The Explorer: Journal of Social Sciences ISSN: 2411-0132, Vol-1, Issue (1):17-20
EFFECTS OF MEDIA ON YOUNG WOMEN Anum Fayyaz1, Maryam Fatima2 1 Department of Anthropology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, 2 Department of Anthropology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi Corresponding Author: Maryam Fatima PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi Abstract: The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of television on young women. The study hence recorded the respondent’s level of viewing, preferred channels and programs, favorite watching time and restrictions on viewing. The locale of the study was Shamsabad, Rawalpindi. The nature of the study was qualitative while a semistructured questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of 70 respondents selected through convenient sampling. The Chi-Square analyses revealed that with the advancement and spread of multiple communication channels, television stands as the most influential type of media that has played a significant role as a source of information regarding latest fashion trends and also religious information thus effecting the women’s life style and the cultural practices in our society.
Key Words: Information Communication Technology (ICT), Television, women, Pakistan communication industry (Shrikhande 1998) that “the larger comparative INTRODUCTION numbers of women in the profession and rise of Television is best active technologies that influence women in reporting work leads to represent people more than other technology. “In 1964 women as specialists, Self-confident, selftelevision was presented in Pakistan with the determining and beautiful”. purpose to raise the country economically and The apprehension of the scientist was approved socially. Pakistan was a newly under-developed forward because “cable television as a mass state, it was supposed that television could support broadcasting instrument remained certainly in succeeding development in the state through widespread in Pakistan and has become a wealthy dissemination of information, information, teaching commercial. Its position transformed from “a and awareness” (Zia 2003). All over the world ICT luxury” and has somewhat developed an technologies are adopted much more rapidly. international product” (Zia 2007).We focus on the Information and Communication Machineries (ICTs) new progressive rules and programs of electronic are most vital amongst the current gadgets (Hassan media in Pakistan that is important however, and Sajid 2013). “Pakistan is the first country in the South Asian ICTs include internet, television, radio, mobile etc region to introduce an adjusting system for the which are playing significant role in many fields of electronic media. The study is addition of former life such as health, education, entertainment. works in the administrative economy of “Education has solved many social, cultural, communication institution and sheds light on the technical and economic problems since the start of disaster of PEMRA to check cross-media moralities” this century” (Januizewski and Molenda 2008). In (Joseph 2009; Ludes 2008). Pakistan has the past twenty years, people have got enhanced transformed the communication industry into a reliance on ICT applications. “The accessibility of striking deal not only for the indigenous vast amount of facts through multiple sources such manufacturers but also for international as T.V, Internet, advancements of technology in the organizations, which have supported intensely in ICT sector. ICT stretched elasticity in creativities and cable and radio zones in Pakistan” (Rasul and Mc. organizations that have delegated the knowledge Dowell 2012). growth and information in the world” (Adelsberger, MATERIALS AND METHODS et al. 2002). “The current marketplace is based on The study was based on investigating the “Effects of the relations of the authorized and public values by social media on women”. The sample of study which it gives invention, conversation and pleasure was70 and collected in area of Shams Abad of supplies” (Elizabeth 1990). Women who work in Rawalpindi through convenience sampling. The television have performed any type of difficult results were analyzed by using chi-square through role/task. Chafetz and Larosa (1993) noted SPSS software. 17
RESULTS AND DISSCUSION H0: TV is the most preferable source entertainment, enhancement of knowledge getting along with the world. H1: TV is not most preferable source entertainment, enhancement of knowledge getting along with the world.
for and for and
Table. 2: Privilege Programs/Channels
Dependent Questions
Do you like to watch TV?
How many daily hour you like to watch TV?
Independent Question Time since TV connection? Hypothesis H0: There is no association between the two variables H1: There is an association between the two variables H0: There is an association between the two variables H1: There is no association between the two variables
Chi Square Values
The table presents the results of Chi-square test, used to find association between different dependent questions with respect to one independent question. The Chi square value i.e. association between TVC (TV connection with that do you like to watch TV is 0.938 which is greater than significant value (0.938>0.05) so there is no association between them. The Chi square value i.e. association between TVC (TV connection) with that how many daily hours you watch TV is 0.023 which is less than significant value (0.023<0.05).so there is an association between them. In this our hypothesisH0 is accepted that TV is the most preferable source for entertainment, enhancement of knowledge and getting along with the world. H0: TV channel and programs liked by males are mostly seen at home rather than females H1: Man is women both have equal opportunity to watch programs of their own choice.
Pearson Chi Square Test
Dependent Questions
Independent Question Time since connection?
Table. 1: Most Preferable and at Length Used ICT Gadgets Pearson Chi Square Test
Is it considered inappropriate for men/boys of your home to watch any TV channel?
Do women have right to any watch television in your home?
Chi Square Values TV
Hypothesis H0: There is no association between the two variables H1: There is an association between the two variables H0: There is an association between the two variables H1: There is no association between the two variables
In the above mentioned table the respondent are being question on whether men and women have equal rights of watching TV or not. The chi-square value associated with TVC (TV connection) the sig value is0.664> 0.05 of men/boys and female/girls is .0.863 > 0.05 so, there is no association between them. This shows perception of human rights and gender to link the communication and information technology. So, hypothesis is accepted that TV channel and programs liked by males are mostly seen at home rather than females. H0: TV is best source for gaining religious information; new fashion trends and learn other languages. H1: TV in various societies is considered only as a source of entertainment. Table. 3: Purpose of Watching Television Pearson Chi Square Test
Dependent Questions
Causes hurdles in personal activities.
Television is source of information for new
Independent Question Time since got TV connection? Hypothesis H0: There is no association between the two variables H1: There is an association between the two variables H0: There is an association between the two variables H1: There is no
Chi Square Values
0. 554
fashion trends?
association between the two variables
Television is source to learn other languages and cultures. Television is source for religious information
H0: There is no association between the two variables H1: There is an association between the two variables H0: There is no association between the two variables H1: There is an association between the two variables
The data in table 3 has been analyze by using chisquare test, in causes T.V hurdles sig value is .544 >0.05 so, our hypothesis is accepted and no association between variables. Do you consider cable television to be the best source of information for new designs and fashion trends? The sig value of this is .003<0.05 hypothesis is rejected and there is association between variables. Is T.V best source for languages sig value is 0.720>0.05 and hypothesis is accepted. Sig value is 0.027<0.05 so, hypothesis is rejected and there is association between two variables. Many of the respondent said that television is influencing the language of the audience may be, creating major impression on the language of the respondents, most of the individuals are dependent on television for the religious information and many said that cable television is the best source of knowledge on current fashion and styles. Thus, hypothesis of research was statistically proved and accepted that TV is best source for gaining religious information; new fashion trends and learn other languages. Another research was carried out on the ‘impact of cable television transmission on the residents of Multan. The results of the survey indicated “powerful cultural traditions mainly of Indian culture are getting widespread in the state due to cable television programs (Malik, 2003). Due to globalization the world is changing rapidly. Currently, televisions connection have reached even to the furthest areas Globalization is one of the most clear and dominant occurrences in the world. Marshall McLuhan (1989) was an inspirational philosopher in television studies. In his book “The Guttenberg Galaxy, 1962” he claimed that “developments in communications machinery transformed the world into a "universal community" in which all individuals were associated to one another and the transmission of information was rapid. McLuhan supported a theory of technical determinism, arguing that variations in beliefs are motivated by modifications in the technology of
communication”. The descriptive analysis section verified demography of individuals and focused on age, education, income, marital status and tried to measure their effects on the television viewership. There is no restriction to majority classes on viewing television since it is an inexpensive and easy way to stay in contact with the whole world. The basic objective of this study was to find out, whether changes in life patterns of women Pakistan, are linked to their expose to the television channels or not. The basis of this study was the approval by previous researchers throughout the world that “television does leave an effect on socioeconomic and traditional aspects of lives of its watchers” (Ali 2001; Tariq 2004).The data was hence collected to establish relationship of the viewers preferred channels, kinds of programs, frequency and interval of watching TV and time since when they got connected. Television can be a dominant influence in rising value systems and shaping behavior. Unfortunately, much of today's television programming is violent. The extreme amount of ICT machineries such as Television in our day to day effects the lives of people in our society. In our society people use ICT gadgets are in the very wrong ways because youngsters start use this in very young age and the impact of ICT is very badly effect in youngsters. Due to television women’s not pay attention in home or children. CONCLUSION The research concludes that amongst all the ICT channels, TV plays a vital role n transforming public opinion and changing the lifestyle of people. Since the focus of the study was young women, it was observed that electronic media has catalyzed the pace of change amongst them which has threatened our cultural values. Our social and religious values are vulnerable in a way that the young minds are led to the inculcation of conflicting principles and morals in our society. The respondents strongly believed that it distracts the young women from their religion, culture and values. Watching television for longer hours makes them waste a lot of time, go lazy that will resultantly decrease the efficiency of thinking. They are deeply indulged in the stories personified glamorously in the dramas and start relating them with their own life. Aspired by Indian and western channels the very practices are assimilated either it be their family life, food, language, dress, traditions or religion.
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