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Around the World in Thrifty Ways, According to FlightHub & JustFly

Many people dream of taking a trip around the world, but most believe doing so is a goal only accessible to the very wealthy. As much as an around-the-world trip may seem as unlikely as a dream, in truth, globetrotting ambitions are a lot more attainable than one might think. With good planning, realistic expectations, and a few budgeting tricks, it can really happen. Here’s how to save money on a trip around the world.

Plan it all out: Nothing kills a globetrotting quest quicker than just getting the first ticket, packing a few things, and seeing how things go. These things can’t be done spontaneously. A world traveller needs to research everything about their destinations, plan out the timeframe for their trip, budget out funds based on the demands of each stop, see about health concerns, and more. An organized trip is a successful trip, thanks to fewer unexpected money sinks.


Stick to the cheaper stops: Some places are cheaper than others, though this rarely has anything to do with the “worth” of the destination. North America, Western Europe, Australia, and Japan are some of the most expensive regions in the world, and while there’s definitely a ton to see in those places, they aren’t the be all end all. If one has a particular inclination towards a certain more expensive place, that’s fine, but it will have to result in more careful budgeting elsewhere. Anyway, what’s the point of travelling the world if one doesn’t find an unexpected favourite place?

Pick the right season: Season affects ticket prices in a big way, but that’s only one part of choosing when to travel. With the right scheduling, one can go all the way around the world, and enjoy a warm climate the whole time! While this is pleasant for obvious reasons, there’s also the huge benefit of carrying around a lot less in the way of heavy winter gear, which ultimately saves money on luggage fees, on top of the convenience. There’s also the question of which direction to take; going eastward is said to have a worse jet lag effect.

Be open-minded about lodging: Travelling around the globe isn’t so exciting if every stop entails a perfect hotel room, especially once one sees the bill. Hotels are overrated, and in this modern age, we are blessed with an incredible array of alternatives to lodging. Hostels are cheap, and often surprisingly beautiful nowadays. One can opt for solo quarters, but the adventurous will go for group lodging, and find themselves making a slew of new international friends. Another way to guarantee charming sleeping quarters is by checking out bed and breakfasts, which are absolutely everywhere. When one is staying in the home of a local, it feels a lot more like world travel, and less like a corporate conference.

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