Ejss 65 effects of obesity on household life of women in dgkhan

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The Explorer Islamabad: Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2411-0132(E), 2411-5487(P) Vol-1, Issue (8):296-300 www.theexplorerpak.org

EFFECTS OF OBESITY ON HOUSEHOLD LIFE OF WOMEN IN CITY OF DERA GHAZI KHAN Shazia Mehmood1, Farhan Riaz Bhutta1, Rashid Mehmood1, Zaighum Abbas2 Muhammad Shahzad1 1 Department of Sociology, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, 2Department of Sociology, Bahuddin Zakria University Multan Corresponding Author: Shazia Mehmood PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi Shaziamehmood5@hotmail.com Abstract: The overweight and weight are the fifth driving danger for worldwide deaths. Unfriendly health results are connected with overweight and obesity. 33% of grown-ups in Pakistan are overweight or large, and the sexual orientation hole in abundance weight is enlarging, with a bigger number of ladies putting on weight than men. An evaluation proposes that 26 percent of ladies and 19 percent of men in Pakistan are fat or obese. The reason of this research was to explore behavior and approach of obese women towards their household work. The sample of 200 obese women was selected by purposive sampling from women living in Dera Ghazi Khan City. These respondents were interviewed by semi- structured interview schedule. The researcher found that majority of obese women was not interested in household work. They were not able to serve their family members. Obesity makes them dull that they were only willing to do household work if there is no one else to do the particular work and therefore they had high rate of obesity.

Key Words: Obesity, Women, Social Life, Household Work, Challenges INTRODUCTION Stoutness is a main preventable reason for death around the world, with expanding commonness in grown-ups and kids, and powers view it as a standout amongst the most genuine general wellbeing issues of the 21st century (Barness 2007). The Greeks were the first to perceive obese as a medical issue. The Indian specialist Sushruta related obesity to diabetes and heart issue. He prescribed physical work to help cure it and its side effects. For the vast majority of mankind's history humankind battled with food scarcity. Obesity has therefore verifiably been seen as an indication of riches and flourishing. It was basic among high authorities in Europe in the medieval times and in addition in Ancient East Asian civic establishments. With the onset of the modern upheaval it was understood that the military and monetary may of countries were reliant on both the body size and quality of their troopers and specialists. Expanding the normal body mass record from what is currently viewed as underweight to what is presently the ordinary extent assumed a noteworthy part in the advancement of industrialized social orders. Obesity and weight in this manner both expanded through the nineteenth century in the created world. Amid the twentieth century, as populaces came to their hereditary potential for tallness, weight started expanding a

great deal more than stature bringing about obesity. In the 1950s expanding riches in the created world diminished youngster mortality, yet as body weight expanded heart and kidney illness turned out to be more basic (Breslow 1952). In Pakistan, overabundance weight is regularly viewed as ugly, and obesity is generally connected with different negative generalizations. Individuals of all ages can confront social vilification, and may be focused by spooks or evaded by their companions. Obesity is at the end of the day an explanation behind segregation (Puhl 2001). Open discernments in Pakistan with respect to solid body weight vary from those in regards to the weight that is viewed as perfect and both have changed following the start of the twentieth century. The weight that is seen as a perfect has ended up lower subsequent to the 1920s. Then again, individuals' perspectives concerning sound weight have altered in the inverse course. In Pakistan the weight at which individuals viewed themselves as to be overweight was altogether higher in 2007 than in 1999. These progressions are accepted to be because of expanding rates of adiposity prompting expanded acknowledgment of additional muscle to fat ratio ratios as being typical (Johnso 2008). Obesity is a medical condition in which overabundance muscle to fat ratio ratios has


aggregated to the degree that it may have an unfavorable impact on health, prompting decreased future and/or expanded wellbeing issues (Haslam 2005). Obesity improves the probability of different ailments, especially coronary illness, diabetes and growth. Obesity is most usually brought on by a blend of over the top sustenance vitality admission, absence of physical movement, and hereditary weakness, in spite of the fact that a couple cases are created basically by qualities, meds or psychiatric disease. Proof to bolster the perspective that some obese individuals eat little yet put on weight because of a moderate digestion system is constrained; all things considered obese individuals have a more noteworthy vitality consumption than their slim partners because of the vitality needed to keep up an expanded body mass (Adams 2000). Counting calories and physical activity are the pillars of treatment for weight. Also, it is critical to enhance diet quality by lessening the utilization of vitality thick sustenance’s, for example, those high in fat and sugars, and by expanding the admission of dietary fiber. To supplement this, or if there should arise an occurrence of disappointment, anti obese medications may be taken to decrease craving or restrain fat retention (Imaz 2008). Obesity in Pakistan is a health issue that has pulled in concern in the previous couple of years. Urbanization and a horrible, vitality thick eating routine (the high vicinity of oil and fats in Pakistani cooking), and additionally evolving ways of life, are among the main drivers adding to obese in the nation. As indicated by a rundown of the world's "fattest nations" distributed on Forbes, Pakistan is positioned 165 (out of 194 nations) as far as its overweight populace, with 22.2% of people beyond 15 years old intersection the edge of obesity (Streib 2007). This proportion generally compares with different studies, which express one-in-four Pakistani grown-ups as being overweight. Ongoing increases in women obesity have turned into a genuine social issue. They concentrated on the family procedures of ladies and figure out that family procedures put ladies at danger and to outline the family unit environment, family convictions, and lady qualities of obese and nonobesity ladies. They proposed that endeavors to control ladies weight ought to address enhancing family learning of ladies nourishment and diminishing ladies TV seeing . Body mass record, an estimation which thinks about weight and height, characterizes individuals as overweight (pre-large) if their Body Mass. Obesity and weight table is connected in annexure.

We can utilize this table to focus our determining so as to rat where the lines from our present tallness and weight converge. MATERIALS AND METHODS The proposed research was carried out in the city of Dera Ghazi Khan to know about the effect of obesity on women while doing household and daily routine life work. The sample of two hundred obese women was selected by using the purposive sampling technique. An interview schedule was developed in the light of the objectives of the study and the questions in the in the interview schedule were semi structured. Then gathered data was analyzed through SPSS and their drawn results can be seen in the below chapter. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The goal of the research was to communicate with the respondents and to dig up their responses regarding the significant focus to know about the issues of obese women while doing the household work at their home in the spot light of the objectives Table. 1: Kind of Difficulties Faced

Responses Frequency Percentage Lack of energy 3 1.5% Changes in physical 16 8.0% appearance Hypertension 27 13.5% Joints pain 29 14.5% Shortness of breathe 12 6.0% All of above 96 48.0% Any other 17 8.5% Total 200 100 The table shows that 48.0 percent of the respondents face All difficulties including lack of energy, changes in physical appearance, hypertension, Joints pain (Arthralgia) and shortness of breath in doing household work, 14.5 percent of the respondents face Joints pain (Arthralgia) in doing household work, 13.5 percent of the respondents face Hypertension in doing household work, 8.5 percent of the respondents face other difficulties in doing household work like pain in back and problem in sitting and standing, 8.0 percent of the respondents face changes in physical appearance in doing household work, 6.0 percent of the respondents face Shortness of breath in doing household work and 1.5 percent of the respondents face Lack of energy in doing household work. Concluding the above we can say that women who are obese have to face various kinds of difficulties in doing household work.


Table. 2: Boredom Felt in Doing Household Work

Responses Frequency Percentage Strongly agree 99 49.5% Agree 65 32.5% Neutral 25 12.5% Disagree 4 2.0% Strongly disagree 7 3.5% Total 120 100 The table demonstrate that 49.5 percent of the respondents said that they were strongly agreed that they face boredom in doing household work, 32.5 percent of the respondents said that they were agreed that they face boredom in doing household work, 12.5 percent of the respondents said that they were neutral that they face boredom in doing household work, 2.0 percent of the respondents said that they were Disagreed that they face boredom in doing household work and 3.5 percent of the respondents said that they were Strongly Disagreed that they face boredom in doing household work. Concluding the above we can say that majority of obese women feel boredom in doing household work. Which means a large amount of population of respondents gave their opinion in the form of strongly agree with above mention statement? Against it only few people were there. Table. 3: Demographic Distribution of Respondents

Education Illiterate Primary Metric Graduation Total Marital Status Unmarried Married Divorced Widow Separated Total

Frequency 70 85 35 10 200

Percentage 35.0% 42.5% 17.5% 5.0% 100

20 145 15 20 0 200

10% 72.5% 7.5% 10% 0% 100

Age 25-34 15 7.5% 35-44 9 4.5% 45-55 103 51.5% Above 55 73 36.5% Total 200 100 Family Type Joint 145 72.5% Nuclear 55 27.5% Total 200 100 Table illustrates that 35 percent of the respondent have no education at all. And 42.5% of the respondents have education level of primary, 17.5% of the respondents have education level of Metric and 5.0% of the respondents have education level of graduation and above. Concluding the above we can say that as most of the respondents were above age of 45 years and all of them were female so they have less education. Table explains that 72.5% of the respondents were married, 10.0 percent of the respondents were unmarried, 10.0 percent of the respondents were widow, 7.5 percent of the respondents were divorced and 0.0 percent of the respondents were separated. Concluding the above we can say that most of respondents were married. Table reflects that 51.5 percent of the respondents were between the age of 44-55 years, 36.5 percent of the respondents were Above 55 years, 7.5 percent of the respondents were between the age of 25-34 years and 4.5 percent of the respondents were between the age of 35-44 years. Concluding the above we can say that majority of the obese women were above the age of 45 years. Table exposes 72.5 percent of the respondents were living in Joint family while remaining 27.5 percent of the respondents were living in Nuclear family. Concluding the above we can say that combined family structure is still prevailing inside targeted area where this research was accomplished.

Table. 4: Distribution of respondents regarding

Their ability to serve family member

Difficulty faced in doing household work

Responses Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage To greater extent 76 38% 123 61.5% To some extent 44 22% 64 32.0% Not at all 80 40% 13 6.5% Total 200 100 200 100 Table indicates that 40.0 percent of the respondents said that they were not able to serve their family members at all, 22 percent of the respondents said that they were able to serve their family members to some extent and 38.0 percent of the respondents said that they were able to serve their family members to great extent. Concluding the above we can say that obesity affects the women’s ability to serve their family members.


Table 5: Boredom felt in doing household work” and “Marital Status”

Table designate that 61.5 percent of the respondents said that they were facing difficulty in doing household work to great extent, 32.0 percent of the respondents said that they were facing difficulty in doing household work to some extent and 6.5 percent of the respondents said that they were not facing difficulty in doing household work at all. Concluding the above we can say that obesity creates difficulty for women in doing house work. The association between “Boredom felt in doing household work” and “ Marital Status Unmarried Married Divorced Widow Separated Strongly agree

boredom felt in doing household work

% within boredom felt in doing household work Agree % within boredom felt in doing household work Neutral % within boredom felt in doing household work Disagree % within boredom felt in doing household work Strongly disagree % within boredom felt in doing household work Total


20 20.2%

44 44.4%

15 15.2%

20 20.2%

0 .0%

99 100.0%

0 .0%

65 100.0%

0 .0%

0 .0%

0 .0%

65 100.0%

0 .0%

25 100.0%

0 .0%

0 .0%

0 .0%

25 100.0%

0 .0%

4 100.0%

0 .0%

0 .0%

0 .0%

4 100.0%

0 .0%

7 100.0%

0 .0%

0 .0%

0 .0%

7 100.0%

20 10.0%

145 72.5%

15 7.5%

20 10.0%

0 .0%

200 100.0%

% within boredom felt in doing household work Pearson Chi-Square value = 77.395a df = 12 Asym. Sig. (2-Sided) = .000** ** = Highly Significant Concluded that the relationship between these variables is highly significant and the alternative hypothesis is accepted because the P-value is 0.000. This table illustrates that there is an association between the two variables (Boredom felt in doing household work / Marital Status). Table. 6: The Association between “Education” and difficulty faced in doing Household Work Education Difficulty Faced in Doing Household Work Illiterate Primary Matric Graduation Total

To Great Extent 70 53 0 0

To Some Extent 0 19 35 10

Not at All 0 13 0 0

Total 70 85 35 10





Chi-Square value = 152.041a df = 6 P-value = .000** ** = Highly Significant Table 6 explains the product from the cross tabulation of the two variables, those are “education” and “difficulty faced in doing household work”, resulted that the relationship between the two variables is highly significant and the alternative hypothesis is accepted because the p-value is .000. Table represents that 299

there is association between the selected tow variables (Education and difficulty faced in doing household work). This test was applied by using SPSS. Table. 7: The Association between “Kind of difficulties faced in doing Household Work and Family Type

Kind of difficulties faced in doing household work

Family Type Joint



lack of energy




Changes in physical appearance








Joint pain




shortness of breathe




All of above




Any other




Total 145 55 200 Chi-Square value = 168.868a df = 6 P-value = .000** ** = Highly Significant On top of table explains product from the cross tabulation of the two variables, those are “family type” and “difficulty faced in doing household work”, resulted that the liaison among the two variables is highly significant and the alternative hypothesis is accepted because the p-value is .000. Chart represents that there is union between the selected tow variables (Education and difficulty faced in doing household work) is highly significant. CONCLUSION Through present research, it was found that Breslow, Lester Majority of respondents i.e. 61.5 percent were 1952 Public Health Aspects of Weight facing difficulty in doing household. Greater part of Control. American Journal of Public Health population. 59.5% were not able to serve their and the Nations Health 42 (9): 1116-1120. family members at all. Result shows that 48.0 percent of the respondents face all difficulties Haslam, D.W. including lack of energy, changes in physical 2005 Obesity: National Obesity Forum, appearance, hypertension, Joints pain (Arthralgia) Watton Place clinic, Watton-at-Stone, and shortness of breath in doing household work.5) Hertfordshire, SG14 3SY, UK. The result shows that 49.5 percent of the respondents face boredom in doing household Imaz, Inaki, Carmen Martínez-Cervell, Elvira Elena work. Respondents felt that household work is big Garcia-Alvarez, Juan Manuel Sendra-Gutierrez, and burden for them. and even the children or siblings Jesus Gonzalez-Enríquez are feeling shame to introduce them with others 2008 Safety and Effectiveness of the while attending the parties or social gathering. Intragastric Balloon for Obesity. A MetaREFERENCES Analysis. Obesity Surgery 18(7):841-846. Adams, J. P., and P. G. Murphy 2000 Obesity in Anaesthesia and Puhl, Rebecca, and Kelly D. Brownell intensive care. British Journal of 2000 Bias, Discrimination, and Obesity. Anesthesia 85 (1): 91-108. Obesity research 9(12): 788-805. Barness, Lewis A., John M. Opitz, and Enid Gilbert‐Barness 2007 Obesity: Genetic, Molecular, and Environmental aspects. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 143(24): 30163034.

© 2015“The Explorer Islamabad” Journal of Social Sciences-Pakistan


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