The Explorer: Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2411-0132, Vol-1, Issue (3):78-81
VULNERABILITY OF CULTURAL VALUES IN THE ERA OF INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Ayesha Abbas, Sajia Rani Department of Anthropology, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi Corresponding Author: Ayesha Abbas PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi Abstract: The cultural values, norms and behavior among students which are threatened by the misuse of ICT. The data was collected from seventy two respondents through standardized questionnaire from a public sector University in Rawalpindi over a span of one month. The scope of study was to explore the effects of ICT and its role in deterioration of cultural values, norms and behavior among student. It can be concluded from the results of current research that TVCs (TV channels) weaken our moral, cultural and social values which leads toward deterioration of the moralities in the society.
Key Words: ICT, Culture, Values, Norms, Behavior, Television, Satellite Television Channels
INTRODUCTION Culture is a complete way of life in which people share their attitude, art, religion, literature, philosophy, values, ideas, beliefs etc and have shared behavior pattern (Tanvir, et al. 2014). Cultural values implicitly represent shared abstract ideas of the members of a society about desirable and undesirable things (Williams 1970). Cultural values help social actors like directorial leaders to manage stability in society by evaluating the actions of members. These values are the basis of the norms prevailing within the societies. Goals, functions and importance of societal institutions are expressed through priorities of cultural values. Culture could be observed through norms, values and attitudes that shape up the behavior of human being (Tanvir, et al. 2014). Every society has its own particular culture that is different from other cultures. In order to understand the national culture, its importance and its identity, it must be cleared what is meant by “Culture” (Athiyal 2011). Local cultures are significantly influenced by Information Communication Technologies. ICTs are playing an important role in globalization. All over the world these technologies are adopted much more rapidly by younger persons than any other age group. Future of the world absolutely depends on youth. Foreign and native cultures are mixed with each with accelerating trend of assimilation that has been harnessed by ICTs. Younger generation often gets attracted and hence influenced by foreign cultures. This transformation
can be seen in education, behavior, food habits, music, other media, fashion, occupation and in the way of communication (Khan 2009). Social media has diffused the foundation of internationalization of civilization and cultures through ideological globalization (Ameli 2010). In social media, television has significant influence on shaping and presenting cultural distinctiveness in all societies. It has both positive and negative effects on society (Domirani, et al. 2014). Every day all of us come across numerous commercials and images for various products. Larger exposures to media influence many aspects of life. Social and moral values get threatened since they become weak and fragmented. As consequence of this unprecedented change, cultural evasion is faced by society (Singh and Sandhu 2011). Today our society is taking on new values which are in conflict with the time tested and religiously accepted principles of our society. All corporate houses use the best way of advertisement and marketing to get attention of people and ultimately money (Burns, et al. 2005). In advertisements extraordinary use of sex appeals (Ford, et al. 1997) and orthodox presentations of women (Schaffter 2006), has psychological negative impact on viewers that encourage materialism (Chan and Cia 2009). Television has negative effects on viewer’s psychology and on their cultural values (Richins 1991). Televisions are an open and unregulated source of information also influences the ethical values and changes the youth’s perspectives on moralities. A major transformation can be seen through the dynamism in dressing that
has been introduced by cable channels. Cable channels promote fashion industry especially among youth. The fashion industry’s reflection of modernity is imminent in terms of nudity and vulgarity that is culturally immoral. Not only this, Indigenous languages which are mode of transmitting culture and moral values are in danger due to ICT (Adesina 2012). Due to ICT and cable channels our youth is more exposed to western culture that affects their native cultures and values negatively (Omekwu 2006). In electronic media especially TV has a strong affect on both material and non material culture. Media has more of a negative impact on the traditional system of culture and values. It provides a way to foreign culture to invade which create serious problems for native culture and values. Entertainment provided by cable TV channels directly led to the decline in traditional and moral values among youth (Kayani, et al. 2013). MATERIALS AND METHODS A blend of qualitative and quantitative tools was for this research to explore the role of ICT in deteriorating cultural values, norms and behavior among student. The data was conveniently collected from seventy two respondents of a public sector university in Rawalpindi. The findings of this study are explained in the result and discussions. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Unethical ways of fulfilling materialistic desires
Table: Role of ICT in Undermining our Cultural Values Dependent Independent Question Chi Questions Square Values TVCs undermine our cultural traditions Hypothesis Psychologica H0: TVCs do not leave a 0.017 l impact psychological impact that undermines our cultural traditions. H1: TVCs leave a psychological impact that undermines our cultural traditions. Fostering H0: TVCs do not foster 0.294 Sexuality sexuality that resulting in deteriorating cultural traditions H1: TVCs foster sexuality that resulting in deteriorating cultural traditions
Promoting Materialism
Deterioratin g cultural values
Disturbed family relationship s
Unethical behavior & language
H0: TVCs do not promote materialism and unethical ways of their attainment H1: TVCs do not promote materialism and unethical ways of their attainment. H0: TVCs do not undermine our cultural traditions by deteriorating our cultural values. H1: TVCs undermining our cultural traditions by deteriorating our cultural values. H0: TVCs are not responsible for our disturbed family relationships. H1: TVCs have disturbed our very family relationships resulting in undermining our family relationships. H0: TVCs are not responsible for unethical behavior and language among viewer H1: TVCs are responsible for promoting unethical behavior and language among viewers H0: TVCs are not responsible for materialism that undermines our cultural tradition H1: TVCs are responsible for promoting materialism that undermines our cultural traditions
The table presents the results of Chi-square test, used to find association between different dependent questions with respect to one independent question. The Chi square value i.e. association between TVCs (TV channels) undermining our own traditions and culture with STVs has psychological impact on our people is 0.017 which is less than significant value (0.017<0.05) so there is an association between them (Nuta 2009). The Chi square value i.e association between TVCs (Satellite TV channels) undermining our own traditions and culture with TVCs foster the teenagers towards sexuality is 0.294 which is greater than significant value (0.294>0.05) so there is an association between them. The Chi square value i.e. association between TVCs
(Satellite TV channels) undermining our own traditions and culture with TVCs has promoted unethical ways of fulfilling materialistic desires is 0.011 which is less than significant value (0.011<0.05) so there is an association between them. The Chi square value i.e. association between TVCs (Satellite TV channels) undermining our own traditions and culture with satellite TV channels transmission is responsible for deteriorating our cultural values is 0.000 which is less than significant value (0.000<0.05) so there is an association between them. The Chi square value i.e. association between TVCs (Satellite TV channels) undermining our own traditions and culture with the satellite TV channels are responsible for disturbing the family relationships value is 0.67 which is greater than significant value (0.67>0.05) so there is an association between them. The Chi square value i.e. association between TVCs (Satellite TV channels) undermining our own traditions and culture with TV channels promotes unethical behavior among viewers is 0.005 which is less than significant value (0.005< 0.05) so there is an association between them. The Chi square value i.e. association between TVCs (Satellite TV channels) undermining our own traditions and culture with TV channel has promoted materialistic values among viewers is 0.027 which is less than significant value (0.027< 0.05) so there is an association between them. Moral deterioration is reported from non industrial world to industrial world in all areas of culture in various societies. Immoral actions and behavior promotes use of drugs, robbery to fulfill materialistic desires, sexual abuse among youth, rape, violence and killings are more frequent among children, youth and adults. In the more globalized and advanced world of the early twentyfirst century, running with information and communication technologies is progressively more captivating place in a cross-cultural context. Social media predominantly television have significant impact on cultural identity creation in all societies exerting both positive and negative effects on group (Domirani, et al. 2014). Televisions greatly influence the value system and determine the behavior of societyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s members. Regrettably, much of today's television programming is violent. Damage of cultural values, norms, traditions, aggressive behavior and degradation of relationships in families occurs due to ICT Since these ICT gadgets have not developed indigenously out of independent invention, they not only carry the material culture but also the non material values associated with them too (Zeeshan 2015).
Increased cultural flow through TVCS is a threat to native cultural traits. Lifestyles and content shown by media in films and dramas could challenge the tradition, values, norms and moral standards of the native cultures. Sexual content in foreign programs led to the deterioration of the morals, values and norms by spreading negativity and obscenity mainly among youth (Kayani, et al. 2013). CONCLUSION The research concluded that unscreened influx of TVCs have influenced our cultural traditions, norms and values under the impact of international media that has led to the deterioration of our ideologies. They are not only affecting us superficially through material culture but also creating undesired changes in our non material values such as thoughts, lifestyles and promote materialism and individual centric approach. They are influencing human behavior and consequently bringing detrimental results of by degradation of moral values such as fostering adolescents and youngsters towards sexuality, use of unethical behavior and foul language among students. REFERENCES Ameli, Saied Reza 2010 Belonging to Two Worlds and Relations between Civilizations: Analyzes of Cultural Relations in the World. Sci Res J. Cult Res 3(1): 1-37. Athiyal, S. 2011 The Young Generation and Their Problems. Harper Collins Publishers, New York. Adesina, Olubukola S. 2012 The Negative Impact of Globalization on Nigeria. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2 (15): 193-201. Burns, Ronald, Jeff Ferrell, and Erin Orrick 2005 False Advertising, Suggestive Persuasion, and Automobile Safety. Southwest Journal of Criminal Justice 2 (2):132-152. Chan, Kara and Xiao Cia 2009 Influence of Television Advertising on Adolescents in China: Urban-Rural Comparison. Young Consumers 10(2):133-145.
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