The Explorer Islamabad: Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2411-0132(E), 2411-5487(P) Vol-1, Issue (11): 424-427
Department of Anthropology, PMAS- Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, 2QEC, PMAS- Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi
Correspondent Author: Sana Tahir PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi Abstract: Technology is application of knowledge which ultimately changes the society. This paper reviews technology’s impact on social transformation in villages of Jhelum. It assumed that technological use have transformed the traditional agrarian communities. This study is an attempt to have qualitative analyses of the said hypothesis. An explanatory research is conducted through non-probability; disproportionate stratified sampling technique on a sample size 200 of farmers. Key informant helped established repo at field later interview guide was use to conduct in-depth interview. The qualitative data collected is discussed specifically through case studies analyses. Data have analyzed through frequency tabulation.
Key Words: Agricultural technology, Agrarian community, effect on economy, social transformation INTRODUCTION Since independence economy of Pakistan depended on agriculture and it acts like a pillar. It is as yet contributing around 20% to Gross domestic product and aggregate of 43% employment. Other than giving livelihood, 66% of the numbers of inhabitants in Pakistan are living in rural places, specifically or by association with agribusiness for their employment (Pakistan 2006-07). So any approach change in this area will influence the economy and a vast portion of masses in the nation. Technology is presentation of knowledge for reaching the goals. It brings change in society. In a society, actions and events are taken on the utilization of parts of the social framework embodying human, material and nonmaterial components. This makes technology to demonstrate certain exclusivity which is peculiar to the society. It can likewise said to have been consequence of the social framework being development of the basics of the way of life. As it mirrors the fabrics of the society and is spoke to by the social standards, qualities, convictions and attitude of the human being. Advancement in technology also changes society as whole. The degree of
change relies upon the extent of change that happens due to technology Davis and Reed distinguish social transformation as a procedure and result, where results are frequently examined as far as key changes to social and monetary structures and procedures are firmly connected to initiative and revamping of various nearby assets. Social transformations acts as political venture as by the occasions and procedures of social change something more than financial move or demographic movement. Subsequently social transformation is in a manner political venture and is impregnated with force, benefit and test (Gibson and Katherine 2006). Rural innovations have prevalently been delegated mechanical advances and natural advancements. Mechanical advancements relate by and large to those advances which are typified in machines and apparatuses, for example, tractors, tube-wells, threshers, diggers, consolidate, and so forth utilized as a part of performing distinctive homestead operations. Normally, mechanical advancements empower ranchers to assist ranch operations and subsequently empower the same work to develop more land and build editing force. Also,
dispersion of these advancements comes about in higher trimming power as well as in snappy planting and reaping of harvests, and treatment of yield. Despite the fact that these innovations have a constructive outcome of developed territory and editing force yet they don't fundamentally expand yield of yields. Biochemical advancements, then again, identify with new, more info responsive seed mixed bags, utilization of concoction compost and controlled use of watering system water. Utilization of these advancements, when all is said in done, affects substitution of work and mechanical inputs for area. Moreover, these innovations expand harvest yields. Technology, he suggested, usually changes first, followed by culture. In other words, we play catch-up with changing technology, adapting our customs and ways of life to meet its needs. The computer provides a good example. The subsequent discussion considers how it (the computer) is changing our way of life (Edmore 2012). In its simplest sense, technology can be equated with tools. In its broadest sense, technology also includes the skills or procedures necessary to make and use those tools (Henslin 1998). Technology even influences the way people think and how they relate to one another (Stromquist 2005). Ogburn (1964) identified technology as the fundamental driver of social change, which he argues comes through three pronged processes, invention, discovery and diffusion. As Mutekwe and Modiba (2012) cited Zald (1992) in Social movements consist of large numbers of people who organize to promote or resist change. MATERIALS AND METHODS This research is based on impact of technology on social transformation in agrarian community of Sohan village in Jehlum in this way the respondents are selected and reviewed by the help of key-informant; in the end a significant number of house-holds are brought into contact and interviewed. The research techniques utilized for target inhabitants is both qualitative and quantitative. Two hundred families are interviewed by disproportionate stratified sampling technique. The data is then accumulated through in depth interviews. Open ended questions were asked in order to
accumulate qualitative data and interview guide was used as key research tool. Results are interpreted through different statistical analyses as following. The hypothesis was tested through Chi-Square approach H0: Technology does not transform a society H1: technology transforms a society RESULTS AND DISSCUSSION Table.1: Agricultural Technology Changes Total Land Holding Dependent
Impact of technology
Change land
Sig. value .00
The results of regression analysis gives significant value of .00 which was less than significant value (0.00<0.05) this leads to the rejection of null hypothesis that “technology does not transform society” and ultimately acceptance of alternative hypothesis; “technology transforms society”. Majority of respondents agrees with the fact that technology has changed or is changing their traditional ways these transitions are steady route of change, which changes the structure of society and transform to new structural characters (Rotmans, et al. 2001). Case Study Case study of a respondent from village Sohan puts light on transformation of society as a result of agricultural technologies. Khalid-uz-Zaman, age 67 practices agriculture in which he uses new tools both mechanical and biological. According to him technology is basically time saving and it increases production of crop but on the other hand cost on the crop increases on same scale due to this reason profit attain is insufficient. Transformation in society is being held with its pace but the difference according to the respondent is that agricultural technology is not the prime factor. In his personal experience society underwent changes when locals migrated to UK and UAE in which many persons of his family also migrated. After his relatives settled there, they started sending back money. For him this money was surplus, this extra cash became resource that attracted different and new life style full of luxuries. Now these luxuries are
necessities. Any analysis of social transformation thus needs study of both social parts and of local tradition. The reaction to social transformation may not involve adjustment to globalization but instead resistance. This involves traditional and social resources. Case Study Jhangeer Haider, age 45 is agriculturalist he uses new seeds which are available in market in his experience old or used seed from previous crop is though economical but reduces crop production thus new seeds are high yield producing which in turn increases income/profit. According to him using technology has its restrains. Both technologies (mechanical and biological) needs flow of cash and tractors further need maintenance. Further due to this, expenditure is parallel to profit gained. He explained money that support his lifestyle comes from his brothers that are living abroad alone and he is here looking after land and their families. Table. 2: Agricultural Technology Transforms Society Dependent
Impact of technology
Change structure
Sig. value .018
The results of regression analysis gives significant value of .00 which was less than significant value (0.01<0.05) this leads to the rejection of null hypothesis that “technology does not transform society” and ultimately acceptance of alternative hypothesis; “technology transforms society”. Heavy majority follows the view that the class structure and institutional arrangements, with change in cultural values, beliefs and other systems, are impression of the economic base of a society (Francis and Henry 1985) which in seen through change in their house structure. CONCLUSION This paper points the expanding natural obscurity of and in social development because of change in technologies. It has been noticed that a change in technology unavoidably prompts a change in culture, an individuals' lifestyle. To some, such changes are undermining, for instance, the modern upheaval and its computerization influenced the labor workers and rendered them
jobless. Subsequently, while some welcome new innovation, others oppose it. It is observed that social change is unavoidable for society to such procedures as society contact and its resultant impacts, social dispersion, social leveling and globalization. In this procedure, social dispersion (the spread of innovation or disclosure starting with one range then onto the next) happens. This prompts social leveling, a situation whereby numerous gatherings embrace western culture which they could call their own traditions. More over social change have been discovered to be another wellspring of social development as the case with restraint developments, social equality, ecological development, women and human rights. At the core of it lie objections and discontents as individuals locate the present theory of society deplorable and work towards advancing social change. Their good or unfavorable scope incredibly influences social developments. Social development makes utilization of publicity to further their reasons. REFERENCES Edmore Mutekwe 2012 The Impact of Technology on Social Change: A Sociological Perspective. Journal of Research in Peace, Gender and Development 2(11): 226-238. Francis, Abraham, and Morgan John Henry 1985 Sociological Thought: From Comte to Sorokin. New Delhi: Macmillan. Gibson-Graham, Julie Katherine 2006 A Postcapitalist Politics. U of Minnesota Press. Henslin James M. 1998 Essentials of Sociology. A Down to Earth Approach. London: Allyn and Bacon. Mutekwe, Edmore, and Maropeng Modiba 2012 Girls' Career Choices as a Product of a Gendered school
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