The Explorer Islamabad: Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2411-0132(E), 2411-5487(P) Vol-1, Issue (8): 290-295
CONSEQUENCES OF OBESITY ON SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP OF WOMEN IN DISTRICT DG KHAN Shazia Mehmood1, Farhan Riaz Bhutta1, Rashid Mehmood1, Zaighum Abbas2, Muhammad Shahzad1 1 Department of Sociology, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, 2Department of Sociology, Bahuddin Zakria University Multan Corresponding Author: Shazia Mehmood PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi Abstract: The present study was conducted in the district of D.G Khan. The main goal was to attain all the information of consequences of obese women and to uncover the effects of obesity on social relationships of women. A Sample of two hundreds obese women was picked up through purpose sampling technique. It was concluded that 59.5 percent of the respondents said that obesity affects on their social relationships to great extent, 31.0 percent of the respondents said that obesity affects on their social relationships to some extent and 9.5 percent of the respondents said that obesity does not affects on their social relationships at all. Moreover results reflect that 57.5 percent of the respondents have 1-4 friends and 3.0 percent of the respondents have Above 20 friends.
Key Words: Women Problem, Obesity, Social Relationship, Consequences INTRODUCTION Obesity is one of the main preventable reasons for death around the world. Huge scale studies have found that mortality danger is most minimal when the obesity is at begin stage. In the United States obesity is evaluated to bring about an abundance 111,909 to 365,000 deaths for every year, while 1 million (7.7%) of deaths in the European are ascribed to overabundance weight. By and large, weight lessens future by six to seven years. While extreme obesity diminishes future by 10 years (Prospective Studies Collaboration 2009). Open observations in Pakistan in regards to solid body weight vary from those with respect to the weight that is viewed as perfect and both have changed subsequent to the start of the twentieth century. The weight that is seen as a perfect has ended up lower subsequent to the 1920s. Then again, individuals' perspectives concerning solid weight have altered in the inverse course. In Pakistan the weight at which individuals viewed themselves as to be overweight was essentially higher in 2007 than in 1999. These progressions are accepted to be because of expanding rates of adiposity prompting expanded acknowledgment of additional muscle to fat quotients as being ordinary (Johnson 2008). Obesity in Pakistan is a wellbeing issue that has pulled in concern in the previous couple of years. Urbanization and an unfortunate, vitality thick eating regimen (the high vicinity of oil and fats in Pakistani cooking), and also evolving ways of life,
are among the underlying drivers adding to corpulence in the nation. As indicated by a rundown of the world's "fattest nations" distributed on Forbes, Pakistan is positioned 165 (out of 194 nations) as far as its overweight populace, with 22.2% of people beyond 15 years old intersection the edge of obesity. This proportion generally compares with different studies, which express one-in-four Pakistani grown-ups as being overweight (Gulf News 2006). Research demonstrates that individuals living in huge urban areas in Pakistan are more presented to the dangers of obesity when contrasted with those in the places of rural areas. Ladies additionally normally have higher rates of obesity when contrasted with men. Pakistan likewise has the most astounding rate of individuals with diabetes (Nanan 2009). Notwithstanding its wellbeing effects, obesity prompts numerous issues incorporating weaknesses in occupation and expanded business costs. These impacts are felt by all levels of society from people, to partnerships, to governments (Johansson 2009). The US state of Alabama Employees' Insurance Board affirmed a disputable arrangement to charge fat laborers $25 every month on the off chance that they don't take measures to decrease their obesity and enhance their health. These measures began in January 2010 and apply to those with high Body Mass Index who neglect to make enhancements in their health following one year (Fernandez 2009).
Observed the effects of obesity on social relations. They indicated expanded danger of death among persons with a low amount, and now and then low quality of social connections. They recommend that social disengagement created by obesity is a noteworthy danger component for mortality from generally differing reasons. The elements through which social connections are influencing by obesity are staying to be investigated (House, et al. 1988). Obese women are both held accountable for their obesity and rejected on account of their obesity. Secondly, he presented evidence that obese women face criticism by their social relationships because of their obesity. He suggested that women should control their obesity this will improve the life satisfaction, social relations and mental health of millions of obese women (Rothblum 1992). Obese ladies may have generally poor social connections regardless of the fact that self-reports about their connections don't vary from the reports of non-obese ladies. Seventy seven corpulent and seventy eight non obese ladies finished self-reports measures of social tension. Social self-regard, social capability, interpersonal organization estimate, and safeguarded social backing from loved ones. Companions additionally evaluated these ladies on the same measures. Self-report of large and nonobese ladies did not contrast essentially on any of these social measures and evaluations from companions of obese ladies were not unique in relation to appraisals of non-obese ladies by companions. These outcomes recommended that fat ladies may have the capacity to overcome partiality against obesity individuals in their associations with others (Miller and Rothblum 1995). Obese women with high self-esteem, who believes that they can control their obesity, relatively have good social relations than those obese women who consider that weight is due to luck, they have low self-esteem that have negative effects on their social relations. They suggested that it would seem important to change obese women’s attitudes about the lack of control that they have over their obesity. Those people who are perceived to be in a social relationship with obese women that face poor social relations. Two experiments examined whether this phenomenon also occurs for people seen in the presence of an obese woman and whether a social relationship is necessary for stigmatization to spread. The results from both experiments showed that a male job applicant was rated more negatively when seen with an obese
woman compared to a normal weight woman. They concluded that the people, who are in relation with obese women, their social relations are also affected by the obesity of women that is the reason that obese women have poor social relations (Hebl and Mannix 2003). Lower social life is associated with a higher prevalence of obesity. Social life is defined as relating to or engages in social activities. In women, the prevalence of obesity increased with social lower levels of engaging in social activities. They suggested that Compared with the higher categories of social life Lower social status was positively associated with obesity in women, and the association was in the opposite direction in men. Obesity women are getting affected on both the levels including quantitative and qualitative. Social scientist had played an important and influential role to develop the linkage between the social relationship between the obese women and their obesity. Sociologist elaborated for this linkages through that they have come to know the social variation (e.g, gender and race) in the population. They have also explained that the obesity have long and short term effect on social relationships of obese women. The worse condition is that when children got obesity in their childhood and that go throughout their life. This is the only reason that gives them disadvantages of social life (Umberson and Montez 2010) There is a relationship between obese women and their children and showed a significant relationship between (1) female obesity and its effect on the creative ability of their children, and (2) children's physical activity levels. They said that female obesity affects the creative ability and physical activities of their children because due to their obesity they were not able to take part in every type of activities of their children. So obesity in women affects their relations with their children (Klesges, et al. 1990). MATERIALS AND METHODS The current study was carried out in the urban area of Dera Ghazi Khan to know about the consequence of obesity on social relationship of women in district dg khan. A sample of two hundred obese women was picked by applying the purposive sampling technique. An interview schedule was developed in the light of the objectives of the study and the questions in the interview schedule were semi structured. After that, collected data was analyzed through SPSS and their drawn outcome can be seen in the beneath chapter
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The goal of the study to communicate with the respondents and to dig up their responses regarding the significant focus to know about the relationship of obese women in the spot light of the objectives of the study. Major analyses are presented below: Table. 1: Distribution of respondents regarding affects of Obesity on Social Relationship
Response Frequency Percentage To great Extent 119 59.5% To some Extent 62 31.0% Not at all 19 9.5% Total 200 100 Table illustrates that 59.5 percent of the respondents said that obesity affects on their social relationships to great extent, 31.0 percent of the respondents said that obesity affects on their social relationships to some extent and 9.5 percent of the respondents said that obesity does not affects on their social relationships at all. Concluding the above we can say that obesity affects on social relationships of obese women. Table. 2: Distribution of respondents regarding their Children feels Hesitation to introduce them with their Friends
Marital Status Frequency Percentage To great extent 94 47.0% To some extent 75 37.5% Not at all 31 15.5% Total 200 100 Table explains that 47.0 percent of the respondents said that their children feel hesitation to introduce them with their friends to great extent, 37.5 percent of the respondents said that their children feel hesitation to introduce them with their friends to some extent and 15.5 percent of the respondents said that their children do not feel hesitation to introduce them with their friends at all. Concluding the above we can say that children
of obese women feel hesitation to introduce their mothers with their friends due to their obesity. Table. 3: Distribution of Respondents regarding how many Friends they have
Age 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20 and above Total
155 5 25 9 6 200
77.5% 2.5% 12.5% 4.5% 3.0% 100
Table reflects that 77.5 percent of the respondents have 1-4 friends, 24.5 percent of the respondents have 5-9 friends, 12.5 percent of the respondents have 10-14 friends, 4.5 percent of the respondents have 15-19 friends and 3.0 percent of the respondents have Above 20 friends. Concluding the above we can say that obese women have fewer friends due to their obesity. Table. 4: Distribution of Respondents regarding Behavior of other People towards Them
Responses Frequency Percentage Friendly 15 7.5% Sympathetic 56 28.0% Unfriendly 34 17.0% Criticizing 95 47.0% Humiliating 0 0 Total 200 100 Table exposes 47.5 percent of the respondents were criticized by other people, 28.0 percent of the respondents gain Sympathy by other people, 17.0 percent of the respondents have unfriendly behavior by other people and 7.5 percent of the respondents have friendly behavior by other people while there is no response of the respondents about humiliating behavior. Concluding the above we can say that majority of obese women are criticized by other people.
Table. 5: Distribution of respondents regarding
Their friends like to go for outing with them
People laugh at them due to their obesity
Other people have good response when behaving with them Frequency Percentage 18 9.0% 14 7.0% 17 8.5% 56 28.0 95 47.5
Responses Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Strongly agree 3 1.5% 127 63.5% Agree 19 9.5% 43 21.5% Neutral 21 10.5% 13 6.5% Disagree 60 30.0 17 8.5 Strongly 97 48.5 0 0 disagree Total 200 100 200 100 200 100 Table indicates that 48.5 percent of the that their friends like to go for outing with them, respondents said that they were strongly disagreed 30.0 percent of the respondents said that they
were disagreed that their friends like to go for outing with them, 10.5 percent of the respondents said that they were neutral that their friends like to go for outing with them, 9.5 percent of the respondents said that they were agreed that their friends like to go for outing with them and 2.5 percent of the respondents said that they were strongly agreed that their friends like to go for outing with them. Concluding the above we can say that women who are obese they have fewer friends and they do not like to go with them for outing. The table shows that 63.5 percent of the respondents said that they were strongly agreed that people laugh at them due to their obesity, 21.5 percent of the respondents said that they were agreed that people laugh at them due to their obesity, 6.5 percent of the respondents said that they were neutral that people laugh at them due to their obesity, 8.5 percent of the respondents said that they were disagreed that people laugh at them due to their obesity and there is no response of the respondents about strongly disagreed. Concluding the above we can say that people make a fun of obese women and criticize them. The table shows that 47.5 percent of the respondents said that they were strongly disagreed that other people have good response when behaving with them, 28.0 percent of the respondents said that they were disagreed that other people have good response when behaving with them, 9.0 percent of the respondents said that they were strongly agreed that other people have good response when behaving with them, 8.5
percent of the respondents said that they were neutral that other people have good response when behaving with them and 7.0 percent of the respondents said that they were agreed that other people have good response when behaving with them. Concluding the above we can say that obese women have fewer social relations and they are ignored by the people. Table.6: Distribution of respondents regarding they Hesitate to speak Confidently with others due to their Obesity
Responses Frequency Percentage Strongly agree 112 56.0% Agree 54 27.0% Neutral 16 8.0% Disagree 14 7.0% Strongly disagree 4 2.0% Total 120 100 The table demonstrate that 56.0 percent of the respondents said that they were strongly agreed that they hesitate to speak confidently with others, 27.0 percent of the respondents said that they were agreed that they hesitate to speak confidently with others, 8.0 percent of the respondents said that they were neutral that they hesitate to speak confidently with others, 7.0 percent of the respondents said that they were disagreed that they hesitate to speak confidently with others and 2.0 percent of the respondents said that they were strongly disagreed that they hesitate to speak confidently with others. Concluding the above we can say that obese women hesitate to speak confidently with others due to their obesity.
Table. 7: Distribution of respondents regarding
Complaints of people for Not visiting them frequently
Face difficulty in interacting with others
their ability to go anywhere to meet others
Responses Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage To great extent 124 62.0% 107 53.5% 19 9.5% To some extent 69 34.5% 71 35.5% 64 37.5% Not at all 7 3.5% 22 11.0% 117 58.5% Total 200 100 200 100 200 100 The table shows that 62.0 percent of the interacting with others to great extent, 35.5 respondents said that people complain for not percent of the respondents said that they were visiting them frequently to great extent, 34.5 facing difficulty in interacting with others to some percent of the respondents said that people extent and 11.0 percent of the respondents said complain for not visiting them frequently to some that they were not facing difficulty in interacting extent and 3.5 percent of the respondents said that with others at all. Concluding the above we can say people cannot complain for not visiting them that majority of obese women face difficulty in frequently at all. Concluding the above we can say interacting with others. that obesity prevents the women to go anywhere Table designate that 58.5 percent of the so they face complaints by the people for not respondents said that they were not able to easily visiting them. go anywhere to meet others at all, 37.5 percent of The table shows that 53.5 percent of the the respondents said that they were able to easily respondents said that they were facing difficulty in go anywhere to meet others to some extent and
9.5 percent of the respondents said that they were able to easily go anywhere to meet others to great extent. Concluding the above we can say that
obesity makes the women dull and due to this obesity they were not able to go easily anywhere to meet others.
Table. 8: Association of affects of Obesity on Social Relationship and they Hesitate to Speak Confidently with others due to Obesity
They hesitate to speak confidently with others due to their obesity
Affects of obesity on social relationship
To great extent
To some extent
% within affects of obesity on social relationship % within affects of obesity on social relationship
Not at all % within affects of obesity on social relationship Total
% within affects of obesity on social relationship Chi-Square value = 216.642a ** = Highly Significant
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
df = 8
Above table give details the result from the cross tabulation of the two variables, those are “Affects of obesity on social relationship” and “They hesitate to speak confidently with others due to their obesity”, resulted that the relationship between the two variables is highly significant and the alternative hypothesis is accepted because the p-value is .000. Table represents that there is association between the selected tow variables (Affects of obesity on social relationship / They hesitate to speak confidently with others due to their obesity). CONCLUSION From beginning to end in present research, it was found that 59.5 percent of the respondents said that obesity affects on their social relationships to great extent, 31.0 percent of the respondents said that obesity affects on their social relationships to some extent. A big number of respondent said that their children feel hesitation to introduce them in front of others and percentage was 94. Out of 200 respondents, 155 claimed that they have only few friends. 47% of the respondent was in the stat of
Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) = .000**
feeling shame that they always criticize by the other people and that is embarrassing all the time for them. 48.5% said that their friends always disagree with them to go outside and 127 respondents said that people use to laugh at them just because of their obesity. A big amount of respondents denied that people behaving with them in good mode or pleasant mode. 112 respondents strongly agreed on that they always feel hesitate to speak with others and there were only 4 respondent who deny this argument, though they were obese too. 62% complaint that people do not visit them frequently because of their obese and interacting with other is also a big problem for them. 58.5% gave their response that they do not go anywhere for outing or shopping REFERENCES Carol T. Miller, Carol T. and Esther Rothblum 1995 Social Interactions of Obese and Nonobese Women. U.S. Public Health Service. University of Vermont.
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