The EVOLUTION Magazine November 2020

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Missouri’s #1 Monthly Medical Cannabis Magazine


11 ● 2020



Happening NOW!

Growing Tips

Missouri Dispensaries — Now Open! A Cannabis “Field of Dreams”

Proper Storage & Germination of Seeds Dispensary Shopping — Debunking 60s Stereotypes Where to Start?

2020 1 More Plants Growing ─ More DispensariesNovember Opening


November 2020



November 2020





12 10 12 14 16 18 20 22



ory on s n Se ulati Stim

Seed Tips — Proper Storage & Germination of Seeds Sneak Peek News — Sneak Peek 1st Dispensaries and Cultivation Opening! Industry News — Increasing Cannabis Dispensary Sales with Merchandising Ask Leah — Dispensary Shopping — Oh My! Where to Start? Patient Advocate — Canna We Be Safe from Heavy Metal Poisoning? Kansas Advocates — Time for Kansas Medical Cannabis Advocacy Work Business Profile — Year-Round Garden Supply Center Grows During Pandemic


Business Spotlight — MH&W Approved to Launch Cannabis Dispensary Operations

28 30 36 42

Products Showcase — Dispensary Display Cases with Sensory Stimulation


Patient Education — Cannabis Makes Your Brain Plasticky — In a Good Way!

Cannabiz Entrepreneurs — A Cannabis “Field of Dreams” for FLORA Farms Industry News — Cannabis Businesses Require Unique Insurance Coverage Patient Insight — Debunking 60s Marijuana Stereotypes



40 Patient Help —

From Down & Out to Speaking Out on Addiction and How Cannabis Can Help? Part 2 of 2

Cooking with Dana — Infused Marsala — Yummy!

Plus More Good Stuff Within These Pages — Enjoy!


See page 55, or Order Online at Visit and get the latest news and see more locations to get your copy of The EVOLUTION MagazineTM. 4

November 2020

46 48 50 54

Dispensaries in Western Missouri ― Opening Soon Benefits Wheel for CBD, THC, and More CBD Store Guide ― Missouri Stores / Kansas page 52 Doctors Guide to Missouri Med-ID Certification

► Cover: This month’s cover features history-making events at N’Bliss Dispensary and Fresh Green Dispensary as Missouri’s “First” Medical Cannabis dispensaries to open in October. See more on page 12. (Photos by Chris Smith, art by Bill Cromwell)

November 2020


FromThe Editor Bill Cromwell, Publisher, Editor-in-Chief


Dispensaries Now Open

here are now a few dispensaries open and ready to serve over 65,484 patients (as of 10/19/20). In October, and sooner than expected, several Missouri medical cannabis dispensaries hosted grand openings. In December 2019, applicants for cultivation, labs and dispensaries were awarded licenses. Now, 11 months later, cultivators have achieved their first harvest, sent samples to test labs, and shipped product to dispensaries for patients who have waited so long. It may seem like a long time since the 2018 Amendment 2 vote was passed legalizing medical cannabis, but in reality, in about 24 months, The EVOLUTION Magazine was born, cannabis related companies were formed, investors secured, license application processes by the state, huge state-of-the-art grow facilities and dispensaries built bring us to October and November 2020 witnessing the first dispensaries opening. If you only knew the hurdles these emerging businesses encountered along the way — it’s quite amazing that we’ve made it to the opening days.

Do You Have Your Medical Marijuana ID Card?

In our June 2019 issue (the first issue) John Payne wrote, “A report created by several economists at the University of Missouri (MU) argues that, by 2022, only 26,000 Missourians will hold patient identification cards — less than half a percent of the state’s population. They arrive at this figure by examining the data of all the states with legal medical marijuana as of 2015 and assuming Missouri will land in the middle of the distribution.” As of October 5, the state reports 64,634 patients hold patient identification cards (see stats below), which far exceeds the aforementioned MU predictions. By 2021, and after more dispensaries open, that number could easily double, with more patients in 2022. Medical ID Card Applications Received ● Patient Applications — 75,462 ● Caregiver Applications — 2,732 ● Total Applications Received — 78,194 (processing) Processed Applications ● Patients Med ID Cards Approved — 62,679 ● Caregivers Approved — 1,955 ● Approved Patient/Caregiver Cultivators — 18,502 ● Patient/Caregiver Rejected* — -185 ● Patient/Caregiver Denied — 2,865 Total Approved (as of 10/5) — 64,634 (65,484 as of 10/19) *Reject Status are not denials, just an opportunity for applicant to provide additional needed information.

Only time will tell exactly how many Missourian’s will request medical marijuana as an alternative medicine, but for those who have jumped the hurdles for so many years advocating and building, it’s extremely encouraging to witness the support we have seen thus far from the general public, elected officials, regulators, and soon-to-open cannabis businesses. There are bound to be some challenges as we enter 2021, but the cannabis businesspeople we’ve meet throughout the past 24 months have sound structure, a committed to succeed, and the highly skilled people to make Missouri’s program the best in the country. 6

November 2020

Missouri’s First Educational Medical Cannabis Magazine Published Monthly by Native Kansas City, MO, Advocates, Publishers and Writers. A True Missouri Born Grassroots Effort to Educate and Inform Patients, and to Provide Businesses within The Missouri Cannabis Industry an Economical Forum to Tell Their Story. We hope you join and enjoy “The Evolution.” PUBLISHER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Bill Cromwell News, Article or Advertisement Requests to: Corporate Office: 816.878.4509 Kansas City, MO (See Our Distribution Map on page 55)

MANAGING EDITOR, VP OF OPERATIONS: Victoria Cromwell VP SALES/MARKETING and EDITORIAL DEVELOPMENT: Clayton Stallings CREATIVE DESIGNER, GRAPHIC ARTS, PHOTOGRAPHY: Bill Cromwell Our Team of Expert Writers and Cannabis Industry Leaders ● Brother Mendel — Seed / Growing Education ● Dana Cunningham — Cooking with CBD and THC ● Dolores Halbin, RN — Patient Advocate and Awareness ● April Hatch, RN ― Patient Education Columnist ● Peter Kershaw — Health and Safety Columnist ● Leah Maurer — Health, Awareness, Ask Leah Columnist ● Dr. Michael J. Poppa, D.O., M.B.A. ― Medical Health News ● Stephen Stearman — Patient Wellness Columnist ● Lisa Sublett — Kansas Advocates News ― Patient Access ● James Van Horn — Home Growers Education Columnist ● Monthly Guest Writers — Cannabis News & Patient Advocates The EVOLUTIONTM Magazine offers a monthly print magazine that is distributed throughout western Missouri, eastern Kansas and the Lake of the Ozarks region. Printed copies are found at nearly 300 locations including CBD dispensaries, therapy centers, doctors offices, restaurants, sports bars, golf courses, resorts, hotels and many other select locations. In addition, the magazine is offered online as an inter-active E-magazine at NOTICE: The publisher/editor reserves the right to reject whatever material does not fit with the vision or intent of this publication. Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the publisher and does not imply endorsement. The contributing writers, staff or owners of THE EVOLUTION Magazine cannot be held liable for hardship or losses incurred due to any content associated within this publication or websites. Written views and information expressed in this publication belong to the writers and do not reflect the sentiments or editorial opinion of the publisher or staff. We cannot be held responsible for; views, opinions, changes to scheduling, prices, rates or the occasional typographical errors. ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE: Advertisers have the right to terminate promotions or special offers/coupons, change rates or fees without notice. All listed guides, rates, fees and information herein are non-binding reference material only. Always check with listed businesses or advertisers for its latest updates, prices and special offers. FDA Disclaimer: Any statements made within this magazine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No products or Ads featured within these pages are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent any disease, ailment or disorder. Always consult your physician before beginning any supplements, botanical extracts or products withing these pages. Products mentioned within for use by adults age 18 and older. Keep such products out of reach of children. The information within is a sharing of knowledge and information based on the writers research and experience. © 2019 – 2020 The EVOLUTIONTM Magazine. All Rights Proprietary and Conceptual Designs Reserved. Reproduction of any part of this publication’s contents is strictly prohibited without written permission of the Publisher or Managing Editor.


November 2020



NOW OPEN 1041 NE Sam Walton Lane, Lee’s Summit, MO

Opening Soon at: 7130 Wornall Rd, Kansas City, MO (Gregory & Wornall Rd.)

Owners Rob and Bianca Sullivan

Now accepting wholesale inquires of cultivation and manufacturing. 8

November 2020

By Missourians, For Missourians


See Current and Past Issues, Read Articles Online at Scan QR Codes to see websites and more.

November 2020


The Science of Cannabis

Seed Tips ►

Proper Storage & Germination of Seeds by Brother Mendel, contributing writer


requently I receive a number of inquiries about long-term seed storage and subsequent germination of previously stored seed. It’s well known that seeds deteriorate over time, so many home growers — both those who save their own seeds and those who purchase from breeders — are interested in learning proper storage techniques to promote a high and vigorous rate of germination for future endeavors in the medical garden. Germination, acknowledged as the most pivotal phase of a plant’s life, affects both the plant’s growth and productivity, so it’s critical to give seeds the best possible beginning. So, how do you avoid the potential pitfalls of long-term seed storage, and what are our favorite seed germination tips?

Brother Mendel and Mrs. Mendel own and operate Brother Mendel’s Selections, a breeder-direct purveyor of only the most premium, heirloom, boutique cannabis, and high-CBD hemp genetics. Visit them at w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / groups/homegrower or for more information, he can be contacted at 10

November 2020

As seeds age, they gradually accumulate damage to their cellular compounds, which results in a loss of seed viability and vigor. While some deterioration of the seed is natural, degeneration of the endosperm escalates when seeds are stored in improper conditions, including but not limited to high temperatures, fluctuating temperatures, and excessive moisture. Too much damage to the endosperm means that the seed eventually loses the ability to germinate. To avoid the issue of seed deterioration and to ensure maximum viability and vigor in the future, keep purchased seeds unopened in their original manufacturer packaging until you’re ready to germinate them. Double bag them in Ziploc-style freezer bags, removing all air before sealing. Then, place the seeds in a dry spot in your refrigerator (not freezer). This method will keep your seeds dry, cool, and temperature stable, and will preserve their viability for years to come. While seed deterioration cannot be completely avoided, proper storage conditions and practices can certainly prolong the shelf life of your seeds. When you find yourself ready to germinate seeds that have been in storage, begin by soaking them for 12 to 24 hours in a 1:1 solution of H2O and H­2O2. This recipe, which we provide to all our clients, helps begin the incredibly complex process of germination, bringing a seed from a dry, quiescent condition to a metabolically active state. While the actual soaking of the seeds initiates imbibition, the water uptake that sparks germination, H2O2, the active ingredient in the solution, is just as crucial to the germinating seeds.

Found in most household medicine cabinets under the name hydrogen peroxide, *H2O2, a covalent compound formed by the elements hydrogen and oxygen, performs a number of beneficial functions in seed germination. Scientific research suggests that H2O2 initiates oxidization, which in turn stimulates the interruption of the seed’s dormancy. The compound also facilitates germination by releasing the embryo from the control of the seed envelope. What is more, using H2O2 in a priming solution helps protect emerging seedlings against pathogens because H2O2 has antimicrobial properties. Developing research also proposes that H2O2 plays a role beyond the germination phase, going so far as to suggest that priming seeds with a mixture including H2O2 can cue epigenetic markers for disease resistance and plant vigor into subsequent generations.** Applying H2O2 exogenously in the form of seed soaking introduces low levels of oxidative stress, which in turn causes the emerging seedlings to marshal latent defense proteins that give the seedlings and plants improved stress responses during the rest of their growth cycle. Across a variety of plant species studied, plants grown from seeds primed with H2O2 exhibited at least one of several factors, including greater tolerance to salts and high temperatures, and resilience to both drought and moisture-related stress. Although the multivalent role of H2O2 in germination and plant development is still being studied, it’s clear that this simple compound has a complex effect on seeds and seedlings. 

Seeds 101 If you purchase seeds and find that you don’t have the space you anticipated in your medical garden, there’s no need to consider them a waste of resources. Simply take a few minutes to store them properly using the previously recommended tips, and you’ll have viable seeds at the ready for your next horticultural venture. When you’re ready to grow a new varietal, remember that you likely already have the unsung hero of germination right in your medicine cabinet: H2O2.

New Store Now Open Blue Springs, MO 5 More Locations Coming Soon!

City Hemp CO Offers The Best In CBD Products: *The hydrogen peroxide available for purchase commercially is usually sold as a 3% or 6% mixture. For germination purposes, we recommend using the 3% mixture.

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**Wojtyla et al., Different Modes of Hydrogen Peroxide Action During Seed Germination, 2016.

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Edibles, Chocolates, Concentrates, and Pre-Rolls

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103 SW MO-7 Suite E ● Blue Springs, MO 64014 November 2020


“Excellence in Cannabis Manufacturing”


Breaking News ►

Sneak Peek 1st Dispensaries Open!

◄ On September 29 we toured MoCann Testing lab (a division of EKG Labs, St. Louis, MO) Missouri’s first MMJ testing lab to pass its commencement inspection. A big thanks to Dr. Allen Kesselring, the Chief Science Officer, for the tour. (In photo from left, photographer Chris Smith, Allen Kesselring and Clayton Stallings of The EVOLUTION Magazine.) We are now finally testing MMJ samples. Hooray!

N’Bliss Cannabis

makes Missouri’s First Medical Marijuana Sale!

▲ October, 17, N’Bliss Cannabis delivers the historic first Missouri Medical Marijuana Sale to a recovering cancer survivor. Hear his and his wife’s (a nurse) story in The EVOLUTION Magazine interview on our Facebook page by Clayton Stallings. Congratulations to N’Bliss CEO Brad Goette and Marketing Director Rebecca Reardon for their “coolness under pressure,” and including us in Missouri’s hard-fought moment in history.

▲ October 5, Clayton Stallings toured the family-owned and operated Heartland Labs, a Missouri medical marijuana manufacturing facility. This family-lead team of chefs have some old family recipes they will be infusing in their facility in southern Buffalo, MO. Heartland Labs will offer a variety of infused products, including edibles and concentrates aiding the medical marijuana patients of Missouri very soon. See video tour on The EVOLUTION Magazine’s Facebook page.

▲ October 7 we toured Carroll County Cannabis Company (C4 Pharms) to see its first MO MMJ Harvest. C4- Pharms’ Brandon Green, VP of Sales, gave a great tour. C4 Pharms is working hard to bring MO patients medicine and will provide select Missouri dispensaries with its medical cannabis products. (photo by Chris Smith) 12

November 2020

 October 19, Rob and Bianca Sullivan attorney-owners of Fresh Green Dispensary open the door to patients. The first dispensary to open on the Western side of the state is located at 1041 NE Sam Walton Lane, Lee’s Summit, MO. View the video tour on our Facebook page for a behind the scenes look at one of their two Lee’s Summit dispensaries and video on their efforts to educate our local law enforcement about patient cannabis laws.

Fresh Green

makes KC area’s First Medical Marijuana Sale!

◄ Green Precision Analytics, an MMJ testing facility in North Kansas City, began operations on the first of October to assure all Missouri MMJ patients get safe and accurate medicine, plus they will be doing the same testing for MO Hemp (CBD) Farmers. (In photo left to right: John Nguyen with Waters Co, Cullen Miller, and Dain Burris.) (photo by Chris Smith)

See Current and Past Issues, Print Coupons, Read Articles Online at Scan QR Codes to see websites

It’s Time to Complete Your Dispensary and Grow Facility Build-Out

First General Services of Kansas City Can Help! ● ● ● ● ●

First General Services of Kansas City offers:

Class A general contractor for any new construction project or remodel in Missouri or Kansas. No dispensary or grow facility build-out project too big or small. Complete indoor and outdoor build-outs. Residential, Commercial, or Industrial. Licensed and insured. Our In-house architect and engineer, only include on the plans what is needed for a permit. This will keep your initial costs and the job costs as low as possible! ● We build new commercial buildings, additions, and remodels. ● Currently working on build-outs of Fresh Green Dispensaries two locations. Kansas City’s Most Trusted General Contractor! Family-Owned Custom Building and Remodeling Company For Over 35

Start Your Build Today! Call Weston Evans Bennett cell: 816.564.1251 │office: 816-229-4711 ● 708 NW RD Mize Road, Blue Springs, MO 64015 ●

November 2020


Industry News ►

Increasing Cannabis Dispensary Sales with the Right Merchandising by the Jahabow Team


ispensary owners will be opening the doors very soon. It’s easy to assume that cannabis sells itself, but that’s not necessarily the case. Your dispensary is like any other brick-and-mortar business, but the industry you’re in also lends itself to misconceptions and miseducation about your product. So, it’s just as important (probably even more so now) to optimize cannabis dispensary merchandising as it is for any other retail line of inventory!

Mix Up Your Merchandising Don’t let your cannabis displays get stale! Make it a regular habit to rearrange your inventory and find new, creative ways to present products. It’s also a good idea to move slow-selling items closer to the cash register or the front of the store, where they’ll get visual exposure and perhaps be part of a last-minute impulse buys. You can also make the store feel dynamic for repeat customers.

While every area of the country is different regarding cannabis sales guidelines and rules, some merchandising tips are universal across the board. Here’s a shortlist of what you can do to merchandise your cannabis dispensary to boost your bottom line.

‘Tis The Season Just like with any other brick-and-mortar retail store, decorating for the season is a great way to keep your cannabis dispensary fresh and relevant. Remember not to go overboard though; you still want your merchandising displays to fit your aesthetic without being too corny. It is a great way to market your products during those “national” holidays that are also specific to your location or the cannabis industry.

Settle on Style If you’ve worked hard to establish and grow your dispensary brand, it’s important to carry those elements through to your interior design. From the moment customers see your storefront, they’ll get an impression of your shop — you need to be sending the right message. Once you’ve decided your aesthetic style, you need to carry it throughout the store with consistent, matching displays. First Impressions Matter What do your customers see and experience when they first enter your store? The first five-15 feet of your retail space is commonly referred to as the “decompression zone.” How you plan this layout will impact what shoppers think about your cannabis dispensary and your products. Show them you appreciate their business and care about your store. All About the Levels Of course, the larger your dispensary, the more products you’ll carry. Without a strategic product placement plan, you’re bound to confuse and overwhelm customers and perhaps even miss out on revenue. Create a dynamic layout that gives each product or group of products a dedicated home that’s easily shoppable. Consider shelving, tall display cases, shorter glass counters, and hanging displays to help customers navigate more easily, and highlight items they may otherwise have missed. Organization Is Key For customers who may not be as educated about cannabis products, organizing merchandise in your dispensary can be highly informative. Repeat customers will appreciate that their most commonly-purchased cannabis products are easily discoverable. Stock similar items together, don’t overload the merchandising displays — and keep the visuals clean and streamlined. 14

November 2020

Don’t Forget About the Footprint The layout of your cannabis dispensary matters more to your bottom line than you may think. When fleshing out a merchandising plan, think about the products you sell, how your customers browse, and space you currently have. Add signage to each section to help educate and engage shoppers and direct them quickly and easily to the products they want. Sensory Stimulation FTW As the old adage goes, shoppers start the purchase process with their visual senses, but cannabis is different than, say, new clothing. Cannabis stimulates touch and smell, and giving shoppers an option to see, smell, and touch samples can help them better make a buying decision. Digital signage nearby to show educational videos or high-resolution product images can help even more. Care About Quality Even with the best merchandising plans, your efforts will fall flat if you’re using poorly maintained display cases. If you can’t properly show off your cannabis products, your bottom line will surely suffer. Although it may seem like a steep investment, purchasing high-quality displays that are easy to maintain out of the gate can ultimately save (and make) your business some serious cash. Ready to make that investment for your cannabis dispensary? Contact Jahabow about its “Missouri Made” pre-built and custom display cases to match your décor, which will create an experience that customers will keep coming back to, time after time. From more information visit or call 573.317.4642.

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November 2020


Just ask Leah...

Dispensary Shopping — Oh My!

Where to Start?

What to know before you go, and what questions should you ask while there... by Leah Maurer, contributing writer

As Leah

Missouri medical marijuana dispensaries begin to open, for many the shopping experience could be both exciting and intimidating, especially for those who have never done it before. Whether you are a new or seasoned cannabis consumer, it’s important to educate yourself as much as possible about how to shop and the right questions to ask the dispensary staff during your time there. I covered the different products you may likely find on dispensary shelves in my last column. This column will focus on what you can do to properly prepare yourself for your shopping experience, what to expect inside the shop, and what you will want to ask and look for while you are there.

Leah Maurer, a native Missourian, is now a canna-journalist and activist living in Portland, OR. She is a co-owner of​; a top national cannabis news and information publication, where she serves as the Editorial Lead. In 2014, Leah founded Moms for YES on Measure 91 through grassroots efforts alone, it proved pivotal in the passage of the Measure, successfully legalizing recreational/adult-use cannabis in the OR. Leah is a social justice and cannabis activist at the core and hopes to see an end to the prohibition of cannabis globally. 16

November 2020

When you’re ready to make your shopping trip, be sure you have your medical marijuana (MMJ) patient card and your driver’s license or other state approved identification (ID) card as you will not be allowed entry without both. It is also important to make sure that you have cash for payment. Since the cannabis industry is still not allowed banking options because of being a Schedule 1 substance, shops (unfortunately) are forced to run on a cash-only basis. Some dispensaries have ATMs onsite, but don’t count on it! Last, considering we are in the middle of a pandemic, it is also important to wear a mask while dispensary shopping even if it is not required, both out of respect for these essential workers and to protect yourself.

Before your dispensary visit, make sure you have researched different cannabis consumption methods and the products you will find for purchase while there. The products will likely include (but are not limited to) cannabis flower, extracts, edibles, and tinctures. A good way to learn what you might see upon your arrival is to follow the dispensary’s social media and look at its website, as they usually have the brands they’re Since federally illegal, you cannot purchase cannabis with working with featured in your bank/credit cards ─ bring cash. Most dispensaries those places. Since dispen- provide an ATM if needed. sary staff knowledge is not always consistent, it’s also a good idea Once you arrive at the dispensary and to discuss the symptoms and conditions you enter the door, be prepared to show both want to medicate with other patients or your your MMJ patient card and your ID at least doctor and see if they have any advice or once and potentially a few times. All customers are “carded” upon entry and sometimes at feedback on particular products. the time of purchase. As we are still dealing

with a federally illegal substance, there is generally no tolerance for not having these items with you, so please be sure they are “Always” on your person for compliance purposes. Now, on to the actual shopping! You may have already decided what cannabis products you want to purchase so you can ask the dispensary staff about that directly upon arrival. Some shops have products displayed all together at each counter and some have a specific section for each. Since there is not a standardized dispensary staff/budtender education program at this point, the information and level of professionalism will likely vary quite a bit from shop to shop and even from budtender to budtender at each shop. This points out another reason why it is so important to be an educated and savvy consumer.

H360 Labs is Committed to Safety of The Patients and Success of The Operators in Missouri Compliant + Accurate + Fast + Affordable

Regardless of what type of cannabis product you are looking to purchase, or whether or not you know upon arrival what you are looking for, here are some questions you can ask that the staff should (in theory) be able to answer: What products do you have that are — (flower, edibles, concentrates, etc., whatever it is you’re looking for specifically)? What is the THC/CBD content percentages in this product? What is the activation time in this product, and do you have any dosing recommendations? (Especially when it comes to edibles and tinctures.) Can you share the testing information on this product that is not printed on the label? Did the testing lab do a terpene profile for this product and if so, can you share it? (for flower and concentrates) Do you have any products that are particularly good for— (sleep, appetite stimulation, anxiety relief, etc., whatever condition or symptoms you are trying to medicate)? How can I learn more about the brand of this product? Do you have any products made by women-owned/BIPOCowned companies? Where is this company located, and what do you know about them? (This is a great way to learn the story behind the brands, and to inquire about the company’s social responsibility, etc.)

Let Us Be Your Trusted Lab Testing Partner Get to know us at:

Once you have made your choice about the cannabis products you want to purchase, it’s time to go to the point of sale (or checkout station). As stated, you may have to show your MMJ card and ID again at this time, and you will likely have to pay with cash. You will then be given a receipt, and your products will be placed in a sealed and locked “exit bag” that is to stay sealed and locked until you have gotten home with your purchases. It is illegal to open the exit bag in the shop or even in the parking lot, so be sure to honor this so that both yourself and the shop are fully compliant with the law during your shopping experience. I will close with a reminder that it is “So Important” to remember each time you make a cannabis product purchase, you (as the consumer) hold all the power with how you “vote” with your dollars. I cannot stress enough the need to support locally run, diverse, quality-driven, sustainability-sourced, ethically-practicing, and socially equitable and responsible cannabis companies. With the industry still emerging across the country, it is, in many ways, up to the market to help shape how it’s perceived in the long run, so let’s do it well! Happy shopping! Notice: The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on years of research and experience. It should not be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The content is for general information purposes only.

November 2020


Patient Access Advocate ►

Canna We Be Safe from

Heavy Metal Poisoning? by Dolores Halbin, contributing writer


recently moved. One of the struggles of a new place is figuring out when and what TV channel Jeopardy is on. While surfing all my new channels, I stumbled on an old re-run of the 1970s show “Emergency.” Set in LA, the show was hokey but served the purpose of public education on the role of EMTs. I was a young nursing student back then, and I remember the excitement of the new EMT program and how many lives it would save! The classic 70s hospital had a big CB radio on the wall in the ER. EMTs Johnny and Roy would call into Dr. Bracket (a very young Robert Fuller) and Nurse Dixie (the late Julie London), perfectly dressed in white shoes, uniform, and the very smart hat, which I miss.

The storyline for the show that day was “An unprovoked act of violence.” As I tuned into the show, a second unprovoked act of violence in the same LA neighborhood had occurred on the same day, and that, my friends, triggered a widely-used Emergency Room protocol back in the early 70s for Heavy Metal Poisoning. Today it would be news if there were only two acts of unprovoked violence in an LA emergency room. Of course, the TV drama “Emergency” was fictional, but the heavy metal protocols were not. Unexplained violence was not considered normal and always had an explanation triggering a health department investigation to seek out that explanation. Long term exposure to heavy metals, even low levels from a tuna sandwich in your lunch every Friday, can cause learning disabilities. We do not break down heavy metal molecules, so they pile up and continue to use up neuro-space — space we need to think, reason, and react reasonably becomes clogged with this toxic sludge. We’ve known the dangers of mixing heavy metals with people and animals for many, many generations, and we have also known for decades that the cannabis plant has bioremediate properties. It pulls toxins out of the soil! Planting hemp has been used to clean up toxic waste around the world from Kentucky coal mines to the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site. The big question looming is, can those plants pulling the toxins out of the planet turn around and poison us? 18

November 2020

The industry is very young, and again with that big ol’ Elephant on the couch of Federal prohibition, we are very short on research. Some growers use the ISO (Independent Organization for Standardization) to test their cannabis for potency and contaminants. The ISO is considered by many to be the gold standard for testing cannabis; however, each State has its own rules and regulations for testing, so there is little chance in the current climate for consistency, and accumulating research becomes much harder. Unfortunately, there is an endless possibility of ways we are exposed to the plethora of heavy metals let loose upon us by well-meaning inventors. The government’s most recent contribution to introducing massive amounts of mercury into the environment came in the form of light bulbs, the squirrelly ones that are now basically obsolete. We were practically mandated to put them in our homes and offices except for (this is a notable exception as congress brought us those bulbs) government buildings. The cleanup on CFL light bulbs is on the CDC website. Start to finish; it is a four-page read. The cleanup takes fifteen minutes, hazmat materials, and a four-hour evacuation of the area. (CFL light bulbs use less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs, but they contain mercury, a substance that can be harmful to humans and to the environment.) I guess congress thought that would be too much trouble if someone in the West Wing broke a light bulb, and the President had to be evacuated. Did parents know breaking a light bulb in their baby’s room could give them brain damage? One of the few times my daughter called and confessed I was right was after she broke the light in my baby grandson’s room. She swept the kids outside and had to take them to their cousins, so she could come back and clean up after a broken light bulb. All the remaining squirrelly bulbs came out of my grandson’s house that day. Symptoms of heavy metal toxicity include: ● Violent outbursts ● Difficulty learning to speak or understanding language ● Issues with hand-eye coordination ● Impaired motor skills ● Problems with thinking and problem solving ● Irritability ● Changes in hearing, vision, or speech

In other words, the list of symptoms for every kid who has a schoolbased IEP (Individualized Education Plan). There is simply no other explanation except the environment to explain the Autism rates in the U.S. In the year 2000, rates of autism were one out of 150 children. By 2010, just ten years later, those rates jumped to one out of 68 kids, to one out of 54 in 2020. Let that sink in for a minute. If you have two “normal” kids and decide to go for a third, statistically, that third child will have autism. We have not improved on these numbers, just quit reporting them. We have a long history of intrigue for heavy metals and can’t seem to leave well enough alone, even using them as a preservative for vaccines. We must learn, once and for all, that these elements and people just don’t mix. Putting heavy metals in us is akin to putting water in your gas tank. No matter how the myth is spun, when it comes to human contact, there is no “good mercury.” We have repeatedly found alternatives to heavy metal use over and over again. We took the lead out of gasoline, paint, and light bulbs. We eliminated the only prior source of household mercury exposure by removing mercury from household thermometers replacing them with non-toxic digital, well, until we put it back in our homes in every light fixture. Is CBD oil going to save us? Will cannabis medicine protect us from heavy metals, leaching them from our brains just like the plant does the earth? Once those plants have cleaned the dirt and air, are the plants toxic, or do they use their magic to change the toxins’ structure rendering them harmless? Will using cannabis protect me from arsenic, another heavy metal used in pesticides on the grapes for my wine, or is my cannabis contaminated with arsenic, further poisoning me? The winery uses arsenic; rain washes arsenic downstream to cannabis farmer. Inquiring minds want to know. Once again, the onus falls on the Federal Government classification system inhibiting critically needed research! We have run out of time and cannot afford to wait any longer to clean up our world. Until we have these answers, avoid eating a lot of fish, and if you still have squirrelly light bulbs in your house, look up how to safely get rid of them, and use cannabis daily! Let’s hope the industry steps up and takes the lead on the research. We cannot wait for the government to help us out here. We must diligently continue to study the relationship between heavy metals, the plant, the planet, and us. I am heartened by the first-year harvest of Missouri Hemp growers! Well done!

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Dolores Montgomery Halbin, RN, BSN, and Ordained Nurse Minister resides in SW Missouri. After her husband passed in 2015, she retired from nursing. She worked with the 2014-2018 Missouri campaigns for legalized medical marijuana. She continues as a cannabis reform activist volunteering with Canna Convict Project and working toward Federal decriminalization through educational speaking and freelance journalism. Dolores Halbin,

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November 2020


Kansas Advocates ►

Post-Elections —

Time for Kansas Medical Cannabis Advocacy Work by Lisa Ash Sublett, Bleeding Kansas Advocates


bout the time this article hits the news-stands we will be closing in on post-elections. Since the focus for months has been on elections, many will wonder what’s next for medical cannabis advocacy in Kansas. Well, there is still much to do! There will be new faces in the Kansas legislature who have never had contact with constituents on this issue. If your district has a newly elected lawmaker in either the house or senate, it is time to reach out and encourage others to reach out to these freshman lawmakers and make your support of medical cannabis known. Now is the perfect time to start the medical cannabis dialogue. We do not want to wait until the start of the January session to educate the new members. Ask them now: 1. Do they feel they need more education on the medical cannabis topic, and in what areas? 2. Do they have any concerns that need more data or information? 3. Do they support medical cannabis in general, and do they need more education on the policy points critical to Kansas having a good state program? 4. Would they be willing to attend an educational webinar held by advocacy groups like Kansas Nurses for Medical Cannabis or the Kansas Cannabis Business Association? 20

November 2020

This is crucial feedback to get to advocacy groups. Advocacy groups absolutely benefit from an informational exchange with voters. They need to know what lawmakers are saying to their constituents. Then they can be a support to voters in the district, as well as supply research and important contacts for the lawmakers. It is also time to think about writing your testimony for any committee hearings on medical cannabis bills that will happen in the 2021 session. Encourage everyone you know who supports a medical cannabis program in Kansas also to begin working on their written testimony. If you have never written a testimony before, it is not an overly complicated structure. You can begin work on your testimony body now and fill in the specific information for the hearing later, once you know the name of the committee holding the hearing and the date of the hearing and other details. Bleeding Kansas Advocates group will post hearing details on its social media platforms and in social media groups to get the word about upcoming hearings out to the public. We even provide contact information for a printer in Topeka who will print the number of testimony paper copies requested by the committee and deliver them to the capitol. Each committee can require a different number of paper copies. Usually, we see requests for 35 paper copies, but we have seen

requests for as many as 75 copies. You must also email a PDF copy of your testimony to the committee assistant. There are separate deadlines for turning in the PDF and paper copies. (See examples.*) We work hard to get all this information out to the public before each hearing, so please make sure to follow the Kansas advocacy groups on social media. You can also monitor the agenda of each committee. We believe the 2021 hearings will take place in the senate and house Federal and State Affairs committees, respectively. You can find the committee information on www. Click on “committees” and then on “standing.” The house has two pages of committees, and the senate has one page. Click on “Federal and State Affairs.” Right under the committee’s name, you’ll find contact information for the committee assistant who will be handling the testimonies for the hearings, the room where the committee meets, and the days and times of those meetings. It is also where you will find the committee agenda. These are just two post-elections items that voters can do. Please do not underestimate the power of “Letters-to-the-Editor” sent to your local newspaper discussing this issue, sharing information from advocacy groups on your personal social media, and raising the issue at your local social/political meetings and local chamber of commerce.

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Example of testimony structure: First and last name, and any post nominals. Company Name, if any. Title, if any. Address, phone, email, and website, if applicable. Date of writing. The following can be added later: Committee. Attn: Committee Assistant name. Date of hearing. Room number. RE: Bill Name and number. Chairman (Last Name) and committee members: The following can be completed ahead of time and will make up the body of your testimony. Thank you for the opportunity to provide the (name of committee) with my testimony supporting medical cannabis for Kansas. I am …. Add your story and any policy points or data you believe important to state the case for medical cannabis in Kansas. For more information and to become an advocate for Kansas cannabis reform, please visit Lisa Ash Sublett of Bleeding Kansas Advocates can be reached at 913.396.9675, president@ or

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The EVOLUTION Magazine, News Room

Year-Round Garden

Supply Center

Grows During COVID-19 Pandemic


n October, Year-Round Garden (YRG), a supply center for indoor and outdoor gardeners, announced its relocation from Olathe, KS, to Kansas City, MO. Founded in 2016 by co-owner Jason Mispagel, YRG offers everything necessary to grow plants at home, including the plants and seeds themselves. “With all the interest in the ‘grow your own’ movement, we’ve seen a dramatic uptick in sales of everything from soil, to nutrients, to lighting, you name it,” said Mispagel. At 1,900 square feet, the new Kansas City storefront provides twice the available retail space as the Olathe location, and has a showroom floor covered with demonstration models of available products. “This isn’t just a move, it’s also an expansion,” explained Mispagel. “The larger store gives us the opportunity to dramatically increase our inventory and selection.”

Year-Round Garden supply center has a large inventory for both indoor and outdoor gardeners. Sporting face masks, a sign of the times, the owners of YRG (left to right: James DeWitt, Jason Mispagel, and Michael Wilson) moved to the new 103rd street location in October. Co-Owner James DeWitt says that in addition to improved highway access and a more centrally located presence within the metro area, the move also means a closer proximity to many of the Missouri Medical Marijuana cardholders who rely on YRG for the supplies they need to grow their own medicine. The new storefront is at 1225 W 103rd St, Kansas City, MO, in the Watt’s Mill Shopping Center. It’s located on the southeast corner of 103rd and State Line Road, between Ugly Joe’s and Jasper’s. Store hours are Mon-Fri 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., and Sunday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. “We love being part of the grow community in KC, and we’re excited for the opportunity to improve the experience for our customers,” said Mispagel. 22

November 2020

The Year-Round Garden team also owns United American Hemp in Louisburg, KS. United American Hemp (UAH) is cultivating one of the region’s largest genetics operations just outside Louisburg, but the emerging startup’s competitive advantage comes from a sentiment often derided in the business community. Founded in December 2018, United American Hemp is a privately owned, licensed industrial hemp farm free of outside investment capital. Co-owned and operated by a cohesive group of five Kansas residents (James DeWitt, Michael Wilson, Lloyd Hill, Josh Hill, and Jason Mispagel) United American Hemp is a company investing in the future of hemp production in America.

United American Hemp greenhouse UAH, CEO, James DeWitt says, “We spend, on average, 12 hours educating, training and answering questions for growers even before they purchase a product. We are passionate about education and never feel time speaking with a fellow grower is time wasted.” For more information about UAH and guidance that may be helpful in your industrial hemp endeavors, call 844.420.1470 or contact Michael Wilson, Director of Research & Development, at 913.298.8796. Additionally, you can fill out a contact form at and an owner of United American Hemp will promptly contact you. For more information about YRG, visit or call 816.216.6917 and be sure to tell them The EVOLUTION Magazine sent you. ◄ Scan to see a How To: Plant Cloning video by Jason Mispagel. One of the Best we’ve ever seen.

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November 2020


Spotlight on Business ►

The EVOLUTION Magazine, News Room

MH&W Approved to Launch Operations of Washington and Sedalia Dispensaries


issouri Health & Wellness (MH&W), a medical marijuana company licensed to operate five dispensaries in the state, enjoyed a great September as it announced its first dispensary location in Washington, MO, was approved by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) to operate in Missouri. Soon after, on September 25, DHSS approved its second location in Sedalia, MO, to operate. With these approvals, MH&W plans to open both locations to the public as soon as medical marijuana becomes available by Missouri-licensed cultivators. MH&W owns and operates five Missouri dispensaries with the DHSS inspections of its three other locations in Belton, Kirksville, and Jefferson City planned soon.

conducting interviews. “It’s important to MH&W to focus on diversity and hiring local people. We want to make a positive difference in the communities we serve,” said Beebe. The company’s ownership team includes several doctors and a clinical pharmacist. They have studied marijuana and are looking forward to helping MH&W provide the people of both metro areas and surrounding counties a safe alternative to opioids. The MH&W owners, who are predominately from Missouri, have seen firsthand the transformative ability of medical marijuana to greatly enhance the quality of life for patients by providing pain relief, reducing inflammation, increasing sleep, and more. MH&W’s ownership team looks forward to providing safe access to medical marijuana and becoming an integral part of the communities it serves. MH&W has teamed up with Midwest Cannabinoid Clinics (MCC) to assist patients in obtaining their medical marijuana cards from the DHSS. MCC is a Missouri-operated clinic that provides secure and affordable telemedicine appointments for patients seeking a medical marijuana card and for those interested in learning more about cannabinoid products. Anyone interested in obtaining a Missouri medical marijuana patient card can go to MH&W’s website at under the “Patient Cards” tab at the top and sign up for an MCC consultation.

Soon the display cases and shelves at Missouri Health & Wellness dispensaries will be filled with medical cannabis products for the residents in Washington and Sedalia, MO. “We’ve had a lot of support from both the Washington and Sedalia communities, and people have been calling and stopping by both locations asking when we’re going to open. We’re happy to say that we’re ready to serve patients in Sedalia and Washington’s surrounding communities as soon as product is available,” said Randy Stambaugh, MH&W’s statewide manager. “We want to thank everyone at the City of Washington as well as the Chief of Police and the Chamber of Commerce for their help in getting this facility up and running,” said Stambaugh. “Everyone there has been great to work with, and we are excited to be part of this fabulous community.” Stambaugh said MH&W plans to have medical marijuana available for sale at its two newly approved locations by early winter — but hopes it might be sooner. He praised the local communities for being supportive throughout the process. MH&W’s ownership team combines professionals in the banking, legal, accounting, law enforcement, medical marijuana, and healthcare fields. Kathleen Beebe, MH&W’s regional manager, has begun 24

November 2020

When patients enter a MH&W dispensary, they will first be welcomed at patient services where ID cards are verified, and then they will be granted access to the secured sales floor. Missouri Health & Wellness dispensary locations (when open) will be located at: 1. Jefferson City — 1404-A Missouri Blvd, Jefferson City 65109 2. Belton — 17211 S. Highway, Belton, MO 64012 3. Kirksville — 215 E. Charles St, Kirksville, MO 63501 4. Sedalia — 1801 S. Limit Ave, Sedalia, MO 65301 5. Washington — 901 E. First St, Washington, MO 63090 No reservations are needed for either MH&W location, but patients and other residents interested in medical marijuana are encouraged to call MH&W at 877.999.6649 (MOHW) or text “MHW” to 1-844. 983.4016 to get opening timeframes and updates. For directions to dispensaries, visit

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November 2020



November 2020

Get Your Medical Marijuana Card

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Products Profile

Canna Biz Products Showcase ►

Cannabis Dispensary Display Cases with Sensory Stimulation


issouri-made Jahabow Display Cases offer a wide variety of high-quality, custom, and stock cannabis display cases. Its cannabis display cases are made in the U.S.A. from the highest quality materials. Fast lead times guarantee that its display cases can be in your dispensary in less time! Cases can be custom made to match your décor. Jahabow, an acronym of its seven original founders’ last names, was founded in 1973 in Provo, UT. It relocated to Owensville, MO, its current location (south-east of Jefferson City) in 1976 to better serve the U.S. both logistically and economically. Today, Jahabow showcases are built in its Missouri facility covering nearly 250,000 square feet and employs more than 150 dedicated, skilled associates. Its custom showcases include glass, wood, and metal. The manufacture of commercial-grade retail display cases can be designed and built to almost any custom specification. Jahabow also custom manufactures all its own LED lights for its cases. Its display cases set the industry standard and are engineered to withstand decades of heavy commercial use. Jahabow has completed tens of thousands of custom and standard display case and store fixture projects for name-brand retailers and marketers, whether they need 1 or 1,001 of our units. It manufactures and ships nearly five miles of store fixtures and display showcases every year if placed end to end. Clients include Academy Sports, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Kay Jewelers, Sam’s Club, and Walmart, to name a few.


November 2020

▲ Greenhouse Display Case Display case with a unique greenhouse design perfect for cannabis. LED floor lights light the product from underneath with no heat. Locking swing door with hinge secures product. It features two locking drawers and a premium finish with green accent panels. ● LED lights illuminating product ● Lock on swinging hinge door ─ for even more security. (Ask about TDL Secure Display Cases) ● Premium design and finish attracts customers

Products Profile

Four20 Display Cases

◄ Four20 Display Cases ►

Rear pull-out door features storage bins for products. 

▲ The Four20 display cases with glass top and front with shelves for displaying a host of products. Products can also be stored and accessed via pull-out storage bins on the rear side. Can be free standing or integrated into countertop displays, wall displays, etc. ● Display multiple products in top glass section and front glass sections with shelves. ● Rear pull-out door features storage bins for products. ● LED lights incorporated into frame.

▲ Countertop Displays Countertop displays with storage options, including drawers, doors, and bins. The Four20 Display Case can be used as a counter and P.O.S. Station with register stands in between each display. Customer-facing side options can include glass tops and front with shelving or laminate sides and front with HPL kick.

▲ J13 Display Case The J13 Display Case combines form and functionality to create a unique, eye-catching display. Display case features two-sided glass top with locking U-Frame drop-down doors.

◄ Acrylic Displays

▲ Smell Pod Table with Sensory Stimulation FTW Display Table with smell pods for sampling products, and a framed glass top middle section. Various finish options available. As the old adage goes, shoppers start the purchase process with their visual senses, but cannabis is different than new clothing. Cannabis stimulates touch and smell, and giving shoppers an option to see, smell, and touch samples can help them better make a buying decision. The “Smell Pod Table” stimulates the touch and smell experience like no other.

Highly customizable acrylic displays allow you to add more retail options for your customers at checkout or on top of existing displays. Perfect for placements in any retail store, CBD stores, and dispensaries.

Jahabow offers more custom display cases than shown here. For more information about Jahabow’s “Missouri Made” pre-built and custom display cases, visit or call 573.317.4642. See Jahabow’s cannabis display cases video on the Greenhouse Display Case by scanning the QR ►

November 2020


Cannabiz Entrepreneurs ►

A Cannabis “Field of Dreams”


by Clayton Stallings, The EVOLUTION Magazine


n early June this year, I paid my first visit to the Flora Farms Cultivation Facility in Humansville, MO, where there was only an enormous recently poured football-field-sized slab of concrete. It was my first visit to a Missouri commercial cultivation construction site that was a “ground-up build.” I thought to myself, “How the hell are they ever going to finish this in time?” Fast forward to just under five months later, as we toured the completed facility, those thoughts dramatically switched to “If you build it, they will come.” This “Field of Dreams” analogy fits perfectly to this angelic all-star staff who have blessed the small-town community of Humansville with a state-of-the-art facility that will soon bless more Missouri MMJ patients. “From our neighbors across the street to the city officials, everyone has been so helpful and excited to welcome us into this community,” said COO Mark Hendren. “We initially chose this site because of its rural location and position in an underserved portion of the state. Little did we know that we were going to find such supportive partners around us and great local talent to hire. In fact, almost all our cultivation employees came from Humansville and the surrounding areas. We’ve found everyone to be extremely kind and hard-working.” Mark Hendren replaces Kevin Costner in the lead role of this Missouri MMJ “Field of Dreams” movie analogy with a far more decorated resume` than an Idaho corn farmer. As a bar-certified lawyer and accountant, Hendren, after retiring from the Navy JAG Corps in 1989, has spent over thirty years helping the people of Southwest Missouri. “It’s so exciting to be a part of a new industry,” Hendren exclaimed just days after commencement. “Who gets to do that? It’s like being a part of Ford or Microsoft from the ground floor.”


November 2020

If you happened to catch our August 2019 issue, you’ve already had the pleasure to get to know Flora Farms Chief Cultivation Officer, Mark Buddemeyer (AKA Budd). A rare breed of Missouri MMJ Industry CCOs who can also claim local nativity, Budd’s multitude of cultivation experience through previous lead roles in other legal MMJ markets is only outshined by his humble demeanor — another rarity in the CCO position. As a quick re-cap, Budd has traveled the world sharing his vast experience in advanced gardening techniques, cannabis legislation, and pristine cultivation with companies in Colorado, California, Jamaica, and now Missouri, as well as serving on judging panels for many cannabis competitions, including the High Times Magazine’s Cannabis Cup.

Mark (Budd) Buddemeyer (on left) and Matthan Black, Director of Marketing for Flora Farms, gave us a tour of the facility in early October. By now, plants are growing and will be at dispensaries very soon. “We expect to deliver our first product to our partner dispensaries starting in late December,” Budd calmly answered as if he hadn’t been asked that a million times! “We have so many great supply partners like Cassville Dispensary, N’Bliss, Clovr, Kansas City Cannabis — there are just too many to list

here, but you can always flip to our Ad in this magazine where you’ll see all the dispensaries soon to be carrying our products as we start fulfilling orders.” Flora Farms will utilize a state-of-the-art, closed-loop, indoor grow fully controlling its plants’ life cycle. “From each of our light deprivation rooms decked out with high-pressure sodium lighting and state-of-the-art irrigation, to our slow drying process that produces the cleanest, most enjoyable final product, we’ve put specific time and attention into every aspect of managing the plant’s life,” said Budd. “This attention to detail is going to produce the finest medical marijuana in the state.” These Flora Farms 55,000-square-foot “Fields of Dreams” currently growing in Humansville will double-down its economic impact through its Humansville dispensary as well as in its Springfield and Neosho locations. Flora Farms Director of Dispensaries Jarred Pagnini explains how its big “home team” attitude is the furthest thing from the out of state corporations just visiting to steal the farm. “We chose our dispensary locations because we’re from Southwest Missouri, and we want to make sure our communities have access to this new industry,” said Pagnini. “Humansville was a great choice because it’s in the same location as our cultivation. The majority of our ownership lives in Joplin, so Neosho is basically our backyard. The rest of our ownership is based out of Springfield, hence our choice for that location. We don’t just want to own these businesses from out of town. We want to be a part of these communities and see them grow as we do.” Pagnini is a pioneering retail manager with extensive experience launching and perfecting recreational and medical cannabis shops throughout the United States. In addition to being a systematic business strategist, Pagnini

possesses over a decade of retail leadership experience and hopes to use his skills to make Missouri’s medical marijuana program the best in the nation. During his time in Washington, Pagnini grew the now-famous “World of Weed” from a business of three employees into a 12-time First Place Leafly List recipient that was named one of’s West Coast’s Top Cannabis Shops and’s 2016 Store of the Year. An expert in cannabis compliance, Pagnini is passionate about providing high-level education and a comfortable, polished experience to every patient in Missouri.

(Above) Stallings videos Buddemeyer and Black touring one of the water filtration and fertigation systems rooms with huge water tanks holding thousands of gallons of water to ensure crops are precisely watered for maximum yield. (Below) One of five huge cultivation rooms that will soon be filled with hundreds of plants. The grow room below has a lighting system that automatically raises, and lowers lights adjusting to plant height as plants grow. (all photos by Chris Smith)

 Floor

▲ Grow Lights are up in this view. ◄ Grow Lights are lowered.

Under construction now, adjacent to the current facility, is an identical 60,000-square-foot facility, which has a planned January 2021 opening. It will double the current grow capacity. A big congratulations to the Flora Farms team for turning movie magic feel-good stories into reality for rural Missourians. To see a video tour of the facility before the “Field of Dreams” took root, visit Watch the video on your cell phone by scanning the QR ► Clayton Stallings is the VP Sales & Marketing of The Evolution Magazine November 2020


cannabis Wellness

Dispensary Shopping Guide How The Overwhelmed Shopper Can Prepare by April Hatch RN, contributing writer


ive years ago, I felt very much on my own when it came to the selection of appropriate cannabinoid-based products for the treatment of a family member. It took about six months to determine the best cannabinoid ratios, strains, delivery method, dose, and frequency. With dispensaries opening their doors soon and many Missourians potentially being overwhelmed — like I was — I decided to share my shopping guide. I hope that it will prepare potentially overwhelmed shoppers to better prepare for what to expect and make appropriate purchases. I encourage not only new consumers but also experienced consumers who want to get the most medical benefit to use this shopping guide as a resource before you make your first trip to a dispensary. Cannabis treatment can be overwhelming with the abundance of options available. Please use this as a guide for your trip to the dispensary and don’t forget your ID, MO medical card and cash. Determine Your Goals for Treatment. Common treatment goals include: ● Get six-eight hours of restful sleep every night ● Complete daily activities without experiencing significant pain ● Reduce the amount of pharmaceutical pain medications taken ● Decrease anxiety and enjoy life again Most dispensaries categorize their products by Indicas, Sativas, and Hybrids. Here is a brief introduction to these common types of products. Please note: the same cannabis product can have a varying effect on different patients. ● Indicas provide a calming, relaxing effect and may be better for pain relief and sleep. ● Sativas provide energy and mental stimulation and promote creativity. ● Hybrids are designed to offer a balance of both. Determine How You Would Like to Consume Cannabis. Patients find they prefer a few different methods of consumption that provide short and long acting relief. Here is a list of common consumption methods, when they typically begin to take effect and how long they last.


November 2020

Delivery Method Onset Duration Topical 5 minutes- 2 hours 1-12 hours Transdermal Patch* 1-2 hours 4-12 hours Edible 30 minutes-2 hours 4-12 hours Capsule 1-2 hours 4-12 hours Tincture/Oil 10-45 minutes 2-8 hours Smoke Inhalation 1-5 minutes 1-6 hours Vapor Inhalation 1-5 minutes 1-6 hours Suppository 15-60 minutes 4-8 hours Concentrate Immediately 2-8 hours *A transdermal patch may last up to 48 hours if it is still in place. Find a Reputable Dispensary That Offers High Quality Products. You can do this by: • Talking to other patients and your certifying physician. • Find them within this magazine. • Reading online reviews or joining an online support group. Research Potential Dispensaries. Visit the dispensary website to review their menu and call before your first trip to ask the following questions. Their responses will help you determine if they are friendly, patient-focused, helpful, and provide quality medicine. 1. Do you use an independent laboratory to test potency, cannabinoid profiles, and contamination (mold, bacteria, pesticides, solvents)? 2. What non-smokable products do you offer? 3. Do you have 1:1 CBD/THC products available? Determine Your Budget. At the first dispensary you visit, you will want to buy a small amount of a few different products that you would like to try. Cannabis treatment does take some experimentation. It’s not cheap, so don’t spend too much before knowing if it helps and how it affects you. ◄ SAFETY ALERT: You should also have a product that quickly reduces the effects caused by the “Overconsumption” of THC (if you get too “high”). These products should be available at all reputable dispensaries. Several manufacturers and brands are available with names like BuzzKill, DESCEND, and others. You should have it on hand just in case you overdo it, or a child gets their hands on your cannabis medication. It’s a “Must Have.”

Clip & Save This Section Determine What Supplies You May Need. These may include a grinder, dry herb vaporizer, and safe or storage container with a lock is a must. You will find that you have more success at the dispensary if you take a few minutes now to answer these questions (take this with you). My goals for treatment include: The medicinal effects I am looking for are:______________________ _______________________________________________________ I would like to try: (check one or two) Topical/Patch Edible/Capsule Oils/Tinctures Inhalation Suppositories Concentrates Dispensaries I would like to visit:_____________________________ _______________________________________________________ Products I would like to purchase: ____________________________ _______________________________________________________ Other Supplies: __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ My Budget: $_____________ Beginners: Please be aware that some products are not suitable for those who consider themselves beginners. Concentrates are very potent forms of cannabis and should be avoided along with high potency THC strains (see BuzzKill, DESCEND and others mentioned above). Vape pens also may contain additives that have not been studied longterm — use caution and ask what’s in the product. As always, happy healing! For more information please visit If you would like to speak with a cannabis nurse, please call 888-810-WELL or email April Hatch is a Registered Nurse and the co-founder of Cannabis Care Team where she provides education, support, and advocacy for cannabis patients. She learned the benefits of cannabis when she witnessed how miraculously it worked for her own child. April understands how overwhelming starting cannabis treatment can be and can proudly say her patients have the confidence they need to make informed healthcare decisions. She can be reached at Notice: The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. It is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

November 2020


CBD & THC Recipes ►




by Dana Cunningham, contributing writer


s we approach the chilly fall weather I start thinking of warm and cozy meals! I had a friend ask me to make this dish for her and her husband’s wedding anniversary a couple of months ago, and let me tell you, it was hands down the best Marsala I have ever had. My friend and her husband were thrilled to have a three-course dinner delivered by chef Dana for their romantic stay at home evening. The cool thing about that is, you relax, and let the chef plate and serve! I had Marsala at restaurants before, that for me, was too thick. This recipe makes it just perfect. I include the infusion at the very end because I don’t want to bring my THC oil to a boil ever. So, before I began my sauce, I made a simple, small batch of infused MCT oil. I used 3-grams of buds that a friend gave me to infuse this dish, decarbed it for an hour in my Active Gear Guy machine. Next, I placed it in a double boiler for two hours with five tablespoons of MCT oil. This will make my oil 300-600 mg depending on the THC percentage of the green. When my oil is done, it’s time to cook! I was only making the sauce for two servings, so I used a small portion of this oil to infuse the salad dressing for the first course and a small portion to infuse the whipped cream for dessert. To infuse a salad dressing, just add in your oil while you are emulsifying everything at the end. Slowly pour it in as your emulsifier is going to blend the oil and the vinegar together. To infuse your whipped cream, add a tablespoon of your oil at the very end after you have whipped your heavy cream to stiff peaks. With having an infused oil premade, you can add a tablespoon here and there to your recipes — it’s super easy! For my friend’s Marsala, she wanted to use her grass-fed filet mignon, so I grilled it to medium rare with my favorite


November 2020

marinade and seasoning. I also prepared pan-seared brussel sprouts to pair with the steak. Very lovely. Your brussel sprouts should be brown and crispy on the open side and a bright green when finished. By now, you are salivating to get to the Marsala, so here we go:

Ingredients 3 tablespoons of infused MCT oil 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter 1 small shallot – finely chopped 8 oz. mushrooms, Cremini, Baby Bella, or white button mushrooms (or combination of each) – sliced. I keep mine thick, so they still have body after they are cooked 2 cloves of garlic – finely chopped 1 1/2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour 1 1/4 cup dry Marsala cooking wine 1/3 cup beef stock, unsalted 2-3 tablespoons heavy cream, to taste 1 1/2 teaspoon of fresh thyme - chopped (can substitute 1/4 tsp ground thyme) 1 1/2 teaspoon of fresh parsley – chopped Kosher salt and ground black pepper – to taste



Instructions 1. Melt butter in a sauté pan over medium heat. 2. Add in the shallot, sauté 1-2 minutes, or until softened. 3. Add the mushrooms to pan, and dash with salt and pepper. Sauté until liquid is evaporated and mushrooms are barely cooked through, about 3 minutes. 4. Add in the garlic and a scant ¼ tsp salt and pepper again. Sauté until fragrant, about 30 seconds. 5. Sprinkle the flour over mushrooms and stir to incorporate. 6. Reduce heat to medium/medium-low and add in the Marsala wine. Cook until slightly reduced, about 4 - 6 minutes, scraping up browned bits off the bottom of the pan. (This will cook down to about half every time you reduce the liquid.) 7. Add in the beef stock and continue to cook until slightly reduced again, about 4-5 minutes. 8. Stir in the heavy cream and thyme. Reduce heat to maintain a gentle simmer. Simmer for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally. 9. Add in 2 tablespoons of infused MCT oil and stir to incorporate. 10. Add in the parsley. Taste and adjust for seasoning with salt and pepper. 11. Serve over steak, chicken, pork, or pasta. Enjoy!

The trick to a good sauce is making sure it doesn’t separate. Gently whisk your sauce when you stir it and add your liquid ingredients slowly. When adding your cream, do it especially slow — just a drizzle around the pan to finish. This recipe is so Delish! Enjoy, and don’t forget to send me your dished photos! Please visit my YouTube channel for instructional videos on more recipes that you might want to try! Scan the QR code ► Chef Dana Cunningham is a Kansas City native and 15-year catering professional. Woman-owner and operator of Infused KC, a new catering concept that infuses world-class menus with CBD. Email for a custom menu when planning your event. Dana loves to cater anything and everything, including weddings! If you can dream it, we are infusing it! To purchase CBD isolate or an Active Gear Guy Infusion Machine, email her or visit

November 2020



Businesses Require Unique Insurance Coverage Unfavorable exclusions that can render policies useless! by Jim Clodfelter,, contributing writer


ith cannabis still classified as an illegal substance at the federal level, it causes some barriers for those looking to protect their businesses with commercial insurance policies. Due to the illegality at the federal level, most insurance carriers are riskaverse and are unwilling to enter the cannabis marketplace. With a lack of insurance carriers, the ability to find custom-tailored insurance policies can be extremely difficult and confusing. Most policies are written through brokerages. Brokerages piece together coverage through several different carriers to create a policy that mitigates all the business’ potential risks. In this instance, one insurance carrier may write the property, another the crops, another the general liability, workers compensation, directors and officers, and so on. In the event of a loss, it can be a policyholder’s nightmare having to deal with multiple companies to recover from a covered loss. The coverage itself and determining which insurance carrier has the responsibility to cover a loss can be disputed by each of the insurance carriers. Brokerages are not subject to the state insurance department’s same regulatory requirements set forth by an admitted carrier that specializes in writing packaged cannabis policies. Unfortunately, the rate for coverage through a brokerage is typically higher as well. Policies will not have the same discounts available as packaging all the insurance with a single carrier.

The last option is to find a carrier that specializes in insuring cannabis risks through a custom-tailored packaged insurance policy. The package policies are written by carriers that specialize in the cannabis industry. They can offer a wide range of customized policies that cover the unique exposures faced by the cannabis industry. This could include coverages for crop loss, goods in process, finished stock, product liability, professional liability for directors and officers, business interruption insurance, and cash, to name a few. These carriers may have several underwriting requirements to ensure that a business has risk management policies and procedures, including some very specific security requirements. While there may not be a large number of carriers available to the cannabis industry, there are still options for cannabis business owners with companies like Green Leaf Insurance and others. They want to help make this process painless and straightforward for you by offering custom-tailored packaged policies by insurance carriers that specialize in the cannabis industry. Specialized insurance companies understand that if your business succeeds, so will it. Their agents understand all the unique risks posed to the cannabis industry and can guide you through the process — painlessly. Companies like Green Leaf have several licensed agents and offer clients professional advice from certified insurance counselors that specialize in the cannabis industry. Its agents will help you make the right decision based on your business needs and tailored coverage. Don’t get burned by unfavorable exclusions!

The coverage itself and determining which insurance carrier has responsibility to cover a loss can be disputed by each of the insurance carriers.

Another option is to find insurance through an excess and surplus lines carrier. These policies can have numerous exclusions that can create coverage gaps. It is imperative that policyholders read these exclusions very carefully to make sure all their insurance needs are being met. Beware of unfavorable exclusions that can render your policy useless! 36

November 2020

Jim Clodfelter, Founder of Green Leaf Insurance, DBA Clodfelter Insurance of Missouri was established in 1987 and specializes in insuring several unique commercial insurance risks beyond just the cannabis industry. Green Leaf Insurance (660.744.5385) is licensed to insure recreational or medicinal cannabis business risks in MO, OK, ARK, CO, and IL.


November 2020


Learn to Grow at Home

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Live Stream Every Thursday 7 p.m. Warm-up begins at 6:45 p.m.

We have teamed up with Missouri Medical Cannabis Industry leaders and KC area Hydroponic stores connecting our social media channels to offer Free Live Streaming Lessons about the therapeutic hobby of growing your own medicine at home. Each week over 6,000 viewers tune-in to the Live Stream on all the major cannabis social media channels. Learn to Grow by joining us each Thursday night! and click Facebook link. (All instructional classes will use the Hemp Plant.)

The Live Stream Classes — November Schedule November 5 – Cannabis Legalities and Outdoor Harvest Countdown — Presented by Eric McSwain

with MCIA, Ryan Hutton with Extract-Ed (Cannabis training for Law Enforcement), and Joani Harshman with Harshman Law Firm. Produced by Level Up AV and Kat King Films


bis Means for Veterans – Presented by LTC Todd Scattini Retired with Harvest 360 Labs, SGT Chris Wolfenbarger Retired Veteran and Patient Access Foundation Founder, COL Donald “Doc” Ballard Medal of Honor Recipient and more Veteran Cannabis Activists via Zoom. Produced by

November 19 – Grow Room Construction: Making The Most of Your Space and Root Water-

boarding — Presented by Vernon McClanahan AKA Big V with KC Grow Coach, and Stewart Wells with Green Solutions. Produced by Level Up AV and Kat King Films November 24 – (Tuesday Show because of Thanksgiving) Beau Knows Greenbroz — Presented by

Beau Bradley with GrowActive Solutions and Steve Elgin with the Hoosier Sophisticates. Produced by The Hoosier Sophisticates

Level Up AV and Kat King Films

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November 2020


Patient Help ►

From Down & Out to Speaking Out on Addiction and How Cannabis Can Help? Part 2 of 2

by Kyle W. Kisner, contributing writer


Kisner, the medications we are giving you will help you with your detox, but they will essentially do for you what the opiates were doing for you without being addictive.” This is a quote from Dr. …, my attending psychiatrist at Jefferson Barracks VA Hospital. He offered this assurance as I was laying in the psych ward following my second suicide attempt within a year.

years ago. This may be the first time in my life that I can happily admit that my mother was right.

Often in recovery meetings, I heard other addicts talking about how they weren’t sure when they hit rock bottom exactly, just that they had hit very hard. I can remember with tremendous clarity the precise moment when I knew. I was sitting in a cold, gray, hospital ward on a plastic chair filled with sand and truly being hit with the realization that, at age 27, my “Prime” was already long past. It was the moment that I could simply never imagine my life would have, and that I truly would be of more use to all had I never come home from overseas. I felt that no one loved me, that no one believed in me, and that it would have been better had the paramedics just left me to die.

My addiction started in 2008 when I was involved in a near-fatal car crash while returning home from a period of annual training with my National Guard unit. I suffered a traumatic brain injury, nondisplaced fracture in my neck, broken collarbone, broken shoulder blades, left labral tear, jaw was broken in two places, three broken ribs, and a collapsed lung. My pain was so severe — morphine was not even touching it. Since I was on a respirator, they decided to give me something I had never even heard of that they just called “the good stuff.” I ended up being on a fentanyl drip for three days until they took me off the respirator. This was when they switched to bringing me liquid oxycodone every three-four hours, for the next 11 days. I was addicted before I even left the hospital. It was with the help of friends, the same ones who would later shun me, that I learned how to best deal with the physical and emotional pain — high doses of any opiate I could get my hands on.

With these thoughts buzzing through my head and tears streaming down my face, the one person who hadn’t given up on me took my head in her hands, as she had done many times when I was a child, to comfort me. While doing this, I looked up into the tearful eyes of my mother as she was telling me that my “best years were ahead,” and that I “still had important work do in this world.” She told me that she believed in me, and she could “just sense that the real story of my life had yet to be written.” She told me I was at the beginning of my greatness rather than the abysmal end, which felt like an immense, crushing weight on my chest the entire time that I sat in the cold, fluorescent hell all those

This went on for over a year until I finally volunteered to go to Afghanistan, where I was forced to not only take a break but to deal with the worsening pain in my left hip completely free of any painkillers. There was a heavy stigma concerning soldiers who went out sick or actually went to the TMC on sickcall. Such a soldier was labeled a “sick-call ranger,” who soldiers universally despised. The mantra in the Army was “drink water, take a Motrin, and drive on!” This was a mantra I observed even after I returned home to deal with a lot of emotions and experiences that, to this day, I struggle to reconcile. I started out trying to drink the problem into submission, and eventually, I was back on opioids.


November 2020

VA doctors began with Tramadol, then quickly worked their way up to opioids over the many months. After persisting with my PC about my hip, insisting that I needed to see an ortho, he reluctantly sent the referral. Within a few weeks, I was diagnosed with damage severe enough to require surgery to correct. At the age of 25, I was having hip surgery. The recovery went smoothly enough, except that now I had a proper excuse, and the VA was heaping the opioid scripts on as a show of compassion. That’s the only option they had to offer me, so I accepted. At the peak of it all, I was receiving 150 Percocet, 90 Norcos (two-times the strength of Vicodin), and 90 Xanax every 30 days, none of which lasted beyond two-three days, often requiring black-market supplementation. Even before I was able to admit that I was hooked, I knew that I needed to stem the increased need for these drugs, not to have to take so many. It was then, with no alternatives or guidance, that I began trying to supplement with cannabis. After my second suicide attempt, with my immediate family’s encouragement and support, I was determined to find a new way to exist. I was simply too tired to continue enduring the endless hours of waiting between each fix, underscored by a thin layer of cold sweat in the small of my back. It was this desperation that made me eager to embrace this new laundry list of medications. The problem I found myself annoyed by after leaving rehab was that while these new meds helped me abate the crippling lows of depression, they also kept me from experiencing any highs associated with jovial, human interaction. My life had become day-old flat beer devoid of flavor. I could feel myself spiraling towards relapse, and spiraling quickly. I turned to cannabis out of desperation, even knowing it would make it more difficult for

me to find a decent job. I figured that I’m more “employable” with cannabis than without it. Sure enough, I was able to land an entry-level job, so I quickly began working my way up, and in just seven months, while using cannabis, I was the top employee in our entire retail district. I found that cannabis strains that contained limonene, pinene, and/or myrcene seemed to be the best at alleviating my aches and pains, as well as my anxieties. For the cravings, I found strains around 15-20% THC, which also have higher levels of CBN, CBD, or both, were the ones that most rapidly dispelled the hellacious hunger. My defining moment came because of a failed drug screening required for a promotion at this company. Rather than being disheartened and discouraged, a fire was lit inside me that would be fueled by this singular outrage — the one thing providing me with relief from the pain and anxieties born out of wartime service to the United States of America was the one thing for which I was now being persecuted. From that point, my vow to be a warrior against ALL oppressors was renewed. I have spent every day since fighting for and educating about compassionate reforms. Today, I’m the Executive Director of the St. Charles, MO, NORML Chapter, a local affiliate chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws in Missouri. For over 40 years, NORML has served as a clearinghouse for marijuana-related information, including health reports, the latest national and state polls, written testimony, and arrest data. To date, there are tens of thousands of published studies or reviews in scientific literature referencing the cannabis plant and its cannabinoids, nearly half of which were published within ten years. Today, more than 60 U.S. and international health organizations support granting patients immediate legal access to medicinal marijuana (cannabis) under a physician’s supervision. At least 31 U.S. states now legally regulate its retail access. If cannabis can help a pharmaceutical dope fiend like myself succeed, imagine what it could do for ALL Americans. See part one of Kyle’s story and guidance in the October issue.

Kyle Kisner is a father of two who served for seven years in the Missouri National Guard, during which time he was mobilized twice, spending 23 months in a hostile fire zone. He became actively involved with cannabis reform in 2015 and participated in IP campaigns for 2016/2018. During the last election cycle, he collected nearly 4,000 signatures. In the Spring of 2019, Kisner graduated from Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO, with honors and a double major in Political Science and Nonprofit Administration. Currently, Kisner is the NORML Executive Director for the St. Charles, MO, chapter. Notice: The information contained herein is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. The content is for general information purposes only.

November 2020


Patient Insight ►

Debunking 60s Marijuana Stereotypes & Today’s Medical Marijuana by Stephen Stearman, contributing writer

by Stephen Stearman, contributing writer

 Now & Then 


here’s no denying that cannabis-derived products and medical marijuana are transforming the whole wellness landscape, but rapid expansion doesn’t always mean immediate acceptance. Cannabis is still classified as a Schedule-1 drug by the federal government. A lot of the perceptions around cannabis-related products are still rooted in the 60s-inspired Reefer Madness attitudes of earlier generations. The best way to combat these outdated attitudes is with information, and we’ve put together a bit that should help you next time somebody wants to drag the wellness conversation back into the 60s Hippie or Just Say No days. Misconception 1 – Medical cannabis really doesn’t work Truth – Medical cannabis has had a limited number of tests, but they’ve been quite successful The primary reason for the notion that cannabis is ineffective is due to the fact that it’s exceedingly difficult to create a large body of medical research on materials classified as Schedule 1 drugs. Because there’s minimal literature, medical professionals are less likely to swear to its efficacy. Even with such strict regulation, there have been instances where medical cannabis was subjected to tests and trials, and in virtually all those trials, it has been found to have ample medicinal properties. Misconception 2 – Medical cannabis is addictive Truth – A little bit yes, but mostly no. This one is tricky because the definition of addiction can be a bit slippery. Cannabis can indeed be psychologically addictive, but the same could be said for going to the gym or staring at social media on your phone. However, the risk of becoming physically addicted to cannabis is far lower than nearly any other drug. Heavy, prolonged use can 42

November 2020

create dependency in some users, but when you follow your doctor’s instructions regarding your medical marijuana treatment plan, you shouldn’t need to worry. Misconception 3 – Medical cannabis is a gateway drug Truth – If medical cannabis gives you the relief you need, why would you try something else? People who use medical cannabis to treat their pain and ease the symptoms of their conditions are not more likely to start moving on to more potent, dangerous substances. In truth, the effectiveness of easing the discomfort of various conditions means that these patients are less likely to turn to opioids or narcotics for relief. If they have a solution to their pain, why would they move on to some stronger pharmaceutical with possible abundant side effects? Misconception 4 – Medical cannabis is just about getting high Truth – People who only want to get “high” will always find a way. The rest of medical cannabis users are looking for effective therapeutic options versus pharmaceuticals. So, the elephant in the room — there are people who just want to get out of their “mind/head.” Can medical cannabis provide that? Sure, some products have that ability, but that’s an effect that can be achieved in a wide (and ill-advised) variety of ways that goes way beyond “medical” cannabis. People will do what they want to do. Still, we shouldn’t let those individuals take away medical cannabis’ ability to provide a safe and effective avenue for pain relief or relief for any of the many other illnesses to people who truly need help. To say that medical cannabis is just about getting “high” is to ignore all the people whose suffering has been alleviated by it, and that’s just something that we can’t get behind. We’re still in a period of transition as medical cannabis gains wider

acceptance as a viable medicinal alternative. Facts and observable results will usually change minds, but research takes time. There is plenty of research about cannabis as an alternative medicine out there from respected universities and medical organizations for you to explore and review. We’re confident that medical cannabis will reclaim the respected position that it formerly held in North America for almost three centuries. Part of taking back that credibility is having knowledgeable professionals who can help their customers make effective choices as they explore the wellness possibilities that cannabis products can provide. Educate yourself, take a few moments, and discuss options with medical cannabis professionals at reputable dispensaries so you can experience the effective relief that this medicine can provide.  Today’s faces of cannabis, courtesy of Cruel Consequences: Portraits of Misguided Law. You can learn more about their stories at

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Stephen Stearman is the Founder of Elevate Holistics with locations in St. Louis, MO, and Tulsa, OK. Elevate Holistics is an entirely online telemedicine platform that helps patients get their MMJ certification by speaking to a certified doctor from your home. It provides help with the DHSS application process. He can be reached at or Notice: The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. The content is for general informational purposes only.

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November 2020


Patient Education ►

Cannabis Makes Your Brain Plasticky

Having a plasticky brain is vital for recovery from physical brain traumas. by Peter Kershaw, contributing writer


ur brains are incredibly complex creations (“I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalms 139:14), with many remarkable attributes. One of those attributes is called “neuroplasticity.” It’s a term that describes how our brains reorganize (rewire) connections.

It’s commonly believed that the human brain hasn’t fully matured until age 25, which has led many to believe that by 25, the brain’s structure is static. In reality, the brain continues to be quite dynamic. From the time our brains start developing in the womb until the day we die, our brains are physiologically reorganizing in response to our changing needs. Neuroscientists have often compared the human brain to a computer. Like a computer, the brain can effectively receive not just software updates but even hardware updates. Neural pathways form on an as-needed basis, while others fall dormant when their need goes away. They’re created and may later be discarded, according to our experiences. As we learn new things, our brains create new connections between our neurons. Our brains rewire as they adapt to new circumstances. It happens daily and of its own accord. There are things we can do, as well as consume, to encourage and stimulate it. Having a plasticky brain is vital for recovery from physical brain traumas such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, concussions, and various other head injuries. Brain plasticity is also vital for recovery from emotionally-based traumas. Writing about neuroplasticity in Psychology Today, Guinness World Record athlete Christopher Bergland says, “One could speculate that this process opens up the possibility to reinvent yourself and move away from the status quo or to overcome past traumatic events that evoke anxiety and stress. Hardwired fear-based memories often lead to avoidance behaviors that can hold you back from living your life to the fullest.” What Bergland describes are classic PTSD symptoms. Related to the topic of neuroplasticity is neurogenesis — the ability of the brain to create new neurons. The research into neurogenesis is newer than neuroplasticity, but we already see remarkable promise for the prevention and potential reversal of dementia, traumatic brain injury, and much more. Some of the most promising outcomes are occurring with cannabis users. Cannabinoids play a function in learning, memory, and plasticity, and CB1 receptor antagonists may increase neural plasticity. Cannabis is also considered a “nootropic” — a drug that enhances brain function. This shouldn’t be confused for so-called “smart drugs,” some of which have risky side effects. Cannabis is a neuroprotectant, meaning it renders protective properties to the brain, reducing the risk of stroke and 44

November 2020

diminishing the risk of brain damage should a stroke occur. As a neuroprotectant, cannabis also can be tremendously beneficial in the event of a brain injury. The neuroprotective properties of cannabis mean that it offers a potential therapy for not only stroke and traumatic brain injury but also multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neuron disease (ALS/MND). These conditions are often associated with age, and all of them with neuroinflammation. In addition to cannabis, other things in nature are known to improve neuroplasticity — mushrooms in particular. And yes, that could include those mushrooms (but since they’re not legal in Missouri, we can’t explicitly recommend them). There are, however, legal nootropic mushrooms such as Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, and Reishi. Daily ingesting several nootropics, in addition to cannabis, can make for just that much healthier a brain and dramatically improve the chances of keeping at bay the horrible neurological diseases that so commonly afflict the elderly. Not enough is yet known about the long-term effects of cannabis consumption on the developing brain. Therefore, it’s usually recommended that children and teens not consume cannabis, at least not recreationally. However, there are valid medical reasons for children to use cannabis for medicinal purposes, and this is a decision to be made between parents and their physicians. Nevertheless, it should be noted that cannabis consumption by kids, especially during school hours, and especially in high doses, can and usually does impair memory and learning and, therefore, should be avoided (this author speaks from experience — weed and school are not a great idea). CBD alone does have some neuroprotective benefit, and even more neurogenesis benefit, but absent the THC molecule, the benefit is reduced. Seek out cannabis strains that are at least 1:1, but avoid those that have little if any CBD. Consuming small doses over the course of the day (micro-dosing) is better for neuroprotective purposes than a single massive dose. As this author has said before, more isn’t always better. One hardly needs to get stoned to enjoy the brain benefits of cannabis. Peter Kershaw is a health consultant, cannabis cultivation consultant for OuiCann, and systems engineer for Luminate Systems (manufacturer’s rep). He can be emailed at or text at 417-230-4445. Notice: The information contained herein is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. The content is for general information purposes only.

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Get Your Medical Marijuana Card Now! Dispensaries Are Open. No Need to Wait. Call Today!

TeleHealth Convenience

We Can Help! Why Patients Love Us

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Top Rated Customer Service Certified Medical Marijuana Doctors 100% Risk Free Approval HIPAA Compliant Dispensary Discount Programs If You Don’t Qualify You Don’t Pay

LIVE LIFE WELL Safe | Secure | Discrete

The Releaf Clinics Make Appointments Today at


19201 E. Valley View Pkwy, Suite C, Independence, MO 64055

Cell Phone Users Scan Me

November 2020


Company Name

Listed here are Western Missouri Dispensaries currently planned to open within our distribution area. Dispensaries are list alphabetically by city. NOT Open! Only a List of Future Locations. Please Note: The dispensaries listed here will continue to be updated with business names and opening dates as they develop. Many business names currently list here are corporate names and may not be the final Brand Name or Doing Business As (DBA) name in which a company will operate its dispensary. As companies choose a Brand or DBA name and an Opening Date the listings shown here will be updated. The Eastern Missouri and St. Louis region dispensaries will be added in future issues. Stay tuned and watch for new issues. Dispensaries should email all updated info to

Dispensaries + Delivery

Kansas City, Independence & Raytown, MO.


See page 13 for more info. ►

See page 23 ► 46

November 2020





Missouri Health & Wellness, LLC

17211 S Highway




JG Missouri LLC





Terrapin Investment Fund IV, LLC





FP2-Natural Bridge LLC





Grassroots OpCo MO, LLC

490 SW MO-7 hwy

Blue Springs



Kansas City Cannabis Company LLC

1713 NW BURDETT Crossing

Blue Springs



Natural Healthcare of Missouri, LLC





Grassroots OpCo MO, LLC






18031 BUSINESS 13

Branson West



SW Retail Holdings, LLC

18490 BUSINESS 13

Branson West



BMD Cameron LLC





Shangri-La Cameron, LLC.

1 Baldwin Road




Mo Med Chillicothe, LLC










Shangri-La Columbia, LLC





Shangri-La Columbia South, LLC










QPS Missouri Holdings, LLC





Holistic Missouri LLC










Heya Eldon Retail LLC

1812 HIGHWAY 54




Kansas City Cannabis Company LLC


Excelsior Springs



Red Stag Retail LLC





Purple Leaf, LLC

207 NE 72ND ST




Releaf Resources, LLC

13836 S US HIGHWAY 71




MO Med Hannibal, LLC

2000 HIGHWAY 61 S




THF Partners LLC

1408 N STATE ROUTE 291




Flora Farms

9700 Block SW 1300 Rd




VG Imperial LLC

1229 MAIN ST




THF Partners LLC

16730 E US HIGHWAY 24




Purple Leaf, LLC

15823 E US HIGHWAY 24




Grassroots OpCo MO, LLC

13621 E 40 HWY





19341 E US HIGHWAY 40




Missouri Health & Wellness, LLC


Jefferson City



Shangri-La Jefferson, LLC


Jefferson City



Mo Retail Products Group, Inc

2401 E 32ND ST




Astro Farms Gamma LLC

Lot 4B HWY 171 & FIR Road




Grassroots OpCo MO, LLC

1729 E 7TH ST




Missouri Made Marijuana, LLC

7110 W 20TH ST






Kansas City




1222 McGee

Kansas City





Kansas City



V3 MO Vending 6, LLC


Kansas City





Kansas City



Fresh Green LLC


Kansas City



THF Partners LLC

14655 Prospect Ave

Kansas City



Terrapin Investment Fund IV, LLC


Kansas City



Verano MO, LLC


Kansas City



THF Partners LLC


Kansas City



True Level Investments, Inc


Kansas City



Purple Leaf, LLC


Kansas City



CPC of Missouri, LLC


Kansas City




509 E 18TH ST

Kansas City



Kansas City Cannabis Company LLC










Those list in color Blue include advertisements within these pages.

© 2020 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

Finding a Dispensary in Western Missouri Starts Here... OPENING SOON!

Dispensaries list alphabetically by city. Subject to Change!

Dispensary in Western Missouri

Fresh Green LLC


Lee’s Summit



AW Enterprises of Mo, LLC

510 SW 3RD ST

Lee’s Summit



Kansas City Cannabis Company LLC

9322 MO-7

Lee’s Summit



BMD Liberty LLC










Mo Med Moberly, LLC





Agri-Genesis LLC











200 E 20TH ST

Mountain Grove





N Kansas City



Flora Farms





Shangri-La Nevada, LLC





Missouri Joint Ventures, LLC





Old Route 66 Wellness, LLC

1421 West Highway J




Heya Park Hills Retail LLC


Park Hills



Agri-Genesis LLC

2 E 2ND ST




True Level Investments, Inc

10915 NW 45 HWY




North Medical Group, LLC

1709 State Hwy Z









Poplar Bluff Investments LLC


Poplar Bluff



Harvest of Missouri, LLC






9002 E 350 Hwy




Easy Mountain Investments LLC

1740 US HIGHWAY 60 E




Riverside Wellness LLC





Nature’s Health and Wellness, LLC





Nature’s Health and Wellness, LLC


Saint James



Nature’s Health and Wellness, LLC





Missouri Health & Wellness, LLC





Organic Remedies MO, Inc.





BMD Smithville LLC

13518 US-169




BD Health Retail 2, LLC

2126 E Dale St




Mo Retail Products Group, Inc.










Old Route 66 Wellness, LLC





Mo Retail Products Group, Inc





Revival Ninety-Eight, LLC





Ozarx Botanicals I, LLC















V3 MO Vending 5, LLC





Grassroots OpCo MO, LLC





Vertical Enterprise, LLC


St. Joseph



True Level Investments, Inc


St. Joseph



Mother Dispensaries, Inc.

4225 Commonwealth Court

St. Joseph



QPS Missouri Holdings, LLC


St. Robert



MOAZ Industries LLC


Sunrise Beach



Holistic Missouri LLC

19 Highway 5

Sunrise Beach



Blue Arrow Holdings LLC


Sunrise Beach








Green Gryphon LLC

6 Dell Centre Way Union Way




6662 Delmar St. LLC


University CY



Occidental Group, Inc.


University CY



JG Missouri LLC


Valley Park



BMD Warrensburg LLC





Harvest of Missouri, LLC


West Plains





West Plains



© 2020 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

The Eastern Missouri and St. Louis region dispensaries will be added in future issues. Stay tuned and watch for new issues.

The EVOLUTION Magazine is available at the CBD Stores and Doctors Offices listed within these pages, Plus Many Other Locations. Look for these magazine racks at hundreds of locations. Grab Your Copy!

see pages 50− 54

Need More Customers? Contact November 2020


Benefits Wheel for CBD THC and More.


November 2020

See Current and Past Issues, Print Coupons, Read Articles Online at Scan QR Codes to see websites

Relax – We Got This...



● ● ● ● ●

Consultations – Commercial Build-out or Home-grows Remodeling – Kitchen, Bathroom, Whole House Renovations – No Job too Big or Small, Give Us a Call Home Repairs – We Do It, So You Don't Have To! Concrete Work – Need a New Patio, Sidewalk or Drive?

Class “A” Licensed General Contractor, Insured, Honest, Reliable and Quality Work. We Guarantee It! For Your Estimate, Call 816.223.3700 Dan and James Nelson Nelson Brothers Construction LLC ● Grain Valley, MO.

November 2020


Medical CBD Stores Western Missouri Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at most locations on this page and many more.

Missouri CBD Stores

Missouri CBD Stores

Stores Listed Alphabetically American Shaman .................816.491.2452 19321 E US Hwy 40, Independence, MO American Shaman .................816.434.5059 3520 SW Market St, Lee’s Summit, MO American Shaman .................816.858.6039 1303 Platte Falls Rd, Ste CC, Platte City, MO Blue Sky Farms CBD.............. 816.228.4080 Inside Blue Springs Fitness 1300 NW 7 Hwy Blue Springs, MO Blue Springs Botanicals .........816.295.1921 1412 MO-7 STE G, Blue Springs, MO Brookside Holistic Solutions 816.524.4367 819 NE Woods Chapel Rd, Lee’s Summit, Buddha Leaf .......................... 816.385.5480 3613 Beck Rd. St. Joseph, MO CBD American Shaman Noland Rd............. ................................................816.601.0241 4201 South Noland Road Suite S Independence, MO, 64055 CBD American Shaman .........816.726.4615 1402 SW Eagles Pkwy, Grain Valley, MO CBD American Shaman Oak Grove ................................................ 816.625.1127 701 S. Broadway, Oak Grove, MO, 64075 CBD American Shaman......... 885.526.6223 5501 #104 S US Hwy 71, Grandview, MO CBD American Shaman......... 816.680.8805 2008 N MO 291 Hwy, Harrisonville, MO CBD American Shaman.........885.526.6223 1036 W 103rd St, Kansas City, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.599.6010 3518 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.745.7977 100 E 6th St, Suite 6, Kearney, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.381.6333 8038 North Oak Trafficway, KC, MO CBD American Shaman.........855.526.6223 307 A NE Englewood Rd, KC, MO 50

November 2020

Missouri CBD Stores

CBD American Shaman.........816.437.8261 13125 State Line Rd, Kansas City, MO

It’s a Dream Smoke Shop ..... 816.753.5733 3942 Broadway Ave, Kansas City, MO

CBD American Shaman.........816.702.1042 6302 N Chatham Ave, Kansas City, MO

KC SmokZ .............................. 816.656.5090 3957 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO

CBD American Shaman.........913.249.7794 1005 Middlebrooke Dr, Liberty, MO

KC Smoke & Vape ................. 816.931.4434 1605 Westport Rd, Kansas City, MO

CBD American Shaman......... 855.526.6223 9438 E 350 Hwy, Raytown, MO

Let’s Vape & Smoke Shop .... 816.753.8100 3745 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO

CBD KC ................................. 816.550.0063 2419 Burlington St, N Kansas City, MO

Martin City Kratom & CBD... 816.209.1073 13608 B Washington St, Kansas City, MO

CBD Mind & Body ................ 816.600.6271 705 SE Melody Ln, Lee’s Summit, MO

Midtown Kava ....................... 816.541.3144 1415 D W 39th St, Kansas City, MO

CBD Plus ................................ 816.701.6358 7422 Wornall Rd Kansas City, MO

Natural Remedies ................. 816.229.9520 2001 NW Jefferson St, Blue Springs, MO 64015

Complete Care CBD ............... 816.520.3304 18801 East 39th St S, Independence, MO 64057 (inside Independence Center Mall)

Natural Wellness CBD .......... 816.447.8927 7672 N Oak Tfwy, Gladstone, MO

Ed’s CBD Oils ........................ 816.569.3142 9025 E US 40 Hwy, Independence, MO Englewood Station Healing and Arts ................................................ 816.812.3273 10910 E. Winner Rd, Indepen., MO 64052 Emerald Garden Dispensary 816.724.7806 9500 E 55th St, Raytown. MO Emerald Garden Dispensary 816.977.8848 110 E. MO Avenue, Kansas City, MO Happy Rock Smoke Shop and Vape .................................................. 816.436.0226 334 NE 72nd St, Gladstone, MO Happy Rock Smoke Shop and Vape ............ ...................................................... 816.415.3814 603 MO 291 B Liberty, MO Hemp Haven .......................... 816.384.1153 2002 Main St, Kansas City, MO Hemp Haven ........................... 816.621.9401 214 N Rte 291 Hwy, Liberty, MO Hemp Haven .......................... 816.944.8601 419B SW Ward Rd, Lee's Summit Hemp Haven .......................... 913.961.9742 5536 NE Antioch Gladstone, MO

Nettie’s Living Naturally ....... 816.617.7290 545 NW 1501St. Rd., Holden, MO 64040 OG Smoke Shop .................... 816.214.5110 904 W 39th St, Kansas City, MO OG Smoke Shop .................... 816-298.7390 3527 Main St, Kansas City, MO 64111 Organic Hemp Botanicals ..... 816.997.9006 1215 W 103rd St., Kansas City, MO Organic Hemp Botanicals..... 816.425.6026 144 Cedar Tree Square, Belton, MO Phoenix Natural Wellness..... 913.329.5981 817 E North Ave, Belton, MO Roots Cannaporium ……..... 816.858.6005 124 Main St. Platte City, MO 64079 Rustic Oils CBD .................... 816.434.5284 618 SW 3rd St Ste J, Lee’s Summit, MO 7th Heaven …......................... 816.361.9555 7621 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO. 7th Heaven …......................... 816.229.8006 600 MO-7, Blue Springs, MO 64014 660 Vape and Smoke Shop KC | Kratom Store ....................................... 816.942.0151 660 E Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas City, MO

© 2020 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

Medical CBD Stores Western Missouri Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at most locations on this page and many more.

Missouri CBD Stores

Columbia Missouri CBD Stores

Sacred Leaf Zero .................. 816.396.8666 5906 N. Belt Hwy, St. Joseph, MO. 64506

Columbia Urgent Care …...... 573.234.1070 621 N. Providence Rd. Columbia, MO 65023

The CBD Store ....................... 816.474.7400 1729 Oak St. ,Kansas City, MO 64108

Dr. Alt Holistic Care ............. 573.875.4877 1715 W Worley St. Columbia, MO 65203

The Grass Moon .................... 816.500.3958 311 W 39th St. Kansas City, MO 64111

Grass Roots Smoke Shop ......573.449.4769 203 N 10 St, Columbia MO Grass Roots Smoke Shop ......573.443.7668 202 E Green Meadows, Columbia MO

The Hub Smoke Shop ........... 816.701.6267 500 Delaware St, Kansas City, MO The Hub Smoke Shop ............ 816.420.0404 6410 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO The Hub Smoke Shop ............ 816.321.2398 4027 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO

Hemp Hemp Hooray …........ 573-355-1285 Broadway, Columbia, MO 65201

The Hub Smoke Shop ............ 816.492.5466 2631 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City, MO

Your CBD Store – Columbia ..573.442.6706 1408 Interstate 70 Dr. SW. #106, Columbia, MO 65203

True Balance Wellness …...... 816.326.8303 5510 Antioch Rd, Kansas City, MO 64119

Springfield Missouri Area CBD Stores

20 After 4 ………................... 816.259.5180 1303s N 22nd St, St Joseph, MO 64507

Canna Bliss Natural Wellness 417.258.5770 210 W. Republic Road, Springfield, MO

Vapor Loft KC ....................... 816.408.0400 310 Armour Rd, North Kansas City, MO

CBD of Springfield…............. 417.319.5522 3202 S. Campbell Ave Springfield, MO 65807

Vapur of KC …………........… 816.214.5835 8103 North Oak Trafficway, KC, MO 64118

Hemporium ...........................417.324.7724 4139 S National, Springfield, MO 65807

World Hemp …..................... 816.569.6428 3630 Main St., Kansas City, MO 64111

Kaleidoscope …….................. 417.883.9636 1430 E Sunshine St., Springfield, MO 65804

How To Get Your CBD Store Listed Here?

CannaBelew’s Dispensary ...... 417.693.3061 105 W Sherman Way St107, Nixa, MO 65714

To list your CBD Store or Medical Cannabis Dispensary, please email your: business name, address, phone, website and verifiable email address with full mane and contact info to

CBD Republic ….................... 417-818-1812 US Hwy 60 E, Republic, MO 65738 Swin Dispensaries .................. 417.350.1037 108 Park Central Square, Springfield MO 65672

Home Grow Equipment Supplier

Lake of the Ozarks and Jefferson City Area CBD Stores American Shaman of Mid MO …............... ................................................ 573.616.2524 3702 W Truman Blvd. Ste. 200, Jefferson City, MO 65109 Buddha Leaf ........................... 573.658.9675 1418 Missouri Blvd Ste E, Jefferson City MO CBD American Shaman Lake of the Ozarks 573.317.9131 10 Camden Ct Suite 1C, Camdenton, MO Hemp Hemp Hooray - CBD ... 573.355.813 3797 Osage Beach Pkwy Suite F-1, Osage Beach, MO 65065 SQeZ Juice & Health ............. 573.552.8790 3869 Osage Beach Pkwy, Osage Beach, MO The Lime in The Coconut ..... 573.964.6786 Specialty Compound Pharmacy & CBD. 111 Crossing West Ste. 6, Lake Ozark, MO Unique-A-Toke (Kratom & CBD).................. .......................................................573.434.2788 42 Camden Ct, Camdenton, MO 65020

St. Louis MO CBD Stores Pro Brady LLC Hemp CBD Superstore 866.943.6722 ● 1000 Warrenton Shoppes Ste 19, Warrenton, MO Sweet Leaf Emporium ........... 573.218.9552 100 Holly Tree Lane, Farmington MO 63640 Sweet Leaf Emporium ........... 636.683.1090 1100 Shapiro, Festus, MO 63028 Not to Worry! We will be adding more St. Louis area CBD stores. Stay tuned...

Happy Rock Farms 816.379.3700 3816 Main St, Kansas City, MO 64111

See Medical CBD Stores Eastern Kansas on page 44

More Info & Apply at:

See page 19 ► November 2020


Medical CBD Stores Eastern Kansas Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at most locations on this page and many more.

Kansas CBD Stores

Kansas CBD Stores

American Shaman Clinic + CBD ............ ................................................. 913-286-4799

Hemp Haven .......................... 913.296.6998 2223 Louisiana St, Lawrence, KS

Medical Marijuana Qualifying Conditions All Medical Marijuana Patients must have one of the following chronic or debilitating health conditions:

© 2020 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

7201 W 110th Street Suite 120, Overland Park KS

American Shaman Legends Outlet ........... ................................................913.499.7355 1843 Village West Pkwy C-124 Kansas City, KS 66111

Hemp Haven............................913.608.5413 12070 Blue Valley Pkwy, OP, KS Hemp Haven............................913.257.5553 12012 W 87th St, Lenexa, KS

CBD American Shaman Bonner Springs... 913.745.6667 608 Tulip Dr, Ste G Bonner Springs, KS

Into the Mistic......................... 913.766.9906 5727 Johnson Dr, Mission, KS

CBD American Shaman......... 913.270.3120 1819 E Santa Fe, Gardner, KS

Organic Hemp Botanicals ..... 816.381.6073 4872 W 119th St, Leawood, KS

CBD American Shaman......... 913.228.6000 8043 State Ave, Kansas City, KS

Phoenix Natural Wellness ....... 913.730.8520 9627 W 87 St, Overland Park, KS

CBD American Shaman......... 885.526.6223 151 S 18th St, Kansas City, KS

Phoenix Natural Wellness ........913.257.5717 7932 W 151 St, Overland Park, KS

CBD American Shaman......... 785.424.7500 1530 W 6th S. Ste C, Lawrence, KS

Phoenix Natural Wellness ........913.549.3032 13342 College Blvd, Lenexa, KS

CBD American Shaman......... 923.250.5277 728 Shawnee St, Leavenworth, KS

Phoenix Natural Wellness ........785.229.0658 1519 S Main St, Ottawa, KS

CBD American Shaman......... 885.526.6223 15165 W 119th St, Olathe, KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.324.1520 1364 S Blackbob Rd, Olathe KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.217.7476 6933 W 75th St, Overland Park, KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.217.7123 10069 W 87th St, Overland Park, KS

How To Get Listed Here? To be listed here as an CBD Store or Medical Cannabis dispensary, please email us your: business name, address, phone, website and verifiable email address with contact info to

What conditions qualify?

CBD American Shaman. ....... 885.526.6223 11050 Quivira Rd, Overland Park, KS

Any terminal medical illness Alzheimer’s (Agitation) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Autism Cachexia Cancer Chronic medical condition that is normally treated with a prescription medication that could lead to dependence Chronic medical condition that is debilitating or causes severe/persistent pain or muscle spasms Crohn’s Disease Epilepsy/seizures Glaucoma Hepatitis C HIV/AIDS Huntington’s Disease Inflammatory Bowel Disease Intractable migraines Multiple Sclerosis Neuropathies Parkinson’s Disease Psychiatric disorders including, but not limited to, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) if diagnosed by a state-licensed psychiatrist Sickle cell anemia Wasting syndrome

CBD American Shaman ........ 913.231.3032 13436 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS

CBD American Shaman ........ 913.647.3999 7703 W 151st St, Overland Park KS

Contact a Medical Cannabis certification doctor to see if you qualify for a medical marijuana ID card in the state of Missouri. medical-marijuana/faqs.php

CBD American Shaman ........ 913.271.3120 23 W Wea St,, Paola, KS CBD American Shaman ........ 913.766.0430 13213 Shawnee Mission Pkwy, Shawnee, Crabtree & Brown CBD ......... 785.242.2409 415 S. Main St. Ste. B, Ottawa, KS 66067 Gifts & Decor KC .................... 913.782.4244 123 S Mur-Len Rd, Olathe, KS 66062 52

November 2020

© 2020 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

Visit and get the latest news and see more locations to grab your copy ─ while they last!

Spotlight on Business Locations to Find The EVOLUTION Magazine Clayton Stallings, VP of Sales & Marketing for The EVOLUTION Magazine, out-and-about town, visiting with businesses where you can grab a copy of the magazine.

▲ The staff at Burning Spider Stoke Company are amazed by everything The EVOLUTION Magazine offers. Whether you need skateboarding gear, lessons, or MO MMJ information — they have it! Swing by 1603 W 39th St, Kansas City, MO 64111.

▲ Hemp Haven in Liberty was in the Halloween and Chiefs spirit and thrilled by some really scary stories in our October issue! Our magazines and Hemp Haven products are flying out the door here, so swing by for ghostly good deals and grab a magazine too. ◄ Always great to see Keiva (aka “K”) who has her own line of CBD infused products, including body butter, at Harvest Moon Botanica at 4107 Troost Ave, KC, MO. It’s such a positive vibe every time I drop magazines off at here. Swing by and soak up K’s positive energy.

▲ Happy faces all around for the staff at Green Health Docs! Had to increase their magazine count again for the October issue, because so many are getting their MMJ ID Certifications, knowing dispensaries are opening very soon! Swing by for the latest issue of The EVOLUTION Magazine. November 2020


Most Doctors Now Offer TELEHEALTH

Missouri Medical Cannabis Certification Doctors NOTICE: Any Missouri state licensed medical Physician (M.D. / D.O. only) that wants to participate can write a certification for a Missouri Medical Marijuana Card. The following list of Missouri doctors are now serving patients near you.

Kansas City MO, Area Blue Bird Wellness Center …....... 816.944.3654 676 SE Bayberry Ln. Ste 105, Lee’s Summit, MO. Brookside Holistic Solutions ........ 816.524.4367 Dr. Herbert E. Dempsey DO 819 NE Woods Chapel Rd. Lee’s Summit, MO Green Health Docs ........................877.242.0362 5748 N Broadway KC, MO 64118 Green Health Docs ....................... 877.242.0362 2335 North Belt Hwy St. Joseph, MO 64506 Green Cross MO ........................... 816.424.2420 Offering TELEHEALTH 1204 US-40,Blue Springs, MO 64015 Green Flower Clinics .................... 816.615.8690 Dr. Name: Dimitri Golfinopoulos, D.O. 401 S. Platte Clay Way, Kearney, MO 64060 Green Sage Doctors ...................... 816.820.3004 Offering TELEHEALTH

East & Southern, MO Area Columbia, MO

Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at many of the locations on this page and many more.

St. Louis MO, Area Bell Chiropractic & Pain Mgmt. ..... 314.838.1983 493 Rue Francois Suite 1A, Florissant, MO

Dr. Alt Holistic Care .............................. 573.875.4877 1715 B West Worley, Columbia, MO 65203 Green Health Docs Columbia ........ 877.242.0362 303 N Stadium Blvd, Regus Building, Suite 200 Columbia, MO 65203 Marijuana Card Clinic ................. 573.326.4496 303 N Stadium, Ste 218, Columbia, MO 65203

Elevate Holistics (Stephen Stearman) MO 660.205.2215 | OK 918.879.6155 111 Westport Plaza - Suite 600 St. Louis, MO Green Health Docs STL. ............. 877.242.0362 11860 Lackland Rd, St Louis, MO 63146

Springfield, MO

Health City .................................... 314.200.1555 1760 S. Brentwood Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63144

Dr. Gil’s Immediate Care Center ........ 417.869.8000 3000 East Division St., Springfield, MO 65802

Kathmandu Clinic ….................... 918.814.3996 111 Prospect Ave Suite 20 2D, Kirkwood, MO.

Elite Pain Mgmt. ........................... 417.888.0167 222 E Primrose St. Suite E, Springfield, MO

Midwest GreenCert ..................... 314. 596.9955 2325 Dougherty Ferry Rd., Ste. 206 St. Louis, MO 63122 (See page 11)

Green Health Docs ........................ 877.242.0362 225 East Sunshine, Suite 102, Springfield, MO

Natural Solutions .................. 417.720.4078

Medical Cannabis Outreach ........ 636.489.4293 Dr. Jerry Leech, Chesterfield, MO

2973 E. Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO

Medical Cannabis Outreach .........636.466.3871 Dr. Nassar: 7721 Clayton Rd. Clayton, MO 63117

Kind Remedy Cannabis Clinic .... 816.379.6557 2400 Rt. 291, Unit B, Independence, MO 64057

Nature’s Green Health & Wellness Clinic .......... 417.771.5737 330 W Farm Rd 182 Suite F, Springfield MO 65180

Missouri Cannabis Outreach ...... 636.466.3871 2730 S. St. Peters Parkway, St. Charles, MO 63304

Midwest Health & Wellness Center ..................... 816.836.2200 Dr. Marc K. Taormina MD Offering TELEHEALTH 3601 NE Ralph Powell Rd, Suite A, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064

Ozark Valley Medical .................... 417.317.5035 3259 E Sunshine St Suite AA, Springfield, MO.

Missouri Cannabis Clinic ............. 844.420.0362 Offering TELEHEALTH 10001 E. 67th St. Raytown, MO 64133 ► 2nd Location in Wesport, KCMO. www.MissouriCannabis.Clinic My KC Green Wellness…..............816.301.5598 8120 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151

Purpose Medical …....................... 816.226.7512 1201 NW Briarcliff Pkwy, Suite 200, KC, MO. The Releaf Clinic 816.897.4494 Offering TELEHEALTH 19201 E. Valley View Pkwy, Suite C, Indep, MO. Dr. Woods Wellness ..................... 816.888.5200 4963 NE Goodview Cir., Lee’s Summit, MO 64064


November 2020

Vo Medical Clinic - Dr. Thanh Vo ... 314.776.1467 3334 South Grand Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118

Shealy-Sorin Wellness Institute .... 417.351-5221 2840 E Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO. The Higher Care Clinic (THC 2….417.413.3899 2424 South Campbell Avenue, Springfield, MO.


(see page 15)

Southern MO Ozark Valley Medical ..................... 417.317.533 5571 N 21st St, Ozark, MO 65721 Ozark Valley Medical .................... 417.317.5318 1140 MO-76, Branson, MO 65616 Roark Family Health & Medical Spa . 417.847.1111 Dr. Lisa Roark ● 1101 N. Main St., Cassville, MO.

Green Health Docs ................ 877.242.0362 809 S Maiden Lane, Joplin, MO 64801 Watch Here For More Doctors Next Month

Offering TELEHEALTH (see page 45)

How to Get Listed Here as a Missouri Marijuana Med-ID Doctor.

To be listed here as an active Medical Marijuana certification Doctor (Licensed Missouri Doctors Only. Assistant Physicians, PA and NP, Chiropractic Doctors cannot certify.) Please submit your full business name, doctor name, phone, address, website and verifiable contact info to

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November 2020



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