Ejss 87 a sociological analysis of female awareness and violation of rights in southern punjab a cas

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The Explorer Islamabad: Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2411-0132(E), 2411-5487(P) Vol-1, Issue (11): 421-423 www.theexplorerpak.org

A SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF FEMALE AWARENESS AND VIOLATION OF RIGHTS IN SOUTHERN PUNJAB A CASE STUDY IN DISTRICT MUZAFFARGARH Muhammad Nadir Shahzad1, Muhammad Shahzad2, Touqeer Ahmed3, Shahid Hussain4, Shafqat Ali4 1 Quaid.i.Azam University Islamabad, 2University of Sargodha, 3Area Manager Innovative development Strategies Pvt. Ltd, 4PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi Corresponding Author: Muhammad Nadir Shahzad Department of Sociology QAU Islamabad nadirshahzadqau@gmail.com Abstract: Present study was planned in the field of women in the district Muzaffargarh. It is seen that women lived deprived and innocent in this social world. She faced social, cultural, and religious barriers to attain their rights. An educated women faced less problems rather than uneducated women because she has no aware about their rights. The main objective of this study is that to see the relationship between female awareness and level of exploitation. Sample size was 120 respondents in the town shah Jamal. Snowball sampling techniques was used for the research purposive. Interview schedule was used for the data collection. Data was analyzed through SPSS software to test the hypothesis to see the relationship between different variables. Key Words: Awareness, Violation Physical, Sexual abuse INTRODUCTION Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread violations of human rights. It can include physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse, and it cuts across boundaries of age, race, culture, wealth and geography. It takes place in the home, on the streets, in schools, the workplace, in farm fields, refugee camps, during conflicts and crises. Violence affects the lives of millions of women worldwide, in all socioeconomic and educational classes. It cuts across cultural and religious barriers, impeding the right of women to participate fully in society. The definition of violence against women varies, but the most widely accepted definition is that established by Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1994, which defines violence against women as any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.” This definition encompasses physical, sexual and psychological violence “occurring in the family,

within the general community, and violence Perpetrated or condoned by the state.” It also establishes the practices of forced sterilization and forced abortion, coercive forced use of contraceptives, female infanticide and prenatal sex selection as acts of violence against women. The promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women is among the eight Millennium Development Goals to which the international community has committed itself. While significant improvements towards reaching this goal have already been achieved an impressive increase in girl’s school enrolment worldwide over the last five to ten years the situation of women remains unsatisfactory. Generally speaking, in the developing world, women are still largely denied access to the formal labor market and do not have equal opportunities to qualify for higher employment. They are consequently less likely to occupy administrative or managerial positions and lag significantly behind in terms of career development and earnings increases (Wamai 2009). Women’s and men's rights were almost exactly equal. A woman was entitled to her own private property, including land, livestock, slaves,


and servants. A woman had the right to inherit whatever anyone bequeathed to her as a death gift, and in the absence of sons would inherit everything. A woman could likewise bequeath her belongings to others as a death gift. Upon dying intestate, a woman would be inherited by her children if she had them, her husband if she was married, or her father if she were single. A woman could sue in court and did not need a male to represent her. The present study was conduct in the district Muzaffargarh to analysis the female awareness and violation of rights among educated female. Now a days N.G.O, media are playing vital role to aware the women about their rights. The main purposive of this research is to know check the access of rights among educated women, either they are attaining their rights or not in this technological world. LITERATURE Women have raised a wide range of issues which restrict and prohibit the enjoyment of their rights. Inadequate laws, structurally, culturally, religiously, legally and politically Institutionalized patriarchal mindsets are responsible for women being treated as second class citizens, in the country, in the family and in society as a whole. Political instability, and unaccountable leadership have created unstable state so, peace is paramount (Pandey 2010). Without lasting peace it is not possible to have a substantial development or to create the socio-economic foundation required to maintain security and build a democratic framework in the country. In order to address these issues women have made recommendations which focus on development, health, education, economic opportunities, and local government. On the basis of their recommendations, it is clear that women want a secure, peaceful and dignified life. That although men have traditionally held property in the name of the family, it is important to remember that wives, daughters and under-age sons have always been allowed to benefit from this property to guarantee their survival and wellbeing (Welch, et al. 2007). As women were not allowed to own or inherit property themselves, this implied an obligation on the part of male members of the family. Sons who inherited from their parents were supposed to take care of their sisters and allow them to use some of the land to secure

their livelihood until they got married. Widows who were still of child-bearing age would remain in the family through the practice of widow inheritance. Elderly widows who were not expected to marry again were allowed life-time usage of the land that passed on to male heirs so that they could stay in their marital homes. The main difference is that the Civil Code grants equal rights to female and male heirs in each category. According to the Civil Code, descendants are first to inherit and the estate is divided in equal parts between the children of the deceased, with the exception of illegitimate children who receive half the quota assigned to legitimate children. Michael (2004) conducted the research on the Women’s Property and Inheritance Rights. He stated that one of the challenges faced by women in contemporary Namibian society is women's unequal access vis-a-vis men to property, which limits women's ability to strive for gender equality within both their personal and social spheres of life. There has been little systematic, in-depth research and publication relating to women's property and inheritance rights in Namibia, although it is known that there are customary beliefs and practices that discriminate against women. It is against this background that the University of Namibia's Gender Training and Research Program and in collaboration with the Legal Assistance Centre, has undertaken research into the topic, in various regions of the country and involving the major ethnic groups, with the specific purpose of producing a report to be used by Government, Nongovernmental Organizations, Donors and Community based Organizations in formulating their policies and information campaigns aimed at improving women's access to property. MATERIALS AND METHODS The universe of present research was district Muzaffargarh. In District Muzaffargarh town shah Jamal was selected for universe of the study. The sample of current research is taken by the researcher is 120 of educated women. Target population was according to the nature of study an educated female of town shah Jamal. Snowball sampling technique was used for research purposive. Interview schedule was used for data collection. It was planned that questionnaire should be filled in by the researcher during face-to-face contents. Data


was analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences and chi-square was used to validate the hypothesis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Testing of Hypothesis H0: there is no relationship between awareness and the level of exploitation among women HA: there is relationship between awareness and the level of exploitation among women Table.1: The Cross-Tabulation between Awareness and the Level of Exploitation among Women Decrease the level of exploitation High Low Total

Increase the level of awareness High Low 80 10 11 19 91 29


90 30 120

The above table.1 consist cross-tabulation between awareness and exploitation among women. The calculated p value is less than 0.5 which shows there is relationship between the ethnic, and religious group, although conditions such as poverty, drug or alcohol abuse, and mental illness increase its likelihood. Studies indicate that the incidence of domestic violence among homosexual couples is approximately equivalent to that found among heterosexual couples. Any abusive, violent, coercive, forceful, or threatening act or word inflicted by one member of a family or household on another can constitute domestic violence. Women’s human rights are violated in a variety of ways. Of course, women sometimes suffer abuses such as political repression that are similar to abuses suffered by men. In these situations, female victims are often visible, because the dominant image of the political actor in our world is ale. However, many violations of women’s human rights are distinctly connected to being female that is, women are discriminated against and used on the basis of gender. Women’s right to land is a critical factor in social status, economic well-being and empowerment. Land is a basic source of livelihood providing employment, the key agricultural input, and a major determinant of a farmer’s access to other productive resources and services. Land is also a social asset, crucial for cultural identity, political power and participation in local decision making process.

CONCLUSION Domestic violence most often refers to violence between married or cohabiting couples, although it sometimes refers to violence against other members of a household, such as children or elderly relatives. It occurs in every racial, socioeconomic, two variables which is significant. On the basis of this we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternate hypothesis. REFERENCES Michael, Conteh 2004 http://www.Women's Property and Inheritance Rights in Namibia_Free Online Library.html. Pandey, Shanta 2010 Rising Property Ownership among Women in Kathmandu, Nepal: An Exploration of Causes and Consequences. International Journal of Social Welfare 19 (3): 281-292. Welch, Charlotte Johnson, Nata Duvvury, and Elizabeth Nicoletti 2007 Women's property rights as an AIDS response: Lessons from Community Interventions in Africa. International Center for Research on Women. Wamai, Njoki E. 2009 Women and Poverty (land rights and ownership).A Policy Brief on the Kenyan situation prepared for the African Women Rights Observatory, Addis Ababa: AWRO, available at: http://goo. gl/bkzWei. Publication Date: Dec-1-2015 © 2015“The Explorer Islamabad” Journal of Social Sciences-Pakistan


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