1 minute read
St. Patrick used the leaves on the shamrock to teach his flock. “You see,” he said, “There are three, the Father and Jesus his son and, last, their Holy Spirit; together they are one”.
Write the letter of the correct definition next to each problem.
1 Three A Artist who painted the Holy Trinity. 2 Shamrock B A plant often mistaken for a shamrock.
St. Patrick C A three-leaved plant.
D Saint who brought Christianity to Ireland.
E One of the symbols for the Holy Spirit.
F A very holy person.
G In Confirmation we receive this.
H The reason why the Holy Trinity is difficult to understand. 9 Faith
I When we make this we are showing the sign of the Holy Trinity. 10 Roublev J Three persons in one are all the same. 11 Dove K The number of persons in one God. 12 Equal L He was God the son in the Holy Trinity. 13 Sign of the cross M A person’s belief in God.