Church Directory

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Church Dir ectory Serving Eastern Jackson County Communities

A Special Supplement To The Examiner – February 27, 2010


Church Dir ectory

February 27, 2010

Community of Christ serves the world By Community of Christ Community of Christ is a worldwide denomination with approximately 250,000 members in more than 50 nations. Community of Christ International Headquarters is housed in the Auditorium and the Temple, which is dedicated to the pursuit of peace, in Independence, Mo. People from diverse cultures and backgrounds continue to find hope for their lives and encounter the living Christ each day through the church’s ministries, teachings, and mission. Members and friends of the Community of Christ strive to live its mission to "proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love, and peace." The church offers individuals the opportunity to be part of a global community that values all cultures, celebrates the rich diversity of human life, and actively seeks to share the peace of Jesus Christ in communities. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the church’s focus for worship, learning, and mission. Community of Christ emphasizes the worth of all people, Christian discipleship as a way of life, peace and justice, reconciliation, and healing of the spirit. Community of Christ encourages the ministry of all people, including children and youth. Ordained men and women and lay ministers serve congregations. You are invited to continue exploring the mission, faith, and beliefs of the church by visiting any of the more than 50 congregations in the Kansas City metro area. February 27, 2010

Community of Christ International Headquarters is open to the public seven days a week. All are invited to tour the Temple and Auditorium, participate in the 15-minute Prayer for Peace worship in the Temple 1:00 p.m. each day, enjoy free organ recitals, and visit the Children’s Peace Pavilion—a non-sectarian, hands-on museum dedicated to teaching kids about peace. A variety of events that reflect the church’s mission are also open to all. Each year, the Temple hosts a Peace Colloquy that focuses on a particular peace and justice initiative in

alliance with other community organizations and faith groups. The Community of Christ International Peace Award is given annually to an honoree whose work has impacted the pursuit of peace in our world. Recipients are internationally acclaimed and represent diversity in terms of ethnicity, gender, and faith. Visit to learn more. Visit www.CentralMission. org to find congregations in Independence and the surrounding area.

Illustration by Mary Shields

Church Dir ectory


Welcome to St. Mark's Parish St. Mark’s is a vibrant Catholic Community of 2600 families and growing! Located in Independence, Mo., the parish serves Catholics in eastern Independence, western Blue Springs and northern Lee’s Summit. The people of St. Mark’s form a welcoming, supportive and friendly community, offering one another the love and care of a family. The ministry philosophy of St. Mark’s Parish is to offer a multitude of services to meet the needs of a multitude of people—from cradle to grave. Small Wonder Preschool and our Mother’s Day Out program


provide a loving environment for young children. Both programs recognize that each child is a precious and unique gift from God. Religious education programs for children, youth group for adolescents, prayer and Rosary groups as well as scripture study and fellowship groups for adult men and women are a but a few of the opportunities to nourish our faith. Grief recovery and counseling are also a valuable outreach to those in difficult or painful situations. St. Mark’s also reaches beyond its boundaries to live out the Gospel of Christ. Our mission in Anapra,

Mexico provides education scholarships to 42 students, food assistance to 63 families and builds 4 homes each year. Volunteers in mission serve not only in Mexico and Africa, but also in the United States. The people of St. Mark’s participate in Habitat for Humanity in Independence and serve in the St. James Soup Kitchen in Kansas City, Missouri. At St. Mark’s we welcome all who wish to grow in faith, love and service. Please call us at 816-3732600 or visit us at www. Habla Espanol? Llame a Hilda, x228, por favor.

Church Dir ectory

February 27, 2010

Come worship at Timothy Lutheran By Timothy Lutheran Ministries At Timothy Lutheran, our mission is “Touching Lives for Christ.” The cornerstone of our ministry is to GATHER (for worship and fellowship in the body of Christ), GROW (in Christ-like living through God’s Word), GIVE (joyfully in service to God and His people) and GO (as a witness to all people that Jesus is Lord and Savior). We are opening doors to Christ with our new site in south Blue Springs, which includes our school ministry for grades K-8. Also at this site, we offer Celebrate Recovery, a ministry that helps us to become free from life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. The weekly Thursday night group meets at 7 pm, followed by small group break-outs at 8 pm. Small group studies for men and

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women are based on the Christcentered 12 steps that recognize Jesus as our Higher Power. Timothy Lutheran Ministries provides resources and opportunities to learn and grow to be able to face life’s challenges.

Each week we offer five different worship times and two worship styles, as well as Sunday School for all ages. Our Senior Adult Ministry offers weekly Bible study (Friday mornings), monthly luncheons and a variety of service opportunities. Youth participate in the weekly Insight Bible study, servant events and mission trips. Our grade school, now located at our new south site, provides a Christian educa-

tion in classrooms equipped with the latest technology. For special times of need, we provide DivorceCare, GriefShare, Stephen Ministry, and a number of other support groups. Timothy members are active in community outreach by participating in the Blue Springs Fall Festival, the Blue Springs Ministerial Alliance and supporting local service agencies. We host Breaktime Club for caregivers, offer our facility for weekly scout meetings and sponsor an annual blood drive. Join us for worship this weekend! Contact us at 816-228-5300 or for assistance or information on our ministry opportunities and programs. May the Holy Spirit unleash His power in you to know Christ and serve Him as we continue to Touch Lives for Christ.

Church Dir ectory


First Baptist Blue Springs continues to move forward When you drive past the intersection of 15th and Main streets in Blue Springs, you may not even notice that the big brick building on the corner is a church. On the outside, the view isn’t much more than one resembling a warehouse, or at best, an older church with not much life in it. However, take one step inside and you’ll find that First is alive and vibrant, and moving forward like never before. First Baptist Blue Springs has a rich history, serving Jackson County families in its present facility since 1922. Yet in recent years the church has taken important new steps to effectively continue it’s mission of “knowing Christ and making Christ known.” Many areas of the church facility have been renovated to make every person’s experience more enjoyable and relevant. Renovations include a preschool “Adventure Village,” a modern worship facility


for children called “The Loft,” and a completely renovated Student Life Center for teenagers. Most noticeable, the church’s main Worship Center received a complete makeover in 2008, and now includes comfortable theatre-style seating. More important than the physical transformations, however, are the lives being transformed at First. First is committed to helping everyone connect with God in a way that makes sense and is meaningful, regardless of age. During worship services, the informal atmosphere encourages both corporate celebration, and the benefit of personal reflection. Musically, the services include a modern array of songs, carefully chosen to help all people connect with God. In addition to music, services often utilize video, drama, and other visual elements to help enhance the worship experience

in a way that is creative and memorable. The teaching presented at First is designed to be relevant and easy to grasp. People learn what it means to know Christ, and how the Bible serves as a solid foundation for a successful life. Sunday services include teaching on important topics that affect everyone in their daily journeys. Those that attend First are finding that “church” isn’t necessarily what it used to be. Change is worth discovering, and Christ is worth following! Though the outside may not look new, what’s happening inside First Baptist Blue Springs is exciting and life-changing. The old saying still holds true – “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” In this case, First Baptist may have been positioned in the same place for many years, but in 2010 the church is definitely moving forward.

Church Dir ectory

February 27, 2010

First Baptist Church of Independence When you come around First Baptist Church in Independence, it won’t take you long to figure out that the Children’s Ministry is one of the primary ministries in this church. From brightly-colored stripes on the walls leading kids to their rooms on Sunday mornings, to children’s groups being used to help lead music during a worship service, you will see that children are seen as special gifts from God, to be loved and nurtured in their formative years. “Children are truly the future of the church, so we have a responsibility to invest heavily in their faith development,” says the pastor, Rev. Kevin Payne. “Our Children’s Minister, David Scott, leads a group of committed

February 27, 2010

volunteers that provide biblical instruction through study, music, and drama, all the while fostering a sense of excitement and enjoyment regarding the issues of God’s love, and our faith.”

During the course of a year the church will host a Vacation Bible School in the summer, as well as a “Trunks of Fun”

event just after the Halloween Parade in October. There are other events aimed at reaching children, too, such as an Easter Egg Hunt that is open to the community, swimming parties, and Sunday School lessons in the park. Rev. Payne invites everyone to join them in their services. “We offer something for everybody, with lively music (both traditional and contemporary), meaningful worship, and lots of service and instructional opportunities.” While everyone is welcome, Rev. Payne especially encourages those with young children to join them. “The development of children in the Christian faith is one of our highest priorities, and we hope you will join us in that endeavor.”

Church Dir ectory


Plaza Heights Baptist Church Since it’s earliest days back in the late sixties, Plaza Heights Baptist Church has been a consistent influence in the life of our community. Times sure have changed since then, but the church’s commitment to be a place where people can find real answers for life’s challenges remains as strong or stronger than ever. After more than 40 years of ministry in this area, Plaza Heights’ vision to be an oasis for people to build relationships with each other and with their God is at the forefront of their purpose. Their vision is:

“Reaching People With God’s Love.”

In this ever changing and uncertain world, Plaza Heights


believes that the answers to the challenges facing the world, the nation, our communities, and families are found in Jesus Christ alone. Plaza Heights is a place where authentic relationships, honest prayer, passionate worship, care for those in need, and relevant teaching are to be found. They are working together to become the type of church described in the Bible, encouraging one heart at a time. If you are a spiritual seeker or a committed Christian who wants to grow deeper in the Bible and your walk with Jesus;

whoever you are, there is a place for you at Plaza Heights. At Plaza Heights, you’ll find a warm group of people just like you who are in this journey together and share its ups and downs. This church are committed to Jesus, who has come to give us peace, forgiveness, purpose, and strength for these days, Jesus Christ.

Church Dir ectory

February 27, 2010

A warning to all people of the second coming of Christ John the Baptist (Resurrected) Has Come By the Church of Christ Elijah He is the Messenger of the covenant to prepare the way and a people for Christ’s coming: (Matthew 11:10, Luke 1:76) “Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before Me; and the Lord, whom you seek, shall suddenly come to His temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom you delight in: behold, He shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.” (Malachi 3:1) The Church of Christ has been established anew by the Power and Authority of God, having the same form of Organization, the same Doctrine, and the same Spiritual Gifts as they are found in The Church of Christ

February 27, 2010

of the New Testament. We have been commanded to take these Messages to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. Here are the words of the Messenger: “Let the Message I bring be published in every land. Let it go in every language and tongue, to the ends of the earth.” Message 72:20 “I am the angel of the Lord, the Messenger of the Covenant, the promised Elias which is for to come. I bring the Elias, or Elijah Message the prophets foretold of to come – lest the earth, mankind, be smitten with the curse. But in my coming the curse is lifted. The way is made sure in deliverance and victory in gaining salvation, the plan Christ has laid, and His church

upon His revealing power – the Rock of Assurance. Christ is the Truth and the Light, the Life and the Way; listen to His whispering call.” Message 97:2 These Messages teach the same Gospel that was taught by Christ and His Apostles. For we believe the Gospel of Christ is unchangeable. The Apostle Paul says; “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you, than that which we have preached unto you, Let him be accursed.” Galatians 1:8. Please join us in worship service. For more information or to request the book: The Word of the Lord Brought to Mankind by an Angel, (which includes 120 Messages) Please contact us, 816-836-1913.

Church Dir ectory


Getting to know Cornerstone By Cornerstone Church Does the idea of visiting a church service make you uncomfortable? Does church seem irrelevant and unnecessary to your life? We would say you should give us a try! Cornerstone Church is a dynamic, friendly church that meets you right where you are. Whether you are just curious about God and church or you're a committed follower of Christ, you are welcome here! Our worship services consist of contemporary music that inspires and prepares hearts to experience the presence of God. The messages from our pastors are targeted to help us apply biblical truths to every area of life including how


to know God, relationships, finances, work, and family issues. Our ministries to children and students are done with great care and creativity so they always want to come back to learn more.

The Link Café offers light refreshments and specialty drinks as well as free coffee,

and a place to connect with friends before and after services. You can browse the Rockhouse Bookstore - filled with Christian books and music, Bibles, and gift items. Our website, www., will give you much more info about our church, but don’t stop there! We’d love to have you join us for one of our Sunday services. Cornerstone has a farreaching vision to build a community of believers in Jesus Christ that will experience changed lives and have a positive impact upon our culture today and for generations to come. We extend a warm welcome to Eastern Jackson County to come and be a part of this special church family!

Church Dir ectory

February 27, 2010

Central Mission Center Many different programs and ministries in the area By Central Mission Center The 38 congregations of the Community of Christ that are in eastern and southern Jackson County form the jurisdiction known as the Central Mission Center. These congregations have many different programs and ministries. For children, along with Sunday school classes, there are such programs as Young Peacemakers’ Clubs, Jesus and Me, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and after school tutoring. For middle school and high school students the programs are wide and varied. From weekly meetings to mission trips teens are involved in activities that take them into spiritual

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growth and service to others. Adult activities vary from social functions and spiritual growth experiences to addiction recovery and cancer support groups. An important function of the Central Mission Center is providing the camp program. For the summer of 2010 there will be four resident youth camps each for a specific age group and will provide camping opportunities for about 550 youth and leaders. Also this coming summer the Mission Center will send a youth delegation to Spectacular, a sports, art and leadership gathering for youth. For the 14th year, the South Texas Mission trip will provide an opportunity for Middle School students to

join with Outreach International in conducting service projects for Hispanic communities along the border. Two Family camps for persons of all ages will round out the 2010 camping season. The Blue Valley Activity Center, a Central Mission program, has grown a lot in the past few years. BVAC continues to expand their youth sporting programs. Adult kickball is a new program offered by BVAC. The winter Youth Rally held annually in January drew a four day total of 1600 youth and leaders this year. It is considered one of the highlights of the youth calendar. For more information on Central Mission Center programs call (816) 833-4300.

Church Dir ectory


Blue Springs Christian Church Growing kids & youth with new spaces 55,000 square feet totally for elementary kids, and middle school and high school students! Way cool! Coming in May 2010, Blue Springs Christian Church will open up a new home for its Children’s & Student Ministry. This new facility provides large worship spaces for elementary and Pre-Teens, and one large Student Ministry Worship area, plus breakout rooms for life application and Biblelearning activities for all ages. Included in this new facility will be games rooms, a theater room, a basketball shooting area, snack areas, ministry offices, and a counseling center. Equipped throughout with


large flat-panel TV screens, high definition sound systems, and video projection units, this facility will provide fun, stimulating & wholesome environments. Constructed through a volunteer labor strategy, the Children’s & Student Ministry Building is the second of many specialized ministry buildings planned for the 40 acre campus. Blue Springs Christian Church, a non-denominational, self-governing fellowship of Christ-followers that began in February 1981, moved to its current facility in November 2002. Contemporary in its approach of “guiding people into a fully-devoted relationship with Jesus – together,” the

church presents the timeless truths of Christianity in casual and relaxed environments for all ages. Classic Worship is at 8:15 AM with Worship Alive at 9:30 & 11:00 AM. A Nursery is available at all service times. Kids’ Worship (Preschool, Elementary & Pre-Teen) is provided only at 9:30 & 11:00 AM. Sunday Student Ministry Worship (middle school & high school students) meet at 9:30 & 11:00 AM. For more informaiton about Blue Springs Christian Church, visit or call 816.229.7311. BSCC is located 4.5 miles south of Interstate 70 on Hwy. 7 at the south end of Blue Springs.

Church Dir ectory

February 27, 2010

Did you know from whence you are? In Luke 13, Jesus is asked “are there few that be saved?” Jesus answers that we should strive to adhere to the narrow path of the gospel, for if we do not, we will be shut out of God’s kingdom despite our claims of service. Jesus then states this will happen because we do not know from “whence ye are” and there will be great sorrow when we see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the prophets of Israel in the kingdom of God but we are thrust out. In Matthew 15, Jesus says “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Since God is unchangeable, we should expect that Jesus will be sent only to those who are part of the house of Israel when he returns and not to the entire world as many believe. So, how are these two

February 27, 2010

thoughts connected? God made an everlasting covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that through their seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed. (Genesis 12, 26 and 28) Paul teaches that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of that covenant and that without that covenant we have no hope of salvation. (Galatians 3 and Ephesians 2) So, how do we know we are part of the house of Israel and heirs to the promises God made to them? Paul provides the answer that we must be baptized into the covenant by one having authority (Galatians 3) and many scriptures tell us we then must endure to the end of our days. If you still think everyone will be saved in God’s kingdom, consider John’s description of

the New Jerusalem with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel over the twelve gates in the wall surrounding the city and that there are angels guarding each of these gates to make sure those who do not know from whence they are do not enter. (Revelation 21) If you are interested in learning more about this topic or the true points of the doctrine of Jesus Christ, we invite you to visit us or find out more about what we believe at our web site.

The Church of Jesus Christ Zion’s Branch

108 S. Pleasant, Independence MO 64050 (816) 833-4377 email: and

Church Dir ectory


Welcome to Country Meadows By Sandy Turner The Examiner Senior Pastor Dr. Jeff Paul came to Country Meadows Baptist Church this past November after having received a call — which only he could hear. “My family and I were very comfortable leading a church in Archie, Missouri,” Dr. Paul said of the decision to move to Lee’s Summit. “Although God had a different vision for us, and we’re thankful He did.” Excited to be part of the congregation and staff at Country Meadows, Dr. Paul says the church has the most warming welcome he has ever seen. “Everyone who visits the church always comments on how comfortable and welcome they feel from the moment they step inside the front doors. That’s what I love about this church — it has that country feeling while in an


urban setting.” Earning his doctorate from the Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City and after being a pastor for 25 years, Dr. Paul admits that even though he awas raised going to church, his personal relationship with Jesus didn’t happen from just being in church, but being exposed to the word of God and actually listening. “It wasn’t until I graduated from high school that I actually heard and understood what God was trying to say to me personally, and once I did, it changed my life forever.” With a strong and committed congregation, Country Meadows grew its membership over the past year — even though a Senior Pastor was not in place. “We are a relational church, and it’s apparent everywhere you look that the congregation cares about each other and is constant-

ly reaching out to the community.” Focusing on communicating the Biblical truth in a contemporary fashion, Dr. Paul uses a floor to ceiling screen in the sanctuary to engage the congregation during the worship service. Each weeks’ sermon can also be heard on their website www.cmbc. net as well as a full schedule of activities and detailed information for those wanting to visit Country Meadows. Answers can be found on the website to questions such as: what to expect in the worship service to what’s available for kids and teenagers. With a high-energy Minister of Youth leading junior and high school students, Country Meadows caters to giving young people the space and time so that they can experience God’s word in their own way. “It’s a place for teens to connect to each other, to us, to God,” Continued on page 21

Church Dir ectory

February 27, 2010

Welcome to Susquehanna Baptist By Sandy Turner The Examiner Susquehanna Baptist Church is gearing up for an exciting three day revival with guest preacher Dr. Bob Springate with the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home. As an accomplished ventriloquist and challenging speaker, Springate is guaranteed to bring laughter and fun to a time of revival. Celebrating their second year of engaging in “Three Days of New Life,” Pastor Rick Jordan is excited about the opportunity to rejuvenate the congregation as well as to reach out into the community. “Joe Payne, a deacon in the church came to me in the fall of 2008 with this grand idea. It was a huge success last year and I’m certain the attendance will be even better this time.”

February 27, 2010

Three Days of New Life will begin on Friday, February 26 beginning with special music at 6:30 p.m. “The Friday night service will be geared towards the children of our church and community,” Payne said, “with children’s music and children’s time with lots of fun and entertainment.” On Saturday, fellowship time will begin at 11 a.m. with lunch and special music and then the evening services at 6:30 will be geared towards the youth. Three Days of New Life will conclude on Sunday with breakfast and special music beginning at 8:15, worship at 10 a.m. and at 6 p.m. “I have believed for many years that the church is too complicated,” Jordan said. “Susquehanna Baptist Church has been my teacher in seeing

how simple believing in God can be and how easy it is to share with each other and the community. Less can be more.” With nearly 200 active members in the congregation, Susquehanna Baptist Church celebrates 50 years of giving back and reaching out to the community with events such as an annual Easter Egg Hunt, Neighborhood Summer Block Party, Vacation Bible School and Fall Family Fun Festival. “Churches have their natural rhythm of gathering and then scattering,” Jordan said. “We love the community around us and our goal is to celebrate Christ and then take that light out to our neighbors and friends.” With the Susquehanna Preschool on site along with an active youth group, the Continued on page 21

Church Dir ectory


Welcome to Coventry Estates Baptist By Sandy Turner The Examiner Senior Pastor, Doug Bradley, has just celebrated one year of ministry with the members of Coventry Estates Baptist Church and is confidently pursuing the work with a clear vision. “Our task is to help people find a connection with God and nurture the our current relationships,” Pastor Bradley said. “That is what God is all about so that is what we will be all about. As a Bible believing Baptist Church, we hope to make an impact on Independence and its residents with the life changing message of Jesus Christ.” The southern Baptist church is steeped in history, having been established in Independence since 1960 and


has held fast to the truth that lies within the pages of the Bible. “The world changes, society changes, but the truth never does,” Bradley explains of the philosophy at Coventry. “We are believers in the prophetic nature of the returning of the Lord and I believe that our earnest ways of seeking out the truth sets us apart.” Because our world is ever changing the church has started hosting a ministry outreach to Spanish speaking people. Every Saturday at 6:30, Primera Iglesia Baptista de Independence has a worship service in Spanish, held in the sanctuary. There are children’s activities that are included in the service. Luis Mendoza is the Pastor.

With a Sunday morning worship service beginning at 10:45 a.m., Pastor Bradley invites anyone looking for answers to life’s questions to come and visit. “Intuitively people who are in a crisis situation want to reach out to those who can give them the hard true facts about what religion is really all about,” he said. “Most of us look backward for the answers, more than forward.” In essence, Bradley believes that many of us feel a sense of security and belonging when attending a more traditional, old fashioned, back to the basics church service. “We do have a mix of traditional and contemporary,” he said. “But we also know where the line is and we don’t cross over it.”

Church Dir ectory

February 27, 2010

February 27, 2010

Church Dir ectory


Come Worship With Us Baptist First Baptist Church of Independence

500 W Truman Road Independence, MO 64050 816-252-3377 Sunday Services 9:00 a.m. Traditional Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School/Bible Study 11:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship Wednesday Evenings Dinner & Bible Study Children & Student Activities

First Baptist Church of Blue Springs 1405 Main Street,Blue Springs, MO (816) 229-9335 Sunday Worship & Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Service: 5:00 p.m. Activities and Life Groups for all ages.

Maywood Baptist Church

10505 Winner Rd. Independence, MO 64052 816-254-3344 9:30 a.m. Bible Study 10:50 a.m. Sunday Worship Celebration 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Powerhouse Kids Program

Susquehanna Baptist Church Rick Jordan, pastor 17800 Susquehanna Ridge, Independence. MO 64056 816-257-2080 Sundays 8:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Worship Wednesday 7 p.m. Something for All Ages

Southern Baptist Calvary Baptist Church 900 NW 22nd Street., Blue Springs, MO 64015

(across from Blue Springs High School North)

816-228-5540 Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship: 10:45 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship: 6:00 p.m. Wed. Evening Bible Study & Prayer Time 6:00 p.m. "Loving God, Loving People"


Coventry Estates Baptist Church

17133 E. 39th St. Independence, MO 64055 816-373-3707 Pastor Doug Bradley and his wife Judy Service Times: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 6:15 p.m. Awana Club (Sept. through May) 6:30 p.m. Sunday Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Youth Worship

St. Cyril Catholic Church

11231 Chicago Street, Sugar Creek, MO Parish Office: 252-9564 Mass Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Mass Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. Mass: Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.

St. Marks Catholic Church

3736 Lee’s Summit Road, Indep. 373-2600 Mass Saturday: 5:30p.m. Mass Sunday 8:00a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., Reconciliation Saturday: 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Weekday Mass: 9:00 a.m. YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US!

(Youth Group: 7th - 12th grade) God's Golden Gems ministry for seniors meets monthly. Angel Food Ministry distribution site. See our website for the monthly menu and order schedule.

Church of Chr ist Elijah Message

First Baptist Church of Oak Grove 400 E. 14th St., Oak Grove, MO 64075 816-690-3233 Sunday Worship: 8:15 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Wed. Adult Bible Study: 6:30 p.m. Wed. Youth in Worship: 6:15 p.m.

Plaza Heights Baptist Church

Serving the Blue Springs Area Since 1966 Rev. Jim Tolliver, Senior Pastor 816-229-4077 1500 SW Clark Road Blue Springs, MO 64015 Sundays: 8:00am- FIRST LIGHT@8AM Contemporary Worship 9:30am- Bible Study Groups 10:45am- Blended Worship 6:00pm- Evening Activities 7:00pm- Family Fellowship Meal Full Wednesday Evening Activities for all ages Dinner at 5:15pm Programs 6:00-7:30pm Call the church office or check out our website for more information

The Church of Christ With the Elijah Message

THE ASSURED WAY OF THE LORD, Inc. 201 West Lexington Ave., Indep., MO 836-1913 (in the Hillcrest Bank Bldg., Ground floor) Apostle Leonard Draves, Pastor Sunday School for all ages: 10:00 A.M. Church Service 11:00 A.M. Rev. 12:1, Msg. 2:7, Matt. 17:11, Rev. 14:6, Mal. 3:1 the (and) ttp:// Please join us in worship!

Catholic St. Ann Catholic Church

10109 E. Lexington, Indep. 252-1160 (2 blks. N. of Fairmount Business District) Mass Sat.: 4:00 p.m. Mass Sun.: 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Mass Mon.: 8:00 a.m. Mass Wed.: 8:00 a.m. Mass Thurs.: 8:00 a.m. Mass Fri.: 8:00 a.m. Let us become family in prayer

Church Dir ectory

Community of Chr ist BLUE SPRINGS, MO Colonial Hills

3539 S. 7 Highway (816) 229-9344 Sunday Worship: 10:15 a.m.

Mission Woods

2800 Duncan Road (816) 224-0095 Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.

February 27, 2010

Come Worship With Us Community of Christ continued Parkview

801 S. 19th Street (816) 229-1045 Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.


1001 S. Sibley (816) 650-5745 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.


32901 E. Pink Hill Road (816) 443-2526 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.

KANSAS CITY, MO Pleasant Heights

4341 Blue Ridge Boulevard (816) 356-2484 Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.



19402 E. Holke Road (816) 796-7033 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.

Blue Ridge

3371 Blue Ridge Boulevard (816) 521-4075 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m

Celebration Ministries

1706 S. Northern (816) 521-4066 Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m

College Park

500 NE Woods Chapel Road (816) 478-8123 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.


6231 Manning (816) 353-2278 Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.

SIBLEY, MO Osage Hills

27503 E. Blue Mills Road (816) 650-5250 Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.

February 27, 2010

Open Arms


South Crysler

3100 S. Crysler (816) 521-4073 Sunday Worship: 10/30 a.m

East Alton

Special Ministries Mission

East Independence

Woods Chapel

Oak Hill

201 Oak Hill Cluster (816) 228-1400 Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m

1316 S. Osage (816) 521-4074 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m

LEE’S SUMMIT, MO Colbern Road

1101 NE Independence Ave. (816) 524-1874 Sunday Worship: 10:15 a.m.

1137 S. Pearl (816) 521-4072 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m

1021 W. College (816) 521-4067 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m

23rd & R.D. Mize Road (816) 373-1834 Sunday Worship: 10:25 a.m

Lee’s Summit

New Walnut Park

1101 W. Walnut (816) 461-6788 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

4341 Blue Ridge Boulevard (816) 356-1013 Sunday Worship: 9:15 a.m.

27507 E. Colbern Road (816) 578-4574 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.

New Hope

220 W. Moore (816) 521-4071 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m

823 Elizabeth Street (816) 796-2747 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m

East 39th Street

15006 E. 39th Street (816) 373-2455 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m

Eden Heights

1301 E. Sea Ave. (816) 521-4068 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m

Gudgell Park

500 E. Gudgell (816) 521-4069 Sunday Worship: 10:20 a.m

1706 S. Northern (816) 521-4066 Sunday Worship: 9:15 a.m

Stone Church

1012 W. Lexington (816) 254-2211 Sunday Worship: 10:20 a.m

Summit Grove

411 S. Lee’s Summit Rd. (816) 461-4186 Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m

Village Heights

1009 Farview Drive (816) 257-0623 Sunday Worship: 10:15 a.m

Walnut Gardens

19201 R D Mize Road (816) 795-8190 Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m

Highland Manor Mission 4341 Blue Ridge Boulevard (816) 478-1275 Sunday Worship: 6:00 p.m.

Liberty Street

416 N. Liberty (816) 521-4070 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m

Church Dir ectory


Come Worship With Us Episcopal Trinity Episcopal Church

409 N Liberty Independence MO 64050 816-254-3644 Would like to invite you to worship with us at the following services: Sundays 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Rite I Holy Eucharist 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Adult & Children’s Sunday School 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Rite II Holy Eucharist 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Family Bible Study 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Family Worship Service Wednesdays 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Pot Luck Dinner 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m Evening Worship/Healing Service Don't forget to visit The Mustard Seed Wednesday - Saturday Noon until 4:00 PM

Lutheran All Saints Lutheran Church, ELCA 421 SW 19th Street Blue Springs, MO (816) 229-3633 Sunday Worship: 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Messiah Lutheran Church LCMS

613 S. Main, Indep. 254-9405 Pastor Jon R Nicolaus Worship Services from 8:00 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Classes at 9:30 am

Timothy Lutheran Church 425 NW R.D. Mize Rd. Blue Springs, MO (816) 228-5300

RD Mize Site Worship Saturday, 6 pm Sunday, 8 a.m., 9:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. Education Hour Sunday, 9:15 am Wednesday Midweek Classes


September-May 6:30-8 pm – Bible Study for all Children, youth & adults Confirmation classes (6th-8th) Timothy Lutheran 301 SW Wyatt Rd Site Contemporary Worship Sunday, 9:30 am Education Hour Sunday, 10:45 am Timothy Lutheran School For grades K-8 Monday-Friday


Woods Chapel United Methodist Church

4725 NE Lakewood Way Lee’s Summit, MO 64064 (816) 795-8848 Sunday Contemporary Worship: 9:05 & 10:10 a.m. Sunday Traditional Worship: 8:00 & 11:15 a.m. Nursery provided during all worship services. Adult & Children’s Sunday School at 9:05, 10:10 & 11:15 a.m.


Christ United Methodist Church 14506 E. 39th Street Independence, MO 64055 (816) 461-1101 Saturday Worship: 5:30 p.m. Sunday Worship: 8:15 a.m. & *11:00 a.m. Contemporary Service: 9:45 a.m. *(Hearing Impaired Service)

Blue Springs Christian Church

7920 South 7 Hwy Blue Springs Mo 816-229-7311 Sunday Services: 8:15 a.m. Classic Worship 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Worship Alive

Day Care, Preschool and Youth Ministries

Kids Worship and Student Ministries Sundays at 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

First United Methodist Church

1600 S.W. Smith St. Blue Springs, MO 64015 (816) 229-9933 Sunday Celebration Services: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. The Edge Youth Ministries, Children’s Ministries, Young Adults Ministry & Weekly Life Groups

301 SW Woods Chapel Road Blue Springs, MO (816) 229-8108 Sunday Worship: 8:00 a.m., 9:15 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Saturday Worship Service: 5:30 p.m.

First United Methodist of Independence

400 West Maple Ave., 64050 Rev. Alan Pruitt, senior pastor Rev. Donice Heriford, associate pastor Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. Traditional Worship: 10:00 a.m., Contemporary Worship: 11:15 a.m. Youth Group: 6:00-8:00 p.m. Sunday Starshine Pre-School, September to May 254-6900

Church Dir ectory

City Church

Cornerstone Church

301 E. AA Hwy. Blue Springs, MO (816) 228-1979 Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Wednesday 6:30 p.m.: TheLink Youth Ministry Children’s Ministry Adult Life Cells

February 27, 2010

Come Worship With Us Non-denominational continued Lighthouse Life Application Ministries

11415C East 23rd Street, Indep., MO 64052 Pastor Raymond Burks, Sr. (816) 833-LLAM(5526) Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

Other Denominations

Pr esbyter ian

R estoration

First Presbyterian Church

The Church of Jesus Christ Zion's Branch

100 North Pleasant, Independence, MO 64050 816-252-6662 • Building on the Past, Celebrating the Present, Preparing for the Future 9:30 a.m. Traditional 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:30 a.m. Contemporary Nursery Care at all services

108 S. Pleasant Independence, MO 64050 816-833-4377 Sunday: 10 a.m. Sacrament (1st Sunday) or Scripture Study 11 a.m. Sermon 6 p.m. Scripture Study Wednesday: 7 p.m. Prayer Service Teaching the True Points of the Doctrine of Jesus Christ as Restored in 1830

New Community Church 22603 NW Pink Hill Rd. Blue Springs, MO 64015 (816) 220-2844 Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. Wednesday: 7:00 p.m.

COUNTRY MEADOWS BAPTIST CHURCH CONTINUED from page 14 Minister of Youth Dane Cockrell said. “We call it ‘The Edge’ and we meet on Wednesday evenings, around 6 p.m. for music, food, fellowship and to just hang out with others who are also searching for answers or just for someone to listen.” With a high-energy room set up complete with a snack bar, pool and foosball tables, the students have the opportunity to experience genuine friendship. “My passion is to give hope

to those teens who are lacking hope,” Cockrell said. “Wanting to connect with another person is ingrained in all of us and we hope that The Edge can be the place that teens can experience real, authentic love and friendship.” Country Meadows keeps things moving for those 50 and beyond with Sams Club, a senior adult ministry that offers guest speakers, singers, local entertainment and day trips.

“There are opportunities for all ages to interact and to experience an engaging worship service,” Dr. Paul said. “All it takes is one foot in the door and we’ll take care of the rest.” Country Meadows Baptist Church is located at 4901 Lee’s Summit Road (just south of the corner of 40 Hwy and Lee’s Summit Road). For more information call the church office at 3736445 or visit

SUSQUEHANNA BAPTIST CONTINUED from page 15 church celebrates family and added a Christian Life Center for fellowship, basketball and volleyball leagues, roller skating, movies and recreation. “We are an intergenerational church family,” he said. “We have something for everyone and blend the services between traditional and contemporary. It’s friendly, warm and simple.” Bible study on Sunday mornFebruary 27, 2010

ings begin at 8:45 with church service at 10. “Our Wednesday night gathering is very stimulating. We sing and share our thoughts and listen to each other, not just listen to me preaching. There is a definite atmosphere of energy as everyone engages in the service.” Respecting the busyness of everyone’s lives, the church will be

introducing short bursts of activities and events throughout the year. “We just have a lot of fun and laugh a lot as we share and grow in God’s love,” Jordan said. “We invite everyone to come and be a part of our family.” Susquehanna Baptist Church is located at 17800 Susquehanna Ridge in Independence. Contact them by calling 257-2080 or visit

Church Dir ectory


Status of youth pastors rises as kids' lives get more complicated Electronic communication, thorny social issues and skepticism of authority mean churches are looking for youth pastors who are in it for the long haul. Long the bottom rung of church ministers, youth pastors and ministers are getting their day. By Justin L. Fowler The State Journal-Register On a recent Wednesday evening, about a dozen teenagers and adults are lazing around on couches arranged in a horseshoe shape. Jay Bush, youth pastor at First Church of the Nazarene in Springfield, strides to the front, dressed in jeans and a University of Michigan pullover. He adjusts a music stand that serves as a lectern. “You kids having a good week?” Bush asks, with answers not matching his enthusiasm. “What’s the best thing that happened to you this week?” he tries. “I found out I have a Constitution test Friday,” offers a student. “The Constitution — that’s important,” Bush shoots back. The inevitable followup question — bad things that happened over the week — draws more reaction. “My car broke down,” one girl says. “So what’s wrong with it?” Bush asks.


“Something with the engine,” she replies to laughter around the room. “Engine problems — I had that once,” Bush says, jokingly. After a few announcements and prayer requests, Bush draws a pie chart on a whiteboard. Soon, he’s filling out sections that make up students’ lives — family, school, friends, work, church/God. Quickly, they get the picture. “God desires to be more than a slice of your life,” Bush says. He then produces a pile of aluminum pie pans and, during a prayer, encourages the students to each take a pie pan. “I want you to put it somewhere as a visual reminder,” Bush says, “that you’re willing to have God have every influence in your life. True freedom to Christ is when you give him everything.” Long the bottom rung of church ministers, youth pastors and ministers are getting their day. First Church of the Nazarene created a full-time youth pastor position, reuniting Bush with his home pastor, the Rev. Fred Prince. At West Side Christian Church in Springfield, four ministers work full time in family life ministry, including Josh Ryder with its high school students and Chris Sandel with its junior high students. And with the rise of social networking on Web sites such as Facebook and Twitter, the way youth pastors approach their job has changed significantly — leading some to think that the field needs experts who specialize in the needs of young congregants. “I don’t perceive it as a stepping stone,” says West Side Christian’s Sandel, 29. “To

me, I feel like this is what God called me to do and gifted me to do. But sometimes,” he adds, smiling, “I feel like I’m a big kid.” A “social” presence Bush, 38, got into youth ministry as a happenstance: during a year off from college, the pastor of his Walled Lake, Mich., church asked him to fill in for a year. “I really wasn’t that passionate about it,” Bush remembers. “I made a decision after the first three months: either I was going to pour my heart into it, or I was going to leave it.” Bush’s affirmation bore out a calling. Four years ago, he was reunited with Prince at First Church of the Nazarene after Prince created a full-time position for youth pastor. Still, those who minister to youths sometimes get labeled as glorified “baby sitters,” a ministry fobbed off on greenhorn seminary students trying to get their foot in the door. “‘When are you going to start doing ministry?’ I get that from time to time,” says Ryder, 29. Those comments come at a time when youth ministry has undergone radical change with the explosion of electronic communication. Youth ministers have had to adapt to forms of communication favored by teens. That means having a presence on Facebook, texting and tweeting. “It’s an extension of communication,” Sandel says. “When we use it, it’s how we can be in their realm.” “Until a year and a half ago, I had never heard of Facebook or MySpace,” Bush admits. “I Continued on page 23

Church Dir ectory

February 27, 2010

YOUTH PASTORS CONTINUED from page 22 thought it was a waste of time. Now I look at it as a tremendous tool at my disposal. It’s made communication so much more accessible.” The Rev. Jenn Simmons of Webster Groves, Mo., who has written extensively on youth ministry, says Facebook has “changed and revolutionized everything,” noting that young people are unabashed in how they use social networks, from expressing their joys and sorrows to ending relationships publicly. “They’re willing to share things on Facebook,” adds the Rev. Tasha Blackburn, associate pastor and youth minister at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Springfield, “that they wouldn’t share face to face.” Young people, Blackburn says, “care about the relationships they develop (in youth ministry),” even if they’re leery of church as an institution. “It’s like that book ‘They Like Jesus But Not the Church.’ That’s exactly how kids are,” Blackburn says. “What are you going to put down my throat? What are you trying to convince me of?” While relationship-building is a component of youth ministry, so is building a relationship with God, Sandel says. “If they’re not challenged (in that relationship with God), they February 27, 2010

feel that void,” he says. “Most of decisions about faith are made at the end of junior high or earlier,” Ryder says. “It is humbling to think about.” “It can be a time of turmoil and vulnerability,” Simmons says. “They have to see church as a safe place for them to gather.” “It keeps me honest” Authenticity Blackburn says young people want a youth pastor who is

just as open and genuine as they are. “I stay with it because it does keep me honest, but, boy, they have you doing a range of emotions in the same night,” says Blackburn, 34. “If you had a good night or something resonates, they’ll let you know. On another night, you’ll get hor-

monal attitude. “There’s great joy in the work, but it’s also humbling. Both are great reasons to stay in it.” “You have to be bent a different way (to do this work),” Ryder says. “I like being in front of kids and doing goofy stuff. I really value where I am.” “He’s (Ryder) always energetic, and he can connect well with high schoolers,” says Chad Long, a junior at Chatham’s Glenwood High School. “He hasn’t been a whole generation removed (from us.)” Bush says he appreciates First Nazarene creating a position for a full-time youth pastor. The church, he says, sees value in young people, who play in worship bands, run audio-visual equipment and work in the nursery. “They’re woven in the fabric of the church,” he insists. Bush says he tries to model what he preaches. He knows anything less wouldn’t be authentic. “I try to keep myself grounded. Family, kids, my parenting, my responsibilities. My relationship with God centers on that. “I can’t lead these students spiritually if I’m not willing to go deeper spiritually.”

Church Dir ectory

Steven Spearie can be reached at (217) 622-1788 or


Come worship at Maywood Baptist By Sandy Turner The Examiner Maywood Baptist Church is breaking down the boundaries and barriers as they take their message to the streets. Investing their energy into the community, the congregation at Maywood is making believers of the old saying “actions speak louder than words.” “Everyone needs a home for their soul,” Pastor Bob Spradling of Maywood Baptist said. “We just want to be an usher to help them find their way.” Steeped in history, Maywood Baptist has been a part of Independence for over 100 years. The church continues to make history of its’ own with their mission to reach out to the un-churched by leaving the four walls of the church itself. “There is a certain level of intimidation to enter a church


when you don’t know anyone,” Pastor Spradling said. “You may feel like you’re going to be judged on how you look, how you dress or how little you may know about the word of God. How can we rescue those who are seeking help if we don’t enter their world, get involved in their interests and learn about their own heartfelt needs.” Spradling’s theory is a working ministry in progress and the actions of these Christians, set in motion to touch the lives of others, is working. “Our congregation is about diverse as you can get,” he said. “Our senior members have been our greatest asset in breaking down the barriers between the generations. They embrace everyone who decides to take that first step through the church doors. It’s a rewarding moment when you can witness a 70-yearold greeter embracing the guy

with tattoos who has a criminal history and together they learn God’s truths.” The congregation at Maywood embraces true evangelism with open arms to anyone who is searching for answers to a crumbled life, shattered home or just simply needing a friend. Thirty of their members are actively involved at Korte and Fairmount elementary schools as youth friends and mentors as well as serving in a cooperative effort with other churches in the area towards programs and activities for those in the community who need a helping hand. A program for attaining a GED is held in the building Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The church offers ministries in various ways from small and large group studies, singing in the choir or Praise Band to youth groups to worship service.

Church Dir ectory

February 27, 2010

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