Ejss 19 cultural institutions under the influence of information communication technologies

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The Explorer: Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2411-0132, Vol-1, Issue (3):74-77 www.theexplorerpak.org

CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES Mazhar Hussain, Sawatia Ghazanfar Department of Anthropology, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi Corresponding Author: Sawatia Ghazanfar PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi sawatiachaudry@gmail.com Abstract: Pakistani media is highly influenced by foreign media due to which our cultural institutions are being adversely affected. The study was conducted to find out how electronic media especially dramas presented by the cable TV channels are invading our cultural institutions. The data was collected in six weeks by selecting a sample of 50 respondents through convenience sampling, from whom extensive data was collected through a blend of qualitative and quantitative tools. The paper suggested that electronic media has dynamically played a pivotal role in spreading cultural values which are contrasting with our norms. The pace of change has relatively speeded due to invaded media.

Key Words: ICT, Electronic Media, Invaded Media, Cultural Institutions, Cultural Values INTRODUCTION Information communication technologies are mostly information-management applications and facilities that are used to create, collect, process, allocate and interchange information. “Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are broadly defined as technologies used to convey, manipulate and store data by electronic means” (Perron, et al. 2010). It includes technical communication through technologies like “radio, television, telephone, computers, and internet” (Hoque and Alam 2010). ICTs play a significant role in several ways. On the progressive side, communication technologies such as the internet can be used for independent activities, endorse learning, build aptitude, give rise to intercultural dialogue and can lead to the establishment of valuable global civil society. “ICT is closely related to the ‘development’ and ‘globalization’, process that is prompting social change” (Tanasyuk and Avgerou 2009). Internet based communication is also being used as a tool to promote religious knowledge. “Social movement theory with stresses argued that Islamic‐oriented movements used internet” (Moussa 2011). Electronic media plays a key role in determining our social roles and is causal behind our changing traditional cultural institutions. The traditional local culture is vulnerable due to the outlandish media. As, “Global media is promoting the new cultural trends and it is creating homogeneity of culture and replacing the local culture” (Juni 2014). Indigenous values are at a

threat of which religion is a key institution. Globalization is affecting our religious practices also. “The spread of ICT globally could lead us to electronic civilization. Due to rapid development of ICT Muslims are practicing Islam in different way” (Mamat and Yusof 2013). Pakistani dramas have been strongly influenced by international media which in turn is influencing our local programs. Since the media plays more of a mentor’s role in our families, most of our people have taken significant influence from it. It can be seen clearly from our changing lifestyles, food, dressing, language, traditional celebrations and religious practices. Pakistani electronic media is regulated by “PEMRA” (Khan 2009). The introduction of Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority PEMRA in “2002” was an exclusive project for a developing country like Pakistan (Khan 2009). PEMRA is still struggling for its legitimacy, power, and effectiveness. A variety of issues have been hurdling the promotion or regulation of an effective regime. Even though electronic media is held responsible for most of the social evils being spread like inculcation of contradictory cultural norms, yet the “challenge for the Authority was the flooding of foreign satellite television channels into the country without any degree of control” (Khan 2009). With the passage of time, the lifestyle of the present generation has visibly altered. The food patterns, clothing trends, pastimes etc have all changed. Television the most powerful


communication technology in this part of the world is being used as a tool to promote views, predefined images, cultures and beliefs. “Islamic films are presenting by broadcasting media especially in Malaysia, Indonesia and Iran to serve Muslims” (Zulkiple 2014). Egypt has launched religious programs on national television for religious revival “to appropriate for itself the role of supporter of a legitimate Islam” (Moll 2010). MATERIALS AND MEHTHODS The areas of “Shamsabad and Dhok Kalakhan”, Rawalpindi were chosen as the study locale, from where a sample of 50 units was selected using convenience sampling. The research tool used was standardized closed ended questionnaire which explored to find the association between the role of information communication channel in alteration of cultural institutions. The hypothesis was tested through non-parametric Chi-Square approach: H0: ICT does not promote changed religious beliefs H1: ICT is a tool in promoting changed religious beliefs RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Table. 2: Role of ICT in Spreading Islam Viewer of cable T.V

Religious values presented in original form

Portrayal of women by media, in accordance with Islamic and social ethics Life style and dress code accordingly to social norms

Table. 1: ICT as Tool in Promoting Religious Institution Chi Square Dependent Independent Values ICT as a tool in promoting Religion

Active ICT use


The results of Chi-square test, shows that since the significant value was .04 which is less than significant value (.04<0.05) leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis which was “Active ICT use has not played significant role in promoting changed religious values”, and acceptance of alternative hypothesis i.e. “Active use has played significant role in promoting changed religious institution.” Users of ICT agree that ICT has been a major tool in promoting changed religious beliefs and values. There are various Islamic programs, websites and channels that promote their own views and interpretations of the religion which are excessively used by the common men as place for gaining information. “Islamic websites are available for valuable information” (Ibrahim 2010). Then there has been a complete hijacking of the media by foreign agents by promoting their own religious beliefs and cultural norms. “Global media is affecting social behaviors and daily life style of Pakistani society” (Ali, et al. 2014).

TV viewer

Non.TV viewer




Strongly agree






Strongly disagree





















Strongly agree






Strongly disagree













Ethnicity and sectarianism

Reflection of local traditions and values

The cross tabulated data shows that 45 respondents i.e. 90 percent out of 50 were TV viewer out of which 27 percent agreed with the statement that dramas and news channels are presenting Islamic values, 2 percent respondents strongly agreed while, 42 percent disagreed and 22 percent of respondents strongly disagreed while 20 percent respondents didn’t give any view regarding this. On the other hand 20 percent non viewers of cable TV also agreed, 20 strongly agreed, and 40 percent disagreed while 20 percent strongly disagreed with the view that dramas and news channels are presenting Islamic values. Respondents argued that TV dramas and programs are affecting their religious values. TV dramas


present Western culture instead of promoting Islamic beliefs and values. Western culture is completely opposite to Islamic teachings. “famous theory by Huntington, “The Clash of Civilizations" has given an analysis of variance between Islamic and western cultures and traditions as the basic theme for their present international conflicts” (Pakeeza and Chishti 2012). The cross tabulation table shows that a majority of the viewers i.e. 98 percent and 100 percent of the non-viewers of the respondents believed that the women were not presented in accordance with the Islamic and social ethics. The women are being glamorized, and objectified as sex objects, bringing changes in the general public’s dressing styles, social behaviors, and familial relations. Pakistani women are influenced, and have been heavily injected by Turkish, Western and Indian culture. “The world is injecting western values by presenting the contents of western media” (Juni 2014). The data shows that 93 percent respondents agreed that the dressing styles in dramas, T.V. shows do not present Islamic values, while 80 percent of the non-viewers of cable also agreed. They follow Western and Indian dress codes because they are more glamorous and attractive. Culture of third world countries like Pakistan is greatly influenced by global media. “Media of third world countries is influenced due global media” (Juni 2014). The table shows that 47 percent of the viewers and 60 percent of the non-viewers of Television agreed that the dramas and news channels did not promote sectarianism. Mostly respondents argued that all channels presenting religious programs included all sects; scholars of different sects participate and solutions of problems were discussed with mutual consent. The cross tabulation table shows that 78 percent of the television viewers and 80 percent of the nonviewers agreed that reflection of local traditions and values were not presented in the dramas. Pakistani dramas have been highly influenced by the Indian dramas. As the majority population wants to see Indian and Turkish dramas Pakistani media is adopting practices from foreign media. Our media is ignoring Islamic values due to which our social and cultural values are at risk. “One aspect of mass media theory is mass society which proved that development of media is a threat to “integrity” of elite cultural values” (Bennett 1982). Pakistan is a Muslim country and Pakistani nation has inimitable design of belief, philosophies, principles highly influenced by Islam. In Pakistan

religion conceived of morals in the cultural life for the people of Pakistan. “The social inflow of digital technologies has made rapid communication possible, and also uncovered perished ethnic and moral outcomes” (Yousaf 2012). Pakistani drama channels such as Indus Vision, ARY digital, Hum TV and Geo entertainment, etc., are highly influenced by Indian and western channels and trying to compete with these channels to serve as the representative of our society. The Muslims were extremely affected by the Hindu’s culture because of living with them together for a longer period in Sub-Continent. “Media is more of a source of amusement for them than anything else. The audience is gratified by ideas and images which are though contradictory to the core cultural values” (Zeeshan 2015). There is no regulatory law on media in Pakistan to regulate media rules and laws. “There should be governance to regulate actions, processes, and problems of global scope or effect” (Pakeeza and Chishti 2012). International media is influencing Pakistani culture, norms, values and religious beliefs. Youngsters are going towards declining their social and religious values; Invaded media has totally held their minds. Electronic Colonialism Theory (ECT) “ECT focuses on the global media influence on how people think and act. The aim of ECT is to account for how the mass media influence the mind” (McPhail 2014). CONCLUSION ICT is being used for preaching of religious values and beliefs in different parts of the world. Islam websites on internet relgious programs on T.V and radio , different relgious debates and articles in newspapers are serving Muslims. Though these mediums are contributiong in presentation of Islamic practices yet their contribution is not satisfactory. Country like pakistan where media is highly influenced by the neighboring country’s cultural values being spread by their TV channels. Due to this invaded media Pakistani culture is at risk. Global media is promoting intercultural values as dress codes forr patterns and living standards. REFERENCES Ali, Arshad, Ammarah Khalid, and Syed Ali Hassan 2014 The Impact of Indian Dramas on Language and Dressing of Females. Journal Of Humanities and Social Science 19(1):66-71. Bennett, Tony 1982 Theories Of The Media, Theories of Society. In Culture, Society and the


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