken her life away. Michelle has been a cannabis user since she was a young adult. Her strong Native American family roots always taught her that the earth provided everything she needed to sustain and heal. She has always identified as a natural healer, and suddenly, she felt she

Native American, Michelle Wiggins is a lifelong resident of southeast Missouri.

addition to the other medicinal herbs and vegetables she grew in her home garden. She secretly made oils, tinctures, teas, and never had a single run-in with the law. She was able to take herself off all prescription medications and get her life back, all from growing a plant. “As long as I can wake up and take my medicine, I can live a normal life,” she says. In 2009 she faced another health crisis, this time with a family member. Her teenage daughter began to have grand mal seizures. Once again, they were consumed by doctors and pharmaceuticals. “We went through a period with her where we spent more time in the emergency room for falls from being so drugged up then we did for seizures,” Michelle explained. Yet, the seizures were still not controlled, and the prescriptions were always changing. One day her daughter told her, the doctors had switched her medication again. It was Phenobarbital, and Michelle was terrified. Michelle remembered back to her 20 years as a veterinary technician and how Phenobarbital was used to put pets to sleep. “I became terrified she would take a dose, get messed up, take another dose, and then kill herself,” said Michelle. So, she reached out to a friend in Colorado who introduced her to a strain called Charlotte’s web and told her the stories about what it did for seizures. She immediately began growing it for her daughter, and for the last three years, her daughter has been completely removed from all seizure medication. She has very minimal seizure activity and can live a normal life taking care of her two children. As Michelle heartfully states, “That plant not only gave my daughter her life back, but it gave my grandkids their mom back.” Today Michelle is a cannabis advocate who was involved in the legalization efforts in Missouri, and she is known in the cannabis community as a premier cultivator. She has become an event speaker, teaches classes about cultivation, educates people about the medicinal uses of cannabis, and shares her story freely; something she would have never dared to do just three years ago. “The people who have known me for years are shocked,” Michelle laughs. “They just never knew!” She has obtained her medical patient and cultivation cards and will continue to grow as she always has. When I asked her how she feels now, after hiding something so precisely for so many years, she says, “I am very exhilarated, very excited, and very scared.” However, I learned there is one thing that does not stop Michelle — fear.

November 2019



Medical Cannabis as an Alternative Treatment for PTSD


Part 3:

by Michael J. Poppa DO, MBA

ast month, I addressed the use of medical cannabis as an effective pain management treatment. This month we are going to discuss medical cannabis as an adjunct treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms.

I recently reviewed five studies (2013 Bonn-Miller1, 2014 Roitman2, 2014 Greer3, 2015 Wilkinson4, 2016 Tull5) with various conclusions. In addition, a study was just completed by Dr. Sue Sisley and the Scottsdale Research Institute; however, the study results will not be released until the end of this year or early next summer. Dr. Sisley’s research study consisted of a triple-blind study using flower with various consistencies of THC and CBD. Patients used up to 1.8 grams per day and were evaluated by a third party. Dr. Sisley did state, “Unlike big pharma, where they selectively suppress data that doesn’t make their study drug more favorable, we put in all the good and the bad — for the public to scrutinize.” Needless to say, cannabis use for various medical conditions deserves unbiased studies similar to the one performed by Dr. Sisley and the Scottsdale Research Institute. Most evidence suggests that the therapeutic use of cannabis can significantly improve the quality of life for both those individuals who have PTSD and their families. Medical marijuana is not a cure but does provide adjunct treatment for many of the debilitating symptoms associated with PTSD, including: ● Anxiety – One of the most common afflictions associated with PTSD, is chronic anxiety. Cannabis with higher levels of CBD has shown to reduce stress, fight anxious feelings, and provides mood-enhancing abilities. 20

November 2019

● Nightmares – Typically, individuals with PTSD experience nightmares, which can be an intense side effect of PTSD. Marijuana has the ability to reduce REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is the stage where the most vivid dreams occur. ● Insomnia – Often, PTSD individuals experience flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety, which significantly contributes to insomnia and makes it very difficult to fall asleep. Even those individuals who can attain some level of sleep are sometimes awakened by varying degrees of intense nightmares caused by PTSD. Cannabis has shown to both reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep and improve the overall quality of sleep, thus contributing to individuals coping with insomnia. Traditional medical treatment for individuals with PTSD include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; however, these drugs may increase symptoms of depression and anxiety. Additionally, pharmacological agents that are used for the treatment of PTSD symptoms often cause disorientation, lethargy, and can produce suicidal thoughts and behaviors. This is not to imply that cannabis used for the treatment of PTSD symptoms is devoid of side effects. A growing concern among veterans and other individuals who have been diagnosed with PTSD is Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD). The awareness and concern for developing CUD, especially in a patient population in which substance abuse and addiction is common requires awareness and open discussion with your treating physician. We are often asked, “What is the best strain of cannabis for PTSD?” There is no easy answer; however, anecdotally, there are numerous strain options available that help an individual to lessen their PTSD symptoms. Before choosing one strain over another, it is important to understand the difference between strains high in THC and those which are CBD dominant. In general, high CBD strains provide mood-stabilizing effects, which is advantageous for treating anxiety, stress, or PTSD symptoms. Strains with large amounts of THC are generally more effective in the evening or at night and can help to provide a restful nights’ sleep. Another factor that should be considered are terpenes. Without getting bogged down into too much information, terpenes are a large class of organic compounds produced by a variety of plants, which are instrumental to the physiological and psychoactive effects of cannabis. In fact, this topic (terpenes) has been well discussed by contributing authors in The EVOLUTION Magazine in previous issues. I strongly suggest you review these articles (see August 2019 issue, page 34) for additional information.

With that in mind, here are four cannabis strains that can offer convincing benefits for patients with PTSD: ● OG Kush (hybrid) — This produces a pleasant euphoric effect. A very good strain for PTSD patients, as it calms the entire body providing a relaxing evening at home. It does have a high THC content, usually between 20% – 24%, and a low CBD ratio generally around 0.2%. ● Pineapple Express (hybrid) — This hybrid has been popular and associated with the movie of the same name. One of the reasons this strain is so popular is that it possesses smooth and well-balanced effects leaving the user clear-headed. This allows PTSD patients to medicate during the day, go out and about, without undo anxiety and stress. The THC content in this product is high, about 20%, while the CBD content is low, usually 0.1%. ● Cannatonic (hybrid) — This strain contains an exceptionally high CBD content ranging from 6% - 17%. Cannatonic provides moderate daytime relief, but also produces a mild high, as the THC content is usually 5% - 6%. Individuals who utilize this strain are usually left feeling relaxed and calm. If you struggle with mood swings, especially flares of anger, this strain can help you feel more balanced. It also helps to reduce anxiety. ● Master Kush (Indica) — This Indica strain is not recommended for beginners, as its THC content is usually around 20% with a CBD content of generally 1%. Master Kush does produce a euphoric sensation of bliss before drifting off to sleep.

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Remember, medical cannabis can be an effective adjunct in treating symptoms of PTSD and is usually tolerated better than most harsh pharmaceutical agents. However, before you explore using medical cannabis for the treatment of PTSD symptoms, please consult with physicians who are well versed in this field of knowledge and always proceed with caution. Michael J. Poppa, D.O., M.B.A. Board Certified Occupational Medicine. He can be reached at Missouri Cannabis Clinic, 816.353.0420, 10001 E. 67th St. Raytown, MO. 64133. Visit Missouri Cannabis Clinic online at References: US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health 1. 2013 Bonn-Miller et al. Self-reported cannabis use characteristics, patterns, and helpfulness among medical cannabis users. www.ncbi. 2. 2014 Roitman et al; Preliminary, open-label, pilot study of add-on oral Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in chronic post-traumatic stress disorder. 3. 2014 Greer et al; PTSD symptom reports of patients evaluated for the New Mexico Medical Cannabis Program. pubmed/24830188. 4. 2015 Wilkinson et al; 5. 2016 Tull et al. Marijuana Dependence Moderates the Effect of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder on Trauma Cue Reactivity in Substance Dependent Patients The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-to-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Content is for general information purposes only.

November 2019


Patient Advocates ►

One Missouri Family Thankful for Missouri’s Medical Cannabis Law After Years of Hard-Fought Battles to Combat Life-Threatening Seizures


by Clayton Stallings, Contributing Writer

ovember is the month of giving “Thanks” and packing away fear that many face. Many cannabis license applicants are currently facing the fear of failure through the loss of opportunity, money, and time invested. Let’s face it, there will be more losers (about 1,700) than 348 winners — the odd’s are stacked against applicants. The winners; however, will be very thankful and provide much needed help for people like the Rayl family. The Rayl family, parents Heidi and Kyle, have a child named Zayden (10 years old) who seizes uncontrollably for hours on end, week after week, year after year.

and collect their 20 mg of Valium. The paramedics would push the entire 40 mg before we reached the hospital, which is 45 minutes away. Zayden would keep seizing. When he finally finished, he would be so drugged that he would sleep for days.” To put these numbers in perspective, the recommended dosage for a child Zayden’s age for seizures according to is 0.5 mg. Obviously, this drug was NOT working. Zayden suffers from mutations on his PNKP gene that has caused him to have MCSZ. The symptoms of this disorder include Microcephaly (small head), Intractable Epilepsy (uncontrollable seizures), Developmental Delays, Delayed Motor Milestones, Absent Speech, Hyperactivity and DNA Repair Damage. This was the cycle that the Rayl family, Missouri residents, repeated week after week after week. “Zayden was not developing, and I felt every day could be his last. Kyle and I began researching all we could with every other option,” said Heidi. Then during one of Zayden’s seizures, Heidi picked up her phone and started recording video. “In the video, I started pleading for help,” she said. “Kyle and I had not previously discussed making a video, nothing was scripted, and nothing was planned. I spoke from the heart and shared one of my son’s most vulnerable moments. I was watching my son die, and I couldn’t do anything to save him.” This final cry for help on social media went viral. “Shortly after the

Zayden Rayl (center) suffers from life-threatening seizures, but through the persistence of his family to find help through cannabis, there’s hope for a better quality of life. Mom, Heidi Rayl (right0 and sister, Madysen (left). All photos courtesy of the Rayl family. “I never thought I would fight for cannabis for my child, but we were completely out of options in the typical medicine sense,” Heidi explained. “We had tried every pharmaceutical, special diets, a brain implant, and nothing ever slowed Zayden’s seizures down. He would seize for hours at a time.” Mind you, a seizure that lasts just over five minutes has a 20% higher chance of death. “When Zayden would start seizing, we would begin pushing Valium,” Heidi said. “We would administer 60 mg of rectal Valium before calling EMS. The ambulance was only allowed to carry 20 mg of Valium, so our ambulance would have to meet another ambulance 22

November 2019

Zayden is 10 years old and loving life! He is thriving and we are so blessed! He loves to play with toys, go for walks, and his favorite person in the whole world is his daddy (Kyle). He is really starting to make lots of sounds, some small words, giving hugs and kisses, and beginning to take bites by mouth. – Heidi

video went viral, many different organizations, news outlets, and advocates wanted me to share Zayden’s story,” Heidi explained. “The connection between our family and other specials needs families expanded so much. We spoke at the Missouri capital as a group and even on our own as often as possible. We were invited to speak at the capital on behalf of House Bill 2238.” In 2014, Missouri passed HB 2238, which created a legal right for certain patients to obtain, possess, and use “hemp extracts” in limited circumstances. “My first time speaking, I started to cry the minute my testimony started. It was the first time that I had shared our story in front of a crowd. As much as I was scared, I was also excited,” said Heidi. “I knew Zayden had a story to share even if he didn’t have the words to speak himself. The crowd was accepting to my testimony, but the room as a whole was more in opposition. Everyone was kind to my family, but the atmosphere of the capital when discussing cannabis was not accepting for years. The last time I spoke was for Missouri Representative Neely’s medical cannabis bill. I received a very nice note from one of the representatives after my testimony. It seemed like the feelings were shifting and becoming overall accepting.”

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Once Zayden was allowed access to cannabis oil, there was a night and day difference in a matter of just a few days. “Over time, he went from over eight medications at well above adult level dosing, to being on just two and a half, and his overall quality of life continues to improve,” marveled Heidi. “Fighting for medical cannabis has been a humbling experience. I have learned so much and enjoy the constant new friends I make in the beautiful cannabis community,” Heidi added. “I have also had to develop tougher skin as not everyone is supportive or kind for that matter. Even within our own cannabis community, so many people turn on each other. It is sad that we all can’t come together, but I pray, one day, we do. I have learned to appreciate every single day! We still live like today may be Zayden’s last day, but instead of living in fear, we live with enthusiasm. Adventures and memories are our goals!” Heidi and Kyle Rayl are volunteers with Ayden’s Alliance. They are currently working on organizing a Versailles, MO, chapter. The goal is to start Zayden’s Coalition, a non-profit, and team up to help more people! Ayden’s Alliance helps those who need financial assistance to cover the expenses of their medical cannabis doctors’ recommendations as well as the state fees required to obtain their ID cards. Heidi says, “The goal for Zayden’s Coalition is to help cover the gap that insurance doesn’t cover (medical equipment, prosthetics, medication). Between the two non-profits, we can help many more people. We are so excited to work together!” There are many stories like Zayden’s about people finding relief for a variety of health issues through medical cannabis use; they just don’t make mainstream media. So, for all those people, we are “Thankful” to all of you who took the time to vote “Yes” to legalize medical cannabis in Missouri.

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Schedule Online: November 2019



Home Grown by Jason Davis, Contributing Writer



do I start? ”

Q&A “What if I mess up?”

” ated! c i l p o com s s i “ This

Cannabis at Home First Steps...

“What do I need to ge t to begin?”


o matter the method chosen, lights purchased, nutrients or strains decided on, starting a home grow can seem overwhelming. I’ve heard from friends, associates, and customers who enter our store: “Where do I start?” “What if I mess up?” “What do I need to get to begin?” and frequently, “This is so complicated!” I often look into the eyes of these confused and overwhelmed souls and assure them — it doesn’t have to be this way. With the right research and seeking “educated” advice, home-growing can be uncomplicated and incredibly rewarding. Like most things, we all tend to complicate life, and in the process, eliminate the fun. I’m not suggesting that growing doesn’t take skill, experience, education, determination, and an inner curiosity, but as long as we simplify, anyone can have a successful home grow. In future articles, we will review some of the more advanced and nuanced aspects of growing. This month, we’ll start with the basics.

 Growing Method

While there is a diverse array of growing methods, for most home growers, there are a few commonly used methods — soil growing (both organic and super soil growing) and hydroponic growing. The most commonly used hydroponic growing systems include the Wick System, Deep Water Culture, Ebb & Flow, Drip System, Nutrient Film Technique (N.F.T.), Aeroponics, and Aquaponics.

Location ►

You can grow cannabis almost anywhere, including but certainly not limited to a basement, grow tent, spare bedroom, garage, or unused bathroom. If you can imagine it and have the ability to provide access to needed equipment, water, electricity, and fresh air, it can be a suitable growing location. This grower used a bedroom cabinet.  24

November 2019

▲ LED Grow Lighting

▲ T5 Fluorescent Lighting

▲ Lighting

The primary function of grow lighting is to provide artificial light to stimulate photosynthesis in plants. There are a variety of lighting types that will produce a variety of results. Once you determine your goals (growing for fun, learning, production, quality, quantity, or many other reasons), you can determine the appropriate grow light for you. Types include Compact Fluorescent (CFLs), T5 Fluorescent Lighting, High-Pressure Sodium (HPS), and Double-Ended HPS, Metal Halide (MH), Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH and LEC), and the most energy-efficient LED Grow Lights.

Growing Medium

If you have decided to grow hydroponically, there are a variety of potential mediums that will act as a home for your plant’s root system. For the most part, hydroponic mediums provide

no nutrient value to the plant, but it can provide a buffer between the nutrient solution and the root system. There is a wide variety of hydroponic media, like soilless mixes (coco coir, perlite, vermiculite, etc.), Rockwool, clay pebbles, and rocks or other stone materials.

Nutrients and Nutrient Schedule 

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Unless you are planning on using a super soil, you will need to use nutrients properly formulated for growing cannabis. For many reasons, nutrients used for growing in soil are formulated differently than those used for use in hydroponics. But no matter what you ultimately choose, learn how to properly use it, and don’t be tempted to change nutrient brands after a few weeks. Give yourself some time to learn the product and how your plants respond. After all, most experienced growers have told me that all nutrients are pretty similar; what is more important is how you use those nutrients. Arguably, more important than nutrients are the genetics of the plant. ◄ The Plant The genetics of a particular strain hold all the attributes of the plant being grown including flavor, growth attributes (flowering time/speed, plant strength, etc.), THC and CBD aspects, terpene production, and so much more. A grower can have the perfect grow-room setup, the best lights, perfect ventilation and air movement, and the best nutrients money can buy; but if the genetics of the plant grown are unstable, weak, and produce undesirable traits, very little can be done to improve the situation. Selecting the right strain to produce your desired goal is quite possibly the most important component of setting up your home cannabis grow. While learning to grow at home, you can be tempted to focus on the complex nature of indoor cannabis growing, but far too often, you’ll get lost in the details and become overwhelmed. The successful home grower will primarily focus on the basics, and only after having a clear understanding of those, move onto the complex, exciting, and creative world of cannabis growing. Jason Davis is a lifelong Kansas City resident who co-owns and operates Happy Rock Farms: Fine Gardening and Hydroponics, providing highquality indoor gardening advice, classes, workshops, supplies, equipment, and tools to hobbyist and commercial growers, located in Midtown KC at 3816 Main Street.

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November 2019





by Dale Sky Jones, Contributing Writer

Dale Sky Jones is the Executive Chancellor of Oaksterdam University. Since 2007, Oaksterdam University (OU) has been the forerunner in providing the highest quality training offered in the cannabis industry from patients to regulators. OU is the first and only cannabis college with a comprehensive curriculum in cannabis business and horticulture. OU educates regulators, local officials, state agencies, and legislative staff. Its faculty is comprised of expert practitioners and academics. OU Alumni consist of over 40,000 from over 40 countries — are the most active in the world. Online classes are available at Follow Dale Sky Jones @Oaksterdam and @DaleSkyJones.


f the words cannabis industry professional have never crossed your lips until this moment, you are in good company. As for myself, not once while growing up did the thought, “I want to run a cannabis college,” occur to me. Hemp or cannabis as a career path is a very new and unfamiliar, even uncomfortable, idea for the vast majority of people. And yet, in this day and age of employment uncertainty, the skyrocketing number of jobs in the cannabis industry has Missouri on the verge of a cannabis career boom. Come January, the state of Missouri will begin awarding cannabis business licenses for cultivators, testing labs, manufacturing, and dispensaries — and with that comes jobs! You might be sitting there reading this with a big question mark over your head; this is normal. When thinking about the kind of person who works in cannabis, you probably are remembering that dude you knew in school or the kid in your neighborhood who went to jail for selling weed, while you studiously avoided any vision of impropriety (other than that one time in college — thank goodness you didn’t get caught!). Maybe you and your friends made fun of that stoner without a future (the one your mother did not want you to hang out with). But guess where he might be now? If he avoided “getting caught” by the prohibition, he is now making 100-200k a year as a master grower. Changes your perspective, doesn’t it? With all of the cannabis career opportunities


November 2019

fast approaching, you might be wondering what jobs will be available for people like you, who have had absolutely nothing to do with cannabis (professionally speaking, of course). Though it is easy to imagine people in darkened, smoky rooms, rolling joints or growing weed in the basement, it is likely more of a struggle to see how you as an experienced professional could fit in what has been perceived, until now, as a strange and shady business. Maybe you’re asking yourself whether or not your skill set will translate to the industry. There is no need to worry, though; I assure you that there is a job for just about everyone in cannabis. Take me, for example. Long before I came to run Oaksterdam University, I was working in management for multinational corporations in the healthcare, food service, and retail industries. I excelled at developing and executing training programs. I became knowledgeable about HR, headhunting, sales, marketing, supply chain logistics, safe-handling, and quality control for health and human safety. Though I didn’t see it at the time, I was developing and honing my skills as a future cannabis industry expert. In 2007, I decided to leave my corporate comfort zone, which felt hollow and unfulfilling. I moved to Southern California to work with a few brave doctors who wanted to recommend medical cannabis as part of their practice. However, the doctors had no idea how to even begin the business of recommending medical marijuana, never

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mind how to educate their patients about the legal perils of possessing, transporting, or consuming their medicine. There was a massive gap between the legal carve-out and real-world implications for medical cannabis. This uncertainty led the doctors to hire me as their business manager, and I sought out those with the knowledge that was needed. It’s what led me to the founders of Oaksterdam, where I first started as a volunteer, working my way into leadership. The students saw me, a relatively normal professional woman just doing it, and thought to themselves, “I can do that.” There are certainly great positions for those already familiar with cannabis, but that experience is unnecessary when starting out. There is a long list of diverse roles that, when combined, power the entire industry. Companies need retail sales representatives, managers, and savvy marketing minds. Are you a data analyst, scientist, or lab technician? Cannabis and hemp need you! Human resource directors, attorneys, manufacturing packagers, pastry chefs, chocolatiers, quality controllers, compliance officers, nurses, pharmacists, IT specialists, real estate professionals, architects, contractors, electricians, janitors, security specialists, transportation, CPAs, CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CTOs…. The list goes on and on! First and foremost, do your homework. If you have credentials from another field, find a headhunter or a job agent. Know the positions available within the industry and educate yourself so you can walk into any company

and explain with confidence how your experience fulfills their HR needs. While interviewers will likely ask you what you know about cannabis, what is more critical are those translatable skills you can bring to the table. Many companies will hire you without cannabis experience if you are good at your job. The point is, use your existing skill set to get in on the ground level. As you gain experience, you’ll be able to branch in any direction. Entry-level positions are fantastic because the cannabis industry is rapidly growing. Plant your roots early, and before you know it, you will find yourself promoted and blooming in your new career. As an aside, be mindful of the words you use in interviews. The scientific terminology is hemp and cannabis, not weed, dope, or any of the other slang terms. Marijuana is a derogatory term that was used to rile up fear and hatred back in the early 20th Century, which led to the prohibition in the first place.

osition 19 Campaign, I was thrust into the multiple roles of spokeswoman, legislative liaison, and chief debater on cannabis policy reform. I went from a volunteer making coffee and checking in students to becoming President and CEO in the span of five years. I never imagined such a path and couldn’t be happier. Remember, making a living and making a life are two different things. You have unprecedented power in this nascent industry to write your own future. Though you do need to do a little research to figure out what role is the best for you, you can determine your professional fate, and find that fit between the fulfilling career you have been seeking and a good old-fashioned paycheck. The cannabis industry needs all walks of life and all types of work experience. Turn over a new leaf. Reinvent yourself.

Returning to my career path, we last left off in early 2008, when I had just become a teacher at Oaksterdam. As the school grew, I found myself as an administrator, curriculum developer, and instructional designer. When my old boss started the PropNovember 2019



Trimmin’ Time Editorial and Photos by Joe Bender, Contributing Writer

Colorful Grape Ape branch


hether trimmed by hand or machine, wet-trimmed or dry, cannabis buds should be manicured in a way that is most sensible for your needs. Trimming costs, implications for flower quality, and marketing strategy should all be considered when deciding which trimming method(s) to use. Let’s examine these factors, and the impacts trimming methods have on achieving your production goals. Wet vs. Dry If you grow at home and do all of your own trimming, the monetary cost of trimming may only be the price of some good spring-loaded scissors, and perhaps a case of beer. For home growers, hand trimming is likely the best choice, as creating top quality will probably be the biggest concern, and labor costs might not be an issue. Still, some home growers will opt for machine trimming. For commercial growers, the decision between hand vs. machine trimming is more complicated, as I’ll discuss, but assuming you’ve decided on hand trimming, should you wet trim the buds when fresh or dry trim them following the drying process? One advantage of wet trimming is that the trichomes are less brittle when wet. This makes vibrations unlikely to knock the spherical glands loose from the stalks of the trichomes. However, wet trichomes can still be damaged or even removed by rough handling. Trichomes are oilier when wet and are likely to smear then oxidize due to the damage. Oxidation will degrade THC to CBN, thereby reduce the potency and alter the medicinal effect, making it more sedative. For this reason, I suggest that you should hang your buds after cutting them from the plants, then trim them carefully one at a time, and then hang the trimmed buds to dry.* This will minimize their contact with surfaces, and help ensure maximum potency. Although you may be a fan of scissor hash, frequently clean your scissors for easy cutting and to minimize damage to trichomes. Otherwise, that scissor hash ball on your scissors will have a snowball effect and collect more and more trichomes. *To significantly ease the hanging of buds, harvest plants from top to bottom. Cut the main stem a couple of inches above the top


November 2019

branch and also just below the branch, to leave a natural “V” hook for hanging, consisting of the branch and main stem. Cutting the main stem just below each branch (each node) should leave you a hook for the next branch down. Use clothespins to hang any buds that lack a natural hook. Wet trimming also has the benefit of enabling a very tight manicure. The fresh, erect leaves are relatively easy to trim precisely away from the flowers. Dry leaves, on the other hand, are curled and stiffly laid flat to the surface of buds via gravity, making them more difficult to access with scissors. This typically leads to a looser, less-precise manicure when dry trimming. Not only are fresh, turgid-bud leaves easier to trim tightly to buds, but they may also slightly recede as they dry, further enhancing the finished appearance of wet-trimmed buds. Bear in mind that when wet trimming, the turgidity of leaves greatly assists the cutting action of scissor blades, providing a crisp, clean cut; for this reason, avoid harvesting too many colas/branches at a time, and trim harvested material as quickly as possible. Even before the leaves begin to wilt visibly, as they lose water, they become much more difficult to cut away. Keep your trimming area cool and use a humidifier if the air is excessively dry to help prevent water loss. This issue can make coordinating between a harvesting and trimming crew a bit challenging at the commercial scale. The sizes of the two groups must be properly balanced so that the harvested buds don’t lose too much water before they’re trimmed, and so that the trimming crew doesn’t run out of buds on which to work. Another consideration regarding wet trimming is that the slightly accelerated drying rate, associated with removing leaves before drying, could be problematic in an arid environment (albeit beneficial in a humid environment). Too rapid of a drying process can be detrimental for the scent and flavor of cannabis flowers. This problem could be nullified by using supplemental humidification in your drying room, but ensure that the design of your humidification system is antagonistic to microbial growth, and maintain the system as instructed by the manufacturer. The best humidifiers are inherently antimicrobial, while others use UV lights or special materials to hinder microbes. As you can see, wet trimming has positive and negative attributes. Dry trimming also has its ups and downs.

Gr0wing 101

Although dry trimming will probably produce buds with more remaining leaf material, this could be viewed as advantageous, especially if the strain produces potent bud leaves. Some commercial growers view the extra leaf as extra bud weight, and even from the stash grower’s perspective, extra weight in the jar may be a good thing. Of course, in commercial production, if the amount of leaf negatively affects the potency, appearance, or flavor, it will draw criticism from consumers or will damage sales. The last thing a cannabis producer needs is a scathing critique on social media due to poorly trimmed buds. When arid conditions threaten to dry buds too quickly, choosing dry trimming can slow the drying process to a more optimal pace because the leaves will remain on the plants during drying. The leaves contain a significant quantity of water, and also greatly increase the volume of plant material that needs to dry. Growers planning to dry trim usually pluck the largest fan leaves before drying; however, in extremely low-humidity drying conditions, you might even leave the largest fan leaves on branches to further slow the drying process. On the opposite side of the coin, in a humid environment, slower drying could be problematic due to the threat of mold. Ideally, you would correct the temperature and humidity level of your drying room using well-controlled HVAC, dehumidification, and humidification, regardless of your trimming method. Shoot for around 72°F and about 45% relative humidity (RH), with gentle air circulation, to completing drying processes in about seven days. Keep in mind that your trimming method, the size and density of buds, and also the quantity of plant material in your drying room will all impact the drying rate. One school of thought is that you can protect the potency of buds by allowing the smaller leaves to dry over the buds, then not trim these leaves. You can do as you please with the leaves as you smoke the buds — you could save them and cook with them, for example. Buds processed this way would not fly in today’s commercial cannabis markets if sold as “top grade,” but I suppose, producers could try pricing the buds significantly cheaper to compensate for the loose manicure. This might be a viable strategy for selling discount, lower-grade buds from the bottom of the garden canopy.

Another advantage to dry trimming is the relative ease of holding and manipulating dry cannabis as you trim it. Wet colas can be quite heavy, and holding them while trimming for several hours can lead to hand or wrist pain. Dried colas weigh about 1/4 as much, making dry trimming easier on your hands. Among the downsides to dry trimming, trichome loss could be a significant factor. Trichomes may become so fragile during drying, that they go flying at every snip of your scissors. The severity of this problem is strain-dependent, as some strains more readily shed trichomes than others. To prevent excessive trichome loss, and to otherwise maintain top quality, dry trim when your buds are nearly dry, but still need to lose a little water before curing. At this stage, the slightly damp trichomes are less fragile. Control your trimming room RH to approximately 56% to maintain the moisture content of buds during dry trimming. Human vs. Machine Manufacturers of trim machines will assure you that their machine will eliminate the need for dozens of workers without sacrificing quality. In reality, even the best trimming machines produce results that resemble the work of a machine. Machine-trimmed buds tend to lack the sparkle of unblemished trichomes found on carefully hand-trimmed buds. The vibrations, friction, impacts, and vacuum action that buds are subjected to in trimming machines knock off and damage trichomes. Machines

also typically round off the surface of buds, creating a characteristic machine-trimmed look. This doesn’t mean that trimming machines cannot produce viable products. These machines can indeed save a huge amount of labor, and the cost savings from reduced labor can be transferred to consumers via lower prices, which may overcome any loss of quality caused by machine trimming. However, for now, trimming machines can’t compete on a quality basis with hand-trimmed buds. Even those commercial producers who emphasize a connoisseur-quality flower line can benefit from trimming machines on some level. One potential application for trimming machines is for trimming “small buds” or “second-grade” buds, which are usually harvested from the bottom of the plant canopy. Machine trimming such buds is a practical application for trimming machines since these buds are at least as labor-intensive to trim as upper canopy buds but sell for a lower price. Similarly, another strategy could be offering main colas at two grades — hand-trimmed and machine-trimmed.

Trimming machines designed for wet trimming, dry trimming, and dual-purpose are available. The previously discussed characteristics of wet vs. dry trichomes also apply to machine trimming. Dry material machines are more likely to separate trichome glands from stalks, while wet material machines may smear and oxidize trichomes. The coating of lost trichomes may be difficult to recover from wet-trim machines, but in dry-trim machines, use a fine paintbrush to sweep the trichomes into a pile, and then scoop them up. Large-scale producers may be willing to invest in trimming machines that can cost more than $10,000, but the high cost and machineassociated quality degradation mean that most home growers will opt for hand trimming. However, some home growers may find trimming machines favorable for a few reasons. Growers with arthritis or certain disabilities can benefit from trimming machines, as hand trimming may not be possible. Also, some machines collect trichomes as they trim, which could be used along with trim leaf to make cannabutter or infused coconut oil. Other home growers might simply lack time to hand trim or prefer to avoid the task. There are inexpensive manual machines available, such as those that use a hand crank to spin a cutting blade beneath a perforated platform. Moderately priced handheld electric trimming machines are also available in several styles, such as those that work like a hair clipper. Weigh the ups and downs to various trimming methods when determining the best fit for your cultivation and marketing scenario. Among other variables, the climate of your cultivation site, your use (or lack thereof) of cooling, heating, and humidity controls in your trimming and drying areas, and concerns regarding quality will impact your decision between wet and dry trimming. Production costs and marketing strategy are two of the heaviest factors in choosing between hand trimming and machine trimming or utilizing a combination of the two. Joe Bender is an independent crop consultant with his company Cannabis Crop Solutions, LLC. Joe’s cultivation articles have been published in Cannabis Culture, Weed World, and High Times. He is an expert cannabis grower, horticulturist, plant pathologist, and entomologist, and is well versed in many other areas of cannabis science and history, including cannabis pharmacology, manufacturing, and potency testing. He’s an avid golfer and metal guitarist, and loves skateboarding, surfing, snowskating, and the company of old friends and family.

November 2019


Immaculate Conception?

Seed to Sale ►


What’s in a Name? Strain Selection 101


by Brother Mendel, Contributing Writer

s more longtime cannabis advocacy groups win the fight against prohibition for their respective states, an increasing number of medical patients contact us trying to acquire particular cultivars. By way of example, an online acquaintance, Ken (we’ll call him), recently sent an inquiry about White Widow, a varietal whose therapeutic benefits alleviated his symptoms. A brief exchange revealed Ken’s problem; the last time he acquired this particular cultivar was over 25 years ago. Ken is just one of thousands, soon to be millions, seeking to replicate a fondly held canna-memory. Just like all memories, however, Ken’s recollection calls to mind an experience now lost. Just like all other plants, cannabis has continued to adapt and change based on various considerations, including but not limited to environmental factors (indoor vs. outdoor cultivation), natural genetic drift, and epigenetic cues, as well as breeder selection, and sharp turns in market demand, which lead to the loss of general availability of particular genetic lines. Today’s White Widow may bear little resemblance in either morphological presentation or experiential therapeutic effect to the White Widow Ken found an effective treatment in days past. Ken’s query begs the classic question — what’s in a name? Susan (we’ll call her), a new medical patient, finds herself in a similar situation to Ken. Susan presents with multiple gastrointestinally related symptoms, and her quality of life is suffering. Her doctor recommends her as a patient for Missouri’s medical cannabis program. After being licensed as a patient-cultivator, Susie plans to contact a breeder looking for the well-known varietal Purple Haze, which she occasionally enjoyed in college decades ago. A reputable breeder well-versed both in therapeutic genomics 30

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and the historical progression of this particular cultivar, however, would advise Susan to consider other factors in addition to her previous experiences with cannabis in choosing a varietal for cultivation.

First of all, Susan’s current condition necessitates that she selects a cultivar to target and treat specific symptoms, as opposed to achieving general well-being or using “recreationally.” Secondly, the Purple Haze of yesteryear, assuming that Susan did, in fact, encounter real Purple Haze, is, in all likelihood, nowhere to be found. Thirdly and perhaps most importantly, the chemotypic profile of the modern varietals bearing the name Purple Haze is not the most suitable for treating gastrointestinal issues. A responsible breeder, in addition to consulting with Susan about her physician’s diagnosis, would thus likely steer Susan away from Purple Haze and toward a good general chemotype for her condition, such as the Chemotypic package commonly found in the Bubba Kush line. Susan’s scenario illustrates the complexity of selecting a cultivar and the advisability of conferring with an experienced and informed breeder when choosing varietals to cultivate for your specific therapeutic needs. We contend that all patients are entitled to the sort of personal and professional response detailed in Ken and Susan’s stories. When selecting medical varietals to grace the home garden, the typical new patient generally has aesthetic, aromatic, or therapeutic outcomes

already in mind. The patient may find a deep purple color visually satisfying, desire the refreshing scent of a fruity terpenoid expression, or be seeking a soothing effect to induce sleep. But choosing a medical varietal involves more than aesthetic or aromatic preferences. A good breeder’s response will help a patient connect symptoms with the various chemotypes known to modulate or mitigate the same. To be sure, a patient’s experiential preferences are essential considerations when selecting a medical cultivar. Positive memories of experiences with cannabis, whether it eased a specific ailment or granted a general sense of well-being, provide reassurance that finding the right medicine is indeed possible. Aesthetic preferences also have a place in deciding what varietal best meets your needs as a patient. Participating in the beauty of the plant’s growth cycle is a vital part of the therapy cannabis cultivation provides. In navigating the complex world of cultivar selection, keeping a few factors in mind can be tremendously helpful. First of all, find a breeder with a broad knowledge base who can answer your questions. When you are ready to begin cultivating and are seeking an appropriate varietal, consider your condition, symptoms, and the therapeutic benefits you seek. Finally, express your personal preferences — your breeder may just be able to find you a cultivar that both meets your medical needs and satisfies your particular wants. Brother Mendel and Mrs. Mendel own and operate Brother Mendel’s Selections, a breeder-direct purveyor of only the most premium, heirloom, boutique cannabis, and high-CBD hemp genetics. Visit them at w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / groups/homegrower or for more information, he can be contacted at

REEFER MADNESS — Continued from page 17

1930s to today fell for that propaganda. It was all insane, but at that time, integrity and honor were thought to be a part of everyone in our government. How could they be wrong? Well, my friends, that was just beginning. Another small group of individuals working for President Richard Nixon thought that if it worked in the 1930s, it would in the 1960s. This time, it was to get control of those “Damn Hippies.” Nixon mistakenly thought it was the hippies who used proceeds from their supposedly massive “Pot” farms and the distribution of marijuana to support Anti-War movements. Well, it was not the hippies! It was the Commercial Loggers! It was not to finance any anti-war movement but to stop Hemp farming from coming to market because Actual 1930s Poster that would have nearly shut a booming lumber business down to a trickle. Demonizing the plant stopped Hemp from becoming the profitable, earth-friendly commodity that it’s become in the 21st Century. My education started the day I showed up at my first National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) Expo, nearly seven years ago. My good fortune started when I met Mr. Aaron Smith, the Director of the NCIA then and still. Smith, a professional, tremendously talented business executive and spokesman, took the time to welcome me to the expo. I dressed for the expo in my full VFW uniform with the military ribbons and decorations that I had received during my career to honor the soldiers who stood or sat beside me and those who failed to return alive. They had given their lives so that I might live. They were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country and the warriors beside them. Today’s cannabis industry is filled with talented, creative business professionals who want to enhance the quality-of-life for all of us around the world. Try to listen a little bit longer to every cannabis conversation that you have with anyone before you comment or say anything. You may be surprised at what you’ll learn when you take time to listen and think a bit more before you respond. Next month this story will continue. I hate to use the phrase, “You ain’t heard nothing yet.” The story is tough, yet exciting and real. I will introduce you to more fantastic individuals who helped mold my journey, grow my knowledge, and educate those in leadership positions throughout our Federal Government and all through our 50 States. Until next Month, Want a good laugh? Scan this QR to see an insane 1930s Reefer Madness video 

Coming Soon To a City Near You


Coming 2020 Lee’s Summit Kansas City November 2019



Fall into Self-Care by Amanda DiMartini, Contributing Writer


s the days become shorter and cooler, we begin to feel differently than we have in the brighter, warmer months. Fall is marked by a feeling of slowing down and preparing ourselves and our home for the colder, darker, harsher winter months. Although, as a society, it may be difficult to relent to the natural rhythms and slow ourselves down. Many people continue to drive themselves to accomplish an unreasonable number of tasks on any given day, especially during the holiday season. However, it is important to take some self-reflection time and recalibrate during this season in order to prioritize self-care, so that you may enjoy this time of year. The seasonal shortening of the days and increased darkness both in the morning and the evening, affect our moods and behaviors. We may even begin to feel decreased energy, lack of concentration, and a darkening of our overall outlook and mood. Additionally, the discomfort of arthritic and musculoskeletal pain can be aggravated by the changes in temperature; this further increases the feelings of fatigue and, for some, hopelessness. In our increasingly busy lives, this process can feel like something we need to push through to keep up with our obligations. I challenge you to change your mind-set this season and experience some of the restorative benefits of a slower pace. While the days are shorter, consider taking time to commit to fewer obligations. Taking time to be unavailable when you feel that you are becoming depleted or as a preventative measure when you know you cannot continue to be active, is important. When you begin to feel sluggish, take some downtime to restore. For instance, take time to sip your favorite tea and snuggle up in a blanket to read a book or watch a movie. Choosing to disengage from your online life for a day or so can also feel like a mini vacation. Taking some solitary time can build your resilience and well-being. Research demonstrates that time alone is linked to increased creativity, boosted self-esteem, enhanced 32

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mental clarity, and improved empathy. Having a healthy relationship with yourself is the foundation for happiness and success in all other relationships. Self-compassion and responding to your own needs are crucial for personal wellness and the ability to effectively respond to others. The concept of having time by yourself is about personal restoration; it is not the feeling of loneliness (a dissatisfaction with personal relationships in terms of quality and/or quantity). Feelings of loneliness can diminish one’s mood and overall quality of life. In our society, feelings of loneliness are becoming more common. Social isolation can make us, wired and social creatures, sick and depressed. Nurturing our important relationships will boost our wellness. As the season progresses, do not neglect taking time to visit with your friends and family who are most treasured. If you have recently lost one of your most important relationships through the death process, take time to honor your loved one and to feel connected again. The Hispanic tradition of honoring the dead, “Dia De Los Muertos,” is an excellent example of celebrating the relationship you have with departed loved ones. (You can create your own ritual that fills you with joy and remembrance.) When thinking of connecting with people you value, remember, there is no replacement for in-person contact. We primarily communicate with non-verbal signals, and we need to be in close proximity to one another to gain the health benefits and feelings of connectedness. Another example of in-person health benefits comes from physical touch; a hug can greatly boost our well-being, as well as other expressions of affection. Physical touch is vital for our wellness, so don’t neglect your in-person socializing. Social networking through the internet will never come close to fulfilling your human-contact needs. In fact, too much of it actually increases feelings of loneliness. Again, don’t forget to check-in with yourself about what you need more or less of; only you know those answers. As you recalibrate tuning into your own selfcare needs, remember, if you feel fatigued,

give yourself permission to slow down and recharge. If you feel like socializing, reach out to your favorite people and visit in-person or on video chat if you cannot arrange a personal meeting (this gives you non-verbal facial cues and boosts the benefits of communication). If you are in pain, choose to make time and take care of yourself, it is perfectly acceptable to take down-time when you need it. It is also a good thing to ask for help from others when you need it. That is what community is all about, and it strengthens your relationships. Some of the above strategies may feel unnatural to you, but, if you try to engage in different behaviors, you may set into place health-enhancing habits that will improve your long-term quality of life. It’s worth the effort! If you would like Fall cannabis medicating ideas, consider some of the following: Make your favorite cookie or brownie recipe with cannabis butter (use caution with quantity consumed), put some cannabis tincture in your favorite tea for pain relief and restorative benefits, get cozy outside, enjoy the cool air, and watch wild animals prepare for winter while you enjoy your favorite method of consumption. Don’t forget to take into consideration your favorite things and adapt the above ideas to incorporate them! Enjoy the Fall!

Amanda DiMartini, MA, LPC, is a Medical Cannabis Educator and Wellness Specialist in Springfield, MO. Ms. DiMartini has practiced in the mental health field for over 16 years. She is currently collaborating with a team of professionals to provide screenings for Medical Cannabis Patient Certifications, patient support, and comprehensive education on a variety of medical cannabis topics. Visit NOTE: The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content is for general information purposes only.


November 2019



CBD Recipes ►


PUMPKIN MUFFINS JUST IN TIME FOR THANKSGIVING by Dana Cunningham, contributing writer


t’s November, and what better flavor to celebrate the season than pumpkin. There’s something about pumpkin flavor that is just so warm and cozy, and it can’t be beat. I am a huge fan of alternate breakfast foods, so having these babies made up and ready to go for my busy week is a must. I just bake a batch on Sunday, wrap them up, and store them in my freezer until I am ready to enjoy one! Why are we adding CBD to the mix? Because CBD is just flat out good for your body! I take it daily for its anti-inflammatory benefits. CBD also helps me start my day feeling focused, energized, calm, and collected. Studies show that taking CBD daily is just as beneficial as taking your multi-vitamin, and these breakfast muffins are a perfect way to enjoy your daily or morning dose of wellness!

In my Infused KC Kitchen, I use CBD isolate for baking because it is flavorless, and it is THC free. The effectiveness is like a full-spectrum CBD product; I just like to omit the THC so that everyone can enjoy my baked treats. You can pick up a jar of “CBD isolate” at most CBD stores. For this recipe, just a half of a gram will do. It comes as a fine powder, but you don’t want to just throw it in with all of your ingredients and start baking. There is a method that I use to bind it to the fat in my recipe, which ensures my finished product has the most effectiveness possible. Before we start baking, we are just going to infuse the fat in our recipe. For these awesome muffins, we are going to infuse our coconut oil. Here’s how I do it. 1. I always just put my jar of coconut oil directly in a medium saucepan half-way filled with water and bring to a boil. This will quickly liquefy my coconut oil so that I can easily pour it out into my measuring cup.


November 2019

2. Once your coconut oil is liquid, measure out 1/3 cup into a glass bowl and place back on top of your saucepan. We just made a double boiler to continue warming. 3. We want our coconut oil to be warm enough to create the reaction of combining with our CBD, but not so hot it will dissolve the CBD powder. This is a fine line because if your CBD reaches over a certain temperature, it loses its potency and effectiveness. 4. Once your Coconut oil is warm to the touch, spoon in your ½ gram of CBD isolate and whisk quickly. You should be able to see the powder in the oil, and it will look cloudy. When the CBD is completely combined, the oil will be clear again. As soon as it is clear, remove it from heat. Feel free to put the bowl directly in the freezer so that it can cool fast. And there you have it — infused coconut oil for your pumpkin muffins! Follow the recipe below and enjoy it thoroughly. This recipe yields 12, 40mg pumpkin breakfast muffins! When I make these at home, I make 24 mini muffins. That cuts the CBD dose to 20 mg per muffin.

Ingredients Needed

⅓ cup melted CBD infused coconut oil ½ cup maple syrup or honey 2 eggs, at room temperature 1 cup pumpkin purée ¼ cup milk of choice (I used almond milk) 2 teaspoons pumpkin spice blend 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ½ teaspoon salt 1 ¾ cups whole wheat flour ⅓ cup old-fashioned oats, plus more for sprinkling on top Seeds or dried berries to sprinkle on top

Cooking Instructions 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. 2. Grease your muffin tin if needed or if using silicone, leave this step out; we don’t need any extra oil here. 3. In a large bowl, beat the oil and maple syrup or honey together with a whisk (I like to use my hand mixer for this part because it is super-fast, and I like to make things easy). Add the eggs and beat well. Add the pumpkin purée, milk, pumpkin spice blend, baking soda, vanilla extract, and salt. 4. Add the flour and oats to the bowl and mix with a large spoon, just until combined (a few lumps are okay). If you’d like to add any additional ingredients like nuts, chocolate, or dried fruit, fold them in now. 5. Divide the batter evenly between the muffin cups. Sprinkle the tops of the muffins with about a tablespoon of oats. 6. Bake muffins for 22 to 25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into a muffin comes out clean. 7. Place the muffin tin on a cooling rack to cool. These muffins are delicate until they cool down. You might need to run a butter knife along the outer edge of the muffins to loosen them from the pan. 8. These muffins will keep at room temperature for up to two days, or in the refrigerator for up to four days. They keep well in the freezer in a freezer-safe bag for up to three months (just defrost individual muffins as needed).

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Bon appetite! Dana Cunningham is a Kansas City native with 15-years professional catering experience. She is the owner – operator of Infused KC Kitchen, a new catering concept that infuses world-class menus with CBD. For a custom menu when planning your party or to make your holiday season extra extraordinary contact Dana at or visit www.

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Mention this Ad and Receive a FREE Gift! November 2019


Pets & CBD 101 ►

Dogs, Arthritis and CBD by Leigh Zarda Carr, Contributing Writer

Can CBD Help My Arthritis?


noid system, which helps our body maintain and reach homeostasis and brings our body back into balance. CBD has been successful for many people who have sought relief with issues like pain and inflammation, as well as joint issues. Every being, both human and dog, has their own unique Endocannabinoid System, so dosing can be unique to each dog, and it typically takes a little bit of time, a couple of weeks, to build up the cannabinoids in the body.

Without a voice to tell us how much pain they are in, we have to be proactive in understanding what could be causing our dog’s mood, appetite, or energy levels, among other symptoms you may notice with your dog. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis in senior dogs. It is a degenerative disease that is caused by wear and tear on the joints leading to inflammation and pain. Other causes of arthritis can be brought on by infection or joint injuries, but whatever the cause might be, we don’t want our faithful friends to suffer needlessly or have them suffer from the harsh side effects of medications, which can have their own side effects and lead to other issues.

CBD could be a great option to try. Add it to your dog’s food or simply let them lick it off a dropper or any of many ways they can take it. Adding CBD to your pet’s diet may potentially help them with inflammation, in particular, when it comes to arthritis, which may decrease pain and lead to better overall wellness, mood, and quality of life. It’s simple and easy to use and give to your dog. While you may think your dog is just old and slow, the truth is at least part of it could be that they are just in a lot of pain and simply do not want to move or play. CBD could be a great option to try to help bring back some of that enjoyment of simply being a dog.

o you suffer from stiff and painful joints, especially during the winter months? Just like us, our faithful furry companions do too. One of the main causes of chronic pain in dogs is arthritis. Joint pain, stiffness, and swelling can slow your dog down and greatly affect their quality of life. As they age, it may appear that they are just slowing down, but in actuality, they are simply in a lot of pain. Unfortunately, with arthritis, once the joints, specifically the cartilage in the joints, have deteriorated, there is no permanent way to fix it. So, it truly becomes about managing pain for the dog, in particular, the inflammation caused by the rubbing of the joints.

When looking to help your pet alleviate their pain and not have to endure unpleasant side effects, why not consider alternative therapies? CBD, as an alternative, has been extremely effective for many, many people, so why could it not do the same for our furry friends? Cannabidiol (CBD) is naturally found in hemp plants. CBD is non-intoxicating as it contains less than the 0.3% legal level of THC. The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) consists of receptors that help regulate many important functions. Some of these functions include things like mood, stress, appetite, energy, immunity, pain, and inflammation. Both humans and dogs’ Endocannabinoid Systems produce cannabinoids naturally in the body called endocannabinoids. Depending on diet and other factors, both dogs and humans can have low levels or even deficiency levels of naturally occurring endocannabinoids. When taking CBD externally, it is considered a phytocannabinoid, meaning from plants, that works in our body with our endocannabi36

November 2019

Leigh Zarda Carr, holds a Bachelor’s in Science of Nursing. She is not only an advocate of CBD and cannabis; she is a believer of its medical benefits. After suffering through pain caused by a series of severe car accidents, she relied, as most, on pharmaceutical medications. It was time to find a different way. She studied cannabis and how it works in human body, and the Endocannabinoid System — something never taught in most medical and nursing schools. For more information about Leigh and her own personal story, visit NOTE: The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-toone relationship with your pet’s Veterinarian. This information is not intended or implied as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. The information here is not to be a substitute for professional Veterinarian advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content is for general information purposes only.

$100 Certifications

Dr. Sergey Sorin, M.D., DABFM

2840 E Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO 65802

Medical Marijuana Certification We Offer Application Filing Services (billed separately)

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Call 417.351-5221

New Patient Education ● Cultivation Workshops

Application Filing Services ● New Patient Education ● Cultivation & Compliance Workshops

Start Today Call 417.988.2420 Amanda DiMartini, MA, LPC 2460 E. Madrid St, Springfield, MO 65804 November 2019


Events Calendar ►

Want a Career In The Cannabis Business? Start Here... Careers In The Cannabis Business November 21-22 Kansas City, MO The Cannabis Industry Showcase & Expo

at The Hickory Center, 1321 W. 13th Street Kansas City, MO. Historic five-story building in the heart of Kansas City. 75 Booths, 50+ speakers, two sessions.

Workshops & Sessions to Blow Your Mind Learn more about our Professional Interpening course curriculum. Schedule of Events: • November 21 Registration Opens Expo Hall 9 a.m. Keynote, The Hickory Room 10 a.m. • November 22 Expo Floor & Speakers 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. • The End of​R ​ eefer Madness​G ​ ala​ benefiting The Coltyn Turner Foundation for Cannabis Research. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. For sponsorship and exhibitor booth inquiries contact, Curtis Stafford 816.281.8693 For more information and Expo Tickets, visit

November 23-25, Kansas City, MO

Discover Cannabis Job Workshops – Certifications – Career Event.

Registration Now Open! Providing workshops and certifications for owners and future employees of the cannabis industry in Missouri. Don’t miss the keynote speakers and panelists who will be discussing Missouri marijuana establishments and how to navigate through the industry for success. Produced by: Cannabis Community College. The Location: Plexpod Westport Commons 300 East 39th Street, Kansas City, MO 64111 The Auditorium: This area is reserved for orientation, keynote speakers, and panels with an open floor for questions. Workshops: Educators discuss many aspects of cultivation, production/manufacturing, and dispensaries and provide a written curriculum. Hands-On Certifications: Trim Ready provides three classes of certifications including, trimming, budtending, and Metrc. For a complete schedule of events and to register, visit (See more information on page 40)

Class Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Cost: $20. Our unique 2-hour intro class offers the perfect start to growing indoors. Learn to grow anything indoors using hydroponics in a controlled environment. This introduction to the complex world of indoor growing will open your eyes to the possibilities of year-round, pesticide-free, high-quality, high-yield growing. Students will get experiential learning from experienced growers at Happy Rock Farms. All participants will walk away with a plant cloning starter kit and much more. To register; contact Jason Davis at Happy Rock Farms. 913.486.8509 (See Growing at Home on page 24)

Watch for more events in the next issue.

Cooking with CBD Event

6 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at Green Grove CBD, 340 W 47th Street, Kansas City, MO 64112. Join Kansas City chef Dana Cunningham at the Green Grove CBD at the Country Club Plaza location for an awesome evening of CBD infused deserts! Dana will offer education about how to properly infuse CBD into her famous no bake cookies and leave you with some amazing desert ideas just in time for the holidays! Space is limited!

Winter Donation Drive...

November 2019

3816 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64111.

November 14, Kansas City, MO

Canna Moms KC to Host


November 12, Kansas City, MO Introduction to Hydroponics and Indoor Growing at Happy Rock Farms,

Cooking with CBD Event

Scan this QR for free registration. 

See page 21

Grow Classes

See Page 6

See MCIA Seminars and more at

Want Your Event Listed Here?

To have your event listed, please email us your event info as seen here, and include your business name, address, phone, website and verifiable email address with contact info to

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November 2019



November 2019

Attention Growers, Contractors, Engineers, and Investors We’ve Got You Covered with Purpose-Built HVAC Equipment. Ready – Set – Let’s GROW! Our simple, effective system delivers a competitive total installed cost. HVAC systems to improve plant health and energy efficiency with maintained dehumidification and temperature providing consistent grows. ● We are industry leaders in moisture removal rates. ● Precisely maintained space conditions with the least energy cost. ● We turn initial concepts into a fully integrated grow space with future flexibility and redundancy built in. ● Each unit is performance tested with report provided. ● Plug-and-play units allow for simple and predictable installation. ● SecureAire odor control and active particle control system. ● Units precisely control environmental conditions without auxiliary equipment. We provide complete system integration to maximize operational performance. Our unique interface provides feedback to fine tune any grow application.

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Get ahead of the industry and call today: Jim Megerson



See Current and Past Issues, Print Coupons, Read Articles Online at Scan QR Codes to see websites

November 2019


Medical CBD Stores Western Missouri Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at the locations on this page and many more.

Missouri CBD Stores

Missouri CBD Stores

Stores Listed Alphabetically American Shaman .................816.491.2452 19321 E US Hwy 40, Independence, MO American Shaman .................816.434.5059 1638 SE Blue Parkway, Lee’s Summit, MO American Shaman .................816.858.6039 1303 Platte Falls Rd, Ste CC, Platte City, MO Blue Sky Farms CBD.............. 816.228.4080 Inside Blue Springs Fitness 1300 NW 7 Hwy Blue Springs, MO Blue Springs Botanicals .........816.295.1921 1412 MO-7 STE G, Blue Springs, MO Brookside Holistic Solutions 816.524.4367 819 NE Woods Chapel Rd, Lee’s Summit, Brookside Holistic Solutions 816.361.4367 118 West 63rd St, Kansas City, MO Buddha Leaf .......................... 816.385.5480 3613 Beck Rd. St. Joseph, MO Buddha Leaf ........................... 816.873.5677 408 B West 6th St, Kearney, MO CBD American Shaman......... 885.526.6223 5501 #104 S US Hwy 71, Grandview, MO CBD American Shaman......... 816.680.8805 2008 N MO 291 Hwy, Harrisonville, MO CBD American Shaman.........885.526.6223 1036 W 103rd St, Kansas City, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.599.6010 3518 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.745.7977 100 E 6th St, Suite 6, Kearney, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.381.6333 8038 North Oak Trafficway, KC, MO CBD American Shaman.........855.526.6223 307 A NE Englewood Rd, KC, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.437.8261 13125 State Line Rd, Kansas City, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.472.1900 2024 Swift Ave, North Kansas City, MO 42

November 2019

Missouri CBD Stores

CBD American Shaman.........816.702.1042 6302 N Chatham Ave, Kansas City, MO

Hemp Haven .......................... 816.222.4173 214 MO Hwy 291, Liberty, MO

CBD American Shaman.........913.249.7794 1005 Middlebrooke Dr, Liberty, MO

Hemp Haven .......................... 816.944.8601 419B SW Ward Rd, Lee's Summit

CBD American Shaman......... 855.526.6223 9438 E 350 Hwy, Raytown, MO

Hemp Haven .......................... 913.961.9742 5536 NE Antioch Gladstone, MO

CBD KC ................................. 816.569.4838 4279 Sterling Ave, Kansas City, MO

It’s a Dream Smoke Shop ..... 816.753.5733 3942 Broadway Ave, Kansas City, MO

CBD KC ................................. 816.550.0063 2419 Burlington St, N Kansas City, MO

KC SmokZ .............................. 816.656.5090 3957 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO

CBD Mind & Body ................ 816.600.6271 705 SE Melody Ln, Lee’s Summit, MO

KC Smoke & Vape ................. 816.931.4434 1605 Westport Rd, Kansas City, MO

CBD Plus ................................ 816.701.6358 7422 Wornall Rd Kansas City, MO

Let’s Vape & Smoke Shop .... 816.753.8100 3745 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO

Complete Care CBD ............... 816.520.3304 18801 East 39th St S, Independence, MO 64057 (inside Independence Center Mall)

Martin City Kratom & CBD... 816.209.1073 13608 B Washington St, Kansas City, MO

Ed’s CBD Oils ........................ 816.569.3142 9025 E US 40 Hwy, Independence, MO Englewood Station Healing and Arts ................................................ 816.812.3273 10910 E. Winner Rd, Indepen., MO 64052 Emerald Garden Dispensary 816.724.7806 9500 E 55th St, Raytown. MO Emerald Garden Dispensary 816.977.8848 110 E. MO Avenue, Kansas City, MO Emerald Garden Dispensary 220 W. 39th St, Kansas City, MO Good Life CBD ...................... 816.429.6668 8110 US-69, Pleasant Valley, MO Green Grove CBD .................. 833.425.5223 340 W. 47th St. Kansas City, MO Happy Rock Smoke Shop and Vape .................................................. 816.436.0226 334 NE 72nd St, Gladstone, MO Happy Rock Smoke Shop and Vape ............ ...................................................... 816.415.3814 603 MO 291 B Liberty, MO Hemp Haven .......................... 816.384.1153 2002 Main St, Kansas City, MO

Midtown Kava ....................... 816.541.3144 1415 D W 39th St, Kansas City, MO More Than Hemp .................. 816.216.1977 6000 N Chatham Ave, Kansas City, MO Mother Nature’s CBD & Natural Wellness .816.455.0480 520 NW Englewood Rd, Kansas City, MO Natural Remedies ................. 816.229.9520 2001 NW Jefferson St, Blue Springs, MO 64015 Natural Wellness CBD .......... 816.447.8927 7672 N Oak Tfwy, Gladstone, MO OG Smoke Shop .................... 816-214-5110 904 W 39th St, Kansas City, MO Organic Hemp Botanicals ..... 816.997.9006 1215 W 103rd St., Kansas City, MO Organic Hemp Botanicals..... 816.425.6026 144 Cedar Tree Square, Belton, MO Phoenix Natural Wellness..... 913.329.5981 817 E North Ave, Belton, MO R&R CBD .............................. 816.521.1159 647 E. 59th St, Kansas City, MO Ron Ron’s CBD Shop ............ 816.916.2516 9318 S MO 7 Hwy, Lee’s Summit, MO

© 2019 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

Medical CBD Stores Western Missouri Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at the locations on this page and many more.

Missouri CBD Stores

Columbia Missouri CBD Stores

Roots Cannaporium ……..... 816.858.6005 124 Main St. Platte City, MO 64079 Rustic Oils CBD .................... 816.434.5284 618 SW 3rd St Ste J, Lee’s Summit, MO

Buddha Leaf ...........................573.303.9150 1414 Range Line St. Ste F, Columbia, MO

7th Heaven …......................... 816.361.9555 7621 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO. The CBD Store ....................... 816.474.7400 1729 Oak St. ,Kansas City, MO 64108 The Hemp Haus ..................... 816.200.2902 1708 W 39th St, Kansas City, MO The Hub Smoke Shop ........... 816.701.6267 500 Delaware St, Kansas City, MO The Hub Smoke Shop ............ 816.420.0404 6410 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO The Hub Smoke Shop ............ 816.321.2398 4027 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO The Hub Smoke Shop ............ 816.492.5466 2631 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City, MO

Columbia Urgent Care …...... 573.234.1070 621 N. Providence Rd. Columbia, MO 65023 Dr. Alt Holistic Care ............. 573.875.4877 1715 W Worley St. Columbia, MO 65203 Good Nature ............................ 573.442.4242 23 N. 10th St. Columbia, MO Grass Roots Smoke Shop ......573.449.4769 203 N 10 St, Columbia MO Grass Roots Smoke Shop ......573.443.7668 202 E Green Meadows, Columbia MO Your CBD Store – Columbia ..573.442.6706 1408 Interstate 70 Dr. SW. #106, Columbia, MO 65203

True Balance Wellness …...... 816.326.8303 5510 Antioch Rd, Kansas City, MO 64119

Treegal LLC ........................... 816.205.8544 4842 E 9th St, Kansas City, MO 64124

Vapur of KC …………........… 816.214.5835 8103 North Oak Trafficway, KC, MO 64118 World Hemp …..................... 816.569.6428 3630 Main St., Kansas City, MO 64111

Happy Rock Farms

816.379.3700 3816 Main St, Kansas City, MO 64111

Buddha Leaf ........................... 573.658.9675 1418 Missouri Blvd Ste E, Jefferson City MO CBD American Shaman Lake of the Ozarks 573.317.9131 10 Camden Ct Suite 1C, Camdenton, MO Hemp Hemp Hooray - CBD ... 573.355.813 3797 Osage Beach Pkwy Suite F-1, Osage Beach, MO 65065 SQeZ Juice & Health ............. 573.552.8790 3869 Osage Beach Pkwy, Osage Beach, MO The Lime in The Coconut ..... 573.964.6786 Specialty Compound Pharmacy & CBD. 111 Crossing West Ste. 6, Lake Ozark, MO

St. Louis MO CBD Stores Get the App Here ►

Springfield Missouri Area CBD Stores Canna Bliss Natural Wellness 417.258.5770 210 W. Republic Road, Springfield, MO CBD of Springfield…............. 417.319.5522 3202 S. Campbell Ave Springfield, MO 65807

Hydroponics Equipment Supplier

American Shaman of Mid MO …............... ................................................ 573.616.2524 3702 W Truman Blvd. Ste. 200, Jefferson City, MO 65109

Unique-A-Toke (Kratom & CBD).................. .......................................................573.434.2788 42 Camden Ct, Camdenton, MO 65020

20 After 4 ………................... 816.259.5180 1303s N 22nd St, St Joseph, MO 64507

Vapor Loft KC ....................... 816.408.0400 310 Armour Rd, North Kansas City, MO

Lake of the Ozarks and Jefferson City Area CBD Stores

Hemporium ...........................417.324.7724 4139 S National, Springfield, MO 65807 Kaleidoscope …….................. 417.883.9636 1430 E Sunshine St., Springfield, MO 65804 SunRay Vapors ….................. 417.864.8273 212 S. Campbell Ave., Springfield, MO 65806 CannaBelew’s Dispensary ...... 417.693.3061 105 W Sherman Way St107, Nixa, MO 65714

Pro Brady LLC Hemp CBD Superstore 866.943.6722 ● 1000 Warrenton Shoppes Ste 19, Warrenton, MO Not to Worry we will be adding more St. Louis area CBD stores in the coming months. Stay tuned...

See Medical CBD Stores Eastern Kansas on page 44 How To Get Your CBD Store Listed Here? To list your CBD Store or Medical Cannabis Dispensary, please email your: business name, address, phone, website and verifiable email address with full mane and contact info to November 2019


Medical CBD Stores Eastern Kansas Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at the locations on this page and many more.

Kansas CBD Stores

Any Occasion The Best Tasting Donuts

© 2019 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

American Shaman Clinic + CBD 913-286-4799

7201 W 110th Street Suite 120, Overland Park KS

Bonner Botanicals ................. 913.745.6667 608 Tulip Dr, Ste G Bonner Springs, KS Buddha Leaf ........................... 844.837.7363 10960 W 74th Terr, Shawnee, KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.270.3120 1819 E Santa Fe, Gardner, KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.228.6000 8043 State Ave, Kansas City, KS CBD American Shaman......... 885.526.6223 151 S 18th St, Kansas City, KS CBD American Shaman......... 785.424.7500 1530 W 6th S. Ste C, Lawrence, KS CBD American Shaman......... 923.250.5277 728 Shawnee St, Leavenworth, KS CBD American Shaman......... 885.526.6223 15165 W 119th St, Olathe, KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.324.1520 1364 S Blackbob Rd, Olathe KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.217.7476 6933 W 75th St, Overland Park, KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.217.7123 10069 W 87th St, Overland Park, KS

CBD American Shaman ........ 913.647.3999 7703 W 151st St, Overland Park KS CBD American Shaman ........ 913.271.3120 118 W Peoria, Paola, KS

Hemp Haven............................913.257.5553 12012 W 87th St, Lenexa, KS

November 2019

For Meetings


Into the Mistic......................... 913.766.9906 5727 Johnson Dr, Mission, KS K.C. Hemp Company ............. 913.242.7380 8124 Floyd St., Overland Park, KS 66204 Organic Hemp Botanicals ..... 816.381.6073 4872 W 119th St, Leawood, KS




Ridgewood Donuts and Bakery

Organic Hemp Botanicals ...... 913.839.2392 2003 E Santa Fe, Olathe, KS Phoenix Natural Wellness ....... 913.730.8520 9627 W 87 St, Overland Park, KS Phoenix Natural Wellness ........913.257.5717 7932 W 151 St, Overland Park, KS Phoenix Natural Wellness ........913.549.3032 13342 College Blvd, Lenexa, KS Phoenix Natural Wellness ........785.229.0658 1519 S Main St, Ottawa, KS Sacred Leaf Olathe ..................913.313.0258 1011 E 151st St, Olathe, KS

How To Get Listed Here? To be listed here as an CBD Store or Medical Cannabis dispensary, please email us your: business name, address, phone, website and verifiable email address with contact info to

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CBD American Shaman ........ 913.766.0430 13213 Shawnee Mission Pkwy, Shawnee,


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Mistic Wellness........................913.766.9906 5810 Johnson Dr, Mission KS

CBD American Shaman ......... 913.745.503 22354 W 66th St, Shawnee, KS

Gifts & Decor KC .................... 913.782.4244 123 S Mur-Len Rd, Olathe, KS 66062


CBD American Shaman ........ 913.231.3032 13436 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS

Hemp Haven............................913.608.5413 12070 Blue Valley Pkwy, OP, KS

CBD American Shaman. ....... 885.526.6223 11050 Quivira Rd, Overland Park, KS

Delivered to Your Event

Hemp Haven .......................... 913.296.6998 2223 Louisiana St, Lawrence, KS


Kansas CBD Stores

Donuts for

Ridgewood Donuts and Bakery 4309 Blue Ridge Blvd. ● Kansas City, MO 64133

© 2019 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual

Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

Spotlight on Business Locations to Find The EVOLUTION Magazine Clayton Stallings, VP of Sales & Marketing for The EVOLUTION Magazine, out-and-about town, visiting with businesses where you can grab a copy of the magazine.

▲ Clayton interviewed (9/27/19) by Sarah Plake of Action 41 News about legal issues with cannabis in MO! Watch Action 41 News. ▲ Great day with leaders Dan Viets of MCIA and Emily Branch of Green Clinics at the MO Cannabis Industry MCIA event. See them in the next edition of The Evolution Magazine. ◄ Clayton visits our friend Aaron at Revive and Rally IV at 1722 Main St, KC, MO, 64108. Need a reset the next morning after a night of cutting loose, go see Aaron for some IV treatment and read The EVOLUTION Magazine while there.

▲ Go see Vanessa at Evolve Juicery & Paleo Kitchen at 322 Southwest Blvd, KC, MO, and she’ll whip you up a healthy shake... and grab a copy of The EVOLUTION Magazine!

Visit and get the latest news and see more locations to get your copy of The EVOLUTION Magazine.


email Clay.s today to request availability at your location.

Ready to Increase Your Business?



Reach 20,000 to 30,000 people each month who want to learn about your business and services. The Evolution Magazine, the new leading authority about the Missouri Medical Cannabis industry, and is read in print and online by nearly 20,000 − 30,000 monthly. Print copies distributed throughout Western Missouri, Central Missouri and Eastern Kansas. Coming Soon to St. Louis.

Ready To Advertise? Contact Clayton Stallings

November 2019


Missouri Medical Cannabis Certification Doctors NOTICE: Any Missouri state licensed medical Physician (M.D. / D.O. only) that wants to participate can write a certification for a Missouri Medical Marijuana Card. The following list of Missouri doctors are now serving patients near you.

Kansas City MO, Area Blue Bird Wellness Center …....... 816.944.3654 676 SE Bayberry Ln. Ste 105, Lee’s Summit, MO. Brookside Holistic Solutions ........ 816.524.4367 Dr. Herbert E. Dempsey DO 819 NE Woods Chapel Rd. Lee’s Summit, MO Green Health Docs ....................... 314.282.8017 435 Nichols Rd, Suite 200, KC, MO 64112

East & Southern, MO Area Columbia, MO Dr. Alt Holistic Care .............................. 573.875.4877 1715 B West Worley, Columbia, MO 65203 Green Health Docs Columbia ........ 877.242.0362 Regus Building, 303 N Stadium Blvd 2nd Floor, Columbia, MO 65203

Springfield, MO Dr. Gil’s Immediate Care Center ........ 417.869.8000 Dr. Gil Mobley 3000 East Division St., Springfield, MO 65802

Green Clinics ................................ 816.514.0023 1303 S. 22nd St. St. Joseph, MO 64507 (Inside 20 After 4 CBD Store),

Elite Pain Management and Recovery Centers ......................................................... 417.888.0167 222 E Primrose St. Suite E, Springfield, MO

Green Clinics ................................. 816.514.0023 1736 E. 10th St., Trenton, MO 64683

Nature’s Green Health & Wellness Clinic .......... 417.771.5737 330 W Farm Rd 182 Suite F, Springfield MO 65180

Green Flower Clinics .................... 816.615.8690 Dr. Name: Dimitri Golfinopoulos, D.O. 401 S. Platte Clay Way, Kearney, MO 64060 Green Sage Doctors ...................... 816.820.3004 4731 S. Cochise Dr Suite 110, Indep, MO 64055 Kind Remedy Cannabis Clinic .... 816.379.6557 2400 Rt. 291, Unit B, Independence, MO 64057

Ozark Valley Medical .................... 417.317.5035 3259 E Sunshine St Suite AA, Springfield, MO. Shealy-Sorin Wellness Institute .... 417.351-5221 Dr. Sergey Sorin ● 2840 E Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO, 65802

Missouri Cannabis Clinic ............. 844.420.0362 10001 E. 67th St. Raytown, MO 64133 www.MissouriCannabis.Clinic

Roark Family Health & Medical Spa . 417.847.1111 Dr. Lisa Roark ● 1101 N. Main St., Cassville, MO.

Dr. Woods Wellness ..................... 816.888.5200 4963 NE Goodview Cir., Lee’s Summit, MO 64064


November 2019

Green Health Docs STL. ............. 877.242.0362 2 Cityplace Dr Suite 200, St. Louis, MO 63141 Health City .................................... 314.200.1555 1760 S. Brentwood Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63144 Kathmandu Clinic ….................... 918.814.3996 111 Prospect Ave Suite 20 2D, Kirkwood, MO. Midwest GreenCert ..................... 314. 596.9955 John P. Judd, MD 2325 Dougherty Ferry Rd., Ste. 206 St. Louis, MO 63122 Medical Cannabis Outreach ........ 636.489.4293 Dr. Jerry Leech, Chesterfield, MO Medical Cannabis Outreach .........636.466.3871 Dr. Nassar: 7721 Clayton Rd. Clayton, MO 63117 Missouri Cannabis Outreach ...... 636.466.3871 2730 S. St. Peters Parkway, St. Charles, MO 63304 Vo Medical Clinic - Dr. Thanh Vo ... 314.776.1467 3334 South Grand Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118

Southern MO Ozark Valley Medical ..................... 417.317.533 5571 N 21st St, Ozark, MO 65721

The Releaf Clinic …...................... 816.897.4494 19201 E. Valley View Pkwy, Suite C, Indep, MO.

Green Clinics ................................. 816.514.0023 1618 S. Broadway, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901

The Higher Care Clinic (THC 2….417.413.3899 2424 South Campbell Avenue, Springfield, MO.

Midwest Health & Wellness Center ..................... 816.836.2200 Dr. Marc K. Taormina MD 3601 NE Ralph Powell Rd, Suite A, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064

Purpose Medical …....................... 816.226.7512 1201 NW Briarcliff Pkwy, Suite 200, KC, MO.

St. Louis MO, Area Bell Chiropractic & Pain Mgmt. ..... 314.838.1983 493 Rue Francois Suite 1A, Florissant, MO

Green Clinics ................................ 816.514.0023 415 Delaware Suite 4W, Kansas City, MO 64105

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Medical Cannabis Certifications

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