Ejss 26 the effects of new technology on parents child relationship in dina, jhelum

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The Explorer: Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2411-0132, Vol-1, Issue (4):106-109 www.theexplorerpak.org

EFFECTS OF NEW TECHNOLOGY ON PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP IN DINA, JHELUM Humara Bibi1, Dr. Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry1 Department of Anthropology, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi


Corresponding Author: Humara Bibi PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi maimoonaabbasi@hotmail.com Abstract: Teenagers spending more time on cell phones, internet and playing video games rather than with their parents is a common sight now days. Although technology is helpful to cope with the world’s stream of progress and development but at the same time it is weakening the roots of the most core unit of the society. By spending much time on technology children are unable to spend quality time with their families hence they succeed to mingle with the world around them but fail to connect with the world inside their houses. The following study reveals this relationship objectively. The data was collected through a sample of 100 respondents through stratified sampling from the locale, Dina, Jhelum. The results revealed that technology is negatively affecting the parent child relationship.

Key Words: New technology, Parent Child Relationship INTRODUCTION The increase in the use of cell phones in addition to calling and texting can be accounted to be as an effect of the modern structural- functional changes in the cell phones; such as internet availability, advanced storage facility, etc. Cell phones help in keeping in touch parents and children when they are not together, the main way of communication through cell phones is “text messaging” .It has been found that teenagers send and receive more messages than any other age group. They claim that texting helps them in connecting not only with their parents but also with their while family and friends. “Voice calls” are central function of “cell phones” and it is primarily used by teens to converse with their parents. The main reason behind allowing the children to own cell phones is to “monitor” them when they are not in each other premises (Lenhart, et al. 2010). However where cell phones are giving numerous benefits to parents as well as children for close connection no matter how far they are from each other, conversation with multiple people without spending money through “texting” are some of the miraculous wonders of technology. But such technology has various drawbacks which include less attention on studies , less “communication” with parents which would solve their problems to much extent, and less communication with people around them .That’s why the number of parents saying that cell phones are blessing for their child have decreased to a great extent (Khan n.d).

Some people regard the internet as a “home” activity because through this they share the ideas of each other easily which they can’t be talked about in daily tough and busy routines .Several scholars talk about “conflicts” caused by internet between parents and children (Kiesler, et al. 2000).Their talks show that parents expect their children to use internet for “educational purposes”( Lenhart, et al. 2001).Parents expect that their child can show better performance in studies through internet by making “research’s” and worthy things and thus they can bring fame not for only their selves but also for their parents through such wonder of science(Livingstone and Bober 2004). Although some teens use internet for information purposes, “acquiring” different “skills” and thus fulfilling the expectations of their parents, but it happens in rare cases. Most use it for “social purposes” like email, chatings, playing games etc (Lenhart, et al. 2005). When children use internet for “entertainment purposes” then they contradict the “expectations” of their parents. Internet uses have negative effects on family time (Nie, et al. 2004). “Internet use is a time-consuming activity”, and it has been reported that this time results in ab increase in the “family conflicts” and at the same time results in decrease in “family closeness “and it weakens the parent child relationship(Jackson, et al. 2003). In the last there comes the turn of third type of technology which has affected a lot parent child relationship. The name of this evil is none other than “video games” .Although it also has some


positive points but the drawback of videogames is that they are adversely affecting the “parent child closeness” (Khan n.d). The positive points includes cheap entertainment provided at homes ,enhancing their “informational levels”, a little recreation from tough studies but the drawbacks are more than benefits (Turow and Nir 2000).The disadvantage of” video games” are countless and worse, they include less attention on studies and poor performances ,less attention on any other mental and physical activity leading towards the dullness and laziness and last but not the least “less attachment with parent”. children playing games on “T.V and computers” all the time come at a distant relationship with their parents and thus results in conflicts and contradiction in such a beautiful relationship which should never be weaken rather it should be strengthen with time to support family at front and back stages of life (Richards, et al. 2010). MATERIALS AND METHODS The researcher studied about the effects of new technology in Dina Jhelum. The data was collected through a sample of 100 respondents through stratified sampling. The researcher get qualitative data by using different research tools like socioeconomic form, semi structured and in depth interviews, participant observation, Rapport establishment, focus group discussion etc. The researcher studies the effects of new technology on parent’s child relationship. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The fore given discussion determines the effect of technology on parent child relationship. The following statistics proves that fact .Table 1 shows and table 2 consecutively discusses the effect of technology on the lives of parents as well as children. Table. 1: Parents and Technology Questions Responses Do you have your own Yes mobile phone No How much 1 to 2 hours time spend 2 to 3 hours on computer 3 to 4 hours Access the cell phone internet most with Laptop/computer Facebook Usually use To play games the skype computer for To watch tv or movies

Percentages 78 22 40 22 38 42 58 42 30 18 10

Which relationships are diminishing Today's technology have a positive or negative effect on relationship Parents monitor your internet use

Honesty Trust

20 44





Negative Yes No Sometimes

66 48 18 34

Table 1 shows the influence of technology on children 42 % parents respond that technology has positive effect on their children that can’t only take help for their studies but can also work on all aspects of knowledge and thus can work side by side with the world in the stream of progress and development .But the answer of 58 % parents are contrary to it. They say that technology has negative effect not only on their personalities but also on their studies. The second statistics is about time duration during which children use technology 42% children have decreased spending time with parents due to technology as their parents are busy in making relations with people present other than their surroundings on the expense of most lovable and affectionate bond of parent child relationship .But 58% parents response that children spend the same time with them which they used to spend before involving in technology. Next query is about obedience of children towards parents and effect of technology on it 34% parents say that technology has made their children disobedient and stubborn as they do not listen to them at all but 66% parents have not been reported any such change in their children. When the parents were asked that their either children use technology for positive or negative purposes.28% parents were proponents in contrast to heavy percentage of 78% who were opponents to this statement .They say that children spend time on technology for entertainment instead of infotainment. Regarding types of behavior either anger or irritation which parents feel when children frequently use technology ,54% parents feel anger while 46% feel irritation when children spend excessive time on technology .They say that children do not forget uploading their status even on table meals and thus they bring destruction not only for their studies but also for health. Many valuable moralities and ethics have been come to an end due to technology between parents and


children .Honesty, trust and respect have become nominal .Respondents say that 14% honesty,46% trust and 40% respect have finished between them. Children use technology dishonestly for fun and recreation where parents expect them using it for education purposes and thus they distrust their parents. Sometimes they are found involving in such activities which bring disrespect and dishonor for parents in the society .When honesty, respect and honor have become rare then their arises the question of family division. 46% parents are agreed with this statement while 54% are disagreed with it and claim their children to be trustable and honest with them. Table. 2: Children and Technology Questions Responses Technology has a positive Yes influence on their children No children involve in a technology Yes they can't spend time with their parents No children used technology Yes they can't obey their parents No children used technology for Yes a positive purpose No what do you feel when Angry children used technology frequently Irritation Honesty which Trust relationships are diminishing Respect technology Yes creating a family divide No

percentages 42 58


58 34 66 28 72 54 46 14 46 40 46 54

Next is the group of children who were also asked some questions and their answers also helped to understand that how this bond is affected by technology .Table 2 show frequent technology usage by the adolescents. The response of children is not contrary to their parents and also not wonderful and unexpected .78% children have their own cell phones which they use for different purposes while 22% do not have it shows that it has entered the lives of children as basic necessity.

Time duration spent with different types of technology consists of hours. About 40% children spend 1 to 2 hours on computers daily, 22% use for 2 to 3 hours while 38% spend about 4 to 3 hours on computers .This is disastrous because when children start spending four hour s of their day with internet with education, sports and T.V then how they can be expected to be in good relationship with their parents as they are being monitored every time. Access to internet is can be made from both computers and cell phones .42% access it through cell phones while 58% prefer laptops and computer for using internet, Whatever the means of access are but purposes of access remain the same which are no doubted face book ,games and Skype in short fun ,fun and fun .Regarding the moral values between parents and children 20 % honesty ,44% trust and 36% respect have wiped away between them .Even if they are using it for positive purposes the parents do not trust them as they scared from some dreadful experience in their surroundings. 72% mothers and 28% fathers are a closest to their children who monitor their computer related activities this monitoring and keeping an eye shows the effect of this wonder of science on their lives. The overall calculations mentioned above reveals the effect of technology on parent child relationship which is found to be negative because 66% children are in favor of this proposition while 34% are in opposition .where this miraculous wonder of science have shortened the overseas distances there it has also created un measurable distances between parents and children by vanishing integrity, love, trustworthiness and respect between them. CONCLUSION A good parent- teen relationship is important for adolescent health and development .The recent researches indicate that more attachment with technology results in less attachment with parents. However it has not been indicated that how this attachment to technology affects the parent; child relationship but it can e observed by examining the duration spent with technology than with parents. The researches further reveal that electronic media is helping in making a strong bond of interaction between teenagers butt the same time it has been succeeded in weakening their relationship with their parents. Three types of technology were considered, namely, computers, cell phones and video games. However, there were no significant correlations found for any of the other types of technology considered. The following discussion will highlight the affects of cell phones, internet and


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