The EVOLUTION Magazine August 2020

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Missouri’s #1 Monthly Medical Cannabis Magazine


Growing Tips

What Plant is Male or Female?

9 Reasons Why Your Pets Need CBD This Summer

08 ● 2020

KC Officially Stops Prosecuting Cannabis Charges

Taste of Summer with Infused Islander Kebabs

Plants Growing ─ Dispensaries Now Plan Fall 2020 Opening August 2020 1


August 2020



August 2020





Breaking Industry News — Flora Farms Announces Supply Partnership with CLOVR Seed Tips — Let Thy Flower Be Thy Medicine Breaking News — KC Officially Stops Prosecuting Cannabis Charges Ask Leah — Why Cure Your Cannabis After It’s Harvested? Patient Advocate — The Emperor Wears No Clothes


Kansas Advocates — Kansas Politics and Covid-19 = Death of Cannabis Patient Access Advocates — 9-Step Opiates to Cannabis Transition Plan Thoughts from Doc — Could Cannabis be an Effective Treatment for Glaucoma? Home Grown — What Plant is Male, Female, and Hermaphrodite?



Cooking With Cannabis & Summer Kebabs Renewing Your MO Medical Cannabis ID Card

Cooking with Dana — Taste of Summer with Infused Islander Kebabs Pets & CBD 101 — 9 Reasons Why Your Pets Need CBD This Summer Patient Insight — MO Medical MJ Caregiver, Do You Need One? Patient Education — Cannabis, Can It Help Depression?



Pets & CBD Plus More Good Stuff Within These Pages — Enjoy!


See page 55, or Order Online at Visit and get the latest news and see more locations to get your copy of The EVOLUTION MagazineTM. 4

August 2020

46 48 50 54

Dispensaries in Western Missouri ― Opening Soon Benefits Wheel for CBD, THC, and More CBD Store Guide ― Missouri Stores / Kansas page 52 Doctors Guide to Missouri Med-ID Certification

► Cover: Celebrating KC Officially Stopping Prosecuting Cannabis Charges. Missouri cultivators now growing, and dispensaries plan for opening this fall. Amendment 2 freedom to purchase is growing near. (Cartoon policeman by Anton Brand. All other graphics/creative art by Bill Cromwell)

August 2020


Industry News ►

Flora Farms Announces Supply Partnership with CLOVR


News Wire

issouri Cannabis cultivator, Flora Farms, a BD Health venture of Humansville, MO, announced on July 5, a new supply partnership with local cannabis-infused product manufacturer, CLOVR. This partnership ensures that Missouri’s medical marijuana patients have consistent access to cannabis-infused products when dispensaries open later this year. “We’re thrilled to be doing business with CLOVR. The people of Missouri deserve access to the trusted brands and recipes they represent.” says Mark Hendren, Chief Operating Officer at Flora Farms. “We believe this partnership will benefit everyone involved in the Missouri medical marijuana industry, most of all, the patients.” Flora Farms’ state-of-the-art, closed loop, indoor grow facility in Humansville is set to produce half of the medical marijuana sold in the first year of Missouri’s new Medical Marijuana program. Their partnership with CLOVR ensures that the state’s medical patients aren’t left wanting for a variety of products. “We couldn’t be more excited to partner with Flora Farms,” says Josh Mitchem, CEO at CLOVR. “Through this process, the team at Flora Farms have proven to be intelligent, trustworthy, and easy to work with. We are looking forward to a long and fruitful relationship together. We are especially pumped to pair their quality cannabis with our one-of-a-kind edibles and concentrates to provide much needed relief to the wonderful patients of the Show-Me-State,” said Mitchem. “Securing and maintaining enough flower supply helps lock-in our timeline of providing products to dispensaries, thus getting them into the hands of patients quicker.” Hendren says, this new partnership will grant the patients of Missouri consistent access to high-quality infused products in an initially volatile market while giving CLOVR the ability to produce a wider variety of cannabis-infused products from the start. About Flora Farms: Matthan Black of Flora Farms states, Flora Farms is the largest medical marijuana cultivator in Missouri. Flora Farms is dedicated to supplying Missouri’s patients with high-quality cannabis to manage their medical issues and the symptoms that accompany them. Whether it’s chronic pain or PTSD, it helps patients live healthier, happier lives free from painful side effects. Whether at its cultivation facility or dispensaries, Flora Farms is committed to the health and safety of its customers and have made it their mission to be the number one provider of Medical Marijuana in Missouri. About CLOVR: Headquartered in Kansas City, MO, CLOVR is a cannabis-infused product manufacturer that believes in safe, consistent, and quality cannabis products for Missouri’s medical marijuana patients. The company says, “As the extractor, infuser, and wholesaler of our own products, we can ensure patients are getting exactly what they are reading on the label — no funny business.” 

“What is a Weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson 6

August 2020

Missouri’s First Educational Medical Cannabis Magazine Published Monthly by Native Kansas City, MO, Advocates, Publishers and Writers. A True Missouri Born Grassroots Effort to Educate and Inform Patients, and to Provide Businesses within The Missouri Cannabis Industry an Economical Forum to Tell Their Story. We hope you join and enjoy “The Evolution.” PUBLISHER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Bill Cromwell News, Article or Advertisement Requests to: Corporate Office: 816.878.4509 Kansas City, MO (See Our Distribution Map on page 55)

MANAGING EDITOR, VP OF OPERATIONS: Victoria Cromwell VP SALES/MARKETING and EDITORIAL DEVELOPMENT: Clayton Stallings CREATIVE DESIGNER, GRAPHIC ARTS, PHOTOGRAPHY: Bill Cromwell Our Team of Expert Writers and Cannabis Industry Leaders ● Brother Mendel — Seed / Growing Education ● Dana Cunningham — Cooking with CBD and THC ● Leigh Zarda Carr, CBD Wellness Education ● Jason Davis — Home Grower Tips ● Dolores Halbin — Patient Advocate and Awareness ● April Hatch ― Patient Education Columnist ● Peter Kershaw — Health and Safety Columnist ● Leah Maurer — Health, Awareness, Ask Leah Columnist ● Dr. Michael J. Poppa, D.O., M.B.A. ― Medical Health News ● Stephen Stearman — Patient Wellness Columnist ● Lisa Sublett — Kansas Advocates News ― Patient Access ● James Van Horn — Home Growers Education Columnist ● Monthly Guest Writers — Cannabis News & Patient Advocates The EVOLUTIONTM Magazine offers a monthly print magazine that is distributed throughout western Missouri, eastern Kansas and the Lake of the Ozarks region. Printed copies are found at nearly 300 locations including CBD dispensaries, therapy centers, doctors offices, restaurants, sports bars, golf courses, resorts, hotels and many other select locations. In addition, the magazine is offered online as an inter-active E-magazine at NOTICE: The publisher/editor reserves the right to reject whatever material does not fit with the vision or intent of this publication. Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the publisher and does not imply endorsement. The contributing writers, staff or owners of THE EVOLUTION Magazine cannot be held liable for hardship or losses incurred due to any content associated within this publication or websites. Written views and information expressed in this publication belong to the writers and do not reflect the sentiments or editorial opinion of the publisher or staff. We cannot be held responsible for; views, opinions, changes to scheduling, prices, rates or the occasional typographical errors. ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE: Advertisers have the right to terminate promotions or special offers/coupons, change rates or fees without notice. All listed guides, rates, fees and information herein are non-binding reference material only. Always check with listed businesses or advertisers for its latest updates, prices and special offers. FDA Disclaimer: Any statements made within this magazine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No products or Ads featured within these pages are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent any disease, ailment or disorder. Always consult your physician before beginning any supplements, botanical extracts or products withing these pages. Products mentioned within for use by adults age 18 and older. Keep such products out of reach of children. The information within is a sharing of knowledge and information based on the writers research and experience. © 2019 – 2020 The EVOLUTIONTM Magazine. All Rights Proprietary and Conceptual Designs Reserved. Reproduction of any part of this publication’s contents is strictly prohibited without written permission of the Publisher or Managing Editor.




August 2020


Owners Rob and Bianca Sullivan Will Open Locations Soon at:

1041 NE Sam Walton Lane, Lee’s Summit, MO & 7130 Wornall Rd, Kansas City, MO

Now accepting wholesale inquires of cultivation and manufacturing. 8

August 2020

By Missourians, For Missourians


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August 2020


Seed Tips ►

The THC Potency Pipe Dream

The Science of Cannabis

“The THC boom is largely a facet of marketing”

by Brother Mendel, Contributing Writer


frequently receive emails from patients who want to know which of my cultivars have the highest percentage of THC. To a patient-focused breeder like myself, the question is frustrating, because the underlying assumption is that a high THC percentage means a more potent and efficacious medicine. As we have argued for years, and as Chris Roberts’ recent article* in Forbes confirms, the THC boom is largely a facet of marketing, based on fallacious reasoning.


Brother Mendel and Mrs. Mendel own and operate Brother Mendel’s Selections, a breeder-direct purveyor of only the most premium, heirloom, boutique cannabis, and high-CBD hemp genetics. Visit them at w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / groups/homegrower or for more information, he can be contacted at 10

August 2020

Once scientists identified THC as the psychoactive component in cannabis, some quickly concluded that THC was, therefore, exclusively responsible for cannabis’ therapeutic effects. And that just isn’t the case. Therapeutic medicinal potency is not determined by THC percentage. Buying cannabis based on its cost to THC ratio is like walking into a grocery store looking for the cheapest food with the most calories and thinking that what you buy will meet your body’s nutritional needs. You’ll walk out with Twinkies and end up with a host of health problems. A person concerned with their wellbeing doesn’t select food that way. Our standards for selecting medicinal cannabis should at least meet, if not exceed, our standards for buying nutritious food. So, what should you look for when choosing a medicinal cultivar? A varietal’s terpene profile is a great place to start. Terpenes are the aromatic compounds that give herbs and other plants their

characteristic aroma. (Think of the distinctive scent of rosemary or lavender.) Research in recent years has revealed a plethora of therapeutic benefits associated with cannabis terpenes. The terpene limonene, for example, associated with a refreshing, citrusy aroma, is known for its anti-depressant and antinausea properties, among others. In contrast, the terpene myrcene, with a musky perfume reminiscent of cloves, is noted for its relaxing and sedative effects. There are dozens and dozens of different terpenes, terpenoids, and flavonoids present in cannabis cultivars. Many of these are currently under scientific research; research into others of these compounds awaits a time when funding for further cannabis study is more widely available. The wide variety of terpene profiles available among cannabis chemotypes is, in fact, what makes cannabis such a unique medicinal plant. That’s because terpenes and terpenoids contribute to what is commonly called the “entourage effect;” the theory that suggests that the various compounds in cannabis — phytocannabinoids, flavonoids, terpenes, terpenoids and possibly other compounds yet to be identified etc. — work synergistically, producing a more potent effect when taken in their natural, holistic, and organic form, than when taken alone or cobbled together from several sources. The entourage effect theory helps dispel the popular but erroneous idea that the presence of CBD detracts from a cultivar’s therapeutic effects, and suggests, in fact, that the reverse

Seeds 101 is likely true: THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids, identified or yet-tobe-identified, taken in concert with the other compounds present in cannabis, may deliver more of the desired therapeutic experience than when taken alone. Our cultivar, Spectre, at only 20-24% THC and about 3% CBD, for example, is heavy in caryophyllene, a spicy peppercorn-forward terpene known for its anti-inflammatory properties. The synergy supported by the entourage effect theory explains why a caryophyllenedominant strain such as Spectre will be far more effective in providing relief from the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, for example, than a strain higher in THC, but lacking the same terpene profile. The idea here is not that THC content doesn’t matter, but that it shouldn’t be the primary consideration when selecting a medicinal cultivar. Bear in mind that researchers have thus far identified over 100 cannabinoids present in cannabis, and research into the effects of the various cannabinoid compounds is still in a nascent stage. The complexity of the cannabis plant’s effect on the endocannabinoid system cannot be reduced to a particular cannabinoid. Thus, it shouldn’t be the driving criteria by which a patient selects the right medicine.

Once a month, we are part of the...

Grow with a GROROOM lesson on Thursday, August 13, Featuring Ryan VanHorn: “Cooking with─Cannabis” “Making Edibles Gummies”

Evol-Mag 08/20

The Entourage Effect

When choosing the chemotypes that will fill your medical garden, it’s helpful to learn to trust your nose. 1. Finding the terpenes in a given cultivar appealing is a critical part of enjoying the plant’s touted therapeutic benefits. 2. You’ll also want to consult your trusted referring physician to gain insight on the terpenes that are associated with easing your ailments. 3. Contacting a reputable breeder who interacts with patients with various conditions regularly can also prove useful. 4. Remember above all that selecting a medicinal cultivar is a highly personalized decision and should be tailored to your body and your needs. When you find yourself selecting your meds, don’t be fooled by the THC pipe dream. *

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August 2020


Breaking News ►

Historic Event on THE EVOLUTION Live Feed

Kansas City Officially Out of the Business of Prosecuting Cannabis Charges by Clayton Stallings,


n July 9, 2020, Kansas City officially removed marijuana from city code of ordinances by a favorable vote of 8-4 thanks to the hard work of Mayor Lucas, his staff, and the majority support of City Council members. Just moments after the historic decision was passed, the Mayor joined us on The EVOLUTION Magazines’ Home Grow Series live stream to not only announce the celebratory news, but to set more surprising history in live streaming time by signing the initiative on our show (photo below).

to an arrest warrant that lead to all of these other problems; where as if you’re in the inner city in a heavily policed neighborhood, you’re running into the police so much more while getting tickets layered on leading to violating probation for something completely unrelated [charges] and screwing up so much of your life,” Lucas explained. While openly supporting decriminalization on a national level, Mayor Lucas understands the importance of setting new standards with local authority steps in the right direction to march change up the ladder to create newer national standards. What’s next on Mayor Lucas’ social equity agenda? Surprisingly, among several other items; Lucas mentioned that he feels like parking tickets have also created an unfair blockade for racial equality as he announced his teams next steps are to lessen the gap of inequality. We encourage everyone to track and support Lucas’ team by going to or follow them on Twitter @mayorlucaskc or @quintonlucaskc.

“Kansas City is officially out of the business of prosecuting cannabis charges. As long as they criminalize marijuana, an activity like that will be used to disproportionately impact any number of people — that’s just the way it is,” said Mayor Lucas. “The way that we fix it is not just keeping more laws on the books that create criminals out of so many people and that are always unfairly applied — instead the way that we fix it is actually by ‘getting rid of the damn laws.’” Mayor Lucas went on to compare Kansas City’s standard setting for local municipalities to Colorado standard setting on the national level. “You do one step at a time — Kansas City gets it off the books, then St. Louis, then Columbia,” he said. Having a unique position of firsthand sight on both sides of the inequality fence of outdated laws, Mayor Lucas’s upbringing made him the perfect candidate to set such precedence. “I was speaking from the heart when I told my story of growing up in a majority white private high school where lots of people used marijuana and certainly when they went off to college,” said Lucas. “On this side, none of them getting arrested, none of them getting stopped, none of them getting BS tickets where if they fail to pay then it leads 12

August 2020

To see the shock on my face (photo above) as Mayor Lucas surprised us by signing the initiative live on our show, and the complete interview, go to or scan the QR code to view on a cell phone.

Clayton Stallings is the VP Sales & Marketing of The Evolution Magazine

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Free 30-Minute Consultation for any questions regarding your existing or prospective grow upon initial service call request. (Just mention this magazine Ad.) ● August 2020 13

SprayS e e MO SpraySeeMO Mural Festival September 2020 — Exact Dates TBA Crossroads Arts District, KCMO Brought to you by

Are You a Local Kansas City Area Business Who Would Like a FREE Outside Wall Mural or a Local Artist Looking to Get Involved?

Septem be 2020 r

Email to register your business today! (Limited number will be selected, so register today.)

Mural art by SCIEN KLOR

SpraySe eMO Mural Festiva Septemb l er 2020

Mural art by Key Detail

Our goal is to continue to grow and propel Kansas City into being a mural-laden town that promotes creative expression and exploration on a large, public scale; an art-mecca of our Midwest design. We are celebrating KC’s incredible Arts Districts and furthering it’s presence as an art-rich destination with a strong public art element through murals.

Mural art by Scien and Mrs. Klor 123KLAN™ Montreal, QC, Canada, @123klan


See The Incredible 2019 Murals by scanning this QR.

August 2020

SPRAYSEEMO is an artist invitation-based event. Public welcome to watch mural artworks come alive. For more information about sponsors, map locations of where murals will be painted, and event updates dates, visit

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Evol-Mag06/20 Evol-Mag07/20

August 2020


Just ask Leah...


Why Is It Important to

Cure Your Cannabis After It’s Harvested? by Leah Maurer, Contributing Writer


Ask Leah

arvesting cannabis flowers is possibly one of the most exciting and satisfying parts of the growing process. Whether you are harvesting your home grow out of your backyard or your closet or harvesting an entire warehouse or greenhouse, there is something very special and gratifying about taking the first step towards being able to consume, share, or sell your cannabis flower. It is important to cure your cannabis because it increases the potency, affects the flavor and quality of smoke by preserving the terpenes, and allows you to store your cannabis for long periods without worrying about mold or the loss of cannabinoid content.

A native Missourian, Leah Maurer is a cannajournalist, creative marketing consultant, and activist who now lives in Portland, OR. She is also the Editorial Lead at, a cannabis news and information publication where she serves as the Editorial Lead. Leah was very involved in Oregon’s cannabis legalization, helping found New Approach Oregon, an organization responsible for drafting and campaigning for Measure 91. Additionally, in 2014 Leah founded “Moms for YES on Measure 91;” its grassroots efforts proved pivotal in the passage of legalizing recreational/adult-use of cannabis in the State. Leah is a social justice and cannabis activist at the core and hopes to see the prohibition of cannabis end on a federal level and normalize it across America — and someday, worldwide. 16

August 2020

recently, many commercial growers do not cure their crop. They dry their flower, trim it into buds, and then they sell it. Curing your cannabis is a time consuming but necessary step toward the highest possible quality of the final product for yourself or for the patients you are providing the buds. Many cannabis enthusiasts and cannabis cultivation professionals will agree that curing is absolutely essential for a perfect result.

Let’s first learn about the difference between drying cannabis and curing cannabis.

How you complete the drying process will depend on how you harvest your cannabis. The most popular way is to cut 12-16” branches from the cannabis plants, remove unwanted leaves, and then hang the branches from a string or wire. I have also seen home growers use metal hangers. You can fully manicure your buds before drying them or

Drying cannabis means reducing the water content of the buds to 10-15%. This can vary with the desired crispness/crunchiness of the final product. In my experience, until more

wait until after the drying process is complete. It is important to keep your harvested cannabis in a dark room, and it is generally recommended that you keep the temperature

between 60-70°F and humidity between 45-55%. It is also helpful to have a small fan, a dehumidifier as needed for humidity control, and an A/C unit as needed for temperature control. It can take anywhere from five to 15 days for the initial drying process to be complete, depending on the density of the cannabis flower and the conditions in which they are dried. When the cannabis flowers (or buds) feel a little crunchy on the outside, and the smallest branches snap when you bend them rather than folding over, you’re ready to start the curing process. First, trim and manicure your buds and separate them from the branches. Next, place the trimmed buds into an airtight container. Wide mouth

quart-size canning jars are the most commonly used container, but you can also use ceramic, metal, wood, or plastic containers. Pack the cannabis flowers loosely into your containers, filling them to the top without crushing the buds. After the containers are closed and sealed, place them in a cool, dry, dark spot to finish the curing process. Within the first day, you will notice that the buds are no longer crunchy and dry because the moisture from inside them will rehydrate the outer portions (if this is not the case, you have over-dried your cannabis). Now, during the first week, you will want to open the containers several times per day and let the flowers “breathe” for a few minutes. This process is often called “burping.” This allows moisture to escape and replenishes the oxygen inside the container. If you notice the odor of ammonia when opening a container, it means the buds are not dry enough to be cured, and bacteria are consuming them, which will lead to moldy and thus rotten cannabis (in which case you need to allow them to dry longer). After the first week, you will only need to “burp” the containers once every few days or so. Usually, after two to three weeks in containers, your cannabis will be cured enough to provide a quality experience, but four to eight weeks of cure time will improve it even more. Obviously, this process is a little lengthy and may seem to take even longer when you are so excited about tasting that final product! But, remember, this will not only help with the potency of your cannabis but also with the preservation of the terpenes and the product for longterm storage. Have a cannabis education related question for Leah? I am a St. Louis native, and a cannabis activist since 2010! I am excited to help answer all your medical marijuana patient questions. Please send questions to, and you may be featured in a future issue of The EVOLUTION Magazine. Notice: The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on years of research and experience. It should not be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The content is for general information purposes only.

August 2020


Patient Access Advocate ►

Book Repor t:

The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer

How Hemp Can Save The World! A MUST-READ by Dolores Halbin,, Contributing Writer


he Emperor of cannabis, Jack Herer is one of my heroes, and if he isn’t already, I hope to make him one of yours. Jack Herer’s book, The Emperor Wears No Clothes, is often referred to as the Bible of Cannabis. In the introduction to his book, Herer wrote a tribute to his friend and lifetime activist Edwin “Captain Ed” M. Adair III 1940-1991. Captain Ed and Herer took a pledge in 1974 to do something every day to legalize marijuana. For Herer’s part, he began by gathering “tidbits” of information on the cannabis plant. He gathered these tidbits for a decade, and in 1985, he put them all together and published them in his book, The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Long after his passing in 2010 at the age of 71, through his book, Herer has continued to keep his pledge, educating and inspiring generations about the history and lore of the cannabis plant. Herer’s book really is the sole source of everything you ever need to know about the history and uses of the cannabis plant. And when I say you need to know, this is exactly what I mean. If you have not read the book, Herer ‘s wife, Jeannie, runs the Herer Foundation and gives the online book away for free. Personally, I love my soft-backed hard copy and have worn out the pages. Herer first published Emperor in 1985. The 12th edition was published in 2010, the year he died. I was touched and dismayed to know how 35 years later, his words at the beginning of the book still apply today. Herer writes: In 1974-75 possession of under an ounce was decriminalized in the state of California. Captain Ed was 33 and I was 34. We took a pledge. At the time virtually everyone in the California pot movement thought we’d already won. They’d begun to drift away from the movement and had gone back to their lives, thinking the battle was over and that the politicians would clean up the loose ends. 18

August 2020

The pledge Captain Ed and Herer made was “to do something every day to legalize marijuana and get all the pot prisoners out of jail until we are dead, marijuana is legal, or we can quit when we turned 84. We don’t have to quit at 84 but we could.” According to Wikipedia, the tidbits of facts Herer presented in The Emperor Wears No Clothes were challenged in 1994 by a European expert who had written his doctoral thesis on Hemp. Dr. Hayo van der Werf claimed that while mostly factual, there were some inaccuracies regarding hemp in Herer’s book. In response to the criticism, the backers of Herer’s book, including hemp-involved businesses in the U.S., Germany, the Netherlands, and The Texas Hemp Campaign, published a $100,000 reward for anyone who could disprove the following facts laid out in Herer’s book: If all fossil fuels and their derivatives, as well as trees for paper and construction were banned in order to save the planet, reverse the Greenhouse Effect and stop deforestation; then there is only one known annually renewable natural resource that is capable of providing the overall majority of the world’s paper and textiles; meet all of the world’s transportation, industrial and home energy needs, while simultaneously reducing pollution, rebuilding the soil, and cleaning the atmosphere all at the same time...and that substance – is the same one that did it all before – Cannabis Hemp...Marijuana! To date, No One has claimed the $100,000 reward money! Herer goes on to write: “...we thought in light of all the amazing information we had uncovered about hemp, that the battle for complete legalization of cannabis would easily be over in six months, two years at the most....”



And it should have been. There is absolutely not one single solitary thing made from oil or trees that cannot be made from hemp except a big dang mess, and there seems to be no end to the number of BLACK BOX (death as a side effect) pharmaceutical medications cannabis can replace. Perhaps it’s time to quit making dangerous drugs and start making all types of cannabis medicine available through our insurance companies! Perhaps it’s time to send all those oil tankers parked in the ocean back to where they came from. Let the oil farms reverse their pumps and put the oil back into the earth. What if the earth needs oil like our car engines do? What if we run her out of oil, and her engine seizes up, and she overheats? That’s the Death Star to a car; I can’t imagine the Earth would fare much better. Of course, we need investors and resources to continue into medical marijuana. Still, we also need investors into the hemp manufacturing infrastructure for everything from fuel to fiber to concrete to hemp-based food for animals and people. The ads I am looking forward to seeing are for local dispensaries made from locally sourced hempcrete with ads printed on locally produced hemp paper! Missouri has land, water, and a long growing season. If we hurry, if we get smart and start courting investors in the hemp infrastructure manufacturing base, we can still become the industrial hemp capital of the United States. In the meantime, please remember marijuana is still federally illegal and listed by the FDA as a drug of no medicinal value alongside heroin. We all need to take Herer and Captain Ed’s pledge today and do something every day to legalize marijuana and get our pot prisoners out of jail. We can do this Missouri.

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Dolores Montgomery Halbin, RN, BSN, and Ordained Nurse Minister resides in SW Missouri. After her husband passed in 2015, she retired from nursing. She worked with the 2014-2018 Missouri campaigns for legalized medical marijuana. She continues as a cannabis reform activist volunteering with Canna Convict Project and working toward Federal decriminalization through educational speaking and freelance journalism. Dolores Halbin,

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August 2020


Kansas Patient Access Advocate ►

Kansas Politics and Covid-19 =

The Death of Cannabis Reform Bills in “The Free State” for 2020 by Lisa Ash Sublett, Bleeding Kansas Advocates


t was the perfect storm. A mix of colliding fronts, that of Kansas legislative leadership’s power maneuvers and a pandemic, that bashed, battered, and ultimately sunk the dreams of Kansas patients for yet another year, in a wait for reform that has already lasted over a decade. Sadly, some patients will not live to see another session. Still, others have given up and have set into motion their plans to leave Kansas for good. It was indeed a bitter disappointment after a session start that came with many promises from incumbents that Kansas would finally see real reform. However, the promises never really fleshed out past an attempt to put Kansas under a highly restrictive model that would choke out industry, jobs, and continue to deny access to many Kansans. One bill put forth by ultraconservative lawmakers, Representatives Barker and Estes, respective heads of the House and Senate Federal and State Affairs committees, was more of a nightmare of bureaucratic cumbersomeness and associated costs to taxpayers than a dream. I guess we can be grateful that it gained no traction before the storm of Covid-19 hit in full force. When Governor Kelly called the legislature back to finish the 2020 session, hope was stoked again, and a new bill HB:2017 was introduced by moderate lawmaker, Representative Eplee of Atchison. However, the Legislative Leadership Council (LLC) was already locked into a war against the governor and moved on no other bills. The LLC is currently all ultraconservative and is made up of the Speaker of the House, Representative Ryckman (Olathe); House Majority Leader, Representative Hawkins (Wichita); Speaker Pro Tem, Representative Finch (Ottawa); Senate President, Senator Wagle (Wichita); and Senate Majority leader Senator Denning (Overland Park). All have served extremely long terms in the Kansas legislature. This issue is not new to any of them, nor is the level of support among Kansans for this issue news to any of them. It is an issue they have never cared to act upon or one they have only cared to act upon in the most restrictive approach. An approach that will least benefit both the state and patients and continue to cause unnecessary harm. At issue is the long battle of modern Kansas politics, far divorced from the progressive past of the “Free State” and embattled between the great moralizers, who do little to benefit the people of our state’s everyday lives. They want to dictate and judge all aspects of those lives and those who believe in the Constitutional rights of all individuals and want to see Kansas flourish with new industry, new jobs, and progress out of the current status of frozen in the past and into a better future. 20

August 2020

All cannabis bills that were carried over into the 2020 session from the previous session or introduced into the 2020 session are now dead. They must be introduced again into the next session. Kansas only has a “grace year,” where bills do not die but are carried over to the next session, every other year. So, what hope may lie ahead? Elections. A consortium of Kansas cannabis organizations is working to put forth a voter’s guide composed of candidates’ survey answers to questions on the issue of cannabis reform. This will help voters discern between those who support Constitutional rights and those who say they do, but in practice, do not. Many voters will cast their ballots accordingly. The fate of Kansas patients, and the economic future of our state, will hinge on the balance of those votes. All voters should also be encouraged to donate to those lawmakers who support their Constitutional rights. They are often critically underfunded as compared to those who reap the rewards of support from large religious groups and others of the same ilk. After the November elections, it will once again be time to organize for the 2021 session, follow the introduction of new bills, read the comparisons of those bills, and for the people of Kansas to prepare their written testimonies for all hearings that may be granted on this issue during the new session. As has been said, “If you stay ready, you ain’t got to get ready.” Although January seems a long way away from our current summer heat, it arrives sooner than expected. It would benefit all those who care about this issue to be prepared. Hold onto hope, even through these storms and brutal disappointments, hold on. Though the years we have been fighting have been wearisome, with much heartache in their bosoms, they never have and can never quench the fire that burns for liberty and justice in the hearts of those who struggle against ignorance, greed, and tyranny. During this month, which holds so much power for all Americans as we celebrate freedom and the founding of a nation through struggle against tyranny, let us find renewed strength, hope, encouragement, and inspiration for our current fight. For more information and to become an advocate for Kansas cannabis reform, please visit Lisa Ash Sublett of Bleeding Kansas Advocates can be reached at 913.396.9675, or

Breaking News ►

C4 Pharms Becomes Third Cultivation Facility in Missouri to Pass DHSS Inspection To provide flower and pre-rolls, in bulk, to dispensaries by the Fall 2020.


Carrollton, MO, medical cannabis cultivation facility is the third facility in the state to begin operations. Feelz Good Green Products, LLC. dba C4 (Carroll County Cannabis Company) was given permission by the Department of Health and Senior Services on July 15, 2020 after passing its inspections based on security, blueprints, application information and standard operating procedures. C4 received three medical marijuana cultivation licenses and one manufacturing license which are all located in Carrollton. “The entire C4 team is grateful and overwhelmed by the support and assistance from the City of Carrollton. We would have been delayed significantly without the diligent effort from Carrollton Municipal Utilities, Mayor Scott Bartlett, the Fire and Police Departments,” said C4 Pharms CEO, Tyler Klein. “It’s a dream come true coming home to make a positive impact on the community through job opportunities and economic development for Carroll County. I am very proud of our team and the facility we have built; the future is bright for C4.” C4 Pharms’ facility in Carrollton utilizes the Clean Green organic growing method for its medical marijuana ensuring Missouri patients getting the safest and purest cannabis that can be made. Clean Green is the closest a cannabis company can get to being “certified organic” without the access to the federal USDA organic labeling. C4 Pharms plans on providing Clean Green, soil-grown flower and pre-rolls, in bulk, to dispensaries in the Fall of 2020. The Clean Green growing method is the closest a cannabis company can get to being “certified organic.” Clean Green Certified® is the #1 certifier globally for cannabis.  ABOUT C4: C4 PHARMS provides a higher standard providing the highest quality medical cannabis naturally grown in the heartland. Tyler Klein, CEO.

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Patient Access Advocates ►


– Step Opiates to Cannabis Pain Management Transition Plan by April Hatch RN, Contributing Writer


don’t know if it’s the new opiate campaign the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has rolled out, talking to patients today who are titrating off morphine, or knowing there is a rise of narcotic use during the current pandemic, but let’s talk about opiates versus cannabis. Everyone has been stuck at home, isolated, depressed, anxious, and many are now unemployed. Coping mechanisms are being used at an all-time high, and many cope with alcohol and/or prescription pain meds. The problem begins when the opiates become ineffective, and the physical addiction to them starts impairing a patient’s life. We see overdoses, families being torn apart, and billions spent each year for its treatment.

April Hatch is a Registered Nurse and the co-founder of Cannabis Care Team where she provides education, support, and advocacy for cannabis patients. She learned the benefits of cannabis when she witnessed how miraculously it worked for her own child. April understands how overwhelming starting cannabis treatment can be and can proudly say her patients have the confidence they need to make informed healthcare decisions. She can be reached at 22

August 2020

So, are we effectively addressing the opioid crisis? Is the new DHSS campaign making an impact, are prescription drug monitoring programs showing positive results, or is cannabis’ use for such addictions changing the tide? Research has shown us that prescription drug monitoring programs are not as effective as we would like, and they do not save lives. In 2014 Bachhuber and other researchers found that most (60%) opiate overdoses have occurred among patients with a legal prescription from a single provider.1 That’s a patient getting their prescription from their

physician, not off the street, and not from mom’s medicine cabinet. Medical cannabis could help “titrating” off opiates. By definition, “drug ‘titration’ is the process of adjusting the dose of a medication for the maximum benefit without adverse effects. When a drug has a narrow therapeutic index, titration is especially important, because the range between the dose at which a drug is effective and the dose at which side effects occur is small.” Most patients who find themselves using opiates to control mental and physical pain are doing just that, “trying to control pain.” Research indicates that long-term opioid medications are not effective for chronic pain; it only puts the patient at greater risk for dependence, abuse, and Cannabis overdose.6 may be more effective according to a study published in 2017,5 which showed that adult patients treated with cannabis or cannabinoids “are more likely to experience a clinically significant reduction in pain symptoms.”4 Another study found that medical cannabis use was associated with a 64% decrease in opioid use and improved quality of life.4 Not only does cannabis provide pain relief, but it may also help patients going through withdrawal. Johns Hopkins recently completed a study that found cannabis eased

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the anxiety, tremors, muscle aches, insomnia, nausea, and cravings of 72% of study participants experiencing withdrawal symptoms.2 They admit there are some limitations in their research and the research in general. What if cannabis could be used to treat acute opioid withdrawal instead of the addictive medications they currently use? I’ve spent some time talking with the patient mentioned above, who thankfully has the blessing of his physician to replace his morphine with cannabis. For him, medical marijuana has been a “gamechanger.” Within the first weeks of consuming cannabis, he was taking a lower dose of morphine, even forgetting to take a dose, and has not experienced any withdrawal. After a month, he has decreased his opioid dose by 30%. He often says, “I never thought it would be this easy,” when for years, he couldn’t find anything to help him get off opiates and avoid withdrawal successfully. Cannabis is saving us billions of dollars. Medicare is actually saving money (an estimated $165.2 billion nationally in 2013), in states where medical cannabis is legal because patients stop getting their prescriptions filled. Of course, that means the patient now has the burden of paying for their own cannabis treatment.3 With a change in federal policy and studies proving cannabis can treat pain and withdrawal, we look forward to the day when Medicare and commercial insurance will cover cannabis. Maybe then patients will finally be able to discuss cannabis with their doctors.


If you have a physician who is open to discussing replacing opiates with cannabis, here are nine (9) proven steps to get you off narcotics or even Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs).


The Following Information Is for Educational Purposes Only. (Please consult with your health-care provider before taking any action on the information provided.) 1. What’s YOUR Motivation? Ask yourself, what is motivating your decision to reduce your pain meds. Is it side effects? Poor pain control? Being forced off by your doctor? Regardless of your why, write down how reducing opiates will positively affect your life and refer to this list as needed. 2. Get Legal. Get your card and determine how you will get your meds. Cultivate at home, find a caregiver, and pray those dispensaries open soon. 3. Start Low. If you are new to cannabis, start with a low dose. Patients have reported 2.5-5 mg is a good dose to start with in the evening. 1 mg may be best for specific populations like seniors. Wait four-seven days before increasing the dose. 4. Be Patient. You should plan to experiment with different ways to use cannabis. You will want to try different products and find what works for you before lowering your opioid dose. Try both long- and short-acting methods of delivery. Patients do best when they have something that provides quick-acting, aroundthe-clock relief they can take as needed and for breakthrough pain or withdrawal symptoms. Continued on page 41 

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August 2020


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August 2020



Could Cannabis be an Effective

Treatment for Glaucoma?

by Michael J. Poppa DO, MBA


ver the next few months, let’s discuss several medical conditions many individuals use cannabis to treat. This month, we’ll explore “Ways to use medical cannabis for glaucoma treatment.”

How Do Patients With Glaucoma Typically Use Cannabis?

● Sprays: Sprays come in a variety of pleasant flavors and allow the user discreet use of this product. ● Tinctures: Tinctures can be placed directly into your food or drinks but are generally a little more expensive to purchase. Since every person is different, it is always best to discuss your cannabis treatment options with your Ophthalmologist.

Best Strains of Cannabis for Glaucoma:

Please note: the following strains could be named differently in Missouri. Check with your dispensary for similar names/brands that will provide the benefits mentioned here.

Here are some of the more common intake methods:

● Smoking: Smoking is the method that offers the quickest relief from symptoms, which is very important for patients with glaucoma. ● Vaporizing: Vaporizing, also called vaping, is another inhalation method that almost immediately brings you relief. However, unlike smoking, it’s most likely to provoke irritation of the throat or lungs. Be sure to keep your vaping unit clean and always charged. Alert: Always, always buy vape products from a reputable dispensary that has 3rd party laboratory test results. ● Edibles: Edibles are available in a multitude of flavors and forms. They take a little time to kick-in (approximately 30-45 minutes) but will provide a longer, more lasting effect. Many people like to take these as they can be very discreet in usage. You can either make your own or purchase ready-made edibles. ● Juices: Juices can be blended fresh, raw pot leaves with some fruit juice. Take a drink of this concoction every four hours or so and it will help to minimize your symptoms.


August 2020

● Blueberry: Blueberry is a potent Indica hybrid. It is best to use at night as it can make you feel sluggish. Not only does this strain relieve eye pressure, but it also provides pain relief, helping you get a good night’s sleep. ● Maui Wowie: Maui Wowie is commonly used and is popular as it decreases eye pressure, pain, anxiety, and depression. You feel happy and uplifted when you use this strain. ● Cherry Cola: Cherry Cola is a potent Indica strain that will treat eye pressure; however, consider using a lower concentration. ● Super Bud: Super Bud is an Indica strain with many terpenes. It almost has a narcotic effect but can also boost your brain and, therefore, works as a neuroprotective and decreases pain and inflammation.

Jack Herrer ─ sativa

What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, the health of which is vital for good vision. This damage is often caused by an abnormally high pressure in your eye. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness for people over the age of 60.

● Jack Herrer: Jack Herrer is a Sativa dominant brand full of natural pain killers that reduce tissue inflammation and stress. ● Sour Grape: Sour grape is a hybrid strain that works on many levels. It can also improve nausea and pain as well as eye pressure. ● Durban Poison: Durban Poison is a sweet Sativa strain that provides an energetic and uplifting experience. It can make you feel quite upbeat and creative. After improving your nausea and vomiting symptoms, you can go about the rest of your day normally. ● Trinity: Trinity relieves depression and stops you feeling nauseated. You may feel drowsy after having a creative and focused initial effect from this Sativa strain, but it does help for nausea and vomiting. ● Sour Diesel: Sour Diesel is an energizing Sativa. It is a good replacement for morning coffee and can make you feel focused and positive.

Side Effects of Cannabis For Glaucoma: Having glaucoma is stressful and causes most to worry about vision problems and can interfere with daily living activities. Depending on the type of glaucoma you have, you may suffer a painful attack or actually have no symptoms at all. With the diminution of vision, quality of life issues can rise dramatically. Worrying can have a negative impact on your immune system, making you feel frequently fatigued. Some people also develop clinical depression and lose interest in activities once enjoyed —especially those that require good vision and concentration. Fortunately, if glaucoma symptoms adversely impact you, you have treatment options, including prescription eye drops, surgery, and medical cannabis, which can help you maintain your vision and quality of life.

Michael J. Poppa D.O., R.Ph, MBA Board Certified Occupational Medicine. He can be reached at Missouri Cannabis Clinic, 816.353.0420, 10001 E. 67th St. Raytown, MO. 64133. Visit Missouri Cannabis Clinic online at Notice: The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. The content is for general informational purposes only.

August 2020



Home Grown


by James Ryan Van Horn, Contributing Writer

Most Commonly Asked Growing Questions...

Cannabis Plants,

What Plant is Male, Female, and Hermaphrodite?


annabis male and female plants in the seedling phase look identical, and it’s not until later in their vegetative stage and into the flowering phase that they show their sex. Most plant species are monoecious, which means they have both male and female reproductive organs and can pollinate and seed themselves for future generations.

James Ryan Van Horn spent the last 13 years in California and Colorado learning how to grow the highest-quality plant using many different gardening methods. James recently returned to his hometown of Kansas City as the Manager at GroRoom Hydroponics and Gardening Supplies serving small home gardens to large commercial operations, from starters through post processing. GroRoom 816.569.5828. Located at 3703 Main Street Kansas City ,MO. FB:GroRoomKC, IG:@GroRoomKC. 28

August 2020

Cannabis is a species of only 7% of those very unique plants that require male pollen from one plant to land on a female plant’s pistil to make the next generation of seed or create a new cross. Most home growers are only looking for quality female plants that propagate large terpene-rich flowers to make into mother plants for future generations and don’t bother growing males and cut them out as soon as possible. Distinguishing between male, female, and hermaphrodite (meaning showing both male and female reproductive organs) is key to growing and maintaining a healthy quality cannabis crop with a heavy harvest. Regular cannabis seeds are usually about 50% male 50% female. These seeds are best for true pheno hunters looking for the quality genetics within a cross to grow or breed with. (pheno-hunting is the process of sifting through seeds to find those with the dominant traits the grower wants to cultivate.) You may have noticed that one dispensary’s Sour Diesel, for instance, is different from the next, that’s because there are slight variances

within each cultivar (strain) that is crossed, and those two particular buds probably came from different seed mother plants. Growing medium, nutrients, drying, and curing techniques can also affect the final smell and taste. It takes experience through growing multiple harvests to see the differences and find the best methods and pheno for your garden. Feminized seeds are bred specifically for growers who either don’t have or want to take the time to sex their plants and cut out the males. Feminized seeds could save the grower time and money in the long run. Feminized seeds that have been backcrossed onto themselves can tend to be very stable genetics as well. When growing feminized seeds, always make sure to keep a close eye on the flowers as they have a slightly greater chance of naturally being hermaphrodite compared to regular seeds. When left to grow naturally, male cannabis plants of the same cultivar (strain) will grow a little taller with longer internodal spacing and have fewer leaves than their female counterparts to grow up above the females and release their pollen. Early male staminate or pollen sacs pre-flower shape looks similar to a tiny green egg at the end of a small stem. The flower will bloom from that end. Female plants will naturally grow shorter and wider than their male counterparts, and her pistils are distinguished by a teardrop-shaped calyx, which first shows at the

Let’s get node joint between the stalk and the branch with one or two whitish or pink hairs which develop as part of the pistil and could later become a flower bud. A cannabis plant will occasionally exhibit both male staminate and female pistillate flowers, which are referred to as “hermaphrodites,” this happens when a plant gets stressed out by extreme environmental changes such as extreme temperature change, light leaks, or allowing your growing medium to dry out too much. If you push growing your plant too long at the end of the flowering phase, the plant tricks itself into thinking its life is ending and needs to reproduce by itself rather than waiting for male pollen to come along. So watch your plants closely and make sure to harvest your plant at the right time. “Bag seeds,” as they are usually referred to, tend to be an accident from a stressed plant and could also lead to a higher chance of that seed plant being hermaphrodite from day one.

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Male Plant

Females cannabis plants (left) will have small hair-like growth extensions (stigma) to catch pollen. Male plants (right) will have pollen sacs (balls) growing to spread seeds. Finding that winner you’re looking for could take growing dozens if not hundreds of the same cross, which is why most of the cannabis industry grows clones taken from mother plants with qualities and growing styles they like. Landrace genetics are the naturally growing wild varieties that grow in certain regions around the world. Over the centuries, we humans have propagated and bred the best of those landrace cultivars for medicinal purposes, and they are the most sought after if you want to breed new cannabis strain from scratch. From Cannabinoid Content to Psychoactive Effects and Terpene Profile, cannabis is one of the most unique plants on the planet and will continue to be bred and crossed for generations to come. As there are thousands of cannabis cultivar varieties around the world more and more seed breeders are popping up around the country every year; cannabis will continue to be refined to treat certain medical conditions, so don’t get caught up growing just one type. Variety is the spice of life, so grow as many cultivars as you can to find the perfect medicine for you and keep exploring.

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August 2020


Patient Help ►

Letters to the Editor

Renewing Your

Missouri Medical Cannabis ID Card. . . D

ear Editor,

Love the Mag — have subscribed since day one. My question is regarding renewing my medical marijuana card. It expires September 4, 2020, and I have not been able to use it. I went to the DHSS site on page 45 in the June issue. Could not find out how to sign up for a newsletter. I don’t have a problem paying $25 to the DHSS, but why do I have to pay the Dr. $138 when he has the documents. Their email says I just need to call and pay $138. Please address this in your July or August issue. It does not seem right, especially since I was not able to use the card. Thanks for listening, M. King Editor’s Reply: Dear M. King, We’ve received this question frequently from our readers. Consider this when paying for a visit to your doctor to renew your patient ID card. A patient’s medical conditions and required medication needs change from month-to-month and/or year-to-year, which cannot be determined unless a doctor monitors and evaluates the patient regularly. With all medical needs, a patient will pay a fee for any office visit to a doctor. The state of Missouri (DHSS) requires a doctor’s annual evaluation to determine if a patient meets the requirements to attain Missouri medical cannabis (MMJ). This is the same requirement for any patient to obtain any other pharmaceutical prescription. The difference is, rather than a 30-day prescription (and doctor’s visit), MMJ patients can renew every 12 months. One tip for you; some MMJ doctors offer reduced rates for renewal visits, so check with your current doctor or perhaps ask another. Thank you for writing, The Editor DHSS NEW PATIENT ID CARD RENEWALS — Updates available on DHSS website: The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) launches a weekly Patient Services newsletter. The DHSS has also updated the Patient Services tab on its website. Patients are encouraged to sign up for the newsletter at and see the Patient Services tab. Once on Patient Services pages — click “newsletter.” More Patient Services help is located on the page. SPECIAL NOTICE Patient Services: Only the department has the authority to approve applications and issue licenses to qualified patients through the official electronic registry portal. Any other business or entity charging fees and providing a document for what they claim to be an official license for the purchase or possession of marijuana do not have the authority to do so.


August 2020

Renewal Announcements Patient or Caregiver ID Card:

Current licensees will be sent notices 60, 45, 30, and 15 days before the license expiration date. These notices will be sent from the registry system to the email address in the application. The window for submitting a patient or caregiver renewal is 60 days and no less than 30 days before the expiration date. The system will not prohibit the submission of a renewal after the 30-day window; however, the department has 30 days from submission to process an application; therefore, we cannot guarantee a renewal that is received in this time frame will be processed before expiration. Please wait 24 hours following the receipt of a 60-day license renewal notification before submitting the renewal application in the registration system. Renewal applications shall include any information that has changed, along with all required document attachments that comply with the initial application standards. Please note that patient applicants must obtain a new physician certification form with the physician’s signature dated no more than 30 days before the renewal application submission date. A new patient authorization form will be required for a caregiver renewal application. Application fees for patient and caregiver renewals can be found on the Fee Schedule link. There is an additional fee applied if cultivation is added to the application. Annual fees for patient and caregiver ID cards• • Annual and renewal fee for patient and caregiver cards $25. • Annual and renewal fee for a home cultivation card $100. • Only the patient or their caregiver, not both, may be authorized for home cultivation. See page 8 of the Medical Marijuana in Missouri Patient Information Booklet for more information about home cultivation security regulations that must be followed. • DHSS accepts electronic check, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and any gift card issued by those credit cards. • All license fees are non-refundable, and patient and caregiver licenses are valid for one year. NEW Digital Card Barcodes: DHSS has added barcodes to the back of patient and caregiver digital cards. Licensed patients and caregivers can, at any time, print an updated version of their digital card directly from the registration portal. The addition of barcodes will provide an extra layer of security and may be used at licensed dispensaries for entry and purchasing. For more information about the Missouri Medical Marijuana patient program, visit Scan this QR with a cell phone to download or review the Patient / Caregiver Information Booklet. ►

August 2020


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August 2020


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August 2020


CBD & THC Recipes ►




by Dana Cunningham, Contributing Writer


hen it’s hot during the summer, we rarely cook inside. I am a huge fan of grilling. I just love how the flavors come together over the charcoal. If you’re a grilling newbie, I must warn you; please marinate your meat! It makes a huge difference in the juiciness, flavor, and tenderness of your protein. I always marinate my meat before grilling. Sometimes only for about 20 minutes while the grill is getting ready. When I grill, I sear the meat on both sides over the fire, and then I move the meat to a cooler spot to finish. It results in super juicy and tender protein.

Chicken Kebab Marinade:

For the infusion, I am using my infused honey. It gives the marinade a sweetness without added sugar. If you don’t have any infused honey on hand (you’re missing out), you could drop in a few drops of your water salable or your CBD oil if it is flavorless. I love this recipe because even though you are probably cooking out some of the cannabinoids, you are getting them back when you brush the remainder of the marinade on the chicken after taking it from the high heat. Grilling with infusions can create hot spots, so I would be careful if you are infusing with THC. Definitely use the remainder of the marinade at the very end to receive the best results. If you are infusing with flower, just simply infuse your olive oil before you cook. I use a double boiler for small-batch infusions. Basically, after the herb has been decarbed, place a half a gram (it doesn’t take much) in a bowl over a saucepan with water and bring to a boil. Then add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the bowl with your herb and let the double boiler simmer for 2 hours. When it’s done, run it through a cheesecloth and add to your marinade! Yum!


I would pair these kebabs with a mango-habanero chutney. It adds a nice heat to the chicken. Serve with some coconut rice, riced cauliflower, or jasmine rice, and you have yourself a very healthy, light dinner for a hot summer night.

August 2020

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

½ cup honey (Infused) ½ cup of Soy sauce ½ cup of Pineapple juice 2 Tbsp Olive oil 2 Tbsp Rice vinegar 2 cloves of Garlic ½ tsp of Ginger 2 Tbsp of Sesame oil


● ● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ●

3 Chicken breasts 4 Bell pepper, any color 1 Pineapple 2 Red onion In a mixing bowl, whisk together honey, soy sauce, pineapple juice, olive oil, rice vinegar, garlic, ginger, and sesame oil. Place chicken in a gallon-size resealable bag. Reserve 1/2 cup of the chicken kebab marinade in the refrigerator, then pour remaining marinade over chicken. Seal the bag and refrigerate 1 hour. Get your grill going, and make sure it’s nice and hot Toss your veggies in the left-over marinade, red onion, bell pepper, and pineapple Thread red onion, bell pepper, pineapple, and chicken onto skewers until all of the chicken has been used. Season the skewers with salt and pepper Grill chicken on oiled grill grates 5 minutes then brush along tops with remaining marinade. Rotate to the opposite side and brush remaining marinade. Allow grilling about 4 minutes longer, or until chicken registers 165°F (75°C) in the center on an instant-read thermometer.

I always find that grilling chicken kebabs leaves the chicken less done near the stick, so be sure to check before you pull it off the grill. This is where moving it to a cooler spot plays in after searing. It helps the chicken cook evenly. You could also use this recipe with steak or pork. Whatever tickles your fancy. Don’t be afraid to grill with your cannabis; it’s super easy! Signing off for now! Check out my website for a link to CBD infused honey, and happy grilling! Have an awesome month and Bon CBD Appétit! Please visit my YouTube channel for an instructional video for this recipe, and find others you might want to try! ◄ Scan the QR code. Chef Dana Cunningham is a Kansas City native and 15-year catering professional. Woman-owner and operator of Infused KC, a new catering concept that infuses world-class menus with CBD. Email for a custom menu when planning your event. Dana loves to cater anything and everything, including weddings! If you can dream it, we are infusing it! To purchase CBD isolate or an Active Gear Guy Infusion Machine, email her or visit August 2020


Pets & CBD 101 ►


On The ut Fence Abo is! h T d a e CBD? R

Reasons Why Your Pets Need CBD This Summer by Chet Davis, Contributing Writer


he dog days of summer are here! While a dip in the pool or a cold brew are guaranteed ways to cool off, our fourlegged friends don’t have as many choices to beat the heat. Thankfully, there are high-quality pet CBD products available to aid your fur babies! Here are the Top 9 Reasons why your pets need CBD this summer. 1. Joint Relief: As pets age, their joints age too. Thankfully, your furry friends can get the same joint support as two-legged humans! As with allergies or sports-related injuries, the root cause of your pet’s joint stiffness is likely inflammation. CBD works by tapping into the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) — the same cellular signaling system that’s likely triggering your pet’s joint inflammation in the first place. By flooding the ECS with plant-based analogs of the molecules used by this system, CBD pet products for joint relief can help support your pets’ normal joint function. 2. So Long, Stranger Stress: We all know a normally eventempered dog who goes ballistic when someone new walks through the door, or a scaredy-cat who disappears at the sound of a stranger’s voice. Given an hour ahead of time, CBD tinctures and treats help your pet relax and maintain a state of calm. Need help now? Products like feline tinctures and canine water-solubles are enhanced with nanotechnology to drastically increase the speed of CBD’s effects. You can practically watch the relaxation wash over your pet like a wave.

3. Dog Park Playdates: Trips to the dog park or pet-friendly bars are great ways to help socialize your pet. But without the right pet and setting, what should be a pleasant playdate can spiral into a stressful situation. Peanut butter-flavored doggy snacks are loaded with 5mg of premium CBD to soothe your canine’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and help reduce their situational anxiety. 36

August 2020

4. Firework and Thunderstorm Fear Defuser: The 4th of July and thunderstorms can be extremely stressful times for your pets. The sound of exploding fireworks and loud claps of thunder can make even the most confident dog or cat terrified and unwilling to venture out into their normal territory. A serving of CBD tincture squirted onto a treat can help restore your pet’s sense of balance, helping them to feel that despite all the scary noises, things are going to work out just fine. And you can rest easy knowing your pets are being soothed by safe CBD products that are third-party lab tested for purity and potency. Be sure to check the CBD that you plan to purchase is, in fact, “third-party lab tested for purity and potency,” if not, do not purchase it! 5. Horse-Strength Relief: Cats, dogs — what other four-legged friends can benefit from CBD? Your horse, of course! Amazing products to help our equine friends enjoy the same health benefits as all other two- and four-legged customers. Products like Horse Liniment are a veterinary-strength formula packed with enough CBD to deliver relief from stiff joints and muscle aches when applied directly to the skin or under wraps. There are apple-flavored Horse Snacks made with rice, bran, and alfalfa to give your horse the nutrition they deserve while serving up health-supporting, calm-promoting, ache-busting CBD.

CBD for Pets CBD

6. Training Treats: When training a dog, positive reinforcement is the name of the game. CBD products such as Dancing Wolf soft dog treats are incredible training tools. Their delicious beef flavor makes an ideal reward for a trick successfully performed or to modify behaviors. What’s more, their calm-promoting CBD actually makes it easier for your pup to perform under pressure!

The health-supporting properties of hemp-derived CBD are established science, with dozens of peer-reviewed research papers published every month, and thousands of consumer testimonials to the supplements’ ability to change lives for the better. American Shaman has two MDs on staff, so you can be confident knowing that pet products are made to the same rigorous standards as CBD for humans! It is leading the way of offering pets access to the benefits of CBD, with options including CBD-infused food, treats, and tinctures. Remember, be sure to check the CBD that you plan to purchase is, in fact, “thirdparty lab tested for purity and potency,” if not, do not purchase it! This summer is the perfect time for your pets to experience the power of CBD! For more about American Shaman Pet CBD products, visit

7. Music To Their Ears: With social distancing in effect, big summer concerts are out, and front-lawn tiny concerts are in. It’s a perfect opportunity to bring your pets along and enrich their lives with some live music! Just make sure to set them up for success with a serving of CBD treats, snacks, or tinctures. The ensuing feelings of calm and relaxed focus will help your pet stay quiet during the show — and help you enjoy bringing them along. 8. Cross Country Cats: With low gas prices and plane travel looking unappealing, this summer is the perfect time for a road trip. Why leave your cat behind this year? She/he can ride along in their crate, blissfully chilled out after starting their day the right way — with a big fat bowl of Kitty Nugs, infused with hempderived CBD. 9. Keep Old Pets Comfy: Those of us with old dogs know it can be tough for them to get comfortable in the summer heat. Those signs of discomfort may be a signal from your graying pup — it’s time to try CBD. By working with your dog’s natural cellular signaling system, a serving of products like Canine Tincture can help your dog relax and feel like it’s all going to be OK — despite the heat.

Notice: The information contained herein is not intended as medical veterinary advice, diagnosis, or treatment, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. The content is for general informational purposes only. Always consult your pet’s Veterinarian.

Chet Davis is the proud owner of two cattle dog mixes who love CBD: Charlie, a 14-year-old shepherd, and Bandit, a pint-sized half-Dachshund. Chet is also the Website Marketing Manager at CBD American Shaman, where he advocates for the company’s mission of worldwide wellness through high-quality hemp products. August 2020


Learn to Grow at Home

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Live Stream Every Thursday 7 p.m. Warm-up begins at 6:45 p.m.

While everyone was asked to “Stay Home,” we found a way to bring the Missouri Medical Cannabis Industry together by connecting our social media channels with local KC area Hydroponic stores to offer Free Live Streaming Lessons about the therapeutic hobby of growing your own medicine at home. Each week we feature a different local hydro store teacher produced by local cannabis organizations and Live Streamed on all the major cannabis social media channels. Learn to Grow with us each Thursday night! and click Facebook link. (All instructional classes will use the Hemp Plant.)

The Live Stream Classes — JULY Schedule August 6 – Jason Davis with Happy Rock Farms and John Bolsenga with TapRoot Ag – “IPM (Integrated Pest Management) and Living Soil” — Produced by KC Weedblog and Kat King Films August 13 – Ryan VanHorn with GroRoom and Russell Colby with Missouri Homegrown – “Making Edibles ─ Gummies” — Produced by Mo Gro Solutions August 20 – Beau Bradley with GrowActive Solutions and Steve Elgin with Hoosier Sophisticates – “For the love of Hydro”— Produced by The Hoosier Sophisticates August 27 – Gold Sponsor Feature Show: Eric McSwain with MCIA and April Hatch of the Cannabis Care Team — “Safe Canna-Sumption and Clean Caregiving.” — Produced by KC Weedblog and Kat King Films Visit and click the Facebook link to view Live Feed Streaming Social Media Channels (Network Affiliates) ● The Evolution Magazine ● Kansas City Weed Blog ● Kansas City Cannabis Company ● Hoosier Sophisticates ● Leaders Against Marijuana Prohibition ● Missouri Marijuana Legalization Movement ● MOCannaHub App ● Mycelia Media (You Tube) ● The Weed Blog ● Show-Me Cannabis Private Groups ... ● Missouri Cannabis Collective ● Missouri Cannabis Network ● Medical Growers Helping Medical Growers


August 2020

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It’s Time to Complete Your Dispensary and Grow Facility Build-Out

First General Services of Kansas City Can Help! ● ● ● ● ●

First General Services of Kansas City offers:

Class A general contractor for any new construction project or remodel in Missouri or Kansas. No dispensary or grow facility build-out project too big or small. Complete indoor and outdoor build-outs. Residential, Commercial, or Industrial. Licensed and insured. Our In-house architect and engineer, only include on the plans what is needed for a permit. This will keep your initial costs and the job costs as low as possible! ● We build new commercial buildings, additions, and remodels. ● Currently working on build-outs of Fresh Green Dispensaries two locations. Kansas City’s Most Trusted General Contractor! Family-Owned Custom Building and Remodeling Company For Over 35

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August 2020


NOTE; Missouri Grow Cannabis Strains will Vary in Brand Names of Plants and Product.


August 2020

Continued from page 23

9 Step Opiates to Cannabis Pain Management Transition Plan 5. Keep a Journal. Different strains can be more effective at treating pain, and administration methods vary in how long they last. It’s easier to determine what strains, doses, and methods work best when you keep track of what results you’ve experienced with different products, doses, and strains. (Some MMJ Certifications doctors can guide you on the topic of strains.) 6. Get on a Schedule. Once you have found strains, methods, and doses that work for you, establish a schedule. Taking cannabis with opiates is often encouraged because they work together to provide more relief. Just like with other medicine, routine is important, especially when you’re attempting to decrease prescription pain medication use. 7. Set an Achievable Goal. Work with your physician to determine a goal to slowly start decreasing your pain meds. Here are examples of goals patients have set for themselves. “The first week, I will reduce my morphine from 30mg to 20mg three times a day.” “I will reduce each dose of my Norco from 10mg to 7.5mg.” or “I will take 400mg of ibuprofen instead of 800mg three times a day.” 8. Take Your Time. Decreasing opiate use successfully doesn’t happen overnight, so take your time and plan to reevaluate your opioid and cannabis doses weekly or biweekly. 9. Keep Going. I know patients can successfully replace opiates and ibuprofen with cannabis — I’ve seen them do it. Be prepared for setbacks, but don’t give up. There thousands of patients who have successfully transitioned off all kinds of harsh prescription medications through the proper use of cannabis — you can do it! References: 1. Bachhuber MA, Saloner B, Cunningham CO, Barry CL. (2014) Medical cannabis laws and opioid analgesic overdose mortality in the United States, 1999-2010. JAMA Intern Med. 174(10):1668–1673. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.4005

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2. Bergeria, C, Huhn, A, & Dunn, K. (2020). The impact of naturalistic cannabis use on self-reported opioid withdrawal. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (113). Https:// 3.Bradford AC, Bradford WD. (2016). Medical marijuana laws reduce prescription medication use in Medicare Part D. Health Aff:35(7):1230-1236. doi:10.1377/ hlthaff.2015.1661. 4. Boehnke KF, Litinas E, Clauw DJ. (2016). Medical cannabis use is associated with decreased opiate medication use in a retrospective cross-sectional survey of patients with chronic pain. J Pain: 17(6):739-744. doi:10.1016/j.jpain.2016.03.002. 5. Chou, R., Turner, J., Devine, E. & et al. (2015). The effectiveness and risks of longterm opioid therapy for chronic pain: A systemic review for a National Institutes of Health Pathways to Prevention Workshop. Annals of Inter Med: 162(4): 276-286. www. 6. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Health and Medicine Division; Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice; Committee on the Health Effects of Marijuana: An Evidence Review and Research Agenda. (2017). The health effects of cannabis and cannabinoids: The current state of evidence and recommendations for research. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US).

2400 Hwy 291 unit B │ Independence, MO 64057 August 2020


Patient Insight ►

Missouri Medical Marijuana Caregiver,

Do You Need One? How Does It Work? by Stephen Stearman, Contributing Writer


ou can tell by the numbers — there’s confusion about the Missouri medical marijuana (MMJ) caregiver subject. As of May 22, 2020, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) had approved 51,159 applications from patients (49,665) and caregivers (1,494).

speculate all day as to why the lawmakers who wrote the rules penned it this way, but for the sake of expediency, we’ll just call it curiously ridiculous and move on.

No wonder there’s confusion. First, the term “primary caregiver” — even just “caregiver” — is a misleading term for someone who may simply be the person you designate to buy or grow your medical cannabis. It’s like calling yourself a mechanic after you put gas in your car. And while a professional caregiver is an ideal person to manage your cannabis medicine, it is not required.

“‘Primary caregiver’ means an individual twenty-one (21) years of age or older who has significant responsibility for managing the well-being of a qualifying patient and who is designated as such on the primary caregiver’s application ....”

Second, this is new. Until now, Missouri residents couldn’t use medical cannabis, let alone seek out someone to help them cultivate and manage it. There are no best practices in place. Dispensaries aren’t even up and running yet, and who knows when that will actually happen. Patients are left to procure their own MMJ, and finding someone to assist them is on them too. So, how do patients navigate this caregiver matter? Well, let’s start by clarifying what a primary caregiver is in Missouri, and why it might benefit you to have one. The DHSS, or rather those who wrote the rules, opted to use the phrase “primary caregiver” as the title of the person you can designate to help you with your medicine. Upon seeing this, you might think (I did initially) that you need your doctor or a healthcare professional to play this role. After all, “primary caregiver” is used synonymously with “primary physician.” We could 42

August 2020

A read through the official rules definition sheds a bit more light:

Still seems pretty official though, right? A person “who has significant responsibility for managing the well-being ….” Sounds like it must be your spouse or a hired nurse, right? It’s not. According to an article on Weedmaps, “A caregiver is an individual the patient designates to purchase, possess, and administer medical marijuana on his or her behalf.” Sounds significantly different, doesn’t it? The truth is, it can be what you need it to be. “Significant responsibility” is purposely vague. Last fall, Columbiabased attorney and board chair of the Missouri Cannabis Industry Association Dan Viets lamented the low amount of people applying as caregivers. He said that patients should designate a caregiver because caregivers are also allowed to grow, buy, and possess marijuana. It makes sense to designate a friend or family member, he suggested, so that they can be protected, as well. Viets stressed that caregivers don’t have to be attending to you constantly. According to him, that “significant responsibility” will usually translate to cultivating, purchasing, or administering your medical cannabis.

Caregivers Which brings us to the second part contributing to the puzzling topic of MMJ caregivers: How do you find or choose one? Again, I stress that it can be what you need it to be. If you do require a nurse, it makes sense to ask that person. It only cost $25 to apply annually, and it protects them when buying or administering your medical cannabis. The same goes for a family member or friend. But, what if your family member or friend doesn’t know a lot about MMJ? This can

public forum, caution and discretion are essential, especially if you are looking to pay someone for their services. As far as growing your own cannabis, there are many free resources online about the subject, but Missouri has services for patients and caregivers in this area as well. Elite Home Growers Academy is a non-profit organization that offers several different courses and was recently featured on St. Louis Public Radio. There are also businesses like Missouri Caregivers that could help match you with a caregiver and a space to cultivate your medical marijuana.


The thing to keep in mind is that caregiver is a term open to the interpretation according to your needs. And as long as you and your caregiver adhere to the hard and fast rules, you get to decide what role your MMJ caregiver plays in your life. For a plain and simple guide to applying for a caregiver card through the DHSS, feel free to check out the Elevate Holistics blog. It offers some pro tips to help avoid red tape delays.

be especially concerning if you plan to cultivate your own cannabis. Unfortunately, because of the delay in dispensaries opening, home growing is becoming a necessity. There are more and more patient resources becoming available. For example, one of our partners is the Cannabis Care Team, which is operated by certified cannabis nurses who help patients plan their MMJ strategy. One of the services they offer is a Caregiver Meeting where they support finding a caregiver and/or helping to train an existing caregiver. Many people looking for a caregiver to simply cultivate for them are turning to groups on Reddit and Facebook. I’ve heard people mention the Show Me Canna app as a place to find these groups. As with any

Stephen Stearman is the Founder of Elevate Holistics with locations in St. Louis, MO, and Tulsa, OK. Elevate Holistics is an entirely online telemedicine platform that helps patients get their MMJ certification by speaking to a certified doctor from your home. It provides help with the DHSS application process. He can be reached at or Notice: The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. The content is for general informational purposes only.

August 2020


Patient Education ►

Cannabis, Can It Help Depression?


by Peter Kershaw, Contributing Writer

urveys indicate that as many as 30% of all medical cannabis patients say they use it primarily to manage depression — these same patients list as secondary reasons anxiety, stress, and insomnia. Left untreated, those secondary issues are some of the very causes contributing to depression. However, treating depression with cannabis alone isn’t recommended.

Cannabis has been used for thousands of years in the treatment of many ailments, including depression, or as it was once termed “melancholia.” In his book The Anatomy of Melancholy (1621), English Clergyman Robert Burton recommended cannabis as one treatment for melancholy. Depression is referred to as “a hidden epidemic.” 7.6% of Americans over the age of 12 have moderate to severe depression. With 40–59-year-olds, it’s 10%. Three percent of Americans suffer from severe or “chronic depression.” Americans suffer from depression more than any other nation. Social contributing factors include stressful work environment, family discord, loss of a loved one, financial crisis, crushing debt, etc. Perhaps even more is directly attributable to dietary deficiencies, lack of exercise, and bad sleep hygiene. Practically everyone will experience several bouts of short-term depression in their lives. They’ll usually pull through in time. However, many millions of Americans experience recurring bouts of deep depression that can last over months and years. The most debilitating forms of depression don’t merely make us “blue” or “sad.” Depression can be paralyzing, dramatically impacting our ability to function at work and home. Those suffering from chronic depression often report an emotional “dullness” and “numbness” where they’re unable to feel anything at all — either happiness or sadness — an emotional shutdown accompanied by overwhelming hopelessness and apathy. An all too common result of such hopelessness is suicide. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15–34-year-olds. Psychiatry regards depression as a mental illness. It’s something they take very seriously. Aside from stressful sociological factors, depression is often caused by an imbalance or deficiency of key neurotransmitters in the brain — serotonin in particular. Outside the practice of psychiatry, depression may carry a stigma. It may be viewed as a “weakness” and dismissed with, “It’s all in your head.” Ironically enough, depression often is “all in your head,” not psychologically but physiologically. It can’t be remedied with pep talks by well-meaning friends and family any more than pep talks can cure cancer. Restoring healthy brain chemistry is crucial to recovering from and managing depression. In 1987 Prozac (Fluoxetine) was approved for the treatment of depression by the FDA. Prozac lacked some of the most dangerous side-effects that previous anti-depressants exhibited. However, this isn’t to say that Prozac is entirely safe. Prozac and other Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) like it can still have unpleasant and even dangerous side-effects. Perhaps the most dangerous potential side-effect is “night terrors”— nightmares so vivid and realistic they may result in suicide, especially for those already suffering from PTSD. Yet SSRIs remain one of the most commonly prescribed medications for PTSD sufferers. Is it any wonder our military veterans are suiciding at record levels?


August 2020

SSRIs don’t stimulate the production of serotonin. They merely inhibit the reuptake of old serotonin. Rather than addressing the cause for the deficiency, they only treat the symptoms, and often not very effectively. Before the advent of SSRIs, it was common for mental health professionals to recommend tryptophan (or 5-HTP), a natural amino acid food supplement. Tryptophan is the dietary precursor for serotonin production in the brain. Most Americans are deficient in tryptophan. But within 30 days of FDA approval of Prozac, the FDA “scheduled” tryptophan as a pharmaceutical drug available only by doctor prescription. Tryptophan prices skyrocketed, making it more expensive than Prozac. A decade later, the FDA de-scheduled tryptophan, but by then, the mental health community had all but forgotten tryptophan ever existed. It’s now readily and inexpensively available as 5-HTP. In this author’s experience, 100-200mg of 5-HTP an hour before bedtime (empty stomach) does wonders.* 5-HTP is remarkably effective for treating one of the leading causes of depression — low serotonin. A stressful life can rapidly deplete serotonin, and for too many Americans, a low-stress life may be unattainable, for the present. The right strain of cannabis can help immensely with stress management. While cannabis doesn’t stimulate serotonin production, it can help us better cope with the stressors that adversely impact healthy brain chemistry. One of the most common ways Americans de-stress after a hard day’s work is to hit the bar. Tossing back a few shots of tequila may indeed calm the nerves, at least temporarily. However, it comes at the expense of interfering with the brain’s ability to produce serotonin (likewise, caffeine). Worse yet, alcohol depletes serotonin. Having a few tokes or consuming an edible, calms the racing brain without depleting or interfering with serotonin production. In every respect, cannabis is far safer and healthier than alcohol. Selecting the right strain of cannabis is important. THC is “biphasic” meaning that moderate consumption relieves depression, but large daily dosing can exacerbate it. Cultivars high in THC (>20%) come at the expense of CBD and other cannabinoids. Avoid them as they can induce anxiety and even paranoia. Secondary co-factors for depression should be taken into account. For example, those suffering from depression with accompanying apathy may find Sativa strains high in the terpene Limonene beneficial since they tend to be elevating. Those suffering from depression with accompanying anxiety may find Indicas high in the terpene Linalool preferable since they tend to be relaxing and a beneficial sleep aid. There’s also a myriad of “hybrids” available, which may include some of the best of both. * The Mood Cure by Julia Ross

Peter Kershaw is a health consultant, cannabis cultivation consultant for OuiCann, and systems engineer for Luminate Systems (manufacturer’s rep). He can be emailed at or text at 417-230-4445.

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19201 E. Valley View Pkwy, Suite C, Independence, MO 64055

August 2020


Company Name

Listed here are Western Missouri Dispensaries currently planned to open within our distribution area. Dispensaries are list alphabetically by city. NOT Open! Only a List of Future Locations. Please Note: The dispensaries listed here will continue to be updated with business names and opening dates as they develop. Many business names currently list here are corporate names and may not be the final Brand Name or Doing Business As (DBA) name in which a company will operate its dispensary. As companies choose a Brand or DBA name and an Opening Date the listings shown here will be updated. The Eastern Missouri and St. Louis region dispensaries will be added in future issues. Stay tuned and watch for new issues. Dispensaries should email all updated info to

See page 19 ►

See page 13 ►


August 2020





Missouri Health & Wellness, LLC

17211 S Highway




JG Missouri LLC





Terrapin Investment Fund IV, LLC





FP2-Natural Bridge LLC





Grassroots OpCo MO, LLC

490 SW MO-7 hwy

Blue Springs



Kansas City Cannabis Company LLC


Blue Springs



Natural Healthcare of Missouri, LLC





Grassroots OpCo MO, LLC






18031 BUSINESS 13

Branson West



SW Retail Holdings, LLC

18490 BUSINESS 13

Branson West



BMD Cameron LLC





Shangri-La Cameron, LLC.

1 Baldwin Road




Mo Med Chillicothe, LLC










Shangri-La Columbia, LLC





Shangri-La Columbia South, LLC










QPS Missouri Holdings, LLC





Holistic Missouri LLC










Heya Eldon Retail LLC

1812 HIGHWAY 54




Kansas City Cannabis Company LLC


Excelsior Springs



Red Stag Retail LLC





Purple Leaf, LLC

207 NE 72ND ST




Releaf Resources, LLC

13836 S US HIGHWAY 71




MO Med Hannibal, LLC

2000 HIGHWAY 61 S




THF Partners LLC

1408 N STATE ROUTE 291




Flora Farms

9700 Block SW 1300 Rd




VG Imperial LLC

1229 MAIN ST




THF Partners LLC

16730 E US HIGHWAY 24




Purple Leaf, LLC

15823 E US HIGHWAY 24




Grassroots OpCo MO, LLC

13621 E 40 HWY




OXD 19341 LLC

19341 E US HIGHWAY 40




Missouri Health & Wellness, LLC


Jefferson City



Shangri-La Jefferson, LLC


Jefferson City



Mo Retail Products Group, Inc

2401 E 32ND ST




Astro Farms Gamma LLC

Lot 4B HWY 171 & FIR Road




Grassroots OpCo MO, LLC

1729 E 7TH ST




Missouri Made Marijuana, LLC

7110 W 20TH ST




OXD Troost LLC


Kansas City





Kansas City





Kansas City



V3 MO Vending 6, LLC


Kansas City





Kansas City



Fresh Green LLC


Kansas City



THF Partners LLC

14655 Prospect Ave

Kansas City



Terrapin Investment Fund IV, LLC


Kansas City



Verano MO, LLC


Kansas City



THF Partners LLC


Kansas City



True Level Investments, Inc


Kansas City



Purple Leaf, LLC


Kansas City



CPC of Missouri, LLC


Kansas City




509 E 18TH ST

Kansas City



Kansas City Cannabis Company LLC










Those list in color Blue include advertisements within these pages.

© 2020 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

Finding a Dispensary in Western Missouri Starts Here... OPENING SOON!

Dispensaries are list alphabetically by city. Subject to Change!

Dispensary in Western Missouri

Fresh Green LLC


Lee’s Summit



AW Enterprises of Mo, LLC

510 SW 3RD ST

Lee’s Summit



Kansas City Cannabis Company LLC

9322 MO-7

Lee’s Summit



BMD Liberty LLC










Mo Med Moberly, LLC





Agri-Genesis LLC











200 E 20TH ST

Mountain Grove





N Kansas City



Flora Farms





Shangri-La Nevada, LLC





Missouri Joint Ventures, LLC





Old Route 66 Wellness, LLC

1421 West Highway J




Heya Park Hills Retail LLC


Park Hills



Agri-Genesis LLC

2 E 2ND ST




True Level Investments, Inc

10915 NW 45 HWY




North Medical Group, LLC

1709 State Hwy Z









Poplar Bluff Investments LLC


Poplar Bluff



Harvest of Missouri, LLC






9002 E 350




Easy Mountain Investments LLC

1740 US HIGHWAY 60 E




Riverside Wellness LLC





Nature’s Health and Wellness, LLC





Nature’s Health and Wellness, LLC


Saint James



Nature’s Health and Wellness, LLC





Missouri Health & Wellness, LLC





Organic Remedies MO, Inc.





BMD Smithville LLC

13518 US-169




BD Health Retail 2, LLC

2126 E Dale St




Mo Retail Products Group, Inc.










Old Route 66 Wellness, LLC





Mo Retail Products Group, Inc





Revival Ninety-Eight, LLC





Ozarx Botanicals I, LLC















V3 MO Vending 5, LLC





Grassroots OpCo MO, LLC





Vertical Enterprise, LLC


St. Joseph



True Level Investments, Inc


St. Joseph



Mother Dispensaries, Inc.

4225 Commonwealth Court

St. Joseph



QPS Missouri Holdings, LLC


St. Robert



MOAZ Industries LLC


Sunrise Beach



Holistic Missouri LLC

19 Highway 5

Sunrise Beach



Blue Arrow Holdings LLC


Sunrise Beach








Green Gryphon LLC

6 Dell Centre Way Union Way




6662 Delmar St. LLC


University CY



Occidental Group, Inc.


University CY



JG Missouri LLC


Valley Park



BMD Warrensburg LLC





Harvest of Missouri, LLC


West Plains





West Plains



© 2020 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

The Eastern Missouri and St. Louis region dispensaries will be added in future issues. Stay tuned and watch for new issues.

The EVOLUTION Magazine is available at the CBD Stores and Doctors Offices listed within these pages, Plus Many Other Locations. Look for these magazine racks in hundreds of locations. Grab Your Copy!

see pages 50− 54

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August 2020

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August 2020


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Missouri CBD Stores

Missouri CBD Stores

Stores Listed Alphabetically American Shaman .................816.491.2452 19321 E US Hwy 40, Independence, MO American Shaman .................816.434.5059 3520 SW Market St, Lee’s Summit, MO American Shaman .................816.858.6039 1303 Platte Falls Rd, Ste CC, Platte City, MO Blue Sky Farms CBD.............. 816.228.4080 Inside Blue Springs Fitness 1300 NW 7 Hwy Blue Springs, MO Blue Springs Botanicals .........816.295.1921 1412 MO-7 STE G, Blue Springs, MO Brookside Holistic Solutions 816.524.4367 819 NE Woods Chapel Rd, Lee’s Summit, Buddha Leaf .......................... 816.385.5480 3613 Beck Rd. St. Joseph, MO CBD American Shaman Noland Rd............. ................................................816.601.0241 4201 South Noland Road Suite S Independence, MO, 64055 CBD American Shaman .........816.726.4615 1402 SW Eagles Pkwy, Grain Valley, MO CBD American Shaman Oak Grove ................................................ 816.625.1127 701 S. Broadway, Oak Grove, MO, 64075 CBD American Shaman......... 885.526.6223 5501 #104 S US Hwy 71, Grandview, MO CBD American Shaman......... 816.680.8805 2008 N MO 291 Hwy, Harrisonville, MO CBD American Shaman.........885.526.6223 1036 W 103rd St, Kansas City, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.599.6010 3518 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.745.7977 100 E 6th St, Suite 6, Kearney, MO CBD American Shaman.........816.381.6333 8038 North Oak Trafficway, KC, MO CBD American Shaman.........855.526.6223 307 A NE Englewood Rd, KC, MO 50

August 2020

Missouri CBD Stores

CBD American Shaman.........816.437.8261 13125 State Line Rd, Kansas City, MO

It’s a Dream Smoke Shop ..... 816.753.5733 3942 Broadway Ave, Kansas City, MO

CBD American Shaman.........816.702.1042 6302 N Chatham Ave, Kansas City, MO

KC SmokZ .............................. 816.656.5090 3957 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO

CBD American Shaman.........913.249.7794 1005 Middlebrooke Dr, Liberty, MO

KC Smoke & Vape ................. 816.931.4434 1605 Westport Rd, Kansas City, MO

CBD American Shaman......... 855.526.6223 9438 E 350 Hwy, Raytown, MO

Let’s Vape & Smoke Shop .... 816.753.8100 3745 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO

CBD KC ................................. 816.550.0063 2419 Burlington St, N Kansas City, MO

Martin City Kratom & CBD... 816.209.1073 13608 B Washington St, Kansas City, MO

CBD Mind & Body ................ 816.600.6271 705 SE Melody Ln, Lee’s Summit, MO

Midtown Kava ....................... 816.541.3144 1415 D W 39th St, Kansas City, MO

CBD Plus ................................ 816.701.6358 7422 Wornall Rd Kansas City, MO

Natural Remedies ................. 816.229.9520 2001 NW Jefferson St, Blue Springs, MO 64015

Complete Care CBD ............... 816.520.3304 18801 East 39th St S, Independence, MO 64057 (inside Independence Center Mall)

Natural Wellness CBD .......... 816.447.8927 7672 N Oak Tfwy, Gladstone, MO

Ed’s CBD Oils ........................ 816.569.3142 9025 E US 40 Hwy, Independence, MO Englewood Station Healing and Arts ................................................ 816.812.3273 10910 E. Winner Rd, Indepen., MO 64052 Emerald Garden Dispensary 816.724.7806 9500 E 55th St, Raytown. MO Emerald Garden Dispensary 816.977.8848 110 E. MO Avenue, Kansas City, MO Happy Rock Smoke Shop and Vape .................................................. 816.436.0226 334 NE 72nd St, Gladstone, MO Happy Rock Smoke Shop and Vape ............ ...................................................... 816.415.3814 603 MO 291 B Liberty, MO Hemp Haven .......................... 816.384.1153 2002 Main St, Kansas City, MO Hemp Haven ........................... 816.621.9401 214 N Rte 291 Hwy, Liberty, MO Hemp Haven .......................... 816.944.8601 419B SW Ward Rd, Lee's Summit Hemp Haven .......................... 913.961.9742 5536 NE Antioch Gladstone, MO

Nettie’s Living Naturally ....... 816.617.7290 545 NW 1501St. Rd., Holden, MO 64040 OG Smoke Shop .................... 816.214.5110 904 W 39th St, Kansas City, MO OG Smoke Shop .................... 816-298.7390 3527 Main St, Kansas City, MO 64111 Organic Hemp Botanicals ..... 816.997.9006 1215 W 103rd St., Kansas City, MO Organic Hemp Botanicals..... 816.425.6026 144 Cedar Tree Square, Belton, MO Phoenix Natural Wellness..... 913.329.5981 817 E North Ave, Belton, MO Roots Cannaporium ……..... 816.858.6005 124 Main St. Platte City, MO 64079 Rustic Oils CBD .................... 816.434.5284 618 SW 3rd St Ste J, Lee’s Summit, MO 7th Heaven …......................... 816.361.9555 7621 Troost Ave., Kansas City, MO. 7th Heaven …......................... 816.229.8006 600 MO-7, Blue Springs, MO 64014 660 Vape and Smoke Shop KC | Kratom Store ....................................... 816.942.0151 660 E Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas City, MO

© 2020 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

Medical CBD Stores Western Missouri Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at most locations on this page and many more.

Missouri CBD Stores

Columbia Missouri CBD Stores

Sacred Leaf Zero .................. 816.396.8666 5906 N. Belt Hwy, St. Joseph, MO. 64506

Columbia Urgent Care …...... 573.234.1070 621 N. Providence Rd. Columbia, MO 65023

The CBD Store ....................... 816.474.7400 1729 Oak St. ,Kansas City, MO 64108

Dr. Alt Holistic Care ............. 573.875.4877 1715 W Worley St. Columbia, MO 65203

The Grass Moon .................... 816.500.3958 311 W 39th St. Kansas City, MO 64111

Grass Roots Smoke Shop ......573.449.4769 203 N 10 St, Columbia MO Grass Roots Smoke Shop ......573.443.7668 202 E Green Meadows, Columbia MO

The Hub Smoke Shop ........... 816.701.6267 500 Delaware St, Kansas City, MO The Hub Smoke Shop ............ 816.420.0404 6410 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO The Hub Smoke Shop ............ 816.321.2398 4027 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO

Hemp Hemp Hooray …........ 573-355-1285 Broadway, Columbia, MO 65201

The Hub Smoke Shop ............ 816.492.5466 2631 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City, MO

Your CBD Store – Columbia ..573.442.6706 1408 Interstate 70 Dr. SW. #106, Columbia, MO 65203

True Balance Wellness …...... 816.326.8303 5510 Antioch Rd, Kansas City, MO 64119

Springfield Missouri Area CBD Stores

20 After 4 ………................... 816.259.5180 1303s N 22nd St, St Joseph, MO 64507

Canna Bliss Natural Wellness 417.258.5770 210 W. Republic Road, Springfield, MO

Vapor Loft KC ....................... 816.408.0400 310 Armour Rd, North Kansas City, MO

CBD of Springfield…............. 417.319.5522 3202 S. Campbell Ave Springfield, MO 65807

Vapur of KC …………........… 816.214.5835 8103 North Oak Trafficway, KC, MO 64118

Hemporium ...........................417.324.7724 4139 S National, Springfield, MO 65807

World Hemp …..................... 816.569.6428 3630 Main St., Kansas City, MO 64111

Kaleidoscope …….................. 417.883.9636 1430 E Sunshine St., Springfield, MO 65804

How To Get Your CBD Store Listed Here?

CannaBelew’s Dispensary ...... 417.693.3061 105 W Sherman Way St107, Nixa, MO 65714

To list your CBD Store or Medical Cannabis Dispensary, please email your: business name, address, phone, website and verifiable email address with full mane and contact info to

Hydroponics Equipment Supplier

Happy Rock Farms

CBD Republic ….................... 417-818-1812 US Hwy 60 E, Republic, MO 65738 Swin Dispensaries .................. 417.350.1037 108 Park Central Square, Springfield MO 65672

Lake of the Ozarks and Jefferson City Area CBD Stores American Shaman of Mid MO …............... ................................................ 573.616.2524 3702 W Truman Blvd. Ste. 200, Jefferson City, MO 65109 Buddha Leaf ........................... 573.658.9675 1418 Missouri Blvd Ste E, Jefferson City MO CBD American Shaman Lake of the Ozarks 573.317.9131 10 Camden Ct Suite 1C, Camdenton, MO Hemp Hemp Hooray - CBD ... 573.355.813 3797 Osage Beach Pkwy Suite F-1, Osage Beach, MO 65065 SQeZ Juice & Health ............. 573.552.8790 3869 Osage Beach Pkwy, Osage Beach, MO The Lime in The Coconut ..... 573.964.6786 Specialty Compound Pharmacy & CBD. 111 Crossing West Ste. 6, Lake Ozark, MO Unique-A-Toke (Kratom & CBD).................. .......................................................573.434.2788 42 Camden Ct, Camdenton, MO 65020

St. Louis MO CBD Stores Pro Brady LLC Hemp CBD Superstore 866.943.6722 ● 1000 Warrenton Shoppes Ste 19, Warrenton, MO Sweet Leaf Emporium ........... 573.218.9552 100 Holly Tree Lane, Farmington MO 63640 Sweet Leaf Emporium ........... 636.683.1090 1100 Shapiro, Festus, MO 63028 Not to Worry! We will be adding more St. Louis area CBD stores. Stay tuned...

816.379.3700 3816 Main St, Kansas City, MO 64111

See Medical CBD Stores Eastern Kansas on page 44 August 2020


Medical CBD Stores Eastern Kansas Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at most locations on this page and many more.

Kansas CBD Stores

Kansas CBD Stores

American Shaman Clinic + CBD ............ ................................................. 913-286-4799

Hemp Haven .......................... 913.296.6998 2223 Louisiana St, Lawrence, KS

Medical Marijuana Qualifying Conditions All Medical Marijuana Patients must have one of the following chronic or debilitating health conditions:

© 2020 The Evolution Magazine. All Conceptual Designs Are Proprietary & Reprint Rights Reserved.

7201 W 110th Street Suite 120, Overland Park KS

American Shaman Legends Outlet ........... ................................................913.499.7355 1843 Village West Pkwy C-124 Kansas City, KS 66111

Hemp Haven............................913.608.5413 12070 Blue Valley Pkwy, OP, KS Hemp Haven............................913.257.5553 12012 W 87th St, Lenexa, KS

CBD American Shaman Bonner Springs... 913.745.6667 608 Tulip Dr, Ste G Bonner Springs, KS

Into the Mistic......................... 913.766.9906 5727 Johnson Dr, Mission, KS

CBD American Shaman......... 913.270.3120 1819 E Santa Fe, Gardner, KS

Organic Hemp Botanicals ..... 816.381.6073 4872 W 119th St, Leawood, KS

CBD American Shaman......... 913.228.6000 8043 State Ave, Kansas City, KS

Phoenix Natural Wellness ....... 913.730.8520 9627 W 87 St, Overland Park, KS

CBD American Shaman......... 885.526.6223 151 S 18th St, Kansas City, KS

Phoenix Natural Wellness ........913.257.5717 7932 W 151 St, Overland Park, KS

CBD American Shaman......... 785.424.7500 1530 W 6th S. Ste C, Lawrence, KS

Phoenix Natural Wellness ........913.549.3032 13342 College Blvd, Lenexa, KS

CBD American Shaman......... 923.250.5277 728 Shawnee St, Leavenworth, KS

Phoenix Natural Wellness ........785.229.0658 1519 S Main St, Ottawa, KS

CBD American Shaman......... 885.526.6223 15165 W 119th St, Olathe, KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.324.1520 1364 S Blackbob Rd, Olathe KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.217.7476 6933 W 75th St, Overland Park, KS CBD American Shaman......... 913.217.7123 10069 W 87th St, Overland Park, KS

To be listed here as an CBD Store or Medical Cannabis dispensary, please email us your: business name, address, phone, website and verifiable email address with contact info to

CBD American Shaman. ....... 885.526.6223 11050 Quivira Rd, Overland Park, KS

How To Get Listed Here?

What conditions qualify? Any terminal medical illness Alzheimer’s (Agitation) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Autism Cachexia Cancer Chronic medical condition that is normally treated with a prescription medication that could lead to dependence Chronic medical condition that is debilitating or causes severe/persistent pain or muscle spasms Crohn’s Disease Epilepsy/seizures Glaucoma Hepatitis C HIV/AIDS Huntington’s Disease Inflammatory Bowel Disease Intractable migraines Multiple Sclerosis Neuropathies Parkinson’s Disease Psychiatric disorders including, but not limited to, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) if diagnosed by a state-licensed psychiatrist Sickle cell anemia Wasting syndrome

CBD American Shaman ........ 913.231.3032 13436 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS

CBD American Shaman ........ 913.647.3999 7703 W 151st St, Overland Park KS

Contact a Medical Cannabis certification doctor to see if you qualify for a medical marijuana ID card in the state of Missouri. medical-marijuana/faqs.php

CBD American Shaman ........ 913.271.3120 23 W Wea St,, Paola, KS CBD American Shaman ........ 913.766.0430 13213 Shawnee Mission Pkwy, Shawnee, Crabtree & Brown CBD ......... 785.242.2409 415 S. Main St. Ste. B, Ottawa, KS 66067 Gifts & Decor KC .................... 913.782.4244 123 S Mur-Len Rd, Olathe, KS 66062 52

August 2020

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Email Clay.s today to request availability at your location.

Ready to Increase Your Business? Reach 20,000 to 30,000 people each month who want to learn about your business and services. The Evolution Magazine, the new leading authority about the Missouri Medical Cannabis industry, is read in print and online by nearly 20,000 − 30,000 monthly. Print copies distributed throughout Western Missouri, Central Missouri, and Eastern Kansas. Coming Soon to St. Louis.

Ready To Advertise? Contact Clayton Stallings

Visit and get the latest news and see more locations to get your copy.

Spotlight on Business Locations to Find The EVOLUTION Magazine Clayton Stallings, VP of Sales & Marketing for The EVOLUTION Magazine, out-and-about town, visiting with businesses where you can grab a copy of the magazine.

▲ Swing by Advanced Garden Supply, Liberty, MO, and learn from Dan and Randy about growing at home. While there grab all the grow supplies you need and a copy of The EVOLUTION Magazine. ▲ Do you enjoy a cold one, playing sand volleyball, and catching up on local cannabis news? Centerline Volleyball Complex in Blue Springs, MO, has it all. Check out their summer tournaments and league play online. Grab a copy of The EVOLUTION Magazine! ◄ It was a pleasure seeing Bunny at 7th Heaven/Vinyl Underground! Stop by and check out their amazing Vinyl selection and smoking accessories!

▲ Social distancing enforce made it tough to get us both in frame at Dr. Woods in Lee’s Summit. This local MO doctor knows the medical benefits of medical cannabis. Reach out to schedule your MMJ certification While there, grab a copy of The EVOLUTION Magazine. August 2020


Most Doctors Now Offer TELEHEALTH

Missouri Medical Cannabis Certification Doctors NOTICE: Any Missouri state licensed medical Physician (M.D. / D.O. only) that wants to participate can write a certification for a Missouri Medical Marijuana Card. The following list of Missouri doctors are now serving patients near you.

Kansas City MO, Area Blue Bird Wellness Center …....... 816.944.3654 676 SE Bayberry Ln. Ste 105, Lee’s Summit, MO. Brookside Holistic Solutions ........ 816.524.4367 Dr. Herbert E. Dempsey DO 819 NE Woods Chapel Rd. Lee’s Summit, MO Green Health Docs ....................... 314.282.8017 435 Nichols Rd, Suite 200, KC, MO 64112 Green Cross MO ........................... 816.424.2420 Offering TELEHEALTH 1204 US-40,Blue Springs, MO 64015 Green Flower Clinics .................... 816.615.8690 Dr. Name: Dimitri Golfinopoulos, D.O. 401 S. Platte Clay Way, Kearney, MO 64060 Green Sage Doctors ...................... 816.820.3004 Offering TELEHEALTH Kind Remedy Cannabis Clinic .... 816.379.6557 2400 Rt. 291, Unit B, Independence, MO 64057 Midwest Health & Wellness Center ..................... 816.836.2200 Dr. Marc K. Taormina MD Offering TELEHEALTH 3601 NE Ralph Powell Rd, Suite A, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 Missouri Cannabis Clinic ............. 844.420.0362 Offering TELEHEALTH 10001 E. 67th St. Raytown, MO 64133 ► 2nd Location in Wesport, KCMO. www.MissouriCannabis.Clinic My KC Green Wellness…..............816.301.5598 8120 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151

Purpose Medical …....................... 816.226.7512 1201 NW Briarcliff Pkwy, Suite 200, KC, MO.

East & Southern, MO Area Columbia, MO

Dr. Woods Wellness ..................... 816.888.5200 4963 NE Goodview Cir., Lee’s Summit, MO 64064


August 2020

St. Louis MO, Area Bell Chiropractic & Pain Mgmt. ..... 314.838.1983 493 Rue Francois Suite 1A, Florissant, MO

Dr. Alt Holistic Care .............................. 573.875.4877 1715 B West Worley, Columbia, MO 65203 Green Health Docs Columbia ........ 877.242.0362 Regus Building, 303 N Stadium Blvd 2nd Floor, Columbia, MO 65203 Marijuana Card Clinic ................. 573.326.4496 303 N Stadium, Ste 218, Columbia, MO 65203

Springfield, MO Dr. Gil’s Immediate Care Center ........ 417.869.8000 3000 East Division St., Springfield, MO 65802 Elite Pain Management and Recovery Centers ......................................................... 417.888.0167 222 E Primrose St. Suite E, Springfield, MO

Natural Solutions .................. 417.720.4078

Elevate Holistics (Stephen Stearman) MO 660.205.2215 | OK 918.879.6155 111 Westport Plaza - Suite 600 St. Louis, MO Green Health Docs STL. ............. 877.242.0362 2 Cityplace Dr Suite 200, St. Louis, MO 63141 Health City .................................... 314.200.1555 1760 S. Brentwood Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63144 Kathmandu Clinic ….................... 918.814.3996 111 Prospect Ave Suite 20 2D, Kirkwood, MO. Midwest GreenCert ..................... 314. 596.9955 2325 Dougherty Ferry Rd., Ste. 206 St. Louis, MO 63122 (See page 11)

2973 E. Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO

Medical Cannabis Outreach ........ 636.489.4293 Dr. Jerry Leech, Chesterfield, MO

Nature’s Green Health & Wellness Clinic .......... 417.771.5737 330 W Farm Rd 182 Suite F, Springfield MO 65180

Medical Cannabis Outreach .........636.466.3871 Dr. Nassar: 7721 Clayton Rd. Clayton, MO 63117

Ozark Valley Medical .................... 417.317.5035 3259 E Sunshine St Suite AA, Springfield, MO. Shealy-Sorin Wellness Institute .... 417.351-5221 Dr. Sergey Sorin ● 2840 E Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, MO, 65802 The Higher Care Clinic (THC 2….417.413.3899 2424 South Campbell Avenue, Springfield, MO.

Southern MO Ozark Valley Medical ..................... 417.317.533 5571 N 21st St, Ozark, MO 65721 Ozark Valley Medical .................... 417.317.5318 1140 MO-76, Branson, MO 65616

The Releaf Clinic 816.897.4494 Offering TELEHEALTH 19201 E. Valley View Pkwy, Suite C, Indep, MO.

Find The EVOLUTION™ MAGAZINE at many of the locations on this page and many more.

Roark Family Health & Medical Spa . 417.847.1111 Dr. Lisa Roark ● 1101 N. Main St., Cassville, MO.


(see page 15)

Missouri Cannabis Outreach ...... 636.466.3871 2730 S. St. Peters Parkway, St. Charles, MO 63304 Vo Medical Clinic - Dr. Thanh Vo ... 314.776.1467 3334 South Grand Ave., St. Louis, MO 63118

St. Louis, MO

Medical Marijuana Certifications Offering


Call 314.596.9953 2325 Dougherty Ferry Rd., Ste. 206 St. Louis, MO 63122

How to Get Listed Here as a Missouri Marijuana Med-ID Doctor.

To be listed here as an active Medical Marijuana certification Doctor (Licensed Missouri Doctors Only. Assistant Physicians, PA and NP, Chiropractic Doctors cannot certify.) Please submit your full business name, doctor name, phone, address, website and verifiable contact info to

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Where to Find ▲ KC Metro & Western MO Locations ►

Every Balloon on This Map Columbia Select St. Louis locations

▲Jefferson City  Lake of the Ozarks

THE EVOLUTION MAGAZINE Is Now Available In Over 300 Locations and Counting!

Ready To Advertise? Contact Clayton Stallings

▲Eastern MO Locations 


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August 2020



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