Tejss 01 confidence level of information communication technology users and non user students

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The Explorer: Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2411-0132, Vol-1, Issue (1):1-4 www.theexplorerpak.org

CONFIDENCE LEVEL OF INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY USERS AND NON USER STUDENTS Saima Mushtaq1, Jawaria Younis2 Department of Anthropology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, 2Department of Anthropology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi


Corresponding Author: Jawaria Younis PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi javeriayounis@hotmail.com Abstract: ICT (information communication technology) users are defined as users of Web-based technological tools. The purpose of this study was to explore the difference in confidence level of ICT users and non-users of university students and the hurdles they face to adopt the ICT. The study was conducted at PMAS Arid Agriculture University of Rawalpindi with the help of purposive sampling by selecting a sample size of 74 respondents. The study used a mix of quantitative and qualitative tools of data collection and analyses. Binary logistic regression and percentile analyses showed that there is a cause and effect relationship between time duration which was spent on ICT for educational purpose and the confidence level of ICT users is low while the results showed that ICT users were more confident than non-users.

Key Words: ICT, ICT users, Non-users, Confidence level INTRODUCTION Information communication technology (ICT) plays an important role to build confidence level in the university students. ICT includes information communication tools. Every nation has its own unique set of experiments, trails tribulations, and strengths that are effective in innovation adoption. ICT enhances the effectiveness of information, presentation and also stimulates student’s interest (Osborne and Hennessy 2003). Self-confidence was conceptualized and a multidimensional measure, the personal evaluation inventory, was developed which assesses college students confidence (Shrauger and Schohn 1995). Role of confidence in personality development is defined in different terms like level of participation in different social activities, usage of technology, ability to find jobs, using the technology appropriately. The type of gadgets used varies from person to person and so are the hurdles and difficulties they face during the adoption of ICT. Non-users of ICT cannot compete in the market since they lack access and ability to operate the ICT tools, making them lag behind and at a disadvantage in comparison to the ICT users. The non-users and users divide into different groups hence socially excluding each other. They become isolated and neglected. Society takes time for the adaptation and acceptance of innovation which causes the cultural lag. “If an innovation is perceived to be advantageous ; is compatible with existing norms, belief, and past experiences; has a

relatively low level of complexity; can be experimented with; and use of the innovation has observable results including being able to see others using the innovation, than there will be an increased likelihood of adoption” (Rogers 2003) if an innovation is perceived to be advantageous and can easily fit and get compatible with the cultural norms, beliefs and experience they are easy to use their level of adaptation in the society become high. One of the difficulties in adopting the new technology of ICT is that the people are usually reluctant to adopt the new technology with the new technological change. They adopt those items which are easy to use. Teachers and students academic performance was successful and they are more confident except from those who have an anxiety about the use of computer and other technology (Margaret and Babette 1990). Culture and the perspectives have also repeatedly been reported as obstacles to the combination of ICT in education. It’s been argued that culture plays a mediating factor that influences that how teachers relate their beliefs to ICT use (Chai, et al. 2009). “Attitudes towards computer is influenced by teachers’ acceptance of the usefulness of the technology, and also influence whether teachers integrate ICT into their classroom” (Akbaba and G.Kurubacak 1999) ICT users that are late adopters of ICT noted that “the critical problem is the language I don’t know the technology because the technical terms don’t exist in a number of dictionaries” Hence lack of practice often led to


discontinued use. A user who quit using the skills said I forget the number of skills as I don’t practice them. The great impact on the self-confidence of new students using the facilities and the ICT applications. This assumption is supported by the information from new students at Edinburgh university that shows a steady rise in both ICT confidence and competence of new students since 1990, when our data collection began Macleod, et al. (2002) coded Phipps (2000) mentioned that “there is no huge benefit if you learn how to use computer and the internet. However, if you don’t learn you are behind socially.” The focus of the research was on these who are left behind .The ICT skill of the student population plays a great role to made the country confident and developed European on the contrary overuse, misuse of ICT effects the social relationships. MATERIALS AND METHODS In the present study both qualitative and quantitative methods have been used to explore the confidence level of ICT users and non-users. The study was conducted at two public sector universities of Rawalpindi the sample size was of 76 students selected randomly and information was collected through structured questionnaires. SPSS was used for data interpretation. Binary logistic test and cross tab were used as a statistical tools for analysis. RESULTS Logistic Regression Table. 1: Use of ICT and Confidence Level Dependent


Cause & effect

Do you think that ICT users are more confident than non- user?

How often do you use ICT for educational purpose?


The above mentioned table shows cause and effect relationship of ICT use and non-use of all students. One of the binary logistic regressions is used. Here Ho is that there is relationship of cause and effect between the time which is spent by users during the ICT use and their confidence level. Here the cause and effect relationship is 12% percent which clearly indicated that Ho is rejected. Table. 2: Traits of ICT Users Independent Are you the user of ICT?

Dependent Do you think that ICT users are more confident than non users?

Percentage Users are more confident


Non-users are equally confident


How often do you use ICT for educational purpose? According to you what are the hurdles in adopting the ICT technology? How can you judge the confidence level of the person? Do you think that use of multimedia for the lectures results better performanc e of the students?

3-hours 6-hours 9-hours

81% 14% 14%

Language Finance Culture

31.08 40.5 28.37

Social Knowledg eable opportunit ies gainer

Yes No

40.54 41.8 17.56

81 19

Table No. 2 shows that 93% respondents were ICT users and 6.7% were non users. That do they think that ICT users are more confident than non- users? The results indicate that 86.4% .when the question was asked that how often they use ICT gadgets for educational help? Study of Li. Kirkup and Hodgson (2001) also said that Chinese university students showed a high level of confidence in programming and system technology than their British competent. Mostly students 81% said they use 3 hours for educational help. On having question that according to them what are the hurdles in adopting the ICT? The result indicates that 31.0 think that language is the barrier in adopting the ICT. While 40.1% think that finance is the big problem to make the hurdles and 28.3% considered the culture as a barrier in adopting the ICT? When the question was asked that how they judge the confidence level of a person? Results shows that 40.54% students perceived that when they become social they were considered as confident while 41.8% said that when they become knowledgeable and 17.56% said that they will become confident when they can avail maximum opportunities. Results supports Li. Kirkup and Hodgson (2001) said that non user of ICT cannot compete in the market lacking access and ability to check proper educational websites make them lose these opportunities. When the question was asked that do they think that use of multimedia


enhance the performance of the students 81% results were in the favor of use. DISCUSSION Nichols (2003) defines the concept of ICT as, the use of various technological tools that are either Web-based, Web distributed, or the Web- capable for the purpose of education. Huge number of respondents said that ICT users are more confident than non- users. They perceived confidence level as becoming more social and knowledgeable. Where all non-users’ respondents were the users of ICT like computer, mobiles, television. The results show that ICT users can get more advantages in form of jobs and in participation in social activities. 81% respondents said that they use ICT for 3 hours for their educational help, While 19 % for entertainment. Students use those items which are easily accessible to the users like mobile, TV, and use of ICT (multimedia in lectures) increases the confidence level of the students.81 % results depicts that students were in the favor of use of multimedia during lecture. Major factor in determining student’s engagement with ICT are confidence, occasion and access to worth resources. The excellence of teacher accessible, modern skills and right to use of ICT preciously contact on the teacher confidence (Johnes 2004). Increasing use of ICT technology negatively effects the participation of students in the family activities. Non users can not adopt ICT devices other due to financial issues, or due to anxiety and society exclude them in form of unawareness from the current happening as the case of job opportunities and many others privileges. Theory of diffusion of innovation, addresses the challenges and barriers in adoption of the technology. Due to the lack of facilities the people who want to adopt the innovation they feel reluctant to adopt it. Each (Livingstone and Thumim 2003) innovation is prepared for acceptance in the society within the background of confidence and competence. Appropriate teaching tools of ICT plays an important role in the conceptual change attitude and confidence developing to the laggards to confidence. CONCLUSION ICT users become more confident both in their personal as well as in their social life. They got the information from the internet which helps them in their studies and up them keep a pace with what is giving around the globe. They can avail more benefits from educational websites like all assignments, scholarship, and jobs opportunities. Though there is an element of negligence and lack of indulgence and responsibility on part of their

familiar roles especially in case of these students who are excessive users yet we can conclude from their research that appropriate adoption of ICT in the need of today which not only gives students the confidence to use these gadgets but also helps them staying away of the world around them. The results that language 31.8%, culture 28.6%, and finance, 40.5%, were in the favor of cultural lag theory that these were the barriers in adopting the ICT which causes cultural lag. REFERENCES Akbaba, S., and G.Kurubacak 1999 Attitudes Towards Technology Computers in the Social Studies. 7(2):833836. Chai, Ching Sing, Huang-yao Hong, and Timothy Teo 2009 Singaporean and Taiwanese PreService Teachers’ Beliefs and Their Attitude Towards ICT: A Comparative Study. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 18(1):117-128. Jones, Andrew 2004 A Review of the Research Literature on Barriers to the Uptake of ICT by Teachers. British Educational Communications and Technology Agency. Li, Kirkup, and Hodgson 2001 Cross-cultural comparison of women students’ attitudes toward the Internet and usage. China and the United Kingdom.Cyberpsychology and Behavior (4(3)):415–426. Livingstone, Sonia, and Nancy Thumim 2003 Assesing The Media Literacy of UK Adults. N.T.N.I.o.A.C. Education), ed. Margaret, Honey, and Moeller Babette 1990 Teachers' Beliefs and Technology Integration: Different Values, Different Understandings. Center for Technology in Education. Nichols, Mark 2003 A Theory for eLearning. Educational Technology and Society 6(2):1-10. Osborne, Jonathon, and Sara Hennessy 2003 Literature Review in Science Education and the Role of ICT: Promise, Problems and Future Directions. A NESTA Futurelab Research Report. 3

Phipps, Linda 2000 New Communications Technology A Conduit for Social Inclusion. Information, Communication and Society 3(1):39-68. Rogers, Everett M. 2003 Diffusion of Innovations. New York: The Free Press. Shrauger, J. Sidney, and Mary Schohn 1995 Self-Confidence in College Students:Conceptualization, Measurement, and Behavioral Implications. Sage Publisher 2(5):255-278. © 2015 “The Explorer” Journal of Social Sciences-Pakistan


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