The Explorer Islamabad: Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2411-0132(E), 2411-5487(P) Vol-1, Issue (11):428-435
Ashar Sultan Kayani , Muhammad Waqas Khalid , Bashir Ahmed , Adil Hameed Shah 1 2 M.Sc. (hons )Department of Economics and Agri. Economics, PMAS-Arid Agriculture Rawalpindi. M. Phil Economics Department of Economics and Agri.Economics, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi. 3 Lecturer at Department of Economics and Agri. Economics, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi
Corresponding Author: Ashar Sultan Kayani Department of Economics and Agri. Economics, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi Abstract: Pakistan is an agricultural country and of significant importance for the livelihood security of millions of rural people who live in and around these arid zone. Policies, institutions and processes form the context within which individuals and households construct and adapt livelihood strategies, on the other hand these institutionally shaped livelihood strategies may have an impact on the sustainability of natural resource use. The present study aims to critically analyze the forest policies of Pakistan agriculture mainly focused on District Jhelum. Implications for sustainable agriculture management and livelihood security of agriculture dependent people are also given. Most of the agricultural policies were associated with the change of government. There was much rhetoric in some recent policies regarding the concept of "participation" and "sustainable livelihoods" but in practice these policies are also replica of the previously top-down, autocratic and non-participatory agricultural policies. Pakistan needs to develop a sustainable, workable, research-based, and people-friendly forest policy enable to catering to the changing needs of stakeholders including government.
Key words Farmer communities, Land management, Agricultural policy, Sustainable livelihoods INTRODUCTION Barani areas make a significant contribution to agriculture and livestock production of Pakistan. Out of the total cropped area of 20 million hectares about 5 million hectares do not have any irrigation facility and completely depend on rains. In Punjab, barani areas contribute about 20 percent of cropped area. While in the Pothowar region, cropped area is over 90 percent. “Livelihood is a means of living, and the capabilities, assets and activities required for it� (Chambers and Conway 1992). Livelihood comprises of capabilities, assets (including both material and social resources) and activities required for a means of living. A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks and maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets both now and in the future, while not undermining the natural resource base (Carney 1998). Livelihood strategies are the sum of all the different activities that people are doing in the context of their livelihood (Chambers and Conway, 1992). In the research on rural household security among agro pastoralists (nomads) shows that chances of agro pastoralists households, to be
food secure are very high. As these people practice agriculture in association with livestock in their routine life. The results showed that more than 65% were food secure .this mean that these households had negative and significant relationship with food security. Food insecurity was more of poverty issue as household had to sell more of their output to meet their urgent needs. It was suggested that community driven approach must be used to alleviate poverty analysis for upcoming research studies to find the other parts of sustainable livelihoods framework (SLF) with special reference to the changes going on in the forest sector at institutional level of KPK. The government did not anticipate that there would be an increase in demand of electricity and it was its responsibility to arrange the supply according to the demand. Consequently, during summer, 2007, supply of electricity ran short of 2500 mw. It was being anticipated that this year the deficit between supply and demand could be as high as 3000 mw. By the end of year 2010, the deficit could be as large as 5500 mw. There were no immediate solutions to generating additional power through any source because a unit takes at
least 2-3years to establish properly. More than 5 years was required to construct a hydroelectric dam and the investment was enormous. This crisis had literally paralyzed the construction industry, badly affected agriculture and made life hell for the citizens. In view of existing ground realities and constraints to address power crisis by generating electricity within a short span of a few months, the need to make the best use of existing power generation by taking conservation measures at individual, community and national level are essential. These measures if implemented with commitment and honesty of purpose could help a lot of people to overcome negative implications of power crisis. It hardly needs to be emphasized that electricity is the lifeline of national economy and the people at large. The Economy and public life practically come to a halt because of the load shedding. The existing crisis can be addressed by the government by taking prompt measures. There is hardly any room for neglect or delay MATERIALS AND METHODS The number of inhabitants in the study territory contains a range of 3,587 km2 is authoritatively isolated into these tehsils: Sohawa, Pind Dadan Khan and Dina, which are partitioned into 53 Union Councils speaking to the entire rainfed cultivating framework. To distinguish diverse job typologies the information was gathered for standard overview taking after rundown outline. Cochran, (1963) formulae for random sampling of the known populace was utilized. The information gathered through formal studies contain diverse data on regular, human, physical, money related capitals, pay, and assets of the family as the unit of investigation. Overview was directed of 150 groups of the three destinations. Information was broke down utilizing Principle Component Analysis (PCA). The principal step was to choose certain variables speaking to distinctive work capitals (characteristic, human, budgetary, physical and social) to make wealth index. The wealth index was computed through component investigation. Wealth index was figured from these components and the family units were grouped into three welfare quartiles subsequent to masterminding in climbing for the straightforward instance of looking at variety in persistent variables crosswise over single elements, restricted ANOVA was utilized to
figure out if contrasts existed among the methods. T-test importance and Chi-Square test hugeness qualities were recorded for quantitative and subjective examination. Our information needed data on social capital accordingly information for the most part on other three vocation capitals were utilized for element investigation and distinguishing proof of employment techniques of the family units with diverse resources gift. At long last three fundamental employment systems were recognized. For information examination SPSS16 bundle was utilized. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Distribution of Households by Welfare Groups All the sample populace was arranged into four distinctive welfare gatherings as per the welfare file created through factor analysis. In spite of the fact that the general circulation of families into four welfare gatherings was practically equivalent (25%) and there was no significant difference (Chi-sq sig. = 0.08) yet the family units at diverse areas shift in distinctive welfare bunches. Generally less family units (9%) were found in upper quartile at Sohawa when contrasted with other two locales. The circulation of family units as indicated by welfare gatherings is given in Table 1. Table. 1: Distribution of Households by Welfare Groups at the Three Locations Welfare Group Lowest 2525% 50% 10(31) 10(31)
5075% 9 (28)
Highest 25% 3(9)
14 (30)
47 (100)
1 17(24)
20 (28)
71 (100)
37 (25)
150 (100)
Sites Sohawa Pind Dadan Khan
Overall 32(100)
(The figures given in the parenthesis are the percentages) Human Resource Endowment by Welfare Group Family unit head remains the principle main impetus behind any occupation method of the family. Qualities of the family head were requested that specifically comprehend the homestead administrator's choice making energy to embrace a specific job technique. Training, background and age of the head have solid impact on the choice with respect to the yields and animals administration and
homestead ventures. The family unit takes with seniority around 50 years old with essential to additional off ranch employment experience center training level and 20 years of cultivating were available in the upper welfare bunches. knowledge. The lack of education declines as Huge distinction was found in the age, training, we move to the upper welfare bunch though past off homestead employment experience the training level increments especially 5-10 while aside from the past off ranch occupation years of educating towards the upper quartile experience and cultivating background. The (Table 2). greater part of the family heads were of Table. 2: Characteristics of Household Heads by Welfare Groups
56.7 5.9 21.9
Highest 25% 56.2 7.3 18.3
Over all 53.4 5.8 21.0
Lowest 25 %
Ave. age years Formal education (years) Farming experience years Previous off farm job experience years Previous off farm job experience years
52.1 5.4 22 9
48.4 4.7 20.8
4.3 8.4
Sig. 0.046 0.057 0.569
Education Level of the Family educating for both male and female individuals The education level of the family members from the family among the four quartiles (Table assumes an imperative part in welfare and 3). The outcomes get to be clearer when improvement of a person as a segment and the looking the family's percent individuals from general public overall. Critical results were every quartile with instruction level as given in found for a long time or more years of Table 4. Table. 3: Distribution of Family Members by Education Level Lowest 25% Male Education Mean Value Illiterate 0.34 Primary 0.37 Middle 0.45 Matric 0.42 FA 0.C3 Graduate 0.08 Technical 0.00 educated Female Education Illiterate 1.37 Primary 0.29 Middle 0.21 Matric 0.05 FA 0.00 Graduate 0.03 Technical 0.00 educated
Highest 25%
0.75 0.47 0.81 0.47 0.08 0.06
0.49 0.46 0.95 0.67 0.21 0.10
0.51 0.41 1.08 1.11 0.41 0.38
0.52 0.43 0.82 0.67 0.18 0.15
0.17 0.93 0.19 .0029 0.003 0.032
1.92 CI0.14 0.08 0.00 0.00
1.77 0.51 0.26 0.26 0.08 0.03
1.70 0.86 0.43 0.32 0.14 0.22
1.69 0.45 0.26 0.18 0.05 0.07
0.300 0.001 0.154 0.027 0.054 0.011
Table. 4: Education Level by Welfare Group Male Education Illiterate Primary Middle Matric FA Graduate Technical educated
Lowest 25% Percent 20 22 27 25 2 5 0
Highest 25%
28 18 31 18 3 2 0
17 16 37 23 7 3 0
13 11 28 28 11 10 0
19 16 30 24 6 5 0
Female Education Illiterate Primary Middle Matric FA Graduate Technical educated
70 15 11 3 0 2 0
84 6 6 6 4 0 0
61 18 9 9 3 1 0
46 23 12 9 4 6 0
63 17 10 7 2 3 0
Direct relationship was found between the Household Employment welfare and education level of the family Significant differences were found in the members as the families with larger amount of welfare quartiles for on-farm, off-farm for both instruction and less ignorance were put in the male and female. The most reduced quartiles upper welfare quartiles. This circumstance is were having less work working at homestead more terrible in the event of the female and off ranch. The family unit work power training where 70 and 84 % females were vocation status is expounded in Table 5. ignorant in lower quartiles when contrasted with 61 and 46% in the upper two quartiles Table. 5: Household Labor Allocation by Welfare Quartiles Male On-Farm Full Time On-Farm Part Time Off farm Female On-Farm Full Time On-Farm Part Time Off farm HHwith Female involvement in farming (%)
Lowest 25% Average # 0.8 0.5 0.3
Highest 25%
1.0 0.8 1.0
1.1 0.9 1.1
1.5 1.1 1.8
1.1 0.8 1.1
0.008 0.053 0.000
0.8 0.4 0.0
0.6 0.9 0.0
0.4 1.2 0.0
0.4 2.5 0.1
0.5 1.3 0.0
0.29 0.000 0.093
Chi-Sq 0.126
Type of Jobs of Off Farm Workers Off farm employment was the principle wellspring of pay for the family units in upper welfare quartiles and its offer increments as we move from lower to the upper quartile. General governments divisions and armed force turned out to be the biggest manager for rainfed regions. Almost 50% of the work power was utilized out in the open area with 24% Working in armed force and 23% utilized in all other government offices. Work was the second
fundamental pay source as 36% were acting as worker. Little scale business especially retail shop was the third off ranch salary producing movement of the general population in rainfed territories. There were clear contrasts inside of the welfare quartiles for distinctive off ranch exercises. The work power in the lower quartiles was chiefly filling in as every day wage workers and less in changeless government occupations (Table 6).
Table. 6: Type of Jobs of Off-Farm Workers by Welfare Quartiles Job Type
Lowest 25%
Highest 25%
Govt, service
Significance level of Chi Square test =0.23 Composition of Operational Land Holding assumes a critical part in the job and the Exceedingly noteworthy contrasts were seen in cultivation’s pay group in the country zones of area assets of the families among all the the rain fed Pothwar where off homestead welfare bunches for a wide range of area livelihood opportunities are exceptionally possessions. The agriculturists in the lower two constrain, so to expand the expectation for quartiles have likewise leased in some area everyday comforts of the provincial poor calls hence their operational landholding was for upgrade profitability of the homestead minimal higher than the own developed area assets. The innovative work mediations ought holding and for upper two quartiles it was the to focus on these little poorest of the poor other way around. The area proprietorship ranchers (Table 7). Table. 7: Composition of Operational Landholding by Welfare Quartiles (Hectares) Type of Land Total own land Cultivated Non cultivated Operational land Irrigated Un-irrigated
Lowest 25% 1.6 1.2 0.4 1.4 0.5 0.9
25-50% 1.8 1.3 0.5 1.5 0.9 0.6
Income of Household from Different Sources Family unit salary from every one of the sources was ascertained and compressed in Table 8. Salary was arranged into two gatherings an) off homestead wage and b) ranch wage. Noteworthy contrasts were seen in wage structure off ranch exercises and homestead area. The wage from all sources increments as we move from lower to upper quartile. In the lower three quartiles females were not utilized in the off ranch exercises and there was no pay from settlements and employing out of tractor as no family in the lower two quartiles own tractor. Salary from yields was additionally higher in upper quartiles because of more
50.75% 3.9 2.5 1.4 2.4 1.3 1.1
Highest 25% 7.8 4.0 3.8 3.8 1.4 2.5
Overall 32.8 2.3 1.5 2.3 1.0 1.3
Sig. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
developed zone. Unequal conveyance of assets was found in the study territory, as pay of the lower quartile (Rs. 37332/year) was 4 times not exactly the pay of the most noteworthy quartile (Rs. 152732/year). Additionally exceedingly critical results were discovered when contrasting the per capita wage however the force was moderately less as the distinctions decreased to about two times against four times in the event of general family pay every year. The family unit's wage was low as on general premise all the family lies underneath the worldwide destitution line of IS per capita everyday.
Table. 8: Income of Household by Welfare Quartiles Income Source Off Farm Adult male Adult female Pension Remittances Hiring out tractor Farm Income Khaarif crops Rabi crops Livestock Total Income Rs./Year
Lowest 25% Rupees 9135 0 2653 0 0 4640 14455 6451 37332
Highest 25%
21167 0 2693 0 0
30166 0 7918 923 2026
71222 2173 8748 15703 5189
32805 536 5535 413 1807
0.000 0.176 0.000 0.004 0.011
4905 11728 10575 50068
6155 16806 11366 75360
10024 31097 8577 152732
6185 18517 9243 78741
0.018 0.000 0.093 0.000
Per capita income (Rs/year) Per capita income ($/ycar) Per capita income (Rs/month) Per capita income (S/day)
8289 142.91 691 0.39
9074 156.45 756 0.43
9908 170.82 826 0.47
Livelihood Typologies Occupation systems are different (Ellis 1998), impacted by linkages in and outside farming (Bebbington 1999; De Haan 2000; Reardon, et al. 1992), and life cycle family attributes, for example, age, training, and the quantity of relatives (Kusterer 1989; Valdivia 2000). The legree of expansion of the family unit portfolio is controlled by these attributes, and by ne family unit's and singular's goals, for example, hazard administration rehearses, and/or methods accessible to adapt to stuns. In ranges of more serious danger family unit methods are required to be more broadened as an intend to minimize conceivable stuns from negative atmosphere occasions, particularly when misfortune administration methodologies are constrained (Dunn, et al, 1996). As Hans et al have reasoned that occupation systems can be a helpful and quantifiable idea particularly when investigating land and soil protection measures. Protection practices and ventures should be fitting for the creation framework, agro-biological conditions, and the employment procedure; the work method system can possibly be an imperative apparatus in both the plan and focusing of arrangement. Water, land, animals, products and information are fundamental assets/resources in creating the families in country ranges of the world. Despite the fact that horticulture may not be the sole wellspring of their wage, it is a noteworthy part in the Tropics. Access, control, and administration of these assets add to shape which exercises are sought after, which merchandise delivered, and me capacity to hold
15117 260.64 1260 0.71
10582 182.46 882 0.50
0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003
the advantages of their work. Get to and control of assets and capitals, through various social, political, monetary, biological and horticultural settings, the connection's nature in the middle of access and control of assorted resources permit people to arrange their business techniques and enhance prosperity in country zones (Valdivia and Gilles 1996). At the point when access is constrained or astute because of absence of establishments supporting this entrance by people, the capacity to manage the normal asset base and other human resources is jeopardized. In general, rustic families rely on upon the salary from off-ranch work (57%). taken after by yield generation and domesticated animals (12%). The most noteworthy welfare quartiles were those generally more subject to off-ranch occupation, less on harvests and have minimal salary from animals. The most minimal quartiles in destitution record are those more reliant on pay from harvest creation, taking after by offranch wage and animal’s generation. In any case, the most minimal quartiles are moderately more subject to domesticated animals as contrasted and those in the most noteworthy quartiles (Table 9). Keeping in view the above discourse on the accessibility of all assets and wage of the family unit from diverse exercises the families could be assembled into three groups with comparative occupation typologies.
Table. 9: Income from Different Sources Income Sources Income from crops Income from Livestock Income from Off Farm Activities
Lowest 25% Percent Share 51 17
Highest 25%
31 21
30 15
27 5
31 12
Group 1
Mixed crop livestock farming: Crop creation as the essential development nearby trained creatures developing yet the offer of pay structure off farm activities is situated at second number. The families in the most decreased quartile mainly take after this typology. Regardless, the most lessened quartile is respectably more subject to creatures as differentiated and those in the most hoisted quartiles. Group II Agriculture and off farm employment: Families focus half of the pay structure items and tamed creatures and half from off residence occupations. The dependence on harvest is not precisely the first arrangement and more on creatures still the pay from yields was just about half higher than kick the container compensation from tamed creatures. Group III Most critical welfare quartiles were those decently more subject to off-farm business, less on harvests and have insignificant compensation from trained creatures. The offer of tamed creatures pay is only 6%. The greater parts of the relatives are involved with off residence practices moreover settlements from the genuine offer of compensation. Agribusiness is seen as low support activity and less resource are diverted from off-estate to extend the farm gainfulness and pay. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The ways individuals bring home the bacon, and the imperatives and opportunities they confront in doing as such can unequivocally influence the status and administration of regular pool assets. Business techniques in the downpour encouraged ranges are rapid especially because of instability in agribusiness because of inconsistent precipitation. In this manner individuals are occupied with distinctive employment exercises and continually searching for sufficient salary sources. Crop change exploration confronts more difficulties in the dry zones and the appropriation of soil and water protection rehearses for reasonable occupation with long haul ecological and monetary advantages is questionable. Ranchers in the dry ranges face both natural and financial obstacles that make the rate of destitution moderately high. Under these conditions NARC ought to acknowledge the test to create and give innovative bundles that could acquire substantial enhancements
the job of country poor in the downpour bolstered zones with blend product and domesticated animals cultivating framework. The present study utilizes the employment method reasonable system to dissect information gathered on 150 country family units from the three Integrated Research Sites of BVDP. Family units were assembled into four welfare quartiles to distinguish diverse work systems utilizing Principle Component Analysis in light of the family unit resources. Three fundamental vocation procedures were recognized through examining the asset accessibility and wage in distinctive welfare quartiles of the example families. The job procedures recognized include: a) Mixed harvest domesticated animals cultivating with more reliance on yield generation; b) Agriculture and off homestead occupation with half of the wage from products and animals and half from off ranch livelihoods; c) The most elevated welfare quartile were those moderately more subject to off-ranch business, less on harvests and had minimal wage from domesticated animals. The principle conclusions drawn from the present study on business typologies of area jhelum are taking after that Crop domesticated animals framework ought to be enhanced through advancement of dry spell tolerant nourishment and feed yields. Efficiency upgrade of domesticated animals through enhanced breeds and enhanced herd administration. Change underway of money products, for example, groundnut and heartbeats alongside the advancement of high esteem crops at the rare watering system water wherever accessible in downpour nourished regions. Enhanced soil and water protection practices ought to be received for reasonable utilization of accessible assets. Advancement of neighborhood organizations, country systems, endeavors, and agriculturist vested parties are key to out-scale the dissemination of these promising advances. More dynamic support of agriculturists in innovation era and assessment is crucial for quick innovation reception. An incorporated methodology with solid coordination in the middle of innovative work is obliged to have any sizeable effect on salary to cover a few generation exercises. Market advancement for ranch yield is basic to enhance money wage. This would propel the families with additional off homestead pay
(upper quartile) to occupy the assets of off ranch to agribusiness creating more job and wage for the provincial landless. Advancement of smaller scale undertakings, for example, sheep/goat stuffing are connected with homestead creation. Advancement of little scale watering system offices, for example, burrowed wells and smaller than expected dams ought to be enhanced for nourishment and grain security in the discriminating periods. Miniaturized scale credit for harvest domesticated animals and small scale endeavor advancement. REFERENCES Bebbington, Anthony 1999 Capitals and Capabilities: A Framework for Analyzing Peasant Viability, Rural Livelihoods and Poverty. World Development 27(12):2021-2044. Carney, Diana 1998 Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: What Contribution can we Make? Natural Resource Advisers Conference. July 1998. DFID London, UK. Chambers, Robert, and Gordon Conway 1992 Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Practical Concepts for the 21st Century. Institute of Development Studies UK.
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Household Strategies and Rural