The Explorer Islamabad: Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2411-0132(E), 2411-5487(P) Vol-1, Issue (12): 458-463
ANTHROPOLOGY AND AGEING POPULATION: AN ANTHROPO-PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF SENIORS CITIZENS OF RAWALPINDI Hina Saleem Department of Anthropology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi Corresponding Author Hina Saleem PMAS Arid Agriculture University Abstract: Ageing is an inevitable phenomenon in human beings. Senior citizens with increasing age get surrounded with many issues, among which socio-psychological problems have become a chief topic in the current anthropological debate. The objective of the study was to explore the socio- psychological issues faced by senior citizen at community level. To undertake the research a sample inclusive of 271 elders was selected. The methodology employed was exploratory, and data collection tools included interview guide and informal interviews. The current study reveals that older persons become victims of many socio psychological issues in their later life which includes depression, bereavement, inactive sexual life, economic dependence, social exclusion and dementia. These socio-psychological issues have strong impact on the health and life of older persons.
Key Words: Older Citizens, Social issues, Psychological Issues INTRODUCTION Anthropology is the study of human mankind and untold secrets of humanity. It is the only human science that meticulously and scientifically studies the humankind by carefully connecting the remote and recent past with the present setting of man to explain the shift or change over in the various epochs of history. “The life span of man includes conception, birth, adolescence, adulthood and ageing” (Chaudhry,et al. 2014). Ahmed, et al. (2014) quoted the definition of different scholars as “Old age is the name of sequential progression from infancy to old age with socio-cultural and biological factors contacts to govern the order of progression “(Christina 2005; Laslett 1989). The concept of ageing and its stages can be understood in the light of cyclical theory and progressive refinement. (Saleem, et al. 2015). It also qualifies the evolutionary approach given by Lewis Henry Morgan when applied on evolution of human life cycle. Ageing is an important topic in anthropological debate as longevity has improved due to advanced medical facilities. The proportion of older persons is increasing worldwide. In 1950 globally 205 million people reached to the age of 60 and above. In 2000 this number increased to 606
million older persons worldwide. It is expected that this figure will rise up to two billion by the year of 2050 (Ahmed, et al. 2015). “Ageing the last segment of human beings is foreseeable. This phase of life (starting at age of 60) is indicated by changes in physical, biological, social, physiological and psychological processes (Saleem, et al. 2015). The continuity theory reports that old age the latter part of life is simply a continuance of the young age of the entire life cycle (Eiopoulos 2010; Moody 2010; Tabloski 2006). Aging has been addressed as general assemblage of socio-psychological and biological variations that take place in the final stages of man. Globally the older people face many psychological stresses and issues in their late age. They face a sense of depression, isolation, anxiety, social security, stress, sleeplessness, selfpity, dementia, neglect. All these issues can affect the mental as well physical health of the older persons. Psychological anthropology is the emerging discipline in current academics with major focus to study the association between individuals and culture. This began in 19th century when W.H.R Rivers and his students visited Melanesia to
examine the perceptions of the native people. The discipline flourished further in 1930s and 1940s by the research work of Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, and others (Barnouw 1985; Greerand Trench 2008; Irshad, et al. 2015). Currently in psychological anthropology ageing population holds a special focus due to exceeding number of ageing population globally. In old age people may loss control over his or her life due to both biological and economic degradation. Changes like failing eyesight, hearing loss and limited financial resources, economic compulsion, poverty and forced labor effect the overall health of the elders. These issues combined often become contributors that lead to negative emotions such as sadness, anxiety, loneliness, lowered self-esteem and depression. MATERIALS AND METHODS The current study was undertaken in the vicinity of Rawalpindi. To collect the data on the respective topic, a sample of 271 respondents was drawn using non-probability sampling frame and purposive sampling technique. The study design was exploratory, conducted to investigate the socio psychological issues faced by older persons. The interview guide and informal interviewing method were used as tools of data collection. After the data collection process the information was analyzed on SPSS (VERSION 16). RESULTS Chart 1: Gender distribution of the respondents
11.4% 3%
Figure:1 Age Distribution of the Respondents The pie graph above shows the age distribution of the respondents. The study was focused to collect the data from older persons thus the categories or groups of this age were specifically formalized. The age range was 60 years and above. From the total n= 271, 57.2 % respondents belonged to age group of 60-65. 19.6% respondents fell in the age range 66-70 while 23.3 % respondents belonged to 71-75. 8.9% respondents were recorded in the age group of 76-80 while 3 % respondents belonged to the category 80+ Table: Socio-Psychological Issues Faced by Older Persons PERCENTILE SOCIOPSCHYLOGICAL
Gender 30.6%
Death Anxiety
The above figures represent the gender distribution of the respondents included in the research study. From the total sample, n= 271 69.4% respondents were male while 30.6 % were female.
Economic Compulsion
Social Exclusion
Physical Disabilities
Inactive Sexual Life
The table above shows the socio- psychological issues faced by older persons. In the current study 60.51 % respondents had death anxiety due to which their mental wellbeing was affected. 56.82 % OPs were facing issues due to retirement from active job life. Economic compulsion and dependence was another socio-psychological issue confronted by 83% respondents affecting their social as well as psychological wellbeing. 60.88% respondents were facing the depression due to their social pressures and hurdles which resultant as a poor psychological health. 61.25 % respondents were living in isolation due to the death of their partner which is the stressful event that put adverse effects on psychological wellbeing. 60.51% respondents were marginalized from the social life due to which their psychological life is effected and add up in the list of the socio-psychological issues among ageing population. 61.62 % older persons responded that they were face dependency in later years of life, while 63.46 % responded that physical disabilities is one of the major issue which contributes in socio-psychological issue of OPs. Dementia is another psychological problem faced by elders which also have social reasoning, 58.67% respondents were suffering from this issue. 83% respondents were of the view that inactive sexual life is another socio-psychological issue faced by older persons. 90.8 % respondents were of the view that in old age they are severely suffering from loneliness. In current study low percentage shows that only 35.79% respondents
feeling neglect while rest of all enjoying the health ageing life. DISCUSSION Old Age is the last stage of human life cyclic mostly depictedwith “medicalised and pathologised outcome, and ageing is fabricated as a health problem “(Ahmed, et al. 2015). Due to exceeding age the older persons faces many issues in later years of life. The current research manuscript is explicitly focused on to highlight the socio- psychological issues faced by ageing population at community level. The older persons in old age have fear of death which put negative effects on their social as well as psychological life and wellbeing. In old age the older persons have fear of death which results in him going closer to his final destination, which is the outcome by putting adverse pressure psychologically (Rehman and Mohuddin 2015). The retirement is one of the major incident in older person’s life. The Retirement in itself is the start of life with socio-psychological issues. In elderhood the older persons who retired from labour force and active job life required more social support, company and social care by their families (Chaudhry, et al. 2015). If they cannot get these support they victimized by social isolation which effects their social as well as psychological wellbeing. Economic compulsion is also one of the major problem in old age. The low income, inadequate pension, single earning hand in family, inflation etc all put pressure on older persons due to which economic compulsion shaped as a socio-psychological issue. Various studies also indicated and support this point that “Inadequate social support is associated not only with lower overall general health and wellbeing, but also with higher levels of emotional distress, more illness and higher mortality rates” (WHO 2002).Majority Ops have poor living conditions, low income and financial resources and lack of health facilities due to which they suffered from malnutrition, poor physical health which negatively affect the psychological condition of elders (Irshad, et al. 2015). Depression is one of the major issue reported in old age by the older persons. It depicts the conditions of solitude in moods of people. It is defined as depression as prolonged sadness
which developed as a result of any stressful events and situations in social life of people (Kandel and Acedum 2009). Bereavement, physical disabilities, Andropause, Menopause, Retirement, discrimination, abuse, social exclusion from societal activities, economic compulsions and pressures are the major cause of depression among older which affect their mental state of mind. “Bereavement is a stressful life event often accompanied by grief after the loss of someone close” (Stroebe and Stroebe 1987). It effects the psychological wellbeing elder population. Further they become Vic timed with grief and anxiety especially in case of sudden death and accident of the partner. Old age is usually associated with social exclusion. The marginalization of older persons in societal activities adversely effects the older person’s mental health. Several studies indicated that feeling of loneliness, ignorance and social neglect not only harm the social life of older persons but also become a root cause of many psychological issues which resultant as many diseases including mental health problems in older persons (Ahmed, et al. 2015). Dependency upon family and care givers due to physical disabilities also affect the social as well as mental health of older persons. It is one of the major problem face by older persons in old age. Mostly dependency and physical disabilities are correlated because physical disabilities is one of the major cause of dependency among older persons in later years of life. Dementia is an important issue face by older persons in old age. According to a group of symptoms that is characterized by confusion, memory loss, language difficulties, and, in many cases, eventually psychosis” (Kandel and Adamec (2009). Aggressiveness, Hallucinations, Delusions these resultant due to social pressures, extreme grief, isolation and prolonged depressive social events. Inactive sexual life is another sociopsychological issue face by ageing population. Due to declined age and physical disabilities the older persons sexual activities decreased but still interest and desire remains, which can cause depressive and anxiety symptoms older couples (Alen, et al. 2009). Old age is associated predominantly with loneliness, isolation and ignorance which is due
to the loss of immediate relatives, financial pressures and physical abnormalities (Ahmed, et al. 2015). All when faced by older persons they become more vulnerable and suffering from many psychological diseases. CONCLUSION The study aims to expose the socio-psychological issues faced by ageing population. The study reveals that Ageing population facing a number of issues which include depression, Loneliness, Social Exclusion, inactive sexual life, economic compulsion, depression, bereavement , physical disabilities, retirement, death anxiety, and dementia. When these issues correlated which social and psychological aspects leads to effect the health of older persons as a whole. It is recommended that Government should organize a special psychological assistance and examination camp twice in a year at community level which will freely help the older persons to overcome their socio psychological issues. At domestic level the family members and caregivers maintain the social interaction which older persons which helps to overcome and safe from suffering from socio-psychological issues. REFERENCES Ahmed, Aftab, Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry, Muhammad Imran Afzal, and Haris Farooq 2015 Loneliness and Diseases Prevalence; A Gerontological Perspective of Elder’s Disease Status. Professional Med J 2(3):343-348. Ahmed, Aftab, and Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry 2015 Health and Social Exclusion: Comparative Analysis between Social Exclusion and Health Status of Older Persons. The Explorer Islamabad 1(9):343-347. Ahmed, Aftab, Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry, and Haris Farooq 2014 Older Persons and Ageing Phenomena: Exploratory Study Based On Perceptions of Elders about Old Age. American Research Thoughts1 (2):10291035.
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Publication Date: Dec-31 -2015 © 2015“The Explorer Islamabad” Journal of Social Sciences-Pakistan