Ejss 15 sexual harassment a study of mal adaptation of information and communication tecnology

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The Explorer: Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2411-0132, Vol-1, Issue (3):58-61 www.theexplorerpak.org

SEXUAL HARASSMENT: A STUDY OF MAL-ADAPTATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Bushra Ejaz , Samiya Imtiaz Department of Anthropology, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi Corresponding Author: Bushra Ejaz PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi bushraroy@gmail.com Abstract: Information Communication Technology (ICT) is an umbrella term that includes communication devices (television, cellular phones, computer etc) or applications and the services associated with these devices. In current era of globalization ICT performs significant role in our daily life as it helps us in communication, education, business and entertainment. This paper focuses on the misuse of this technology by the people. The study was conducted by using qualitative research tools. The data of research was collected from a sample of 75 respondents from two public sector Universities of Rawalpindi. Data was analyzed using cross tabulation which indicated that the maledicting behavior of people towards this technology is getting more dominant then the fruitful adaptation .

Key Words: Gender, ICT, Sexual Harassment, Mal adaptation INTRODUCTION The definition of technology is very broad and generally refers to any object made by humans. Here the study is focused on only one subset of technology – Information and Communication Technology (ICT). According to the report (Nation 2006), ICT has got the complex nature “complex nature and multiple applications” may be seen in a variety of ways, it is defined as a set of activities which are facilitate by electronic means for the processing of transmission and display of information”(Nations 2006). ICTs are viewed as “technologies people use to share, distribute, and gather information and to communicate, through computers and computer networks”. In other way by which ICTs are described is that they are a complex and varied set of goods, applications and services used for producing, distributing, processing, transforming information– [including] telecoms, TV and radio broadcasting, hardware and software, computer services and electronic media. The first definition is more focused on specific actions and the third primarily discusses the means of information distribution, the second definition has been employed for the purposes of this research. Since this definition not only mention what kinds of devices will be discussed computers and computer networks” but it also explains how these devices are used to share, distribute, gather information and to communicate. Considering the progress in the development of cellular technologies and the

potential of modern cell phones to perform the same actions that originally were only available through computers (connecting to the Internet, creating, sharing, distributing, and gathering of information), Cell phones are considered as appointment ICT device. In this section of the reader will be introduction to the technological environment in contemporary family selling and overview of the multidisciplinary research focused on the use of ICTs and SNS (social networking sites) will be given. Two types of ICT devices that have been used in the context of leisure and are related to the use of SNS are to be discussed. Firstly, if we review the main trends in how computers with access to Internet and handheld device (e.g., cell phone) have been used in the modern world by families and individual family members, a focus needs to be led on Social networking sites (SNS). For this matter the history of their launching and main trends in their use, as well as changes and challenges in the creation of SNS need to be studies. It has brought leisure and activity to our life. This study focused on one specific activity performed with the help of the discussed ICTs – the use of social network sites (SNS) by different family members. Facebook, you tube and whatsapp, as the three most popular SNS, were the main focus of this research. However, other SNSs used for leisure by the participants in addition to Facebook, you tube and whatsapp (mainly Google+) was also included. Since


LinkedIn is a social networking site used mostly for professional networking, its use by family members is not explored in this study. UN categories sexual abuse material as a mode of online violence that may be user generated and self-generated content which include sexing (Nation 2014). Internet and other forms of communication technologies appear to be associated with an increased risk of sexual exploitation, as well as other forms of violence (Nations 2006). The involvement of broadband has facilitated online abuse and exploitation because it enables the exchange of photos; video and audio”. The new forms of sexual harassment are on the rise. This is facilitated by fast development of information communication technologies. For example, developments of social network sites such as facebook are used by individuals in various ways, some of which border on sexual harassments” (Ruto 2009). It is imperative therefore that the society and especially the young people are required to be adequately informed on the various forms of sexual harassment and possible effects on their personal lives. Because of a common misuse of ICT, harassment cases have increased in our country. We approach a definition of sexual harassment from a critical feminist perspective , concerned not only with the individual behaviors that are eventually labeled as ‘sexual harassment’ but with the conditions within which all forms of gender harassing behaviors are performed and tolerated. Critical feminism offers an interpretation of sexual harassment as a form of systematic discrimination that manifests within an unequal gender system in which dominant forms of masculinity, or ‘hegemonic masculinities” (Sanela 2013). With an the extensive use of ICT, children also getting sexually sensitized since they are expose to multiple communication channels of social media. In a country like Pakistan, there is no such authority which is regulating the kind contents of material available on the websites. There are thousands of websites based on sexually explicit material which is a cause to harassment. Sexual harassment is a very serious problem specially faced by women. Sexual harassment is defined as “Any unwanted physical, verbal or visual sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other sexually oriented conduct which is offensive or objectionable to the recipient, including, but not limited to: epithets, derogatory or suggestive comments, slurs or gestures and

offensive posters, cartoons, pictures, or drawings”. Mostly women are not aware of ICTs especially in rural communities where the norms and the values still constitute barriers to a common. Women need secure places that will give them the flexibility to access and use ICTs while protecting them from sexual harassment (Recardo 2011). MATERIALS AND METHODS In order to collect the data for current research a sample comprising of 75 participants were randomly interviewed from Rawalpindi city who belong to various ages groups were studied in a public sector university of Rawalpindi. The data was gathered by designing a structure questionnaire based on numerical response. Data was coded and analyses spss software the analysis and interpretation was made after cross analysis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table. 1: Cross Tabulation Questions Response Are you user of Yes ICTs No Sexual sensitization of ICT leads to frustration among teens and adolescents Aggression and frustration created due to sexual sensitization results in physical weakness Harassment caused by ICT can be controlled by effective measures Harassment caused by ICT has mostly affected female population

Male 32 12

Female 20 11

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree



21 9 2

22 3 2

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree



16 6 5 1

16 8 0 1

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree



21 7 1 1

15 8 3 0




9 8 9 3

14 4 0

ICT has made the people lives easy and comfortable. It is served as a medium of entertainment for most of the people of all the


age groups. People feel comfortable in spending time in watching movies, playing games and chatting online with friends and family members. Results drawn from the table indicates that people has been widely maladaptive by the ICT. 72% male and 64% female claim to be the regular users of ICTs while 30% male and30% female replied that in no because they don’t interest in using these gadgets. In response to the question regarding sexual sensitization due to ICT, mostly people were of the view that it leads to frustration among the teens while 47% male rejected this statement. When asked about sexually explicit material leading to physical and mental weaknesses 36% males and 36 female agreed to it whereas the rest believe that getting expose to such material is not a cause to any of these weaknesses. Respondents were inquired on whether the misuse of ICT has mostly harassed female population, only 29% male accepted that female are harassed by males by the means and 29% females are of the view that female harassed by men. “The vast majority of victims of sexual harassment are women” (Fitzgerald and Shulman 1993) women are most the victims of sexual harassment. Apart from this, people were also of the opinion that regular use of internet and adult material available on a variety of websites has increased the sexual sensitization among the teens and young people that leads to a lot of social problems. 61% male and 70% female were of the view that internet provokes early sexuality among adolescent and teens who use face book, chatting sites and messengers SNSs where they can easily sensitize each other by exchanging explicit pictures and clips which is a common way to harass people nowadays. “The number of teenagers concerned in dangerous sexual behavior is increasing in outbreak proportions. This could be in part because teens have misconceptions about sex and its consequences” (Loew/Thompson 2011). It was observed during survey; people were of the view that misuse of internet has increased cases of harassment and abuses among the teens as ICT is maladapted by the people. It was observed that the unwanted sexual materials on internet poke repeatedly even on educational sites and other informative websites which in term imposes negative impact on internet users. The increasing use of social media and usergenerated internet content has resulted in regulatory responses from governments, including

the use of criminal law, and calls for respect for rights to freedom of expression. Responding countries report varying boundaries to appearance, including with respect to slur, dislike, threats, incitement to hatred, insult to religious feelings, obscene material, and depression the state. The socio-cultural element of some limitations is reflected not only in national law, but also in mutual instruments. Some regional cybercrime instruments, for example, contain broad offences regarding the abuse of public morals, pornographic material, and religious or family principles or values (Nation 2013). There should be a strong check and balance system to avoid abuse. Effective control measures can help in this regard. There a number of securities Software’s that can be installed on computers to keep an eye on the activities of internet users. It was observed that people were of the view that in harassment cases caused by the misuses of internet can be avoided by taking control measures. Teens and young people should train to make them familiar to not misuse ICT people were of the view that these abuses can be discouraged by limiting assess of the people to sexual material and this should be a social responsibility of every individual. CONCLUSION The research conducted focus on mostly universities student in order to access the visibility and accessibility of information and service provided for those who use ICT. It is observed that mal-adaptation through ICT is common in our societies. Misuse of ICTs leads to mal-adaptation and sensitize people to have sexual relationships against moral values. Comprehensive sexual harassment information must be made more visible, so that harassing behaviors can be identified as unacceptable and victims are encouraged to report it. REFERENCES Fitzgerald, Louise F., and Sandra L. Shullman 1993 Sexual Harassment: A Research Analysis and Agenda for the 1990s. Journal of Vocational Behavior 42(1):5-27. Loew/Thompson, Brittany J. 2011 Teens and Risky Sexual Behavior: What School Counselors Need to Know, University of Wisconsin- Stout. Nation, United office of Drug Crimes 2013 Comprehensive Study Cybercrime. Vienna, New York.



Nation, United office of Drug Crimes 2014 Study Facilitating the Identification Identification Description and Evaluation of the Effects of New Information Technologies on the Abuse and exploitation of Children. Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. Vienna. Nations, United 2006 Report of the Independent Expert for the United Nations Study on Violence against Children. United Nations General Assembly. Recardo, Gomes 2011 Libraries Tele centers Cybercafés an Public Access to ICT.USA: International Comparisons. Ruto, Sara Jerop 2009 Sexual Abuse of School Age Children: Evidence from Kenya. Journal or International Cooperation in Education 12(1):177-192. Sanela, Smolovic Jones 2013 Accessing Information about Sexual Harassment in New Zealand's Universities Women Studies Journal 27(1):36-48. © 2015 “The Explorer” Journal of Social Sciences-Pakistan


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