The Explorer Islamabad: Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2411-0132(E), 2411-5487(P) Vol-2, Issue (1): 1-3
THE IMPACT OF TELECOMMUNICATION ON THE HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY AFTER EARTHQUAKE Saima Mushtaq Department of Anthropology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi Corresponding Author: Saima Mushtaq PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi Abstract: Telecommunication is broadly defined as the transmission of information by means of electromagnetic signal over copper wires, coaxial cable, fiber-optic strands, or the airwaves. The purpose of this study was to explore the changes occurring in economy due to the development in telecommunication after the earth quake in Rawlakot, Kharick, AJK. The sampling technique utilized was convenient based, while a sample size of 100 households was used. The study used both quantitative and qualitative tools of data collection. The SPSS and frequency table were used to find out the effect of telecommunication on economy. The present research shows that telecommunication is affecting economy positively and furthermore it shows that new technologies have many negative and unethical effects on the human beings. Key Words: Telecommunications, ICT, Technology
INTRODUCTION The word telecommunications define as the mixture of Greek and Latin ancestry in the twentieth century which means the art of transmission of information from a distance or one place to another. Nowadays defines as the differently ‘telecommunications’ is broadly defined as the transmission of information by means of electromagnetic signals: over copper wires, coaxial cable, fiber-optic strands, or the airwaves (Jonathan and Weiser 2007). In Rawalkot AJK the telecommunication system is disturbed due to the earth quake of 8 October 2005.after the quake the land line number were disconnected and exchange system is also destroyed. In 2005 the Rawalkot city has no other network like mobile services. There is only land line system known as. Since the dawn of human history, people have devised means of communicating at a distance (Crowley and Longman 2006). Before the earth quake electronic communications that were practiced so far (radio, telegraph, land-line telephone, television) has raised that ability to extra information. Some feasibility constraints are due to the lack of knowledge or the economic means
to access ICT equipment or services (Schwanen and Kwan 2008). Nowadays in Rawalkot Kharick all types of electronics are in used. The telecommunication effect the economy in many ways. Now we can mostly tasks through using telephone or mobile network. It affords opportunities for social interaction with friends, store personnel, and casual passersby (Chung, et al. 2002). A number of scholars suggest that they apply to some extent in the context of everyday urban travel and long-distance business travel as well (Albertson 1977). MATERIALS AND METHODS During in my present research used both qualitative and quantitative methods have been explore the impact of telecommunication on the economy after earthquake. The study was conducted at household of the khraick town in Rawalakot AJK. The 100 sample size was taken randomly of household. The data is collected through the questionnaire and for the data analysis the spss were used as statistical tools.
RESULTS TABLE.1: Effect of Telecommunication Questions Responses Were you using ICT Yes 37% before earthquake No 63% Do you think that Positive 46% telecommunication Negative46% has affected the Constant 8 economy Number of the ICT 0 1 users in your 1-3 50 family 4-6 42 7-9 7 which kind of TV 36 devices you had Radio 11 used before the Computer 2 earth quake Digital 4 TV & radio 18 None 8 TV & digital 21 Packages provided by the telecom Yes 83 companies have No 17 increased the ICT use? Have your travelling expenditures Yes 83 decreased due to No 17 use of telecommunication technology What does the effect of new telecommunication Positive 72 technologies on Negative 28 household economy after earthquake Table 1 shows that the results which changes the impact of telecommunication on the household economy after earthquake. Researcher asks the question to respondents were you using ICT before earth quake. The 37% people were using the ICT before the earth quake and 63% were not using ICT before the earth quake. Before the earth quake in Rawalakot kharick town has only land line number were used and no other devices were used before the earth quake. After the
earth quake many foreigners companies come here and introduced the cellular phones in Rawalakot. The above results shows that 46% people think that telecommunication affected the economy positively. The 46% people respond that telecommunication has negative effect on the economy. The 8% people were saying that no effect on economy due to the telecommunication and remain constant. The people of the kharick explain that the telecommunication has many benefits. Due to new technologies we communicate very fast and easily to the other person but its increase in the expenditures and too many expenses. In table 1, question 3 explains that the 1% household has no ICT user. In 50% household have 1-3 ICT users and 4-6 members which have used ICT in 42% household. The 7% household in which 7-9 persons are used ICT in present study. Respondent ask the question which kind of devices used before the earth quake. The result shows that the 36% people used television before the earth quake and 11% were using radio. The only 2% were using computer and 4% were using digital phone. In given table the shows that 18% people were using both devices television and radio and 8% were using none of them. The 21% people were using both television and digital phone before the earth quake. Before the earth quake people were used mostly radio, television and digital phones. The channels were mostly used on television PTV and radio channel are FM. Question asks by the researcher packages increase the ICT user. The 83% population said yes packages provided by the telecommunication companies have increased the ICT use. The 16% people disagree with them. The persons of the Kharick Rawalakot explain that the after the earth quake the use of ICT increased but the main reasons are packages. The ICT more used due to the packages which is given by the company. In some extends the use of packages are positive but mostly used in wrong way. Respondents say that packages waste the time of the youngster and other people. Due to this disturbance is also increased because without package no one did long call to anybody.
Researcher asks the question that due to telecommunication travelling expenditures decreases. The shows that 83% people are said that travelling expenditures decreased due to use of telecommunication technology and 17 % disagree with them. Respondents say that their travelling expenditures decreased due to the use of telecommunication because before the telecommunication persons are travel to convey the message. In old days respondents are travels in miles for any work or the purpose of convey the massage but nowadays through technology message convey just a second and it’s not expensive. So the technology has great benefits. The results shows that 72% population says that the positive effect of new telecommunication technologies on household economy. The 28% population responds that negative effect of new technologies on their household economy. Mostly respondents say that no negative effect on the household budget due to the telecommunication expenditures but some of them are disagreeing with them. Researcher meet with one family in field work which is think that mobiles are not for women and its taboo and they didn’t give to women. DISCUSSION Result that the overall telecommunication have many benefits in household budget but in the other hand many negative aspect are also present. Due to ICT telecommunication the communication is very easy and fast nowadays and world make a global village. In some extend respondents says that the technology increased the expenditures because in one household mostly everyone has own mobile phones which increased the expenditures of the household. A number of scholars suggest that they apply to some extent in the context of everyday urban travel and long-distance business travel as well (Albertson 1977). Nowadays the smart phones are introduced which is defiantly effect the household budget. Respondents say that no doubt the travelling expenditures are decreased due to the use of telecommunication and very easy and fast way to communicate and convey the massage just in the second. CONCLUSION In over all researcher got the results before the earth quake the telecommunication has not
found in well shape in the Rawalakot kharick. The ways of living mostly were simple. After the earthquake in this area new ways of telecommunication were introduced and people are more aware. Mobiles phones are used in positively and the other hand there is many negative aspects in use of mobiles. REFERENCES Albertson, Lesley A. 1977 Telecommunications as a Travel Substitute: Some Psychological, Organizational, and Social Aspects. Journal of Communication 27(2): 32-43. Crowley, David, and Paul Heyer Longman 2006 Communication in History: Technology, Culture, Society. Pearson Allyn and Bacon, USA. Chung, Chuihua Judy, Jeffrey Inaba, and Sze Tsung Leong 2002 The Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Nuechterlein, E. Jonathan, and Philip J. Weiser 2007 Digital Crossroads: American Telecommunications Policy in the Internet Age. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Schwanen, Tim, and Mei-Po Kwan 2008 The Internet, mobile phone and space-time constraints. Geoforum 39(3):1362-1377. Publication Date: Jan-31 -2016 © 2016 “The Explorer Islamabad” Journal of Social Sciences-Pakistan