The Evolution Magazine December 2019

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12 ● 2019



To All Winners of The

192 dispensaries 86 manu factu ring 60 culti vatio n 10 trans porta tion

Lice nse Win ner s!

CBD Recipes

Holiday CBD Hot Chocolate on a Stick


A No Man’s Land

Shopping Dispensaries? Decide With Your Dollar

Indoor Growing Methods for the Home Grower

Countdown to License Awards and Dispensaries Opening December 2019 1


December 2019



December 2019




6 Canna Biz — HOME DELIVERY — A No Man’s Land 10 Product Safety — Is Your Weed Safe? (Part 2) 12 Canna Convict Project — 23 Years for a Plant 14 The Kansas Road to Medical Cannabis − What is Legal in Oz? 18 Making Us Wait— Medical Cannabis Coming Soon 20 Thoughts From Doc — I Just Want to Be Legal! 22 Just Want to be Home for Christmas for These Cannabis Refugees 30 Seed to Sale — Managing Expectations — A Guide for New Patients 32 What You Need to Know About Cannabis Strains 36 CBD Holiday Gift Guide


Decide With Your Dollar


40 38 42 46

MOTA Homegrown in the Heartland



Shopping Dispensaries?

Leah’s Take: Exiled from Missouri to Create Change in Oregon

Cannabiz Entrepreneurs

CBD Recipes — Holiday CBD Hot Chocolate on a Stick

24 How To — Indoor Growing Methods

Benefits Wheel for CBD, THC and More Calendar of Cannabis Business, Jobs, Education Events CBD Store Guide ― Missouri Stores / Kansas page 44 Doctors Guide to Missouri Med-ID Certification Visit and get the latest news and see more locations to get your copy of The EVOLUTION Magazine.


December 2019

Plus More Good Stuff Within These Pages — Enjoy!

December 2019



heEditor T

Bill Cromwell Editor-in-Chief


Time to Celebrate

ime to celebrate; this is the month everyone has been waiting for while holding their breath. Licenses will be awarded by December 31, and I’m certain, it will be a very Merry Christmas for the 348 winners who will receive notifications from the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services (DHSS). Earlier this year, the DHSS opened licensing and certification applications for 192 dispensaries, 86 manufacturing facilities, 60 cultivation facilities and 10 transportation. DHSS has reserved the option to increase any of those numbers. More than 2,000 license applications were submitted to the DHSS from about 700 prospective businesses for the 348 coveted licenses. For those winning a license, it’s time to begin the buildouts of dispensaries, infused-manufacturing, cultivation, and testing labs. This issue will motive every new business, and it also hits home for many who have children suffering (see page 22), left Missouri for help, and are now looking forward to coming home. For consumers, well, you’ll need to wait just a little bit longer before you can visit a dispensary — estimates are May to June 2020. While there could be some opening sooner, remember, it is a plant that begins with “immaculate conception” seeds that need time to grow. Home growers, however, have been growing for several months now, and many are close to cutting their first harvest. At the time of this writing, November 2019, the DHSS reported patients applying for a medical cannabis ID card totaled 20,496. Of those, 19,962 were patient applications and 534 caregiver applications with a total approved of 18,226 with 168 rejected (rejections are not denials, just an opportunity to provide more information). Doctors seeing patients for certifications are telling us that many of those patients are planning to home-grow. It’s good news for Hydroponics and other home-grow supply stores where business is booming. This magazine provides educational help for home growers in every issue, check out pages 24-25, and there’s a host of other businesses throughout this and every issue willing to help you — get growing. For the winners of business licenses, The EVOLUTION Magazine wants to be one of the first to congratulate every new business. We would also like to remind you to contact us quickly regarding your free business listing within this magazine and the possibility of profiling your business to let our readers know what you offer Missouri Medicinal Cannabis Patients. Please email with your complete business name and contact information. Please don’t delay, to make the next issue — time is of the essence. The mission of The EVOLUTION Magazine is to be an educational resource that guides our readers through Missouri’s emerging legalized “medical cannabis” industry. Want to work in the industry? See page 38 and more job information at Wishing Everyone a Very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. 6

December 2019

Missouri’s First Educational Medical Cannabis Magazine Published Monthly by Native Kansas City, MO, Advocates, Publishers and Writers. A True Missouri Born Grassroots Effort to Educate and Inform Patients, and to Provide Businesses within The Missouri Cannabis Industry an Economical Forum to Tell Their Story. We hope you join and enjoy “The Evolution.” PUBLISHER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Bill Cromwell News, Article Requests, Advertisements Corporate Office: 816.878.4509 Kansas City, MO MANAGING EDITOR, VP OF OPERATIONS: Victoria Cromwell VP SALES/MARKETING AND EDITORIAL DEVELOPMENT: Clayton Stallings CREATIVE DESIGNERS, GRAPHIC ARTS, PHOTOGRAPHY: Bill Cromwell FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHY : Chris Smith Our Expert Team of Writers and Cannabis Industry Leaders ● Brother Mendel — Seed / Growing Education ● Dana Cunningham — Cooking with CBD ● Jason Davis — Home Growers Education Columnist ● Leigh Zarda Carr, CBD Pet Wellness and Cooking with CBD ● Amanda DiMartini, MA, LPC — Mental Wellness Zone ● Dolores Halbin — Patient Advocate and Awareness ● Dale Sky Jones — Education & Industry News ● Peter Kershaw — Health and Safety Columnist ● Leah Maurer — Health, Awareness, Ask Leah Columnist ● Commander Tom Mundell ― Veteran’s Health & Wellness ● Dr. Michael J. Poppa, D.O., M.B.A. ― Medical Health News ● Tanya Roth — Rural Missouri News & Patient Advocates ● Monthly Guest Writers — Cannabis News & Patient Advocates The EVOLUTIONTM Magazine offers a monthly print magazine that is distributed throughout western Missouri, eastern Kansas and the Lake of the Ozarks region. Printed copies are found at nearly 300 locations including CBD dispensaries, therapy centers, doctors offices, restaurants, sports bars, golf courses, resorts, hotels and many other select locations. In addition, the magazine is offered online as an inter-active E-magazine at NOTICE: The publisher/editor reserves the right to reject whatever material does not fit with the vision or intent of this publication. Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the publisher and does not imply endorsement. The contributing writers, staff or owners of THE EVOLUTION Magazine cannot be held liable for hardship or losses incurred due to any content associated within this publication or websites. Written views and information expressed in this publication belong to the writers and do not reflect the sentiments or editorial opinion of the publisher or staff. We cannot be held responsible for changes to scheduling, prices, rates or the occasional typographical errors. ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE: Advertisers have the right to terminate promotions or special offers/coupons, change rates or fees without notice. All listed guides, rates, fees and information herein are non-binding reference material only. Always check with listed businesses or advertisers for its latest updates, prices and special offers. FDA Disclaimer: Any statements made within this magazine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No products or Ads featured within these pages are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent any disease, ailment or disorder. Always consult your physician before beginning any supplements, botanical extracts or products withing these pages. Products mentioned within for use by adults age 18 and older. Keep such products out of reach of children. The information within is a sharing of knowledge and information based on the writers research and experience. © 2019 The EVOLUTIONTM Magazine. All Rights Proprietary and Conceptual Designs Reserved. Reproduction of any part of this publication’s contents is strictly prohibited without written permission of the Publisher or Managing Editor.


December 2019


Cannabiz Regulations ►



Regulations by Christopher M. McHugh and Drew Goodwin, Contributing Writers

almost in passing, that both those terms include “deliver[y].” So, the argument that a regulation was needed on an emergency basis for home delivery to comply with the Constitution was not really there.





issouri’s medical marijuana program now has individual regulations describing in detail the rules for patient applications, physician conduct, seed-to-sale tracking, and testing facilities, to name a few. A regulation that could be considered absent, however, is one covering home delivery. In fact, home delivery is hardly mentioned. There is a separate regulation on the transportation of marijuana between marijuana businesses. However, the only references to home delivery are in the regulation on dispensaries, which just requires that dispensaries receive payment before any marijuana leaves the facility, verify the patient’s medical card and government-issued photo ID before completing the delivery, and follow all the fairly straightforward rules for B2B transport (unmarked vehicle, secure lockbox, video cameras, GPS tracking, and documented manifest and trip plan). Compare that to states like California and Oregon that have separate regulations with multiple subparts specifying all the requirements for home delivery (California actually has eight separate regulations on home delivery), or states like Colorado and Washington that simply ban home delivery altogether.


December 2019


© Photo by Andrey Popov Why no dedicated home delivery regulation for Missouri? The answer might be that the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) thought the general regulation covering B2B transportation was good enough, or more likely, in this author’s opinion, it might be that DHSS did not believe it had the authority to issue a regulation on home delivery just yet. At the beginning of the published regulations, DHSS points out that all the regulations were promulgated under the Missouri legal process for “emergency regulations,” which requires a finding that each is either in response to an immediate danger to the public health or necessary to comply with the Missouri Constitution. Before each regulation, DHSS placed a statement specifying what Section of Article 14 (on medical marijuana) of the Constitution that particular regulation addresses. The problem with using that same process for an emergency regulation on home delivery is the Constitution, for the most part, does not mention home delivery either and certainly never deals with the subject in any kind of substantive detail. The only references to home delivery in the Constitution are in the definitions of “Medical Marijuana Dispensary” and “Medical use,” which state,

In that case, why didn’t DHSS just ban home delivery by emergency regulation? Aside from the fact an immediate threat to public health did not exist to support an emergency regulation banning home delivery, DHSS probably cannot ban home delivery in any case because, despite its few mentions in the Constitution, there is still likely at least an implied constitutional right to home delivery of medical marijuana in Missouri that DHSS cannot infringe. As noted, the definitions of both “Medical Marijuana Dispensary Facility” and “Medical use” in Article 14 reference delivery. Specifically, the Constitution says a Dispensary “means a facility licensed by the Department, to acquire, store, sell, transport, and deliver marijuana, marijuana-infused products, and drug paraphernalia used to administer marijuana as provided for in this section to a Qualifying Patient.” Medical use “means the production, possession, delivery, distribution, transportation, or administration of marijuana or a marijuana-infused product for the benefit of a Qualifying Patient.” While brief, the references are also pretty clear on intent, and it is difficult to interpret them as anything but guaranteeing in some respect an individual right to home delivery. So, DHSS was in a true Catch-22 and probably did the only thing it could by cheating some parts of other emergency regulations towards coverage of home delivery as much as possible and hoping for the best. The result of that, for good or ill, is a home delivery process in Missouri that will be less regulated than in other states. Chris McHugh and Drew Goodwin are lawyers with Joseph, Hollander & Craft LLC law firm. They are dedicated to helping Missouri businesses meet all the legal challenges in the cannabis and hemp industries. For more information, call 816.297.0800 Chris McHugh: Drew Goodwin:





When You Want The Best, Visit a CBD American Shaman Location December 2019


Lab Testing 101

Product Safety ►

Is Your Weed Safe? Part 2


by Peter Kershaw, Contributing Writer

o your cannabis vape cartridges ever give you headaches? Do you experience respiratory problems after vaping? You’re likely the victim of bad quality, unsafe vape cartridges.

The alarm has been raised this year of the alleged risks of vaping. According to the CDC, over one-thousand documented cases of severe pulmonary disease and twenty-six deaths have been confirmed in 21 states, all related to vaping. CDC tells us it’s at a loss for knowing the root cause. However, their ignorance doesn’t preclude irresponsible speculating: “Most patients report a history of using tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-containing products. The latest national and state findings suggest products containing THC… are linked to most of the cases and play a major role in the outbreak.” CDC more than implies THC is the culprit. CDC knows that cannabis doesn’t cause pulmonary disease, but the CDC has never allowed science, reason, logic, or common sense to stand in the way of an agenda. In spite of the overwhelming evidence of cannabis’ health benefits with few risks, CDC has stubbornly maintained an anti-cannabis agenda for decades. It suits its Big Pharma masters to put forth minimal scientific effort in identifying 10

December 2019

the actual causes of vape-related injuries. American health agencies are conflating nicotine-containing “e-cigs” and cannabis vapes, much to the consternation of users in both camps. Although the vaping equipment used can be very similar, sometimes even identical, they generally contain very different ingredients. The primary ingredients of nicotine e-cigs are propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG), along with nicotine, flavorings, and dyes. PG and VG are water-soluble and hydrophobic. They don’t mix with cannabis oil. So, there’s very little in common between the ingredients of an e-cig and a canna-vape. The jury is still out on whether vaping PG (the ingredient that makes the massive vapor clouds) can cause respiratory issues. What shouldn’t be in dispute is that nicotine vaping is a viable harm-reduction option for the millions of Americans who’ve kicked the cigarette habit (something Big Tobacco is anything but pleased about). Cannabis vape cartridges contain cannabis oil (or at least they’re supposed to). Pure cannabis oil, which has been safely extracted (e.g., ethanol, CO2), is high viscosity — sometimes too thick to readily wick in the typical vape cartridge. So, it’s often diluted with one or more oil-soluble ingredients. Terpenes derived from plant-based essential oils are generally safe dilutants. But terpenes aren’t cheap and, therefore, not as commonly used as they should be. Cannabis oil is expensive to produce, so it’s to the economic advantage of the producer to dilute their vape product. As long as the producer doesn’t dilute too much, and the price is reasonable, everyone may be satisfied. However, few people ever inquire about the ingredients producers cut with and the health consequences. Unfortunately, there are multiple oil-soluble ingredients that can and often do go into canna-vapes that can be harmful. One of the most common is vitamin E oil, but other oils such as coconut and mineral oils have also been discovered in vapes. On September 5, 2019, the FDA announced that “55.56% of the samples of cannabis-containing vape liquids sent in by states, linked to recent vaping related lung disease outbreak in the United States, tested positive for vitamin E acetate which is being used as a thickening

agent by some manufacturers.” This appears to be strong evidence of at least one cause behind the recent outbreak of what’s been dubbed “popcorn lung.” Vitamin E oil is a lipid, typically derived from sunflower or safflower. If vaped, lipids can cause the very symptoms that are now being widely reported as “severe pulmonary disease.” The fact that canna-vape manufacturers are even using vitamin E and other oils as “thickeners” in the first place is indicative of another problem. Pure cannabis oil is already thick. Why would it require a thickener? These vapes are likely made from cheap bulk “isolates” and not “whole-plant” cannabis. Isolates are also commonly used in edibles. There’s nothing inherently dangerous about isolates. However, their medicinal value may be in doubt. Isolates are akin to pharmaceuticals rather than the real deal. Cannabinoid molecules are isolated (e.g., THC and CBD) and added to the final product in the desired dosage. Isolates lack the “entourage effect” because the many other cannabinoids of the plant that benefit our health are missing. Isolates also lack cannabis terpenes, and these, too, have their unique health benefits. A safe, high-quality canna-vape cartridge is expensive to produce. It starts with safe, highquality cannabis. If the cannabis is contaminated in the grow with chemical pesticides and fungicides (an all-too-common problem), all those toxins end up being concentrated in the oil. If the extraction process uses solvents inherently harmful for human consumption (butane, acetone, etc.), any residual amount (and there will always be some) becomes concentrated in the oil. Canna-vapes generally can’t be produced and sold at a profit at the market prices we often see without manufacturers cutting corners and taking risks with our health. If you’re getting vape carts for, say, $50 or less, you’re very likely taking a significant risk. As Missouri medical cannabis consumers, we should never compromise where it concerns our health. Peter Kershaw is a best selling author of Economic Solutions (over 1 million sold). He is a cannabis grow consultant for OuiCann and manufacturer’s rep for Luminate Systems. Peter can be reached at 417.230.4445 or

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December 2019


Patient Access Advocate ►

23 Years for a Plant

Working to Free Missouri’s Nonviolent Cannabis Inmates. by Christina Frommer, Contributing Writer


t’s been an exhausting, yet productive month since we officially introduced Canna Convict Project in the November issue. The support has been tremendously humbling and truly validates the desire for reform in our state. As mentioned last month, I want to introduce the folks we are fighting for, one at a time. So, let’s get right to it; please meet Seth Wiggington. To the state of Missouri, Seth Wiggington is inmate #1275050, housed at Western Missouri Correctional Center, sentenced to 13 plus 10 years consecutive for distribution, delivery, and manufacturing of a controlled substance (nonviolent). Yes, 23 years for a plant, but we will get to those details in a moment. Let’s first meet him as a person.

So how does a young, talented, caring man wind up in prison with a 23-year sentence? Well, we can thank our unjust and disproportionate cannabis laws for that. While Seth may have been viewed as an entrepreneur a few states over, here in Missouri, he was a criminal. Long story short, one fateful night in early 2016, Seth made a transaction for a considerable amount of cannabis product with what turned out to be a DEA agent. Unbeknownst to Seth, the agency had intercepted his original contact, employed a decoy, and the rest is history.

Spending time with the completely candid and vulnerable Seth, a 32-year-old single father, master welder, and cannabis enthusiast from St. Joseph, MO, has been an amazing experience. He begins each day practicing gratitude, meditating, and participating in yoga — centering himself has led to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance as he has never known before. Seth revels in the success of his 8-year-old son “K,” ending each day with a call to discuss school, practice, and life in general. Since his incarceration, Seth has taken advantage of every class available and is constantly trying to grow as a person. One class, he pointed out, was especially meaningful, VIP (Victim Impact Panel). Seth recognizes that his actions, while victimless by most of our standards, had an unforeseen impact on his son’s life. “K” has been through a lot while he has been forced to live the last 3 ½ years without his father. While waiting to visit Seth the first time, “K” was heavy on my heart. Waiting for the big, ugly, noisy prison doors to open, I couldn’t help but think of how scary this must be for a young boy. It is a sad and harsh reality many children have had to live through. Thankfully “K” has a strong support system on the outside with his grandmothers raising him in a stable and loving environment. 12

December 2019

Christina Frommer (left) of Canna Convict Project advocates for the release of Seth, eligible for parole in June 2020. Unfortunately, he had been convicted of a similar offense a few years prior, receiving a 13-year sentence of which he served 120 days and was to finish the remainder on probation. Since the incidents occurred in a relatively short period, the Judge decided to throw the book at him, sentencing him to 10 years plus his 13-year probation, ending the day with 23 years. The judge could have run his time concurrent (together), but instead, decided to run them consecutively (back-to-back). If his time were run together, Seth would be eligible for parole now. Since they were not, he will be eligible for parole in June 2020.

This leads me to our approach for Seth’s case and the ultimate goal of the Canna Convict Project, advocation for clemency. Clemency for all these “*Canna POWs,” whether they’re released or not. Seth has sent back the releases allowing us to request his prison and HIPPA records. This information will be included in the body of his clemency petition, showing off what an upstanding inmate he has been. We’re also looking into petitioning the court to have his time concurrently ran so he can be eligible for parole immediately and preparing for his June hearing. My final thoughts and take away are that release of custody after spending four, five, or ten years should be considered “time served.” There’s no reason these Canna POWs should be released with 17 or 18 years of probation time. All Canna Convict Project Canna POWs are nonviolent. No one was hurt, weapons not involved, children not present, a disruptive scene not created. These individuals should be allowed to move forward with their lives and even participate in the Missouri MMJ Industry if they so choose. They are the original providers of the medicine we’re about to “Legally” enjoy. They risked and lost their freedom over the same plant from which our state and entrepreneurs are about to profit. Free the plant, free the people, freedom of choice.

*The term “Canna POW” with all due respect to our valiant veterans is our acronym for “Prisoner of War on Drugs.” All Canna Convict Project Canna POWs are incarcerated for nonviolent offenses. Christina Frommer is the co-founder of the Canna Convict Project. The mission of this collective is to assist Missouri nonviolent cannabis inmates with their release from prison; as well as create an exit plan that will assist them as they reintegrate back into society. Christina can be contacted by email at

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Patient Access Advocate ►

WHAT IS LEGAL IN OZ ? by Lisa Ash Sublett, Bleeding Kansas Advocates


t this time, the only thing legally sold in Kansas CBD stores is a limited list of 0%THC hemp-derived CBD products. Hemp flower, pre-rolled hemp cigarettes, hemp vape cartridges, and many other items are not legal. For more information about Kansas hemp laws, contact Kansans for Hemp and The Planted Association of Kansas (PAK). You can find Kansans for Hemp on Facebook and Twitter. The PAK website is Last session, “Claire and Lola’s Law” passed and was signed into law. The law was named after two little girls from a wonderful family. The Hartley family and their mother Gwen fought tirelessly for this bill. Tragically, both girls passed away within months after the bill passed. The hearts of the entire cannabis community were broken for this wonderful family. The legacy of the Hartley family and their girls live on in the law named for them. The details of the law were widely misreported, causing much confusion for patients. This law, in no way, made any amount of medical cannabis legal in Kansas. It is an affirmative defense law only: meaning when arrested, you may present the law and your adherence to its stipulations as a defense to your charges. District attorneys and judges are not bound to accept this defense. Under this law, Kansas patients can go to legal states and purchase CBD cannabis oil containing less than 5% THC. Patients must be diagnosed with a “debilitating medical condition” and must be under current treatment by a physician licensed to practice medicine and surgery in Kansas. A diagnosis letter stating the debilitating condition must be dated within the preceding 15 months, it must be kept current, it must be written on letterhead, and it must be signed and dated by the physician. It does not need to state that your doctor recommends you use the oil. At all times, you must have with you both the doctor’s recommendation and the third-party lab test results for the product you purchased. This law does not allow for possession, sale, production, redistribution, or use of any other form of medical cannabis. This law went into effect on July 1, 2019. You can still fail a drug test and lose your job. On October 23, there was a huge leap forward in Kansas. For the first time, a special committee was formed to investigate the topic of medical cannabis. An entire day of testimony was allowed in the Federal and State Affairs committee, chaired by Rep. John Barker. Proponents spoke in the morning session and opponents in the afternoon session. Policy recommendations will be put forward to the entire legislature from this special committee. It is possible to form 14

December 2019

their own medical cannabis bill. In another Kansas first, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and others were at the side of patients through both written testimony and in-person testimony. This has always been a very key but missing component in the fight for medical cannabis in Kansas. We will give updates on this important event, and its possible outcomes, in our next article. You can monitor the legislature website for an opportunity to read all the offered testimony. Sometimes it does take a while for it to be posted. You can check: li/b2019_20/committees/ctte_spc_2019_fed_and_state_affairs_1/. Currently, there are three medical cannabis bills in Kansas. These three were carried over from the last session. Every other year is a “grace” year in Kansas, and bills do not die but are carried over to the next session. More bills may be introduced in the 2020 session, which begins January 9. SB:113, sponsored by Sen. Tom Holland and named the “Veterans First Bill,” did receive a hearing in the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee last session, but the committee took no further action on the bill. They have the option to pick it back up and work the bill in the 2020 session. HB: 2413, per the Kansas Health Institute website, “HB 2413 – Would enact the Human Solution for Kansas Act providing for licensure and regulation of the manufacture, transportation and sale of medical cannabis and imposing a privilege tax on medical cannabis. The bill was introduced in the House and referred to the Federal and State Affairs Committee on April 4.” SB:195 and HB: 2303 is the Kansas Safe Access Act and was introduced by Rep. Gail Finney and has 22 co-sponsors. In full disclosure, this is the bill from our organization, and we are very proud of all the work, research, and many years that have gone into this bill. You can read a summary of the bill and the financial projections at It is currently in the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee and the House Health and Human Services committee. You can read the medical cannabis bills mentioned in this article by going to the Kansas legislature website,, and typing the bill number in the bill search window. Lisa Ash Sublett of Bleeding Kansas Advocates can be reached at 913.396.9675, or



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December 2019


Ask Leah

Leah’s Take ►

Ex ile d from Missouri

t o Cr e a t e Ch a n g e i n Or e g o n : My Journey to Cannabis Advocacy by Leah Maurer, Contributing Writer


had always been an advocate, sometimes for myself and sometimes on behalf of other individuals or organizations. Growing up in St. Louis and attending the University of Missouri-Columbia, I was involved with advocacy and the community for various issues. I never thought I’d end up pushing for drug law reform because of a traumatic experience I had in my home state in the center of America’s heartland. You see, when I was in my mid-20s, my mother-in-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, so my husband Travis and I moved her to Columbia (from St. Louis) to live with us. We gave her cannabis to help with her cancer treatments and to relieve the immense amount of pain she was enduring. After Travis was robbed at gunpoint and had a few other life-threatening experiences with the underground market, we decided there had to be a better, safer way and began growing cannabis in our house.

A native Missourian, Leah Maurer is a cannajournalist, creative marketing consultant and activist who now lives in Portland, OR. She is an owner of, a cannabis news and information publication where she serves as the Editorial Lead. Leah was very involved in Oregon’s cannabis legalization, helping found New Approach Oregon, an organization responsible for drafting and campaigning for Measure 91. Additionally, in 2014 Leah founded “Moms for YES on Measure 91,” its grassroots efforts proved pivotal in the passage of legalizing recreational/adult-use cannabis in the State. Leah is a social justice and cannabis activist at the core and hopes to see the prohibition of cannabis end on a federal level and normalizing it across America — and someday, worldwide. 16

December 2019

This all came crashing down on us in March of 2009 when three different law enforcement bodies — the Missouri State Patrol, the Columbia Police Department, and the MUSTANG Task Force — invaded our house, pushing through our front door, and holding me (and Travis) to the ground at gunpoint during the raid. Neither Travis nor I had any priors on our records, and there was no evidence of violent activity in or around or home, yet we were treated as if we were harboring terrorists in our basement rather than growing cannabis. In fact, we were raising two small children at the time. Both of them were at a friend’s during the time of the raid, and I was dealing with pain from being in the middle of a miscarriage. The experience of the raid opened my eyes to so many social and criminal injustices that are intertwined by cannabis prohibition and the drug war overall. Although I still suffer from PTSD from the experience, I am thankful for it in an odd way as it thrust me into the world

of activism and drug law reform in a way that no other experience could have. I began to learn about asset forfeiture, private prisons, the disproportionate number of drug arrests of people of color, and a laundry list of social and criminal justice issues that arise with the drug war in our country. Local media sensationalized the story and Travis’ arrest in a way that left us feeling hopeless about our ability to successfully raise a family in Missouri. We made the heart-wrenching decision to pick up our life and move away from all the family, friends, community, and the life we had built for ourselves in Missouri. We moved 2,000 miles away to Portland, OR, something I would NEVER have agreed to do under any other terms, as I always wanted to remain close to my extended family. I felt like I had been exiled from my home state. Fast forward a couple of years. We now have our footing in Oregon. We began to repair some of our mental and emotional trauma and decided to welcome a third child into our family. Travis and I also began to have discussions about how we didn’t feel right about just sitting still, while other families were going through raids like ours every single day in our country, not to mention all of the other incidents and arrests that happen daily as a result of America’s failed drug war. We knew we had to do something. In 2010, Travis founded an organization named “Show-Me Cannabis,” which started to gain traction in Missouri. We built out the platform and funded it for three years, eventually building a grassroots campaign that became self-sustaining. More than anything, we wanted to push for drug law reform in our home state first, but given the political climate at the time, and the fact that we had already seen two legalization measures fail in Oregon (where there was already a medical marijuana program), we knew that our best shot was working for legalization there first.

The Missouri State Patrol, the Columbia Police Department, and the MUSTANG Task Force invaded our house, pushing through our front door and holding me and Travis to the ground at gunpoint during the raid. In April 2013, that idea started to become a reality. I never thought of myself as someone who could advocate for cannabis — I was always too reserved to put my neck out there, opting to protect my kids and my reputation to a certain degree. However, after our raid in Missouri, every mom in my entire neighborhood playgroup turned their back on me and basically shunned my kids and me from participating in any of the local functions. So,

for Yes on Measure 91.” Within two weeks, through grassroots efforts alone, I had over 100 people in it. Within a month, I had over 1,000 — all parents in the state of Oregon who also believed that legalizing adult-use cannabis was a better and safer approach. Then, about a week before voting day in October 2014, the No on Measure 91 campaign decided to hold a press conference with several moms and members of law enforcement to talk about how bad legaliza-

Leah speaking at the “Moms of Yes on Measure 91” press conference in 2014. when it came to advocating for legalization in Oregon, I decided I didn’t have anything to lose — I already knew how being shunned felt. In April of 2013, Travis organized a meeting of advocates, establishment lawyers, communications professionals, politicians, and national funders to discuss a legalization cannabis measure in Oregon. I was the opening speaker at that meeting, and it put me on an entirely different path from the one I was on, as both an individual and a professional. Travis and the team he gathered were successful in the pitch and secured funding. The result was the beginning of New Approach Oregon, the organization from which Measure 91 was drafted and campaigned. I mentioned to the campaign director early on that I wanted to start a mom’s group that could help with the campaign. She was skeptical at first, but eventually came around to see the value in my idea and had the campaign’s communications team help me establish a group. So, I started “Moms

tion would be for the children in Oregon. The Yes on Measure 91 campaign asked if I would be willing to do the same thing and express why I disagreed and why legalization was, in fact, the best approach here. I said yes, and showed up the next day for the press conference1 with several other moms and even a few children by my side. Being a stay at home mom for about ten years before this, I was not groomed to be a public speaker, yet that day, I was talking in front of over a dozen members of the press ranging from writers to radio to television who were hanging on to every word I said. Ultimately, Measure 91 passed in November 2014 and successfully legalized recreational/ adult-use cannabis in the state of Oregon. The measure passed by a 12% margin, something that is generally not seen when voting on non-presidential election years. At the Measure 91 victory party, I was told not only by the campaign director and managers but also by politicians and political strategists

that my advocacy and especially my involvement at the “moms press conference” (as they had come to call it) was a pivotal point during the campaign, and that the measure may not have passed without it. Although my involvement helped, I was only doing what I knew was right — advocating for my children as well as the other children and families in the state where I was living. However, that did not change my feelings about wanting to do the same thing in my home state (Missouri). Travis and I continued to work closely with activists in Missouri to do the same. As you can guess, it was almost

Leah and her three children in 2014 at the Measure 91 headquarters. a full-circle moment, especially after following and being involved with both Show-Me Cannabis and New Approach Missouri for several years, when I learned that Missouri’s Amendment 2 had passed, and Missouri FINALLY had medical marijuana legalization. The only thing that would make the circle totally complete would be to actually come back to Missouri and be able to grow cannabis there without having to worry about the risk of my freedom or the livelihood of my family. I deeply appreciate every Missourian who made legalization possible. There is still much work to be done in cannabis advocacy, and I am grateful to be working hard for it (even if it took me being exiled from my home state) and to be in the community of others who are doing the same. Have a cannabis education related question for Leah? Please email your questions to with subject line: Ask Leah. December 2019


Medical Cannabis

Coming Soon...

When Will You Be

Able to Buy Some? by Andrew Ellis, Contributing Writer

disappointment of burning through tens of thousands of nonrefundable dollars spent on the application process.

...making us wait Photo Montage by Gaudete Development


ith 66% of Missourians voting for Amendment 2 to the Missouri constitution, medical cannabis became legal in December of 2018. The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) is tasked with building a regulatory framework to control medical cannabis, and this framework takes a while to navigate. At the time of this writing (November), over 18,226 Missouri citizens have received their state-issued patient cards. In August, over 2,100 applications were filed for the 348 total medical marijuana facility licenses (for marijuana cultivating, manufacturing, testing, dispensing and transportation) that will be issued by DHSS. By all accounts, demand is growing well beyond what the “expert” prognosticators from MIZZOU’s Economics department predicted. So, what happens next? More waiting. (Play “Anticipation” by Carly Simon in your mind now.) Currently, the DHSS is in the process of reviewing and scoring applications, then deciding who’s going to get a “golden ticket” to operate a cannabis business in Missouri’s newest industry. Unfortunately, for the applicants, most of them won’t find a golden ticket in their chocolate bar, just a denial from Willy Wonka down at the DHSS, and the

About Andrew Ellis: Ellis is the Founder and President of Gaudete Development LLC. He who recently developed the new MOCannaHub App, dedicated to helping those seeking more information about Missouri Medical Cannabis. Visit


December 2019

According to Jack Cardetti, a MoCannTrade Association spokesperson who was instrumental in getting Amendment 2 written, put on the ballot and passed, said, “The state has 150 days to approve or deny an application for a facility license, and December 31 is considered the deadline for licenses to be granted or denied.” Andrew Mullins, President and Executive Director of MoCannTrade, the state’s leading cannabis trade association, said, “The ten testing facility licenses will likely come out first. After that, the expectation is that the cultivator, manufacturing, and dispensary licenses will be granted ‘en masse.’” Mullins went on to say, “No marijuana can be sold without a final ‘certificate of analysis.’” All products must be tested to ensure that there are no contaminants and to determine the product’s cannabinoid levels. This information must be on all product labels and packaging. Speaking of products, Cardetti said, “There are no restrictions on the types of products that can be produced.” It’s likely that the first thing you’ll see in a dispensary is cannabis flowers or buds, the raw “product” that the plant produces. Some of those fresh flowers will be purchased by the product manufacturers who will extract the cannabinoids and make the oils, tinctures, vapes, edibles, and all the other consumables that you see in other legal markets. You’ve heard the old saying, “From Soup to Nuts?” Well, for cannabis products think, “From Suppositories to Nuggs.” Ultimately, there will be a wide variety of cannabis products from which to choose. Before a patient can buy the products, the plants must be grown and produced 100% “from seed to sale” in Missouri. When asked if cultivator license hopefuls would be preparing now to be ready to grow January 1, Mullins said, “Not many cultivation build-outs were happening due to the odds of getting a license going down dramatically given the number of applications submitted.” So, let’s say the licenses to cultivate are awarded on December 31. My best guess is that it would take at least 30 days (January 2020) to build-out a growing facility and sprout some seeds. Then, another 90 days to grow (February – April). Next, harvesting and drying of flowers in May. Complete testing and packaging in June (maybe).

What could possibly go wrong? Well, there’s the lawsuit between the State and Metrc, the company that was awarded state’s contract to track all cannabis products from seed to sale. Cannabis industry attorney Christopher McHugh at Joseph Hollander and Craft said, “It’s unlikely that Metrc will pull out. They gambled on being vague in their contract language and lost.” Hopefully, the state and Metrc will work out their differences and not delay the program. There have been a handful of attempts to legislate against cannabis. McHugh said, “Local politicians in Independence, MO, have been trying to zone-out cannabis dispensaries at the risk of being sued by license applicants hoping to locate there.” Keep in mind that access to medical cannabis is a right guaranteed to Missourians by the state’s constitution, and it can’t be changed without a vote by the citizens to take it away. We’ll continue to wait with anticipation — and hope there’s no interference from lawmakers or a resurgent group of prohibitionists. After all, the people have spoken! Free the Plant and the People to symbiotically coexist as intended by Mother Nature, God, Ancient Aliens, or whatever put us together on this planet. If things go well, we can hope to celebrate our newest freedom and buy some medical cannabis on Independence Day (not the city of). You know, that day we commemorate rebelling against an overreaching, overtaxing government. And if you just can’t wait any longer — “Grow” your own cannabis plants! It’s another right you have under Amendment 2 of the Missouri Constitution — subject to the rules, regulation, and monitoring by the State, of course.

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“QUALIFIED PATIENT” New Year’s Resolution

I Just Want to Be Legal! by Michael J. Poppa DO, MBA


ver the past several months, since I began working with Missouri Cannabis Clinic, it has become very clear that individuals who want to obtain a Missouri Medical Marijuana Card and have a qualifying medical condition as outlined in Section 1 of Article XVI, have one overriding desire. They are unanimous in their opinion that they “just want to be legal.” These individuals all recognize they have chronic medical conditions that impact their activities of daily living. The Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 6th Edition1 define these daily living activities as the following: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Bathing, showering Bowel and bladder management Dressing Eating Functional mobility Personal hygiene and grooming Sexual activity Sleep/rest Toilet hygiene

go on and on, and I don’t intend to slight those individuals with other chronic debilitating conditions) but these individuals just “want to be legal.” Individuals who have chronic medical conditions are commonly treated like second class citizens — often through no fault of their own. They not only rely on the medical community for help (prescription medications such as opioids), but when they are turned aside, they must seek medication help on their own. Often this involves dealing with unscrupulous individuals selling products on the street, which may have been altered or adulterated and are not only ineffective but very dangerous to take — it could kill you! In speaking with these individuals, I find they are not only relieved to obtain and use a product that may be beneficial in providing relief of their chronic medical conditions but thankful they can do so safely and legally. So, when deciding your New Year’s resolution, instead of focusing on the aforementioned negatives or what you will not eat and/or do, make a pledge to improve your health by obtaining a Missouri medical cannabis card — take the leap to become legal. Have a Happy and Healthy Holiday and New Year, Michael J. Poppa D.O., R.Ph, MBA Board Certified Occupational Medicine. He can be reached at Missouri Cannabis Clinic, 816.353.0420, 10001 E. 67th St. Raytown, MO. 64133. Visit Missouri Cannabis Clinic online at

1. AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, Sixth Edition: productDetail?product_id=prod1160002

Think about this! Even though these individuals often have chronic and permanent debilitating medical conditions whether its chronic pain, chronic psychological issues, chronic bowel diseases, (we could 20

December 2019

The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Nor is it intended to replace a one-to-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is a sharing of knowledge and information based on the writers research and experience. The content is to educate and inform of options available.

Medical Marijuana Qualifying Conditions All Medical Marijuana Patients must have one of the following chronic or debilitating health conditions:

It’s The Holiday Season and

7th Heaven

What conditions qualify?

Any terminal medical illness Alzheimer’s (Agitation) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Autism Cachexia Cancer Chronic medical condition that is normally treated with a prescription medication that could lead to dependence Chronic medical condition that is debilitating or causes severe/persistent pain or muscle spasms Crohn’s Disease Epilepsy/seizures Glaucoma Hepatitis C HIV/AIDS Huntington’s Disease Inflammatory Bowel Disease Intractable migraines Multiple Sclerosis Neuropathies Parkinson’s Disease Psychiatric disorders including, but not limited to, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) if diagnosed by a state-licensed psychiatrist Sickle cell anemia Wasting syndrome

Contact a Medical Cannabis certification doctor (page 46) to see if you qualify for a medical marijuana ID card in the state of Missouri.


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see page 39 ● December 2019


Patient Advocates ►

Home for Christmas

If Only in Their Dreams, for These Cannabis Refugees. by Dolores Montgomery Halbin, Contributing Writer Photos courtesy of each family profiled


ust about every iconic Christmas movie or song written has this same theme — getting home for Christmas. For many of us, Christmas means a huge family get-together featuring some sort of roast beast and all the trimmings with a hardy mix of cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. We fall asleep in a big pile on the floor on top of wrapping paper absolutely too stuffed with pecan and apple pie to move while watching A Christmas Story. But, for an entire group of families with children who have special needs, home is off-limits now. Christmas is now for two, or maybe three, instead of 20 to 30. These are cannabis refugee families. The families who had to walk away from homes, friends, jobs, and their extended families to save their children’s lives. Christmastime is hard for them.

she left Kansas, is singing and dancing. She now can say, “Mom.” She is weaned off all but one pharmaceutical and just renewed her medical cannabis card for her second year in Colorado. It is beyond joyful to see a video of this child singing and dancing in front of a mirror. It is beyond tragic that the mirror was attached to a dresser in a hotel room where up until recently, this homeless family was residing. “It’s gut-wrenching for me every day to be 10-hours away from my other children back in Kansas,” said Christine Gordon.

Like all wars, the war on drugs leaves children and families torn apart and often, unforgivingly homeless with vulnerable children. These children suffer from a variety of illnesses and maladies such as Epilepsy, Cerebral Palsy, MS, Cancer, and Autism, and they have exhausted all pharmaceutical and often surgical options. Children like Autumn Gordon. Autumn (photo on left) suffers from Dravet Syndrome Epilepsy and severe Autism. She had her first seizure when she was two years old. She just turned eight. The family fought for six years in Kansas, where they resided. After six years of Autumn’s horrific seizures, which were taking their toll — each one could result in death. Autumn’s mom, Christine Pixie Gordon, co-founded the advocacy organization Bleeding Kansas Advocates (a 501-c founded by mothers); a patient advocacy group for Kansas medical cannabis patients since 2014, Its Facebook page has more than 6,400 followers. During this time, for Autumn’s sake, the family separated; Autumn, her mom, and dad went to Colorado, leaving three siblings behind at home in Kansas. After one-year, Autumn, who was non-verbal when 22

December 2019

Amy Dawn Hildebrand, her husband, and three sons (photo above), all suffering from a different kind of epilepsy, left a huge extended family in Oklahoma and bought 35 acres in Colorado. They now work in Colorado, aiding new refugee families. In 2017, the Ragsdale family made its gut-wrenching decision that their only hope for their six-year-old son, Gavin (photo on left) , was to get him to Colorado — now! Dad and brothers put their mom and middle brother, Gavin, on a train headed to Colorado out of downtown Kansas City, MO, at 10 p.m., just two days before Thanksgiving. “Trains still make me nauseated,” says (mom) Melissa Ragsdale.

People across the country followed this mother and son, Gavin, on a freezing cold, harrowing journey across Kansas full of flashing lights, praying for their safe deliverance to Colorado as the child had seizure after seizure while on the train. Across the Colorado border, at dawn, they were rescued at the first train stop by the Emergency Cannabis Refugee Family Network. Eventually, the Ragsdale family was reunited in Colorado; however, after a long two years, Gavin stills struggles with seizures. In 2017, Missouri and Kansas doctors told the family there was nothing more to be done for their six-year-old son. Colorado physicians beg to differ. Even though many of the states these families came from now have medical cannabis programs, access, and a strong knowledge base of cannabis in pediatric medicine, Colorado is years ahead of any other state. In Colorado, these children have physicians who have intently studied and practice “Cannabis Medicine” — they won’t give up on our young warriors.

Brandy Nicole Johnson and her now teenage son, Tres (center), left two brothers behind with grandma and grandpa in Missouri.

Because cannabis remains federally illegal, any facility such as hospitals and schools allowing the use of cannabis medicine can lose federal funding.


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While we wait, lobby, educate, and pray for real Federal Cannabis reform, reform that releases the millions of non-violent plant patients from prison and provides easy access for all to plant medicine, we must be vigilant. Cannabis arrests are sadly on the rise, mostly as a result of bad laws. In spite of the overwhelming science of cannabis medicine, in spite of the federal government’s purchase of the patent on medical cannabis (patent # 6630507) in 1998, and in spite of the Supreme Court ruling in 1976, which at least acknowledged cannabis as the best treatment for glaucoma, Washington DC has refused to remove cannabis from its controlled substance classification. To date, our Federal Government maintains cannabis as a “class one narcotic” of no medicinal value. Sadly, at the Federal level, the cannabis plant remains with the same classification as deadly heroin. Dolores Montgomery Halbin, RN, BSN, resides in SW Missouri. After her husband passed in 2015 (as a result of incarceration for his cannabis garden used to treat his Glaucoma), she retired from nursing and moved into her grandparent’s centuryold homestead/farm in the Ozark hills as the family caretaker. She worked with the 2014-2018 Missouri campaigns for legalized medical marijuana. She continues as a cannabis reform activist working towards Federal decriminalization through her educational speaking and freelance journalism. Dolores Halbin,

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Home Grown by Jason Davis, Contributing Writer



here are a variety of potential systems available to the home grower, each with different pros and cons. The differences between these growing systems vary in how they make air and water available to the plant’s root system, but the goal is always the same, the roots of the plant need access to air and water (or a nutrient solution). So, let’s review the most popular methods for the home grower, discussing the pros and cons of each.

Pros Great for rapid growing plants. Allows for large root mass. Flexible plant site sizes. Fewer plants with larger yield. Water economy. Cost-effective.

Soil and Soilless Mix Most of us have experienced the benefits of growing a plant in a pot filled with soil with our houseplants. Soil provides plants with a buffer against changes to the nutrient composition and is a natural root support structure. However, because of the soil’s natural tendency to hold water, over-watering happens frequently and causes pots to be extremely heavy and difficult to manage. To mitigate these drawbacks, soilless mixes are designed to be lighter, allowing the root system to access more air between waterings and typically result in happier, healthier plants. Pros Easy to use. Easy to maintain.

Cons Overwatering with soil happens frequently. Soil is difficult to manage physically. Soilless media is prone to drying out easily. Environmental impacts.

Deep Water Culture (DWC) This method involves growing without any soil or hydroponic media. The plant’s roots are simply placed in a nutrient solution, which is typically aerated using air stones. DWC is hydroponics in its purest form, and if done right, can result in very fast growth and incredible flowering results. However, dirty growing conditions (as well as warm water and high-strength nutrients) can promote root disease. The simplest form of this growing method involves growing in a bucket with a specially fitted bucket lid (see image above right). 24

December 2019

Cons Chiller needed. Plants prone to root disease. May foam up when using organics. pH fluctuation/monitoring required. Root mass may grow too large, clogging lines. Grow Buckets


Air st

Ebb and Flow Ebb and Flow, also called Flood and Drain, is an incredibly popular method of growing for many home growers. The system involves flooding the medium containing the roots and then allowing the water (nutrient solution) to drain away on a specified interval, giving roots access to air. A simple timer can be used to control the waterings, and as long as the nutrient solution is aerated appropriately using air stones, stagnation and over-watering are not typical concerns with this system. Pros Water economy. Requires few components. No chiller needed. Easy/cheap to build/maintain. Works with organics. Any grow media.

Cons Potential height restriction issues. Salts and minerals easily build up. Mineral build-up can cause nutrient lockout/deficiency.

Tis The Growing Season


These systems use pumped water and emitters, which provide a slow-dripping action allowing the water to be absorbed over a longer period. The Drip system is perfect for growers who want greater control over the nutrients given to a plant and are concerned about water waste. The system does typically allow for greater nutrient solution penetration, but as with Deep Water Culture, it requires significant attention to cleanliness and sterility. Pros Any type of media. Cost-effective. Constant feed of solution or Timed. Choose to reuse water or run to waste. Low salt build-up. Long-Term growing possible.

Cons Can clog easily, not great with organics. More time-consuming. initial setup. Absorption rate is slower.

Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)

Pros Cost-effective. Constant water movement is great. Lots of plant sites. Use any grow media or none. Water economy. No parts to clog. Great with organics and aquaponics. No timers to worry about. Cons pH fluctuation/monitoring required. If the pump breaks, plants die quickly. May need a chiller. Plants with short roots may also need to be top-fed.


Aeroponics is an indoor gardening method where plants are grown by suspending their root structures in air and constantly spraying them with a nutrient solution. If you’re interested, you can actually see an example of this method at Happy Rock Farms. Aeroponics, often used for cloning, but also used for full life-cycle growing, offers an efficient growing method for cannabis as well as fruits and vegetables. Pros High oxygen to water ratio. Can have lots of plant sites. Water economy. Increased nutrient solution absorption. Accelerated growth.

Cons Highest pH fluctuation rate. Roots may dry out (tendency). May need a chiller. Prone to root disease. If the pump breaks, plants die quickly. System clogs easily; isn’t good with organics.

As you learn more about hydroponics, you may want to experiment with a variety of methods and learn more about each of them. No matter the system you ultimately choose to use, as long as you maintain the system properly and follow the best practices, you’re likely to have excellent results. NFT is a method that allows for a constant application of a thin film of aerated nutrient solution to the plant’s roots, functioning similar to a drip system, but with several distinctions. This system can be easily used in conjunction with an aquaponics system and can be used with or without a mat, which is used as a growing medium. The variety of techniques available in the NFT system makes it a fun system for the new or experienced grower wanting to explore new ways of growing.

Jason Davis is a lifelong Kansas City resident who co-owns and operates Happy Rock Farms: Fine Gardening and Hydroponics, providing highquality indoor gardening advice, classes, workshops, supplies, equipment, and tools to hobbyist and commercial growers, located in Midtown KC at 3816 Main Street. December 2019






by Dale Sky Jones, Contributing Writer

Dale Sky Jones is the Executive Chancellor of Oaksterdam University. Since 2007, Oaksterdam University (OU) has been the forerunner in providing the highest quality training offered in the cannabis industry from patients to regulators. OU is the first and only cannabis college with a comprehensive curriculum in cannabis business and horticulture. OU educates regulators, local officials, state agencies, and legislative staff. Its faculty is comprised of expert practitioners and academics. OU Alumni consist of over 40,000 from over 40 countries — are the most active in the world. Online classes are available at Follow Dale Sky Jones @Oaksterdam and @DaleSkyJones.


December 2019


hen you walk into any retail store, you want to feel welcome. You want to feel like you belong. Especially when it’s something that might be a new experience, and perhaps socially awkward at first, seeing yourself represented by the staff and management goes a long way to put you at ease. In fact, the realization that folks just like you are involved in the process might be the most important factor in making your first cannabis purchase a more comfortable experience.

women in leadership. Not only do women make up slightly more than half the population, but we also are fast becoming equal cannabis shoppers (although more nuanced and selective) with men. I’d like to take a moment to talk directly to the business owners and hiring managers — those of you who will be searching for their staff in the coming year. In the previous issue, I talked about the boom in cannabis careers and job opportunities that Missouri’s workforce is on the verge of witnessing. Two of the most important types of roles you need to hire for will be budtenders and leadership — the face and the brain of your business.

In the coming year, medical cannabis dispensaries will open across Missouri, and with that comes the question of whom they will Customers walking into Yo u w ill n e e d t o employ. Will patients your store will want to s t a n d o u t f r o m t h e feel like they belong. (i.e., consumers) find themselves and their What will you do to o t h e r d is p e n s a r ie s communities accurately ensure that happens? a n d d o e v e r y t h in g It won’t be the look of reflected in the faces of those helping them find the store, the wallpaper in y o u r p o w e r t o and buy the medicine color schematics, s e t y o u r s e l f u p f o r and they need? If employers or the technology you success . and business owners are implement in the shopsmart, they will ensure ping experience. It will that question is a resounding yes. come down to whom you hire, and how they make your customers feel. In foodservice, Like many of you, I sometimes have to go to we would say that “good service can save a conferences as part of my job. While they can bad meal, but a good meal cannot save bad be utterly exhausting and brutal on the body, service.” they also can be inspiring. At a recent conference, I attended a panel discussion on equity This decision may make or break you in and diversity business practices that resonated this competitive market, depending on how so much with me that I am still thinking about much the community supports your busiit. That thinking quickly grew until it became ness. Diversity will serve you if represented a vision for the future of medical cannabis in your staff. If customers see themselves in businesses. your store, they will feel you are part of their community and be more inclined to become Imagine, a dispensary that is built with and returning customers, and perhaps endorse for the community where it is located. When your store to their friends. Nobody wants to customers walk in, they see that the staff and support a carpetbagger who swooped in from management are just as diverse as they are. out of town, taking advantage of a nubile In other words, envision with me a cannabis market and getting rich off of someone else’s shopping experience in which the customers opportunity. And while hiring young, inexsee themselves represented within the busi- perienced people may initially improve your ness itself. I’m talking ages 21 to seasoned bottom line and keep your investors happy, it veterans, a diverse employee pool, and yes, is ultimately about building a better business

that belongs where it is built. If you practice this, you will have a far better chance of outlasting and out-surviving your competition. Make no mistake about it. The level of competition you, the business owner, are facing, as Missouri’s burgeoning cannabis industry is still just medical. Customers will need recommendations from their doctors, and there is no certainty that the demand will be commensurate with the level of supply that is about to hit the market next year, at least not at first. Many Missourians will need time to get accustomed to this brave new world of legal, medical cannabis. During that intermediate, you will need to stand out from the other dispensaries and do everything in your power to set yourself up for success. It won’t be easy, but whom you have on your team, and how involved they are in their community will be critical to your survival.

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For more Information contact: Don Whetsel 816.352.6704 or Tom Elafros at 913.302.9682 Email: Scan QR Codes to see websites and more... Concept Dispensary

Now, I want to talk to all the readers who will be walking into these dispensaries next year. Do you realize how powerful you are? These businesses will be nothing without you — their loyal customers. Their success, or failure, rests in your hands and with the choices you make. So “choose wisely,” as the old man in the cave said. Choose with the power of your dollar. Patronize those who represent you and participate in your community. Ask questions — ask a ton of questions when you’re at the dispensary. Ask about the products and whole-plant medicine. 1. Which products are made by minority-owned cultivation facilities, veterans, or women-owned manufacturers? 2. Which products are from legacy advocates who have been at this for decades, risking everything while fighting for legitimacy and legalization? 3. Find out what brands share the same values as you do, and which brands support your community? The cannabis movement is and has always been about community. Here in Missouri, there is an opportunity within the cannabis industry to reconnect customers and producers in ways that will surely strengthen your community and bring people back together as they serve one another in sickness and for wellness. Buying cannabis is a personal experience, and it is one that begins with the hiring of locals, adapting their own experiences into how you run your business. Prioritize values, reflect and support your community, and always remember the power you have. Happy Holidays, Everyone.

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December 2019


Cannabiz Entrepreneurs ►


Homegrown in the Heartland Editorial by Clayton Stallings Photography by Chris Smith

art by Joaquin Croxatto


id you know The Evolution MagazineTM is a “Local Grass Roots” publication that shares the same concerns as our readers about “cooperate America” coming into our state and taking over the medicinal cannabis industry? The chance of a “truly locally owned business” winning a license in the race for Missouri’s medical cannabis licenses is a proverbial David and Goliath battle. In this case, should we say, Danny Federhofer versus Goliath? Danny Federhofer is a proud Missouri native, born in St. Louis, raised by a hard-working, entrepreneurial father and a successful St. Louis bakery businessman. After high school, and after soaking up all his father had to teach him, Federhofer headed to the west side of the state to earn his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration/Marketing from Rockhurst College in Kansas City, MO.

and manage the large cannabis operation in California through some very difficult phases. After initially stabilizing the cultivation facility, his team successfully opened a California small dispensary, DVJ Fine Cannabis, on April 20, 2018; and then started on a path to create the industry partnerships necessary to build a portfolio of cannabis brands that share two simple values — pesticide-free and sustainable production. Ultimately, Federhofer’s uncanny ability to develop and nurture key business relationships and his overall business acumen have contributed to his success as an entrepreneur and cannabis industry start-up founder. Now he is ready to bring his experience and Midwest work ethic back to his home state. “We [MOTACANN] submitted a total of nine applications to include two cultivation, two manufacturing, and five dispensaries,” said Federhofer. When I asked him what ultimately made him decide to make the move into the cannabis industry, he said, “Whole-heartedly, I believe in the healing properties of cannabis and know that had cannabis been available, we would have had the opportunity to at a minimum ease my mother’s suffering from colon cancer, and potentially help cure her.”

After graduating, Federhofer spent many years in the highly regulated industries of casino gaming with International Gaming Technologies and liquor/spirits with Southern Wine and Spirits, gaining extensive experience in various roles in sales, management, and business development. His expertise in sales management and business development in these highly regulated industries have provided the structure and knowledge needed to be successful in the cannabis industry. In fact, Federhofer has already made the cross-over into the cannabis industry by spreading his Midwest wings to gain experience in the field. Federhofer is currently the President/CEO of Mayfield Holdings, a development and management company that raised over $8 million to build a large vertically-integrated cannabis operation in the California medical cannabis industry. Following the failure of a third-party contractor operating the facility, Federhofer was instrumental in acquiring the best team to develop 28

December 2019

Clayton Stallings (front-right) of The EVOLUTION Magazine interviews Allen Cocayne (left) Danny Federhofer (middle) of MotaCann and Ryan Barr (far right), Co-Founder of Echelon Constructors.

Along with Federhofer’s stacked team of experienced local professionals, another thing that sets MOTA apart from other applicants is its experienced locally-based construction company Echelon Constructors. Echelon is the same company that did the construction of Federhofer’s operation in California. Echelon also has cannabis construction experience in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Utah. Very few, if any, Missouri based construction companies have gone through the trial and error of perfecting a cannabis facility design for ultimate harvest yield. When I visited with Federhofer at the Echelon Constructors home office in St. Louis, I met Ryan Barr, Co-Founder of Echelon Constructors. Barr says, “Having already gone through the learning curve phase in California and other states has given us extensive experience in design and operations in order to save our clients a tremendous amount of money through our sustainable designs.”



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Clayton Stallings (left) of The EVOLUTION Magazine with license hopefuls Danny Federhofer (middle) and Allen Cocayne of MOTA. Federhofer’s final message to our readers, “We are extremely proud that Missouri has taken a progressive step forward in legalizing medical marijuana. As native Missourians, our executive team and advisors are ALL Heartland-homegrown — just like our cannabis will be. MOTA has a unique culture that cares, which starts with every member of our team, and we feel it will permeate across the patient experience.” With only weeks left until the licenses are awarded, everyone eagerly awaits the results on pins and needles. Like many within the industry, The Evolution Magazine team salutes Federhofer and his team for taking on the so-called “Goliath Corporations” in their quest to keep Missouri Cannabis “Local.” We wish all applicant teams the best of luck and thank team MOTA for sharing insight into its organization. We’re confident we’ll see you next time with a license in hand!

Happy Holidays

Editor’s Note: The Evolution Magazine would like to remind all the new license winners to contact us regarding the free listing of their business in this magazine and the possibility of profiling your business letting our readers know what it offers Missouri Medicinal Patients. Please email with your complete business name and contact information. Please don’t delay — to make the next issue, time is of the essence. Congratulations on your new business. December 2019


Seed to Sale ►


Immaculate Conception Managing Expectations — A Guide for New Patients

Three misconceptions of patients new to medical cannabis cultivation by Brother Mendel, Contributing Writer A few months ago, “Nancy Newgrower” contacted me regarding a therapeutic genomic consultation. After leading a relatively healthy life over the course of her 35 years, Nancy’s health had suddenly taken a turn for the worse. She had recently been diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis and was experiencing symptoms of chronic, relentless back pain, and related insomnia. Nancy’s doctor wrote her a prescription for opioids to treat her pain, but Nancy, knowing the dangers related to opioid-based pain medication, wanted to explore another option before filling her prescription — medical cannabis. Although she had received her medical patient license from the state, which enabled her to purchase medical cannabis legally, she was experiencing anxiety over rumors of high dispensary prices and the fact that she wouldn’t be able to procure available medicine (cannabis) for at least eight months. She needed relief and quickly.

Brother Mendel and Mrs. Mendel own and operate Brother Mendel’s Selections, a breeder-direct purveyor of only the most premium, heirloom, boutique cannabis, and high-CBD hemp genetics. Visit them at w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / groups/homegrower or for more information, he can be contacted at 30

December 2019

Just before Nancy wrote to me, she had applied for and received a medical cannabis cultivator’s license in her home state. Entering our consultation, Nancy knew two things: she had no experience growing plants, and she did not have much money allocated to carry her from seed selection to harvest. A brief consultation allayed her fears about becoming a patient cultivator. We assisted her in selecting the best possible equipment for her garden project while remaining within her budgetary limitations, suggested suitable chemotypes for her symptoms, and gave advice on avoiding the pitfalls common to a first foray into medical cannabis gardening. Nancy’s expectations about setting up a medical cannabis garden parallel two of the three main misconceptions we often encounter with patients new to medical cultivation: 1. Growing will be too hard. 2. It will be too expensive. 3. Growing will be easy. (Relatively few patients operate under this misconception.)

All three of these assumptions, however, are equally able to prevent patients from succeeding in setting up a productive medical garden. The key to any new patient-cultivator’s success is managing expectations about the first grow and staying planted firmly in reality. Focusing on preparation, process, and product can help guide a new cultivator to a flourishing plant nursery. Proper preparation readily corrects the overly optimistic expectation that growing one’s own medicine is easy, as a little research reveals the complexity of the botanical needs of this medicinal plant. A plethora of varietals originating from ecosystems the world over is enough to indicate that different cultivars have varying needs, bio-nutritional and environmental. Acquiring good quality genetics (seeds) is the cornerstone to a successful medical garden. The starting point for your first grow is preparation, which consists primarily of research and fact-gathering, both about the cultivars you will be growing and about what you will need to build a suitable environment in which your varietals can thrive. Lest this task seems overwhelming, a body of knowledge is at your fingertips via the existing cannabis grower community that can be easily accessed from any internet connection. Concurrently, learning about the process of a plant’s growth cycle can alleviate fears associated with the difficulties inherent to cultivation. From germination to harvest, a plant has basic needs. Basic knowledge of photo and nutritional requirements for each phase is fairly simple to obtain. A cultivator’s primary task in the garden is to observe and interpret the plant’s wellbeing or lack thereof. Experiential knowledge increases over time, instilling new growers with confidence in their ability to equip plants with everything they need to thrive. Without the right chemotype to treat your particular condition,

however, you will never fulfill the expectation of finding therapeutic relief in the flowers of your labors. Perhaps the biggest deterrent for patients new to cultivation is the prospect of a substantial expenditure needed to set up a medical garden. Concentrating on the garden’s product can assuage these fears. First of all, while an initial investment is necessary, it need not be cost-prohibitive. Economical solutions exist, and suggestions are readily available from competent growers and breeders. Important to bear in mind also is that the upfront expense pales in comparison to the value of an in-home yield, especially over time. For example, following our suggestions, Nancy was able to set up her entire home garden for just a few hundred dollars, which is comparable to one average trip to the dispensary. The value of the garden’s production far exceeds the cost of its setup, provided you select appropriate chemotypes to meet your unique therapeutic needs. Expectations and assumptions surrounding cannabis cultivation abound and can be a real hurdle for new patient-cultivators. A realistic assessment of medical gardening demonstrates that the first grow will present some unique challenges at each stage. As with any new enterprise, first-time cultivators like Nancy have a lot to learn. Fortunately for Nancy, consulting with an experienced breeder helped her to understand the vital relationship between proper preparation, set-up, the growing process itself, and what the garden produces — the medicine you need.

Coming Soon To a City Near You

Seek proper consultation and set aside fear. Attention Growers, Contractors, Engineers, and Investors We’ve Got You Covered with Purpose-Built HVAC Equipment. Ready – Set – Let’s GROW! Our simple, effective system delivers a competitive total installed cost. HVAC systems to improve plant health and energy efficiency with maintained dehumidification and temperature providing consistent grows. ● We are industry leaders in moisture removal rates. ● Precisely maintained space conditions with the least energy cost. ● We turn initial concepts into a fully integrated grow space with future flexibility and redundancy built in. ● Each unit is performance tested with report provided. ● Plug-and-play units allow for simple and predictable installation. ● SecureAire odor control and active particle control system. ● Units precisely control environmental conditions without auxiliary equipment. We provide complete system integration to maximize operational performance. Our unique interface provides feedback to fine tune any grow application.

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December 2019



December 2019

The information herein is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content is for general information purposes only.


December 2019


CBD Recipes ►



by Dana Cunningham, contributing writer


oliday CBD Hot Chocolate on a Stick is so versatile and fun! You can do the treats up any way you like and give them as holiday party favors or little gifts for co-workers at the office! I am so in love with having hot chocolate on a cold winter day. It’s soothing and with the added benefits of CBD, who wouldn’t love this treat. There are countless ways to flavor these treats. You can add flavor extracts directly into the chocolate while you are tempering it and then add candy toppings while it is setting. For the sake of this recipe, I am going to do milk chocolate topped with marshmallows, but feel free to add peppermint, hazelnut, white chocolate, coffee flavors, or whatever your heart desires. Make it your own personalized gift to your friends and family!

With this recipe, I want my CBD to remain flavorless, and I want to minimize the amount of oil that is added to the chocolate. Too much moisture will cause your chocolate to break and harden, which will ruin your batch and your added CBD. I am going to use a little bit of MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil as my carrier oil. MCT oil is a natural derivative of coconut oil, so it is super healthy for the body, yet it does not carry any flavors with it at all. Studies have found that MCT oil is possibly the best carrier oil for oral consumption of CBD because of its ability to pass directly through the digestive system and into the bloodstream. I like to use it because it gives my edibles at Infused KC the highest bioavailability and best absorption levels. This ensures that we are not wasting our CBD when we add it to foods, plus we optimize the effectiveness and potency of each batch.


December 2019

I use CBD isolate for this recipe because it is also flavorless. I picked up a gram of isolate from Susan at Phoenix Natural Wellness South in Overland Park, but you can probably pick up a jar of isolate at the CBD store closest to you. It comes as a fine powder in a tiny little jar. I have a little digital scale to measure out CBD by weight. I am going to use a silicone mini muffin pan for this recipe, which makes 24 pieces. With one gram of isolate, I can either use the whole gram and make my chocolates about 45 mg or use a half of a gram and make my pieces 20 mg. I share these with my girlfriends who don’t take CBD regularly, so I am going to make these a low dose of 20 mg each. To mix it with my MCT oil, I just set up a small double boiler with a saucepan of water and a small glass bowl over the top. In this recipe, I want to use as little oil as possible. Here is the step by step: 1. Add 2 Tbsp of MCT oil in the glass bowl of your double boiler 2. Measure out ½ gram of CBD isolate and whisk it into the oil 3. As the water under the bowl begins to boil, your oil will heat up 4. Once the CBD isolate is ready, the oil will turn from cloudy to clear again 5. Pull your oil off the double boiler and check for CBD granules; you shouldn’t see any Now we are ready to temper the chocolate!! When you temper chocolate, it allows the chocolate to be held in your hand without melting. It also gives the chocolate a shiny finish when it is cooled. This method of tempering chocolate is fast and easy.

CBD HOT CHOCOLATE Ingredients 4 c chocolate chips (milk, dark, white, or semi-sweet chocolate) 2 Tbsp infused MCT oil 2 tsp flavor extract (optional) Assorted toppings: candy canes, crushed peppermint candies, chocolate mints, etc. Popsicle sticks Marshmallows

Instructions 1. Place 2/3 of the chocolate in the glass bowl of a double boiler. 2. Stir as the chocolate melts. 3. When the chocolate is completely melted, add in your infused MCT oil and pull the bowl off the double boiler. 4. Stir in the rest of the chocolate chips and mix until melted. 5. Spoon into mold (silicone or ice cube tray). 6. Insert popsicle stick. 7. Add desired topping. 8. Refrigerate until set, about 30-40 minutes. 9. To serve, mix into 1 cup of hot milk. When done, I wrapped them with a little bunch of marshmallows and tied it with a bow! There you have it! I am so excited for you to try this one. It is a fun and easy way to share the wonderful benefits of CBD this holiday season. Bon CBD Appétit! Dana Cunningham is a Kansas City native with 15-years professional catering experience. She is the owner – operator of Infused KC Kitchen, a new catering concept that infuses world-class menus with CBD. For a custom menu when planning your party or to make your holiday season extra extraordinary contact Dana at or visit www.

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{Gift Ideas} by Leigh Zarda Carr, Contributing Writer


This Season, Give The Gift of Relief

he Holidays and Christmas season are supposed to be an enjoyable time with the family; however, we all know that it usually winds up being a stressful few weeks. Instead of giving loved ones and friends gifts of things they likely will never use, this year give them the gift of relief, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually too, which are just as important. The mantra “Hari Om” is about removing all pain and suffering and reconnecting yourself with the consciousness around you. There are so many choices when it comes to CBD products, but we believe CBD is just a part of the relief and healing to a more holistic approach to mind, body, and spirit. This Christmas season, taking a holistic approach to wellbeing, we have a few extra surprises perfect for gift giving. Here are some excellent gift ideas for those looking for a little something to give someone special or a little something for yourself to help get through the stressful holiday season. Chakra Balancing Bath Bomb Gift Set (with free crystal wand!) With all the hustle and bustle of the season and cold outside temperatures, there’s nothing like setting aside some time and relaxing in a nice warm tub. The Hari Om Hemp Chakra Balancing Bath Bomb Gift Set is a perfect gift for anyone who enjoys baths and needs a little relaxation. Each bath bomb has 25mg of Hari Om Hemp’s Organically Grown Full Spectrum Hemp Oil, as well as carefully selected essential oils, each targeted to help balance your chakras. If someone you know suffers from aches, pains, skin conditions or just likes to indulge in self-care, the Gift Set could be the perfect gift. As Hari Om Hemp preaches, while the body itself is very important, the mind is just as important, which is why this holiday season, we are also including a Free Crystal Wand (a $30 retail value) to use to help cleanse your tub to bring in positive energy to start the new year, use in meditation to clear your mind, and its beautiful and great to display around the house. “Plant Face” Soothing Face Serum Local Co-Lab with Skin KC (with free crystal facial massage roller!) Give the gift of all-natural skincare without all the harmful chemicals and synthetic ingredients with the perfect CBD skin serum. In fantastic collaboration with Kansas City’s greatest skincare company, Skin KC, we are proud to carry the “Plant Face” Soothing CBD Face Oil. 36

December 2019

For a limited time with each face oil, get a free crystal facial massage roller, a perfect gift for anyone. The crystal facial massage roller gives a massage that simply cannot be done with hands; it is a relaxing and cleansing experience. “Om Away The Pain” Therapeutic Salve Whether its Grandma or Grandpa and their bad back or a loved one with various skin conditions, if you know someone who has constant aches and pains or irritated skin, the “Om Away The Pain” salve is the perfect gift or stocking stuffer. “Om Away The Pain” is perfect for everyday use and to put in your purse, backpack, or briefcase to use on the go. “Om Away The Pain” also smells wonderful, with an essential oil blend of Lemongrass, Lavender, Marjoram, and Peppermint. The Perfect Gift for those on the go — Essential Oil Roll-Ons Great for stocking stuffers and those who are constantly on the go. Each Roll-On contains 100mg of Full Spectrum Hemp Oil as well as a carefully selected blend of essential oils that are perfect to use in targeted areas on skin that is dry, irritated or sore, and many find help with headaches and sinus issues. For these and more gift ideas, visit Leigh Zarda Carr holds a Bachelor’s in Science of Nursing. She is not only an advocate of CBD and cannabis; she is a believer of its medical benefits. After suffering through pain caused by a series of severe car accidents, she relied, as most, on pharmaceutical medications. It was time to find a different way. She studied cannabis and how it works in human body, and the Endocannabinoid System — something never taught in most medical and nursing schools. For more information about Leigh and her own personal story, visit The information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Nor is it intended to replace a one-to-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is a sharing of knowledge and information based on the writers research and experience. The content is to educate and inform of options available.

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Events Calendar ►

Want a Career In The Cannabis Business? Start Here... Careers In The Cannabis Business

January 25, 2020 – St. Louis, MO.

Job Training Course for Cannabis Dispensary. Covering Both Illinois and Missouri Regulations. Get a HempStaff Certification • Classes held at 8 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. • Fee: $249 online in advance or $300 cash at the door (if seats available). • Location: Embassy Suites by Hilton St. Louis Airport, 11237 Lone Eagle Drive, Bridgeton, MO 63044. This is a Professional Training Course to teach you what you need to know about cannabis and your state’s cannabis laws so that you can apply to work in a medical marijuana dispensary. The material is presented in a fast paced, four-hour course with a certification test meant to boost your resume and give you the knowledge you need to speak intelligently when you interview for an opening at a dispensary in spring to summer 2020. After passing the cannabis training for Missouri marijuana dispensary jobs, HempStaff offers you a resume review to help you get your document looking the best that it can before you start sending it out for posted positions. And of course, when our recruiters are contracted to fill entry level dispensary agents or cultivation site workers, we review our student’s resumes and contact them first! For those with no legal experience to put on a resumé, training increases your chances of getting a job in the medical marijuana industry! On average, a marijuana business owner gets over 200 resumés for every opening they post. With this training on your resumé you “Will” stand out from the crowd! Register for the HempStaff Cannabis Dispensary Training Course at See St. Louis, MO, seminar to register and pay.

See page 11 ► 38

December 2019

Missouri Cannabis Career Fair & EXPO

Presented by Midwest Canna Expos

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February 1, 2020 — St. Louis, MO Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. UMSL Conference Center February 8, 2020 — Kansas City, MO Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Location TBD (see website for up dates.) As Missouri prepares to launch a new rewarding industry, there is a huge need to bring potential Employers together with potential employees for this new Workforce. The Missouri Cannabis Industry Career Fair will provide a forum for connections at the Career Fair EXPO as well as education in the Seminar on Cannabis Industry Employment. Sessions will cover the career possibilities in many aspects of the emerging medical cannabis market; addressing educational and skill requirements for different career paths, as well as resumé writing and interviewing tips to help prepare you, as a potential employee, to meet prospective employers. WORKFORCE: Meet prospective employers at events in the St. Louis and Kansas City markets at the Career Expo where dozens of operators, employment firms and staffing companies will converge to find the brightest talent in Missouri to fill jobs in cultivation, extraction facilities and retail dispensaries. CAREER EXPO ONLY: $29 (This ticket grants entry to the Career Expo only.) EXPO+SEMINAR: $59 (This ticket grants entry to the Career Expo and entry to the Seminar.)Bonus Add On: Resumé Service: $29 (This ticket offers the Resumé Service option. Your resumé will be electronically distributed to every employer and sponsor of both the St. Louis and Kansas City Career Fairs prior to the event.) Register today at

Missouri Cannabis Career Fair & EXPO continued next column     

EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS: Sessions are 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Confirmed speakers include Gary Easter from Greenman Group; Tiffany Wesley from Bloom Academy. Session topics include cannabis job training, career possibilities in cannabis and how to obtain a worker ID card. FOR EMPLOYERS: Sponsorship pricing includes presence options at both St. Louis and Kansas City Canna Career Fair and EXPOs. Basic table pricing is $500 for participation at one event or $750 for a table at both career fairs. Sponsor options are available by contacting Alycia Mundell at 636.744.4036 or Space will go quick — reserve yours’s today! See more about the Missouri Cannabis Career Fair & EXPO at

Grow Classes & Certification December 7, Poplar Bluff, MO. Come join Poplar Bluff’s own “Educate to Medicate” for the first seminar on home grows from 1-6 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Conference Room in Poplar Bluff.

Cost: $10/per person or $15/per couple (couple/ any two people!) Pay at the door! Cash or card. Learn How to Grow Legally on a Budget presented by Grower Michelle Singleton Wiggins. The Green Clinics will be on-site all day doing Walk-In physician certifications for $99 and will submit your application to DHSS for an additional $25. Bring Medical record showing where patient was diagnosed with one or more qualifying conditions required (if condition is a mental health condition, diagnosis must be from a psychiatrist). Interested Vendor? Set up your table at the event for only $50! Contact Emily@TheGreenClinics. com for more info!

Watch for more events in the next issue.

Want Your Event Listed Here?

To have your event listed, please email us your event info as seen here, and include your business name, address, phone, website and verifiable email address with contact info to

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December 2019


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December 2019


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December 2019


Medical CBD Stores Western Missouri Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at the locations on this page and many more.

Missouri CBD Stores

Missouri CBD Stores

Stores Listed Alphabetically American Shaman .................816.491.2452 19321 E US Hwy 40, Independence, MO American Shaman .................816.434.5059 1638 SE Blue Parkway, Lee’s Summit, MO American Shaman .................816.858.6039 1303 Platte Falls Rd, Ste CC, Platte City, MO Blue Sky Farms CBD.............. 816.228.4080 Inside Blue Springs Fitness 1300 NW 7 Hwy Blue Springs, MO Blue Springs Botanicals .........816.295.1921 1412 MO-7 STE G, Blue Springs, MO Brookside Holistic Solutions 816.524.4367 819 NE Woods Chapel Rd, Lee’s Summit, Brookside Holistic Solutions 816.361.4367 118 West 63rd St, Kansas City, MO Buddha Leaf .......................... 816.385.5480 3613 Beck Rd. St. Joseph, MO Buddha Leaf ........................... 816.873.5677 408 B West 6th St, Kearney, MO CBD American Shaman......... 885.526.6223 5501 #104 S US Hwy 71, Grandview, MO CBD American Shaman......... 816.680.8805 2008 N MO 291 Hwy, Harrisonville, MO CBD American Shaman.........885.526.6223 1036 W 103rd St, Kansas City, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.599.6010 3518 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.745.7977 100 E 6th St, Suite 6, Kearney, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.381.6333 8038 North Oak Trafficway, KC, MO CBD American Shaman.........855.526.6223 307 A NE Englewood Rd, KC, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.437.8261 13125 State Line Rd, Kansas City, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.472.1900 2024 Swift Ave, North Kansas City, MO 42

December 2019

Missouri CBD Stores

CBD American Shaman.........816.702.1042 6302 N Chatham Ave, Kansas City, MO

Hemp Haven .......................... 816.222.4173 214 MO Hwy 291, Liberty, MO

CBD American Shaman.........913.249.7794 1005 Middlebrooke Dr, Liberty, MO

Hemp Haven .......................... 816.944.8601 419B SW Ward Rd, Lee's Summit

CBD American Shaman......... 855.526.6223 9438 E 350 Hwy, Raytown, MO

Hemp Haven .......................... 913.961.9742 5536 NE Antioch Gladstone, MO

CBD KC ................................. 816.569.4838 4279 Sterling Ave, Kansas City, MO

It’s a Dream Smoke Shop ..... 816.753.5733 3942 Broadway Ave, Kansas City, MO

CBD KC ................................. 816.550.0063 2419 Burlington St, N Kansas City, MO

KC SmokZ .............................. 816.656.5090 3957 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO

CBD Mind & Body ................ 816.600.6271 705 SE Melody Ln, Lee’s Summit, MO

KC Smoke & Vape ................. 816.931.4434 1605 Westport Rd, Kansas City, MO

CBD Plus ................................ 816.701.6358 7422 Wornall Rd Kansas City, MO

Let’s Vape & Smoke Shop .... 816.753.8100 3745 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO

Complete Care CBD ............... 816.520.3304 18801 East 39th St S, Independence, MO 64057 (inside Independence Center Mall)

Martin City Kratom & CBD... 816.209.1073 13608 B Washington St, Kansas City, MO

Ed’s CBD Oils ........................ 816.569.3142 9025 E US 40 Hwy, Independence, MO Englewood Station Healing and Arts ................................................ 816.812.3273 10910 E. Winner Rd, Indepen., MO 64052 Emerald Garden Dispensary 816.724.7806 9500 E 55th St, Raytown. MO Emerald Garden Dispensary 816.977.8848 110 E. MO Avenue, Kansas City, MO Emerald Garden Dispensary 220 W. 39th St, Kansas City, MO Good Life CBD ...................... 816.429.6668 8110 US-69, Pleasant Valley, MO Green Grove CBD .................. 833.425.5223 340 W. 47th St. Kansas City, MO Happy Rock Smoke Shop and Vape .................................................. 816.436.0226 334 NE 72nd St, Gladstone, MO Happy Rock Smoke Shop and Vape ............ ...................................................... 816.415.3814 603 MO 291 B Liberty, MO Hemp Haven .......................... 816.384.1153 2002 Main St, Kansas City, MO

Midtown Kava ....................... 816.541.3144 1415 D W 39th St, Kansas City, MO More Than Hemp .................. 816.216.1977 6000 N Chatham Ave, Kansas City, MO Mother Nature’s CBD & Natural Wellness .816.455.0480 520 NW Englewood Rd, Kansas City, MO Natural Remedies ................. 816.229.9520 2001 NW Jefferson St, Blue Springs, MO 64015 Natural Wellness CBD .......... 816.447.8927 7672 N Oak Tfwy, Gladstone, MO Nettie’s Living Naturally ....... 816.617.7290 545 NW 1501St. Rd., Holden, MO 64040 OG Smoke Shop .................... 816-214-5110 904 W 39th St, Kansas City, MO Organic Hemp Botanicals ..... 816.997.9006 1215 W 103rd St., Kansas City, MO Organic Hemp Botanicals..... 816.425.6026 144 Cedar Tree Square, Belton, MO Phoenix Natural Wellness..... 913.329.5981 817 E North Ave, Belton, MO R&R CBD .............................. 816.521.1159 647 E. 59th St, Kansas City, MO

© 2019 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

Medical CBD Stores Western Missouri Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at the locations on this page and many more.

Missouri CBD Stores

Columbia Missouri CBD Stores

Ron Ron’s CBD Shop ............ 816.916.2516 9318 S MO 7 Hwy, Lee’s Summit, MO

Buddha Leaf ...........................573.303.9150 1414 Range Line St. Ste F, Columbia, MO

Roots Cannaporium ……..... 816.858.6005 124 Main St. Platte City, MO 64079

Columbia Urgent Care …...... 573.234.1070 621 N. Providence Rd. Columbia, MO 65023

Rustic Oils CBD .................... 816.434.5284 618 SW 3rd St Ste J, Lee’s Summit, MO

Dr. Alt Holistic Care ............. 573.875.4877 1715 W Worley St. Columbia, MO 65203

7th Heaven …......................... 816.361.9555 7621 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO.

Good Nature ............................ 573.442.4242 23 N. 10th St. Columbia, MO

The CBD Store ....................... 816.474.7400 1729 Oak St. ,Kansas City, MO 64108 The Hub Smoke Shop ........... 816.701.6267 500 Delaware St, Kansas City, MO The Hub Smoke Shop ............ 816.420.0404 6410 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO

Grass Roots Smoke Shop ......573.449.4769 203 N 10 St, Columbia MO Grass Roots Smoke Shop ......573.443.7668 202 E Green Meadows, Columbia MO

Lake of the Ozarks and Jefferson City Area CBD Stores American Shaman of Mid MO …............... ................................................ 573.616.2524 3702 W Truman Blvd. Ste. 200, Jefferson City, MO 65109 Buddha Leaf ........................... 573.658.9675 1418 Missouri Blvd Ste E, Jefferson City MO CBD American Shaman Lake of the Ozarks 573.317.9131 10 Camden Ct Suite 1C, Camdenton, MO Hemp Hemp Hooray - CBD ... 573.355.813 3797 Osage Beach Pkwy Suite F-1, Osage Beach, MO 65065

Hemp Hemp Hooray …........ 573-355-1285 Broadway, Columbia, MO 65201

SQeZ Juice & Health ............. 573.552.8790 3869 Osage Beach Pkwy, Osage Beach, MO

The Hub Smoke Shop ............ 816.492.5466 2631 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City, MO

Your CBD Store – Columbia ..573.442.6706 1408 Interstate 70 Dr. SW. #106, Columbia, MO 65203

The Lime in The Coconut ..... 573.964.6786 Specialty Compound Pharmacy & CBD. 111 Crossing West Ste. 6, Lake Ozark, MO

True Balance Wellness …...... 816.326.8303 5510 Antioch Rd, Kansas City, MO 64119

Hydroponics Equipment Supplier

Unique-A-Toke (Kratom & CBD).................. .......................................................573.434.2788 42 Camden Ct, Camdenton, MO 65020

The Hub Smoke Shop ............ 816.321.2398 4027 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO

20 After 4 ………................... 816.259.5180 1303s N 22nd St, St Joseph, MO 64507 Vapor Loft KC ....................... 816.408.0400 310 Armour Rd, North Kansas City, MO

Happy Rock Farms

816.379.3700 3816 Main St, Kansas City, MO 64111

Vapur of KC …………........… 816.214.5835 8103 North Oak Trafficway, KC, MO 64118

Springfield Missouri Area CBD Stores

World Hemp …..................... 816.569.6428 3630 Main St., Kansas City, MO 64111

Canna Bliss Natural Wellness 417.258.5770 210 W. Republic Road, Springfield, MO CBD of Springfield…............. 417.319.5522 3202 S. Campbell Ave Springfield, MO 65807 Hemporium ...........................417.324.7724 4139 S National, Springfield, MO 65807 Kaleidoscope …….................. 417.883.9636 1430 E Sunshine St., Springfield, MO 65804

Get the App Here ►

St. Louis MO CBD Stores Pro Brady LLC Hemp CBD Superstore 866.943.6722 ● 1000 Warrenton Shoppes Ste 19, Warrenton, MO Not to Worry! We will be adding more St. Louis area CBD stores in the coming months. Stay tuned...

See Medical CBD Stores Eastern Kansas on page 44

CannaBelew’s Dispensary ...... 417.693.3061 105 W Sherman Way St107, Nixa, MO 65714

How To Get Your CBD Store Listed Here?

CBD Republic ….................... 417-818-1812 US Hwy 60 E, Republic, MO 65738

To list your CBD Store or Medical Cannabis Dispensary, please email your: business name, address, phone, website and verifiable email address with full mane and contact info to

Healing Partners of Ozarks... 417-278-3499 State Hwy 14 East, Sparta, MO 65753

December 2019


Medical CBD Stores Eastern Kansas Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at the locations on this page and many more.

Kansas CBD Stores

Any Occasion The Best Tasting Donuts

© 2019 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

American Shaman Clinic + CBD 913-286-4799

7201 W 110th Street Suite 120, Overland Park KS

Buddha Leaf ........................... 844.837.7363 10960 W 74th Terr, Shawnee, KS CBD American Shaman Bonner Springs... 913.745.6667 608 Tulip Dr, Ste G Bonner Springs, KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.270.3120 1819 E Santa Fe, Gardner, KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.228.6000 8043 State Ave, Kansas City, KS CBD American Shaman......... 885.526.6223 151 S 18th St, Kansas City, KS CBD American Shaman......... 785.424.7500 1530 W 6th S. Ste C, Lawrence, KS CBD American Shaman......... 923.250.5277 728 Shawnee St, Leavenworth, KS CBD American Shaman......... 885.526.6223 15165 W 119th St, Olathe, KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.324.1520 1364 S Blackbob Rd, Olathe KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.217.7476 6933 W 75th St, Overland Park, KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.217.7123 10069 W 87th St, Overland Park, KS

CBD American Shaman ........ 913.231.3032 13436 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS

CBD American Shaman ........ 913.271.3120 118 W Peoria, Paola, KS

Hemp Haven............................913.257.5553 12012 W 87th St, Lenexa, KS

For Meetings


Into the Mistic......................... 913.766.9906 5727 Johnson Dr, Mission, KS K.C. Hemp Company ............. 913.242.7380 8124 Floyd St., Overland Park, KS 66204 Organic Hemp Botanicals ..... 816.381.6073 4872 W 119th St, Leawood, KS




Ridgewood Donuts and Bakery

Organic Hemp Botanicals ...... 913.839.2392 2003 E Santa Fe, Olathe, KS Phoenix Natural Wellness ....... 913.730.8520 9627 W 87 St, Overland Park, KS Phoenix Natural Wellness ........913.257.5717 7932 W 151 St, Overland Park, KS Phoenix Natural Wellness ........913.549.3032 13342 College Blvd, Lenexa, KS Phoenix Natural Wellness ........785.229.0658 1519 S Main St, Ottawa, KS Sacred Leaf Olathe ..................913.313.0258 1011 E 151st St, Olathe, KS

How To Get Listed Here? To be listed here as an CBD Store or Medical Cannabis dispensary, please email us your: business name, address, phone, website and verifiable email address with contact info to

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CBD American Shaman ........ 913.766.0430 13213 Shawnee Mission Pkwy, Shawnee,


Ridgewood Donuts and Bakery

Gifts & Decor KC .................... 913.782.4244 123 S Mur-Len Rd, Olathe, KS 66062

4309 Blue Ridge Blvd. ● Kansas City, MO 64133

© 2019 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual

Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

December 2019

FREE Delivery

since 1956

Mistic Wellness........................913.766.9906 5810 Johnson Dr, Mission KS

CBD American Shaman ......... 913.745.503 22354 W 66th St, Shawnee, KS



CBD American Shaman ........ 913.647.3999 7703 W 151st St, Overland Park KS

Hemp Haven............................913.608.5413 12070 Blue Valley Pkwy, OP, KS

CBD American Shaman. ....... 885.526.6223 11050 Quivira Rd, Overland Park, KS

Delivered to Your Event

Hemp Haven .......................... 913.296.6998 2223 Louisiana St, Lawrence, KS


Kansas CBD Stores

Donuts for

Spotlight on Business Locations to Find The EVOLUTION Magazine Clayton Stallings, VP of Sales & Marketing for The EVOLUTION Magazine, out-and-about town, visiting with businesses where you can grab a copy of the magazine.

▲ Clayton visits our friends at Lifted Head Supply in Springfield, MO. A great store offering everything you need. While there, grab a copy of the magazine. ▲ Go see Bennie Sr. and Bennie Jr. at the new River Market Hydro at 17501 E 40 HWY, Independence, MO, offering great home grow kits and more. Grab the December issue of The Evolution Magazine while there. ◄ Char Clem and Daisy at the Englewood Station Healing and Arts at 10910 E. Winner Rd. Independence, MO, offers paintings and CBD. Daisy loves customers too! Grab The EVOLUTION Magazine while there.

▲ Go see Jeff at CBD of Republic (MO). Veteran owned and operated with high quality CBD products!... and grab a copy of The EVOLUTION Magazine!

Visit and get the latest news and see more locations to get your copy of


email Clay.s today to request availability at your location.

Ready to Increase Your Business?



Reach 20,000 to 30,000 people each month who want to learn about your business and services. The Evolution Magazine, the new leading authority about the Missouri Medical Cannabis industry, and is read in print and online by nearly 20,000 − 30,000 monthly. Print copies distributed throughout Western Missouri, Central Missouri and Eastern Kansas. Coming Soon to St. Louis.

Ready To Advertise? Contact Clayton Stallings

December 2019


Missouri Medical Cannabis Certification Doctors NOTICE: Any Missouri state licensed medical Physician (M.D. / D.O. only) that wants to participate can write a certification for a Missouri Medical Marijuana Card. The following list of Missouri doctors are now serving patients near you.

Kansas City MO, Area Blue Bird Wellness Center …....... 816.944.3654 676 SE Bayberry Ln. Ste 105, Lee’s Summit, MO. Brookside Holistic Solutions ........ 816.524.4367 Dr. Herbert E. Dempsey DO 819 NE Woods Chapel Rd. Lee’s Summit, MO Green Health Docs ....................... 314.282.8017 435 Nichols Rd, Suite 200, KC, MO 64112

East & Southern, MO Area Columbia, MO Dr. Alt Holistic Care .............................. 573.875.4877 1715 B West Worley, Columbia, MO 65203 Green Health Docs Columbia ........ 877.242.0362 Regus Building, 303 N Stadium Blvd 2nd Floor, Columbia, MO 65203

Springfield, MO Dr. Gil’s Immediate Care Center ........ 417.869.8000 Dr. Gil Mobley 3000 East Division St., Springfield, MO 65802

Green Clinics ................................ 816.514.0023 1303 S. 22nd St. St. Joseph, MO 64507 (Inside 20 After 4 CBD Store),

Elite Pain Management and Recovery Centers ......................................................... 417.888.0167 222 E Primrose St. Suite E, Springfield, MO

Green Cross MO ........................... 816.424.2420 800 E 101st Terr. Suite 350, Kansas City, MO.

Nature’s Green Health & Wellness Clinic .......... 417.771.5737 330 W Farm Rd 182 Suite F, Springfield MO 65180

Green Sage Doctors ...................... 816.820.3004 4731 S. Cochise Dr Suite 110, Indep, MO 64055 Kind Remedy Cannabis Clinic .... 816.379.6557 2400 Rt. 291, Unit B, Independence, MO 64057 Midwest Health & Wellness Center ..................... 816.836.2200 Dr. Marc K. Taormina MD 3601 NE Ralph Powell Rd, Suite A, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 Missouri Cannabis Clinic ............. 844.420.0362 10001 E. 67th St. Raytown, MO 64133 www.MissouriCannabis.Clinic My KC Green Wellness…..............816.301.5598

8120 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151

Purpose Medical …....................... 816.226.7512 1201 NW Briarcliff Pkwy, Suite 200, KC, MO. The Releaf Clinic …...................... 816.897.4494 19201 E. Valley View Pkwy, Suite C, Indep, MO. Dr. Woods Wellness ..................... 816.888.5200 4963 NE Goodview Cir., Lee’s Summit, MO 64064


December 2019

St. Louis MO, Area Bell Chiropractic & Pain Mgmt. ..... 314.838.1983 493 Rue Francois Suite 1A, Florissant, MO

Green Clinics ................................ 816.514.0023 415 Delaware Suite 4W, Kansas City, MO 64105

Green Flower Clinics .................... 816.615.8690 Dr. Name: Dimitri Golfinopoulos, D.O. 401 S. Platte Clay Way, Kearney, MO 64060

Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at many of the locations on this page and many more.

Ozark Valley Medical .................... 417.317.5035 3259 E Sunshine St Suite AA, Springfield, MO. Shealy-Sorin Wellness Institute .... 417.351-5221 Dr. Sergey Sorin ● 2840 E Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO, 65802

Green Clinics ................................. 816.514.0023 1618 S. Broadway, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 Green Health Docs STL. ............. 877.242.0362 2 Cityplace Dr Suite 200, St. Louis, MO 63141 Health City .................................... 314.200.1555 1760 S. Brentwood Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63144 Kathmandu Clinic ….................... 918.814.3996 111 Prospect Ave Suite 20 2D, Kirkwood, MO. Midwest GreenCert ..................... 314. 596.9955 2325 Dougherty Ferry Rd., Ste. 206 St. Louis, MO 63122 Medical Cannabis Outreach ........ 636.489.4293 Dr. Jerry Leech, Chesterfield, MO Medical Cannabis Outreach .........636.466.3871 Dr. Nassar: 7721 Clayton Rd. Clayton, MO 63117 Missouri Cannabis Outreach ...... 636.466.3871 2730 S. St. Peters Parkway, St. Charles, MO 63304 Vo Medical Clinic - Dr. Thanh Vo ... 314.776.1467 3334 South Grand Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118

The Higher Care Clinic (THC 2….417.413.3899 2424 South Campbell Avenue, Springfield, MO.

Southern MO

St. Louis, MO

Ozark Valley Medical ..................... 417.317.533 5571 N 21st St, Ozark, MO 65721 Ozark Valley Medical .................... 417.317.5318 1140 MO-76, Branson, MO 65616 Roark Family Health & Medical Spa . 417.847.1111 Dr. Lisa Roark ● 1101 N. Main St., Cassville, MO.

How to Get Listed Here as a Missouri Marijuana Med-ID Doctor. To be listed here as an active Medical Marijuana certification Doctor (Licensed Missouri Doctors Only. Assistant Physicians, PA and NP, Chiropractic Doctors cannot certify.) Please submit your full business name, doctor name, phone, address, website and verifiable contact info to

Medical Marijuana Certifications MIDWEST GreenCert

Call 314.596.9953 or Book Appointment Online at 2325 Dougherty Ferry Rd., Ste. 206 St. Louis, MO 63122 Business hours: M-F, 9 a.m-5 p.m.

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Harshman Law Firm Cannabis & Hemp Law

Providing Legal Services in Compliance with MO Medical Cannabis Law & Regulations We’re ready to join your team providing needed legal help. Let’s talk...Call Today!

The Harshman Law Firm, LLC CALL Joani Harshman 816.673.7570

1201 NW Briarcliff, Suite 200, Kansas City, MO 64116 │

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December 2019



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